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The Spriggan and the Hammersmith

Spies, Pirates,
More Previews!
and Steamships
On the Cover
Cylena Raefyll & the Nyss Hunters
Driven by vengeance and the will to survive, the once reclusive Winter Elves have crossed into the kingdoms of men.
Cylena Raefyll and her band of Nyss Hunters strike allegiances with those who can further her purpose.

Eva Widermann
A rising star in the industry, Eva resides and paints in Germany.
This cover is the first piece from Eva for Privateer Press and we look forward to working with her in the future.

Editor in Chief: Duncan Huffman

Cred its
Creative Director: Matt Wilson
Art Director: James Davis
RPG Content Manager:
Nathan Letsinger
Hobby Content Manger:
Rob Stoddard
Editors: Doug Seacat
Continuity Editor: Jason Soles
D20 Rules Editor: Kevin Clark
Graphic Design: Josh Manderville

Rob Baxter, Miles Holmes, F. Wesley
Schneider, Ron Kruzie, Alex Flagg, Doug
Seacat, Nathan Letsinger, Rob Stoddard,
Mike McVey, David “DC” Carl, Sean Fish,
Chad Huffman, and Marky Erhardt

Miniatures Painters
David Ray, Dan Smith, Todd Arrington,
Ron Kruzie, Alfonzo Falco, Mike and
Ali McVey
President: Sherry Yeary • Creative Direc- Brian Snoddy, Matt Wilson, Chippy, Eva
tor: Matt Wilson • Managing Editor: Widermann, James Ryman, Mike Siegler,
Bryan Cutler • Lead Developer: Jason and Mark Gibbons
Soles • Art Director: James Davis •
Marketing Manager: Duncan Huffman •
Development: Rob Stoddard • Production Eva Widermann
Manager: Mark Christensen Rules Development
Rob Stoddard, Jason Soles, Rob Baxter,
Nathan Letsinger, Kevin Clark

No Quarter Magazine
This magazine is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright© and trademark ™ 2001-2006 Privateer Press, Inc. The Privateer Press logo, the
Iron Kingdoms logo, and Iron Kingdoms, Full-Metal Fantasy are copyright© and trademark 2001-2006, Privateer Press, Inc. First printing Vol. 1, Issue 3: November 2005. Printed in the
USA. All rights reserved. This magazine is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. Copies of the materials herein are
intended solely for personal, noncommercial use only if all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained herein or associated with them are preserved. You may not distribute such
copies to others for charge or other consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purposes only. Two shots below the waterline for the scallywag
who pirates for the pirates. Ye been warned.
F ire Hole !
Spirit of the Game...

1) If the measurement is close – give it to 6) Warn your opponent of any tricky bits
ll of us have played him.
them. Don’t quibble over millimeters in a and let him know what to look for. Killing
He’s the guy you don’t
game of inches. his caster on turn two is no fun if he’s never
like to face, not because
seen the technique before and had no clue
of his skill, but because of his style. 2) There is no such thing as a “cheesy” or
how to face it.
He questions every rule. He uses “beardy” army list, or Warcaster. His army
calipers to measure your movement, did not beat you, he did. Get a tactic together 7) Bring your “A” game. He came to get a good
but snaps his own ruler away to fight it and kick his ass next time. game in; play hard and give him a challenge.
faster than a cobra. He picks his 3) Unless a tactic is prohibited by the rules, it 8) Play it out. In a tournament setting, dropping
dice up a millisecond after rolling is not unsportsmanlike. The things you can do out after a round or two is in bad form. Leaving
them and proudly announces on the battlefield are generally clear and fair. because you are losing means someone else
“HIT!”. He references some Unless you are actually cheating – go for it. won’t get to play next round.
vague rule clarification to justify
4) Playing defensively is not inherently bad. 9) Paint your armies. I don’t mean that every
his shenanigans, but can’t seem
As long as you are having an engaging battle, piece you use has to be painted every game, but
to locate it when asked. When he
fight smart and have fun. For the record, show some effort and progress in each event.
loses, he blames your “cheesy” army
running away for several turns is neither Playing against painted models makes the
composition. If you let him, he can
fighting smart, nor having fun. game more fun for everyone.
suck every shred of enjoyment out
of the game due to his lack of social 5) Losing is part of the game. No need to argue 10) Keep page 5 and page 23 of Prime in mind.
skills and his poor sportsmanship. about the details. If you think you should be Page 5 tells you to play like you’ve got a pair.
His jackassery is legendary able to take him – rack ‘em up and play again. Page 23 tells you to be a good sport and not
Even in a tournament, losing is okay. dwell on disputes.
He is That Guy™, and there is
one in every crowd.
this game attracts. They seem to That Guy™ in WARMACHINE.
In my experience, most inherently understand that you These are some of the tricks I use
WARMACHINE players are not can have an aggressive, no-holds- to keep from turning into That
That Guy™. The players I see tend barred, slugfest, and still play for Guy™ myself.
towards the Page 5 mentality of fun. You don’t have to nitpick every Above you have my formula
“kick their ass and make them love rule and measurement. You can for avoiding the pitfalls of “That
you for it.” bring your A-game and still let the Guy™” mentality. Now that you
I got an e-mail last week from other guy have a blast. are armed and dangerous, you have
a player, asking me to define “the Some of our players are new the basics for not becoming That
spirit of the game”. Apparently there to miniatures games and may not Guy™ as well as the tools to cope
had been a debate in our forums on have faced That Guy™ before. with him when he pops up.
the topic and he wanted my take on Others may come from systems Until next time,
the subject. To be clear, most of our such as card games, where things
players understand this right away. like quitting in the middle of a Play like you’ve got a pair!
At the dozens of events I attend tournament is acceptable. To them I Duncan Huffman
each year I am always surprised at present my Survival Guide for New -Editor in Chief
the amount of great sportsmanship Minis Gamers – or How not to be

Play Like You’ve Got A Pair 1

Table of Contents
New Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Privateer Press’ new products for January & February ‘06

Full Metal Magnus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Marky Erhardt walks you through his tactic with the Traitor
WARMACHINE Challenge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Can you break the Menites in one turn?

The Pendrake Encounters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Pendrake continues his adventure in the Bloodstone
and finds the Titan!

Foundry, Forge, & Crucible. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Spy gear and the Broken Coast
Modeling & Painting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Mike McVey takes on the Titan on a scenic base

Guts & Gears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Kodiaks and the Revenant

Terrain Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Rob Stoddard takes a long walk on a short pier

50 World Wide Retail List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2

Find Privateer Press Products all over the globe

Poop Deck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6
Warcaster Armor brought to life!

Issue No. 4

Main Deck
Battle Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Ron Kruzie puts the Nomad through hell

WARMACHINE: Superiority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
More ‘jacks and troops from WARMACHINE’s next installment
Smoke on the Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The river can be a hazardous journey – An IKRPG mini-adventure

HORDES vs. WARMACHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

A first glimpse at how the two games work together

Battle of the Tongue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

When Karchev walked – A historical scenario for WARMACHINE

Cigars in the Iron Kingdoms . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 64

The business of smokes

A Clean Escape & Catching the Train.. . . . 82

Pirates! Trains! Two WARMACHINE scenarios for 500 point lists

HORDES Preview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
A closer look at the boxed sets and stat cards for the
latest game from Privateer Press


B oatswain ’ s
C all
Letters to the Editor,
Q&A, and General Shenanigans I just picked up No Quarter #3 on Friday, and I’m
just letting you know the solitaire puzzle on page
16 is great and I’m just asking to see if maybe there
can be more in future issues.
-Eric Van Skike
Wish granted my friend. Not only will you see another
in this issue, it got such a fantastic response that we
plan on keeping it around long term as a feature. No
promises, but you may actually see more than one in an
issue soon...
Glad you liked it.

On page 19 of issue 3 of NQM the Man-o-War

Demolition corps is set at “leader and 5 troops :
54 points” is this correct? As additional units are
16 points each and the unit box set has 3 figures,
wouldn’t it be leader and 2 troops?
- The_Veneficus
Glad that struck you as odd Veneficus, because as
written, they would be a bit on the overpowered
That was a misprint. The stat boxes for the Man-
o-War Demolition Corps the words “Demolisher’s
Damage” should be replaced with “Field Allowance”.
The text “Leader and 5 Troops” should read “Leader
and 2 Troops”. The text “Up to 4 Additional Troops”
should be “Up to 2 Additional Troops”.

Got a cool landmark
in your town?
Send us pictures of your ’jacks
out on walkabout to
If we like ’em, we’ll print ’em.

Dave H
n’s Sla
yer tri
es his
luck a
t some
and ta
kes in
a show
in Pitt
With the Preview of new stuff from
WARMACHINE:Superiority appearing in NQ3
almost a year in advance of their actual release,
can we expect the rules for these previews to
change before Superiority is released? Will you be including announcements of various
If so, than will player feed back on the forums sanctioned tournaments [in No Quarter Magazine]?
(from those that proxy the unreleased stuff) effect I am especially interested so that I can make plans
your decisions as to any changes? Is this being seen to attend the few that pop up in my area.
as a way for you to have a mass play test of new That and I need advanced notice so I can rush
stuff before its official release? painting my models. (Lazy me, I do it all at the last
- Nacho_Agogo minute.)

Aside from the above misprint, the rules will stay as -The Gun Nut
written. We have a massive play test system already in Thanks for the mail TGN. We did think about putting
place for all of our new rules. Hundreds of man ours tournament announcements in the magazine, but with
go into each rule from dozens of different groups (both the hundreds of events happening each month all over
in-house and out) all over the globe. In short, we don’t the globe we discovered we would have to add far too
release things that we don’t believe to be fully ready for many pages.
you to play. These guys have been through the wringer
We will list our major convention events hosted by
to get into your hands.
Privateer Press a month or two before hand so that
No Quarter Magazine is the place to see these rules you can paint in time. You can also find local events
first. Not as a test case, but as kick-ass, fully functioning listed in our forums in the “Play Like You’ve Got a
additions to your armies. Pair” section ( 5
Protectorate Warcaster Grand Exemplar Kreoss Cygnar Warcaster Major Victoria Haley
Sculpted By: Bobby Jackson Sculpted By: Bobby Jackson
PIP 33035 $14.99 PIP 31033 $14.99

Khador Warcaster Vladimir,

the Dark Champion
Sculpted By: Kev White
Epic Khador Warcaster Vladimir, the Dark
Champion – Now recovered from his deadly
wounds, Vladimir Tzepesci once again marches
amongst the armies of western Immoren and
toward a destiny he must fulfill. Few among the
Iron Kingdoms know of the true treats to come,
however the dark champion shall see to it that
either a zealous prophet or undead regent pays
the ultimate price for threatening his precious
PIP 33035 $14.99

Cryx Warcaster Wraith Witch Deneghra Man-O-War Demolition Corps
Sculpted By: Gregory Clavilier Sculpted By: John Winter
PIP 34037 $9.99 PIP 33038 $12.99

Man-O-War Demolition Corps Unit Box Khador Man-O-War Demolition Corps Leaving
Sculpted By: John Winter shields behind to focus on pure offensive brutality,
the Corps is equipped with enormous mechanikally
PIP 33037 $38.99 enhanced ice mauls. These pack a freezing punch
that turns armor brittle and freezes flesh before
the heavy weapon pulverizes its target

Protectorate Castigator Heavy Warjack Mercenary Driller Rhulic Heavy Warjack
Sculpted By: Mike McVey Sculpted By: Peter Flannery
PIP 32038 $29.99 PIP 41017 $19.99

Protectorate Exemplars Errant Unit Box Protectorate Exemplars Errant (2)

Sculpted By: Steve Saunders Sculpted By: Steve Saunders
PIP 32036 $29.99 PIP 32037 $9.99
Cryx Harrower Helljack • Sculpted By: Jeff Wilhelm
Cryx Harrower Helljack – There is no clean death in the Harrower’s wake. Those cut down by its
scything Perisher claw endure a fate worse than death as their immortal soul is spun loose, harvested,
and transformed into ammunition. The Mortifier cannon can launch occupied soul cages—ghostly
shells capable of passing through any obstacle before solidifying to shred flesh and metal in a
necromantic implosion.

PIP 34039 $29.99

Cygnar Stormguard Unit Box Cygnar Stormguard (2)

Sculpted By: Bobby Jackson Sculpted By: Bobby Jackson
PIP 31037 $36.99 PIP 31038 $11.99
“War-Torn” mercs
By Ron Kruzie with Rob Stoddard

ast issue we detailed how to paint a Mercenary Nomad to a 1
“showroom” finish; this issue we plan to take it a step further.
This article is for all the generals out there that love the dirt,
the grime, and the damage that warjacks attract during battle. For
everyone that missed last issues “Showroom” Mercs article I’d like
to recap the tools that I’ll be using throughout this article. I’ll be
using Citadel paints and inks, Windsor Newton Series 7 brushes, a
few old brushes, and a paint tray. With that taken care of and the
black smoke of the enemy on the horizon it’s time to gear up and
get painting. 2
We’ll start by adding some dirt and dust to our “showroom”
Nomad. To simulate this we’ll need to create a dirty mix. Using
an old brush place some Snakebite Leather into one of the paint
tray compartments, in another compartment place some Bestial
Brown. Using a third compartment we will want to create a 50/50
mix of Snakebite Leather & Bestial Brown. Once we have the color
mixed we want to thin this with a ratio of 1-part paint to 3-parts
water. This super thin stain is called a glaze or watered down wash.
Utilizing your old brush, start slapping on the mix—get dirty, extra 3
dirty on the legs and feet. Don’t forget the nuts and bolts, this will
help to simulate a bit of rust. Paint some of this glaze flowing down
with gravity to simulate splatters that are running down the ‘jack.
Next, add a bit of Scorched Brown into the mix. At this point I’m
not even paying attention to the ratios. There’s no time in battle.
Now that we have thick wet mud, blotch it on; mud splatters, it’s
not neat and controlled. Make sure to hit up the legs. Splat some
onto the underside, don’t be afraid, get caught up in the fray! (1)
Paint like you’ve got a pair!
During our march through the mud it appears that our once
beautifully detailed buckler acquired some wear and tear. To
accomplish this effect we’ll go back to the pristine buckler with
teeth. Ah, such pretty teeth. We want to thin some Black paint and
paint in around the edges of the teeth—put a couple of slash marks
on them. Be mindful now, don’t destroy the design itself; it still
needs to look like teeth. It’s obvious now that our Nomad has been
getting the most out of its buckler. (2)
Any warjack that has seen some action isn’t complete without 5
chipped paint and battle scars. We’ll start with some rusted scars,
but we need the right color mixture. A 50/50 mix of Dark Flesh and
Black provides a good base color. Work around the ‘jack—place
the chips on any edges where you think paint would flake off from
maneuvering around obstacles and everyday wear and tear. Place
a few chips around the torso and hull to showcase bullet marks


“ war-torn ” mercs
and sword slashes. (3) After we have our base color
down we will go back in with straight Dark Flesh.
Paint this directly into the chips, we want to place
this highlight towards the bottom of the chip, leaving
the top of the chip dark, this will simulate the shadow
of an indention and will greatly help to achieve the
final look. (4) With a bit of Snakebite Leather added
to the Dark Flesh, we have a perfect highlight to
place at the bottom of the chip. This will give the
look of rust exposed to the sunlight. (5) For this last
stage it’s a good idea to bring out your finest tipped
brush because we are going to highlight under edges
of the paint chips. Since we are working on our
“showroom” Nomad from last issue our highlight
color will consist of Rotting Flesh with a touch of
Catachan Green to cut the brightness down a bit.
Take your time and paint fine lines under the chips;
this will simulate a 3D effect of depth for the damage
and indentation to the paint. (6) Be mindful of the
light & shadow, matching these highlights to the one
previously on the ‘jack can greatly help.
Now occasionally on the battlefield you run into
a few crazies that might be a bit over confident and
get too close to a warjack. What do they manage for
all their effort? A few good slash marks and scrapes The slash marks that we are going to add to
against paint, suckers! With our green highlight the brass are painted with the same mix we used
mixture, once again Rotting Flesh with a touch of in last issue’s article to shade the brass during the
Catachan Green, make really thin slash marks on early stages. With an old brush, grab a few drops
the armor, just feel it out: where would those poor of Scorched Brown, placing it into a paint chamber.
troopers place their futile blows? (7) Next we’ll add some Brown Ink & Chestnut Ink, as
well as a bit of water until our mix appears muddy.
Next we’ll add another small detail that can
After painting the slashes in the desired locations
take a ‘jack to the next level. Streaking the rusted
we’ll mix up a highlight. (10) With an 80/20 mixture
paint chips can be that extra touch. Create a 50/50
of Burnished Gold & Brazen Brass, place a fine line
Snakebite Leather & Dark Flesh glaze, then streak
under each slash, again this helps create the three
the paint chips with the flow of gravity. This is done
dimensional effect. (11)
after all our paint chip highlights have been laid own
and are now dry. We want these to look like the Putting our steel through the same rigors as our
chips rusted out after the damage occurred. (8 + 9) brass will bring the entire ’jack together—this is

8 9

“ war-torn ” mercs

10 11

accomplished in the same fashion only with different 12

mixes of course. Take some Bestial Brown and mix
in some Blue & Brown Ink, than add some water.
If you have been working with us since last issue I
would recommend using the same mixture as you
did to shade your Boltgun Metal. For those starting
fresh, the ratio of paint, ink, and water to use for
your slashes will be up to your personal taste, you
might like it more brown, whereas I like it blue and
thin. Experiment and discover what works best for
you. After creating our perfect mix and adding the
slashes to our Boltgun Metal, (12) we used straight
Chainmail and placed fine lines under each of the
slashes. (13)
Now for one badly maintained, sloppily 13
sharpened sword. Starting with a Chainmail base
coat, (14) slop some of our metal stain mix onto the
blade; this is the same mixture that we have been
using throughout this ‘jack. Don’t be afraid to get
dirty, this sword has seen a ton of action, and we
wouldn’t have it any other way, right? (15) Next hit
the blade with more Chainmail, underline the slash
marks, and give the edge of the blade a really rough
sharpening job. Accomplish this look by going down
the edges of the blade and making small streaks all
the way down. (16) Now a shiny sword will not do

14 15

when the rest of our Nomad has been to Urcaen and

“ war-torn ” mercs
back. We need to rust this baby up. To get our rust 18
splatters mix up a 50/50 mix of Snakebite Leather &
Dark Flesh, splotch it on, run it down the blade, get
the mud on there. (17)
All that we have left is to finish a few minor details
and the war will be over. Since we have not painted
the boiler we have to put it through our now classic
steel method—however, do not bother highlighting
the top edge. We will blacken the edges near the
opening to give it a soot covered look. To take care of
the eyes we hit them with a base of Red Gore, then
a straight highlight of Blood Red, and finally a small
point of pure White in the upper corner of each.
After the sand has dried, we’ll want to paint it
with a mixture of Scorched Brown thinned with equal
parts Brown Ink & water. This will make painting
our base much easier than using straight paint; the
ink in particular really helps stain the sand. After
our base coat has dried we will drybrush Snakebite


Leather onto the sand. Drybrushing is a technique

that will quickly kill your brushes, thus I strongly
recommend using old brushes when working on your
bases. After you dip your brush into the paint you
will want to rub the majority of it off onto a paper
towel, leaving a small amount of paint on the brush.
17 Next quickly run the brush back and forth across
the surface of the sand—repeat this many times, as
the paint will remain on the raised areas. With our
Snakebite Leather in place and dry we will repeat the
process with Bleached Bone for the highlight.
With an amazing foundation laid we have one
final touch, Static Grass. After utilizing white glue
to get our Static Grass in place, let it dry, then we
will dry brush Bleached Bone directly over the Static
Grass. This will give us a baked battlefield look, not
the lush green and pretty look; we don’t want to give
our opponent the wrong impression. And with those
final touches our Nomad has gone from factory ‘fresh’
to battlefield ‘hard & weathered.’ (18 & 19)
Full Metal
by Marky “War Marmot” Erhardt
bears down on your opponent like The arc node is gravy. Sure,
an ice cream truck driven by a there is a 50% chance of Magnus
mad clown. He will see it coming, taking a few points of damage
but be too mesmerized by the from the thing but he can take
sound of pop goes the weasel to it. He’s tough. In a pinch, don’t
do anything about it. That’s when forget that you can slam with
the hammer drops and POW! the Renegade, and then channel
Now before you say “No way when he’s not engaged.
Magnus should take all ‘jacks...”, The Talon is a bit like a
Magnus belongs in the action. The butter knife. Plain and simple but

o I’m sitting in the break ‘jacks I take with him don’t need a slides between your opponents
room eating my sprouts lot of handholding and he has six ribs quite well when wielded by
on rye sandwich when focus to make them hum. In my a deranged psycho. The Mangler
Duncan walks in smelling of rum opinion, he should be surrounded in contrast, is a beating on legs.
and goat cheese and says “Hey by heavy metal. I try to get Frenzy
Marky can you write an article on up on my Mangler early. I usually

your Magnus list?” Knowing that upkeep it depending on what my
this will only lead to more work opponent throws at me. After

Mercenary Army
for Duncan, I say “sure why not.” that, I like to get trucking across
I like making work for Duncan; it the field so the rest of the focus
is one of my hobbies. Plus I would goes to the jacks. Keep the ‘jacks
get the chance to show some folks moving with the five focus he has
how I use Magnus. Besides, I can’t left and you can get into position magnus......................... 69
let Kevin get all the glory (his list for a very nice ranged barrage.
in NQM#3 was great). Hit them with your templates renegade x2.............. 130
My goal is to show what early and often, and let the two

a boatload of angry ‘jacks can big ‘jacks mop up. Simple.
do. This is not your typical Let’s walk through some

mangler...................... 105
Magnus list. This list takes a basics of the jacks to see how it
basic foundation of the battle box all fits together.
‘jacks and throws in some things
suitable for my own play style. It
The Renegade’s one-shot
AOE is one of the most frightening
is unlike most lists you see today
things in the game. I bring two.
because it is so metal heavy. It is
It rips the faces off of troops and reinholdt.......................15
five ‘jacks, a mad man, and one
knocks everything else on their
total 490
well-dressed Gobber. That’s it.
cans. The melee weapon is no
No guys with big poles or nets. No
slouch either; the shred ability is
smelly trollkin. No dwarves. This
crucial for efficient focus usage.
list is all about cold hard steel. It

Full Metal Magnus
Five ‘jacks, a gobber, and an attitude - ‘nuff said.

I always take a Talon with my When facing heavy ‘jack

Let’s wrap up with some final
Mangler; they compliment each lists, remember to use your jacks advice for this army:
other well. It is not that the to support each other. Don’t
Mangler needs the stall effect let them face things alone. Use • Go fast. If things get bad
to hit, but when I want to head Disruptor to pull the fangs if you have a “get out of hell
butt, throw, or slam a Jack it is the enemy ‘jacks get close and free” card with Magnus’ feat.
always nice to have a Talon at remember to channel spells from
his side to set up the assist. behind the enemy ‘jacks to get • Your Renegades are not
Magnus’ Backstab bonus. useless after the Obliterator
The Mule comes in as heavy
shot. They still have the arc
artillery support in the early game If it looks too tough—slam
node and a nasty weapon.
and follows up as a great mid- it. If there are too many of
game beat stick to support the them—trample them. If you feel
• Use power attacks.
other ‘jacks. Don’t underestimate you can’t damage it—throw it
With paired kill teams of
the value of that AOE 4 blast with out of your way or slam the snot
jacks, this can make all the
Critical Devastation to really ruin out of it.
your opponent’s plans. This list is not for the timid.
Versus troop heavy lists You have to be willing to lose a • If all else fails slam a ‘jack
use all the blast templates to few times to get the hang of it and through it; even your own.
avoid getting swamped. Magnus certain lists can ruin your day if
has his Scattergun template you let them. But once you have • Use your maneuverability
(twice per turn with his gobber the basic tactics down, it can be and your overwhelming
sidekick!), and Raining Steel to a really impressive beating. Plus, templates to keep your
help out with the Obliterators it’s five ‘jacks! Pure fun to play. opponent playing
from the Renegades, and the your game.
Mule’s Steam Lobber.

Menite Madness
warmachine challenge: menite madness

By David “DC” Carl

What you need: Choir of Menoth

• Grand Scutator Severius It’s crunch time. The guy
• Choir Warpriest across the table is talking
& 3 Acolytes
• Redeemer smack about forgone
• Crusader Redeemer conclusions and “the Will
CYGNAR of Menoth...” Time to put
• Lancer
• Eiryss
Crusader him in his place. In this
• Gun Mage Captain Adept Severius WARMACHINE brain
• 4 Sword Knights teaser we’ll see if you can
juggle a few things at the
same time. Just like last
time, see if you can win
in a few different ways.
Use Average die rolls to
calculate the best course of
Sword Knights
action, or press your luck
Gun Mage Adept and roll it out.

The Setup:
Severius stands two inches behind combat, unable to aid his few
a low wall with a Redeemer about remaining troops. Eiryss stands a The Challenge:
an inch to his right. A four- little over 20 inches from Severius
man Choir of Menoth stands on the opposite side of a forest. Drop the Scutator. Without focus,
just a couple inches behind the Four Sword Knights stand three Stryker is unlikely to fare well
Redeemer. To Severius’s right to four inches in front of Severius against the models engaging him,
and farther upfield, a damaged on the opposite side of the linear so it’s now or never. Severius is
Crusader stands four inches away obstacle. A Gun Mage Captain down to 10 damage boxes, and
(columns 5, 6, and 1 are completely Adept waits five inches behind your opponent is counting on
marked off, and column 2 has two the Sword Knights, and, lastly, his DEF14 and ARM18 to keep
points of damage). Severius has a Lancer stands toe-to-toe with him in the game. Sure, a Sword
held on to four focus points to the damaged Crusader, just Knight might get a miracle
overboost his power field. under four inches from Severius. damage roll, but there’s a better
Unfortunately, the crafty way. Tip the odds in your favor,
You are the Cygnar player. and ensure the geriatric Scrutator
Protectorate player has armlocked
Stryker has no focus to allocate feels the might of Cygnar.
the Lancer’s War Spear.
due to Severius’s feat, Divine
Might. He is also engaged in
key is that he allows the four Sword Knights to make eight attacks with the flank bonus, more than enough to send the Grand Scrutator to Urcaen with some average rolls.
to walk into melee with Severius. The Crusader will get a free strike, but, can only Bash. Take full advantage of Reach in order to leave room for the Sword Knights. The Lancer’s actual attack roll is pretty irrelevant – the
of the smoking Crusader, breaking the armlock. The Gun Mage can Thunderbolt the Redeemer positioned between the Lancer and Severius – with the right angle on the Thunderbolt, even just a 1” push will allow the Lancer
With his current DEF and ARM, Severius is a pretty tough customer, but average rolls will be plenty if the four Sword Knights can get their Flank bonus. A Death Bolt from Eiryss’s crossbow will disable the left arm system
Our Solution:
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Cygnar Heavy Warjack
“Give me a few of those when I’m knocking on Voyle’s door.”
—Major Markus “Siege” Brisbane

here is an old saying among Forge Hammers are capable of rocking even
mechaniks—the fewer moving the heaviest Warjack back on its heels and
parts, the less that will go wrong. then pressing that advantage for everything its
The Hammersmith is the definition of that worth. Every titanic blow from the heavy ‘jack
4 12 5 4 11 19
maxim. As war continues to rage, warjacks pushes its foe back as the Hammersmith keeps
HAMMER on every side of the conflict become up the pressure, striding forward to strike
Special POW P+S increasingly dependant on repairs. Supply again in a cacophonous rhythm, sounding
LEFT Beat Back 4 16 lines are less reliable everyday and front line like an ironworker shaping metal. At the end
military commanders are concerned about of this deafening sequence the Hammersmith
HAMMER finding their tactical options limited by faulty rears back and delivers one final resounding
Special POW P+S systems. Enter the extremely reliable, troop attack that has been likened to a giant gong
RIGHT Beat Back 4 16 crushing, metal buckling Hammersmith. being struck, pushing its enemy out of close
DAMAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Although built on the same chassis as
the Centurion, the Hammersmith takes the Many a Cygnaran trooper has been heard
SYSTEMS giving thanks to Sambert—Ascendant of
Left Arm (L)
phrase “an unstoppable force” to a completely
Right Arm (R) L R different level. Gone are the intricately Morrow and patron of Smiths—after having
Cortex (C)
L L M C R R mechanized armaments, replaced by massive his bacon pulled out of the fire by the mighty
Movement (M)
M M C C twin weapons known as Forge Hammers. advance of a Hammersmith. As the forces of
Point Cost 111 They are direct, almost brutish weapons that western Immoren continue to clash the simple
Field Allowance U are clearly designed for pounding metal— but devastating power of this monstrous
Victory Points 3
and anything else in their path—as flat as warjack will help turn the tide of war in
Base Size: Large the farmlands of the Eastern Midlunds. The Cygnar’s favor.

