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Safety Precaution

T4i4instrument is equipped with a three-wire power cord which connects the-

'nett:rase and ground lead to the power-line ground. To prevent lethal shocks or
equipmgnt damage when servicing equipment not equipped with a three-wire
or WP-27A Isotap.
Always bedome familiar with the equipment under test before working on it,
bearing in mind that high voltages may appear at unexpected points in defective
* Use isolated sockets only.



information furnished by RCA is believed to be accurate and reliable. However,

ility is assumed by RCA for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or no responsi-
third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted other rights of
under any patent or patent rights of RCA. by implication or otherwise

Trademark (s) (tt, Registered

Marco (s) Registrada(s) 9/73(5)
Printed in U.S.A.

• 2 •

The RCA WR-50B RF Signal Gen- of both am and fm if circuits. This

erator is an all-purpose instrument, sweep output makes it possible to
designed primarily for aligning and obtain a continuous oscilloscope dis-
servicing radio and television receiv- play of if 'bandpass characteristics. A
ers. The generator produces tunable return-trace blanking circuit is in-
RF output from 85 kc to 40 Mc, 40( cluded to provide a zero-reference
cps audio output, and sweep output line.
455 kc and 10.7 Mc. A crystal-co_i- The crystal oscillator circuit in the
WR-50B enables the instrtufient to be
trolled oscillator is also provide I for
used as a crystal calibrator. A con-
use with an external crystal.
The variable oscillator covers the venient crystal socket is provided on
fundamental frequencies from 85- kc the panel. This crystal oscillator can
to 40 Mc in six ranges. For higher be used as a frequency calibration
frequencies, the second or "jar- reference for the variable osci1tor,
monic of the high range c use 1 . or can be used directly as a crystal-
A vernier Wiling co*. °Pp, (nits e- controlled signal source.
cise setting 'of the output 1_4!qu• ). The generator includes a shielded
The rf output can be modulated :h rf output cable to minimize radiation
the internal 490 cps oscillators, or with and hum pick-up.-A phono-type panel
an external audfo signal. The modula- jack is provided for of input/output.
tion level is adjustable. The WR-50B has brushed alumi;
A two-positiln attenuator switch, num panel with permanently etched
together withist'tvariable attenuator two-color dial scale and markings.
contreil prokritromplete adjustment The instrument is readily portable,
of the rf outfii vel.
- weighing just five pounds, and meas-
Sweep output is provided at 455 uring only 4% inches X 5% inches X
kc and 10.7 Mc for sweep_ align, ant 7% inches.

Accessories Available Separately

Crystals (Order from your local RCA Parts and Accessories Distributor)
Frequency StOck Number
100 kHz • 11C100
455 kHz 11C101
1 MHz 11C102
4.5 MHz 214796
10 MHz 11C103
10.7 MHz 11C104
• 3•
(Performance figures with'line voltage at 120 volts, 60 Hz)
Sweep Output: Voltage Required for
455 kc, center-frequency 30% Mod. Using 400 cps**
10.7 Mc, center-frequency approx. 10 volts rms
Sweep width approximately 10% of Impedance at AF IN/OUT
center frequency. Connector ( 400 cps) f
approx. 10K
Variable Oscillator: Crystal Oscillator
Six Ranges ( fundamental frequen- Maximum Output. .0.02 volts rms
cies ) Internal Mod. Percentage
approx. 20%t
A 85 kc to 200 kc Frequency Range. .100 kc to 15 Mc
B 200 kc to 550 kc ( Fundamental)
C 550 kc to 1600 kc Attenuator
D 15 Mc to 4.5 Mc VFO and Sweep Output
E 4 5 Mc to 14 Mc 2-step 10-to-1 attenuator
F 12 Mc to 40 Mc switch with potentiometer
for fine adjustment.
RF Output ( all ranges )* Crystal Oscillator Output
0.05 volt rms (minimum ) Additional 7-to-1
attenuator switch
Dial Calibration Accuracy
Tube Complement . ... 2 RCA 12AT7
Internal Modulating Frequency Power Supply§
approx. 400 cps Voltage Rating 105-130 volts
Percent Modulation 50/60 cps
adjustable up to 30% Power Consumption 15 watts
Audio Output .. .. at least 8 volts rms Height 7% in.
across 15K Toad
Width 5% in.
External Modulation Depth 4% in.
Modulating Frequency .15 kc max. Weight 5 lbs.

°Open-circuit value.
**With WR-50B tuned to 1 Mc.
With % MOD control at maximum.
Varies with crystal cut and activity.
§May be re-wired for 240 V operation.

Functions of Controls
0 TUNING DIAL — Tunes through all six ranges ( A through F) of the
variable rf oscillator.
C) RANGE SWITCH — Selects 455 kc or 10.7 Mc sweep, and VFO ranges
A through F.
RF HI/LO — Attenuates rf (VFO, crystal, and sweep) 'output when set
to LO position.
C) RF ATTEN — Provides fine rf attenuation adjustment.
® XTAL OSC HI/LO — Provides additional attenuation of crystal output.
C) RF OUT 77...,14F output cable.
O XTAL–tystal socket. Accepts crystals with HC-6U type base. Inserting
crystal afd lites crystal oscillator.
• MOD IN/OUT — External modulating signal can be applied through this
jack when MOD switch is set to "EXT' .

Provides 400 cps output when MOD switch is set to "INT".

0 PWR OFF/% MOD — Applies power when turned clockwise from "PWR
OFF" position. Varies modulation level. Varies level of 400 cps output.
io VFO ON /OFF — Turns variable frequency oscillator on or off.
@ SWEEP/INT MOD/EXT MOD — Three position switch.
SWEEP — Provides sweep output with retrace blanking when range switch
is set to one of the sweep positions.
EXT MOD — Permits external modulation of VFO or crystal oscillator. Re-
moves blanking when used with sweep function.
INT MOD — Modulates VFO or crystal oscillator with 400 cps signal.
• 5•

Plug the power cord plug into a SWEEP OUTPUT

120 volt, 60 cps AC outlet. Turn % 1. Set the range switch to "455
MOD/PWR OFF control clockwise KC" or "10.7 MC" and the VFO
to turn the instrument on. switch to ON. Set the MOD switch
to "SWEEP" for sweep output with
VARIABLE FREQUENCY retrace blanking.
1. Set the range switch to the 2. Set MOD switch to "EXT MOD"
range that includes the desired fre- to remove blanking for adjusting os-
quency, as follows: cilloscope phase.

Range Frequency 3. Adjust output level with the RF

A 85 kc to.200 kc HI/LO switch and the RF ATTEN
B 200 kc to 550 kc control.
C 550 kc to 1600 kc 4. A marker can be inserted in the
D 1600 kc to 4.5 Mc
sweep trace by inserting a crystal of
E 4.5 Mc to 14 Mc
the marker frequency in the crystal
F 14 Mc to 40 Mc
socket. Adjust marker size with the
Note: Frequencies higher than 40 XTAL OSC switch.
Mc can be obtained by using second
or third harmonics of the fundamental Refer to page 35 for further infor-
F band frequencies. For example, the mation regarding the use of sweep
second harmonic of the F band pro-
duces frequencies from 28 Mc to 80
Mc; the third harmonic produces fre-
quencies from 42 Mc to 120 Mc; etc. 1. Insert a crystal with a frequency
between 100 kc and 15 Mc in the
2. Turn the dial indicator to the crystal socket. Use a crystal with HC-
desired frequency on the dial scale. 6U type base ( pin diameter, .05";
Set the VFO switch to "ON". pin space, .486" ). Specify for use in
3. If internal 400 cps modulation parallel resonant circuit, with 32 pf
is desired, set the MOD switch to loading. Crystals for several frequen-
"INT MOD". If external modulation cies are „available from RCA. See
is to be applied, or if no modulation page 3.
is desired, set switch to "EXT MOD".
Note: Crystals with other types of
4. Adjust output level with the RF/ basing can be used by connecting
HI/LO SWITCH and RF ATTEN short leads from crystal pins to the
control. socket.

2. If the VFO is not to be used with RF switch, XTAL OSC switch,
with the crystal oscillator, set the and RF ATTEN control .

VFO switch to "OFF". Set the MOD

switch to "INT" for modulation with 400 CPS OUTPUT
the 400 cps internal oscillator, and to 1. Set MOD switch to "INT MOD".
"EXT" for no modulation or if exter- 400 cps output will be available at
nal modulation is to be applied. MOD IN/OUT jack. A coaxial audio
cable with standard phono plug can
3. Adjust modulation level with be used. Output level is adjustable
% MOD control. Adjust output level with the % MOD control.

