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The NETFLIX dataset was taken from Kaggle and consists of tv shows and movies
available on Netflix as of 2019. According to a 2018 report, the number of TV
shows available on Netflix has nearly tripled since 2010. Since 2010, the number of
movies on the streaming service has decreased by over 2,000 titles, while the
number of TV shows has nearly tripled. This dataset contains information about the
cast, the country, the release date of the film or series, ratings, duration, various
genres and an annotated bibliography.Our dataset is divided into 12 sections.It
contains information about showid,type i.e is Movies orTv Shows,title of the
respective Movies/Tv shows, cast, the country, the release date of the film or series,
ratings, duration, various genres and a summary of the shows/Movies.Netflix is
available for streaming in over 190 countries.Our dataset contains 7788 entries

Some of the interesting tasks which we have performed on this dataset are-

 Understanding what content is available in different countries

 Number of Movies and TV shows released in a year which can help us to analyze
the highest number of releases in a particular year
 To know who are the Top 10 Movie Directors on the basis of the number of
movies released by the director.
 To analyze the rating given to various TV shows and Movies on Netflix
 Classification of data into various categories namely title,genre,release
date,duration etc
 This data represents count of titles country wise of movies and TV Shows
releases on Netflix. The highest count is represented by the darkest shade.
 Highest count of title is seen in United States which was nearly about 2,555
followed by India with 923 titles.
 Whereas the least number of titles was seen in Finland where the count was one.
 Count of titles refers to the number of shows that streams on Netflix
 Here we have classified our dataset into various categories namely type, title,
rating, release date and duration
 So that our data is simplified and it is easier for us to draw conclusion and
effectively highlights the key elements of our dataset.
 Using Tooltip we can see a summary of the data as shown in the above
Visualization.For E.g
1. It shows the release date of the film i.e is 24th sept 2019 as mentioned
2. We can easily determine the duration of that particular Movie/Series by using
data visualisation.
3. It displays the films/series listed in various genres for e.g the movie/series listed
in action and adventure is shown together likewise for Sci-fi,Fantasy etc
 Here the data represents the top 10 directors on Netflix, the largest circle
represent the top director with highest number of titles under them, here is it
clearly visible Raul Campos, Jan Suter is ranked no.1 with1 8 titles
 Marcus Raboy with 16 number of titles under them, followed by Martin
Scorsese and Youssef Chahine with 12 titles under them.
 Hakan Algul is at rank 10th represented by the smallest circle with 8 number of
title under them.
 This data gives us insight on movies and TV shows title releases in a year on
Netflix where dark blue shade represents highest movies releases in a year i.e.,
in the year 2017 which was about 744
 Followed by 2018 and 2016 where movie releases were 734 and 642,
 And the highest number of TV show releases was in the year 2020, which was
457, followed by the year 2019 with 414 shows released, and the year 2018 with
367 shows released.
 This data talks about different rating given to various TV shows and Movies on
 TV-MA – TV Mature Audience Only, this program is specifically designed to be
viewed by adults and hence TV-MA contents is the highest on Netflix which is
about 2,863
 Whereas TV-14 ( This program may be unsuitable for children under 14 years of
age) and TC-PG where the number of releases under these ratings are 1,931 and
806 respectively.
 The above chart represents the count of movies and TV shows released and that
exist on Netflix.
 The movies/TV shows could be old or new, as long as they were released on this
platform. In addition, the data is organised by year.
 For e.g in the year 2017,highest count of movies in Netflix were 744 whereas
the highest count of TV shows were 457 in the year 2020



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