Chain Attack – Clobber - If the Hammersmith has both arm
systems functional and hits with both of its initial Hammer
attacks against the same target in the same activation, after
resolving the attacks it may immediately make an additional
melee attack against the target. If the attack succeeds, the target
suffers no damage but is immediately pushed d3” directly away
from the Hammersmith. A pushed model moves at half rate in
rough terrain and stops if it collides with an obstacle, obstruction,
or a model with an equal or larger-sized base. The pushed
model cannot be targeted by free strikes during this movement.
Immediately after the target model is moved, the Hammersmith
may move up to 1” directly toward the center of the pushed
model. The Hammersmith may be targeted by free strikes during
this movement.

Beat Back - When the Hammersmith makes a successful Hammer
attack against a model, its target may be pushed 1” directly away
from the Hammersmith immediately after the attack is resolved.
A pushed model moves at half rate in rough terrain and stops if
it collides with an obstacle, obstruction, or a model with an equal
or larger-sized base. The pushed model cannot be targeted by free
strikes during this movement. Immediately after the target model
is moved, the Hammersmith may move up to 1” directly toward
the center of the pushed model. The Hammersmith may be
targeted by free strikes during this movement. The Hammersmith
may make melee attacks after following up.
Exemplars Errant
Protectorate Knights Exemplar Unit
“Though our duty may take us from His lands, our hearts will not waver from His flame.”
—Excerpt from the Oath of the Exemplar Errant

5 6 8 6 12 16
5 6 7 5 12 16
10 1 – 10
Special POW P+S
– 3 9

Leader and 5 Troops 79

Up to 4 Additional Troops 13ea
Field Allowance 1

f the Knights Exemplar of the and prayer to pierce arcane wards and Victory Points 2

Protectorate stand as the sword magical sigils. Each likewise bears a Base Size: Small
of Menoth, defending His lands shield inscribed with sacred passages
from the unfaithful, the Exemplars taken from the Canon of the True Law
Errant are the lance of Menoth, to protect them in their sacred duty
striking deep into the heart of His while they travel far from holy soil.
enemy abroad. Ranging outside the Warder
While all Knights Exemplar are Leader
borders of the Protectorate, these
required to meet the highest standards
zealous knights carry out missions of
of faith and dedication, Errants are Unit
great importance for the priesthood Advance Deployment– Place Exemplars
chosen among those who embody Errant after normal deployment, up to 12”
and their Creator. the spirit of ultimate sacrifice. Driven beyond the established deployment zone.
by the Creator’s mandate, nothing Bond of Life – When an Exemplar Errant
Should they fall in the service
takes suffiecient damage to be destroyed,
of the Creator, their deeds will go will deter them from ensuring the another model in the unit within 3” may
unrecognized, as they lie unhallowed successful completion of their holy be destroyed instead.
in foreign lands. Accordingly they tasks, their devotion strong enough to Fearless – An Exemplar Errant never flees.
defy death. An Errant will sacrifice his Weapon Master – An Exemplar Errant rolls
forego the use of sacred Relic Blades, an additional die on his melee damage
lest they fall into the hands of covetous own life to allow a threatened brother rolls.
heathens if their bearers are slain in to shrug off wounds and fight on in
battle. As an advanced strike force, Menoth’s name, particularly if the Heavy Crossbow
other’s role is more crucial to their Blessed – The Heavy Crossbow may
the Exemplars Errant bring lighter damage models only affected by magic
and more versatile gear on their holy cause. With a final prayer, he wills his attacks. When making a Heavy Crossbow
missions, although they are trained life to another and passes on to join the ranged attack, ignore spell effects that add
to the target’s ARM or DEF.
every bit as rigorously in the martial Creator’s armies in Urcaen, while his
arts as every exemplar. Each carries a brethren continue to press forward in
heavy crossbow, fortified by blessing the unending battles on heathen soil.

Khador Heavy Warjack
“Like every good Khadoran, it is selfless, obedient, and devastating to our enemies.
There is nothing more pleasing than seeing it roll through ranked
lines of pathetic southerners.”
—Kommander Orsus Zoktavir

SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM hen Queen Ayn Vanar ordered the
4 12 5 3 10 19 Mechaniks Assembly to give her the
21 warjack that would turn the tide of
GRENADE LAUNCHER the Motherland’s ongoing wars, they provided
RNG ROF AOE POW her the Spriggan. The name was taken from an
10 1 3 * extinct group of warriors of the icy forest north of
Skirov, wild and savage spear wielding berserkers
famed for charging naked into battle and tearing
foes asunder. Based on the innovative
10 1 3 *
chassis originally developed for
ASSAULT SHEILD the Devastator, the Spriggan
Special POW P+S elated the High Kommand with
LEFT - 2 14 its stellar performance during its initial field tests
Spriggan in 602 AR. The prototype ignored withering
WAR LANCE Steam Roll – When charging, the Spriggan enemy fire while splitting infantry formations up
Special POW P+S may trample small-based models in its path
and may move through any small-based model the middle like so much firewood, concentrating
RIGHT Multi 6 18 in its path if it has enough movement to on the heaviest rival warjack in the field.
move completely past the model’s base. The
1 2 3 4 5 6
DAMAGE Spriggan may immediately perform a melee Beneath the machine’s armored exterior,
attack against each small-based model through the Spriggan’s dual grenade launchers are all but
SYSTEMS which it moves during this movement. Models
Left Arm (L) hit by a trample attack cannot perform free impervious to damage that might impair external
Right Arm (R) L R strikes against the trampling warjack and armaments. Whether unleashing volleys of anti-
Cortex (C) suffer a damage roll of 2d6 plus the trampling
L L M C R R personnel explosives, smoke-piercing flares,
Movement (M)
warjack’s current STR.
or disorienting flash bombs before stomping
Point Cost
Field Allowance
Grenade Launcher on enemy throats, the Spriggan is capable of
Ammunition Type – Each time the Spriggan disrupting opposing battle lines in preparation
Victory Points makes a Grenade Launcher ranged attack,
choose one of the following effects. The effect for its inescapable charge.
Base Size: Large must be declared before measuring the range of
the attack:
The ‘jack’s tremendous weight allows it
• Explosive – Models in the AOE suffer a POW 5 blast damage roll. to stampede through infantry units, crushing
• Flare – Place a 3” Flare AOE anywhere completely within 10” of the Spriggan. underfoot those too slow to avoid its lumbering
Flare inflicts no damage. Attackers may ignore cloud effects when targeting assault. With its massive lance, it pierces of
model in the AOE. Attackers with Arcing Fire gain +2 on attack rolls targeting
models in the AOE. Flare lasts for one turn. enemy warjacks to the core before they even get
• Flash Bang – Flash Bang is a ranged attack that inflicts no damage. Instead, close enough to strike. It can fend off blows with
models in the AOE suffer -2 MAT, RAT, and CMD and cannot give or receive its formidable assault shield—sturdy enough
orders for one round.
to turn aside any weapon and heavy enough to
Arcing Fire – When attacking with a Grenade Launcher, the Spriggan may
ignore intervening models except those that would normally screen the target. deliver crushing counter-attacks. The Spriggan
personifies the Khadoran Empire on the battlefield:
War Lance it is brutal, versatile, and unstoppable.
Powerful Charge – When making a charge attack with the War Lance,
the Spriggan gains +2 to its attack roll.
Reach – 2” melee range.

Bane Knights
Cryx Unit
“We had taken up firing positions in a burned out farmhouse when those
things came right through the wall in a ghostly charge. Half my men were
dead before we even knew the monsters were there.”
– Captain Gideon Sinclair, Cygnaran Gun Mage

or a soldier, jumping at shadows anguish and death upon their adversaries. The
is at best laughable and at worst Bane Knights are mystically bound to each
cowardice. There are shadows in the other by the malicious power within them.
world, however, that are truly dark enough As they advance, these umbral monsters are
to be feared. Fell creations of blasphemous LIEUTENANT CMD 8
relentlessly drawn toward those who would
runes and animated bones, Bane Knights are strike at them. They violently punish those
unhallowed vessels of tenebrous malignancy. foolish enough to attack one of their own. 5 7 7 4 12 16
The accursed process that births these Many a warrior has destroyed one Bane KNIGHT CMD 6
fearsome creatures also binds a cold fury Knight only to be struck down as his own SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM
within their forms. Fueled by chthonian shadow coalesced into another skeletal beast 5 7 6 4 12 16
magic this hatred is focused on mortals, of dusk and steel seeking vengeance. BANE LANCE
making the Knights anathema to the living. Special POW P+S
The sight of a unit of Bane Knights
This flicker of malevolent personality in their moving inexorably into battle sheathed Reach 4 11
eyes is the last thing to be seen by many of in heavy armor and cloaked in gloom has Leader and 5 Troops 75
their foes before the world fades to black. frozen many a soldier in his tracks. These Up to 4 Additional Troops 12ea
gruesome warriors crave nothing more than Field Allowance 2
These fiends bring with them an icy wind
to plunge their specially crafted Bane Lances Victory Points 2
and the smell of charnel as they glide across
into the enemies of Lord Toruk. Those who Base Size: Small
the battlefield leaving blood and fear in their
would oppose Him should indeed fear the
wake. During their implacable pursuit they
shadows...or perish.
can become fully spectral for short periods
of time, passing through any barrier to inflict

Ghostly – A Bane Knight may move through
any terrain and obstacles without penalty.
A Bane Knight may move through
obstructions if it has enough movement to
move completely past the obstruction. A
Bane Knight cannot be targeted by free
Shadow Shift – When a Bane Knight is
directly hit by an enemy attack, after the
attack has been resolved a model in the Bane
Knight’s unit may move up to 3” and make
one melee attack. A model cannot end this
movement out of formation.
Undead – A Bane Knight is not a living model
and never flees.
Weapon Master – A Bane Knight rolls an
additional die on its melee damage rolls.

Bane Lance
Reach – 2” melee range.

Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
Mercenary Character Unit
“My soul is ice and I am bereft of tears—I have stared into the eyes of oblivion.
I will endure your loathsome company if it brings me even a single step closer
to Ethrunbal’s destruction. Use us as you will.”
—Cylena Raefyll to Goreshade the Bastard

nly dreadful cataclysm could overtaken—corrupted and seduced to
bring these brave hunters from join the growing legion. This obliteration
CYLENA RAEFYLL CMD 9 their homeland. The Nyss elves happened in the blink of an eye by Nyss
SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM believed themselves secluded from the standards.
7 5 7 7 15 11 horrors of war, nestled away in the far
Many shards realized immediately
HUNTERS CMD 7 frozen north. The rise of an all-consuming
that the fight was lost, and knew the
SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM blighted horror proved them wrong.
only way to avoid assimilation was
7 5 6 6 15 11 Attacked by unholy terrors, betrayed from
to flee. Thousands of Nyss scattered
within by subverted members of their
NYSS BOW past the great winter stones which
own people, the Nyss culture has been
once marked an inviolable boundary.
shattered. Many hundreds were slain in
12 1 – 10 They are a refugee people. Gathered
early fighting in a futile attempt to
NYSS CLAYMORE to protect their frozen god
defend their shards,
Special POW P+S from the clutches
but thousands
– 4 9 of Everblight,
more were
N y s s
Leader and 5 Troops 77
Up to 4 Additional Troops 12ea
Field Allowance C
Victory Points 2

Base Size: Small

Cylena Raefyll & the Nyss Hunters
will not work for the Protectorate.

priests and their warriors have no time Nyss Claymores, each bearing an edge Cylene Raefyll
to attend the needs of the people or so sharp it can cleave through flesh, Leader
to hatch plans of retribution. Yet one bone, and metal with equal ease.
shard refused to let fear consume them
The small Raefyll tribe has long
Concentrated Volley – Instead of
and retains a sense of purpose, even if
boasted skilled hunters, experts at stalking making ranged attacks separately,
some call their methods folly. two or more Nyss Hunters in open
among the mountains and forested valleys
formation may concentrate their
Sometimes desperation breeds of the north. They were also a tribe volley. When concentrating a volley,
madness. Cylena Raefyll is not content amenable to trade with outsiders; having place an AOE template anywhere
completely within 12” and within
to think one day at a time, to scavenge established friendly relations with nearby LOS of all participants. Ignore
food to keep her people alive. When she Khadoran villages and going as far as the intervening models when placing
witnessed the doom of her people made town of Tverkutsk to trade pelts and ivory the AOE. The size of the template
depends on the number of Nyss
real, it was a watershed in her mind; she for iron and other metals. Cylena was the Hunters participating in the attack.
became filled with a hunger for vengeance. foremost hunter of her shard even before If 2-4 Nyss Hunters participate,
She will do anything to avenge those who recent tragedies. Her status has grown place a 3” AOE. If 5-7 Nyss Hunters
participate, place a 4” AOE. If 8-10
brought an end to her people, but she enormously since her cunning helped Nyss Hunter participate, place a 5”
knows this will require time and patience. ensure the survival of her shard when they AOE. The Nyss Hunter with the
More importantly, it requires the aid of fled. They are among the only survivors of highest RAT in the attacking group
makes one ranged attack roll against
outsiders, allies greater than the Nyss— the Raefyll tribe. each model in the AOE adding +1
even those once shunned and considered to the attack roll for each Nyss
Cylena’s hatred is so strong she Hunter participating in the attack,
as dreadful as her foe.
is willing to fight even alongside the including himself. When making
She leads a strong band of Nightmare Empire, knowing their king Concentrated Volley attacks, the
Nyss Hunters never get an aiming
fanatically loyal warrior hunters. The and master seeks Everblight to consume bonus, but they ignore Camouflage,
horrors of recent fighting for survival his athanc. She is convinced this is their concealment, elevation, intervening
only hope for the true destruction of this models, Invisibility, and Stealth. A
have honed them to a peerless killing
model hit by a Concentratd Volley
force. They pull back the taut strings of terror—she cares not that this will aid a attack suffers a POW 10 damage roll.
their bows to unleash withering arcing creature every bit as perfidious. Hers is The Nyss Hunters unit may make
one Concentrated Volley attack per
volleys, impaling and pinning down a personal lust for vengeance, directed
foes regardless of attempts to at Everblight and all the minions that Pathfinder – A Nyss Hunter ignores
hide or evade. As deadly as brought ruin to her race. She is willing movement penalties from rough
these compound bows are in to lend her loyal hunters to fight in any terrain and obstacles. A Nyss
Hunter may charge across rough
their hands, they are equally war so long as she earns favors to be terrain.
adept with elegantly curved turned against the Blighted Legion. Weapon Master – A Nyss Hunter
rolls an additional die on his melee
damage rolls.

The Pendrake
By Viktor Pendrake (Transcribed by Doug Seacat)

Death in the Marches, Part II

hatever supply of recovering from his injury by the few feet ahead and thus almost
good fortune I cyclops—I snuck away without walked within reach of him before
received at birth has talking to him. I made my way I noticed his peculiar hide boots
reached its end, like the last few southeast beyond the Castle of the and ornate steel greaves. Looking
drops of sand filtering through Keys, and recovered my quarry’s up I felt a thrill of amazement
an hourglass. Should this journal trail. The sun was merciless so I to see a single skorne warrior
ever see the light of civilization, confined my travel to twilight and standing just a dozen yards away
let this be a warning to those who evening, seeking what shelter I from me at the top of a hill. Our
come after me. Never overextend could to sleep through the day. eyes met and his cruel mouth
yourself while following a The weather had been unusually widened with a mocking leer.
hostile and foreign army deep calm, leaving the tracks intact. Without even the memory of
into unexplored territory—in As I climbed a steep hill I having drawn them, my blades
particular, never try this alone. suddenly encountered a lone were in my hands. I should
Before arriving at this logical soldier in my path. I was leaning have drawn my bow instead or
conclusion, I left the trollkin into the wind, cloth wrapped retreated, but my mind recalled
village where Quimut was around my face, staring only a the invasion of Corvis, the many

innocents cut down in their wake.

The Pendrake Encounters

I remembered the harrowed face Metal
of the goodly Father Pandor
Dumas as he told me the story tipped
of his torture at skorne hands. I
did not realize how much anger tusks
waited submerged in the depths of
my mind until I saw that mocking
smile. I moved forward with
swords bared, irrationally
bent on violence.
He had not
drawn either
of his own
blades, though
I could see
two sheathed
at his waist,
each hilt and
pommel gleaming
in the setting sun. I
realized why in the next
moment as an enormous hulking
shadow rose up behind him. A
giant creature strode over the top
of the hill to deal with me.
There is no other word but
“titan” to capture the sense of
mass and power as I beheld this
creature and saw its bloodshot
eyes focused on me. I had no similar were its
luxury to register impressions, cornified nails
but I have since examined every and thick legs,
memory of that short encounter making me believe it must
in excruciating detail. This be some type of particularly skorne army encampment. I have
enormous bipedal monstrosity intelligent and perhaps even been given liberty to sketch and
opened its gaping mouth between tool-using pachyderm. It wore write in my journal as I try to
metal-tipped tusks to let forth armored plates on its forearms, ignore my pain. I know not what
a deafening bellow, and then each affixed with deadly pointed fate awaits me; perhaps the skorne
charged. I tried to tumble out of spikes; these could have impaled consider humans a delicious
the way but it was too fast, and me with little effort but it had delicacy. I have observed a shadow
too close. chosen to grab me instead. behind our train and I wonder if
I saw with amazement it was Before I could wonder at this Quimut has managed to find me. I
a six-limbed creature—bearing small mercy, its lower set of arms intend to drop these pages for him
four arms, the largest pair of grabbed hold of me and threw me to recover and hope he will return
which ended each in three fingers, across the dune and into a nearby them to the west and forget about
adequate to clench me in a tight boulder. me. I do not want his death on my
grasp like bands of iron. The great I woke sometime later to find hands. I fear my expeditions have
tusked creature with its thick myself caged and wounded— met an untimely end, and only hope
blue-grey skin seemed at least coughing blood and my chest posterity will be kind to my legacy.
superficially akin to the Kaelram afire from broken ribs. I had the
I have observed in the northern opportunity to inspect the titans ~VP
fringes of the Protectorate. Also better as we journeyed to a nearby
Colonel Eli Brocker, Corvis Garrison
I regret to inform you that one of your scouts may have come to a bad end. I am including a
journal and sketches from his hand. I pass this along in the spirit of goodwill, though we are a free
township and not answerable to Cygnaran authority. Raids have intensified—I trust you will honor
your earlier offer to provide emergency shelter if we have need.
In regard to this packet: a comrade of the scout managed to recover these notes. The Idrian is
determined to try to rescue the author, and a friend of mine volunteered to assist, a hunter named
Alten Ashley. I would not wager on their success if I were in your position.
—Marshal Chief Brue Westrone, Ternon Crag
Titan: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 12d8+72 (126 hp) Combat
Initiative: +2
While titans are docile in the wild, they fight
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +8 Natural), fiercely to defend themselves, their territory, or their
touch 17, flat-footed 17 young. They prefer to attack by goring opponents
BAB/Grapple: +12/+28 with their huge tusks, using size and mobility to
Attack: Gore +19 (2d8+12) advantage—charging to trample, slam, or overrun.
Full Attack: Gore +19 (2d8+12), 2 slams +17 (1d6+4)
While they can be mistaken for animals, they are
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Powerful Charge considerably more cunning.
4d8+12, 2x Titan Rake 1d4+4 The titan’s secondary pair of arms is not used in
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’
Saves: Fort +14, Reflex +10, Will +5
regular attacks, but can hold or rake an adversary who
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 7 has been taken by improved grapple with a fist slam or
Skills: Spot +9, Listen +9 war gauntlet attack.
Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun,
Multiattack, Power Attack Those captured and trained by the skorne
Environment: Any desert or warm land from birth are more formidable. They wear heavy
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-6) plated armor which—combined with their naturally
Challenge Rating: 9
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 13-20 HD (Large), 21-30 HD (Huge) Pain Hooks in
Level adjustment: —
flesh on back
Skorne Conditioned Titan* (Gladiator)
Titan: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 15d8+105 (172 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 24 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +8 Natural,
+5 Skorne Armor), touch 11, flat-footed 22
BAB/Grapple: +15/+31
Attack: War gauntlet +22 (1d10+8) or
Gore +22 (2d8+12)
Full Attack: War gauntlets +18/+16/+13/+8 (1d10+8)

Ropes tie plates to

and Gore +17 (2d8+12)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Powerful Charge 4d8+12,
2x Titan Rake 1d6+4
arms and legs
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’, Lean, Rage 1x/day
Saves: Fort +17, Reflex +11, Will +8
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 3
Skills: Spot +11, Listen +10
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Cleave, Die Hard,
Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Basket-weave cloth
Overrun, Multiweapon Fighting, Power Attack
Environment: Any desert or warm land
Challenge Rating: 12
Alignment: Neutral
*Skorne conditioning template found in NQM#3
thick hides—makes them difficult to injure. Skorne

The Pendrake Encounters

conditioned titans are equipped with bladed gauntlets Massive Tusks
enhancing their melee damage. Pain hooks in their flesh
keep them in a simmering state of rage.
Powerful Charge (Ex): A titan typically begins
battle by charging an opponent to impale them on its
powerful tusks. In addition to the normal benefits and
hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a
single gore attack with a +22 attack bonus that deals
4d8+12 damage.
Titan Rake (Ex): When a target is grappled,
the titan’s secondary arms can be used to attack. Four armed biped,
Skorne conditioned titans are equipped with light
war gauntlets on their secondary arms to enhance the unprecidented anatomy
damage of this attack.

Survival in the Bloodstone Marches

Nomadic Idrians who brave the Bloodstone Marches wear many layers of thin garments for protection, covering every
inch of skin. Eye protection takes the form of either thin strips of semi-translucent silk or goggles. Deep in the central
Marches, all Survival check DCs are increased by 5 (and it is impossible to predict weather more than one day in
advance), and getting lost is always a possibility, (Survival DC 9 with map, DC 14 without). Those who explore the
Marches utilize the Rotterhorn as a point of reference, when visibility allows.
The weather along the fringes (the outermost hundred miles) is less extreme than the deeper wastelands. The aptly named
Stormlands is the most dangerous section. Vinter Raelthorne IV was the first to disprove that they were impassable.

Weather in the Marches varies little by season. While heat is less extreme during spring and autumn, these seasons bring
the most severe wind and sandstorms. In winter, nights can become freezing.
Weather Table
d% Weather Fringes Central Marches Stormlands
01-30 Normal weather Warm, calm Hot, calm Severe winds
31-55 Abnormal Heat wave (01-70) Windy, heat wave Sandstorm (01-50)
or cold snap (71-00) or thunderstorm (51-00)
56-75 Severe weather Thunderstorm (01-50) Sandstorm (01-80) Windstorm (01-80)
or sandstorm (51-00) or Thunderstorm (81-00) or cutting gale (81-00)
76-90 Storm Thunderstorm Windstorm Cutting gale (01-70)
or Tornado (71-00)
91-00 Powerful storm Windstorm Cutting gale (01-70) Lightningstorm
or Tornado (71-00)
Cutting Gale: This powerful swirling wind picks up loose sand and spins it into a grinding abrasion. This can slice
gashes into exposed skin and do irreparable harm to unshielded eyes. Cutting gales have all the attributes of a hurricane
(75-174 mph winds, etc.)—additionally, without goggles or similar eye protection, anyone caught in a cutting gale will
be temporarily blinded (until out of the wind), and must make a Fortitude save (DC 25) to avoid permanent blindness.
Those caught in this without shelter will take 1d4 nonlethal damage if most skin is covered, or 1d4 slashing damage if
unprotected. Those without protection across the mouth and nose also risk asphyxiation (treat as drowning).
Lightningstorm: The Stormlands are famed for its almost supernaturally intense storms, where lightning crashes down
in an almost continuous onslaught. Multiple lightning strikes hit the ground each minute of this storm, and there is a
10% chance any round that a square occupied by individuals wearing or wielding metal will be struck. This causes
15d8 electrical damage, and will arc to nearby targets (within a 30’ radius of the first strike) in a fashion similar to chain
lightning, causing half as much damage as the earlier strike for each arc. It can arc any number of times within a 30’
radius, but no target will be struck more than once.
Foundry, Forge,
& rucible
Foundry, Forge, and Crucible is a regular column in No Quarter Magazine designed
By Alex Flagg

to illuminate the reader on the various items found throughout the Iron Kingdoms. Within
these pages you will find exotic potions, alchemical solutions, firearms, mechanika, and other
assorted gear adventurers might stumble upon or find they need in their travels.