Crystal Oscillator
The crystal-controlled oscillator of mode, and are designed for operation
the WR-50B is operated simply by in- in the type of circuit used in the
serting a crystal of the desired fre- WR-50B should be used. In this cir-
quency into the socket on the front cuit, overtone crystals will oscillate
panel of the instrument. Set the VFO at their fundamental mode — approx-
ON/OFF switch to the "OFF" posi- imately one-third of their designated
tion to remove the variable frequency frequency.
oscillator signal. The WR-50B may be utilized effec-
This crystal oscillator circuit fea- tively as a crystal-calibrated signal
tures the ability to operate over a generator by using the crystal oscilla-
wide range of frequencies, with a rich tor circuitry of the instrument to cali-
production of harmonics. For this brate the variable oscillator.
reason the WR-50B can be conven- There are several methods of using
iently used for calibration purposes. the crystal oscillator in this manner:
For extreme accuracy, crystals Two of these methods are described
which oscillate at a fundamental below. In these examples a 1000 Kc
crystal is used, however any "fainda- The zero-beat occurs when the fre-
mental-cut" crystal in the range from quency of the variable oscillator is
100 Kc to 15 Mc can be used in a the same as the fundamental crystal
similar manner. frequency. Thus, this zero-beat point
Example 1: Connect the RF OUT indicates the WR-50B variable oscil-
cable of the WR-50B to a diode cir- lator is set at exactly 1000 Kc.
cuit as shown in Figure 1. Connect Since the Pierce-type crystal oscil-
the diode circuit to an audio amplifier lator used in the WR-50B is rich in
and speaker. The amplifier circuit of harmonics as mentioned above, the
a radio receiver having two stages of variable oscillator can be calibrated
audio amplification can be used for in a similar manner using the har-
this purpose. If a receiver is used, monics of the fundamental crystal
connect the diode circuit to the vol- frequency, such as 100 Kc, 125 Kc,
ume control, using shielded wire. 250 Kc, 333 Kc, 500 Kc, and 2 Mc,
Set the RF ATTEN control fully 3 Mc, 4 Mc, etc.
clockwise, the RF HI/LO switch to Example 2: The calibrating method
"HI", the MOD switch to "EXT", described below is similar to that of
and the VFO ON/OFF switch to example 1, except that an oscilloscope
"ON". Insert a 1000 Kc crystal into rather than an amplifier is used as the
the socket on the front panel of the zero-beat indicator. The equipment is
WR-50B. Turn the Range switch to connected as shown in Figure 2.
"C", and tune the dial indicator be- Set the internal sweep of the oscil-
tween 950 Kc and 1050 Kc. A zero- loscope to one of the high horizontal
beat will be heard in this area. sweep ranges, with the internal sync
"off". As the variable oscillator of the
NOTE: A zero-beat can be identi- WR-50B is tuned in close to the
fied as follows: As the dial approaches crystal frequency, a "band-type" trace
the zero-beat point, the sound starts will be noted. At actual zero-beat,
from a high pitch, then reduces in the band changes to a straight line.
frequency until it reaches "zero" and As the variable oscillator is turned
little or no sound can be heard. As past zero-beat, the band again ap-
the dial indicator passes beyond the pears until the beat frequency be-
zero-beat point, the sound again raises comes high enough to be out of the
in pitch to beyond audibility. scope and detector response range.

• 8

Figure 1. Using AF amplifier to crystal calibrate the WR-508




''Flour* 2. Using oscilloscope to crystal calibrate the wit-508

General tended to aid the technician in iso-
lating a defective section or stage in
Before the WR-50B is used for mak- the television receiver. Applying this
ing adjustments or trouble shooting in
either radio or television receivers, it information, however, does not pre-
is important that the functions of the clude the usual preliminary service
controls and connectors be understood. checks which the technician should
Their purposes and features are de- make first on an apparently defective
scribed on page 4. set. The application information does
The application information given not include alignment adjustments in
in the following paragraphs is in- the tuner or picture-if amplifier. Align-
ment of these sections requires use of which will give a harmonic at the de-
precision alignment equipment, such sired frequency. For signal tracing if
as an RCA WR-69A TV Sweep Gen- amplifiers, harmonic output from the
erator, WR-99A Crystal-Calibrated WR-50B is more than adequate for
Marker Generator, and an oscilloscope, producing useable bars on the kine-
such as the RCA WO-33A or WO-91A. scope screen.
In checking a defective receiver, It will be noticed that when the
make a visual inspection first. Look WR-50B is used to produce horizontal
for unlighted or loose tubes, cold bars, the shading of the bars may be
solder joints, and mechanical defects. varied from light to dark by adjust-
If picture or raster trouble is en- ment of the % MOD/AF and the RF
countered on a television receiver, the ATTEN control. These controls may
ion-trap magnet, brightness control, be used to advantage in checking for
focusing magnet, and drive control stage gain and in isolating a defective
should first be checked to see whether stage in an amplifier section. For ex-
a normal raster with normal brightness ample, as the % MOD/ AF control is
can be obtained. A normal raster indi- varied, the degree of modulation of
cates that the kinescope, high-voltage the rf output signal is changed. In
section, vertical deflection circuits, and servicing work, certain modulation
horizontal-deflection section are oper- percentages have been accepted. For
ating properly. If no raster or a poor example, a modulation percentage of
raster is obtained, these sections should 30% is customarily used in general
be checked and corrected. When a laboratory work on radio receivers and
normal raster is obtained, apply pic- transmitters, and up to 50% is usually
ture signal and set the contrast con- satisfactory for radio and television
trol to the maximum contrast position. servicing applications. A high per-
If no picture is present or is weak, the centage is desirable for television to
trouble is probably in the rf, if or provide maximum bar intensity with-
video sections. out causing overload of the picture-if
Generation of Horizontal Bars
When the internal audio oscillator Methods of Checking Output
is used to amplitude modulate the rf If it is desired to check the modu-
output signal, the WR-50B is ex- lation percentage of the rf output
tremely useful in checking picture-if signal from the WR-50B directly, it
and video amplifiers. Because the fre- may be checked by observing the out-
quency of the audio signal is approxi- put waveshape on an oscilloscope, pro-
mately 400 cps, six horizontal bars viding the rf frequency is within the
will be produced when the vertical frequency range of the oscilloscope.
oscillator in the receiver is operating As the % MOD control is varied,
at approximately its normal rate of the degree of modulation on the wave-
60 cps. form will be seen to change. The
Some if amplifiers operate at fre- oscilloscope and direct probe may
quencies which are above the funda- also be used to measure the peak-to-
mental tuning range of the WR-50B. peak value of the audio voltage at the
In these cases, it will be necessary to AF IN/OUT connector. The peak-to-
tune the WR-50B to a frequency peak value of the audio output voltage

• 10 •
may also be read directly on either the operating voltage of the test cir-
the WV-77E VoltOhmyst or the WV- cuit does not exceed the maximum
98C Senior VoltOhmyst, which have safe operating voltage as follows:
separate peak-to-peak scales. AF IN/OUT cable--400 dc volts max.
In most applications in signal trac- RF OUT cable-500 dc volts max.
ing, the RF HI-LO switch is set to Figure 3. Locating a dead video,
the "HI" position, and adequate if, or rf section.
attenuation can be obtained with the 1. Check the video section by ap-
RF ATTEN control. When a low-gain plying a few volts of audio signal to
stage or amplifier section is tested the input of the video section, shown
however, the switch should be set to as point "1" in Figure 3. If the audio
the "LO" position. signal produces horizontal bars on the
NOTE: It is important to remember raster, the video amplifier is function-
that troubles in the agc circuit of ing. The vertical-hold control on the
television or radio receivers may cause receiver should be adjusted to keep
the rf or if amplifiers to appear weak, the bars stationary. If the bars are not
dead, or intermittent. In case of doubt, visible, each stage in the video ampli-
it is advisable to eliminate temporarily fier should be checked as shown in
the agc action by using fixed bias Figure 4.
voltage as shown in Figure 12. 2. If the video amplifier is func-
tioning, the picture-if section should
Applications in Television be checked. Tune the WR-50B to
Before connecting the WR-50B out- approximately the center of the pic-
put cable to any test point, make sure ture-if pass band. If the picture if is



• ••••
41 1


Figure 3. Setup for locating a dead video, if, or rf section

• 11 •
higher than 40 Mc, tune the WR-50B output of the WR-50B as shown at
to one half the required frequency; point "1" in Figure 4. The audio sig-
the second harmonic will provide the nal should produce horizontal bars on
necessary signal. Feed a modulated the raster. With normal raster bright-
rf signal to the input of the victure-if ness, the bars produced by the audio
amplifier, shown as point "2 '. If the signal in this step should be grey in
amplifier is functioning, the input sig- tone, not black.
nal should produce horizontal bars on When the audio signal is applied
the raster. If the bars are not visible, to any portion of the video amplifier
check the agc voltage as described in that comes after the sync take-off
the manufacturer's service notes. If point, it will not be possible to sync
any tubes in the if amplifier are the bars (keep them from rolling). The
shorted, or if the agc bus is shorted, location of the sync take-off point
waveshape clipping may occur in the may differ in different receivers. In
if amplifier. If the age circuit appears some receivers it may come after the
to be functioning normally, each stage second detector, in others it may fol-
in the picture-if amplifier should be low the first video stage. Other re-
checked as described in Figure 5. ceivers may have the take-off point
3. If both the video and picture-if located after the second video stage.
sections are functioning, the difficulty 2. Check the coupling capacitor,
probably lies in the rf section, which shown as C3 in Figure 4, by shifting
should be checked as shown in Fig- the output cable from the WR-50B
ure 6. from point "1" to point "2". The hori-
Figure 4. Locating a dead stage in zontal bars may become weaker or
the video amplifier. lighter in shading. If the shadowing
1. Check the input circuit to the becomes extremely light or if the bars
kinescope by applying the full audio disappear, C3 may be defective.




