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Vaccination and Immunisation

Edward Jenner - Father of Immunity

- Ramu G
Acquired Immunity – More specific
• A vaccine is an immunogenic • There are 5 major classes of • These are materials
substance designed to give antibodies or immunoglobulin prepared in animals or
protection against a disease. - IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM. non-human sources
such as horses
• A vaccine is antigenic but not • For passive immunization.

• For active immunization.

Vaccine - Vaccination
 A vaccine is a suspension of attenuated/inactivated pathogens or antigenic proteins of
pathogen which is taken orally or injected to provide immunity against the pathogen.

 Vaccination is a method of giving killed or weak antigen to stimulate the immune

response through active immunization.

 So a vaccine is ‘antigenic’ but not ‘pathogenic’.

 Edward Jenner noticed that milk maid did not suffer from small pox who had scabs of
cow pox.

 He transferred the material from sore of milkmaid who was suffering from cow pox to
the young boy of 8 years old.

 After few days he injected live small pox material into that boy. Surprisingly symptoms
of small pox did not appear.

 He tried this procedure on others also and got success. He gave the term vaccination for
this process. Later Jenner
injected small pox

scabs of cow

Milk maid
Jenner injecting Found no symptoms
cow pox germs. of small pox
(First Live vaccine)
Louis Pasture Von Behring

 Discovered the killed vaccination  Discovered the process of passive

or inactivated vaccination process. immunization.

 For fowl cholera, anthrax & rabies.  He is known as father of passive


 Prepared anti-diphtheria serum by injecting

diphtheria antigen into sheep
Principle of vaccination:
 The principle of immunization or vaccination is based on the property of ‘memory’ of the
immune system.
 In vaccination, a preparation of antigenic proteins of pathogen or inactivated(killed)/
weakened pathogen are introduced into the body.
 The antibodies produced in the body against these antigens would neutralize the
pathogenic agents during actual infection.
 The vaccines also generate memory - B and T-cells that recognize the pathogen quickly on
subsequent exposure and overwhelm the invaders with a massive production of
 This type of immunization is called active immunisation.
Passive immunization
 If a person is infected with some deadly microbes to which quick immune response is required as
in tetanus, we need to directly inject the preformed antibodies, or antitoxin (a preparation
containing antibodies to the toxin).

 Even in cases of snakebites, the injection which is given to the patients, contain preformed
antibodies against the snake venom.

 This type of immunization is called passive immunisation.

Tetanus toxoid
Immunized horse

Immunized horse
serum containing
antibodies Tetanus patient Patient protected
Examine the following image & identify is it an active immunization or passive
immunization process?
Types of vaccines

Live Vaccines Killed Vaccines Toxoid vaccines Recombinant

vaccines or
Subunit vaccine
 These are live or  Killed microbes are  Made from a toxin
attenuated used in vaccine that has been made  Only a part or
(weekend)  Hence the name harmless but that product of the
vaccines. inactivated vaccines. induces an immune germ is used, that
 There is a risk of  No risk of getting response against give a very strong
getting disease. disease. the pathogen. immune
 Vaccine antigen  Antigens in vaccine Examples response.
can grow & can not grow & 1. Tetanus- TT  No risk of getting
replicate. replicate. 2. Diphtheria – DT disease
 Hence no booster  Hence require 3. Botulism  Limitation is you
shot is required. multiple doses. may need
Examples Examples booster shots.
1.Small pox 1. Salk polio(IPV) Examples
2.BCG 2. Whooping cough 1. Hepatitis-B vaccine
3.OPV 3. Rabies 2. COVID-19 vaccine
4.MMR 4. Influenza 3. HPV vaccine
5.Plague 5. Pneumonia
6. Rota virus vaccine 6. Cholera
Production of vaccines:
 Recombinant DNA technology has allowed the production of antigenic polypeptides
of pathogen in bacteria or yeast.

 Vaccines produced using this approach allow large scale production and hence
greater availability for immunization.

e.g. Hepatitis B vaccine produced from yeast.

Corona vaccine
 Covaxin is an inactivated (killed vaccine) vaccine which means that it is made up of killed
coronaviruses, making it safe to be injected into the body.

 Covishield is a recombinant vaccine.

• Recombinant vaccines have several benefits compared to other types of vaccines,
including shorter manufacturing time and no risk od disease as do not contain live virus.

 COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.

 You may have side effects after vaccination, but these are normal.
Thank you


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