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Swot Analysis Of Hayleys Company

Ltd Information Technology Essay

Hayleys Company has developed of there own strategic planning process which involves Customer
Relationship Management Systems, Executive Information System , Evaluation Systems (ES) and
other net based technologies. The data information gathered from these sources will be used to take
strategic decisions ensuring their company's future development existence. This document further
provides analytical description under this report title "Ensuring Organizational Existence with ICT and
its involvement for strategic development - Hayleys Company".

Hayleys is one of the leading multinational companies established (1878) in Srilanka with a team of
35,416 persons providing a variety of services covering a large business sector such as Fiber, Hand
Protection, Purification, Transportation, Agri products, Plantations, Knitted Fabrics, Agri Inputs,
Consumer Products, Industry Inputs, Power and Energy, Investments and Services, Resorts,
Aviation and Destination Management Services both in local and international markets involving with
a 2.6 percent of export income for Srilanka.

1. SWOT Analysis of Hayleys Company Ltd.

SWOT Analysis is a tool that provides valuable information to correspond resources and possibility
to the environments of competitiveness that the organization operates. This Analysis model can also
be used as an effective tool that can be adapted for strategy selection and decision making
situations for the organization. As the first stage of performing the SWOT analysis it is necessary to
identify the organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats where the Strengths
and Weaknesses are factors that are important for analyzing the internal factors, the Opportunities
and Threats to analyze the external factors. Furthermore, the internal factors are identified as the
talent and the asset, which increases the values of the company, and the external factors which
aren't created because of the company, but affects the company due to the activities performed by
the external forces. This mainly involves with the competitors.

1.1 The Effectiveness of SWOT in decision

making for the management of Hayleys
Company Ltd...
Strength mainly concentrates on the factors that the organizational management could take as
decisions to improve the resources that is being utilized to improve the competitive advantage or
how it could be used as a strength as an opportunity in the future.

The Factors involves strength, could be:

a novel product or a service

the expertise market enterprise

the location of the establishment

the quality of the procedures and the processes that are performed

Weaknesses are the factors that could be affect the company's existence. Management should
identify these weaknesses and must take necessary action to overcome. There could be a number
of common weaknesses that could effect an organizations such as:

Less experience of marketing

Difficulties of constituting difference between products or services

(which is related to the competitors of the organization)

The Location of the establishment

Damage of the company reputation.

Opportunities involves with the new areas that the company could grow into. By adopting various
opportunities the company management could easily decide how the technological development or
demographical change could be involved to move in to various directions. The common
opportunities for an organization could be listed as the following:

A new development of a new market such as the Internet

Improving profit by moving into lately developed market segments

Combine with strategic alliances.

Modern International Markets

Markets which are vacated by competitors who are ineffective.

Threats could be sources of danger for a company, but this could be an opportunity for another
company's existence in the commercial environment. By identifying and by making the proper
decisions the management of the organization could overcome from such situations. A threat could

A fresh competitor in the home market

The price wars with the rivals

A rival has a distinct service or product

The superior access to the distribution channels, by their rivals.

The introduction of taxation to the products and services of the


How ever taking in to consideration about the above discussed information an analysis of SWOT
representing Hayleys Company Ltd. is performed and the results are demonstrated bellow.

1.2 The categorical representation of SWOT

for Hayleys Company Ltd.
1.2.1 Analysis of Company Strengths
Brand Name
Hayleys Company maintains a good picture with a globally recognized brand name over the past
132 years and this is one of the most diversified companies in Srilanka.

Business Model
The company stands with an optimized business model.

Financial Position
Globally accepted financial position with higher profit rates.

Recorded 1.3Billion Post tax profits ever from 9 months.

Strong 3Q profit growth in Haycarb Posts.

50% of dipped products attributable profits at the end of the 3rd quarter.

2.6 percent export income for Srilanka is accounted annually.

Involvement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in a vast area of business sectors for
the day-to-day information and business transactions.

Online transactions with there international partners and customers (Business to Business, Business
to Customer etc.)
Analytical tools are being implemented for the ease of taking analytical and strategic decisions along
with progress and business critical activities.

Implementation of special units for coordination and monitoring of company based activities.

Hayleys has captured both local and International markets maintaining relationships with industrial

Penetrating to the market covering almost all the business sectors in the industry providing variety of
goods for their customers.