Figure 4. Setup for locating a dead stag. In the video amplifier

• 12 •
3. Check the video output stage by shown as point "4" in Figure 4, reduce
applying the full audio output from the audio output until the bars on the
the WR-50B to the grid circuit, shown kinescope become light grey. Shift the
as point "3" in Figure 4. The bars output cable to the grid of the first
should become noticeably darker, in- stage, shown as point "5". The bars
dicating that the stage is functioning should become much darker, indicating
and providing amplification. If neces- that the first stage is functioning and
sary, reduce the audio output from providing amplification.
the WR-50B to prevent overloading 6. Check coupling capacitor Cl by
of the amplifier. shifting the output cable from point
4. Check the coupling capacitor to "5" to point "6' . The intensity of the
the output stage by shifting the out- bars should remain nearly the same.
put cable from point "3" to point "4". In direct coupled video amplifiers
The intensity of the bars should re- which do not use coupling capacitors,
main nearly the same. If the bars be- steps 2, 4, and 6 should be omitted.
come considerably lighter or dis- Figure 5. Locating a dead stage
appear, C2 may be defective. in the picture-if amplifier.
5. With the output cable connected Adjust the receiver to obtain a
to the plate of the first video stage, normal raster with normal brightness.




Figura 5. Stoop for locating a &mod stare in ant picture-if ampliflor

Set the contrast control to the maxi- move one of the mixer coil strips and
mum-contrast position. Tune the re- turn the turret to the blank position.
ceiver to an unused high-frequency b. Using a spare mixer tube, care-
channel such as 12 or 13 or tempo- fully bend out the grid pin for connec-
rarily remove the rf-oscillator tube. tion to the signal generator. In this
step, and sometimes in step "a", it will
Tune the WR-50B to approximately
the center of the picture-if pass band. be necessary to use a resistor of about
If the frequency is higher than 40 Mc, 10,000 ohms or larger to ground to
furnish a dc-return path for the grid
tune the WR-50B to one half the re-
quired frequency; the second harmonic current.
of the generator will supply a signal Figure 6. Locating a dead rf-ampli-
at the required frequency. fier or rf-oscillator stage.
1. Adjust the generator for maxi- If the previous checks show that the
mum rf output with modulation ap- picture-if and video amplifier sections
plied. Connect the output cable to are functioning properly, the rf sec-
the.grid circuit of the last picture-if tion should next be checked for
amplifier, shown as point "1" in Figure trouble.
5. The 400-cycle modulation should 1. Check to determine whether the
produce horizontal bars on the raster. rf oscillator is operating by measuring
Adjust the vertical-hold control on the the developed negative grid-bias in
receiver to lock the bars stationary on the oscillator circuit. It is important
the kinescope screen. Presence of the that a vacuum-tube voltmeter, such as
bars indicates that the last picture-if an RCA VoltOhmyst having an iso-
amplifier and second detector stages lating probe, be used for this measure-
are functioning. ment. The correct value of the bias
2. If the shading of the bars is voltage should be obtained from the
dark, reduce the rf output level from service notes for the receiver being
the WR-50B until the bars appear tested. The voltage usually ranges from
light grey. Move the output cable to —2 to —6 volts. If the measured volt-
point "2". The bars should become age is a few tenths of a volt or less,
darker, indicating that the second if- it may be assumed that the rf oscil-
amplifier stage is functioning. lator is not functioning and the tube,
3. The remaining stages in the pic- components, and supply voltages in
ture-if amplifier should be checked in the oscillator circuit should be checked
the same way. to determine the source of the trouble.
4. If all the picture-if stages are 2. If the rf oscillator is functioning
functioning properly, check the mixer properly, the rf amplifier should be
stage by applying the rf signal to the checked as follows:
grid of the stage, shown as point "4". Tune the receiver to channel 2 and
In some receivers, the rf tuned cir- tune the WR-50B to approximately 28
cuits act as a partial if short across Mc with modulation applied. The 28-
the converter grid. In such cases, it Mc setting of the WR-50B supplies a
may be necessary to remove the short second harmonic of 58 Mc, which falls
during the procedure in step 4 by em- near the center of channel 2. Apply
ploying one of the following methods: the modulated rf signal to the grid of
a. In tuners of the turret type, re- the mixer tube, shown as point "2" in

• 14 •



Figure 6. Sinop for locating a dead rf-amplitlor or rf-oscillator stag*

Figure 6. Adjust the rf output from point "3". The bars may become
the generator so that the bars are slightly lighter. If the bars become
plainly visible on the kinescope screen. very faint or disappear, the trouble
NOTE: On some tuners, usually may lie in the rf tuned circuits be-
those which employ a pentode-type tween the rf-amplifier plate and the
mixer, connection of the output cable converter grid.
will not cause serious detuning of the 4. With the output cable connected
high-impedance circuits. Tuners which to the plate of the rf amplifier, adjust
employ triode mixers, however, may the rf output from the WR-50B until
require that a capacitor of approxi- the bars are light grey. Shift the out-
mately 5 FAf or less be connected in put cable to the grid of the rf ampli-
series with the rf lead of the cable to fier, shown as point "4". The bars
minimize circuit loading. If serious should become darker, indicating that
detuning occurs with either type of the rf amplifier is functioning.
tuner, however, it may be necessary 5. Shift the output cable to the an-
to experiment with various methods of tenna input terminal of the receiver,
signal injection to avoid upsetting cir- shown as point "5". The intensity of
cuit impedance. the bars should remain approximately
3. Shift the output cable to the the same as in step 4 above. If the
plate of the rf amplifier, shown as bars become very faint or disappear,
• 15.•









Figure 7. Method for localizing a dead stage in the sound-if amplifier

circuits ahead of the rf amplifier circuit. The location of the sound-if

should be checked for trouble. take-off circuit will differ with dif-
These methods for localizing trouble ferent receivers; it may follow the
in the tuner have certain limitations. converter stage or one of the picture-
For thorough and accurate trouble- if amplifiers. It may also come after
shooting work on tuners, standard the second detector or one of the
sweep-alignment equipment should be video amplifiers.
used. An RCA WR-69A Television 1. Check the audio section of the
Sweep Generator, and RCA WR-99A receiver to determine whether it is
Crystal-Calibrated Marker Generator, functioning, as described in Figure 14.
and the RCA WO-33A or WO-91A 2. If the audio section is function-
Oscilloscopes are recommended. ing properly, the FM sound detector
Figure 7. Localizing a dead stage should be checked next. In either the
in the sound-if amplifier. ratio or discriminator type detectors,
If the picture is normal but sound the VoltOhmyst should be set up to
is out on all channels, the trouble use the zero-center scale and con-
will probably be found in the sound nected across the output load resistor
circuits following the sound-if take-off of the detector.
• 16
3. The rf output cable should be Figure 8. Localizing intermittent
connected from the WR-50B to the picture trouble in cases where the
grid of the last sound-if stage, shown raster is not affected. Tune the tele-
as point "1" in Figure 7, and the gen- vision receiver to an unoccupied
erator tuned to the center frequency channel in the high end of the band
of the sound-if amplifier. or remove the mixer tube. Tune the
4. Check the alignment of the WR-50B to approximately the center
sound detector by tuning the WR-50B of the picture-if pass band. If the
back and forth through the sound-if required frequency is higher than 40
setting. If the detector is aligned and Mc, tune the generator to one-half the
functioning, the meter pointer of the required frequency. Apply the gen-
VoltOhmyst should swing above and erator signal, with modulation, to the
below center scale as the WR-50B is input of the picture-if amplifier. Ad-
tuned. If the last if stage or the de- just the generator output and the
tector is defective, however, perform- receiver contrast control so that the
ance may be impaired. 400-cycle modulation is plainly evi-
5. Set up the VoltOhmyst to meas- dent as horizontal bars on the raster.
ure dc volts and connect the instru- Set the VoltOhmyst to a low dc-
ment to the grid of the last sound-if voltage range and connect the meter
amplifier stage, shown as point "1" across the second-detector load re-
in Figure 7. The grid circuit usually sistor. The VoltOhmyst should indi-
employs a grid resistor of about 50,000 cate several volts of rectified signal.
ohms. Under normal conditions, grid
Allow the equipment to operate
current flows in this stage when a
until the intermittent trouble occurs.
sound-if signal is applied and pro-
If the horizontal bars on the kinescope
duces a negative dc voltage across
disappear but the meter continues to
the resistor. The voltage may range
indicate approximately the same volt-
from —1.0 volt on weak signals to
age drop across the second-detector
—30 volts or more on strong signals.
load resistor, the trouble is in the
With no signal input, there is normally
video section or in the kinescope. If
a small negative voltage of several
the bars disappear and the meter
tenths of a volt across the resistor be-
reading changes to a low value, the
cause of contact potential in the tube.
trouble is in the picture-if amplifier
The effect of contact potential is ex-
or in the second detector. If the inter-
plained briefly in Figure 20.
mittent condition does not occur, the
Tune the WR-50B to the center
trouble is probably in the rf section.
frequency of the sound-if amplifier,
The trouble may be localized to a
Apply full-signal output, without
particular stage in the suspected sec-
modulation, to the input of the
tion by following the general methods
sound-if amplifier as shown in
outlined in Figures 4, 5, and 6. Inter-
Figure 7. Tune the generator for a
mittent troubles may be classified in
maximum reading on the VoltOhmyst.
four groups as follows:
If no reading is obtained, check the
sound-if' amplifier for trouble by con- a. Intermittent trouble caused by
necting the rf output cable to the voltage breakdown. Insulation in a ca-
plate of the next-to-last if amplifier, pacitor or other component may break
shown as point "2", and working for- down intermittently and cause a short
ward through points 3, 4, and 5. circuit. The occurrence of this type
• 17 •
o o
O 0 0
•• 0



