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Parity before the law teal, I wo g, were 1 : wld have Foy, Own d Fats” ae er 5 n daughter al-Bukhari nd cut off. Me, woman by the name of Fatima, belonging to the Banu Makhzum tribe, once committed a theft. Her kinsfolk, fearing that her hand would be cut off, sent Usamah ibn Zayd to plead with the Prophet on her behalf. When the Prophet had heard their case, signs of anger appeared on his face “Are you trying to sway me as to the limits laid down by God?” asked the Prophet. clude me, by hteous servants!? ALNaml 27:19 152 Usama ibn Zayd immediately admitted his mistake and begged the Prophet to pray on his behalf for forgiveness. The Prophet then preached a sermon to those assembled there. The Prophet said: “Communities of old came to grief because of the leniency shown to those in high positions when they committed a theft, which was in contrast to the punishment meted out to any thief of humble origin. By the one who has control over my soul, if my own daughter Fatima were to steal, I would have her hand cut off.” 153 Zaynab bint Muhammad® ghiers tortured for me, au She is the best of ™ Hakim faynab was the eldest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad é&. She was born ten years before the prophethood. She was married to Abul Aas, who was the son of a sister of Khadija, the Prophet's first wife and the mother of Zaynab. When the Prophet migrated to Madinah in the thirteenth year of the prophethood, Zaynab remained in Makkah in her in-laws’ house. Abul Aas took part in the battle of Badr on the side of the Quraysh. He was taken prisoner in the battle, Who say, ‘Lord, grant us joy in our wives and children and make usa model for the righteous,’ Al-Furqan 25:74 154 but the Prophet released him on the condition that he would send his daughter Zaynab to Madinah. When Abul Aas came back to Makkah, he sent Zaynab to Madinah under the protection of his brother Kinana. But her caravan was intercepted by the Quraysh and Zaynab was sent back home. Later, in the night she was secretly moved out of Makkah by Kinana. The Prophet had sent Zayd ibn Haritha to bring back Zaynab. He was waiting for her at a place called Batn. Kinana handed Zaynab and her daughter and son to Zayd and came back to Makkah. Remar ried to dter Husband e loves beauty. God is beautiful ce , i r=. Sahih Muslim bul Aas was captured by the Muslims in the sixth hijri in a caravan of the Quraysh which was going to Syria. At the request of Zaynab, his wealth and goods were returned to him. Abul Aas returned to Makkah with the caravan and handed over all the wealth and goods to their rightful owners. Then Abul Aas announced that he was a Muslim and that the only thing that prevented him from declaring his acceptance of Islam while in Madinah was the fear that the owners would assume that he did so only to appropriate their wealth. Abul Aas then left for Madinah where the Prophet received him hospitably and he was reunited with his family. The Préphet Buried her rayed t0 Allah to remove 2 oy. ands ayer Was ansyy, From fe Of the feebleness of “ai and my P aS answer €r the tortures of the &° Mu'jam Kabir J aynab died soon after her new nikah in the year 8th hijri. The Prophet taught Muslim women the manner of bathing the dead. This was performed by Umm Ayman, Sawda, Umm Salama, Umm Atiyyah. The Prophet performed the burial prayers and he himself went down into the grave and laid Zaynab in it. The Prophet seemed visibly disturbed on this occasion. Aa abs gt 36 dei es él pall oe, # 2p) aero Bes os U5 aN deg CS all yg CAI5 abl O Allah, I seek from You the blessing of entering the home and the blessing of leaving the home. With the name of Allah we enter and with the name of Allah we leave, and upon Allah our Lord do we trust. Zyanab left behind one daughter and one son. Her son Ali died in the battle of Yarmuk. He was present with the Prophet at the Victory of Makkah. Her daughter’s name was Umama. Zaynab used to love both her father and husband dearly. Ruqayya bint Muhammad* in the way God Ofte, oe xX ior ate heih.are the first couple to ra "ophet Lut and Ibrahim- uqayya was the second daughter of the Prophet Muhammad #. She was married to Utbah, a son of Abu Lahab’s, the greatest enemy of the Prophet. When the Prophet started preaching Islam, Abu Lahab asked his son t divorce Ruqayya. His son Utbah did as his father asked him to do and sent back his wife to the Prophet. Later on, the Prophet married Rugayya to Uthman, who later on became the third Caliph of Islam. ~~ ¢ bid Our Lord, we believe in what