Diversified products are available to suite different markets

1.2.2 Analysis of Company Weaknesses

The existent on the market depends on the investments made by the international industrial giants.

The company mainly depends on the overseas market in some of the product areas.

The dissemination of the company sales agents are limited only to the countries main cities.

Looking in to products the product innovation time lags.

Products are limited for certain customer types and expectations.

The products introductory are less comparatively with the organizations. (Once a new technology or
a product has being invented there is no introduction about it and the customers awareness is very

Local customers do not have direct contact while dealing with the company.

There are limitations for online transactions (this is not effected in internationally but locally)
comparatively with the other competitors.
1.2.3 Analysis of Company Opportunities
Immerging markets are identified as in mainly in the European region as well as the Asian Region

Breaking old supplier chains to reduce the costs

Introduction of the technology to the local markets and convincing them the effectiveness of the

Relocating its manufacturing units to reduce cost

Diversifying the industrial involvement in untouched areas where less biography.

Sharing transferring technology within the industrial framework both internationally and locally.

Implementation of new more Technology based solutions for industrial analysis will increase
opportunities for the industrial expansion.

Investors and share holders

Comparing with the past and the present short term and long term achievements Hayleys have
made investors and shareholders confident about the company's future and to invest more.

Involving in to new projects and by implementing current products enables new product introduction
and new inventions.

1.2.4 Analysis of Company Threats

The Current Financial crisis

The downturn of the Interest rates

The less demand over the product which are produce.

Reduction of investments

The possibility of incurring bad debts and the prospects of protracted legal proceedings without
assurance of satisfaction.

Market and the suppliers

Market Saturation could be one of the main threats for the company

Lack of supplies and suppliers could effect due the less of raw materials and less work force for the
production of supplies.

Dependence on business partners

Loss of markets for the existing product range

Competition among the less complex, innovative, and price effective (Tax effective) products over
the market with the involvement of Information Technology.

The group depends on accurate timely information from key computer systems to enable decision

Therefore, taking in to consideration about the above analysis the information will effectively offer the
managers to choose between numerous strategic alternatives for the frequently resulting
unnecessary industrial changes.

2. The Analysis of the competitiveness of

Hayleys Company Ltd.
A model that perfectly analyzes the industries competition which involves true on the adjusted rates
of risks could be continually forming a cross with industries and firms. However, various studies in
the economy have state as fact that industries could obtain separate bases of profitability and
variations of the industrial structure.

Therefore, to analyze these variations of the industrial structure an analytical model could be used to
evaluate the strategic position in the market which is being affected by five forces.

Figure (a) - Porters Five Forces model of competitive analysis

2.1 Potential Suppliers

An industry which produces a service requires a certain level of raw materials such as: labour,
supplies and other components. This form of requirement directs to relationship of buyer and
supplier among the firm and the industry which accomplishes the necessary materials for the
creation of the product. But if the suppliers are powerful, there is a high possibility to influence the
production of raw materials which could affect the company's profit.

Commonly considering the factors of Hayleys company's supplies, it involves partially with
international suppliers and local suppliers. About the local suppliers, it is considered that a 2/3 of
goods for there business sectors such as Agri products, Fiber and knitting fabrics etc are being
supplied by there own plantations and there own assisting branches. Furthermore, the establishment
of long term business partnerships with the internationally reputed giants the risk and uncertainty
with there suppliers are considerably in a low rate comparing with there competitors in the market.

2.2 Buyers
The influence of the customers for an industry which makes productions is known as the buyer
power. When the power of buyers are considerably strong the industry which involves with the
production is termed as a monopsony by the economists which is consisting with a many to one
(many suppliers and one buyer) market condition. In this case the prices are being set by the buyers.
But in reality only a few of the monopsonies and an asymmetry do exist among the buyers and
industry which makes productions.

However, Hayleys have accompanied there buyer power along with their trust worthy services and
there long term reputation in the local and the international markets. Accolades and internationally
reputed standards have increased the trust which have made more investors to invest in there
organization and this has enabled them to supply satisfactory products among there buyers.
Information Communication Technology (ICT) on the other hand, plays a leading role for the
company by providing buyers to communicate and make necessary transactions under various
buyer categories by maintaining the privacy and the affability and to make necessary strategic

Looking in to the overall buyer process of the organization it could be demonstrated according to the
following diagram.