Figure 8. Method for localizing intermittent picture trouble

of trouble can usually be accelerated an unsoldered joint, (2) a cold-

for service purposes by operating the soldered joint, (3) a stray strand of
receiver at higher-than-normal line wire, (4) a stray lump of solder, or
voltage, such as 125 volts. The RCA (5) a bare wire too close to another
TV Isotap, a combination isolation bare wire, or too close to a bare con-
and adjustable-voltage transformer, is tact, etc. This type of trouble is usu-
extremely useful for this purpose. ally located by tapping, pushing, or
b. Intermittent trouble caused by pulling gently on connections and
mechanical expansion and contraction components in the suspected section
due to temperature changes. Connec- of the receiver.
tions inside tubes, capacitors, resis- d. Intermittent rf oscillator action
tors, transformers, and other com- due to low line voltage. The rf oscilla-
ponents may open up or become tor may have a tendency to stop oscil-
shorted as a result of expansion and lating when the line voltage is lower
contraction due to temperature changes than normal. When the rf oscillator
as the receiver warms up or cools off stops working, both the sound and
with application and removal of power. picture will be absent. The oscillator
The occurrence of such trouble can may function when the receiver is
often be speeded up by heating the first turned on and then stop when the
components in the suspected section. receiver is tuned to a different fre-
An ordinary electric lamp or an infra- quency. A weak or faulty oscillator or
red lamp may be used. power rectifier, or dirty tuner contacts
c. Intermittent contacts. If the inter- contribute to the condition. In cases
mittent trouble, occurs when the where there is reason to suspect this
chassis is tapped, shaken, or twisted trouble, it is advisable to check re-
slightly, the trouble is probably due ceiver operation at a line voltage which
to an intermittent contact, such as (1) continued on page 22
• 18 •
Replacement Parts List
When ordering replacement parts, include model and serial number of "nstrument.
Parts should be ordered through a local RCA electronic instruments distributor.

Symbol No. Description Stock No.

Trimmer, 1.5-10 pf 219975
C-1, C-6 235386
C-7 Ceramic, 12 pf, 10%, 500 V
Variable, 10-330 pf 226326
C-8 235385
C-9, C-11 Ceramic, 3.3 pf, 20%, 500 V
Mica, 120 pf, 20%, 500 V 59481
C-10 73473
C-12, C-14, C-18, Ceramic, .005 A f , GMV, 500 V
Paper, 0.1 pf, 200 V 228040
C-15, C-27 Ceramic, .001 pf, GMV, 500 V 77252
C-16, C-19 Ceramic, 47 pf, 20%, 500 V , 227754
Paper, .033 pf, 400 V 227885
C-20, C-21 Ceramic, .01 pf, 20%, GMV, 500 V ' 73960
C-22 Paper, 0.1 µf , 400 V 227530
C-23 Electrolytic, 40/40 pf, 150 V 226327
C-25 Paper, 0.1 pf, 100 V 228040
C-26 Paper, .047 pf, 400 V 227754
R-1 22 K, 10%, 1/2 watt 502322
R-2, R-11 47 K, 10%, '/2 watt 502347
R-3 68 K, 10%, 1/2 watt 502368
R-4 120 K, 10%, '/2 watt 502412
R-5, R-15 330 ohms, 10%, '/2 watt 502133
R-6 33 ohms, 10%, 1/2 watt 502033
R-7 100 ohms, 10%, 1/2 watt 502110
R-8 Variable, 500 ohms 226433
R-9 Variable, wire wound, 2500 ohms 235384
R-10 180 ohms, 10%, 1/2 watt 502118
R-12 470 K, 10%, '/2 watt •502447
R-13, R-21 100 K, 10%, 1/2 watt 502410
R-14 2700 ohms, 10%, '/2 watt 502227
R-16, R-17 1.5 meg, 10%, 1/2 watt 502515
R-18 390 ohms, 10%, 1/2 watt 502139
R-19 180 K, 10%, '/2 watt 502418
R-20 Variable, 15 K, w/switch S-6 235378
R-22 1000 ohms, 10%, 1 watt 512210
R-23 6800 ohms, 10%,• 1/2 watt 502268
R-24 2200 ohms, 10%, '/2 watt 502222
R-25 560 ohms, 10%, 1/2 watt 502156
L-1 85-200 kc 226378
L-2 200-550 kc 226329
L-3 550-1700 kc 226330
L-4 1.5-4.5 mc 226331
L-5 4.2-14 mc 226332
L-6 12-40 mc 226333
L-7 550 kc 226329
L-8 10.7 mc 235387
CR-1 Diode, type IN3756 235382
CR-2 Diode, type IN3754 229040
CR-3 Diode, varactor 235383
S-1 Switch, range 235380
S-2 Switch, slide, SPDT 101247
S-3, S-4 Switch, slide, SPDT 235381
S-5 Switch, slide, DPDT 227560
S-6 Part of R-20
T-1 Power transformer 98192
Ti VI Power transformer for VI units (240 V) 246333
T-2 Audio transformer 226325
Case assembly 235379
Connector, MOD IN/OUT 232121
Handle 226241
Knob, pointer 212148
Knob, black rubber 94878
Knob, w/set screw 226689
Pilot light 229727
Indicator assembly 227583
Crystal socket 56262
Shell, for probe (2 pieces) 219485
10 C II
455 KC 3.3

VIA • R3
12AT7 68 K
10.7 MC 6

I 47K
200KC S2 .44
TO R13
550KC 100K

550 KC C R3
C47 T
+ 6V. -
TO ' C4 a
1.5-10 X TAL
-1.- R11
...1 4 7K
4.5 MC 47 RI2
CA LS 4701
14 MC 1.5-10
• R25
12 MC L6
1.5-10 0

50/60'1/ =




• 20 •
V1B T1



R8 .001

.033 1801(
SAO. +150V
IN3754 TI
V2B 240V
12AT7 6 AC


R14 a
2700 S5A R16 R17 NOTE
R18 S58
R15 MOD.
2200 2 .047 IN/OUT
I _
C25 %MOD
R23 C22 .1 400V. R22
c RED CR1 1W

ler". IN3756
R21 C23A C23B

E 40 MFD.
40 MFD.