You. Pavetenc down and we follow the Messenger, so count us among those who bear y . Al ‘Imran 3:53 160 In the fifth year of the prophethood, Uthman and Rugayya migrated to Abyssinia as the conditions in Makkah were becoming difficult for the Muslims to live in. The Quraysh and other tribes were always trying to harm them. They came back to Makkah, knowing that things had returned to normal. But they found to their dismay that things had become worse in Makkah. So they again went back to Abyssinia. After staying in Abyssinia for a considerable period, they went to Madinah to which the Prophet had already migrated from Makkah. Died in Madinah oe so ave Rages and fer 5 est couple the people a : ‘Sband Uthman Al-Isabah aR: I the second year after the migration, when the preparations for Badr were being made, Ruqayya fell ill. The Prophet left behind Uthman, her husband, to take care of her. Rugayya died the day Usama ibn Zayd came to Madinah with news of the victory at Badr. The Prophet was away at the battle, so he could not take part in her funeral prayers. When he came back from Badr, he went to her grave and became very sad. The women started crying loudly. Umar went up to a Joie | 39721 ue Sh LAH BF wit ys 534i 2 54 bas cq deat ee, O25 Ki BSN BG NS 5545 1S tS Say, O Lord, King of Kings. You give rulership to whom you will and take it away from whom You please; You raise up whoever You will and cast down whoever You will. All that is good lies in Your hands. You have the power to will anything. Al ‘Imran 3:26 & p = i 162 ig “e x stop them. But the Prophet held him back and said, “There is no harm in weeping but crying loudly and lamenting is an act of Satan.” Fatima, his youngest daughter, was very sad and sat at the grave of her sister and wept. The Prophet constantly wiped her tears. Ruqayya had a son who had died when he was seven years old. After this, she did not bear another son. he ~ > ~ . . ae Umm Kulthum ; bint Muhammad* . salam whoever you know on wt rat the poor) and gre eno “hoever you do n% (BER, mm Kulthum was the third daughter of the Prophet. She Ue married to Utaibah, another son of Abu Lahab’s. When the Prophet started calling upon people to shun idolatry and accept Islam, Abu Lahab became a great enemy of the Prophet. He asked his sons to divorce the daughters of the Prophet who were married to his two sons. Utaiba was one of them. He immediately divorced Umm Kulthum. Umn Kulthum remained with the Prophet and after the death of her sister Ruqayya, the Prophet married her to Uthman. She Nasai is PE Gcls 5S) en ell a Assi CnUaie fp Wee. Gee Fol lai 13 All praises are due to 5 Allah who provided us with food and drink and made us believers. 164 lived with Uthman for six years and died in the 9th hijri. The Prophet performed her burial’prayers and Ali, Usamah ibn Zayd, Fadhl ibn Abbas put her i in the grave. She did not have any issue. Umamah ae Ly ,. "Bue it (necklace) to the on mamah was the Prophet’s grand daughter, being the Ue. of Zaynab, the Prophet’s daughter, and her husband Abul Aas. The Prophet loved Umamah very much. In the Sahih Bukhari, it has been recorded that the Prophet once came to the mosque carrying Umamah on his shoulder and led the prayer carrying her in his arms. When the Prophet did ruku and sajdah, he put Umamah down, and when he stood up he took her again in his arms. Once, somebody, perhaps Najashi, sent the Prophet expensive gifts that included a beautiful necklace. The Prophet announced that he would give it to the one who was dearest to him. Everyone thought it would be given to ‘Aisha, the Prophet's wife, who was very dear to the Prophet. But the m st cotta ne) ES! BUY Ca) aU) O Allah, quench at Allah, bless us with rainfall, 166 Prophet called Umamah and put the necklace around h. neck himself. At the time of the Prophet's death, Umamah was grown up. After the death of Fatima, Ali ibn Talib was married to Umamah. It has been reported that Abul Aas had made a will and had instructed Zubayr ibn al-Awwam who was his cousin, to perform this nikah. The marriage of Umamah took place under Zubayr’s supervision and he read the khutbah of nikah. When Ali ibn Abi Talib died in the year 40th hijri, he had also made a will that Mughaira ibn Naufil, a grandson of Abdul Muttalib should marry her. Meanwhile, Amir Muawiyah also sent a proposal of marriage and asked Marwan to spend one thousand dinar on the marriage ceremony. However, before this, Umamah had agreed to marry Mughira, who married her after having the permission of Hasan ibn Ali.

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