Hayleys Company (Head Office)

Hayleys International Agencies

Locally Registered Agents - District/ Area vice

Local Distributor (Wholesale Dealer)

Figure (b) - The buyer process of the organization

2.3 Competitive Rivals

In industries competition among firms directs the cause of dropping profits according to the
traditional economic model. But it isn't confirmed that the company are not ingenuously submissive
in taking prices. However companies struggle them selves to gain a competitive advantage among
the rivals of their environment varying across the industries. Therefore, to proceed along with an
advantage over the rivals of the company it is possible to make various competitive movements such
as change of price, increasing the differentiation or the products by implementing new features and
innovations, use of creatively launched channel distribution methods and building extreme
relationships with the suppliers.

Looking back at the past 132 years of industrial experience and its diversed industrial areas both in
internationally and locally, Hayleys could be introduced as a top rated multinational company, which,
rivalry affects in a certain levels comparing with the industrial environment in Srilanka. For example,
looking in to Srilanka's agriculture sector the higher percentage of the counties income depends on
the exports of the agricultural products and this is being supported by the private and governmental
organizations. Under this process the main competitors are being identifies as the other private
companies such as Chemical Industries Colombo (CIC), Morison, Opex. etc which they have begun
to diversify with there products for competition by introducing internationally and locally recognized

Assuring the quality is one of the key features when competing with the industrial rivals. Looking in
to Hayleys point of view the company has achieved various quality assurance certifications which
has made more easier to compete with the rivals by giving the a good picture to the public and to
analyses these rival movements Information Communication Technology combined with Information
Systems have been effectively used by the Company.

2.4 Threats of Substitutes

Substitute products mainly refer to the alternate products in the industry. According to the
economists point of view the threat of a substitute product comes in to existence when the demand
is affected with the change of the price of the substitute product. The elasticity of the price of
products has made the availability of more substitute products where customers have more
alternative products.

Considering about the market and the competitors in the Srilankan industry, pointing out substitute
products for each and every product that the company produce is very difficult as it has spread all
over the market and because of the price fluctuation effected to the products according to the current
economic environment. Therefore, to overcome and to analyze about the threats of substitutes, this
will be covered as a group comparing with its rival industries. For example: Hayleys is one of the
main Agricultural product providers to the market and produces products such as tractors, fertilizers,
seeds, and services. As there rivals Chemical Industries Colombo (CIC), BOURS Ltd. could be
named as there main rivals provides the same products for a considerably low price. The best
substitute is the hand tractor which they have introduced for the market which it has the same
features in the tractor that the Hayleys produced and the price is comparatively lower.

2.5 Potential Entrants.

According to theory a firm must have the opportunity to enter and to exit from the market and the
profit levels must be nominal always. But in the real world industrial environment industries do
contain characteristics to protect firm's high levels of profit levels of the potential market and prevent
entering to the market for the newly entered rivals.

Considering about the industrial background Hayleys have limitations for penetrating the industry as
new entrants. For example the Electricity industry in Srilanka is highly monopolized and there are
government barriers for organizations to establish there own private electricity generating
technologies to benefit themselves. Therefore, Since Hayleys are involved with the Power and
Energy industry they have not directly involved as competitors for the countries monopolized
industry, but they exist with the corporation of the government.

With the analysis of the companies competitiveness strategic managers will able to gain an idea
about the competitive rivals of the company and by the next section it will provide an explanation
how the core competence has effected the company.

3. Core Competency and the Hayleys

Core competency refers to something identical company posses or can perform strategically well.
This a tool to adjudge the unrivaled asset that could be effectively apply to gain and to introduce
value to the customers.

Figure (c) - The Core Competencies Model

The extreme capabilities of impressive relationship with there customers, promotions which effect
the organization or for there products, preferable organizational structures, Information Systems (IS)
and Information Communication Technology (ICT) and furthermore, manufacturing and distribution
would be one of the competitive advantage also could be called blocks of core competencies. This
will lead the company for the development of the core products which may or may not be directly
sold to the customers, but this will be effectively used to develop different products.