o GRN.
OF R20 V2 jr
45 4,5

• 21 •

0 0
•• 0 0




figure 9. Method for localizing Intermittent sound trouble

is slightly less than the lowest voltage until the intermittent trouble shows
encountered in that particular loca- up. Occurrence of the trouble can
tion. THE RCA WP-25A TV Isotap is often be speeded up as described in
extremely useful in detecting this the text for Figure 8. If the sound
intermittent trouble. disappears but the meter reading re-
Figure 9. Localizing intermittent mains approximately the same, the
sound trouble. If the picture is normal trouble must be in the audio section.
but the sound is intermittently dead, If the meter reading drops to a low
the trouble is probably in the sound-if value, the trouble is in the sound-if
or audio section. In receivers having a amplifier or detector.
separate sound channel, a shift in the The trouble may be localized to a
frequency of the rf oscillator can pro- particular stage by applying the gen-
duce somewhat similar symptoms. eral method described in Figures 7
With the VoltOhmyst set to the and 14. These methods may also be
50-volt dc range, connect the instru- used to localize intermittent troubles
ment to the output of the sound-if in FM radio receivers.
detector. Connect the rf output cable of Figure 10. Checking approximate
the WR-50B with modulation applied, stage gain in a video or audio ampli-
to the input of the sound-if amplifier. fier. Remove or disable one of the if
Tune the WR-50B slightly above or tubes so that external signals cannot
below the correct frequency for great- reach the video or audio amplifier.
est positive or negative indication on Set up the VoltOhmyst to measure ac
the VoltOhmyst. Advance the receiver voltage. Set up the WR-50B to deliver
volume control and reduce the output audio output. If the video amplifier
from the generator to bring the if has a contrast control, set the control
signal slightly below limiting level. for maximum gain.
Readjust the volume control for the 1. Connect the rf output cable of the
desired sound level. signal generator to the grid of the out-
Allow the equipment to operate put tube, shown as point "1". Connect
• 22 •
the VoltOhmyst to the same point. Ad- Figure 11. Checking approximate
just the generator to produce 1.0 rms stage gain in a picture-if amplifier.
volt of signal at. the grid. Shift the The agc circuit should first be rendered
VoltOhmyst to the plate and measure inoperative as described in Figure 12.
the audio signal voltage at the plate. Set up the VoltOhmyst to measure de
The approximate voltage gain is equal voltage and connect the VoltOhmyst
to the numerical value of the signal across the second-detector load resistor.
voltage at the plate. For example, with 1. Connect the rf output cable of the
1.0 volt of signal at the grid and 15 WR-50B to the grid of the last pie-
volts of signal afthe plate, the approxi- hire-if tube, shown as point "1" in
15 Figure 11. Tune the WR-50B to a
mate gain ilopeog ual to — or 15. frequency in the picture-if pass band
1 for maximum indication on the meter.
In ac/dc radio receivers and in
Adjust the output (without modula-
some small ac receivers, considerable tion) to produce 0.5 volt across the
hum voltage, up to 10 or 15 volts,
may be present at the plate of the load resistor.
output tube. To minimize error due 2. Shift the output cable to the grid
to the hum voltage, it is necessary to of the next-to-last if amplifier, shown
measure the hum voltage separately as point "2". The meter reading
at the plate and subtract the hum should change by a factor equal to
voltage from the previous reading. the gain of the next-to-last stage. For
The hum voltage should be measured example, if the meter reading increases
without application of an audio signal. from 0.5 volt to 2.5 volts, the approxi-
When checking the gain of an audio- 2.5
output stage, it is essential to have the mate gain is equal to — = 5.
speaker connected to the output trans- 0.5
former because the gain of the output After determining the gain, and
stage without a load is much higher with the generator output cable con-
than normal. nected as in step 2, reduce the output
2. The gain of the first stage should to produce 0.5 volt across the load
be measured in the same manner. resistor.


Figure 10. Setup for making approximate stage gain check in video or audio amplifier

• 23 •
O 0
O 0





Figure 11. Setup for making approximate stage gain cheek in picture-if amplifier

3. Shift the output cable to the grid rf and if amplifiers. The RCA WG-
of the second-from-last stage. The 30713 TV Bias Supply is ideally suited
• meter reading should change by a to this purpose. If the manufac-
factor equal to the gain of the stage.. turer describes a method in his service
Check any remaining stages in the notes, his method should be followed.
same manner. A typical method, however, is shown in
Figure 12. Eliminating AGC action Figure 12. For gain measurements, the
when checking gain in rf and if rf and if amplifiers should be operated
amplifiers. at nearly maximum gain by using a
The procedure for locating a dead low bias voltage. A bias of —1.5 volts
or exceedingly weak stage has been is generally satisfactory. In high-gain
shown abolk. In cases where the re- amplifiers or in noisy locations, it may
ceiver is not dead but performance is be necessary to lower the gain by
using a'bias of —3 volts.
definitely weak, the WR-50B can be
used to locate the faulty stage by
Applications in Radio
measuring the, approximate gain of
each stage. Servicing
To measure rf and it gain in re- Figure 13. Locating a dead section
ceivers employing agc, it is almost a in an AM broadcast receiver.
necessity to eliminate agc action by 1. Check the audio section of the
applying a fixed bias voltage to the receiver by applying approximately

• 24



Figure 12. Use of Fluent bias in age circuit

0.1 volt audio signal to the input of the audio section is functioning. If
the audio amplifier, as shown in Fig- there is no sound, or if only a weak
ure 13. Turn the volume control on sound signal is heard, a stage-by-stage
the receiver to maximum-volume posi- check of the audio section should be
tion. If a loud 400-cycle tone is heard, made as described in Figure 14.






Figura 13. M.thod for locating a dead soctien in an am broadcast muds's

• 25 •
2. If the audio section is function- mately unchanged. If the sound level
ing, the if section should be checked changes, the capacitor may be open or
by applying an if signal of very low otherwise defective.
level with modulation to the input of
the if amplifier, as shown in Figure 13. 4. Check the first audio stage.
Tune the WR-50B to the if of the With the output cable connected to
receiver, which is 455 Kc in most the plate of the first audio tube, re-
cases. If a loud 400-cycle tone is duce the audio signal level so that
heard, it indicates that the if section the 400-cycle sound is weak. Shift the
is funtioning. If no signal is heard, or generator output cable to the grid of
if the sound is weak, a stage-by-stage the first audio tube, point "4". The
check of the if amplifier should be sound should be greatly increased, in-
made a& described under Figure 15. dicating that the first stage is func-
3. If both the audio and if sections
of the receiver are functioning, it may 5. Check coupling capacitor C2 by
be assumed that the difficulty is in the shifting the generator output cable
rf section, which should be checked from point "4" to point "5". The
as shown in Figure 17. sound level should remain approxi-
mately the same. Otherwise, C2 is
Figure 14. Locating a dead stage defective.
in the audio amplifier of a radio or
television receiver. 6. Check the volume control by
applying about 0.1 volt of audio sig-
1. Check the speaker and output nal across the control. Turn the con-
transformer by applying the full audio- trol through its complete range and
output signal of the WR-50B to the observe whether it provides smooth,
primary of the output transformer,
noiseless attenuation. Noise may be
shown as point "1' '. If a 400-cycle
sound, signal is heard, it indicates that caused by a defective volume control
the speaker and transformer are func- or by de leakage in either of the
tioning. blocking capacitors.

2. Check the audio-output stage of 7. Check the input coupling capac-

the receiver by applying almost the itor Cl by shifting the generator lead
full audio output of the generator to fromyipoint "6" to point "7". The sound
the grid of the output tube, point "2". level should remain practically un-
If a loud 400-cycle tone is produced, changed.
the output stage is functioning.
Figure 15. Locating a dead stage
For the following steps, the volume in the if amplifier of an AM broadcast
control should be set to the maximum- receiver. If the audio section is func-
volume position.
tioning, the if amplifier should be
3. Check the coupling capacitor, checked. The receiver volume control
shown as C3 in Figure 14, by shifting should be set to the maximum-volume
the output cable from the generator position and the WR-50B should be
from point "2" to point "3" The tuned to the intermediate frequency
sound level should remain approxi- used in the receiver.
• 26 •



Figure 14. Method for locating a dead stage in the audio amplifier
of a radio or television receiver

1. Apply an if signal, of very low cuits may form a partial if short across
level with modulation, to the grid cir- the converter grid circuit. In these
cuit of the second-if amplifier, shown cases, it is necessary in step 3 to con-
as point "1". Retune the generator for nect a resistor of 10,000 ohms or more
peak sound output. If a loud 400-cycle between the converter grid and the
sound is produced, it indicates that rf tuned circuit. Remove the resistor
the second-if amplifier is functioning. after completing step 3.
If there is no sound or if the sound is Figure 16. Checking if transformers
weak, the trouble may lie in the sec- and if-coupling capacitors.
ond-if amplifier or second-detector
A stage-by-stage method for lo-
cating a dead if-amplifier stage is
2. Check the first-if amplifier in shown in Figure 16 Each stage in-
the same manner by feeding the signal cludes a tube and a coupling trans-
in at point "2". former. When a dead stage is dis-
3. If both stages are operating covered, it is necessary to determine
properly, check the converter stage by whether the trouble is in the coupling
shifting the output cable to the grid transformer or in other components
of the converter tube, point "3". If a associated with the tube.
loud 400-cycle sound is produced, it A rough check of the condition of
indicates that the converter is func- the coupling transformers can be made
tioning. If there is no sound, or if the by connecting a low-value capacitor
sound is weak, the trouble may lie in of about 5 ppf in series with the gen-
the converter or in the first if trans- erator output lead. Capacitor leads
former. should be kept short. The purpose of
In some receivers the rf tuned cir- the capacitor is to reduce detuning

