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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code: 2X15002 Date:04/03/2021
Subject Name:T.R.D - I
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:27
1. Attempt any ONE questions from Q1 to Q3.
2. Q.4 is compulsory.
3. Attempt any TWO in Q5
4. Draw sketches wherever necessary.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Draw the orthographic projection of the object in the first-angle projection method. 10
( All dimensions are in mm)
Q.2 Draw the oblique projection of the object at 450.( All dimensions are in mm) 10

Q.3 Draw development of a surface of the cone.(40mmɸX 80mm) 10

Q.4 A cube of 50mm side rests with one of its edges on HP such that one of the square faces containing 15
that edge is including 600 to HP and the edge on which it rests being inclined to 300 to VP.
Draw its projection.
Q.5 Fill in the blanks. (Any 2) 02
1. Orthographic projection represents three dimensional objects in____________
A. One dimension
B. Two dimension
C. Three dimension
D. All of the above
2. In orthographic projection, the projection lines are ______ to the projection plane.
A. Parallel
B. Orthogonal
C. Inclined
D. Any of the above
3. Center line is_____________.
A. Continuous thick line
B. Continuous thin line
C. Chain thin line
D. Dashed line

4. The front view of a cube, when it resting on HP on one of its faces and one other face is parallel to VP, is
A. Square
B. Rectangle
C. Parallelogra
D. Triangle

5. The numbers of principal views are____________.

A. Two
B. Thre
C. Four
D. Six

6. Orthographic projection is also known as____________.

A. Single view projection
B. Two view projection
C. Multi view projection
D. All of the above


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