BA Excel Sheet 11 March

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GENDER Education AGE Work Experience

Female PG 20-50 10-15 years

Female PG 20-50 10-15 years
Female PHD 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 10-15 years
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 15-20 years
Others UG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PHD 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 10-15 years
Female PG 20-50 10-15 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 10-15 years
Others UG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 15-20 years
Others UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 15-20 years
Others UG 20-50 10-15 years
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male PG 20-50 10-15 years
Female UG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female UG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 15-20 years
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 10-15 years
Others PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 10-15 years
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Female UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 15-20 years
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 10-15 years
Others UG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 15-20 years
Others UG 20-50 0-5
Male PG 20-50 0-5
Male PG 20-50 10-15 years
Others UG 20-50 0-5
Male PG 20-50 6-10 years
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Male UG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 15-20 years
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Male PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Male PHD 20-50 10-15 years
Others PG 20-50 0-5
Others PG 20-50 6-10 years
Female PG 20-50 0-5
Female PG 20-50 10-15 years
Female UG 20-50 15-20 years
Others PG 20-50 15-20 years
Which part of India are you from? Data
East India
Class 12th Stre Count - Family Income (Monthly) Count - Age
Commerce 5 5
Total Result 5 5
North India South India
Count - Family Income (Monthly) Count - Age Count - Family Income (Monthly)
3 3
21 21 4
9 9
33 33 4
West India
Count - Age Count - Family Income (Monthly) Count - Age

4 4 4

4 4 4
Total Count - Family Income (Monthly) Total Count - Age

3 3
34 34
9 9
46 46
Age Family In Class 12thClass 12t Which spec
Which part of India are you from?
Less than Between RsScience Above 75%MarketingNorth India
More thanMore thanCommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
Less than Between RsCommerceAbove 75%Finance anWest India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%MarketingSouth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%HR/OB East India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%MarketingNorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business AEast India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business AWest India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%HR/OB East India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%MarketingNorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceBetween 5HR/OB South India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Any other North India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%MarketingSouth India
More thanBetween Rs Science Above 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs Science Between 5Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceBetween 5MarketingWest India
More thanMore thanScience Above 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs Science Above 75%MarketingNorth India
More thanBetween Rs Arts Above 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween Rs Science Above 75%HR/OB North India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%Any other North India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%MarketingNorth India
More thanBetween Rs Arts Above 75%HR/OB North India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceAbove 75%MarketingEast India
More thanBetween Rs Science Above 75%MarketingNorth India
More thanBetween Rs CommerceBetween 5MarketingEast India
Less than Between RsCommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%MarketingWest India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%Any other North India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%Business ASouth India
More thanBetween RsScience Above 75%Any other North India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%MarketingNorth India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%HR/OB North India
Less than Between Rs
CommerceBetween 5MarketingNorth India
More thanBetween RsArts Above 75%Any other North India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween RsCommerceAbove 75%Business ANorth India
More thanBetween RsScience Above 75%Any other North India

Formula (n+1)*P/100 Q2
No of Students Marks (Out of 10) Marks (Sorted)
1 4 2
2 5 3
3 6 3
4 7 4
5 6 4
6 5 4
7 4 4 1 0.78 4.78
8 3 5
9 4 5
10 5 5
11 6 5 1 0.8 5.8
12 7 6
13 2 6
14 3 6
15 4 7
16 5 7
Minimum 2
Maximum 7
Range 5
Mean 4.75
Mode 4 4
Median 5 5

Percentile PositionPercentile Value

25th Percentile
50th Percentile
75th Percentile
7th Decile
47 Percentile
Marks (Out of 10)

Mean 4.75
Standard 0.359397644214
Median 5
Mode 4
Standard 1.437590576857
Sample V 2.066666666667
Kurtosis -0.540645618689
Range 5
Minimum 2
Maximum 7
Sum 76
Count 16 4.5

Student Score 90 Maximum 90 3.5

34 34 Minimum 34 3
45 2.5
67 Range Frequency 2
89 31-40 2
78 41-50 3
56 51-60 1
45 61-70 2 0.5
76 71-80 4 0
31-40 4
54 81-90 2
31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90

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