• 27 •

Figure 15. Method for locating a dead stars In the if amplifier of an

am broadcast rocolvor

effects which might result from ca- Figure 17. Locating a dead rf stage
acitive and resistive loading caused or dead rf oscillator in an AM broad-
by the generator. cast receiver.
1. Apply the if signal, with ampli- 1. Check the rf oscillator by meas
tude modulation, to the grid circuit uring the developed negative grid-bias
as shown in Figure 16. Note the in- voltage, as described in step 1 of
tensity of the 400-cycle signal. Figure 8. In AM broadcast receivers,
2. Shift the generator lead and the this voltage normally ranges from
series capacitor to the plate circuit, about —5 to —15 volts.
point "2". The intensity of the 400-
If the rf oscillator is working, check
cycle sound signal may be somewhat
less than that in step 1. If sound out- the rf amplifier as follows.
put is greatly reduced or drops to zero, 2. Tune the WR-50B to about 600
the transformer may be defective or Kc. Adjust the generator for low out-
may require alignment. put with amplitude modulation. Con-
This same check method may be nect a capacitor of about 5 Aid in
used to locate open coupling capaci- series with the generator rf output lead;
tors. keep the capacitor leads short.
• 28 •
Figure 16. Method for checking if transformers and if-coupling capacitors

Connect the generator to the signal sound output may increase or decrease
grid of the mixer tube, point "1", as slightly, depending on the design of
shown. Tune the receiver for peak the antenna coil. If the sound becomes
intensity of the 400-cycle sound. Ad- considerably weaker, or disappears, it
just the receiver volume control for a indicates trouble in the antenna coil.
comfortable sound level. Figure 18. Avoiding hum and
3. Apply the same modulated 600- shocks when checking AC/DC re-
Kc signal to the plate of the rf tube, ceivers.
point "2". If the 400-cycle sound be- To avoid introduction of hum when
comes considerably weaker or dis- working on ac/dc receivers, it is usu-
appears, look for trouble in the cou- ally necessary to connect the genera-
pling circuit between the rf amplifier tor ground cable to the common nega-
and the converter. tive bus in the receiver, NOT to the
4. Check the rf amplifier by apply- receiver chassis. To prevent the case
ing the modulated 600-Kc signal to of the generator from becoming "hot"
the amplifier grid, point "3". Retune with respect to ground when the gen-
the receiver slightly, if necessary, for erator is connected to the common
maximum sound output. The output negative bus, it is necessary either to
may increase slightly when the gen- use a capacitor of about 0.05 Af, 600
erator is moved from the plate to the volts rating in series with the genera-
grid of the rf amplifier. If the sound tor ground lead or, preferably, to use
becomes considerably weaker or dis- an isolation transformer, as shown in
appears, look for trouble in the rf- Figure 18. The RCA WP-25A TV
amplifier circuit. Isotap is well suited to this applica-
5. Check the antenna input coil by tion. The Isotap may be used to iso-
applying the 600-Kc signal to the an- late small ac/dc radio receivers and
tennt input terminal, point "4". The transformerless television receivers
• 29 •

Figure 17. Method for locating a dead rf or oscillator stage in an

•am broadcast receiver

from the power line and other equip- Ohmyst to measure dc voltage. Con-
ment on the service bench. nect the VoltOhmyst across the
second-detector load resistor, point "1"
Figure 19. Checking the gain of in Figure 19. Connect the output cable
an if amplifier in an AM broadcast of the WR-50B to the grid of the
receiver. first if amplifier tube, point "2". Tune
Eliminate the age action, as de- the generator for peak indication on
scribed in Figure 12. Set up a Volt- the meter.




Figure 18. Use of isolation transformer in servicing of ac/dc receivers

• 30 •
1. Tune the WR-50B to the re- # For possible correction due to con-
ceiver if and adjust the output, with- tact potential, refer to Figure 20.
out modulation, to produce 10 volts
gross the second-detector load re- Figure 20. Correcting for the effect
4nistor. of contact potential.
2. Disconnect the VoltOhmyst from When making if gain checks, if the
the load resistor. Connect a, crystal second detector of the receiver is a
probe to the VoltOhmyst and measure vacuum-tube diode, it may be neces-
the generator output voltage at the sary to correct readings for the ,effect
grid of the if amplifier. The approxi- of contact potential. The effect of con-
mate voltage gain is equal to tact potential within the tube is to
Signal voltage at 2nd-detector load resistor produce a dc voltage across the de-
Signal voltage at if grid tector load resistor. This volge usu-
For example, if the signal voltage ally ranges from about 0.1 volt across
at the grid is 0.1 volt, and the signal a video load resistor of a few thou-
voltage at the second-detector load sand ohms, to about 0.5 volt across an
resistor is 10 volts, the approximate audio load resistor of about 100,000
10 ohms.
gain equals: — or 100. In gain checks which deal with a
0.1 relatively weak signal at the second




Figure 19. Method for checking if amplifier gain in an am broadcast receiver

• 31 •

figure 20. Voltage produced by effect of contact potential

detector, it is advisable to correct for Figures 21 and 22. Aligning AM

contact potential. This may be done and FM broadcast receivers.
as follows:
It is important that manufacturers
1. Kill any input signal to the sec- recommendations given in the service
ond detector by removing or disabling notes be followed closely in aligning
an if tube if necessary. radio receivers.
2. Measure the dc voltage across Some receivers use over-coupled if
the load resistor with a VoltOhmyst. transformers which ordinarily require
This voltage is the result of contact a sweep generator for alignment. It is
potential. possible to use the peak alignment
3. Subtract the contact-potential system described below if the degree
voltage from all subsequent measure- of coupling is reduced by use of a
ments of voltage across the load re- shunt resistor across the windings.
sistor. For over-coupled stages, a resistor of
Suppose, for example, that the about 1000 ohms or less should be
voltage across the load resistor, with- connected across the transformer wind-
out input signal, is 0.1 volt. Assume, ing opposite the winding being tuned.
also, that when the desired signal is
Alignment of AM receivers
applied, the voltage across the load
resistor is 0.5 volt. The actual voltage 1. Set up the VoltOhmyst to meas-
produced by the signal in this ex- ure dc voltage and connect it across
ample is 0.5 volt minus 0.1 volt, or the load resistor of the second de-
0.4 volt. tector, shown as point "1" in Figure
The effect of contact potential is 21.
also evident in some limiter and ampli- 2. Disable the avc circuit of the
fier stages, such as the last sound-if receiver. If necessary, use fixed bias
amplifier in many television receivers as described in Figure 12. Set the radio
which operate without fixed grid bias dial to a quiet point near 1600 Kc.
and without cathode bias. The grid 3. Connect the rf output cable of
and cathode in these cases may be the generator to the grid of the last
regarded as a diode section, and the if stage, shown as point "2" in Figure
grid resistor as the diode load. With 21, and tune the WR-50B to the in-
no input signal, a small dc voltage termediate frequency of the receiver
will be produced across the grid re- ( usually 455 kc ). Apply modulation
sistor as a result of contact potential and use only enough output to pro-
in the tube. duce a usable meter reading.
• 32 •
Figura 21. Situp for aligning am broadcast registrars

4. With a suitable alignment tool, the same position it will occupy when
adjust the secondary if T3 for peak installed in the receiver cabinet, lay
indication on the VoltOhmyst. Then the output cable of the generator near
adjust the T3 primary for peak enough to the antenna so a low
reading. level radiated signal will be picked
5. Move the rf output cable to up.
point "3" and adjust the T2 secon- 3. Tune the receiver to its highest
dary and primary respectively, for frequency, approximately 1600 Kc for
peak reading of the VoltOhmyst. most types, and set the generator to
6. Move the rf output cable to the this same frequency. With an insu-
grid of the mixer and adjust T1 lated screw driver, adjust the trimmer
secondary and primary for peak capacitor on the receiver oscillator for
reading ,on the VoltOhmyst. maximum reading on the VoltOhmyst.
Alignment of the receiver oscillator 4. Return the generator and re-
should be made after the if amplifier ceiver to approximately 1400 kc. Ad-
section is aligned. In am broadcast just the antenna trimmer for peak
receivers, the oscillator may be aligned indication on the meter.
as follows: 5. Retune the receiver and the
1. Set up the VoltOhmyst to meas- generator to 600 Kc, rock the tuning
ure dc voltage and connect it across gang slightly, and adjust the oscil-
the load resistor of the second de- lator coil for maximum reading on
tector. the meter.
2. With the receiver antenna con- Alignment of FM receivers — Refer
nected and placed in approximately to Figure 22.
• 33 •
1st. IF 2nd IF



figuro 22. Setup for aligning fm broadcast rocoivors

1. Set the VoltOhmyst to measure 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4.

DC voltage, with the meter pointer 6. Switch the VoltOlunyst to meas-
at the "Zero-Center" mark on the ure —DC. Adjust the zero control to
meter. (Use the "Zero" control to return the meter pointer to the nor-
center the pointer.) Connect the Volt- mal left-hand "0" on the scale. Con-
Ohmyst from point "X" to ground. nect the VoltOhmyst probe to point
2. Connect the WR-50B rf cable "Z".
between the grid of the limiter tube 7. Connect the WR-50B rf cable
and ground. Set the MOD switch to between point 2", the grid of the
"OFF", the RF switch to "HI", and 2nd if tube, and ground.
the RF ATTEN control fully clock- 8. Adjust both the primary and
wise. Tune the WR-50B frequency to secondary of T-3 for peak indication
10.7 Mc. DO NOT CHANGE THIS on the VoltOhmyst. Note the final
FREQUENCY SETTING DURING voltage indication at this point.
THE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE. 9. Connect the WR-50B rf cable
3. Adjust the primary winding of between point 3", the grid of the
T-4 for peak indication on the meter. 1st if tube, and ground. Adjust the
4. Connect the VoltOhmyst probe RF ATTEN control of the WR-50B
to point "Y". Adjust the secondary so that the VoltOhmyst indicates ap-
winding of T-4 for zero output (Zero- proximately the same voluige as noted
center mark on VoltOhmyst meter). after step 8 was completed.
Note that the meter pointer can be 10. Adjust both the primary and
made to swing from + to — during secondary of T-2 for peak indication
this adjustment. on the VoltOhmyst.

