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DAILY ROUTINES ACTIVITY (Prepared by Fernando Cuestas)

1. Schedule your Daily Routine here. (Complete la siguiente tabla con su horario de rutinas
diarias desde que se levanta (wake up) hasta que se acuesta (go to sleep). Tome
como guía el ejemplo de las dos primeras columnas de la tabla.

Exam My
ple Schedule
Time Activi Time Activi
ty ty
7.00 - wake up 8.00 - wake up
7.30 - have breakfast 8.30 - have breakfast
7:40 -take a shower 8:40 -brush my teeth
8:00 -comb my hair 9:00 -take a class
8:15 -get dressed 12:30 -take a shower
8:30 -brush my teeth 1:00 -have lunch
9.00 -go to Sena 1.30 -take a class
12.00 -have lunch 5.00 - eat something
2.00 –go back to study 5.30 – brush my theeth
5.00 -leave of Sena 6.00 -do task
5:15 -go to home 8:00 - eat dinner
7.00 -eat dinner 9.00 - watch series
8.00 -watch TV 9.30 -play with my cat
9.00 -go to bed 10.00 -go to bed

2. Escriba un texto con el horario elaborado en la tabla del numeral 1 de acuerdo con la
siguiente estructura gramatical:

I + Frecuency Adverb (Usually/Always/Often) + [Activity] + AT + [Time]

Siguiendo el horario del ejemplo de la tabla anterior, parte del texto podría ser:

I usually wake up at 7:00 o´clock. I usually have breakfast at 7:30. I always take a shower at 7:40.
I usually comb my hair at 8:00 o´clock........................................I often go to sleep at 9:00 o´clock.
I usually wake up at 8.00 o´ clock. I often have breakfast at 8.30. I always brush my theeth at 8.40. I usually take a
class at 9.00 o´ clock. I usually take a shower at 12.30. I often have lunch at 1.00 o´clock. I always take a class at
the 1.30. I always eat something at 5.00 o´clock. I often brush my theeth at 5.30. I always do task at 6.00 o´clock. I
usually eat dinner at 8.00 o´clock. I usually watch series at 9.00 o´clock. I always play with my cat at 9.30. I often
go to bed at 10.00 o´clock.

1 fox -foxes
2 Eyelash – eyelashes
3 House – houses
4 Life – lives
5 Flower – flowers
6 Mouse – mouses
7 Child – children
8 Person – people
9 Potato – potatoes
10 Club – clubs
11 Knife – knives
12 Chief – chiefs
13 Toy – toys
14 Worry – worries
15 Man – mans
16 Dish – dishes
 Sheep
 Scissors
 Ok
 People
 Tomatoes
 Ok
 Ok
 Ok
 Fish
 Piyama
 Is
 Are
 Are
 Are
 Are
 Are
 Is
 Are
 Is
 Is


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