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TEST YOUR ENGLISH ‘ iy from the I. Circle the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently rest, . Jeasure 4.A. threat B.clean : ee 2.A situation B. suggestion D. sted 3. A. laugh, B. plough, D. cough sity. 4. A. complete B. command ©. cornu 5. A. flow B. frowzy D. blow Il, Circle the word whose stress patter Is different from that of the rest in the same line. 6. A. experiment B. accountancy. C. explanation D. discovery 7.A. approximate _B. counteraction C. courageously D. accommadate 8. A. constantly B. document C. variety 0. emphasis: 9. A. decorate B. calendar C. envelop . festival 10. A. special B. prepare C. throughout D. believe Ill Circle the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 14. dobin...csseseeseeeem@ on passing the driving test. A. wished B. proposed C. recommended D. congratulated 12. More and more people are taking part in the struggle. Jilteracy. A. for B. against C. with D. about 43, Many students... writ. spent their summer vacations teaching illiterate people to read and A. sympathetically 8. freely . voluntarily D. possibly 14. ‘your encouragement, | couldn't have finished my work on time. A. Ifwithout B. Had it not for C. But for D. Not for 15, He will sue you... .you pay him the money back, A.or B. otherwise C. unless D.if not 46. Im extremely. .0 all the teachers for their help. ‘A. thoughtful . grateful . delightful D. dependent 17. The Chinese people account. of the world population. A.on C.of D. for 18, Shall | collect the tickets for you? A. Yes, | think you can B. It's none of your work. C. That would be a great help D. Sorry, | don't think you can 19, Many people lost their homes in the earthquakes. The government needs to establish more shelters to care for those.... .-have homes. ‘A.who doesn't. —_B, who don't C. which doesn't D. which don't 20. The population of England is greater than . .. of Ireland, A that B. those C. which D. whose 21. | can't believe it, inspector. You mean that Smith .. .. money from the tl all his time! A.stole B. has stolen C. has been stolen D. has been stealing 2B. crsre in the west, my love for you would'be changed one day. . ‘A.lfthe sunrises B,Werethe sunrise C.Werethe suntorise _—_—D. Would the sun tise 23, They stayed for hours, which | was very es ‘A. annoyed B, annoyed about C, annoying Dre nS) 24. We wanted to give him . hhelp, but he turned us down. , A. fow B. afew ©. ite D. a litte 1 Scanned with CamScanner 25. You should ahvays do your best to oe Get along ...ssevsee esse — B. with C. into ines are correct, and some IV. Read the text below and look . Some of the li ok carefully at each line. ek (Ifa line has word have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put at which should not be there, write the word. Aroom with a view When | arrived on the island the first thing | had to do was find out ‘somewhere to stay. Although the harbor was crowded with hotels and houses who offering rooms (with hot water and panoramic views), | preferred to head straight for one of the small hotels recommended by my guide book. So that with my pack on my back, | struggled up the steep hill that led to the Sunview Hotel. It was a hard work and | wished | had taken a taxi, as though it was still only May the weather it was already very hot. To make things worse, the Sunview was completely booked up and | had to continue my search. The owner, who was friendly and helpful, told me | should have phoned earlier but he also told me that where | would find a vacant room. | have followed his directions and came to a little, concrete block, with a big sin saying ‘Rooms’ hanging from an olive tree in the front yard. Luckily, they already had a couple of free rooms and | chose ‘the one with the best view. After | having a quick shower, | set out to explore the town. Arriving in May meant | could to avoid the crowds, which in the high season fill the narrow streets. Now | nearly had the place to myself, ‘except for a few German tourists and except elderly English couples who were staying in the four-star hotel just outside the town. V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. the summer of 2000. (eradicate) 41, We started a campaign for illiteracy... 42, He is very... 43. The tomatoes look very nice. They are. 44, The literacy rate of population varied. between 1995 and 2000. (consider) 45, We consider it an.. job to help people in our home village. (honor) 46, Smoking ten cigarettes a day has become.. .-for Mr. Black. (habit) 47. Everyone admires him for his. ..and common sense. (wise) \V. Read the following passage and circle the best answer. Using the Internet The Internet started out as a limited network called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). It was a network of computers that allowed communication even if one computer became non-functioning. It was the academic and scientific community that adopted the Internet, using ‘a protocol called TCP/IP. TCP/IP allows a number of different networks of computers to be connected together. This is called the Internet. The Internet allows the creation of the World Wide ‘Web or the Web _ for short. The Web consists of Internet sites that allow data to be shared by others. Aside from making the Web possible, the Internet also makes e-mail, chatting, file-sharing and telephoning possible. It even allows le to watch media and play games. The Web can be read in a bowser. A browser is simply a software program that see Oe (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) data transmission. This