Spy Gear been waged – a shadowy conflict of arcane knowledge operating

in the Iron between the spies, assassins, up and down the coasts of Ord
Kingdoms insurgents and saboteurs of all
nations. This conflict is not fought
and Cygnar – are shrouded in
mystery. The Brotherhood has
E very resident of the Iron
Kingdoms is well-aware of
the war between Cygnar and
in battlefields with naked military
force, but with subterfuge and
a notorious reputation as a band
of provocateurs who maliciously
barely checked aggression in cities conduct “false flag” operations
Khador, but away from the clash
like Caspia, Five Fingers, Korsk, and sabotage – creating quarrels
of warjacks and the thunder
and Merywyn. The results of where there were none in order
of a million boots across the
these battles are less heralded, but to distract the authorities from
Iron Kingdoms, another more
their stakes are as high – for this the Brotherhood’s true purposes.
clandestine conflict has long
conflict is a conflict of deceit and Despite the organization’s
knowledge, and ultimately, of the marked interest in the arcane,
fate of the kingdoms themselves. the gear carried by its members
The following article details tends to reside at the lower end
some of the most notorious of the technological spectrum,
espionage organizations and and is focused on assassination,
the unusual gear they employ in smuggling and sabotage
their work. Whether mundane activities. Garrotes, fake seals,
or mechanikal, GMs should feel slip dagger harnesses, forged
free to put this gear in hands of documents, and holdout pistols
agents from all factions – it is are the tools of these pirates’
not unusual for gear captured in trade. Brotherhood operatives
the field to quickly fall into the in the field also tend to possess
service of its captors. stolen arcane equipment – such
The Broken as scrolls, spellbooks, mechanika
Coast schematics, and the like –
Brotherhood captured during their exploits.

he motivations of
the Broken Coast
Brotherhood – an
assortment of oddly principled
pirates, smugglers, and hunters
Foundry, Forge, & Crucible
Provocateur’s Coat

he provocateur’s coat is navy officer of a kingdom of the
perhaps the most atypical, creator’s choice.
rare, and closely-guarded The wearer is continually
piece of espionage gear in the immune to detect thoughts,
Broken Coast Brotherhood. To discern lies, and any attempt to
wear one of these precious coats is magically discern his alignment. Spy’s Tooth

a badge of honor and rank within Unreversed, the coat grants a irates have an undeniably
the Brotherhood, and owners are +2 enhancement bonus to Hide poor reputation for
rarely seen without them. checks, and a +2 enhancement dental hygiene – a fact
To the casual observer, the bonus to Sleight of Hand checks the Brotherhood has exploited in
provocateur’s coat appears to be a to conceal items on his person. A a most unusual way. Alchemists
wool-lined black leather greatcoat, reversed provocateur’s coat gives in the organization’s employ have
well worn from years of travel and a +4 bonus to Disguise checks to developed a thin ceramic phial
adventuring. Closer examination impersonate a naval officer of the that can house a concentrated
reveals fabric so dark it seems coat’s design. Reversing the coat potion (1/4 oz.) but small enough
to absorb light, and lined with is a full round action. to be concealed as a false tooth
concealed pockets for hiding the Faint adjuration, CL 5th, in a user’s mouth. Brotherhood
owner’s ill-gotten gains. Each coat Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection, operatives undergoing the
is custom tailored to be reversible invisibility. Price 13,500 gp Weight painful operation have leveraged
and appear as the uniform of a 5 lbs. this in many creative ways, such
as potions of feather fall, gaseous
form or invisibility to aid in their
daring escapes.
The Cygnaran The cost of this item includes
Reconnaissance Service the installation of the false tooth

and the concentration of a single
ortions of the Cygnaran lines for extended periods of time.
concentrated dose of a selected
Reconnaissance Service Consequently, servicemen tend to
potion to fit into the tooth. As a
are quite unlike the spy be well-rounded individuals, as
standard action, the user of the
guilds of rival kingdoms. While skilled in tradecraft as they are in
spy’s tooth may breaking it and
also dedicated to cloak and dagger fieldcraft, equally at home in the
imbibed the potion. A character
activities like all covert agencies, wild or the city.
may only have two spy’s teeth at
some agents of the Service The equipment carried by a time. Locating a spy’s tooth in
frequently work in tandem with Reconnaissance agents tends to another requires a Search check
military units, using their deep support their dual roles as scouts (DC 20).
reserves of scouts to map the and spies. Servicemen are as likely
terrain or undercover agents Cost: four times the cost of
to be found with survival supplies
to penetrate local populations the selected alchemical solution or
as disguise kits and thieves’ tools,
and gather information ahead of potion’s original cost in gp.
and their gear is built tough to
military action. Operatives are handle hostile environments and
also deployed in teams of two field conditions. These agents also
to four men and trained to be tend to be the most heavily armed
self-sufficient as possible, in the spies in the Iron Kingdoms, for
instance their units are destroyed they double as snipers or saboteurs
or they are left behind enemy in the field.

Foundry, Forge, & Crucible

Farsight Goggles The Unseen

riginally developed highly coveted in the espionage

for forward observers community. he Unseen Hand is the
to monitor troop The goggles appear as a pair of Iron Kingdoms’ most
movements and bases but heavy, three-lensed goggles with notorious espionage
mothballed due to their exorbitant glowing green lenses, attached organization. Based in Llael,
cost, farsight goggles have to a heavy belt with a low-slung members of the Hand have long
found a new life in the hands of arcantrik conversion engine. sold their formidable infiltration
the Cygnaran Reconnaissance When activated, the goggles and intelligence-gathering services
Service. Typically, these highly- cast darkvision, and see invisibility. to the highest-paying Llaelese,
sophisticated pieces of mechanika Additionally, the user may view Cygnaran, Khadoran, and Ordic
are issued to teams of Service distant objects at twice their size, clientele for decades.
agents working in dense or hostile just as if he were using a spyglass. Gear carried by the agents of
urban environments, where they The item uses a heavy accumulator the Unseen Hand is designed with
are used to stake out enemy and consumes 2 accumulator concealment and misdirection in
hideouts and collect written charges per use. Both spells last mind. Phials of poison, thieves’
information from the safety of a for 10 minutes per activation. tools, disguise kits, and stilettos
field station or safe house. Though
Faint divination, CL 8th, are all favorite tools of these subtle
the Service guards these devices
Price 17,300 gp; Weight goggles:2 operatives.
jealously, some copies have fallen
into enemy hands and remain lbs., Arcantrik Engine with a
heavy accumulator 13.5 lbs.

Disguised tools/kit

any covert operatives chests for hiding disguise gear, the gear’s true function. Retrieving
work under alternate and the like. the kit from its housing requires
identities in hostile This item is an upgrade for 5 full actions (30 seconds). The
territory, where possession of any tool or kit. Choose a piece of owner of this gear only loses use
common adventuring gear such as gear such as a weapon, outfit, or of the kit or tools if he loses the
lockpicks or mapping equipment a saddle to house the kit or tools disguised gear (so a spy who chose
would be viewed with suspicion. in. The selected non-weapon gear to have a thieves’ kit disguised in
In order to better maintain their cannot weigh less than the tools his traveler’s clothes would lose
agents’ cover, the spymasters or kit to be concealed. Add the the kit if he changed clothes, was
of the Unseen Hand developed weights of both items together strip-searched, etc.).
low-profile tools which can be to calculate the housing’s final Cost: Twice the total cost of
tucked into clothing or look like weight. the kit + its housing in gp.
more mundane items; pocket
watches that double as compasses, This gear requires a Spot or
lockpicks that fit behind specially- Search check (DC 20) in order to
tailored belts, false-bottomed locate on your person or to identify

Foundry, Forge, & Crucible
Lock Seducer

he Unseen Hand’s ability to
break into the most secure Elixir of
locations in all of western Dialect
Immoren has earned them a
ecause agents of the Unseen
reputation as infiltrators bordering
Hand operate in so many
on the mystical. However, the
diverse areas and insinuate
discovery of the lock seducer in
themselves amongst many different
the possession of Hand agents
cultures, maintaining cover is vital
captured during the invasion of
to their survival. The elixir of dialect
Llael has gone a long ways toward
is used by those agents operating in
separating fact from fiction.
unfamiliar cultures, helping them
This advanced clockwork maintain their ruse until they can
device is about the size of a large speak the language just like “one of
dagger, but in the place of a the locals.”
blade, a shaft of sliding metal
At the time of creation, select
tines controlled by clockwork and
a language dialect (i.e. Gobberish,
powered by a light accumulator.
Khurzic, Sulese etc.) The elixir
To use the lock seducer, the user
allows the user to speak in the
inserts the shaft into the lock,
accent and use the words of the
presses a trigger stud and adjusts
dialect when speaking, granting
the dial at the base of the shaft. The
When using the device on a him a +2 enhancement bonus to
tines shift to fit the lock’s tumbler
door or chest with a preset lock all Bluff and Disguise checks to
pattern, essentially replicating the
pattern, the user is considered to imitate a member of an ethnic
lock’s key, and allowing the user to
have the key for that door and group that uses that dialect for 1
open, lock, or jam the lock at will.
may open it as normal. The lock day per dose. Note that the elixir
A lock seducer may hold five seducer has no effect on doors of dialect does not alter the user’s
different tumbler patterns at a time, without locks, magically-sealed appearance in any way or allow
and the user may choose which doors or items, or locks with a DC the user to speak a language they
to override with a new pattern. over 30. do not know.
Entering a new pattern into the
Minor transmulation, Creation Faint transmulation; DC 16;
seducer requires one minute, a
is a trade secret; Market Price CL 1st, Comprehend Languages;
Craft (mechanika) check (DC
5,650 gp; Weight 3 lbs. with a Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks; Price 50
6), and consumes one accumulator
light accumulator. gp per dose.
charge. If the check is successful,
the pattern is maintained in the
seducer’s gear mechanisms.

P ainting
Attacking the Gladiator
In the last two issues on No Quarter Magazine we have been looking at the new Apotheosis
Warjacks – without doubt the largest and most kick-ass miniatures in the Warmachine range.
Not all miniatures are forged in the factories of the Iron Kingdoms though—some are bred for
war in the far reaches of Immoren and bring a whole new sort of pain to the battlefield.

his month, with the By Mike McVey, Miniatures organic, so there can be problems
imminent release of with pieces warping slightly in
Director, Privateer Press
Hordes, we are going to the mold. While we do everything
look at the Titan Gladiator—this Miniatures painted by possible to predict how the pieces
six limbed monster more than Ali McVey & will change and try to minimize the
measures up to any warjack in Mike McVey problems, there is inevitable filling
the Iron Kingdoms, but brings work to do on models like this.
unique challenges to the painter Unfortunately it’s just the nature
of issues. Whereas Warjacks can
and modeller. In this article we of the beast (if you’ll excuse the
be pre-assembled in sections, and
are going to take you through the pun...) with very large monster
then sections joined together, the
whole process - from pulling the models, there will most likely be
Gladiator is best built up one piece
pieces out of the box, to having filling work to do. It’s not difficult
at a time. The only exception is the
him ready to lay down the smack however, and will only add a little
two upper body sections which
on the field of battle! time to the assembly process—it
are joined together before being
will ensure that you have a better,
Assembly attached to the legs.
sturdier miniature at the end of the
As always, the first step after
The other main issue that process.
you pull the pieces out of the
you are going to have to contend
packaging is to thoroughly clean The good thing about the
with is the fit between the pieces.
all the components. I find a half Titan is that there is not really any
Warjack models usually have
round needle file is the most useful need to pin the pieces together
flat, mechanical joins which
tool for this job; flat files can leave – the only piece you might want
remain pretty unchanged in the
unwanted marks on the surface to pin is the banner pole as it has
production process – but the joins
of the miniature—especially a small join area, but most of the
on the Gladiator are larger and
ones like this that don’t have pieces have a good positive fit. One
any even surfaces. Once all the find more modeling of the areas that you should really
mold lines have been cleaned off and painting tips at concentrate on when cleaning the
the castings you can think about figure is the joins between the
putting it together. It requires or read about it in arms and hands – you just need
a slightly different approach to WARMACHINE: Prime to remove the oxidation from the
the huge warjacks that we have and Escalation surface so that the glue forms a
been looking at in the last couple really strong bond.
Modeling & Painting
7. This can be the problem area... Because
the two halves of the body join over such
1 a large area, any warping in the casting
process can compromise the fit. This will
1 The curved side of a half-round file is the vary between different castings; most will
best tool for removing the mold lines, just be fine but the occasional one might require
be careful that you don’t remove any on 4 extra work. One thing that can really help is
to file off one of the locating lugs between
the surface texture on the skin and other
textured areas. 4. One extra step to ensure that the legs the pieces—this will ensure that the fit in the
are solidly joined together is adding some neck area will be better.
putty to the inside of the join. Roll out
the putty into a thick sausage and press it
along the join.

2 8. If the fit between the body pieces is not
5 great, it’s the area between the large and
2. It’s not necessary to pin the arms on the small arms that you will most likely have to
Gladiator; the fit between pieces like the 5 . The putty can be smoothed out with your
fill. It might look bad, but it’s actually easy
arms is already pretty good. You do need to finger, it’s not going to show on the finished
to remedy and will take just a few minutes.
make sure that the surfaces being glued are model so it doesn’t have to look good.
thoroughly cleaned to remove any oxidation.
Abrasive paper, such as wet and dry is best
for this – it allows you to clean recessed
areas that can’t be reached with a file.

6. Once the legs are joined together (you
don’t have to wait for the putty to dry), 9. The best way to fill the gap is to add putty
3 they should be attached to the base. Two from the inside and carefully push it through
holes have been drilled to correspond to into the hole. Just roll out a sausage of putty
3. The first thing to do is to join the two the pins on the feet, and glue is added to and lay it along the join, then smooth it in
legs together—this gives you a solid base to the base of each foot. At this stage you need with your finger, periodically checking the
construct the rest of the figure. These two to make sure that you don’t put the model other side to make sure you don’t push it too
pieces fit together cleanly—just add a little down and glue it to your table. Quite often far through. Once you are happy with how
glue along one side of the join and press the glue will run through the holes onto the much putty is in the gap – carefully smooth
them together while the glue dries. underside of the base. it out and add some simple skin texture.
Modeling & Painting

10 14. All of the arms attach in the same way,
and it doesn’t matter a great deal in which
10. Once the legs and body are assembled, order you place them. As mentioned earlier,
they can be joined together. You don’t need 13 to make sure that the join is as strong as
to wait for the putty that you have added possible you should thoroughly clean the
so far to dry—it’s not structural and doesn’t 13. Glue the lower and upper halves of the surfaces—it’s not really necessary to pin
interfere with way the rest of the pieces go head together and attach the complete piece these pieces, but you can if you want an
together. The best way to attach the body to to the body. extra strong join.
the legs is to roll out putty and add it to the
top of the legs—this will ensure that you get
the maximum contact area, and any gaps are
automatically filled.

11. Press the pieces together firmly so that
some of the putty squeezes into the gaps
between the pieces. You need to handle the 15
pieces carefully at this point, as the only
thing that is holding them together is the 15. The shoulder armor is glued into place next. Make sure that you get the locating lug lined
wet putty. up with the hole in the underside of the plate.

12. Once you are sure that you have the
position of the body and legs correct, you
can cut away and smooth out any excess
putty. To make sure that the parts are stable 16
while the putty is drying you can carefully
add a couple of spots of glue to the join. At 16. The last stage in the assembly of the main figure is gluing the tusks in place. You can use
this stage you need to put the model aside to super glue to attach these, but for an extra secure join—add a tiny spot of putty into the
make sure the putty dries completely—this recesses, then put glue on the base of the tusk and press them together. If you do add putty to
can be sped up by putting it under a lamp. the join—make sure you give it plenty of time to dry before handling the model again.

Modeling & Painting
4. The Gladiator’s skin is washed down with
a mix of blue and brown ink, but keeping
the resulting color on the blue side. A tiny
spot of matt medium is added to make it
adhere better to the surface and also give
a flat color that is appropriate to the beast’s
natural hide. The wash has to be applied
fairly carefully – don’t let it form into pools
1 on the surface.

1. Once the miniature has been undercoated black, you can base coat the areas that are going
to be gold. It’s worth making sure that the whole model is covered with the undercoat – with
large and complex pieces like this it’s really hard to get to all the recesses with a spray, so
you’ll have to go in with a brush and black paint. We used GW Shining Gold for the base coat,
and it may take a couple of thin coats to get a good even coverage.


ainting large miniatures
isn’t anything new to a
Warmachine player, but
with the Gladiator you will have
to trade the steam pistons in for
tough animal hide, and the steel 5
plates in for delicate filigreed and 2 5. The skin is highlighted by adding white to
enamelled armor. The Gladiator the base color – just follow the creases and
2. Once that base coat is thoroughly dry it is folds in the skin for where that highlights
is a new painting challenge, washed down to create the shading and bring are applied. The armor is highlighted first by
but hopefully a rewarding one. out the detail. We used a mix of brown and mixing Blood Red and red ink – note how
There is a lot of texture to this yellow ink, with just a spot of matt medium the base color is left showing over the lower
added to make it adhere to the surface better. areas of the armor plates – this is so that the
miniature—the skin is heavily The mix is thinned a lot and applied liberally. overall effect remains quite deep.
textured and some of the armor is It should be left to dry thoroughly before
covered with a fine filigree pattern. doing anything else—this can be sped up by
blowing on it with a hair drier.
Both of these areas of the model
can be painted quickly with wash
techniques – this also brings out
the detail and gives some depth.
The Skorne faction color
scheme is a very distinctive red,
black and gold, so the neutral grey
skin color of the Titan doesn’t
compete too much with this—a 3
brighter color could clash and give
3. The next step is to base coat the skin and
a messy look to the miniature. red armor. The armor is painted with a mix 6. This photograph shows the second stage
of Scab and Blood Red, and the skin is given highlights to the armor and skin. The red
The following pictures take a base coat of Wargames Foundry Granite highlights are built up first with Blood Red,
you stage by stage through the – which is a warm mid grey. On both areas and then Blood Red and yellow and white.
you are aiming for a smooth even coat that The highlight color for the skin is lightened
painting of the Gladiator.
you can work over. with skull white.
Modeling & Painting

9 10
9. The last stage is to paint the details on the 10. The tongue and gums are highlighted by
7. The tusks were given a base coat of a face. The gums and tongue are painted with adding white to the base color. Note how
mid sandy brown color, and highlighted a deep pink – take care with the gums to the highlights have been dappled on to the
by adding white to this color. Note how leave the teeth black at this stage. If you get tongue to give a realistic look.
the highlights have been applied down the some pink on the teeth you can paint over
length of the tusk, this helps to bring out the them with black again.
ridged texture.

11 12

11. The teeth are picked out with an off- 12. This is the finished model, without the
white color, pure white is too stark and banner added.

8. This photograph shows a few different
things. The gold has been highlighted with
Shining Gold, and then Shining Gold and
silver. Certain areas of the armor have been
glazed with red ink—we did this to the armor
plates that have surface texture. Just thin
down the red with water and carefully apply
it over the texture. The ropes have also been
picked out in red and highlighted. 13 14 15
Building the base

13, 14,15. These photographs show the way the red was painted on the banner. The base coat is
o give the Gladiator extra a mix of Scab and Blood Red, then the highlights were built up – first with a mix of Blood Red
and red ink, then by adding yellow and white to this color. When the highlights are dry, the
impact we put it on a scenic banner is glazed over with thinned down red and yellow ink – this makes the color deeper
base—this also adds to the and richer.
character of the model, making it
look like it comes from a specific plaster is thoroughly dry we turned When you are breaking up
landscape type, in this case cracked it out of the blister and started to the plaster you will end up with
and poisoned earth. This may look break it into the shape we wanted. lots of broken pieces—this makes
like quite a complex base, but in This is quite a messy process, so great rubble. Paint the top of the
reality it was really quick and easy you might want to put a couple plaster slab with glue and sprinkle
to make. The basic structure of of sheets of newspaper down on and press the broken pieces into
the base was made from Plaster of your work surface. An old pair of place. Once they are dry you can
Paris, just mix it up following the pliers is really useful here—hold wash over with thinned down glue
instructions on the package and the plaster “sheet” in one hand and to make them really secure.
pour it into an empty blister-box lid use the pliers to crack and break
The photographs and captions
to dry – about 6mm deep is perfect the edges into the shape you want.
below take you step by step
for this. Once we have the plaster Once you have the shape just right
through the painting process.
mixed, we pour a few different it can be stuck onto the base. You
depths of plaster into blisters at will find it’s easiest to cover the top
the same time – saving the rest for of the base with putty to create a
different basing projects. When the flat surface.

Modeling & Painting
1 3 – The next step was to thin down Vermin
Brown and add it to select parts of the base.
1 – The whole base was given a coat of
Bleached Bone – this is thinned with water Note how it has been painted around the 5 – The color is added back in by re-applying
and applied liberally, making sure to totally edge of the slab to make it look like strata some thinned Vermin Brown. Paint a little
cover the rubble on the top. running through the rock. You can be quite area onto the base and then use a second, wet
liberal with this color—much of it will be brush to work it into the surface.
covered with the highlights.

2 – When the base coat was dry, the bone
color was washed down with a mix of
Scorched Brown and Chaos Black – only a
4 – The highlights are built up with Bleached
Bone and Skull White. They are applied with
little black is added to take the warm edge
a small artists sponge—just mix the color as 6 – Final highlights of pure Skull White are
off the brown. The wash is thinned down a
normal on the palette and dip the sponge in added to the edges.
lot with water before it’s applied.
it. Most of the color is wiped off on a paper
towel before it is carefully dabbed into
the surface; this creates a natural dappled
effect. The highlight color is lightened and
the process repeated.

Finished Titan Gladiator standing on it’s scenic base

smoke on the

Written by F. Wesley Schneider • Maps by Michael Siegler • Art Franz Vohwinkle & Brian Snoddy

I Adventure
t’s not easy to govern a city, especially that
infamous den of pirates, smugglers and Background
cutthroats: Five Fingers. When Eilish Doyle, his morning, Gramnistalleralarid (“Gram”),
the pragmatic Lord Governor of the Port of Deceit, the gobber owner of the Regency Saloon,
heard that a certain brand of hooaga cigars— the received an unexpected rush order: twenty
popular Regency Gold— are a favorite of one of the boxes of his Castellan’s Choice—hooaga cigars of
city’s crime lords, High Captain Waernuk (IKWG peerless quality—requested by none other than the
301), he eagerly sought them to convince the man Lord Governor of Five Fingers. The order, delivered
to enter into a number of arrangements. Now, if only by an official governmental messenger, promised
the Lord Governor’s order can reach him before his payment on delivery, plus an additional bonus if the
next run-in with the often violent High Captain. cigars reach the Lord Governor within three days
“Smoke on the Water” is an adventure designed time. Gram jumped at the opportunity and determined
for four 1st-level to 3rd-level characters. Starting to win the bonus also. Then the problems started.
in the Ordic town of Tarna, this adventure takes Most notably, no trustworthy delivery ships
characters west along the Dragon’s Tongue River leave Tarna within the next few days. Through his
onboard the steamship “The Gambler’s Bride,” numerous contacts and by calling in more than one
through the tangled Gnarls, and to their destination favor, however, Gram discovered the floating casino
at Five Finger—if they can survive the trip. the “Gambler’s Bride.” Captained by Odran Reno,
a seemingly reputable businessman, the steamship
plans to leave Tarna on route to Five Fingers, by
Warning! Players hoping to enjoy this
way of a few brief pleasure stops along the Dragon’s
adventure should read no further. The
Tongue. The timing is close, but the steamship
rest of the article is intended for GMs
should reach Five Fingers in time for Gram’s agents
eyes only.
to collect the bonus. Speaking with Reno, the gobber
Where’s the Stats? Supplemental obtained room for his delivery in the casino’s well-
material for this adventure, including protected iron safe.
full NPC stats, maps, and additional
One crisis averted, Gram now finds himself
encounters, is available for download at:
with an even more harrowing dilemma: Gambler’s
Bride leaves at noon, scant hours away, and he has
no agents.
Adventure Synopsis borders between war-wracked Cygnar and neutral

smoke on the water

he PCs are recruited by Gram of the Regency Ord. As the seat of government for the Wythmoor
Saloon to transport a box of hooaga cigars to grav, nearly 24,000 humans and 1,600 gobbers make
Five Fingers. Provided with passage upon their home in and around the city. Distinguished
the Gambler’s Bride, a steamship casino, the PCs as one of the most productive communities in Ord,
must keep their cargo—and at times the entire ship— this conglomeration of towering smokestacks, many-
safe from greedy pirates, enraged trollkin, malicious floored workhouses, and ever-turning waterwheels is
grymkin, and a betrayer on board as they rush to renowned for its mills and bustling textile industry.
meet their three-day deadline. While ancient Tarna has held numerous honors over
Adventure Hooks the centuries—including the blood-soaked privilege

of being the birthplace of the first human sorcerer—
aving already obtained passage for his agents
neither its factories nor its magical pedigree earns
upon the Gambler’s Bride, Gram might enlist
its current prestige. Instead, its renown stems from
the PCs in a variety of ways.
a clever gobber minority and a booming business in
• If the PCs have had any business dealings with tightly rolled, richly-flavored cigars.
anyone in Tarna, it’s possible that their former patron
Tarna is detailed on page 309 of the Iron
is friendly with Gram. The semi-panicked gobber
Kingdoms World Guide. Tarna is like one giant
comes to that patron in need of reliable sorts capable of
factory, generating wealth at the expense of the
making a speedy delivery to Five Fingers, and comes
citizens. Home to a predictably tired populous, a
on the PCs names thereby.
few sparks of levity brighten the peoples normally
• The PCs owe a debt to Gram, possibly by having dull lives The Regency Saloon serves as one of these
damaged the Regency Saloon in some manner. Making lights, and the recently arrived steamship casino,
the urgent delivery, not only will he forget their debt, The Gambler’s Bride, is another.
but he’ll pay them.
The Gambler’s Bride
• The PCs have run
afoul of some powerful luxury transport and casino, no ship on the
group in Tarna. Gram, Dragon’s Tongue matches the Gambler’s
being well connected, Bride. White washed and outlined in silver
hears of the PCs’ gilding, dual smokestacks
plight. Gram offers to rise from the steamship
help them escape on the like palace minarets and
Gambler’s Bride if they’ll its single paddlewheel
make a delivery. plys the waters all the
way from Pt. Bourne
Regardless, Gram’s to Five Fingers.
starting offer is 25 gp, Stopping anywhere
with a 25 gp bonus if there’s a sturdy dock
they get his delivery to and gold to be made, the
Five Fingers in three days. Gambler’s Bride brings a bit
Particularly savvy PCs might of luxury and a chance
be able to double the starting at luck to any number
offer, especially if they threaten of riverside stops.
not to take the job. Gram relies Rumors say that the
on his business sense before steamship’s captain, the
desperation an all cases, though, eccentric Odran Reno
and proves a canny negotiator. purchased sculptures
Tarna from some of the finest
The city of Tarna, approximately artists in Corvis
one hundred miles up the Dragon’s and affixed
Tongue River from Five them to his
Fingers, sits on one of the wilder ship. Others,
however, claim Reno stole his ship’s decorations regular pastimes, the Bride also supplies more exotic
smoke on the water

right off the faces of some of Corvis’ most gambling opportunities. Among these, perhaps the
famous locales. The heavy stonework ringing the most popular is “Dragon Scales,” a kind of cockfighting
steamship’s three decks and within its lavish casino involving a sizable aquarium and dragon fish.
causes passengers to liken the ship to a floating Milon Amorslea runs the Gambler’s Bride casino
cathedral. To many, the Gambler’s Bride is indeed and he is usually here along with at least two dealers
a sanctuary. running the tables and a bartender whom takes bets,
Traveling aboard the Gambler’s Bride proves exchanges gold for chips, and pays out winnings.
comfortable, relaxing, and entertaining for most There is never much gold kept on hand here as it is
parties. The steamship commonly takes a leisurely sent to the vault via a hidden chute behind the bar.
pace in its travels, covering 8 miles in an hour.
Accounting for the Bride’s current itinerary, making
stops at the hamlet of Briv and the Splintermill
lumbering camp, the steamship should reach Five
Fingers around midday three days after Gram
receives his order—leaving the PCs a scant few
hours to make their delivery.

