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Course work

■ Choose anorganizationorcompany.
■ Describe the organization
– Mission
– Vision
– Objectives
■ Identifythe businesses processes inthis organization
■ Lookingatthe business processes, suggestone thatneeds adatabase describingthe
modelthatwillbe usedtodesignthis database(whatproblem are yousolving)
■ Followingthe database designlifecycle, use stage 1 and2 as yourprocesses todesign
this database
■ Clearlyidentifythe entities withtheirrespective attributes inthis organization
■ Drawanentityrelationship diagram topresenttothis organizationproposingthe
Course work

■ Attemptthis course workingroups (maximum 5 people in

■ Organization’s picked should be unique to each
group/discuss this on your class watsap
■ To be handed in and presented on 8th june 2021
Exercise 1

■ Read the followingcase study, which describes the datarequirements foraDVD rental
■ The DVD rentalcompanyhas severalbranches throughoutthe United States.
■ The dataheld on each branchis the branchaddress made up ofstreet, city, state, and
zipcode, and the telephone number.
■ Eachbranchis given abranchnumber, whichis unique throughoutthe company.
■ Eachbranchis allocated staff, whichincludes aManager. The Manageris responsible
for the day-to-dayrunningof agiven branch.
■ The dataheld on amemberofstaffis his orhername, position, and salary. Each memberof
staffis given a staffnumber, whichis unique throughoutthe company.
■ Eachbranchhas astockofDVDs. The dataheld on aDVD is the catalognumber, DVD
number, title, category, dailyrental, cost, status, and the names ofthe main actors and the
director. The catalognumberuniquelyidentifies eachDVD. However, in mostcases, there are
severalcopies ofeachDVD atabranch, and the individualcopies are identified usingthe
DVD number
■ A DVD is given acategorysuchas Action, Adult, Children, Drama, Horror, or
Sci-Fi. The status indicates whetheraspecificcopyof aDVD is available for
■ Before borrowing aDVD from the company, acustomermustfirst registeras
amemberofalocalbranch. The dataheld on amemberis the firstand last
name, address, and the date thatthe memberregistered atabranch.
■ Eachmemberis given amembernumber, whichis unique throughoutall
branches of the company. Once registered, amemberis free torentDVDs, up
toa maximum often atanyone time.
■ The dataheld on eachDVD rented is the rentalnumber, the fullname and
numberofthe member, the DVD number, title, and dailyrental, and the dates
the DVD is rented outand returned. The DVD numberis unique throughoutthe
(a) Identifythe main entitytypes ofthe DVD rentalcompany.
(b) Identifythe main relationship types between the entitytypes described in part
(a) and representeachrelationship as an ER diagram.
Exercise 2

■ MOVIT companylimited has been using afile based system and would wantto
migrate tothe usage adatabase system. You have been contacted bythem to
design adatabase model. The requirements beloware whatyou gathered: The
companyis organized intodepartments and departments have employees
attached tothem.
■ i. A departmenthas twoto50 employees and an employee is designated toonly
agiven department.
■ ii.A departmentworks on anumberofprojects, and aprojectcan be handled by
manydepartments the leastbeing 4.
■ iii.The employees in this organization are given medicalattention, same applies
totheirdependents. The maximum numberofdependents thatare given medical
insurance is 4.
Basing on the scenarioabove.
I. Identifythe Entities from the scenarioabove
II. Identifysample attributes foreachentityplus the primaryandforeignkeyattributes.
III. Develop anEntityRelationship Diagram
Exercise 3
Create anER modeltorepresentthe datausedbythe library.
■ The libraryprovides books toborrowers.
■ Eachbookis describedbytitle, edition, andyearofpublication, andis uniquely
identifiedusingthe ISBN.
■ Eachborroweris describedbyhis orhername andaddress andis uniquelyidentified
■ The libraryprovides one ormore copies ofeachbookandeachcopyis uniquely
identifiedusingacopynumber, status indicatingifthe bookis available forloan, and
the allowable loanperiodforagivencopy.
■ A borrowermayloan one ormanybooks, andthe date eachbookis loanedoutandis
returnedis recorded. Loannumberuniquelyidentifies eachbookloan.

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