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//========================================== UKAIP USAGE TUTORIAL


If you use UKAIP to patch your brand fresh IceWarp Merak server block SMTP access
to and fully block access
to with your firewall/router before you continue with
this guide.

1)Copy UKAIP executable to your KWR/KMS/KCN/Merak installation folder.

2W)[Windows Only]
Open cmd.exe(Command prompt) and perform:
cd "Your-KMS_OR_KWR_installation_folder"
3)Generate license for your product this way:
ukaip86.exe winroute.exe -l license.key
/ukaip_i686 winroute.exe -l ./license.key
ukaip86.exe mailserver.exe -l license.key
/ukaip_i686 ./mailserver -l ./license.key
ukaip86.exe {ONE_OF_SERVICE_PROGS,CONFIG_APP,SETUP} -l license.key
./ukaip_i686 {ONE_OF_SERVICE_PROGS,TOOL_APP} -l license.key

ukaip64.exe winroute.exe -l license.key

/ukaip_amd64 winroute.exe -l ./license.key
ukaip64.exe mailserver.exe -l license.key
/ukaip_i686 ./mailserver -l ./license.key
ukaip64.exe {ONE_OF_SERVICE_PROGS,CONFIG_APP,SETUP} -l license.key
./ukaip_amd64 {ONE_OF_SERVICE_PROGS,TOOL_APP} -l license.key

Example: ukaip86.exe smtp.exe -l license.key

ukaip86.exe setup.exe -l license.key(See below for installer notes).
./ukaip_i686.exe ./pop3 -l license.key
./ukaip_i686.exe ./tool -l license.key
ukaip86.exe IceWarpServerInterfacePlugin.dll -cl license.key
4)Run UKAIP as following to patch KMS/KCN/Merak/KWR:
NOTE: If your operating system supports it you can use native 64-bit binaries as
well(i.e ukaip64.exe instead of ukaip86.exe
and ./ukaip_amd64 instead of ./ukaip_i686)
[KWR]: ukaip86.exe winroute.exe
NOTE: If you want to use KWR with KWF with license file(Semi-Trial mode) then
run as following:
ukaip86.exe winroute.exe -force-trial-kwf-with-lic
[KMS/KCN] ukaip86.exe mailserver.exe
[ICEWARP MERAK] ukaip86.exe cal.exe config.exe control.exe fastisapi.exe im.exe
pop3.exe smtp.exe sendmail.exe api.dll db.dll php\ext\icewarpphp.dll
[ICEWARP MERAK 10.4+] ukaip86.exe kasperskyupdater.exe
[ICEWARP CLIENT] ukaip86.exe IceWarpServerInterfacePlugin.dll
NOTE: To use the license during installation/accept license during upgrade you
should patch the installer.
Open icewarp-%version%-%date_and_build_in_nightlies%.exe installer(size ~
70-200 MB) with 7-zip and extract [0] file
out of it. Now extract the contents of [0] with 7-zip to folder %MERSETUP
%. Patch the %MERSETUP%\setup.exe(About 4-5 Mb in size) file with UKAIP:
ukaip86.exe %MERSETUP%\setup.exe
For 10.3+ extract the .exe directly(There is no [0] file - all files
directly packaged)
[KMS/KCN] ./ukaip_i686 ./mailserver
[KWR] ./ukaip_i686 ./winroute
NOTE: If you want to use KWR with KWF with license file(Semi-Trial mode)
then run as following:
./ukaip_i686 winroute.exe --force-trial-for-plugins-with-license
NOTE2: If you want to activate KWF directly with E-Soft key then patch like
./ukaip_i686 winroute.exe --force-trial-for-plugins-with-license

[ICEWARP MERAK] ./ukaip_i686 ./cal ./control ./icewarpd ./im ./pop3 ./smtp

./sendmail ./tool ./lib/ ./php/ext/
[ICEWARP MERAK 10.4+] ./ukaip_i686 ./kasperskyupdater

SKiP Step 5 and 6 for IceWarp UCS 10.X.

SKiP Step 5 if you are patching Kerio Connect/Control 7.X - Jump to Step 6.
5) Run UKAIP as following to patch McAfee(ONLY APPLICABLE FOR Kerio 6.7X Series):
ukaip86.exe "%Relative_Path_From_Installation_Folder_To_AV_Plugins_Folder

Example for KWR:

ukaip86.exe avirplugins\avir_mcafee.dll
ukaip_i686 ./rel_path_to_avplugs/

If you have your own local(LAN) mirror for mcafee you can use the following to
enable use of it:
ukaip86.exe "%Relative_Path_From_Installation_Folder_To_AV_Plugins_Folder
%\avir_mcafee.dll" --enable-custom-update-mirror-for-mcafee
./ukaip_i686 "%Relative_Path_From_Installation_Folder_To_AV_Plugins_Folder
%/" --enable-custom-update-mirror-for-mcafee
UKP will ask you for your mirror's DNS name and relative path to folder
holding McAfee updates.