Voyage of the Gambler’s Bride

When the Gambler’s Bride departs Tarna it follows A Game of Dragon Scales
the following itinerary. Captain Reno is a man set in his GMs looking for a more interesting way to
ways and, unless faced with a convincing reason, he determine the results of a game of Dragon Scales than
sees no reason to change or hasten the journey. merely making a few arbitrary dice rolls might want to
Day 1: Depart Tarna for Splintermill. Dock there for give their PCs direct control of their bets. By providing
the evening and take on guests. players with the stats for dragon fish (Monsternomicon
p.42), gamblers can fight against one another to
Day 2: Depart Spintermill for Briv. Dock at Briv for determine the winner. The GM may set odds based on
the evening and take on guests. the differing hit points of the fighting fish.
Day 3: Depart Briv for Five Fingers. Dock, resupply,
and take on guests. Depart when guests run out of 2. Guest Suites
money or local trouble drives the ship away. The Gambler’s Bride has three options for
passengers: lavish guest suites on its top level, of
1.Casino & similar size as the captain’s own quarters; large
Dinning Hall rooms on the main passenger deck; and small simple
bunkrooms on the same deck.
Read Aloud:
2a. Salon
The clink of bottle on glass and peels
A sizable salon decorated with a mix of landscapes
of excitement ring over the din of hushed
and gaudy portraits—many swiped right off the
conversations and rustling playing cards that
walls of seedy Five Fingers bordellos—fill the space
murmurs through this wide, open gaming hall and
between the suites. While not the most tasteful spot
conjoined dining area. Felt-covered gaming tables,
on the ship, several plush chairs, overstuffed couches,
a well-stocked bar, and a raised stage fill much of
and marble tables do make the room deceptively
the room. Overhead, dozens of granite and marble
comfortable. As such, many higher-class passengers
statures ring the ceiling, gazing down at the crowd
end up spending a significant portion of their time
with drunken, approving grins.
conversing, reclining, and taking tea here. Rumors
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the persist that beneath the posh rugs and furniture
Gambler’s Bride—and the reason for its name—is several panels can be removed, revealing hidden
its lavishly decorated casino. At any time a dozen compartments perfect for smuggling (a Search check
passengers will be trying their luck amid the various at DC 20 would reveal such nooks should they be
games of chance. While card and dice games provide more than just rumor).

3. Bridge and not nearly as lavish as the rooms frequented by

smoke on the water

guests and passengers. For most of the crew, this
Read Aloud: serves just fine.
Windows look out from the bridge of the With the exceptions of casino manager Milon
steamship, facing nearly every direction, offering Amorslea, Captain Reno, and the ship’s officers
a commanding view. Dozens of panels covered (including Vexi, the pilot, and the gobber brothers),
in whirring dials, flickering gages, and complex- none of the ship has a personal bunk. Numerous
looking controls line the remaining walls. A wide crewmembers are always on duty at any given time,
crescent-shaped desk, strewn with maps, takes up and thus bunks are used in shifts. During fair weather,
much of the bridge’s center and, situated behind the lounge chairs on the upper deck are used at night by
most forward facing window, is a heavily scarred tried crewmen—usually gobbers—willing to brave
wooden wheel carved to look like a circular cluster the ravenous insects.
of writhing snakes.
5. Vault
From this area the pilot, Vexi,
sets the course of the Gambler’s
Gambler’s Bride Top Deck Read Aloud:
Bride. Hundreds of dials and meters, This room is divided into two
all in varying states of repair and halves by a row of sturdy metal bars.
precision, relate information on boiler Behind the bars numerous crates,
heat, paddle speed, and dozens of pieces of luggage, barrels, and a
other variables. A wide collection of sizable black iron safe are tied down.
maps gives the crew of the Gambler’s Outside the bars rests only a large
Bride detailed knowledge of their metal cabinet and a simple table with
course. At the front of the room is a single chair facing the door.
the pilot’s wheel. While this ornately
carved control manages the ruder, Constantly manned by an armed
panels of levers and switches give a guard, the Bride’s vault stores the
pilot control over every aspect of the casino’s daily take, rare or valuable
ship’s workings. A long brass tube cargo, and—for a price—the luggage
echoes commands directly from the or personal belongings of passengers.
pilot’s station to the boiler deck, most
Outside the vault, a tall cabinet
often resounding with cries of “Put on
stores the ship’s arsenal: three
the steam!” and “Full stop or you’ll
grappling guns, Vexi’s oft confiscated
kill us all!”
pair of military pistols, and Captain
Piloting the Gambler’s Bride Reno’s Radliffe double barreled
proves no mean feat, requiring a pistol, “Sibohan.”
Profession (sailor) check (DC 16) to
What’s stored in the vault
get the boat moving. Characters who
changes wildly depending on the
fail this check by 10 or more succeed
ship’s current jobs, number and social
at activating the ship’s engines and
class of passengers, and luck. On
paddle, but in such a way that sends
average, 6,000 GP and an additional
the ship in a dangerous direction
4,000 gp worth of valuable cargo
4. Crew can be found in the vault. While the
Quarters cargo is tied down to avoid damage,
Most of the crewmen spend their loose gold is stored within an
off hours relaxing in a common room exceptionally thick black iron safe.
on the bottom deck. Outfitted with Fitted with a combination that only
its own small pantry, basic supplies, Captain Reno and Mr. Amorslea
and table space enough for far lower know, the safe weighs nearly
stakes gambling than that found in the 1,000 pounds and has weathered
casino, the common room is cramped numerous attempted thefts.
6. Boiler Room but has the build of a younger man. What family he
smoke on the water

hails from, or indeed any facet of his past, he keeps

to himself; even his last name being adopted. Eight
Read Aloud: years ago Reno purchased a rundown steamship in
Corvis, spent a small fortune renovating it, buying
Two huge metal boilers fill this sweltering
statuary right off of city buildings, and paying in
engine room. The choking scent of coal fills the
gold. Christened the Gamblers Bride, Reno and his
hot air, and fiery light flickers from the maws of
floating casino have plied the rivers and lakes from
two hungry furnaces, with simple barred doors
Corvis to Five Fingers ever since.
between the room and the leaping flames within.
The cacophony of a hundred Something of a gambler, when
Gambler’s Bride 2nd Deck
other machines—giant pistons, Reno isn’t on the bridge he’s at
pumping levers, dials, cranks, the ship’s casino. Charming with
steam whistles, and more—form a women and friendly with men, Reno
deafening orchestra of crashes and is a bombastic storyteller, skilled
steely whines. drinker, and deadly card shark.
Despite the friendly—sometimes
foppish—facade, Reno is a skilled
The boiler room rings with captain, and loves his ship with a
clanging metal and piercing whistles, passion few can ever hope to find.
while the boiler fires keep the room He is close to all his crew, but only
an uncomfortable 100 degrees. At holds the head of his casino, Milon
least two engineers work here— Amorslea, as a confidant.
often under the supervision of either
Reggletognok and Drimwall
Reggle or Drimm—feeding the boiler
(NG and CN male gobbers Bdg2/
fires or making impromptu repairs
Rog1): A pair of gobber brothers
to innumerable temperamental
hold the position of the first mate and
machines. Should any of the fires
engineer aboard the Gambler’s Bride.
here be left unattended for an hour
While some might claim these dual
they go out, preventing the controls
positions are evidence of Captain
on the bridge from working and
Reno’s flippant sense of humor,
leaving the ship adrift. Restarting
the gobber brothers have kept the
the engines requires a Craft (steam
steamship afloat amid dire straights.
engine) check (DC 12) and then at
While not twins, the usually gray-
least a half hour to reheat the boilers
skinned gobbers look much alike, to
to a temperature that moves the ship.
the extent that some crewmen—and
The boiler room also holds a few
nearly all passengers—cannot tell
barrels of water and numerous tools
them apart. In fact, the only telling
and pieces of scrap metal, enough to
feature is a splotchy brown mark
make nearly any basic repair to the
on Reggle’s brow. The pair enjoys
ship or at least jury-rig a temporary
this confusion, and frequently
fix for larger problems.
dress similarly. Reggle is the lighter
The Crew of the hearted of the pair, content with his
Gambler’s Bride life aboard the Gambler’s Bride and
obsessed with its smooth running.
The Gambler’s Bride serves
as home to a strange assortment of Drim quietly harbors greater
personalities. ambition, waiting with weakening
patience for the “big score.”
Captain Odran Reno (CG male
Thurian Ftr2/Rog3): The captain of the Gambler’s
Bride, Odran Reno is a sharp wit and an able sailor
of Thurian stock. He claims to be in his late forties,
Vexi (N female Radiz Ftg2/Exp3): A hard- Larsa Chamko (TN female Umbrean Rog2/

smoke on the water

looking woman in her early thirties, Vexi skillfully Sor1): As mysterious as she is beautiful, this dark
pilots the Gambler’s Bride. Dark-eyed with hair and seductive snake dancer travels with Captain
the color of shadows on blood, her exotic Radiz Reno’s crew for her own unexplained purposes.
heritage marks her as one of the vagabond races Although not a crewmember, she and her brother Uli
(IKCG p. 45). Around her neck run form the coiled, have sailed aboard the Gambler’s Bride for the last
ugly symbol of the Devourer Wurm—although the two months, keeping to themselves, making them the
tattoo looks stretched and faded in a way usually most talked about topics among the curious crew.
only seen on elderly sailors. Vexi is sensitive about Twice every evening, Larsa performs in the casino,
her heritage, and discussions about it her trained Bloodstone stripped
often end in blood or bruises. Raised Gambler’s Bride 3rd Deck constrictor writhing over her body
as an orphan in Five Fingers, she does while her hips sway like the three-
not worship the Devourer Wurm; the moon tides of the sea. Coolly alluring,
tattoo is vulgar reminders of sadistic Larsa would be irresistible were it
parents. Despite her standoffish and not for her inseparable chaperone,
fierceness, Vexi’s only home is the Uli. Unbeknownst to the crew, Larsa
Gambler’s Bride, its crew her family. makes nightly offerings to Thamar to
Milon Amorslea (CG male protect herself and her brother from
Midlunder Rog4): Rotund, aging, some pursuing threat.
and soft-spoken when away from the Uli Chamko (TN male Umbrean
gambling tables, few would suspect Ftr3): A hulking, bear of a man,
Mr. Amorslea, head dealer of the Uli is a creature of knotted muscle
Gambler’s Bride Casino, to be an and coarse black hair. Brother and
incredible pickpocket and sleight of bodyguard of Larsa Chamko, he
hand artist. Bearded and balding, keeps watch over her during her
Milon takes his job very seriously, nightly shows and seemingly at every
raking in a small fortune for Captain other moment of the day. Uli rarely
Reno every night. Always dressed speaks to anyone other than his sister,
formally, the sharp-eyed Midlunder is and even then he does so in whispers.
a natural at spotting cheats, even those On the rare occasions he’s become
who use magic, and takes an obvious separated from her, he’s become
delight in cheating cheaters. Two wild-eyed and frantic, once pitching
younger dealers and two bartenders a slow-moving passenger overboard
work under Amorslea and common in his fervent search. Although Larsa
knowledge among them states, “Scam assures the captain that her brother
and the old man will catch you.” is not a threat to the crew, all aboard
Milon proves fiercely loyal to Captain remain cautious of the quiet brute.
Reno, and has been heard to say that
if it weren’t for Reno, he’d be in a
Cygnaran prison.

Nearly thirty passengers
currently sail with the Gambler’s
Bride. Most are merely travelers of
little consequence, some of those
staying in the top-level suites are
more intriguing.

Gambler’s Bride Lower Deck

smoke on the water
Enemies: 4 brutish thugs (War1)
Aboard and Lupo (Rog2).
the Gambler’s Treasure: 5 gp per brutish thug, Lupo
Bride has at least 100 gold on his person.

GMs are encouraged to Washed Up Romance (EL 3)

rearrange the timing and number Timing: Any time.
of events listed below as needed for
One night, the ship enters a heavy
good pacing during the adventure.
fog bank while a PC walks alone
Consult the supplemental
on deck. The PC hears a thumping
downloadable pdf for additional
against the hull and catches a glimpse
encounters, NPC stats, and
of a pale young woman floating face
additional characters.
down, illuminated by moonlight
An Offer You Can’t Refuse breaking through the fog.
(EL 2)
If the PC calls for help or
Timing: As the PCs leave Tarna. otherwise rescues the young woman,
As the PCs begin to board the he will find she is still alive but
imminently departing Gambler’s appears nearly drowned. Barely
Bride, they meet a gentleman of conscious she will cling to her
apparent good breeding backed rescuer and will not be parted from
by four brutish “associates.” The him, claiming her husband perished
gentleman, Lupo Vain, is a hired in a boating accident. Captain Reno
agent for a competing hooaga offers an unoccupied room for the
investor, Thane Ross Kaddock new castaway and suggests the
of Hearthstone. Lurking in the PCs reserve their questions for the
Regency Saloon, Lupo overhead morning.
Gram’s deal, and plans to bribe the Later that same night when
PCs into substituting his patron’s nearly all have retired to their rooms,
Hearthblend brand for the Regency the woman, actually a Rusalka
Gold cigars. Lupo will start by (Monsternomicon p. 144) under
offering to double whatever Gram sorcerous disguise, will attempt to
is paying them to deliver 30 boxes lure her rescuer on deck with the
of Kaddock’s Baird’s Select in intent of sending her new surrogate
exchange of Gram’s shipment husband overboard to be drowned.
along with a forged letter from If that PC is on deck alone he notices
Gram stating refusal to meet the the woman at the aft of the ship
order. If the PCs agree they will calling to him. If the PC doesn’t go
garner more coin, but will run into on deck for the second encounter, he
problems at delivery—when it hears a strange melody sung outside
become apparent that only Gram’s his room. After drawning him to
cigars will do. the ship’s railing, the Rusalka will
If the PCs refuse, Lupo merely attempt to bull rush the PC into the
shrugs and walks away before water.
commanding his hired thugs to If the PC tries to escape or if
toss the PCs off the docks as the more characters come to his rescue,
steamship begins to leave port. What the PCs do the rusalka uses her unearthly laugh to stun her
not know is that Lupo has already bribed a member enemies. Those stunned while in the water cannot
of the Gambler’s Bride to sabotage the shipment in swim and begin to drown. If it becomes obviously that
case the PCs refuse. the rulsalka is greatly outnumbered, or if she takes

more than half her hit points in damage, the grymkin Splintermill (EL 2)

the water
disappears, diving below the water and retreats.
Timing: End of Day 1.

Even after the rusalka departs the Gambler’s
Five-dozen Midlunder and Morridane
Bride is likely to still be sailing. Keeping up with the
lumberjacks make the Splintermill lumbermill their
steamship demands a Swim check (DC 12), while
home. Eager for relaxation and respite from their
climbing the statue covered hull of the ship unassisted
work, they crowd the deck and fill the casino. Eager

left on
requires a Climb check (DC 14).
to drink and gamble, the lumberjacks may draw the
Enemy: A rusalka, who attempts to ‘coax’ him off the PCs into a number of drinking games, and may get

boat. out of hand and provoke them into a drunken brawl.

Treasure: The rusalka has a gold wedding ring set Over the course of the night, the crewman
with a black pearl worth approximately 800gp and an bribed by Lupo at the outset of the journey will
ornamented antique silver knife possibly worth 100 make his move. He will persuade four of the
GP (see Monsternomicon). drunken lumberjacks into barging into the vault
Development: Rusalka are covetous creatures where the cigars are stowed as an excuse to steal
and it’s unlikely that this one encounter is the only them. The lumberjacks are ignorant of the plot, but
time the PCs will encounter their murderous stalker. drunk enough to be belligerent and even violent if
confronted. Particularly influential PCs might be
able to convince the lumberjacks to leave by making
Diplomacy or Intimidate checks. If asking them to
leave fails, though, it’s likely the situation comes to
blows, with the PCs having to forcibly eject a group
of drunken laborers.
Enemies: 5 lumberjacks (War1) and 1 bribed
crewman (Exp2).
Treasure: 5 pairs of good boots.
Tactics: The disruptive guests lack the sobriety to
use any real tactics, fighting until the last one falls. If
necessary, a crewman might remind the PCs that it
would look bad to kill any of the men and they only
need to be knocked out.
Consequences: If they are killed, the captain will
confiscate the PCs weapons and send them to their
rooms to calm the remaining lumberjacks, but secretly
approves of their actions defending his vault. If the
PCs realize the bribed crewman’s involvement, they
may report him to the captain, who will tie him to the
paddlewheel and offer bets on how long he’ll survive,
unless the PCs intervene.
Trollkin Justice (EL 4)
Timing: Beginning of Day 2.
As the Bride prepares to leave Spintermill five
sizable and heavily armed trollkin appear at the end
of the dock. Their leader, a gray-skinned trollkin with
a crooked back lets out an echoing bellow. Having
easily captured the attention of the steamship’s entire
crew, the trollkin demand to speak with the ship’s
captain. Captain Reno asks the PCs to come with him
to even the numbers.
The lead trollkin announces himself as Gurn, a Sharing one box of Castellan’s Choice cigars +4
smoke on the water

warrior of the Golmhurt kith. He resolutely demands Swearing to investigate the missing payments +2
the Gambler’s Bride pay his tribe 200 GP for use of
their river. Incredulous, Captain Reno offhandedly If a PC trollkin participates in the negotiation +2
refuses, almost laughing at the demand. He’s seen all Enemies: Gurn Golmhurt (Fel1) and 4 Gnarls
sorts of piracy on the Dragon’s Tongue and has no Trollkin (War1, see Monsternomicon pg. 195)
intention to start paying to use it now. With a tensing
Treasure: Weapons and equipment (see pdf).
of their massive muscles and the shifting of large
weapons, the trollkin don’t seem willing to take “no” Consequences: Should these negations fail, Gurn
for an answer. and his men are not above attacking the PCs and the
captain. Although they hold no hope of killing the
Development: It seems that only the PCs’ intervention
party and taking the ship, they’re eager to work off
can prevent open bloodshed.
some frustration on the group. After a few rounds of
According to treaties between the trolls of the combat or once a trollkin is reduced to 0 hit points,
Gnarls and Cygnar, the trollkin are to receive steady Gurn or one of his men call off the attack, curse the
payment for human use of the Dragon’s Tongue River party and the Gambler’s Bride, and withdraw.
and all its peripheral waterways winding through their
Should the PCs manage to strike a deal with
forest. While this gold once came regularly—whether
the trollkin, Gurn will not forget the party, nor any
because of the war effort or internal corruption—the
promises they might have made. At any
trollkin haven’t seen a copper.
time in the future—especially if the
Any PC who makes a Knowledge (local) check party fails to uphold their
(DC 16) knows about the arrangement between end of some bargain—the
Cygnar and the Gnarls trollkin. Captain Reno sees trollkin might appear.
no reason to negotiate with the trollkin, but a PC
who attempts to talk with Gurn finds him willing to
converse. He does give the PCs an opportunity to
explain themselves, and make Diplomacy checks to
change his attitude.
A successful Diplomacy check causes Gurn to
explain his current situation and lower his demands
to 50 GP. Captain Reno proves stubborn and still
considers this extortion. It will require the PCs to
convince Reno (with another Diplomacy check) that
the trollkin are wronged warriors and not pirates.
If the PCs succeed, he provides the trollkin with 50
If the PCs check vs. Gurn succeeds by 15 or
more , Gurn explains his people’s frustration but
allows the Gambler’s Bride to go—on the condition
that the PCs swear to seek a reason for why Cygnar
has reneged on their agreement.
When negotiating with Gurn numerous factors
might aid the PCs.


smoke on the water

Timing: End of Day 2.
Quaint and industrious, the hamlet of Briv is
little more than a farming and fishing backwater in
the Ordic wilderness. The people of Briv meet the
Gambler’s Bride with mixed feelings, some seeing
the steamship as nothing more than a floating den
of debauchery while others can’t help but try their
luck at the casino tables. Overall, the people of Briv
are friendly and eager to talk with the PCs, trading
rumors and information. If the Rusalka survived from
the previous encounter, PCs may encounter her here, Development: The writing on the stone is left
under the protection of the naïve townsfolk. up to the GM, but it’s possible interacting with the
Those hoping to fleece the simple folk find them pylon might affect the PCs. Stealing gems from the
easy pickings. Should any cons be attempted in the image could cause bad luck or infuriate a still existing
casino, however, Mr. Amorslea proves watchful and group related to the sculpture. The pylon itself might
protective of all his customers, and characters might merely be the tip of some larger ruin hidden within
find him turning their own games against them. the murk and warrant further investigation.
Treasure: GMs wishing to reward PCs after
Rune Stone having several encounters without treasure can hide
Timing: Any time, but ideally Day 3. a cache here to even things up.

While steaming down the river a particularly Sabotage! (EL 3)

observant PC or crewmember might notice something
unusual jutting out from the swampy shore. Revealed Timing: Day 3.
by a recent mudslide, a character who makes a Spot
Late one night a thunderous explosion rocks
check (DC 16) notices a dirt encrusted stone pylon of
the Gambler’s Bride. Two seared engineers and
ancient origins sticking out of the swamp. Naturally
a scorched Drimwall pile out of the boiler room,
curious, Captain Reno might be convinced to stop for
followed by billows of smoke. The engineers explain
a few moments.
that one of the boilers just exploded, sending hot
Covered with strange runes, the stone stands shards of metal everywhere. Even stranger, tiny
nearly 20 feet tall and is capped by a enigmatic stone living fires also emerged, flitting about the room and
image. The meaning of the image and the runes, is left chasing the engineers. Hesitant to send any of his
up to the GM to decide. A few examples follow: crew down to face the boiler room’s angry flames,
• The pillar is a marker of some still buried Orgoth ruin Captain Reno asks the PCs to investigate and take
and is capped by a sculpture of a howling Orgoth face. care of anything strange the find there.

• The column is actually the protruding tip of an When the PCs head down the metal steps leading
ancient machine constructed by early worshippers of into the boiler room they find a scene exactly the
Cyriss, although its function is unclear. The image is engineers described. One of the boilers has exploded
the symbol of Cyriss. and a multitude of tiny, flickering, flame-like insects
swarm around the remains.
• This standing stone was intentionally buried in
some strange druidic or Devourer cult ritual. The These creatures are steamlings (Monsternomicon
symbol is a gigantic snake bearing its fangs. p. 162). While dangerous, they are content to linger
around the shattered boiler. In an hours’ time,
Those who scale the pylon (a requiring Climb however, they’ll begin infesting the rest of the ship’s
check at DC 16) and succeed a Search check (DC steam engines. If the PCs act quickly, the steamlings
12) on the head discover two sizable red stones set in should prove only a minor threat.
the eyes, both worth 30 gp. Enemies: 4 Steamlings

Development: The major threat arises after the In truth, the steamlings came from several infested
smoke on the water

steamlings are dispatched and accusations start to pieces of wizard’s coal Drimwall smuggled aboard.
fly. Realizing that the steamlings didn’t appear from He sabotaged the boiler to stop the Gambler’s Bride,
nowhere, the explosion begins to look like it happened making it easy pickings for a band of river pirates
on purpose. Any of the PCs who make a Search check he’s allied, eager to make off with the contents of the
(DC 12) notice several strange bits of glittering black steamship’s vault.
rock scattered throughout the boiler room. A Craft
(alchemy) or Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 14) River Pirates (EL 5)
reveals this to be wizard’s coal, and an additional
Timing: Day 3, after “Sabotage!”
Creature Lore or similar check (DC 14) notes that
steamlings often inhabit this material. While the Gambler’s Bride makes repairs to its
damaged boiler, another explosion breaks over the
As the engineers set to repairing the boiler, a
ship. An ugly floating scow heads to intercept the
process that takes approximately three hours, rumors
steamship, trailing smoke from a sizable mortar. These
begin to circulate:
river pirates, under the command of the ogrun Magott
• Sometimes strange murmurs are heard in the middle of Cudgelfist, have set up and ambush with the help of
the night coming from Larsa Chamko’s room and she’s first mate Drimwall.
been seen sneaking about the aft deck at night. (True:
Tactics: The river pirates travel on a patched together
her prayers to Thamar and the subsequent disposal of
steam-powered skiff. Cudgelfist is a powerfully built
her superstitious sacrifices, mostly stolen odds and ends,
ogrun with a mouth full of shattered teeth and a
dead vermin, and locks of her own hair).
metal eyepatch bolted onto his head. When heading
• Vix is a captive of Captain Reno, serving because he into battle, he is never without his gigantic harpoon
knows something about her past. She secretly hates cannon, which he easily slings under one arm.
him and the ship. (False: Vix serves of her own will and
With the Gambler’s Bride dead in the water,
admires the captain—and perhaps more.)
Cudgelfist’s boat nears the steamship’s rear-starboard
• The Gambler’s Bride is haunted. The spirit of one side and grapples it with ropes. One of the pirates fires
of the Captain’s jilted ex-lovers seeks to destroy him a mortar, blowing a hole in the lower deck, exposing
and his ship. (Maybe. Weird things happen on the the vault’s interior. Having the casino-ship’s layout
Gambler’s Bride. This might be a ghost, or some other described to them by Drimwall, the pirates board near
lurking threat). the rear steps, determined to fight their way to and
empty the now exposed vault.

Reaching Five

smoke on the water

The scene quickly devolves into an ongoing
skirmish. The crew of the Gambler’s Bride is
disorganized and unprepared. While Captain Reno is
able to shout a few cursory orders for his men to arm After a harrowing journey, the Gambler’s Bride
themselves the weapons kept in the vault are likely to finally docks at Five Fingers. The PCs are likely to be
be buried under the collapsed wall. Thus, the PCs are pressed for time in making their delivery. If nothing
probably the best-armed people on the ship. else delayed the steamship, it makes port around
If not engaged elsewhere, the pirates take 5 rounds midday. As the PCs depart, Captain Reno asks that
to reach the vault (using the hole probably blown in they return to the ship after their business finishes.
the exterior wall). Captain Reno, Vexi, and Reggle The PCs’ path is left up to the GM. The possible
help the PCs defend the vault as best they can. In dangers and delays they might face in tracking down
battle, the pirates fight haphazardly, but try to team- the Lord Governor are many, including local gangs
up on and overwhelm individual opponents whenever demanding tribute, pickpockets, drunken mercenaries,
possible. Cudgelfist makes use of his harpoon gun and con-men. On delivery, Doyle’s agent thanks the
and mighty club and, being accustomed to fighting on party, smoothly deflecting any attempts by the PCs
ships, bull rushes enemies into the water whenever to meet the Lord Governor personally. He asks them
possible. In addition, at some point during the fight, to give the Lord Governor’s regards to Gram, and
Drimwall turns on his crewmates, attacking the most sends them on their way. If the PCs accepted the
wounded looking PC or crewmember possible. If arrangement in “An Offer You Can’t Refuse” the agent
Cudgelfist is defeated, the remaining attackers and is not fooled by the forged letter from Gram, and must
Drimwall—if he survives—flee, retreating back to the be convinced to take the cigars with a Diplomacy
rickety pirate ship. check (DC 20), and will demand the Lord Governor’s
Enemies: Magott Cudgelfist (Ftr2) and 10 River money back. When Gram hears of their betrayal, he
Pirates (War1) may bankroll some payback.

