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Throwers Drill Work

These are drills to be done at home on a daily basis. The track season is short so
practice time at home is valuable. All these drills can be completed in 15 minutes if
focused. Alternate between shot put and discus each night.

● Each drill has a specific focus so make sure you are concentrating on that. You need to practice these drills
without looking down. Trust your movements and yourself.
○ Quarter Turns: Focus on crisp perfect reps. 5 complete rotations
■ Arm locked and loaded, solid base, chin & chest up. Heels never touch the ground.
○ Half Turns-Out of the back: Reset each time like it is a new throw
■ 10 perfect reps- Focus on posture and staying level. Don’t stand up.
○ Half Turns-Through the middle: These are about driving the “kick leg” through the middle quickly and
■ Focus on balance and keeping the arm up and back
■ The pivoting foot should never have the heel touch.
■ Aim to get quicker and quicker without losing control
■ 10 perfect reps
○ Slow motion full throws-This is a challenging drill
■ This movement goes through the entire throw in a slow and controlled manner.
■ The objective is to hit all main positions throughout the throw.
■ 10 perfect reps.
○ Full throws
■ Go throw an entire throw full speed. The point is to be under control but try to gain speed.
■ Focus: Maintaining proper positioning while getting comfortable with the throw.

● Focus on balance and getting movement with the kicks
○ Single leg step unders-Step out as far as you can. Push your limits
■ 10 perfect reps.
■ This drill is about building strength and maintaining balance.
○ Kicks out of the back & freeze
■ Emphasize on ‘staying back’
● This means eyes, shoulders, and hips still face back
■ Objective: Get some distance on the kick backs.
■ 10 perfect reps
○ Kicks out of the back & finish
■ While doing these maintain staying back in the first half.
■ SQUISH THE BUG as quickly as possible right when the pivot foot hits the ground
■ Rotate the hips, then torso, then finally the shoulders and mimic throwing the shot.
○ Full gliding throws on air
■ Emphasis on perfect posture
● Eyes, shoulders, hips back
● Elbow up
● Squish the bug!
● Rotate through and finish the throw

Overall: The purpose of these drills if for you to become as comfortable as possible
with the movement to maximize practice time in the rings at school.
Throwers Exercise Routine Throwers Exercise Routine
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Strength work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Strength work
● 100 walking lunges (50 each leg) minimal ● 100 walking lunges (50 each leg) minimal
pauses pauses
● 100 body squats ● 100 body squats
● 25 squat jumps for height ● 25 squat jumps for height
● 100 push ups ● 100 push ups
● 100 single leg hops for height (50 each leg) ● 100 single leg hops for height (50 each leg)

Tuesday and Thursday: Speed work-Any line or Tuesday and Thursday: Speed work-Any line or
sidewalk seam will work. Complete the drill for 10 sidewalk seam will work. Complete the drill for 10
yards (about 10 large steps) Down and back each yards (about 10 large steps) Down and back each
drill. drill.
● Icky Shuffle ● Icky Shuffle
● 5 hops and run (quick!) ● 5 hops and run (quick!
● Single leg hops forward and back ● Single leg hops forward and back
● Single leg hops left and right ● Single leg hops left and right
● Quick feet carioca ● Quick feet carioca
● 20 ten yard sprints. Be as explosive as ● 20 ten yard sprints. Be as explosive as
possible. possible.

Throwers Exercise Routine Throwers Exercise Routine

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Strength work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Strength work
● 100 walking lunges (50 each leg) minimal ● 100 walking lunges (50 each leg) minimal
pauses pauses
● 100 body squats ● 100 body squats
● 25 squat jumps for height ● 25 squat jumps for height
● 100 push ups ● 100 push ups
● 100 single leg hops for height (50 each leg) ● 100 single leg hops for height (50 each leg)

Tuesday and Thursday: Speed work-Any line or Tuesday and Thursday: Speed work-Any line or
sidewalk seam will work. Complete the drill for 10 sidewalk seam will work. Complete the drill for 10
yards (about 10 large steps) Down and back each yards (about 10 large steps) Down and back each
drill. drill.
● Icky Shuffle ● Icky Shuffle
● 5 hops and run (quick!) ● 5 hops and run (quick!)
● Single leg hops forward and back ● Single leg hops forward and back
● Single leg hops left and right ● Single leg hops left and right
● Quick feet carioca ● Quick feet carioca
● 20 ten yard sprints. Be as explosive as ● 20 ten yard sprints. Be as explosive as
possible. possible.

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