will allow you to view wed pe ETE your browser read the text, graphics, animation, video ‘and music that are on 2 Scanned with CamScanner to .ge that guide you t enables you to click on a link on the page using your mouse. The links on ee 5 many hypertinks 90 from one Web page to another are called hyperlinks. A Web page usually 'o from page to page an so that you can “browse” the Internet. It is much like reading a book. You can meddress box of YOU" Get new information. One example of a browser is Internet Explorer. In the browser, you can type in an address called a URL for “uniform resource locator”. To be able to use the Internet, you must have a computer with an Inter A ae gervics Software that lets you view Web pages. Intemet connections are provided by 1 telephone to Providers. The slowest connection is called a dial-up connection. It needs the use of you Chena. This connect your computer to an Internet service. A faster type of connection is called Seaton it requires @ cable or some other equipment. If you turn on the computer with a broadband c Connects you to the Intemet at a time. 48. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The Internet Explorer can be used to browse the Web. B. The most popular Intemet programs are e-mail, chatting and games. C. Equipment is needed to allow a computer to connect to the Internet. D. The Intemet is an invention that made sending and receiving data possible. 49. The Word adopted in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to . ‘A. changed B. chose C. fostered 50. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the Web? A. It made the receiving and sending of e-mail possible, B. It allows data to be shared but not only for media or games. C. It consists of sites on which information can be enjoyed by others, D. Itis limited to a certain number of computers connected to the Internet, 51. The word ‘it’ in paragraph 1 refers t0 esse... A. data B. Internet C. media D.Web ‘52. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are true of the Web page EXCEPT that... ‘A. each Web page has its own Internet site. B. the Web cannot be read without software. C. every Web page has a uniform resource locator. D. Web pages contain hyperiinks that bring you to other pages. 53. Why does the author mention a book in paragraph 2? A. To note a reason why the World Wide Web was created, B. To compare browsing to turning the pages of a book. C. To suggest that reading a book is better than browsing the Web. D. To provide an example of information that can be viewed on the Web. 54. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information, A. A connection to the Internet allows B. A computer cannot work without a C. A browser and a connection to the computer. D. Using the Internet requires that you have a computer, a connection to the linternet, and a browser. 58. What can be inferred about broadband connections in paragraph 3? A. They do not require an Internet service provider. B. They are the fastest type of connection available. C. They are more convenient than dial-up connections, D. They require more equipment than dial-up connections, ot connection and D. approved You to use a browser when viewing Web pages. connection to the Internet and a'reliable ‘browser. Interet are important requirements when working with your Scanned with CamScanner Q d hich best fits each space. Use only one word in VI. Read the text below and think of the word wl each space. : New Year vey is celebrated all over th is the first of January andit i oy Deo Gt together and eat and drink a lot and ee One of the most important days ther, In London, on the stroke. world. It is the time of year. «1.(56) or oat behave with warmth and affectior eacl midnight before the New Year begins, people gather in Trafalgar Square and net eras celebrate in. (60) usual way but also sometimes throw themselvos an kes Nelson's column. In Spain, people eat .n(61) grape for each o re) ei can midnight. No one knows exactly '(62) custom of celebrating the New } ca pao oe people believe...... (63) was the Chinese who started it, (64) say it wa hat te In China, they celebrate New Year, which is.... 5) a different time from tl! West, (66) only for one day but for several days. A special custom in some countries is (67) make so-called ‘New Year's resolutions’. This means you make a big decision to improve your life (68) way by stopping any bad habits you may... (69). For example, people say they will stop smoking, they will do... (70) best to pass their exams, and so on. It is pity that the optimistic spirit of New Year does not last very long! VII, Rewrite the following sentences so that their meanings stay the same, beginning as shown. 71. 1am sure it wasn't Mary's fault. It cant... 72. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test As long as. 73. While | strongly disapprove of your behavior, | will help you this time. Despite my... 74. If it hadn't been for the storm, we should have arrived much earlier. But for. 75. Kissing her little daughter was the thing she always did when she came home. Whenever... 76. | was amazed at his total indifference to what people thought of him. To my... 77. What a pity you've wasted all day hanging about! You should. 78. "Please don't drive so fast!" Ann begged her boyfriend. Ann begged.. 79. They left early because they didn't want to get caught in the traffic. They left early so as .. 80. My grandmother used to cycle more than she does now. My grandmother doesn't Scanned with CamScanner

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