Further discussions relating to core competence of Hayleys Company it provides various product
types in various business sectors such as Fiber, Hand Protection, Purification, Transportation, Agri
products, Plantations, Knitted Fabrics, Agri Inputs, Consumer Products, Industry Inputs, Power and
Energy, Investments and Services, Resorts, Aviation and Destination Management Services and
they made products and services characteristic for their company comparing with their main
competitors namely, Chemical Industries Colombo (CIC) . Therefore, the bellow figures will
demonstrate the competencies through the products and service areas.

Figure (d) - Services and Products of Hayleys Co.

Figure (e) - Services and Products of CIC Co.

Using that as evidence, Hayleys Co. competes with almost all the industrial areas that are available
in the present industrial environment. The competition with there rivals are performed by making the
necessary changes by adopting and performing Information Communication Technology,
Information Systems (IS/IT) along with proper strategic planning. Partnering with the international
community by providing goods for the international market is one of the best competencies for the
company and it has not become an ease to penetrate the market because of the frequent
introduction of divers products and services.

Segmenting the company into a number of departments and divisions have made easier with their
day-to-day processes. With this it has made the organizational strategic managers and the
operational managers to figure out the unexpected rival effects for the company and to make
necessary strategic plans effecting values and production to more diversify within the industry. Each
of those individual divisions or the sectors will be concentrating on their own survival of the industry
considering as an individual which has made this process collectively a great benefit in the industry.
For example looking in to the Knitting Fabric Sector it has become one of the leading industrial
knitting suppliers with the co-operation with Australian partnerships and has become the best fabric
material supplier for TESCO, Marks & Spencer, Woolworth and Decathlon, BHS etc. standing as a
separate sector for Hayleys Company.

On the other hand while discussing about the Core Competency it is necessary to mention about the
customer relationship with the involvement of Information Technology and Information Systems and
how it has involved with the advancement of core competency. Interactive web pages with regular
updates which provide detailed information about the company, Services, Accolades, and other
customer transactions services are provided for the ease of the customers by providing equal care
for regular and new customers by providing high customer security, satisfaction for each and every
detail that they share.

The introduction of new technologies unique to the company gains more profit and effects with the
core competence which will gain the opportunity to compete with the industrial rivals. Organizational
News on 2009 revealed that Hayleys Agro Products Limited has introduced two new mechanical
devices which could be reduce costs substantially in establishment of crop and which will
significantly improve (15%) the harvest of rice paddy from the two cultivation seasons (Yala and
Maha). Therefore, with that it is clear, that with the involvement of core competencies Hayleys
Company has benefited in various areas to compete with there rivals.

4. The involvement of the Ansoff's Product/

Market matrix for Hayleys
According to analysis Hayleys Company follows the business unit strategy process, and Ansoff's
Product/ Market matrix is the best way to adjudge the scope and the course of the development in
strategy within the industrial environment. Since Hayleys company comprises with two strategic
development types such as the Portfolio Strategy and the Competitive Strategy where Portfolio
Strategy mentions definitely about the intention for each and every company product and
combination of the market and Competitive Strategy mentions definitely about the route to approach
these intentions.

4.1 Market Penetration of Hayleys Company

Penetrating the market could be introduced as selling current products in to current markets.
Relating this idea with the company, Hayleys has formed with an establishment of strong
interrelationship with there regular and irregular customers, suppliers, investors and shareholders
(all together Stakeholders) and increasing the number of these stakeholders along with proper
Customer Relationship Management was one of the great concerns and threats for the survival of
the industrial environment. To overcome from issue Hayleys spreaded in a vast range of business
sectors by providing better services and increasing the satisfaction for there products.

4.1.1 The Involvement of Information

Communication Technology (ICT) and
Information Systems (IS) to achieve market
penetration of Hayleys Company.
Information Communication Technology and Information Systems plays a great role to achieve
market goals for the company and this has enabled to encourage methodologies to compel and to
identify the best practices for sales such as number of sales, services and inquiries made with their
customers and to get an idea about the automated activities and practices made by marketing and
sales which are related to the customer and the market. How ever to ease the process and to
provide an accurate service the company has implemented establishments to cover the variety of
sectors with the involvement of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or e-commerce, Executive
Information Systems (EIS) and other web based technologies. The technological involvement with
the supply chain has made the opportunity to supply products and goods according to the
customers' satisfaction.