Treasure: Weapons and equipment (see supplemental After making their delivery, should the PCs
pdf). return to the Gambler’s Bride, Captain Reno might
aid them in numerous ways. The Captain—or other
Development: Battered but still seaworthy, the parties aboard the Gambler’s Bride—might have jobs
Gambler’s Bride limps the rest of the way to Five for the party. The Gambler’s Bride might serve as a
Fingers, making simple repairs as the tired crew curses base of operations for further adventures. Most likely,
pirates of all sorts and their traitorous crewmate. the party’s fortunes have set them loose upon the
dangerous and debauched pirate port of Five Fingers

G uts G ears &

the men and machines of WARMACHINE

Written by Doug Seacat Art by Brian Snoddy

Revenant Crew of the Atramentous

None survive the boarding parties sent by the Atramentous.

BR. These lavish ships sailed

as a final show of respect to the
coastal landgraves of Tordor.
They bore only the landgrave’s
corpse, offerings of the bereaved,
and a single living captain—the
landgrave’s shield-bearer, who
vowed to accompany his liege
into the afterlife. This was their
most sacred ritual, passed down
as an ancient Menite rite and
later adapted to Morrow and
including prayers to Ascendant
Doleth, patron of sailors.
Interfering with a Dirgenmast
was an unthinkable sacrilege.
This did not trouble the black
hearted Captain Rengrave when
he heard the sounding of its horn
and beheld the funereal vessel
Long before Toruk cast his Scharde. His most accomplished slipping its lonely way across
immortal shadow on the islands, captain was Rengrave, whose the waves. It was the largest and
the main island of Scharde was bloodthirsty crew had earned a mightiest ship ever crafted in
home to cutthroats, murderers, reputation for slaughter, rapine, Tordor, a great four-masted vessel
and plunderers of ill-gotten and sadistic terror sprees against too fine to waste on the deep.
spoils, descended from outlaws coastal villages of the kingdoms of Weak from hunger and thirst,
banished from the mainland. The Thuria, Tordor, Caspia, Ramarck, this loyal servant could barely lift
most notorious of these raiding and north as far as Kos. his blade to defend himself before
parties were those serving the This ruthless captain sealed the captain’s thick cutlass pierced
pirate king Threnodax, ruler his fate when he captured a great his heart was. He cursed his killer
of the domain of Darkmoor Dirgenmast funeral ship sent out with his dying breath, earning
at the northern extremity of into the Black in the year 1005 nothing but mocking laughter.
The pirates leapt aboard, bound to the service of Toruk, Their faces twisted in surprised

Guts & Gears - revenant crew of the atramentous

plundered the landgrave’s finery, the dragon lord, who claimed horror as Toruk breathed upon
and celebrated with a mock wake. this island as his new domain. them. This baleful inferno of
They slung the naked corpses They had the choice of bowing to all-consuming green fire roiled
of the landgrave and his shield- Toruk or facing annihilation. through the air like a living thing,
bearer over the prow to serve These kings had never bathing the ship in a baptism of
as morbid figureheads. Captain faced an adversary they could unholy naphtha. As he breathed
Rengrave returned to Darkmoor not dominate, and answered by out, so they breathed in—the
and delivered this stout black slaying the emissary and firing ship and all aboard consumed,
hulled ship to King Threnodax, his corpse from a catapult toward obliterated, and reborn. To the
who declared it the flagship of the mountains. Moorcraig and chorus of three hundred agonized
his fleet—named Atramentous for Threnodax were the most vocal screams, the ship turned to
its dark coloration and funereal in their disdain of the dragon’s cinders, lit by unquenchable
origins. The Atramentous brought demand, attempting to rally fire that burns still. Its sails and
death and ruin to any who sailed the kings to a show of force. rigging were forever after limned
against it, nimbly evading larger These arrogant kings claimed with dancing green flame.
fleets to return with loot for King themselves to be too mighty for a The captain spoke a chant
Threnodax. single creature to threaten them, still heard on the foul wind when
The reign of the pirate kings and urged a hunt to find the their ship approaches. “Glorious
ended when a great winged form dragon and end him. Dragonfather, master of us all,
soared past Blackrock Island, While these arguments torment eternal, death denied!”
across the narrow channel, and raged, Toruk did not sit idly by. Having become a true funeral
vanished among the rugged He observed the death of his vessel, the cinder ship returned to
unexplored mountains comprising emissary and launched himself Darkmoor, its movements neither
the dark spine of the great island. into the sky, flying above the aided nor hindered by the wind,
Many residents of the outlying clouds and tracing the path of a as Toruk’s breath alone pushed
communities, each the domain of single great ship, already landing it on. Some strange glamour
a bandit lord, bore witness to the near a hapless village south of disguised its nature, and it sailed
shadow of this arrival. For the Henge Hold. Clearly he had unchallenged past other ships
first time in a decade, the pirate observed the pirate kings and and sentry towers, straight to the
kings called a gathering to discuss knew their forces. It was no wharf below the fortress where
this sighting. accident that he chose to land the pirate kings debated. Their
The kings despised one before the Atramentous, allowing flagships dominated the harbor,
another, jealous of each others’ its crew to behold him in his full all except Moorcraig’s, as that
fortunes and delighting in the glory. Peerless pirates they may king had tired of the arguments
misery of their peers. The most have been, yet all quaked before and sailed back to his castle the
influential pirate king, Threnodax the dragon. Even their great night before. A fresh haul from a
hosted this gathering at his port captain held himself erect at the ship named Thuria’s Promise had
fortress which protected the wheel only because his hands landed in his horde and he was
wharves of Darkmoor. They locked with a grip like corpse eager to catalogue its riches.
could arrive at no plan of action or rigor. All blood drained from Moorcraig alone of the pirate
even a consensus about what the his face as the dragon spoke. “I kings of Scharde failed to witness
dragon’s arrival might portend. offer immortality in my service. the Atramentous when it resumed
Arriving in their midst came Forsake your king or I shall feast its nightmare guise, green fire
a hulking cowled emissary. This on your souls.” blazing at every masthead as
may have been a descendant of Captain Rengrave spoke the hundreds of revenants spilled
former Molgur refugees who had words, renouncing Threnodax, forth from its decks, eager for
settled across the Scharde Islands offering himself to Toruk. By his slaughter. So it was that King
and willing to hazard the wild word his officers were bound, and Threnodax’s own flagship and
mountains. He proclaimed himself the crew to them—the pact made. crew became the instrument
of his destruction. The fortress to His will, all except Threnodax, For sixteen centuries the
Guts & Gears - revenant crew of the atramentous

at Darkmoor was manned and stubborn to the end. For his great dirgenmast ship known
protected by three thousand temerity, Toruk consumed this as the Atramentous has sailed in
rugged defenders, each a seasoned forgotten king and kept his soul Toruk’s service. Periodically they
pirate or brigand, hand picked in eternal torment as a prize. The capture worthy men from living
by the pirate kings. Yet as the twelve kings arose as Lich Lords, ships, dragging them before the
defenders hacked each ghastly sent forth to build an empire captain and giving them the same
revenant down, it would reappear for their master. Few remember offer as the dragon made to them.
moments later beside one of the that Toruk’s first servants were Baptized in Toruk’s flame, those
quartermasters or other officers the captain and crew of the who agree earn the right to join
to whom they had bound their Atramentous. the crew as revenants. The ship is
souls. The captain urged them So long as the ship persists, now one of several crewed by these
onward, eyes lit by Toruk’s fire. the crew endures. Destroying pernicious unliving sailors; Toruk
The thirteen pirate kings alone an officer buys respite, as crew has rewarded other ships with
survived, beholding a banquet of must await their turn until their the blessing of his unquenchable
corpses rich enough to fatten ten betters have reformed to plague fire. Yet first was the Atramentous,
thousand vultures. the world. The great unliving once the flagship of the arrogant
Toruk landed on the keep and captain has never once known and fallen King Threnodax, who
shattered it to rubble, preserving true defeat, and all his crew are refused to bow before the Father
only the kings’ tower. They bound to him, as he and his ship of All Dragons.
bowed to Toruk and submitted are bound to Toruk.

The pirates of the Atramentous wield a variety of heavy cutlasses and sabers,
while their pistols fire flesh-withering necrotite ammunition.

Revenants are tenacious undead which arise from those murdered in horrible agony yet bound by oaths,

Guts & Gears - revenant crew of the atramentous

passions, or powerful unfulfilled goals which allow them to ignore Urcaen’s pull on their soul. Revenants are
anchored to a specific person, place, or thing, termed a Locus. Their essence is tied into the integrity of the locus.
Revenants appear to be rotting and desiccated animate corpses, including apparel, armor, and weapons.
When their corporal body is destroyed, it crumbles to dust and the revenant transforms into an invisible
and incorporeal soulform. It bends its will to returning to its locus—once it is close, it can reform. Reformed
revenants are completely regenerated, have all their normal equipment, and can act normally in that round.
Their behavior resembles what they were like in life, adapted to their new alignment (if any). They are fully self-
willed, although compelled to return periodically to their locus. The only way to permanently slay a revenant is
to destroy its locus or to destroy the revenant’s incorporeal form.
It is possible for one revenant to have another revenant with greater hit die as a locus. For example, pirate
revenants may be anchored to a quartermaster revenant, which is anchored to a captain revenant, which is
anchored to a ship. A locus cannot be a bound item.

Creating a Revenant
“Revenant” is an acquired Soulform (Su):When reduced Abilities: As the base creature
template that can be added to to 0 hit points the revenant except the revenant has no
any humanoid, or monstrous transforms into its soulform. Constitution score; Dexterity and
humanoid. The creature A soulform is an invisible and Strength increase by +2.
(hereafter referred to as the base incorporeal undead with full hit Environment/Organization:
creature) must have a charisma points that has a fly speed of 20 Any
and intelligence score of at least feet with perfect maneuverability.
6. Unchanged elements from the If within 15 feet of its locus as a Challenge Rating:
base creature are not listed. full round action it will reform its Base creature +2

Type: The creature’s type changes corporeal body at full hit points Treasure: Any items the revenant
to undead. It uses all of the base and with all bound equipment. has accumulated beyond its
creature’s statistics and special Bound equipment includes all original bound items; bound items
abilities except as listed here. items the revenant had when turn to dust when the revenant
they became revenants. Soulform takes soulform.
Hit Dice: All current and future revenants always move unerringly
Hit Dice become d12s. Alignment: Changes to evil,
toward their locus by taking a
but the same as base creature
Speed: Speed is unchanged. double move and cannot make
regarding lawful or chaotic.
attacks. So long as their locus
Armor Class: Revenant improves Necrotite Ammunition
exists they will attempt to return
natural armor by +4.
to it, regardless of how long this Pistols used by revenants of
Attack/Full Attack/Damage: A takes. If the locus is destroyed/ the Atramentous and similar ships
revenant retains all the attacks and killed or if the soulform is reduced in Toruk’s service fire rounds
damage of the base creature and to 0 hit points, the revenant is made from hardened pieces of
weapons while in corporeal form. permanently killed. Spells such necrotite, causing living flesh to
Special Attacks/Qualities: The as reveal souls (IKCG) will allow waste away. These bullets do an
revenant retains any special the caster to see a Soulform. additional 1 point of negative
attacks or qualities of the base Turn Resistance (Ex): energy damage to all targets.
creature except those relying on Revenants have a +4 turn
being alive, or other qualities that resistance.
the revenant no longer possesses.
Particularly potent revenants
may have special abilities beyond
those listed here.

Guts & Gears - kodiak

he Khadoran defeat during Thornwood and fought on. They Khador’s military strength and
the First Thornwood War considered themselves eternally pride. Recouping the loss of so
was a blow to the morale at war with Cygnar along the many warjacks was not easy,
of all citizens of this proud nation. fringes of the dark forest, starting requiring decades of unending
Adding salt to this injury was the a century long tradition of bloody labor by the armories of the
death of King Vygor on the blade patrols extending north to Llael capital. The king ordered the
of the next Cygnaran king, Vinter and west to Ord. Ignoring the creation of the Kodiak not only
Raelthorne II. While many of official status between nations, as a reward for the courage of the
his own counselors and princes the Border Legion conducted 5th Border Legion, but to inspire
considered Vygor insane and ongoing raids against Cygnaran all Khadorans with the versatility
unstable, he earned posthumous and Ordic fortifications, pitting of the Motherland’s new army.
honor by being slain in battle, the themselves against soldiers and Delivered in a special ceremony
goal of all true Khadorans. mercenary companies alike in by King Sagriv II to the Border
The 5th Border Legion their unending personal war. Legion, the first prototypes of this
bolstered the spirits of the people in The tales of their exploits became mighty new warjack were unveiled
this dark hour—soldiers too brave folk legends among the people of in Gryutkov Square in Volningrad
and tenacious to admit defeat. southern Khador, a fact which near the end of his reign, to stand
While the rest of Khador’s routed was not lost on the shrewd king. as an enduring symbol of their
army retreated back to Korsk, the King Sagriv Vanar II had loyalty and courage.
5th Border Legion stayed in the the daunting task of restoring

HEIGHT: 11.7’
WEIGHT: 11.2 tons
6 hrs general, 1.5 hr combat
2.5” riveted plate
“The best warjacks are the ones that embrace
animal cunning instead of trying to make
them think like a person. Nothing proves that
more than the Kodiak.”
—Dahlrif Salvoro I
“Never underestimate the usefulness of extra
fuel capacity. The Kodiak’s extra half hour
of full combat effectiveness can make all the
difference in a protracted engagement.”
—Kommandant Gurvaldt Irusk

Kodiak Heavy Warjack
Large Construct (mechanikal, steamjack)

Armament: Twin Armored Fists Special Attacks: spine crusher, vent steam
Hit Dice: 24d10+30 (162 hp) Special Qualities: Mechanikal construct traits, steamjack
traits, damage reduction 10/Serricsteel, darkvision 60 feet,
Base Initiative: +0 low light vision, all terrain, heavy boiler
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Heavy Boiler (Ex): Because of its special boiler, the
Armor Class: 24 (-1 size, +15 armor), Kodiak does not have the Slow restriction under steamjack
touch 9, flat footed 24 traits, and is able to run at 3x speed. The Kodiak must be
running at full steam to benefit from this ability.
BAB/Grapple: +18/+33
All Terrain (Ex): The Kodiak can ignore all movement
Attack: Armored Fist+29 (2d6+11) penalties from terrain while running at full steam.
Full Attack: 2 Armored Fists +29 (2d6+11) Spine Crusher (Ex): If the Kodiak hits with both
armored fists it hurls the foe into the ground, causing
Space/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft. (10 foot reach.)
4d6+16 damage. Additionally, the foe must make a Reflex
Saving Throws: Fort +8, Reflex +7, Will +8 save (DC 33) or be knocked prone.
Abilities: Strength 33, Dexterity 11 Steam Vent (Ex): As a standard action the Kodiak can
vent scalding steam around itself, both obscuring vision
Cortex: Arcanum Grade— and causing painful injury. Creatures within 10 feet of
Intelligence 10, Wisdom 11 the Kodiak take 2d6 fire damage, Reflex save (DC 22)
Build DC/Construction Time/Price: Military Secret for half. This cloud lingers in this area for one round,
functioning exactly like the spell obscuring mist.

A Kodiak of the 5th Border Legion executes a spine-crusher on a

warpwolf to avenge the scuffing up of its new imperial red paint job.
Although King Sagriv Not only does the Kodiak boast Spoils of war from Llael

Guts & Gears - kodiak

commissioned the early prototypes, a larger fuel capacity than similar have allowed an increase in
it wasn’t until 547 AR, under King warjacks of its size, it can run cortex manufacture, including
Ivad Vanar that the Kodiak as it considerably hotter and at brutal the coveted arcanum grade. This
is known today became a reality. pressure, providing enormous has allowed Empress Ayn Vanar
Known as the “People’s King,” reserves of power. The warjack to requisition a handful of new
Ivad Vanar had a unique flair for can run unimpeded across rough Kodiaks, hand crafted by the
the dramatic and felt compelled ground and through obstacles Rigevnya Complex in Korsk,
to outdo his predecessor and link which would hinder and slow although their tremendous cost
his own name to this engineering other ‘jacks. Furthermore the reserves their use among her
triumph. Following on the heels mechaniks turned a potential flaw most accomplished warcasters.
of his abolishment of the serfdom into a weapon by strategically While most Kodiaks serving the
in 546 AR, King Ivad traveled designing an excess pressure 5th Border Legion bear their
personally by royal caravan to valve on the Kodiak, enabling it to signature drab green or gray
Ravensgard to deliver these “dragon vent” this steam in a flesh- coloration, useful as camouflage
improved Kodiaks directly to the melting cloud which surrounds in a forest environment, the new
5th Border Legion’s Kommandant the warjack in concealing mist. ones have been lacquered blood
and thank his soldiers for their Khador spared no cost on red to honor the declaration of
relentless efforts against Khador’s the Kodiak’s cortex, which are the Khadoran Empire. Some
enemies. This martial parade among the finest produced by the have taken to calling these
attracted thousands of former Greylords Covenant. While most “Imperial Kodiaks” and they have
serfs and laborers from all walks again inspired awe in those who
of life, marching to Ravensgard witnessed them shipped east to
alongside the gleaming new Not only does the Kodiak the front line.
Kodiaks. They cheered their boast a larger fuel capacity than Two each of these warjacks
support so resoundingly that similar warjacks of its size, it of renown were bestowed to
the Cygnaran soldiers stationed
can run considerably hotter and Kommandant Gurvaldt Irusk and
at Northguard believed a new Forward Kommander Sorcha
invasion was underway.
at brutal pressure, providing
enormous reserves of power. Kratikoff as a sign of the Empress’
Despite the absence of favor and appreciation for
cannons or mechanikal weaponry, accomplishments in the ongoing
the Kodiak is one of the finest war. Even those of the 5th Border
warjacks in Khador utilize aurum
accomplishments of the Mechaniks Legion do not begrudge these
grade cortexes, each Kodiak
Assembly, uniquely suited to warcasters this honor, feeling
boasts an expensive enhanced
its role fighting in the difficult great pride in the great officers
and specialized arcanum grade
terrain of the forest and hills. This who have led them so successfully
cortex. The Greylords imbue each
was no simple retrofitting of the since the onset of full war.
Kodiak’s cortex with advanced
traditional Juggernaut chassis, as
algorithms for negotiating forest
King Sagriv initially requested.
and hill environments, as well as
While its exterior armor plating
routines giving it sophisticated
and frame bear the classic
attacks with its armor plated and
hallmarks of its precursors, this
spiked fists. Many Khadoran
resemblance goes no deeper than
warcasters claim the Kodiak has a
the surface.
bestial cunning like the bear whose
The key to the Kodiak’s power name it boasts, requiring little
and versatility is its enormous to no supervision once engaged
multi-walled boiler, constructed in battle. It can automatically
with bands of armor grade perform flanking maneuvers on
iron to contain the tremendous foes, using terrain and its powerful
pressures of its steam engine. stride to best advantage.

Guts & Gears - kodiak

by Todd Arrington

by Todd Arrington

by David Ray

by Todd Arrington

by David Ray
Guts & Gears - kodiak
by David Ray

by Dan Smith

by Todd Arrington

o b
f easts and machines

One of the main design
requirements we had
when we set out to
create HORDES was
100% compatibility with Trollbloods: Cygnar:
WARMACHINE while still
maintaining a separate,
tactically viable, stand-
I won the die toss and opt to
set up first. I deployed first to
maximize cover from the Lancer
I chose a roughly central
deployment. I want him to come
to me so that I can bring my gun and
alone game. As we get close and the Charger. Since they can arc node to bear early and often, but
to release, we wanted to outrange me, I’d rather not stick I still need clear charge lanes.
give you a glimpse of how my neck out too far without making The main things I’m worried

the two systems interact. him sacrifice something too. about here are Madrak’s combat
I have a nice ace in the hole ability and those dang spears.
Although the boxed sets are with Madrak. As long as I cast Critical slam can really ruin my day
not of perfectly balanced Sure Foot the target and any and that crazy Axer will be there to
point for point; we want to friendly models within three mop up if I’m not careful.
show you how HORDES inches of it cannot be knocked Since I have Earthquake, he’ll
and WARMACHINE work down and get a nice +2 to DEF. need to keep casting Sure Foot and
together. In this match-up So Stryker’s Earthquake is not stay close to the target. I’ll use this
Duncan is using Cygnar and quite as frightening as it can be. to my advantage if I can.
Kevin is behind Madrak and
the Trollbloods.
Written and Played By Duncan Huffman & Kevin Clark
turn one them and give me time to get a focus. He then moves to the edge

of beasts and machines

bead on Stryker. of the woods.
Madrak follows them and The Charger activates and
Trollbloods: casts Sure Foot on Impaler #1. moves six inches towards the
Madrak still has two Fury left hedge. I was correct, it now has
Madrak starts with full Fury,
and all the running will give him range on Impaler #2. Boosting
so no need to Leach this round.
a full belly of Fury to Leach next both my attack and damage gets
I force the Axer to run behind turn. 22 points on the beast. Rolling a
the cover of the trees. I want to
be able to get him to the enemy
Cygnar: three for location gets six damage
through to the body Aspect. Not a
without two turns of Charger I start off simply. I allocate bad start.
blasts to the face; so the cover one focus each to the Lancer and
the Ironclad; tossing two on the My Ironclad runs up to cover
will help. He gains a Fury point
Charger. I hope I guessed the the Charger next turn. The Lancer
since he was Forced to Run.
range correctly. finds some concealment and will
Both Impalers are Forced for force Kevin to use Sure Foot
one Fury each to run towards the Styker activates and casts or take an Earthquake on those
hill. The high ground will help snipe on the Charger for two Impalers.

k Im
er Deployment Ma
End of Turn 1
A xer
r1 ler
pale a
Im Imp


La er
Ch r
r r
cer lad rge ke
n nc a ry
La Iro Ch St

turn two Warlock can cast. In this case it

increases Impaler #1’s range by
the four column, knocking out
two hull near the arc node.
four inches. Handy no? Impaler Next, Impaler #1 advances
Trollbloods: #2 then advances in Spear range
(8”) of the Lancer. I Force it,
within two inches of Impaler #2.
With the now modified RNG he
Madrak Leaches everything boosting to hit (hoping for the can easily tag the Ironclad from
he can. I did my math last turn so critical slam effect on its ranged here. I Force and boost the attack
he’s all set with five Fury – three weapon) and tag the Lancer’s (again hoping for the critical slam
from the beasts plus the two left Defense. This takes the Impaler effect). The Impaler’s RAT is five,
from last turn (these don’t go to three out of three of his Fury, I roll three three’s and the big
away like focus does – Fury is so I can’t Force it to boost the ‘jack is hit with the slam effect!
persistent turn to turn). damage. The base POW + STR is The Ironclad is slammed four
Impaler #2 uses its animus 13 (you add strength to a thrown inches into the Charger. Both
on Impaler #1. Animus is a weapon!). I rolled a seven for the Ironclad and the Charger
magical ability that either the a total damage of 20. Lancer is are knocked down. The Ironclad
beast can use, or a controlling ARM 18, he takes two points to takes 1 point and the Charger
turn two cont.
End of Turn 2
of beasts and machines

takes a good hit that gets a few 1 2

ler ler
pa pa
into column six. I force Impaler Im Im
#1 to regenerate d3 points, and
LL r
only get one this time. This leaves HI St
Impaler #1 sitting on 3 Fury for
next turn. Regeneration is another
nifty ability the Trolls get to help er lad
nc nc
them stay in the fight. La Iro

I force the Axer and run it er

into position. Since the Ironclad
and Charger are knocked down
he’s not concerned with a counter no way I want that beast getting feat, giving him and all of his
charge (in hindsight, knocking a charge off on me. There is a ‘jacks +5 armor for the next turn.
down the ‘jacks got me all bunch of rolling, and a bunch The Ironclad and the Charger
excited... I moved this big fella of screaming from Kevin about hop up and move to threaten in
a bit too soon). With the added “Against the odds!” and “Your case Madrak closes on Stryker.
Fury I now have 7 Fury on the dice hate that Axer!” In the end, Since they were both knocked
beasts I’ll have to deal with next all that matters is Stryker is out down, they can’t do much more
turn. I’ll manage that risk when I of Focus and the Axer falls. Not than advance.
see how this turn ends up. wanting to die, he then uses his
Madrak moves up and casts

turn three
Sure Foot (sorry Duncan – no
EQ for you) on Impaler #1 and
heals him for two more points (all
Warlocks can heal – but with the
earlier regeneration roll, Impaler Trollbloods: scratches the paint. I Force it one
last time and regenerate for two
#1 is almost back to full health! Madrak can’t reach the pesky damage points. Nearly good as
TROLLS RULE!) Warcaster in melee. He Leaches new - again.
Cygnar: all he can. This leaves one Fury
on Impaler #1. This means Impaler #2 uses its Animus
Ouch. Two of my ‘jacks are Imapler #1 will have to make a again, this time to increase
on their kiesters. Allocation - threshold check. This is another Madrak’s RNG. Now it is Impaler
nada. The Lancer is out of range core difference with HORDES. #2’s turn to clobber the Lancer.
and the Charger will not be able If he fails this check, he’ll wail on I want to save his last Fury for
to get in range and shoot, so no the closest model, in this case the damage but the gamble does not
snipe upkeep. (Nice job Kevin.) Lancer, since he’s already engaged pay off. Rolling a seven leaves him
with it (Beasts that frenzy will swatting air.
I activate my Lancer and move
it to engage both Impalers. – (No charge the closest target, unless Madrak is in a bad spot. He
more critical slams, thank you very already engaged.) This time I can’t quite get to Stryker, and the
much). It takes a stab at Impaler #1 make the check and don’t Frenzy. Ironclad is not a great target. The
and even with Sure Foot’s added The Fury stays put. Charger on the other hand makes
defense he stabs the critter with a I activate Impaler #1 and go a nice temptation. Madrak has five
roll of 10. It hits for 20 total damage, to work on the Lancer. It makes Fury, so first he casts Sure Foot
which gets four points through to one un-boosted attack that hits on himself first leaving two.
branch one (the Mind branch). and deals a boosted 23 points to Time for Madrak to go to
Next, I activate Stryker and column one. Normally this would town! I throw his Axe at the
charge the Axer. It is a risk, but put 5 points on the shield arm, but Charger and the damage bounces
Stryker’s feat is in effect so it just off the hull. I saved the two Fury
of beasts and machines
for the Ricochet (Madrak’s axe Turn 3
can hit another target within four d rak
inches of the first). That means
Stryker gets an axe to the face. I
r2 lad
need an 11 on three dice to whack
le nc
LL pa r
the high DEF caster. Bingo! I ry
roll 14. I boost the damage for r1
seven health getting ticked off of p ale
Im r
Stryker. At least something paid a rge
off for Madrak this turn.
Cygnar: La