This step is only applicable for Kerio Control/Connect 7.X

Requirements for this step(If you cant fullfill the requirements then skip to
step 7 and disable AntiVirus auto-updates):
HTTP Web Server running on standard port 80.

Run UKAIP as following to patch Sophos(ONLY APPLICABLE FOR Kerio 7.X Series and
ukaip86.exe "%Relative_Path_From_Installation_Folder_To_AV_Plugins_Folder
%\avir_sophos.dll" -Ss %IP_OR_DNS_NAME_OF_YOUR_HTTP_SERVER%

Example for KCNTRL:

ukaip86.exe avirplugins\avir_sophos.dll -Ss
ukaip_i686 ./rel_path_to_avplugs/ -Ss

Create a local folder for Sophos mirror on your server.

Install Kerio Sophos Update Kit(ViTYAN) package into this folder.
Run the script sync_mirror.bat(Windows)/ - perform "chmod
0555 ./" before excuting) and wait for mirror to become fully
Create file ukerav.php on the root of your Web server(Not the root of hosting
server isteslf) with the following content(Preferably with UNIX style line endings
- LF):
Create a Virtual Folder "kersophos" on your WebServer which should point to
physical location of mirror folder created above.
Execute sync_mirror scripts from time to time to update your local mirror(Via
Cron on Linux or Task Sheduler on Windows - Dont forget to set working folder to
mirror folder for the task).
Kerio will update it's Sophos automatically and you don't even need to touch it.

7) If you attempt to install WinRoute and you need functional WebFilter then:
5a)Stop WinRoute service.
5b)Patch winroute.exe/winroute using UKAIP with --force-trial-for-plugins-with-
license --enable-kerio-to-esoft-redirect parameters.
5b3)In patching stage [12] you'll be asked to fullfill the E-Soft serial number.
You can find this number in KWR topic of Warez section in Ru-Board forum.
Please note that this number constantly changes due to bans coming from
Kerio on them.
5b4)UKAIP will continue with patching and will generate getkey.php file in it's
own folder.
NOTE: Use --use-specific-path-to-store-php-files=PATH parameter to specify
custom path to store getkey.php file in.
5b5)Put this file on your local Web server(With PHP enabled) in /kwfp0wnz/
virtual folder(Virtual folder of Web Server).
NOTE: You can change the URL(default http://localhost/kwfp0wnz/) using
--enable-advanced-mode or direct --enable-custom-license-server-for-webfilter=URL
switch with UKAIP
If you want to use HTTPS(SSL) server then YOU must use CA signed
certificate on it(You've been warned).
5c)Patch avir_mcafee.dll/ with UKAIP.
5d)Start WinRoute service.
5e)If you've enter correct E-Soft license data then your WebFilter will be active
stright after service starting.
5f)Give Kerio WebFilter extension a try :)

8)License installation.
Kerio: Put license.key file to \license\ subfolder in Kerio's installation
IceWarp: Put license.key to \config\ subfolder in Kerio's installation directory
NOTE to Linux users:
LI1)Stop IceWarp daemon -> /etc/rc.d/init.d/icewarp stop
LI2)Put generated license file to %install_folder%/config/ named as
By default this path will be: /opt/icewarp/config/
LI3)Start IceWarp daemon -> /etc/rc.d/init.d/icewarp start
To test succesfull license installation do the following:
LI4)In IceWarps installation folder execute: ./tool display system
If you see: c_license_xml=
then license has NOT been propertly recognized
If you see c_license_xml= A_LOOOOOT_OF_TEXT
then you've done it babee :)

9) Yo are done babee :)


Use -o option to prevent UKP from changing "source" file(All changes will be stored
to a new file):

ukaip86 winroute.exe.ORG -o winroute.exe

File winroute.exe.ORG will be used as R/O Source while the changes will be saved to
a new winroute.exe file.

MULTI-FILE Patching:
ukaip86 winroute.exe avirplugins\avir_mcafee.dll
Will patch both files during one execution :)

More complicated (Using -o):

ukaip86 winroute.ORG -o winroute.exe avira_backup\makaka.dll -o

And yet one another thing:

Special --enable-quit-without-waiting option can be added if you wanna make some

UKAIP automation(Exam: Creating a batch file) so UKAIP will not wait for your
Keypress before terminating.

Cheerz ,ViTYAN :)

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