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Psychology IA Introduction checklist

As you are writing your introduction, please make sure that you address all of the points below.
As you complete each of the points, tick it off in the checklist box. Ask for help if you are not

Points to make Completed?

Identify the theory or model that you are going to investigate

Explain the theory in some detail.

Add in one or two of the references that you gathered during your research
into the theory (not the study you are replicating)
-e.g. Bartlett (1932) suggested that we all reconstruct our memories from the
schema we develop through life.

Explain that this theory was investigated and date of original
researchers - e.g. Loftus & Palmer (1972)

Describe the original study that you will be replicating.

This should be a brief summary, in your own words, explaining the aims,
methods and results of the original study.

Make sure that you have found and saved the reference for the original
study (NOT a summary of it from Inthinking!)

State the aim of YOUR study - you can phrase this as “the present study aims
to investigate…(theory) by replicating the work of…. (original study)”

Explain if you are going to replicate the whole of the original experiment or
part of it. Explain if you are changing the materials or the ways in which you
will deliver the experiment.
No need to explain why, just what you are going to do - briefly! Detail goes
into the Exploration section)

Explain in 2-3 sentences why the study is still relevant today and worth
Is it particularly relevant to a group of individuals? (e.g.teenagers, war
veterans, parents of small children) or to particular professionals? (e.g.
teachers, counsellors, business people)

Final section Aim, IV, DV & hypothesis

- to be worked on together next lesson

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