Normally I would knock

turn four
Madrak and his buddies down and not a big surprise. The total is a
shoot them to pieces. Currently, whopping 28 points of damage,
Sure Foot keeps Earthquake for which is 12 points on Madrak. I
working so we have to do this the
hard way.
Trollbloods: can transfer the damage to one
of the Trolls (all Warlocks can
Ok, I have one chance here
I allocate two focus to the transfer damage to a beast by
– I hope this works.
Lancer for pummeling, and one to spending a Fury point), or use
each of the other jacks for running, First the Fury. Madrak his one-shot Scroll of Grindar’s
leaving Stryker two for an Arcane Leaches five Fury leaving one on Perseverance to ignore the shot
Shield on himself. Impaler #2. Against the odds he altogether. It’s a once per game
fails the check and frenzies on the trick, for just such occasions; so
The Lancer activates and
Lancer. Sigh. Part of the game. scroll it is. No damage!
closes with Imapler #1. The
Of course my dice betray me, and
Lancer needs a 10 with Sure Foot Madrak has three Fury left
the boosted attack roll misses (all
up. After all is said and done I get and clear LOS and range to
Frenzy attacks and damage are
10 points through and annihilate Stryker. The Axe throw hits due
automatically boosted).
the Impaler’s Body Aspect as well to the boosting the roll. With
as a few points into the Spirit. Nice Ok, I’ll activate Madrak Arcane Shield active, Stryker is
work Lancer; now for the shield. first this time. I spend 2 of his at 18 ARM. Damage roll: six,
This time we’re not so lucky. The Fury to cast Impaler #1’s Animus five, and three! One more than
shield misses with a roll of three. Far Strike on himself. Since the Madrak needed and Stryker falls.
Impalers are either frenzied or (Take that Editor-boy!)
The Ironclad activates and
without Spirit, he has to do this
runs his metal butt off to engage Kevin pulls it out with a great
himself. Now for the fun part.
with Madrak. The Ironclad can’t move. I smell rematch...
He disengages the Ironclad and
hit him, but it will be a good spot to
takes that fat free strike. It’s a hit;
keep the Warlock from moving.
I could shoot, but I want a
k Turn 4
bit more of a wall in front of the
Impalers (In retrospect, this was a 2
a ler
huge mistake – I must have needed Imp
more coffee). I run the Charger up
on Impaler #1 and get ready for r
LL ke
d ry
next turn. n cla St
That leaves me with Stryker le r1 r
pa rge
to activate, cast Arcane Shield Im a
on himself and get in position to
charge Madrak next turn. er
Sword Knights stand against a Berserker’s
charge at the Battle of the Tongue

Thornwood War Timeline

Ashtoven 15th, 510 AR
Khadoran cavalry musters
on Llael’s border
Glaceus 12th, 511 AR
Cygnaran Army marches north to Llael
Casteus 6th
King Vygor’s army enters
the Thornwood
Casteus 16th
King Vygor takes Deepwood Tower
Trineus 3rd
Battle of Thornfall
Trineus 4th
Vinter Raelthorne II’s army turns south
Trineus 11th
Battle of Deep Gulch
Trineus 20th
Battle of Tolok Kriel
Tempen 2nd
Battle of the Tongue

Historical Battles
Personal Initiative
the first thornwood war (510-511 AR)
A century ago the mad King mark, it would have changed the What they discovered, thirty
Ruslan Vygor occupied the course of history. miles northeast of Fellig, was
Khadoran throne. Against his a gaping wound in the forest,
As winter settled in with
advisors’ advice, he initiated a like the wake of an impossible
the New Year, a sickness
winter attack on Cygnar through storm. Along this eerily straight
manifesting as a choking cough
the Thornwood Forest, intent on passage an entire strip of trees and
afflicted Fellig. It scraped the
carving a bloody swath to King underbrush were leveled and torn
throat raw and left eyes red and
Grigor Malfast’s heartland by the to mulch. Fresh tree stumps jutted
watering from pain, its victims
onset of spring. up across the forest floor in the
eventually barely able to speak.
Technically the war began in There had been few fatalities, opening. Ian and Dougan shared
the final month of 510 AR when but the outbreak was bad enough a wordless look and shrunk back
Khador’s diversionary force began to seal the gates. In addition, from the tree line.
to harass Llael’s western border, ominously slaughtered livestock Judging by the lay of the
luring the Cygnaran army north. were discovered around the land, the swath of downed trees
The fighting between Khador and city’s periphery, prompting went roughly south. Lumber lay
Cygnar in the Thornwood didn’t superstitious rumors. The forest- along the edges of the cleared
begin until the second month of wise scouts had no answers, and area; enough wood within a rock’s
511 AR. This short war ended at began to disappear while on patrol. throw to build a hundred houses.
the Battle of the Tongue, where It didn’t require a skilled tracker to
Private Ian Corcoran was
more warjacks clashed than at any find evidence of countless weighty
incredulous when his Commander
point in history, only exceeded in boots and wagon tracks.
Kyle Gaffock cancelled all
the Second Thornwood War of
patrols on the grounds that an They followed the strange path
606 AR.
investigation would put men in

south into the deeper Thornwood
ows are quiet compared peril. This seemed a criminal and eventually discovered the rear
to the ear-numbing breach of duty, but the others train of an army larger than either
thunder of a rifle’s took it in stride. They used it as an of them could have imagined
report. But once a man hears that excuse for drinking and gambling before that day. Toward the rear
distinct thrum of a bowstring in town, giving back to the town were hundreds of large wagons
and the slight hiss of an arrow their hard earned pay. laden with supplies. Ian and
through the air with his life in Dougan moved onward through
Ian couldn’t sit idle. He
the balance, he will remember the trees, aided by the fact that
talked his friend Dougan into
the sound. Scout Private Ian the entire column had stopped
accompanying him in a wide
Corcoran had just enough time and was patiently waiting. These
sweeping patrol, plague or evil
to turn and duck as a weighty were rugged men and women,
spirits notwithstanding. The two
wooden shaft buried itself in the wearing furs and cloaks against
of them had been observing a
trunk of the mossy tree by his the winter’s cold. The red-lined
large encampment of mercenaries
ear, quivering like a living thing. uniforms of the rear guard and
recently seen marching along the
He did not realize it at the forest’s edge near Fellig. overheard conversation confirmed
time, but had that arrow found its they were Khadorans.
The two scouts crept past the hacking through the Thornwood Dougan, his head twisted almost
personal initiative: battle of the tongue

wagons to gape at an unending line was an entirely reasonable way to backwards, and his limbs bent at
of red and black armored pikemen. spend the winter. unnatural angles.
These were not conscripted
At this point he heard the Hearing the sound of pursuit,
peasants with farm implements;
strum of a bowstring and the hiss Ian had moments to act. He
they were the famed Iron Fang
of an arrow, and felt it sink into scrambled down the short chasm,
Pikemen. Ian counted the flags of
wood to quiver by his ear. ignoring incidental scrapes. He
their standard bearers—it looked
took shelter under an old rotted
to be as many as several brigades, He was in motion, tumbling
log which had drifted down the
maybe four thousand men! Mixed back behind the ridge, as he saw
stream and lodged sideways in a
in were lightly armored soldiers the fleeting glimpse of grim broad-
bend. He could hear the Khadoran
carrying axes and short stout rifles. shouldered and bearded men
woodsmen scrambling along
Ian saw a long line of halberdiers fanning out toward him, bows
the ridge. An exclamation and
mixed among the Khadoran red ready. Another arrow whistled by
muttered conversation confirmed
and black. These wore white over his head as he scrambled like
they had spotted Dougan’s corpse.
tunics with dark grey insignia; the a beast down the incline, moving
They drifted away after what
Ironbears, the mercenaries he had to get as many trees as possible
seemed a terribly long time.
been looking for, clearly now in between his flesh and his would-
Khadoran employ. be killers. He had no clear thought While waiting for the enemy
or plan, only a scramble for to leave, Ian felt paralyzed.
Ian had seen enough to
survival. He knew in his heart that his
send Dougan back toward Fellig
Commander Gaffock was a traitor,
with hand signals, telling him The euphoria of adrenaline
complicit in Fellig’s isolation
to report what he’d seen. Ian’s nearly cost him his life, as
to prevent discovery of the
continued alone up the column he topped an unfamiliar rise
invading army. He could not
until he caught sight of the front and almost fell to his death
report back. Nor could he
line. He beheld a mighty parade down an unexpected
ignore what he had seen.
of enormous armored warjacks. chasm carved by a
Pieces of a puzzle slid
It took his breath away—he had winding stream. He caught
into place—rumors
never seen so many in one place. his balance and hunkered
and barracks gossip,
Each gripped oversized axes low. His breath caught as he
nearly as long as a man was tall. spotted a crumpled form ten
Smoke poured continually from yards further down—it was
their stacks, and Ian realized the
sound he’d been hearing was the
continuous roar of steam engines
and the rhythmic chopping of axes
into yielding wood.
As the trees splintered and
fell, other warjacks would grab
the trunks and hurl them out of the
way. The coal consumption had to
be ungodly, yet Ian had seen many
wagons of supplies, and likely they
were supplementing by burning
wood. He wondered what madness
had possessed these Khadorans.
The ranks of soldiers behind the
warjacks assisted or waited, as if
discussion about Khador’s march The captain escorting him spoke explosive guffaw. “Impossible!

personal initiative: battle of the tongue

on Elsinberg, the great mass of the respectfully. “Excuse me, sir, I don’t believe any of it, not a
Cygnaran army rushing north to there’s a reconnaissance scout single word. It’d take all the coal
meet it. The main army would be here straight with urgent news.” in Khador to chop through the
at Northguard by now. “They’re Thornwood!”
The captain spoke to a
going the wrong way.”
younger man encased in plated Ian clenched his teeth, but
armor, surrounded by generals. kept his eyes down.
There was something imposing Vinter turned to one of the
He ambushed a mounted
in his tall bearing, hawk-like few men in the room who was
Khadoran sentry discovered a
features, black hair, and piercing not in uniform, attired in dark but
few miles north of the stream,
eyes. On his back was a great refined clothes. “Gaverton?” Ian
stealing his horse. Ian felt no pride
bladed sword of Caspian style, as did not know this man, but several
in cutting his throat, or in killing
long as he was tall. The captain of the generals reacted poorly
the horse the next day, riding it at
saw Ian’s hesitation. “Private, tell to his name, looking at him with
a hard gallop until its lungs burst.
Lord General Raelthorne what suspicious eyes.
The entire time he was terrified,
you came here for.”
expecting to be shot on sight by The man’s voice was quiet.
any Khadoran patrols watching The realization of the man’s “Fellig’s Commander Gaffock is
the northern edge of the forest. identity startled Ian awake. This suspected of inappropriate dealings
He did not sleep or stop, pushing was the Archduke of Caspia, Lord with Khador. I have several reports,
on until he thought his own lungs High Chancellor, General of the each of questionable repute, that
would explode from cold air. He Crown Vinter Raelthorne II— he has accepted gold talons from
lost one of his good boots as he the Great Prince of Umbresk. But
entered the Bloodsmeath Marsh, Vinter Raelthorne II’s Fellig is remote; we have no spies
where muddy ground sucked it there. It has never been proven.”
voice was harsh, “If this
off his foot like a hungry mouth.
He limped up to a small swampie is true, I want that traitor
homestead and stole an old nag drawn and quartered before Vinter Raelthorne II’s voice
which—while slow—seemed wise was harsh, “If this is true, I want
the end of the week.” that traitor drawn and quartered
to the dangers of the Marsh.
before the end of the week.”
Hidden sentries near King Grigor Malfast’s right hand
Ian winced at this,
Northguard almost shot him. A man, leader of his armies, in whose
remembering many kindnesses
tense confrontation ensued, but veins flowed the blood of a king.
by the hearty and indulgent
he convinced them that he was Ian opened his mouth, and no
Commander Gaffock, a man who
a scout from Fellig with urgent sound emerged. Finally he choked
had always treated him well. Yet
news. His filthy demeanor, wild out, “Your Grace...”
he knew the man had turned; he
eyes, and exhausted posture Vinter’s face was cold. “In this deserved no pity.
convinced them. He was escorted room I am a general, not a duke.
a couple miles northeast by The heavyset general shook
What news, Private?”
the river, where a large field of his head. Ian later learned this was
Ian told his tale, nervously Lord General Sparholm, Vinter’s
military tents was erected.
but with increasing confidence. cousin. “Sir, we have reliable
Stately and impressive men It was not an easy story to relate, information from Llael. Scouts,
occupied a tent decorated by particularly with the weight of seasoned men, older and more
an ornamented Cygnus, each multiple generals staring at him in experienced than this private,
wearing fine uniforms. Ian open disbelief. insist the Khadoran army moves
realized that no fewer than five A heavyset red-faced general on Llael. The entire Khadoran
generals were in attendance. on Vinter’s right scoffed with an cavalry marches on Elsinberg.”

Vinter turned back to Ian, a gauntleted hand. His words There was an exhalation of
personal initiative: battle of the tongue

his voice neutral. “You saw the were ominous. “No sane king breath, a break in the tension.
column with your own eyes?” would order an army through Some faces reflecting that they
“Yes sir. Two brigades of the the Thornwood. But King Vygor felt Vinter was in error. Yet now
Iron Fangs, the mercenaries, and is not sane. I believe this scout that the General of the Crown had
at least forty heavy ‘jacks. Maybe and Master Gaverton; Fellig’s spoken, the others had to swallow
more.” He remembered another commander is a traitor, and we their objections and proceed.
detail. “There was a banner I hadn’t have been deceived. The attack on Raelthorne continued, “We
seen before, sir.” He described it, Llael is a feint, and we’re playing have orders from the King—I
surprised at its impact. into Vygor’s hands.” cannot turn this army until King
An explosion of comments There was a short silence. Malfast orders it so. Our allies
and invectives followed. This General Sparholm was still having will be reinforced. Diverting an
went quiet when Vinter raised a difficulty. “Where would King army of this size is like changing
hand. His eyes were cold, hungry. Vygor be going?” the course of a river. We must
“What you describe is the family Vinter answered calmly. “To convince Khador we have taken
crest of King Ruslan Vygor.” Corvis. It would cut our lines, the bait, and confront their cavalry.
enabling him to pincer our army Otherwise they would dog our
General Sparholm looked heels during any withdrawal.”
close to a stroke, his face red. “I from two sides as we attempt to
am to believe the king of Khador withdraw from Llael.” “How then prevent the
and every Iron Fang Pikeman “King Malfast is in Corvis!” capture of Corvis? We will be too
and battle-ready warjack in their Another general exclaimed, late...” Sparholm asked.
armory is in our forest? It defies face ashen. King Malfast had “They cannot be making good
belief! We know the cavalry is in temporarily moved his court north time through the forest.” Vinter
the north!” at the first rumors of trouble in looked to Ian.
Ian spoke, “Sir, begging the Llael, eager to lend aid to his “No sir, it looked like slow
general’s pardon, but I saw no northern ally. going, even with the warjacks
cavalry in the Thornwood.” Raelthorne spoke again, breaking through the trees.”
Another general interjected, “They must be stopped before Sparholm sighed, “Too bad
“There has never been a they reach Corvis.” we have no army nearby. Not
Khadoran assault without enough men at Fellig. Deepwood
cavalry.” Tower likely fallen. We’ve added
The debate raged among most of the strength of Corvis and
the generals, but quieted as Point Bourne to our army.”
the Archduke again held up Vinter stepped over to the
map. It was almost possible to see
a light igniting in Vinter’s eyes,
the flickering tinder of an idea.
“The Daggermoor Rovers are in
Armandor, are they not? And the
Shields of Durant on some errand
in the town of Rivercleft, last I’d
Ian tried to recollect barracks
rumors. “I think that’s correct,
sir. We sometimes see the Rovers
in Fellig.”

Vinter smiled for the first blue. Every scout wore the best him the fastest steed in my army.

personal initiative: battle of the tongue

time, and shared a look with boots he could afford or bargain I need you both to hasten for
Gaverton, his spy master. “He for. These three were older men, Point Bourne. Contact Drake
said the Ironbears were hired to grizzled, and they looked at Ian Cathmore—instruct the Colonel
Khador. That may work to our with an air of arrogant dismissal. to stay at Point Bourne. He is
advantage. Old Man Currough
Once they had assembled, to assemble and equip whatever
owes me a boon.”
Vinter spoke to the room, “Let it soldiers and warjacks he can find.
Sparholm scoffed, “You think be known I am hereby granting We may require him to move on
you can talk them into engaging field promotion to Ian Corcoran, short notice as a ready reserve.
the entire Khadoran army?” formerly a private in the Cygnaran Sergeant, I’ll be relying on you
Vinter shook his head. “All Reconnaissance Service, hereafter to keep me appraised. You will
we need is time, not victory. King Swift Sergeant. Sergeant Halfork, be living on horseback for the
Vygor must be delayed, by any I’ll leave it to you to ensure he foreseeable.”
means, until we can march to meet gets his stripe.” This was said to “Yes sir!” Commander
him. Without cavalry, King Vygor the eldest of the grizzled scouts, Yarwood marched from the
is blind, in hostile territory.” who wore the gold lightning bolt tent, and Ian turned to follow.
on single stripe of that rank. He He stopped when the archduke
Sparholm posed a question.
looked like he’d just swallowed intercepted, stepping away from
“Is Colonel Drake Cathmore still
something unpleasant—swift his generals.
teaching at the Strategic Academy
sergeant was the most esteemed
in Point Bourne? This is his kind Vinter spoke, “You’ve done
enlisted rank in the CRS. Given
of scrap.” your king a great service, sergeant.
the organization’s slow rate of
One of Vinter’s aids answered. If we both live through this war,
advancement, it usually required
“We sent him orders two days ago, come to Caspia. I have need of
decades of service. Ian was
sir, requesting he join us.” good men. Those who know the
stunned, but knew he’d work to
value of information.” With that,
Sparholm cursed under his earn that stripe.
the General of the Crown saluted
breath. “We need to get someone Vinter dispatched his scouts him, a memory to carry until his
to outrun that order. We need him efficiently. The elder swift dying day.
to stay in that region. He may be sergeant was trusted with the
the only experienced warcaster return to Corvis with a message
who hadn’t joined our van.” for King Malfast. Another would
Vinter spoke to Ian. “I accompany a sword knight squad
hope you had no plans for rest.” with the grim task of executing
Several of Raelthorne’s aides had the Fellig commander. As they
already begun a frenzy of activity, departed, Vinter called to an
sending runners out among the officer attending in the tent,
army tents. a tall and broad shouldered
Midlunder wearing the distinctive
Ian bowed respectfully, “I am
diamond with laurels insignia of
at your service, sir.”
a commander. “Sergeant, you
As if summoned by magic, will now report to Commander
several other scouts entered the Hadley Yarwood.” Ian saluted his
tents. Scouts always wore the most new superior officer.
informal and pragmatic Cygnaran
army gear, even when summoned Vinter gave them their orders.
to generals and an archduke. Their “Commander, I need you to head
colors inclined to brown with only the efforts to stall our foe. Make
a few splashes of dark Cygnaran good use of this scout, and find
the Warjack Road
A motley group of defenders gathered to hinder and delay Khador’s progress—bending the
“Warjack Road” away from Corvis. Desperate measures were required to buy time for Vinter’s
main army to march double time across hundreds of miles of bad terrain to confront the invaders.

catpure of deepwood tower battle of tolok kriel

The slaughter of the Deepwood Tower Desperately outnumbered, the Morridane from
sentries happened on the 16th of Casteus in Fellig lured the Khadorans into the largest
511 AR. Tower defenders were a token force, trollkin community in the Thornwood, Tolok
unprepared for the massive Khadoran army. Kriel. Khador’s unwitting intrusion resulted
Kossite woodsmen intercepted those trying to in a messy extended battle on Trineus 20th.
flee. Khador used this post to protect supply Hundreds of trollkin lost their lives in the fight,
lines as the army marched south. exacting a similar toll on the northerners. The
trollkin retreated as Khador razed the villages,
battle of thornfall salvaging supplies for the inexorable advance.
The first big clash happened at a thin section King Vygor decided to seize Point Bourne,
of forest called Thornfall on Trineus 3rd in 511 now closer than Corvis. He sent Karchev to
AR, where the Daggermoor Rovers and Fellig’s lead the vanguard and capture the bridge.
garrison set upon Khador. These forest fighters
evaded the Kossites screening the Khadoran battle of the tongue
advance to execute a bloody ambush. Waiting The greatest fight of the First Thornwood War
for the bulk of the army to pass, they attacked erupted on the 2nd of Tempen over the Great
the supply train in the rear before dispersing Stonebridge at the Dragon’s Tongue River. The
into the trees. The Khadoran column ground veteran ranger and warcaster instructor Colonel
to halt while woodsmen tracked the attackers Drake Cathmore led the defenders, assisted by
into the forest. several of his best protégés from the Strategic
Academy. The Shields of Durant mercenaries
battle of deep gulch joined Cathmore, and the defenders deployed
It took precious time for Khador to regroup and heavy cannons supplied by Corvis on a high hill
resume their march, extending the Warjack Road on the opposite side of the river. However, on
to the Bramblerut. King Vygor intended to take witnessing the size of the Khadoran vanguard,
this crude road all the way to Corvis. Cygnaran Colonel Cathmore knew they stood no chance
forces attacked at a ravine called Deep Gulch of victory and could only hope to destroy the
on the 11th of Trineus. Rovers destroyed the Great Stonebridge. The Colonel lost his own
bridge as warjacks crossed, while riflemen fired life in the clash with Karchev and the defenders
from cover on the exposed Khadoran line. King suffered horrendous casualties, but succeeded
Vygor had no choice but to divert south while in bringing down the bridge. Vinter Raelthorne
suffering enfilade fire. Two of King Vygor’s II and the main Cygnaran Army arrived in time
trusted Kommandants pleaded to withdraw. to fall on the Khadoran flank while cannon fire
Vygor accused them of treason and executed rained down. In the last battle, Vinter Raelthorne
them, then fed their corpses to his war-dogs. II managed to impale King Vygor on his sword,
Greylord Alexander Karchev later caught the thereafter named “Kingslayer.”
Daggermoor Rovers in a flanking maneuver,
killing hundreds and prompting the company
to retreat back to Ord.



historical battle of the tongue

of the tongue

he “First Thornwood War” was brutal and
short, taking place over just four months
starting in the last month of 510 AR and
ending in the fourth month of 511 AR. The “Battle of
the Tongue” was the last great clash at the end of the
war, where more warjacks met their end in a few days
than at any time in history. What follows is an abstract Khadoran 510 AR Era Army
representation of the key battle to take the Great
Stonebridge. The sides are not equal or balanced. • Magziev Alexander Karchev

Specific army lists are included below for each side • 510 AR Destroyer
participating in the historical Battle of the Tongue. • 4x 510 AR Berserkers
Some models require alteration to their stats and • Iron Fang Officer & Standard Bearer
weaponry to reflect the technology of the era. This is a
simplified representation to maximize ease of play and • 2x Iron Fang Pikemen Unit (leader w/9 troops)
the utility of existing models. • 2x Winter Guard Unit (leader w/9 troops)
• Kossite Woodsmen (leader w/9 troops)
Note: These warcasters and era adjustments
• Manhunter
are not tournament legal

Khador 510 AR Era Warjacks

The Destroyer which fought in the First Thornwood War had a weaker bombard than the modern one.
Berserkers were the mainstay of Khador’s force, backed up by a few Destroyers.

510 AR Era Warjack Era Adjustments Model Used In-service Upgraded or Retired
510 AR Berserker No Decayed Cortex (3 boxes); Berserker 430 AR NA
No chance to explode
510 AR Destroyer Bombard RNG 12, AOE 3”, Destroyer 480 AR 537 AR
ROF 1, POW 12

historical battle of the tongue

Khador 510 AR Era Units

Almost all of Khador’s units have been in service
since the First Thornwood War. During the Battle of the
Tongue, the Khadoran army was comprised primarily
of Iron Fang Pikemen, supported by Winter Guard and
Kossite Woodsmen.

Khadoran Warcaster
The only warcaster still alive who participated in the
First Thornwood War is Alexander Karchev, before he
became the “man in the machine.” The Old Witch, Zevanna
Agha, existed at this time and upgraded her scrapjack with
an Arcantrik Relay from the ruins of this war. However,
there is no record of her participation in the battle.

Greylord Alexander Karchev

Alexander Karchev was already a veteran Greylord and
noted warcaster before the Battle of the Tongue, considered
King Vygor’s greatest weapon in the war. He demonstrated
phenomenal mastery over warjacks and a keen understanding
of tactics. Karchev nearly lost his life in the Battle of the Tongue.
Even mortally wounded and crippled, he unleashed a massive
surge of arcane power to obliterate the enemies, buying time to
recover his mangled body.
Model: The best model to use to represent Karchev is the
Greylord Koldun. The Karchev of this era is on a 30mm base .

historical battle of the tongue
Cygnaran 510 AR Era Army
• Colonel Drake Cathmore
• 2x Cygnaran Mules
• 510 AR Javelin [Lancer]
• 2x - Journeymen Warcaster
• 2x - Cygnaran Nomad
• 510 AR Infantry Unit
(w/9 troops) [Trenchers]
• 2x Sword Knights Unit (w/9 troops)
• 1x Ironbears Unit (w/9 troops)
[Halberdiers w/Ambush]
• Shields of Durant Gunners Unit
(w/9 troops) [Hammerfall Gun Corps]
• Shields of Durant Ogrun Bokur solo
(must be taken with Gunners)
• Field Mechaniks Unit (leader w/3 troops)
• Cygnar Era Warjacks
Cygnaran Javelin
Cygnar is in an interesting position since
most of the Cygnaran warjacks of the era are Before there was the Lancer, there was the Arcane,
now mercenary ‘jacks. Historically the bulk and before there was the Arcane, there was the
of Cygnar’s army and warjacks arrive after Javelin, a much reviled light warjack design, notable
the scope of the scenario described below. The for bearing the precursor to the arc node, a device
outnumbered defenders at the Battle of the called an “arcantrik relay” invented in 436 AR.
Tongue relied in particular on Nomads and The Javelin did not perform well for its cost, and
Mules. They also made use of a now outmoded prompted redesign.
warjack called the Javelin, equipped with the Arcantrik Relay – The Javelin may channel spells,
precursor to the modern Arc Node. but any spell channeled has its range reduced by 2”.

Cygnar 510 Era Warjacks

510 AR Era Warjack Era Adjustments Model Used In-service Upgraded or Retired
Cygnaran Mule No changes Mule 459 AR 582 AR Retired
Cygnaran Nomad No changes Nomad 455 AR 563 AR Retired
510 AR Javelin Lancer with -1 SPD, -1 DEF, Lancer 460 AR 540 AR Retired
-2 ARM, Regular Shield (no Shock Field), From Cygnar
Arcantrik Relay instead of Arc Node Military

Cygnar 510 AR Era Units

Most Cygnaran soldiers serving in the Battle of the Tongue are represented by Infantry troops and Sword
Knights. Cygnaran soldiers received considerable troop support from mercenaries (see Mercenaries, below).
510 AR Era Unit Era Adjustments Model Used
510 AR Infantry Use Trencher stats, but without Smoke Bombs Trenchers
historical battle of the tongue

The only major mercenary company which served Khador
during the First Thornwood War was the Ironbears, a
group of rugged halberdiers with no fondness for King
Vygor, their employer. Vinter Raelthorne II bribed them to
switch sides and turn on Khador’s flanks. To represent this,
they are included in the Cygnar army list and gain Ambush.
To represent the Ironbears, use the stats for the Steelhead
Halberdiers, found in No Quarter #1, adding Ambush.
Ambush – The Ironbears do not have to be put in play
at the start of the game. The Cygnar player may put the
Ironbears in play during his control phase during any
turn. When put in play, place the Ironbears in skirmish
formation within 3” of any table edge. Ironbears gain +2
on attacks during their activation the turn they are put
into play but do not gain an additional aiming bonus if
they forfeit their movement this turn.