• 34 •
11. Connect the rf cable of the procedure given by the receiver
WR-50B between point "4", the sig- manufacturer be followed. In most
nal grid of the mixer or converter cases the WR-50B can be used as a
tube, and ground. Again, adjust the signal source in the 88-108 Mc region
RF ATTEN control of the generator by utilizing the 4th harmonic output
so that the VoltOhmyst indicates the of the generator at frequencies 22-27
voltage noted in steps 8 and 9. Mc.
12. Adjust the primary and sec- Adjustment of the WR-50B to 22
ondary of T-1 for peak indication on Mc will generally provide more than
the VoltOhmvst. enough output at the 88 Mc harmonic
for calibration at the low end of RF
RF Alignment tuner circuits. Adjustment to 27 Mc
Because of the various types of will provide an adequate signal for
tuners used in FM sets, it is recom- 108 Mc alignment of the high end
mended that only the RF alignment of the RF range.

Sweep Output
The sweep output provided by the The basic frequency of the oscilla-
WR-50B permits ehecking and align- tor, before it is "swept," is known as
ing both AM and FM intermediate- the center frequency. The WR-50B
frequency ( IF ) amplifier circuits. has two separate sweep signals; one
Sweep alignment of the 10.7 Mc IF with a center frequency of 455 kc
amplifier circuits is recommended by ( for AM IF alignment ), and the other
many manufacturers of FM receivers. with a center frequency of 10.7 Mc
Although the IF amplifiers in most ( for FM IF alignment ).
AM receivers are aligned using the The total amount of frequency vari-
"peak" alignment method, the service ation above and below the center fre-
notes for some sets, including newer quency is called the sweep width ( or
transistor models, do specify sweep bandwidth ). The WR-50B sweep sig-
alignment. nals have a sweep width of about
Sweep alignment techniques enable 10% of the center frequency. The
the bandpass characteristics ( fre- 455 kc sweep signal varies in fre-
quency response) of a tuned circuit quency ( sweeps ) from approximately
to be observed on an oscilloscope. 432 kc to 478 kc. The 10.7 Mc sweep
This is accomplished by passing the signal varies from approximately 9.6
sweep signal, which consists of a Mc to 11.8 Mc.
band of frequencies, through the cir- The signal is swept back and forth
cuit. Those frequencies amplified by through the band of frequencies a
the circuit will cause vertical deflec- certain number of times per second.
tion of the oscilloscope trace, thus This is known as the sweep rate. The
forming the frequency response curve sweep rate of the WR-50B sweep sig-
of the amplifier. Through the use of nals is 60 times per second.
frequency markers, the circuit can be
aligned to produce the necessary Observing Sweep Output Directly
bandpass characteristics. The following procedure will help
The Sweep Signal you become familiar with the tech-
nique of using the WR-50B sweep
A sweep signal is formed by re- signal.
peatedly increasing and decreasing It is essential to have an oscillo-
( sweeping) the frequency of an scope with 60 cps horizontal sweep
oscillator. and with a phase control, such as the
• 35 •

scope to the WR-50B output cable.

Set the scope sweep selector switch
to "60 cps or "LINE", and adjust
for a pattern as shown in Figure 24.
Note that scope is set to BO cps
sweep, the same sweep rate as the
WR-50B sweep signal. This defected
sweep trace is simply a horizontal
line, since all frequencies in the sweep
signal are at the same voltage level.
Figure 23. Equipment hookup for
The illustration shown in Figure 24
sweep output directly from WR
- 50B
is a sweep trace without retrace
blanking. The signal sweeps from its
RCA WO-33A or WO-91B, for any lowest frequency up to its highest
application using sweep signals. It is frequency, then sweeps back down-
helpful to have a detector probe° for ward to the lowest frequency again,
the oscilloscope, since it permits ob- retracing the same waveform. When
serving the detected sweep output di- the sweep signal and retrace are prop-
rectly from the generator. erly phased, the two traces, which are
Frequency markers can be inserted identical, will overlap and appear as
on the sweep trace either by using the a single trace. Such a curve is useful
W11•50B crystal oscillator, or an ex-
ternal marker generator. A separate
for observing the general frequency
response characteristics and for mak-
RF generator, similar to the WR-50B ing phase adjustments, but it does not
can be used for this purpose. indicate relative amplitude (voltage)
Adjust the WR-50B and oscillo- because there is no base line or zero
scope controls as follows: voltage reference.
Turn on equipment. • Set WR-50B A base line can be produced in the
range switch to "455 kc", VFO switch generator by cutting off, or blanking,
to "ON", MOD switch to "EXT", RF the sweep oscillator output during the
switch 'to "HI", and RF ATTN con- retrace portion of '.the sweep cycle.
trol fully clockwise. The retrace will then form a base line
Connect detector probe of oscillo- at the bottom of the curve which will
correspond to zero voltage level.
°Note: Detector Probes for RCA Oscillo-
scopes arethe WG-350A for the
WO-33A, and WG-302A for the

/(-- SWEEP WIDTH --)1




Figure 25. Detected sweep signal,

Figure 24. Detected sweep signal,
without blanking with blanking

• 36 •
or the scope vertical input gain con-
trols. Note: If.. the. polarity of the
diode in the detector is reversed, the
trace will appear upside-down, with
the base line at the top. Some scopes*,
are equipped with a polarity switch
that can be used to reverse the trace
The horizontal length of the sweep
trace indicates the sweep width, or
frequency variation of the signal, with
the lowest frequency at one end, and,
the highest frequency at the other
end. The high and low end of the
sweep trace can be interchanged by
reversing the power cord plug on
either the oscilloscope or the gen-
Figure 26. 455 Kc sweep signal with erator.
455 Kc marker
Frequency Markers
To fully interpret the characteristics .,
of a sweep signal or response curve,.
it is necessary to use frequency mark-
ers. A marker can be inserted on the
sweep trace simply by inserting a
crystal of the marker frequency into
the crystal socket on the WR-50B
panel. The size of the marker can be
adjusted with the XTAL OSC HI/LO
switch. Figure 26 shows a 455 kc
sweep trace with a 455 kc marker.
Note that the marker is in the center
of the sweep trace, indicating that
the signal is sweeping above and be-
low the marker frequency. Figure 27
shows a 10.7 Mc sweep trace with a
Figure 27. 10.7 Mc sweep signal with 10.7 Mc marker.
10.7 Mc marker The sweep width of the signal can
be measured if a variable marker
To obtain a sweep trace with re- source is available, such as a separate
trace blanking, set the WR-50B MOD RF generator. Cdsnect the output of
switch to "SWEEP". A trace similar the marker generator to the oscillo-
to that in Figure 25 should be ob- scope detector probe, along with the
tained. Observe that the trace now WR-50B cable. Tune the marker gen-
consists of two parallel horizontal erator one side of 455 kc to position
lines. The lower line represents the the marker at one end of the sweep
zero voltage level, or base line, and trace. Note the frequency of the
the upper line is the sweep output. marker generator. Tune the marker
The distance between the lines cor- generator to position the marker at
responds to the relative voltage am- the other end of the trace, and rile
plitude of the sweep signal, and can the frequency. The difference between
be adjusted using either the WR-50B these frequencies is the sweep width
RF tufLo and RF ATTEN controls of the signal.
37 •
Phasdjustment cillopcope phase control so that the
markers coincide, as shown in Figure
It is important that the 60 cps 28. Figure 29 shows a sweep trace
sweep signal and the 60 cps horizon- with oscilloscope phase mis-adjusted.
tal sweep of the oscilloscope be "in-
phase". If an "out-of-phase" condi- Sweep Alignment
tion exists, the trace may be cut off,
double markers may appear, or if no Many different types of receiver
blanking is used, two separate traces circuits are used by the various manu-
may result. facturers. For this reason, it is not
To adjust the oscilloscope phase, possible to provide an alignment pro-
insert a marker on the trace, and set cedure that will apply to all receivers.
the WR-50B MOD switch to "EXT" The procedure supplied by the manu-
to remove blanking. Adjust the os- facturer for the particular model of
receiver should be followed.
For both AM and FM IF align-
ment, the basic procedure is to con-
nect an oscilloscope to the output of
the detector ( or before the detector,
but using a detector scope probe ),
then align each- stage separately, start-
ing with the last stage. The sweep
and marker signals- are applied to the
input of the stage being aligned. Fig-
ure 30 shows a typical waveform ob-
tained from a properly aligned AM IF
stage. Figure 31 shows an FM IF
waveform, which is similar. Note that
in each trace, the waveform is peaked
at the center of the center-frequency
Figure 28. Illustration of sweep trace with
oscilloscope phase properly adjusted. Note
single marker

Figure 30. Typical AM IF response curve.