4.2 Diversification of Hayleys Company

Diversification is one of the business strategies that any organization looks forward to and this could
be further divided into four types such as:

Horizontal Diversification (new products in current markets)

Vertical Diversification (move in to firms employee, supplier's or customer business)

Concentric Diversification (new product closely related to current product in new market)

Conglomerate Diversification (new product in new market)

This strategy could be identified as selling new products in to new markets. However, this is known
as a strategy where it could be more risky because the tendency is towards a market were there is
less or zero experience. Therefore, before adopting the diversification strategy, strategic managers
of Hayleys Company should have an explicit idea about what they are expecting from this strategy
and an appraisement of risks.

4.2.1 The Involvement of Information

Communication Technology (ICT) and
Information Systems (IS) for diversification of
Hayleys Company.
Since Hayleys Company has already diversed themselves in a vast area of the business sector,
penetrating the market further into more diversed fields would be more easier than they expected
considering the market position, reputation, the services that they provide for the customers and the
international market that they have gained. The involvement of Information Communication
Technology and Information Systems has improved the opportunity to analyze, and to make
necessary transactions by with there stakeholders.

According to recent NEWS released by Hayleys Company, revealed that they have supplied and
have implemented (Sampath Bank established in Jaffna is one of the establishments established
with this technology) over 1000 convertainers (Converted Containers) fabricated, furnished and fully
equipped and catered to those who required functional space with furnished functional areas in a
hurry providing the opportunity for expansion business and projects to proceed quickly and
efficiently, is one of the best examples for diversification.

4.3 Product Development of Hayleys Company

Product Development refers to a strategy of growth where more of the existing products and
services are provided to the same market. To adapt this strategy the company should require
developments of novel accomplishments and necessitates the business to improve changed
products which will attract in the markets.

4.3.1 The Involvement of Information

Communication Technology (ICT) and
Information Systems (IS) for diversification of
Hayleys Company.
Before developing a proper product there is certain information to be gathered to make this process
drive more effective and beneficial for the company. Details which involved on this process could be
illustrated such as:

Information which will be more helpful to get an idea about whether there is a potential market for the
idea, and if there is, giving proper estimations, demand and allocating a proper price for the product
is necessary.

Financial feasibility and legal approval is another important point which is needed to be considered.
This mainly analyses whether the company can afford referring to their current financial situation
(Investments made by the regular investors for the company has made a crucial factor on this
process) and whether it is possible to gain the necessary governmental and industrial

Therefore, looking at the involvement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and

Information Systems (IS) of the organization, along with Customer Relationship Management system
(CRM) and Executive Information Systems (EIS) have made easier for strategic managers to make
strategic decisions effectively on product development of the company. The implementation of
Convertainers could be named as one of the example for product development which was given
under diversification.

4.4 Market Development of Hayleys Company

Market development concentrate on a strategy where the company sells the same product and
services in new markets. Approaching this strategy could be done in many ways, which includes,

Modern geographical markets: products could be exported to new countries.

Modern scales of products and packaging: introduction of a channel of distribution.

Diverse policies for pricing to which attracts customers or introduction of modern market segments.

With the involvement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Information Systems (IS),
timely information has been gathered (this specially involve with the company's e-commerce sites
which have gained an opportunity to understand the movements of there potential customers) for
proper strategic decisions to identify the market development areas for the company.

2009 company NEWS revealed that a home grown sustainable sourcing initiative rooted in
empowering smallholder rubber farmers has resulted in Srilanka's Dipped Products PLC (DPL)
giving the world its first Fair Trade rubber gloves and as a result of this natural rubber glows with a
variety of styles were supplied as DPL's own brands as well as glows which was made in Srilanka by
DPL for 'Traidcraft', one of the UK's leading fair trade organization, and reaching many countries as
Fair Trade gloves and have represented first in the worldwide rubber glove sector and with that it is
clear that Hayleys Company always look forward for Market Development to increase their business
5. Identifying the Key Roles of the Company
PAEI which stands with four main key roles namely

P - Producer

The most superior person who involve with the responsibility of driving the company toward its

A - Administrator

Involves with the organization by performing activities on organizing, systematizing, and controlling.

E - Entrepreneur

Involves with awaiting and motivating and to adopt excessive changes of the organization.

I - Integrator

Known as team builders of an organization. Mainly concentrates about managing between persons,
department, and supplier client alliance to function the organization as a collection.

to make a team of successful management for an organization.