Sheilds of Durant
The Shields of Durant are a mixed dwarven and ogrun
company glad to lend support to the outnumbered Cygnaran
soldiers in the war (IKWG p. 141). To represent the Shields
of Durant, use stats for the Hammerfall High Shield Gun
Corps and the Ogrun Bokur solo, found in NQ #1.

Cygnaran Warcaster
Colonel Drake Cathmore led the defense at the Great
Stonebridge. Until the arrival of the main Cygnaran army
(outside the scope of the scenario), he was assisted only
by several journeymen from the Strategic Academy at
Point Bourne.

Colonel Drake Cathmore

This colonel was destined to defeat Alexander Karchev
but at the cost of his life. A widow and several children
survived him; one of his modern descendants is Earl Hagen
Cathmore, the Lord of Northguard. Colonel Cathmore was
a former ranger and rifleman, well versed in forest fighting.
Having a particular aptitude for instruction, he was serving
Cygnar at the Point Bourne branch of the Strategic
Academy before the Battle of the Tongue.
Model: Commander Coleman Stryker, Major Markus
“Siege” Brisbane, or Magnus can stand for Colonel Drake

T urning P oint

the turning point - scenario

battle of the tongue scenario
2nd of Tempen (4th month) 511 AR Set Up
A small force of desperate Cygnarans and mercenaries Players take turns, each placing four (4) terrain
from Corvis, Point Bourne, and the town of Rivercleft features. Terrain features cannot be placed in an
gathered at the Great Stonebridge spanning the enemy deployment zone or within 3” of another
Serpent’s Tongue River, led by Colonel Drake terrain feature, including the Bridge. The Khador
Cathmore. Witnessing the approach of the massive player cannot place terrain features within 12”
Khadoran vanguard led by Greylord Alexander of the Bridge. Terrain features may be placed on
Karchev, they knew Cygnar’s only hope was to hills. Forest, hill, and wall terrain features are
destroy the bridge. This would buy Vinter II enough recommended for this scenario.
time to arrive and attack the Khadoran flank.

Special Rules Beginning

The Cygnar player deploys his forces first and takes
See map. Cygnaran forces are attempting to hold
the first turn, placing them within 14” of the southern
the bridge long enough for sappers to destroy it. The
table edge.
Bridge is represented by a 6” x 8” area bordering the
rear of their deployment zone, 12” from the east table The Khador player then deploys his models in a 14”
edge, and can only be entered on the north edge; the x 14” area in the northwest corner of the table.
east and west sides are impassable. The game will end
after eight (8) rounds. The Khador player must stop
Victory Conditions
the Cygnarans from destroying the Bridge before
The Khador player wins if he begins his maintenance
the end of the game. The Khador player can stop
phase with one of his models completely within the
the destruction of the Bridge by moving one or more
Bridge area.
friendly models onto the Bridge during his turn and
keeping it there for one round. The Cygnar player wins if Karchev is destroyed
or removed from play or the game ends before the
Cygnaran forces are supported by a continuous
Khador player wins.
artillery barrage from cannons deployed on a high hill
south of the river. To determine the point of impact for
this blast, the Cygnar player nominates one point on
the table at the start of each of his Maintenance Phases. Khador
The blast deviates 2d6” inches from this point in a Deploy 14”
direction determined by the deviation template. Center
a 5” AOE blast on the point of impact. All models
within the AOE suffer a POW 10 damage roll. 14”
The Khadoran army is seemingly unending. To
represent the their sheer numbers, the Khador player
may return some models to play after they have been
disabled, destroyed or removed from play. Berserker
warjacks, Iron Fang Pikemen units, and Winter
Guard units may be returned. Only units that have
been completely wiped out, with all troops in the unit Cygnar
destroyed or removed from play, may be returned to 14” 8”
play. During each of his Maintenance Phases, the
Deploy 6” 12”
Khador player may return models to play, placing
them within his deployment zone. Returned models River
can activate the turn they are put in play.
Written by Doug Seacat • Art by Brian Snoddy

nce considered a strange habit reserved to A variety of small independent traders and loose
gobbers and trollkin, hooaga leaves wrapped affiliations have cropped up, each trying to dominate
into cigars for smoking have become a the competitive market.
common sight from northern Khador to southern Cigars are serious business—it is not uncommon
Cygnar and all points between. Regional variants for rival companies to enlist unscrupulous hirelings
have cropped up in recent years with individual to sabotage one another. Some nobles are personally
reputations for quality. What is listed below is just a invested. Thane Ross Kaddock of Hearthstone is
small sampling of a thriving new business. an example of an Ordic noble whose fortunes are
The cigar trade has become an important part tightly linked to hooaga. Rumors say he employs a
of the Ordic economy. The Ordic towns of Tarna group of so-called mercenaries called the Olgunholt
and Hearthstone have a well established reputation Raiders who are accused of disrupting the Tarna
for growing some of the best hooaga in the region. river trade.

cigars of immoren
are serious
Regency Gold Moskrad Premium Kaargrot

cigars of immoren
Started in the Regency Saloon Khador imports many cigars These unique large cigars are
in Tarna, the gobber proprietor from Ord, but local hooaga grows a variant smoked by trollkin who
boasts his cigars are the finest in the south. Moskrad Premium disdain the hooaga of humans
in Ord. Made from local hand- is wrapped near the shores of the and gobbers. Kaargrot derives
selected, tightly-wrapped whole lake of the same name in Rustoknia from a poisonous offshoot plant
leaf, these offer a smooth draw Volozskya. These loose cigars of hooaga. The plant is used by
and have excellent quality. They have a strong woody flavor and an the trollkin as a brewed herbal
are priced accordingly and are uneven burn. Some consider them remedy and for Dhunian rites,
intended for the discriminating too coarse for civilized palettes, but urban trollkin have begun
smoker. but they are inexpensive. wrapping it into cigars. This
bitter smoke deadens the tongue
Hearthblend Voxsauny Dark and can cause lasting damage or
These Hearthstone cigars Although the Voxsauny Duchy unconsciousness in other races.
are favorites of sailors, sentries, of Llael is famed for its fine wines, These are not sold but offered as
and anyone who works outdoors. they also produce the most esteemed barter between trollkin.
Aficionados claim its smoke is label of cigars. These cigars are
invigorating and good for keeping relatively thin, tightly wrapped, and
away the night’s chill. These have a refined spicy flavor. Prices on
flavorful cigars are noted for a these cigars have leapt to ridiculous
special local blend of hooaga leaf levels after Khador’s occupation
which provides a mild flavor at an since they must be smuggled out of
affordable price. Llael at great risk.

Label Cigar Price (box of 25)
Regency Gold Gram’s Robusto 15 gold
Captain’s Edge 20 gold
Castellan’s Choice 30 gold (box of 20)
Hearthblend Clipper 6 gold
Schooner 9 gold
Baird’s Select 15 gold
Moskrad Premium Holcheski’s Pride 4 gold
Moskrad Umber 6 gold
Voxsauny Dark Twilight 40 gold (box of 10)
Eclipse 100 gold (box of 10)
Black Label 200 gold (box of 5)
Cigar aficionados become loyal to a label and will pay a steep premium to acquire their
favorites. Prices increase considerably with distance, particularly when crossing certain
national borders. This has encouraged a lively smuggling trade, especially for the elusive
Voxsauny Darks. GMs can use cigars as treasure under the category of mundane items.

F ighting on the
dock of the By Rob Stoddard
With some of my favorite scenarios fought on barges, wharfs & docks,and
with this issueof No Quarter highlighting pirates and spies I could think of
no better time than to showcase a dock table and share a “how to.”

irst we need some supplies. If you are lucky you should be able pieces to our dock puzzle are super
We need enough foam board to go into your local craft store and glue, a hobby knife, pen or pencil,
to fill 4” x 4”; depending on find Popsicle sticks sold by the a pair of strong clippers, a saw to
the dimensions of each sheet sold thousands. You may want to pick cut down our dowels, a cheap 2”
in your area this may take up to 6 up a second box just in case. We’ll house brush, a few craft paints,
sheets or more of foam board. We’ll also want a good quantity of yellow some plastic party cups & plates,
also need a mass of wood planks— glue for when we get into the actual paper towels, and a hammer—yes
Popsicle sticks work great for this construction of our docks. For dock a hammer, trust me.
since you can by them in bulk and supports and beams we’ll want We begin by measuring and
they are more affordable than using twine and a few 1⁄2” balsa wood marking 1” x 2” on our foam board
balsa or basswood for our planks. dowels in 2” – 3” lengths. The final
and cutting these to size; we need a want each one of our planks with

fighting on the dock of the bay

total of eight 1” x 2” sections. We a perfectly cut end so grab a few 7
can then move onto Popsicle sticks and twist them in the middle until
and turn them into planks. Utilizing they snap. (3) This provides a nice
clippers we want to cut our sticks busted up plank or two to break
to varying lengths. (2) This will up an otherwise pristine dock.
help bring out a more authentic This dock has seen its fair share of
look in the final pieces. We don’t warjacks crashing into one another
and stomping around; it’s not going
to look spring-time fresh.
2 Once we have enough planks
cut to fill the space, we start
gluing them to one of our 1” x 2”
foam board pieces. Grab a plastic
party cup and fill it with a bit of
yellow glue. Now we bring out
our inexpensive 2” house brush
and paint a small section of the
3 foam board with yellow glue; we 9
don’t coat the entire board since
the majority of it would dry before
we could get all the planks in place.
With glue down and drying we need
to be quick about positioning our
planks. Keep in mind that they do
not need to be in perfect alignment;
we want a small gap between each
4 plank to help with definition. (4) 10
Be sure to mingle twisted planks
with the straight ones. (5) We
repeat this process until we cover
the entire 1” x 2” surface. With one
of our eight 1” x 2” sections done
we move to the next, and then the
next. This by far is the most time
consuming portion of our entire
5 11
process, but is well worth the effort
when complete.
By the time the last wharf
section is finished, the first few
should be completely dry. Do not
be alarmed if the sections start to
bow a little. (6) This is normal,
and a quick fix is right around the
6 corner; just be sure to bring your 12
hobby knife. Gently flip over the
wharf sections, exposing the bare
foam board side. We make four
triangular cuts along the length
of the wharf section; (6) these

use some super glue to hold it in
fighting on the dock of the bay

13 place. At this point we can also glue

the supports to each other. (11)
Make sure that the supports are
touching at their base and carefully
glue them in place. Since we are
dealing with super glue and wood,
the dry time should be fairly short;
however, if you would like a more
instant result don’t be afraid to use
some accelerator. Next coat the
outside middle of our supports with
super glue to prepare the area for
twine. Wrap the twine around the
supports as many times as needed,
stacking the line atop itself. We
wrapped most of ours four times
will alleviate bowing and return
our wharf section to a nice flat 14
surface. With the majority of our
table constructed with these wharf
sections we can move onto details
that will bring the entire project
For the supports we start by
cutting our balsa wood dowels
into varying lengths—nothing too
precise, but using 1⁄2” increments
achieve a good look. (7) Now for
the moment that you’ve all been
waiting for: bust out that hammer
I told you to keep handy. We’re
going to put that baby to good use.
Hold the support firmly against a
hard, flat surface. (8) Be mindful of
those fingers and use the hammer 15
to flatten one end of the support
by gently hitting the edges. (9)
By adding a few angled cuts with
a hobby knife before pounding on
the supports you can create quite a
different look.
While assembling our supports
work with groups of three; we want
to make sure that each support is a
different length to achieve our look.
Place the supports in a triangular
pattern (10) and bring out the
twine. Pinch one end of the twine
between two of the supports and
around and this gave a great look—

fighting on the dock of the bay

your mileage may vary. Once the 16
twine is wrapped we cut it and glue
the loose end in the middle of the
supports. At this point you may
need to use a small object to stuff
the twine between the supports,
but this will keep everything in its
rightful place. With the loose end
between the supports use a few
drops of super glue to secure it and
let everything dry. (12) Repeat this
process a few times to create a fair
number of supports and bring our
docks to life. With everything dry,
we’re ready to paint.
We begin by priming all our
pieces with a black spray primer.
Keep in mind this is a terrain project,
so any black primer will work. (13)
To complete the majority of the
docks we will only need 4 paint
colors. I recommend using acrylic
craft paints. You can usually find
good size bottles for around a
dollar in most craft stores. As for
color choices, we want 3 different
browns: a deep brown, a medium
or red brown, and a light brown. change it may take more than one
Our last color is for our twine and pass so don’t get discouraged. (14)
should be the color of rope, so a
With deep brown applied and dry
light tan or bone should do the we move onto medium brown and
trick. With our primer dry break repeat the dry brushing process,
out our 2” house brush once again. maybe even a bit lighter on color.
If you chose to use the same house (15)
brush for gluing down planks and
Finish off the dock by dry
painting the docks, be certain that
brushing the lightest brown from
the brush is clean before painting.
our palette over everything. (16)
Starting with our deepest Repeat the exact steps when
brown squirt some paint onto a painting our supports. When you
plastic party plate. Work the paint finish with the light brown you
into our house brush and then will want to use a light tan/bone
brush the majority of the paint onto and the smallest edge of the brush
a paper towel or old rag—we want to complete the look for the twine.
to dry brush our docks. Quickly (17) With the supports and docks
run the brush back and forth over complete there is nothing standing
the entirety of the dock section, the between you and a full-metal
edges and raised areas should pick slugfest with your next opponent
up the paint leaving the recesses on the dock of the bay!
shaded and dark. To really see a

Narrative by Doug Seacat • Scenario by Miles Holmes & Jason Soles • Art by Chippy

A Clean Escape
he boat slipped quietly came from the man at the tiller, pang the green sash across Lort’s
down the river, lit by the Gazo Castra, the self-appointed chest, remembering him joking
glow of a single shuttered skipper of their little boat. about being a jaunty pirate just a
lantern. The only sound was the Nolan took this news with a few hours ago. The body fell into
occasional moan of pain and cursing slow nod. “Need a hand, Sarge? the water with a mild splash while
from the small cabin below, making Where’s he goin’?” the men at the oars strained to leave
the huddled oarsmen on deck shift him behind in their wake.
uncomfortably. Despite their tension “Into the water, we’ll not have
time to bury him.” Sergeant Kerne There was a short silence
there was a barely suppressed air of before the joking began—the
triumph. The men shared satisfied Boggs answered as he moved his
burden to the starboard side. He men quipped that Lort’s loss
grins, but superstitiously avoided was their gain, as their shares
speaking congratulations aloud. saw a few of the men looking at him
sullenly. “Yes, he died in service. increased accordingly. Death was
The moaning finally ceased, There’s no time for funerals or common in the mercenary trade—
prompting guilty relief among those digging in the muck.” They could a comrade one day was food for
listening, though they knew what it see his hands were slick with blood crows the next.
portended. The creaking of heavy from his crude attempts to stop Gazo spotted their tributary
steps followed as a man climbed up Lort’s bleeding. “Anyone know and exclaimed in relief. The mood
onto the swaying deck, burdened Lort’s faith?” of all aboard brightened as they
by a heavy limp body slung over his made their way up the sluggish
shoulder. Gazo answered after a pause,
“Morrow I suppose. He wasn’t stream away from the considerably
Nolan was brazen—or much for religion.” larger and better traveled Black
stupid—enough to speak aloud, his River. They rowed for another
voice jarring in the quiet. “How’s The sergeant nodded and hour as dawn begun to break
Lort doing?” mumbled an awkward prayer before spotting the campfire of their
before heaving the corpse over rendezvous. Two men had been left
“He’s dead, or Sarge would the side. Boggs watched it go
have left him below.” This comment behind, watching over their gear
morosely, noticing with a slight during the evening foray. An old but

serviceable wagon and a number of Cygnaran courier bound with “Boggs!” The old man who

horses were ready to go on the other considerable coin for Rhydden. had tied up the boat shouted to
side of the campfire. Khador had intended to scoop him him, pointing to the north. “There’s
“What’s the word, Boggs?” when his boat drifted past the watch smoke thataway.”
The grizzled older man on shore station east of Ravensgard. It hadn’t Boggs cursed and pulled his
queried. taken long for Boggs to assemble spyglass from his oiled greatcoat,
a group of his fellow Steelheads bringing it quickly to bear. He could
He answered with a smile, at the Merywyn chapter house
letting the men and woman see a short column of ragged soldiers
and convince them to do some and a couple of steamjacks bearing
tumble out of the boat as he moonlighting as pirates.
held up a finger for patience and their way. “That’s the banner of the
ducked into the cabin below. Sergeant Boggs spoke again. Highborn Covenant. By Thamar’s
There was a cacophony of excited “I’m a Steelhead through and Teeth what are they doing here?”
exclamations as each man tried to through, but I could start to enjoy “Someone else coming from
tell the tale of their success while this river pirating. They don’t pay downstream, Sarge!” This time
divesting themselves of their us enough to risk our lives day in it was Gazo, pointing the other
ragged and smelly clothing. Most and day out—and we deserve a little direction.
of these were thrown on the fire, extra to send home, am I right?”
They all cheered in agreement but The air was split by a high
the wet clothes putting up a plume whistling screech like the screaming
of smoke. They shared word of yelled to stop the speechmaking and
open the damned box. of a thousand men dying in terror
Lort’s demise, but the two men and something exploded into their
waiting at the camp judged that an wagon with a muffled explosion.
acceptable loss; they’d wagered on “Someone else coming The horses went berserk and
at least two deaths. from downstream, Sarge!” fled, several almost strangling
Everyone settled down as This time it was Gazo, themselves in their haste to escape.
Sergeant Boggs and Nolan emerged pointing the other direction. Boggs whirled and sighted through
from the cabin, carrying a heavy the spyglass again. Blood drained
chest. “Before I open this...” Boggs from his face as he saw what could
began, prompting a variety of groans He took a pry bar and only be a Cryxian helljack walking
and hisses, “we need to thank the splintered the wood cranking it like a spider along the shallows.
woman without whom we’d not be open. Gleaming inside were three Behind strode a horrifying line
here: Stefka Yurievna. For better braces of new pistols, a fortune of bloated undead. Among them
or poorer, whatever is in this box is in gold coin, and several heavy was a familiar and fresher figure
thanks to her persuasive efforts.” bullion bricks. The men cheered wearing a distinctive green sash,
again, and he saw several had dressed like a pirate.
Like many others, the well opened bottles and flasks from their
muscled but ruggedly attractive stowed supplies. Scooping through Boggs took down the spyglass
Umbrean woman was in the midst the coins, Boggs’ fingers brushed and turned to scream at his men,
of strapping on her armor after something below, and pulled forth “Get your armor on, now!” They
having burned her pirate disguise. a long and thin metal case two redoubled their efforts, tossing
At the whistling and catcalls of feet across, four inches deep, and drinks aside and scrambling for
the men she stood and offered two inches thick. There was an their halberds. The sergeant tucked
a mock curtsey. “The bursar in unfamiliar sigil on its top, similar to the case under his arm as he pulled
Merywyn was an idiot with too Llaelese noble coats of arms. his helmet on, wondering how he
much fondness for wine.” was getting out of this one alive.
Opening the case, he gasped
“And Umbrean women!” Gazo in surprise and almost dropped it.
shouted, prompting laughter all His face was lit by a peculiar glow.
around. Stefka was nearest, and she held her
Stefka’s smitten bursar had hand to her mouth. “Is that what I
overheard intelligence about a think it is?”
river rats
have the same stats and rules as the This scenario takes place under

Steelhead Halberdier Troopers. See heavy fog cover. The LOS of all
Pirates have made off with a Steelhead Halberdiers, No Quarter models is limited to 6”.
treasure more valuable than they magazine #1, page 29, for details. Set Up
ever expected. Word of its nature
A Pirate will make its Forefend Players take turns, each placing
has reached your commander
attack against the first eligible target three (3) terrain features. Terrain
and you have been ordered to
that ends its movement within the features cannot be placed within a
recover it and hold it until the main
Pirate’s melee range each round. deployment zone or within 3” of a
body of your forces can arrive.
Unfortunately, your rivals have the The Pirate models activate table edge or another terrain feature,
same information you do. You must after the second player completes including the river. Terrain features
gain control of the pirate base, and his turn each round. A Pirate model may be placed on hills.
eliminate the enemy. only activates if it is within 6” of a Beginning
Special Rules non-Pirate model. When it activates,
At the start of the game, each
This scenario can be played by the Pirate model moves up to its
player rolls a d6 and the higher
any two factions with 500 points SPD in inches toward the nearest
roller chooses who will go first. The
each on a 4x4 table. non-Pirate model and attempts to
first player sets up first and takes
attack it. If two or more models are
See map. A 3” wide shallow the first turn. Players deploy their
equidistant from a Pirate model,
water river runs from the Southwest forces in a 10” x 10” area in either
randomize which it attacks.
corner to the Southeast corner of the the northwest or northeast corner of
board. The river loops around the The first player to Hold the the table.
Pirate Deployment Zone, a 3” radius Pirate Deployment Zone for three Victory Conditions
area in the center of the table. See consecutive rounds. A player holds
The first player to hold the
Shallow Water, WARMACHINE: the Pirate Deployment Zone if all
Pirate Deployment Zone for three
Prime, pg 61, for details. models within 3” of the center of the
consecutive rounds wins the game.
Place ten (10) independent table are controlled by that player.
Pirate models completely within 3” Engaged models and Incorporeal
of the center of the table. The pirates models my not hold the objective.


Player 2 Player 2
deployment deployment
zone zone

48” 3” 3”

(center of table)

Narrative by Doug Seacat • Scenario by Miles Holmes & Jason Soles • Art by Brian Snoddy

C atching the T rain

he men stood on the graduated from the S.A.—this is He cut off his rant as there
platform, their heavy his first tour of duty.” He shook was a loud creaking from the depot
repeating long guns held his head. “When is that damned door and several well dressed
loosely, looking out past the train coming?” soldiers exited, five of them
tracks to the dry grassy plains Fitch choked back a cough at wearing distinctive deep blue
to their east, an expanse only the unpleasant smoke of the cheap jackets with golden embroidery,
interrupted by gentle hills and a cigar, wondering how much Cobb goggles, and tricorne hats. Each
large farmstead in the distance. had paid for the stinkweed. Fitch bore a sleek and distinctive
Their small train depot was thirty shrugged to the question. “Should pistol at their waists, although
miles south of Bainsmarket on the be here any time now. Know who the gunners deliberately avoided
Market Line and little used. The they’re sending?” giving them the satisfaction of
Cardare Mountains dominated staring. In return, the gun mages
the southern sky, towering “Like they’d tell me. Captain marched past as if the long gunners
peaks obscured by dark clouds Gately knows, if you want to ask weren’t there, their lieutenant
threatening rain. The soldiers felt him.” pointing succinctly to each corner
conspicuous standing watch at Fitch snorted in amusement. of the depot and ordering them to
this meager depot, particularly “That’s Captain Adept Gately check the perimeter.
with a hulking Defender standing to you. As if he’d condescend The sixth to emerge was
down by the small access road. to answer any of my questions. another long gunner with a single
Gunner Cobb Gant leaned Bloody gun mages, I can’t stand gold stripe on his shoulders. He
toward his friend Fitch, speaking them. I’d sooner have some stopped for a moment with his
in a conspiratorial tone. “What do trenchers or sword knights with men. He glared at Cobb. “Give
you think of him?” He jerked his us than that lot. What are they
chin at Lieutenant Journeyman going to do if—“
Ansel Tolbert working on the
warjack, who was too far away to
hear them.
Gunner Fitch Wain eyed the
young warcaster, who was busy
pulling an access plate from his
Defender’s heavy barrel cannon.
“He’s removed that same blasted
plate three times now. I don’t
think he knows what he’s doing.
He’s making me nervous...”
Cobb pulled a large cigar
from his coat, taking a moment to
clip and light it before drawing in
a mouth full. “I overheard he just
me one of those, gunner.” He fact that we had gunner Terleigh that town had been dying for
catching the train

took the offered cigar and added run off on us last week...” decades and wouldn’t be missed.
his smoke to the cloud. Fellig was something else again,
This was a topic they were
“Sarge, any idea what’s going all uncomfortable talking about, a proper Cygnaran city, even if
on here?” Fitch asked; Sergeant and Fitch shifted and looked one few citizens had bothered to
Hogan Corley had always been at the ground. “Terleigh just visit. Word of the events there
willing to answer questions. got homesick for his family or had hit hard, particularly among
“What are we protecting?” something, he’s just a kid. He’ll the numerous Morridane serving
be back.” as long gunners.
Sergeant Corley glanced
briefly over his shoulder. “This Sergeant Corley shook his A gun mage across the tracks
is the captain’s show. He’s inside head and his eyes narrowed. was pointing, which drew their
with it now. It’s something “Terleigh was a Menite, as we all attention. There was a plume of
important; worth taking a know. And he managed to get a smoke rising up over the top of
warcaster from the front to escort look at that piece of paper before the hill blocking their view of the
it south.” he left.” horizon. “Is that a train?” Fitch
“You didn’t see it?” One of the other gunners
had become red in the face and “No, there aren’t tracks over
“I saw it...” The sergeant’s there. Maybe that farmstead is on
tone was grim and he seemed in blurted out, “My parents are
Menites. That doesn’t make me fire?”
an ill humor.
any less a Cygnaran.” He glared Tensions mounted as the
“And?” Cobb wasn’t one to at his friends who glanced at smoke increased, and each of the
be deterred. him uneasily. “Menites aren’t all long gunners ensured his weapon
The sergeant gave him traitors.” He said this last no less was ready. The gun mages had
an appraising look. “It didn’t intensely, staring at the sergeant. drawn back to the depot as
look like much.” He shrugged. “Relax, Burroughs. No one Journeyman Tolbert scrambled
“Maybe a rubbing off some old said anything different. I’m just to reattach parts to his Defender.
runed stone, no alphabet I’ve telling you something was funny Captain Adept Gately stepped
seen before.” about Terleigh—he saw what out from the depot door, making
“You can read Sarge?” Fitch we’re guarding, and then he the long gunners on the platform
asked incredulously, earning a deserted. That doesn’t look good, start. His magelock pistol was
chuckle from the men and a glare and it’s got the captain uneasy. in hand and his expression was
from Hogan. “I thought reading The sooner we off-load this thing, inscrutable behind his goggles,
was for officers only.” the better.” but his face was pale. “Sergeant,
get your men to cover.”
Cobb chewed on his cigar. Fitch sighed. “I don’t see how
“So we’re guarding a scrap of a piece of paper is worth killing Over the hill ahead of them
paper? What a crock...” or dying over.” silhouettes had begun to rise, and
for a moment the sun shined on
“Listen,” the sergeant’s tone The sergeant gave him a hard gold trim from what could only be
had become stern, and they settled look. “Tell that to the people in white Protectorate banners, each
down. “Captain Gately is a man Fellig.” They’d all heard about the bearing the blood red symbol of
who’s been through hell up north. burning of the sacred monastery, Menoth.
I doubt you’ve heard of him since of the priests and monks who’d
none of you boys pays attention, given their lives trying to stop it. “How the hell did they get all
but he was in the thick of it during It was the most harrowing story the way across the Midlunds?”
the siege at Merywyn and he saw coming out of the war since the Cobb’s voice was tinged with
plenty of fighting after. The man massacre at Riversmet—bad as dread as he cursed and stamped
has ice in his veins. But this thing that was, it had been a Llaelese out his cigar. “Where in Urcaen
has him spooked.” He paused to city. What had happened at is our bloody train!?”
let that sink in. “Now consider the Fisherbrook was similar, but
the train job
Warcaster back to his deployment The train remains on the Train

catching the train

zone. Tracks for one round. While the
The defender’s forces are
The Train train remains, the entire length of
transporting a powerful artifact.
the Train Track is considered to be
They are waiting at a transport The defender’s Warcaster and an obstruction that blocks LOS.
depot for reinforcements and a the Warjacks in his battlegroup are
Warcaster to pick up the item not deployed at the beginning of the Set Up
and return with it for testing. game. Instead, the Warcaster and Players take turns, each placing
The attacker has been ordered his battlegroup arrive on a train three (3) terrain features. Terrain
to break through the defensive during the Maintenance Phase of features cannot be placed within 3”
line and to recover the artifact for the defender’s third turn. of the table edge or another terrain
themselves. The attacker must feature, including the Train Tracks
When the train arrives, models
take the advantage and strike while and Depot.
on the Train Tracks are Thrown
the defender’s Warcaster is still en
route on the train.
Special Rules N
This scenario may be played
Defender Deployment Zone 14”
by any two factions at 500 points
each on a 4x4 table.
See map. A 3” wide Train 6”x 6”
Track runs east-west through the Depot
center of the table dividing it in 48” 3”
half. The Train Tracks are rough Railroad
Place a 6” x 6” Depot in the
middle of the table touching the
north edge of the track as shown Attacker Deployment Zone 6”
on the map. The Depot has one
door large enough to accommodate
medium-based models on its d6” in a direction determined by Beginning
south side. The Depot cannot be the deviation template and suffer a The Defender deploys first,
damaged. POW 15 damage roll. When rolling placing his models within 14” of
Finding the Artifact the direction, the one (1) on the the north table edge. The defender
deviation template always faces the cannot deploy his Warcaster or
The attacker must Hold the
north table edge. Models landing any Warjacks in his battlegroup
Depot for one round to find the
on the tracks should be further in at the beginning of the game. The
artifact. The attacker Holds the
the direction rolled so that they are attacker deploys his forces within
Depot if his Warcaster is in the
not placed on the tracks. 6” of the south table edge.
Depot and he controls all other
models in the Depot during his Once the arrival of the train Victory Conditions
maintenance phase. Models that are has been resolved, the defender
immediately places his Warcaster The attacker wins immediately
engaged in melee combat cannot be
and the Warjacks in his battlegroup if his Warcaster has possession
used to Hold the Depot.
within 3” of the Train Tracks, but of the artifact and is within the
When the artifact is found, attacker’s deployment zone.
not on the Train Tracks or in the
it is assigned to the attacker’s
Depot. There must be enough The defender wins if the
Warcaster. The artifact does not
space to place each model’s base. attacker’s warcaster is destroyed
hinder the Warcaster in anyway.
Models activate normally the turn or removed from play.
Once the attacker finds the artifact,
they are placed on the table.
he may win the game by getting his
onstrous iniatures ombat
Spring 2006