Figure 29. Illustration of sweep trace with Note that 455 Kc marker is spread over
oscilloscope out-of-phase with sweep signal. entire top half of the curve, with the center
Note that the two markers do not overlap of the marker at the peak

• 38 •
Figure 32 indicates an examplesof ator controls on the WR-50B amused
an "S" curve obtained in sweep align- for this purpose. If a marker generator
ing an FM detector stage. is used, it is important that the output
In any sweep alignment procedure, of the generator be coupled to the
it is good practice to keep the sweep amplifier in a manner that does not ,

signal as low as possible. The attenu- distort the sweep waveform.

Figure 31. Typical FM IF response curve,

with 10.7 Mc marker Figure 32. FM detector "5" curve

The RCA WR-50B Signal Genera- Indicator Adjustment
tor employs two electron tubes and The clear plastic tuning indicator
one selenium rectifier diode in cir- on the WR-50B can be adjusted by
cuits of conventional design. The rf removing the instrument from the
oscillator utilizes one triode section of case, and loosening the set screws on
a 12AT7 in a Hartley oscillator cir- the indicator shaft. Turn the tuning
cuit. The rf output is coupled to the capacitor to fully meshed position.
second triode section, which serves as Set the indicator so that the F index
a cathode follower. One-half of a line is aligned with the short refer-
12AT7 is used as a transformer cou- ence mark between the upper and
pled audio oscillator, and the other lower panel scales. Tighten the two
half as a Pierce-type crystal oscillator set screws on the shaft of the indi-
circuit. cator.
Variable capacitance diode, CR-3,
is used in conjunction with the 455 Frequency Alignment
kc and 10.7 Mc tuned circuits to The generator has six internal trim-
sweep the VFO oscillator. AC voltage mer capacitors and eight inductance
is applied to CR-3 from the heater adjustments as shown in Figure 33.
circuit to provide a 60 cps sweep These internal adjustments are located
rate. Tube section V-2B and diode on S-1, the Range Switch.
CR-2 are used in a retrace blanking
circuit. VFO Alignment Procedure
The generator can be taken out of Equipment required:
the case by removing the two #6 General-coverage communications
screws on the rear of the case, and receiver, capable of tuning the
the four #4 screws from the panel. range 540 Kc to 36 Mc.
• 39 •
( Cftl, 100 Kc.
al, 1.0 Mc.
C stal, 10.0 Me,
In this alignment procedure, the
receiver is tuned to a specified fre- L2
quency or harmonic from the crystal
oscillator in the WR-50B. The varia-
ble oscillator is then tuned to this fre- L3
quency, and the internal adjustments
of the instrument are set so that a
zero-beat signal is heard from the
The complete alignment procedure
"i•-••• is given in tabulated form in Figure
35. The following steps provide a more
detailed desbription of this procedure.
1. Remove the snap-in plug from
the rear of theA case. Apply power and
allow the instrument to warm up for
at least 15 minutes.
2. Connect the equipment as shown
Figure 33. Location of coil adjustments
in Figure 34. Plug the 100 Kc crys- L1-1.8 and capacitor adjustments CI—C6
tal into the WR-50B socket. Turn the
% MOD switch fully counterclock- Adjust the coil, L-1, so that the zero-
wise, and the VFO ON/OFF switch beat signal is heard.
to "OFF". 5. Retune the receiver to 1000 Kc.
3. Tune the receiver to 900 Kc, Set the WR-50B VFO ON/OFF
and locate the exact point on the re- switch to "OFF", and locate the ex-
-1' ceiver dial where the effect of the act point on the receiver dial where
unmodulated crystal oscillator har- the 1000 Kc harmonic of the 100 Kc
monic frequency is noted (100 Kc x crystal oscillator frequency is heard
9). Set the HI/LO switch and the (100 Kc x 10). If necessary, adjust
itT ,-,RF ATTEN control so that the out- the RF HI/LO switch and the RF
' put is attenuated as much as possible, ATTEN control for minimum usable
yet the effect of the crystal oscillator signal.
signal can still be heard. 6. Tune the WR-50B to 200 Kc on
NOTE: The urunodulated Jerystal band A (the 5th harmonic of 200 Kc
oscillator signal can be identified by is 1000 Kc). Set the VFO ON/OFF
a "deadening" of the receiver back- switch to • " the trimmer
ground noise. If the receiver is capacitor, that the zero-beat
equipped with an S" meter, the me- signal is hear :
ter will indicate a rise at the crystal- 7. As at"eheck, repeat steps 3
oscillator frequency (or harmonic). through 6.
As a check to be sure that it is the 8. In a similar manner, align the
unmodulated crystal frequency being remaining five frequency ranges as
heard, remove the crystal from the indicated in the tabulation in Figure
WR-50B. The crystal oscillator signal 35.
will disappear when this is done.
4. Set the WR-50B Range Switch
to position "A", and tune the indica- Tube Replacement — If it becomes
tor tiry,, 90 Kc on band A (the 10th necessary to replace V-1, 12AT7, re-

harmonic of 90 Kc is 900 Kc). Set alignment of the instrument as de-
the VFO ON/OFF switch to "ON". scribed above may be required.

• 40 •


Figure 34. Recommended test setup for alignment of WR-50B

WR-50B Frequency Alignment Procedure

WR-50B Receiver WR-50B
WR-50B Range Dial XTAL Dial Adj.
A (low frequency end) 90 Kc 100 Kc 900 Kc L-1
(high frequency end) 200 Kc 100 Kc 1000 Kc C-1
B (low frequency end) 225 Kc 100 Kc 900 Kc L-2
(high frequency end) 550 Kc 100 Kc 1100 Kc C-2
C (low frequency end) 600 Kc 100 Kc 600 Kc L-3
(high frequency end) 1600 Kc 100 Kc 1600 Kc C-3
D (low frequency end) 1600 Kc 100 Kc 1600 Kc L—/,
(high frequency end) 4000 Kc 1.0 Mc 4000 Kc C-4
E (low frequency end) 5.0 Mc 1.0 Mc 5.0 Mc L-5 •
(high frequency end) 14.0 Mc 1.0 Mc 14.0 Mc C-5
F (low frequency end) 14.0 Mc 1.0 Mc 14.0 Mc L-6
(high frequency end) 40.0 Mc 10.0 Mc 40 Mc C-6

Figure 35. Alignment procedure

• 41 •
, • •

0 ••
• .


Sweep Circuit Alignment •
qu ipwent required : ground lead from the VTVM to
RCA VoltOhmyst or eqpiv. chassis. Adjust 12-9 so that V I -V
Oscilloscope, RCA WO-33A, vvo- indicates 6 volts dc. Remove N I N -NI
94A, B or equiv. leads.
(14 3. Connect detector probe from 0 , -
Detector Probe for osei ippe,
cilloscope to the rf output probe bf
1111* RCA WG-302A, WG K, or
Cequiv. 1. •
ystsjs — 4.S5 11(c, Ilk
• WR-50B. Adjust oscilloscope sweep
selector to 60 cps line sweep, and the
range switch to maximum sensitivity.
M 41 Insert 455 Kc crystal in crystal socket.
1. Eemove t nstrument from the Adjust phase control of oscilloscope
care. pply power and allow a warm- so that patterns overlap.
th time if several minutes. Set the 4. Set MOD ,switch to "SWEEP".
,controls AT follows: Adjust core ‘of coil L-7 so that 455
*MOD EXT kc marker appears in the center of
VFO ON the trace, as shown in Figure 36.
RF HI The marker will be quite broad, as
XTAL OSC HI. shown. Reduce marker size by setting
RF ATTEN..full clockwise XTAL OSC switch to "LO".
Range Switch 5. Remove 455 kc crystal from crys-
455 KC SWEEP tal socket, and insert 10.7 Mc crystal.
Set the Range Switch to "10.7 MC
2. Connect VTVM de probe to cen- SWEEP". Adjust core of coil L-8 so
ter lug of R-9, located in the approxi- that 10.7 Mc marker is in center of
mate center of the chassis. Connect trace, as shown in Figure 37.°
°if instrument is badly misaligr just core fully counterclockwise, then clockwise until
marker appears.

• 42 •
'Mon •

Figure 36. 455

kc Sweep Tra

Figure 37
. 10.7 Mc Sw
eep TrAL

• 43 •
1- 4 4.
40, *

• 4


eCtronic Instruments i .Harrison, N. J. 07029

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