This could be introduced as the word made from initial letters of other words to appraise the
subscription of each member of a team in various fields. The main conception of this particular
framework (PAEI Framework) is that none of the managers individually cannot meet the overall
necessities of a corporation. Therefore, to deal with the percent complexity, the company should
come up with a team of managers where governance will be taken place and the relationships
between these roles does not always have to be one on one.

Figure (g) - The Governance Framework of Hayleys Company

Furthermore, the bellow description will demonstrate the PAEI roles of Hayleys Company.

5.1 PAEI Roles of Hayleys Company

5.1.1 Producers of the Company
Taking in to consideration about the producers of Hayleys Company it is based on a team effort and
it consists with twelve Directors including the Chairman, Chief Executive, and the Deputy Chairman
along with another five of Non-Executive Directors. Since the date of establishment, the
achievements of the company's business sectors which have already captured in the local and
international markets are improved by gaining trust and quality among their customers, resulting with
the strategic influences such as enhancement of shareholder value, formulating business policy,
strategy and implementation, approve changes of portfolio, ensure employee productivity, rewords
and other benefits, ensure effective information control and risk management, ensure compliance
with ethical standards and laws, approval of annual budgets and monitoring etc.
5.1.2 Administrators of the Company
The main responsibility of the Administration division of Hayleys Company is the preparation and
promotion of the entire role of the organization. The processed launched for this purpose are as
Recruitment, remuneration and discipline of all personnel, Training and succession planning,
Negotiation with trade unions and manual and clerical personnel, expenditure approval, Supervision
of financial authority, Maintenance of safety etc.

5.1.3 Entrepreneurs of the Company

Identified as risk taking managers of a Company, the implementers of Hayleys Company has played
a great role for the development and to support the strategic movements. The introduction of new
analytical support systems for the managerial levels such as evaluation systems and new
technologies for customer transaction (promotions in e-commerce) have being identified and
implemented with the involvement of research and development along with ethically established

5.1.4 Integrators of the company

Integrators are one of the important roles performed for the Hayleys Companies day-to-days
activities and its diversification through out the business sector. The involvement for new research
and development projects (Wind Power Generation Plants) and new introductory systems such as
Evolution systems involved with Information Communication Technology and Information Systems
were practiced with their help and within the business sectors of the company.

However, the analysis which has performed up to this point could be determined; that Hayleys
Company holds the place of the initial stage of the CMM (Capability Maturity Model) and this will be
analytically presented in the following section.

6. The CMM (Capability Maturity Model) and

the Hayleys Company.
The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) mainly refers to as a model that uses wide key principles
directing action for development in advance software in organizations. How ever this model basically
covers five maturity levels involved with a set of standardized series of stages which are explained
bellow under this section.

Figure (h) - The Capability Maturity Model

The Initial Level

At this level the organization's environment is not stable and the processes are mainly ad hoc and
the success of the organization depends on the competence of the workers of the organization.
Mostly at this level the product and services exceeds projects budget and schedule levels. However
this mainly depends based on the quality of the workers of the company.

The Repeatable Level

The development of the success of the software is repeatable and the process won't be repeatable
for certain projects of the company. At this level primary management on projects are used to mark
the cost and the schedule. However the discipline of a process is properly placed to apply projects
similar which are previously driven.

The Defined Level

Mainly this level concerns with a standard set of action which has brought in to service to set up
companionship over the organization according to a set of standard guidelines and these guidelines
confirms the intentions are clearly addressed and the essential distinction among the levels 2 and 3
will be its scope of description of process, and the policies.

The Managed Level

When established Application Development process, the organization concerns about development
of statistical capabilities which could be expected and explained results by accomplishing business
in this model. These basic principles provide a great knowledge of the capability of development
procedure and the performance variations.

The Optimized Level

In the process of the targeted business objectives could not be achieved. Even though a top level
matured organization, cause of evaluation of capability studies has to be maintaining continuously.
In this manner the areas that have to go under improvement can be identified and with their
experience the organization could produce more productivity and evaluate new methods and
technologies implemented.

6.1 The Involvement of CMM within Hayleys

Initial Level - At this level the company's main intention was to diversify the services provided
according to the demand from there customers of Hayleys company. The introduction of
management strategies have involved to move forth to the repeatable level.
Repeatable Level - At this level the Company adapted previously experienced successed strategies
along with the involvement of a certain limit of ICT and IS for the development of the company to
compete with their competitors.