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Fort Wayne 508-478-3194 734-261-7233 Fargo 315-363-2448
260-471-4336 Rider’s Hobbies 701-277-5988 Millennium Games and Hobbies
Game-Haven L.L.C.
Top Shelf Games North Dartmouth Madison Hts NEBRASKA Rochester
Ft. Wayne 508-961-0007 Galaxy Cards, Comics, and Games 585-427-2190
The Game Shoppe
260-749-6669 Your Move Games Mt. Pleasant Bellevue Monkey Head Games
Game Preserve, Greenwood Somerville 989-775-7838 402-292-4263 Selden
Greenwood 617-666-5799 J&L Miniatures 631-451-7000
Comic World
317-881-4263 Danger Planet Games Saint Johns Lincoln
Critical Effect Games & Hobbies Waltham 1-877-224-8811 402-466-6066 Southold
Hobart 781-894-6792 Blue Dragon Games 1-866-4-THEWAR
Gauntlet Games
219-947-5997 The Dragon’s Lair Shelby Twp Lincoln Games Afoot
Game Preserve, Fashionmall West Springfield 586-323-6700 402-420-5060 Waverly
Indianapolis 413731-7237 Old Guard Hobbies Anarchy Comics & Games GRASSHOPPER’S COMICS
317-571-9110 DBA The Whiz Store Sterling Heights Omaha WILLISTON PARK
Wizard’s Keep Westboro Old Guard Hobbies 402-493-4955 516-741-5724
Muncie The Whiz Store Sterling Heights NEW HAMPSHIRE OHIO
756-286-5145 Westborough 586--977-3969 Ahzz’z Arena
Collectibles Unlimited
Fantasy Games 508-366-2030 Rider’s Hobby Concord Canton
South Bend MARYLAND Taylor 603-228-3712 330-477-0483
574-277-1133 734-287-7405 The Tin Soldier
Comics More Comics
Game Preserve, Lafayette Accokeek MINNESTOA Keene centerville
West Lafayette 301-203-8500 Village Games 1-603-352-4261 937-433-3898
765-743-1900 Anoka ACME Games
Alternate Worlds The Game Castle
Cockeysville 763-506-0303 Londonderry Cincinnati
KANSAS 410-666-3290 The Gamers Den 603-425-7400 513-231-3866
Hometown Games Cambridge Nord’s Games
Lawrence 763-689-5370 Cincinnati
Eldersburg Manchester
785-830-8011 513-923-4263
410-552-4452 Robin Goodfellow Company 603/627-4263
Table Top Games & Hobbies Duluth Game Trader
Renaissance Games NEW JERSEY
Lenexa 218-279-3443 Cuyahogs falls
913-962-4263 Fallston Realms of Adventure, Inc.
410-877-7600 Robin Goodfellow Company 330-922-GAME
Atlantic Highlands
31st Century Games Duluth Bookery Fantasy
Other Realms 732-708-0260
Olathe 218-279-3443 Fairborn
Gaithersburg Time Warp Comics & Games
Agents Comics and Games 301-990-0019 Source Comics & Games 937-879 -3940
Cedar Grove
Wichita Falcon Heights Spellbinders
Games and Comics and Stuff 973-957-9788
316-262-6642 651-645-0386 Kent
Glen Burnie ClubHouse Games
S-Mart Syndicate 410-863-7418 Roy’s Comics & Games 330-673-2230
Fair Lawn
Wichita Hibbing Wexford Hill Hobbies
The Crystal Fox 201-796-7377
KENTUCKY Laurel 218-262-4744 Kettering
Fantasci -The Game Shop
Danzig Corridor 301-317-1980 Unicorn Games 937-299-0857
Ashland Aardvark Videos, comics & games Oakdale 609-978-4056 Ivory Tower Games
606-324-1307 Lusby 651-739-8305 Lebanon
Fantasci -The Game Shop
Regimental Quarters 410-394-6366 Air Traffic 513-228-2040
New Egypt
Ashland Aardvark’s Comics and Games Roseville 609-758-0004 Howling Wolf Studio
6069209994 Mechanicsville 651-631-3150 London
Jester’s Playhouse
Comic Book World 301-884-0488 Dreamers 740-852-9866
Florence Dream Wizards St Louis Park 609-677-9088 Shadows at Dusk
859-371-9562 Rockville 952-938-8163 Massillion
The Collector’s Den
Albright’s Tabletop Wargaming 301-881-3530 MISSOURI 330-833-3331
Lexington MAINE Valhalla’s Gate 201-819-2100 Gamers Haven
859-277-3937 Columbia Middleburg Heights
WitzEnd Comics Collectibles and Games Hobbymasters Inc
The Rusty Scabbard 440-845-9978
Augusta Clicks -Crestwood Red Bank
Lexington 207-621-0904 Crestwood 732-842-6020 Violet Vortex Games
606-278-6634 314-962-8833 Milford
Heros Games & Movies The Gamers Realm
Comic Book World 513-248-2221
Brewer Changing Hands Booke Shop West windsor
Louisville 207-989-7100 Joplin I’m Game
The Game Room Store
502-964-5500 North Olmsted
K&J Collectibles Horton’s DownTown Mall Woodbridge
Pet Shop Comics Richmond Lamar 732-636-1111 Recess Games
Louisville 207-737-8600 417-681-0433 North Olmsted
502.957-3188 440-779-7008
Choose Your Own Adventure Pulp Fiction Comics & Games Gamegopher
Spectacular Collectibles scarborough Lee’s Summit BattleAxe Games
Louisville 207-883-2700 816-554-7333 North Ridgeville
502-894-8214 440-327-377
Crossroad Games Cards & Comics Plus NEVADA
The Louisville Game Shop Scarborough Malden Armoury Games
Louisville Dark Tower Comics Pickeringon
207-883-2700 573-276-3232
502-456-2734 Las Vegas 614-833-1331
Crossroad Games Above & Beyond Games
Exodus Road Hobbies Feldglin’ Imp Dave’s Clubhouse
Standish Northmore
Murray Reno Reynoldsburg
207-642-2612 The BattleZone
270-759-8573 775-323-4499 614-751-5008
CHIGAN Raytown
LOUISIANA NEW YORK The World of Hobbies and Games
The Game Zone 816-358-0870
Alma 513-772-8600

Howling Wolf Studios Gaming Emporium Swords and Superheroes The Comics Keep Bondi Junction

List your store at Springfield

Glass City Games
San Juan
FJ Games
Toa Baja
The Game Closet
Wonderworld Comics & Games
Games Junction
(02)9389 2599
Bundaberg Qld
Toledo 787-409-6525 Waco Burien Golden Empyrean, QLD
419-382-3432 RHODE ISLAND 254-751-7251 206-433-0279 (07)4151 5236
Mind Games Tactics Games UTAH Diversified Games Canberra City
Toledo East Providence End Zone Hobby Chehalis Logical Choice
419-531-5540 401-435-6666 Clearfield 360-740-7750 (02)6248 7722
Gamemaster Strategy Game Co. Ltd SOUTH CAROLINA 801-774-5050 Highland Adventure Gaming Geelong
Westerville hammond toy Fall City Mind Games Geelong
Borderlands 425-985-7167 (03)5222 2133
OKLAHOMA Greenville midvale
Game HQ, Inc. 864-235-3488 801-561-3821 Olympic Cards and Comics Melbourne
Oklahoma City Hastur Games & Hobbies Lacey Mind Games Melbourne
Green Dragon 360-459-7721 (03)9663 4603
405-691-0509 North Charleston Midvale
Knight Arms Inc 843-797-2052 801-352-2605 Table Top Games Morayfield
Stillwater The Bookshelf Lakewood Modelmanai
TENNESSEE 253-581-3290 (07)5428 1331
405/533-3666 Ogden
The Dragon Caves 801-621-4752 The Game Matrix Orange
OREGON Chattanooga
Blakfyre Games Lakewood East Orange Newsagency
Fantasy Knights 423-499-4443 253-583-9708 (02)6362 7247
Albany Orem
Armchair Warriors 801-226-0218 Fantastic Games & Toys Penrith
541-791-2300 Clarksville
Redvad Games Lynnwood Tin Soldier Penrith
Rainy Day Games 931-572-0029 425-775-4871 (02)4731 4623
Aloha Orem
Dicehead Games Phone: 801-222-0153 Docking Bay 93 Singleton
503-642-4100 Cleveland
Fantasy Rules Mount Vernon Singleton Hobbies
Skirmish Gear 423-473-7125 360-428-5808 (02)6571 1933
Beaverton Pleasant Grove
The Game Depot 801-796-7911 Genesis Games & Gizmos Sydney
503-819-5752 Cookeville
Dragon’s Keep Redmond Tin Soldier Sydney
Bounty Hunter Games & Hobbies 931-372-0190 425-497-9579 (02)9279 2668
Coos Bay Provo
Dewayne’s World -Comics & Games 801-373-3482 Oroboros Games Toowoomba
541-756-5365 Kingsport
hammond toys Redmond Battle Station
Evolution Gaming 423-247-8997 425--558-9181 (07)4639 1999
Eugene salt lake city
Barony, The Inc. 801-278-0157 Uncle’s Games, Puzzles and More Toowoomba West
541-338-4263 Oak Ridge
hammond toys Redmond Ogre’s Den
Planet of Sand 865-483-0036 425-497-9180 (07)4637 9530
Eugene salt lake city
The Barony, Inc 801-531-6074 Game Wizard Inc. Wyong, Nsw
541--484-2169 Oak Ridge
hammond toys Seattle Tribsa
Interzone Comics 865-483-0036 206-781-4933 (02)4353 0666
Gresham west valley
TEXAS 801-967-2939 Gary’s Games BELGIUM
Big Apple Comics VIRGINIA Seattle Sint-Niklaas, Hq
The Games Outpost Amarillo 206-789-8891
Oregon City SHARDZ inc. 37763545
503-631-4550 Gryphon Games Ashland The Dreaming Comics & Games Aarschot
Amarillo 804-550-2411 Seattle Conect’R
Medusa’s Toy Chest 806-331-GAME 4263 206-525-9394
Portland Game Parlor Inc. +32 16 568830
503-665-9121 Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy Chantilly Merlyn’s Antwerp
Austin 703-803-3114 Spokane Red Dragon Games Antwerp
Borderlands Games 512-454-2399 509-624-0957
Salem The Comic Game Hobby Place Antwerpen
503-485-2554 Thors Hammer Charlottesville Abe’s Place Celtic Cross
Austin 434-984-1040 Tacoma 0032.
Medieval Times Games 512-326-4332 253-475-5112
Troutdale The Comic Game Hobby Place BRUSSELS
503-661-6533 Warehouse 23 Charlottesville Z Games
Austin Vancouver Antre Jeux
PENSYLVANIA 512-447-7866 The Compleat Strategist 360-567-1684 +32 2 6490075
The Roundtable Games & Stuff Falls Church Deurne, Antwerpen
Lonestar Comics 703-532-2477 Games Unlimited
Conshohocken Dallas Yakima The Gamestore
Adventure Games Hobbies 509-453-1846 +32/3/325.55.35
Talon Comics & Games Fredericksburg
Dickson City Denton WISCONSIN Drogenbos - Bruxelles
570-343-6687 540-372-6578 War House Games
214-287-8661 Hobby Town Usa
Fat Cat Comics And Games The Silver Unicorn 00 32 2 378 09 00
Avalon Games Hopewell Brookfield
Downingtown Dickinson 262-782-4332 Gent
610-269-6005 804-357-1525 Red Dragon Games Gent
281-337-7644 BFG Virtual Magic’s Paintball Game and
Raz Too Leesburg Hobbies & Collectibles 0032/9/3240957
Games Etc. Leesburg Hobby Center
DuBois Fort Worth Germantown Lood & Spelen
814-375-5090 703-779-8600
817-923-3667 262-250-4234 Hasselt
Gatehouse Games TAG, LTD Gamescenter D-Six
Alpha Centauri Books and Games Mechanicsville Gnome Games East
Duncansville Houston Green Bay Oberonn
814-693-9271 804-427-5696
713-983-7477 920-391-4263 +32 (0) 11 351 358
Dragon’s lair KGR Gaming
Gamertopia, Inc. Midlothian Gnome Games Tournament Center Herentals
Edinboro Houston Green Bay Play-It
814-734-7070 804-744-9003
713-455-8595 920-499-4263 014 84 88 64
Ground Zero Games Kid Go Round
Midnight Comics Midlothian Game Universe LiËge
Erie Huston Greenfield L’Autre Monde
814-868-0083 804-744-9003
281-293-0226 414-427-8800 +32-
Bell’s Comics, Cards & Games Atlantis Games & Comics
All The Fun Stuff Portsmouth BOLIVIA
Grove City Katy
724-458-4081 757-465-1617 Greenfield La Paz
281-398-7777 Tierra Media
The Adventurer’s Guild Dutch Pond 414-427-8800 Misty Mountain Games
Victory Games Suffolk 591 22788360
Harrisburg Lubbock Madison
717-561-8140 757-657-9800 CANADA
806-785-GAME 608-441-0312 Pegasus Games
The Compleat Strategist Atlantis Games and Comics Brampton, Ontario
Madness Games & Comics McKinney Virginia Beach Madison The Comic Warehouse
King of Prussia McKinney 7574795400 608-833-4263 The Last Square 905-799-3509
Six Feet Under Games 972-529-2601
Lancaster Bit of England Madison Calgary
Montag’s Games Virginia Beach The Sentry Box
717-392-0359 Pearland 1-800-750-4401 Fortress Games
757-497-5171 403-245-2121
The Kid in Me 281-412-4100 Meonomonee Falls
Lebanon Groovy Gecko’s comics & games Edmonton
GameWyze williamsburg Victory Games All Star
7177694099 Plano
Groovy Gecko\’s Comics and Games Sheboygan 780-465-3771
Showcase Comics 972-612-4133
Media Pa Williamsburg 920-207-7529 Alberta Hobby Centre
Madness Games & Comics Plano 780-452-4421
610-891-9229 Plano Game Parlor Inc. WEST VIRGINIA
Phantom of the Attic 972-943-8135 Woodbridge Gamers Lair
703-551-4200 All About Games
Pittsburgh 780-472-4101
Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy Beckley
412-921-6229 Round Rock Gamers Exchange Comex Hobby
The Unknown 512-279-8888 Yorktown 304-254-8787 Undersiege Games 780-477-5889
Scranton 757-599-1010 Huntington
Central Command Games Vesivus
570-342-3885 San Antonio VERMONT AUSTRALIA Grandby
The White Knight’s Game Room Inc. 210-219-9223 Quarterstaff Games Adelaide Maitre De Jeu
Williamsport Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy Burlington Infinity Games Quebec
570-321-1876 San Antonio 802-863-3666 (08)8410 2404 450-776-6669
Comic Store West 210-615-1229 Heroes Kingdom Aitkenvale, Townsville Guelph, Ontario
York Hobbytown USA St. Albans Games Exchange Gamer’S Guild
717-845-9198 Shenandoah WASHINGTON (07)4725 4661 519-821-9930
PUERTO RICO Horizon Games Games Plus Too Ashgrove Halifax
Comix & Gaming Spring Arlington Online Games Centre Odyssey 2000
San Juan 281-292-9697 360-659-1644 (07)3366 9166 902-429-6477

Hamilton =Rennes Leer Amsterdam Dundee

List your store at

Bayshore Hobbies Amusance Drachenhˆhle Leer The American Book Center Highlander Games
905-524-2334 Roubaix 0491 9122099 +31-(0)20-625 55 37 01382 666315
Kelowna Figuriland Ludwigsburg The American Book Center Edinburgh
Quantum Games & Cards =Strasbourg Fantasy Stronghold +31 (0)20 6255537 Black Lion Games
250-763-1806 Philibert 4.97142E+11 Den Haag 0131 667 2128
London M ̧nchen Spellenhuis Essex
Imperial Hobbies Games Toulon Funtainment Game Store +31 (0)70-3644782 Hobbiton
519-434-8822 Dreamfactor 0049/(0)89/51505710 Leiden 01702 200180
Matane 33660779908 Munich Games Freetime Warrior Exeter
Myzodus Toulouse 089 27272394 +31 (0)71 5130522 Clifton Road Games
418-562-4196 Univers ParallÈle NEW ZEALAND 01392 259 988
Fun 4 U
Montreal 9.85441E-09 Auckland Glasgow
Gamers’ World Jeux Du Monde Urban Warfare Static Games
514-788-5389 Mainz
05 61 23 73 88 Orcish Outpost 064 9 415 2293 Frome,Somerset
Le Valet D’Coeur Troyes 06131 233 299 Vagabond Games And Collectables Iksentrik Models Limited
514-499-9970 Hobby 3 (09)303-2750 01373 471695
Nanaimo 03 25 46 54 50 Palmerston North High Wycombe
Dragon Isle Games Headquarter Comics & Spiele Games & Gifts
Villeurbanne Heroes For Sale
New Westminster E-Ludik 02841-395523 Honiton
Chaos Books And Games 478949773 Muenster Art Of War
604-525-3643 Gamers Domain Braga 01404 44151
GERMANY Diver-Braga
Ottawa +49 251 3904804 Horsham
Dortmund 253215939
Fandom Ii Tellurian Games N ̧Rnberg Gamers Quest
613 236-2972 Funtainment Game Center Lisboa 01403 711642
0231/4752804 Netdeamon
Regina 0049 (0) 911 132 06 44 Ilkley, West Yorkshire
Bˆblingen (351)912305094
Comic Readers Fantasy Stronghold Neuss Wargames World
306-779-0900 Speilzeit Neuss Homem Azul 01943 607500
0703 233100 3.51214E+11
Richmond, Bc 02131 21190 Kent
Bad Homburg Oeiras
Imperial Hobbies Ulisses Spiele Nuernberg Westgate Games
604-273-4427 Projekt Sieben Entre Mundos 01227 457257
06172 921745 +351 214395157
St. Albert 0049911/2874952 Kings Langley
Bensheim Porto
Mission: Fun & Games Tinbitz Oberhausen Gameslord Ltd
780-459-1055 Headblast Tabletop, Wargaming & FicÁ„o e Fantasia +44 (0) 1923 681197
06251/703270 3.51222E+11
Terrace Fantasy Store Leeds
Bergisch Gladbach 0208 884 27 86 SINGAPORE
Comic Encounters Spielzeit Wargames World
250-638-7293 02202 - 940 620 Schwendi Singapore 01943 607500
Thunder Bay Spielewelten.Com Paradigm Infinitum Liverpool
Berlin 07353 981394 10527
The Bookshelf Highscore! Games Thadiun
807-345-1159 030-94413820 Singen SPAIN 1517346111
Mystic Lakes Seetroll Comics+Spiele Barcelona London
Battlefield Berlin +49 (0)7731 181937
807-623-4263 030/46066889 The Dungeon Comix And So It Begins
Toronto Wiesbaden +34 93 3497887 0208 579 2244
Morgenwelt Ulisses Universe
Hairy Tarantula 030 / 797 09646 La Linea Leisure Games
416-596-8002 0611 3601993 E-Minis 020 8346 2327
Clesus Rollenspiel & Tabletop 34 647158110
Series X 3078899466 IRELAND Manchester
416-222-8512 Las Palmas Altrincham Gaming
Bielefeld Dublin
Vancouver Transilvania Hobby Club 0161 9294708
Highlander Games The 4Th Dimension
Comic Shop +353 (0)86 8159058 928 362 898 Fan Boy 3
604-738-8122 Madrid 0161 2477735
Victoria Excalibur Milton Keynes
Highlander Games Tel Aviv 91 562 60 73
Curious Comics Rpgstuff
Dinslaken Freak
250-384-1656 Ourense 01908 26 999 1
Excalibur Miniaturen 972-3-6961826
Curious Comics Hillside Mazinger Ourense R.C.T. South Wales
+49 (0)2064 7 1234 ITALY 988540988
250-592-1656 Artemis Black’s
Dinslaken Bologna Sevilla
Winnipeg Brettspielkiste Redhill, Surrey
Dragon Store Bologna Nostromo
Campaign Outfitters 02064/465513 The Gamers Guild Ltd
+39 051 23 48 41 954211818
204-452-8711 + 44 (0) 1737 789123
Dormagen Blues Brothers Viladecans
DENMARK Tonys Toys Sheffield
516493379 Daily Price Viladecans
Aalborg 02133-973776 The Wargames Emporium
Firenze 93 6376594 (0114) 2754826
Kerberos Games Duesseldorf Blues Brothers SWITZERLAND
+45 22949626 Drachental Sheffield Space Centre
Aarhus Baden South Yorkshire
Essen Genova The World Of Miniatures 1142758905
Hobby House Phˆnixhort Blues Brothers
86120062 0201 4370787 Lausanne Shrewsbury
Hoejbjerg Mix-Image Sa Severn Games
Fantasy En`Counter Milano 01743 361417
Krigsbanan.Dk 0201-786877 Luzern
Blues Brothers
+45 22809915 Gnomon Games Planet Gmbh Southampton
Freiburg 25510491
0041 41 410 00 14 Hidden Fortress
FINLAND Ufo Gmbh Milano +044 (0) 2380 710550
0761 33316 Goblin Milano Uster
Nokia Strategy Shop Southport
Peliarkku Ky Hagen 02/720.16.268
Claymore Games
Highlander Games Modena UNITED KINGDOM
Turku 01704 545349
Roolipelit.Net 02331/914395 Blues Brothers Bedfordshire
St Helens, Lancashire
3.58409E+11 Highlander Games Hagen 59367866 Wargames Workshop
Wargames World
02331 914395 Ravenna +44 (0)1234 757878
FRANCE 01744 28500
Hamburg Dragon Store Ravenna Bedworth, Warwickshire
Aix En Provence Surrey
Zauberstein -38928 The Railway And Modelers Junction
Art’N Magic Morningstar Hobby Supplies
00405 5704101 Roma 024 76316285
01276 685160
Angers Dragon Store Roma2 Belfast
Sortileges Hamburg Swansea
Dragonworld +39 06 39737964 Unite All Action Gaming The Comix Shoppe
405000650 Dragon Store Roma 2890234410
Bayonne 01792 642097 Telford
Hannover +39 06 4404405 The Stack
Jeux Mage Inn Games Lore Ltd
Fantasy-In Blues Brothers Birmingham
=Besancon +49 (0)511 667799 678346414 Arcane Miniatures 01952 598757
Jeux De La Comte
03 81 81 32 11 Koln Sassuolo Oracle Games Questing Knight Games
Brave New World Dragon Store Sassuolo 0121 680 3544 44-01952-417747
Bordeaux 0221 2704771 +39 0536 813231 Watford
Atelier Des Figurines Waylands Forge
556791924 Karlsruhe Siena 0121 683 0075 Gameslord Limited
Gamer’s Palace Gio’ & Co 01923 630360
Lancey Bradford
0721-21118 288655 West Midlands
Sastaka Infinity Games Kefeld Torino Role-N-Play
Spielzeit - Krefeld Blues Brothers +44 (0) 1902 310027
Lille Joust For Fun
02151 - 80 17 18 115217281 VENEZUALA
Rocambole South Wales Kiel Torino 01656 767680 Caracas
Spiele, B ̧cher, Fantasy Gandalph Goblin Inv. New Group
Lille Burton On Trent
0431/9709934 011/5604135 058-0212-9856890
Artgamer Spirit Games
Kleve 1283 511293
Montpellier Highlander Games JAPAN
Jeux Mage\’Inn Charvil
02821/13965 Minoh,Osaka Games Lore Ltd
Action Jeux Koblenz Hobbymetal Iconoclasm 01189 546895
04 67 661 421 Zeitgeist 072 724 3341
Paris 0261-9147931 MALAYSIA The Games Player Ltd
Dreamwej Krefeld Petaling Jaya 7866450314 Spielzeit Wolf’S Game Shop
03 79540159 Coventry
Pau 0049 2151 801718
Bishop Games
Jeux Mage Inn NETHERLANDS 2476634999

oop eck


In th

u a r
No Qgazin
Ma Stryker
The creative geniuses over at
Mind Forge (
pulled out all the stops for Essen
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Uncovering the Orgoth!
It took over eight weeks for the
team to craft this battle-ready
beauty out of latex, closed-cell
foam, and cloth.

Saying goodbye to an old friend.

Madrak in the House of Raelthorne

PLUS, Drugs & poison, the

Hammerfall up close, and the
release of HORDES!

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