Defined Level - This level mainly involved with a number of named or identified processes were the
company has mainly concentrated to achieve the targeted markets by providing services both locally
and internationally providing customers and the management experiencing the technological
advancements and has moved towards the managed level.

Managed Level - Hayleys have taken measures for the management of their projects and
development processes with the involvement of past information and technological development and
this has promoted the company towards the optimized level.

6.2 Hayleys Reaches Optimized Level, How?

Spanning through a vast range of business sectors.

As mentioned under Core Competencies, Hayleys have confirmed their business stability by
covering a vast range of business sectors such as Fiber, Hand Protection, Purification,
Transportation, Agri products, Plantations, Knitted Fabrics, Agri Inputs, Consumer Products, Industry
Inputs, Power and Energy, Investments and Services, Resorts, Aviation and Destination
Management Services, both locally and internationally providing 100% maintained quality and
standard as required for their customers.

Foreign and Local investments

The trust worthy services and products comprising with 132 years of business sector experience,
along with a consolidated turnover of Rs.32.4bn in 2008/2009 with an increase of 4.7% from the
previous year. Therefore, a new investment opportunity in the international market continues further.

Figure (I) - The Group Turnover of Hayleys Company

Figure (J) - The Group Turnover quarter wise

Project Development and Technological Development

The involvement of investors on innovating new environmentally harmless products under projects
have involved mainly with the increase of the income internationally, locally and the competency of
the company. Technological development on the other hand have involved mainly with the growth.
Innovative Information Communication Technologies and Information Systems such as Customer
Relationship Management system, Executive Information Systems and Organizational Growth
Evaluation systems have involved the organization to reaching the optimized level of the Capability
Maturity Level (CMM).

7. The Involvement of Information

Communication Technology (ICT)/
Information Systems (IS) and the Strategic
Movement of the company.
Referring to Hayleys current business environment, the main intention is to expand itself within the
business framework applying necessary business strategies. Therefore this has involved ICT and IS
such as:

Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)

Executive Information Systems (EIS) or e commerce systems.

Organizational Worker Evaluation Systems (ES)

Other internet bases facilities (e-mail, teleconferencing etc.)

Furthermore, the following will demonstrate the information strategy and business strategy move of
the organization.

7.1 Hayleys Company's Business Strategic

Product and Product Design
Reinforce uniqueness of the brand

Introduce uniqueness of the product and design

Expansion of market opportunity with the involvement of Research and Development.

Replacement of organizational personal.

Technology Engineering
Introduction of various technological products which could increase productivity and the production
for the company

The involvement of analytical systems for strategic decisions.

Speed up innovations in sector vise products (Power & Energy, Agriculture)

To leverage the international purchasing power creation among local environmental friendly products
in the international markets.
To increase efficiency of production to fulfill the necessity of the consumer locally and globally.

Sales and Marketing

Introduction of novel unique products

Annual product promotions

Organizing training programs for products

Expand more in local and international markets.

Information Technology
Highly web base systems which involves with cost saving, high customer satisfying and timely

E-commerce for international business relationships and transactions.

Deduct unnecessary expenditure

Support product development for achieving profit.

Monitor, evaluate and affirm to achieve budget targets

Gain more investments

Human Resource Management

Individual evaluation according to the performance and talent.

Introduction of Environmentally safe products.

7.2 Hayleys Company's Information

Communication Systems and Information
Systems Strategic Move.
Reducing ICT Cost
A strategy to unify, centralize and standardize application systems to deployed in various sectors.

ICT Services
A Web based service (E- Commerce) for customers where they can communicate, and make
necessary transactions.

CRM, EIS and ES and e-mail services catering to most sectors in the group, and a group wide
system for data communication.

Sector specific resources such Logistic Management Systems (LMS).

Finally, after a thorough study about Ensuring Organizational existence with ICT/ IS and its
involvement for strategic Development in Hayleys Company, it is clear that the strategic
management and the involvement of ICT and IS such as CRM, EIS, and ES etc. have been
effectively used to compete with the varying markets strategically both locally and Internationally by
providing 100% efficient and customer friendly services (Further suggestions, on implementing
Content Management Systems would increase work efficiency). Proper implementation of services
along with R&D (Research and Development) in properly identified business sectors the company
has involved with 2.6 percent of export income for Srilanka's.

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