Nonnos Dionisiaca I (Parte 1-100)

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IT. t PAGK.c,«.. utt.ol

I. CAPPS. »ll.a. L4.». W. a D. BOU8B. Ury n
I. A. POST. » 4. B.H. WAmillllCm)N.*<

Dl< '
\ ^ -^ I \ < \


W. H. I). HUtiUS, l^nr.D.


H J. ROSE, \l \
r*. 0Mtm • « •**•. ^tiiti


U H UNO, DXnr.

i!c TUftsi voLimni



9 ' '



V- 1

rriaurf M Om> aHWto

CONTfcMs> ui- VOLLMt I

GnoouL l5mioiHrcno^ vU

RsoDrr TKxr-Ciimnsii or Tut Diosyuma w

ScifllAKY or THft Ikioikft Q9 TMB ToftM xlviH

ii.>.>k U
AdditK^^. Nw.« .» ik«.K i i 98

Book 111 100

Book IV \sk

Book \ 108

Book M . «14
AddHiottal Notr» to Book \ I . .MO
mm if a now tenman In Alia Minor, mnd not
unknown In Eflrpt* mjmrt from thr port ; bnt Utile
U knoim of Min. He wa» bom at Panopolb (tha

i..t mh —— —
. name of Cbcnunla In the Tbebtfci) aone time
« HH fiocai pmbably

The poem |ii mc i»c » xn or tnr tuftory of Dloograoa,
hut KooBoa MMiigw to faMbflie all tlie atovtoa of
'rede Mftholoanr be cioMd nnd In
Kit la lili okl^c : bathe
Ma lieatnient wnea he
ot the hesMnetePt
to find a iraJ of reeoncUhw to
the anelent qoanlHatlTe TerveTvewlthihe'
with the later aeeentnal
<-f«e, the wnwlcal arernt hatlnit already given way to
rcia, long and ihort TowrU having

in vpcccn* and tnelr lonndi

For thb topie I refer to WlirtiMid, Ki Fm
n \««Mff (Caeernp, I9»)« end a Monmarr in Panhr'a
Riol-gi rjpJMldff nnder '^ Noonoa." 91t.
Nonooa abo parafdiraafd 9t, John't Gospel in the
fuunc metre and atyle. Some have inferred, there-
fere, that he wm
eonvcrted to Chiiatianity in later
Hfr. hat we know nothing at all abont the matter.
\\y if)trre»t in Nonno« began about fifty jean ago,
^ hen W. Bobcrtaon Smtth was phuudng a aeriea of
of mythology, and aalud me to eoDate

the Florentine manuscript, which I did : but liii
untimely death put an end to thi« project.
This is the first English translation of NonncM, and
there are no others in any language except the I^tin
and French, and quite latelvt one In hexa-

meters. The Loitin pretendn to be r-word

construe, and sonie' but it contains

many blunders, soni- Tlie French Is

more an elegant paraphrase, suited for a ParisUB
salon, and never forgetting the pioprietiet : It la
graceful and pleaj^ing to read, but not very cloae to
the Greek, ilie German is extraordinarily cloae, by
its bold use of compound words. It is a tmnalation
for the eye rather ttian the ear, for it is not possible
to speak it roetHcally without gabbling, but it ia a
great feat.
Reader* who are interested in th< i^o
to Lndwidi's editkm. We use his t. nt
of Messrs. Teitboer, and note only *
i«- >

tions, including one or two cocgccturrt (as yvvmo

for AtWio, whkh I hope will commend itself, xhri. HSl ).
Dr. L. R. Und s Appendix gives a list of later
Laurentianus XXXII 16 in Florence, paper, written
A.D. 1280, b the chief and most andent ms. Otheit
M — in Munich.
N— in Naples. II F. 19. P«P«r.
O—Ottobonianus 51, Vatican, paper.
P—Palatinns, paper, 16th century.
S — Reginensb 81, Vatican, paper, written In
f—Codex Falkenburgii, whence the editio prin-
ceps was taken,
I have to Uumk l^tdumm H. J. Rom, who adds
the njtfeoloffeal notes, and Dr. Lind, for Idndhr
mitliiiiiif^ and iBiproyiBg the translation. I thank

the Beadw alto for hit c atmnc eare and patience.

W. II. D. Routs

TkB mjthology of the Dmmfdmom to MmtMt^ at
bdng the longest and most eUbonite exaaqple we
have of Greek mirths In tbeb final stage of degenereof.
As early as the begimii^g of the Alexandrian age the
traditional stories of the doings of gods and heroes
had ceased, save perhaps as allegories , to eooi-
mand Denei awioiy ed oeated people, the ou^ daas
for whom the Alexandrian authors wrote. Thera
remained tberenre siiwplj tonr ntenuy valoe as
pietareaqae tales. As the tendeney of the age, hoth
in literature and art, was on the whole towards
realism, the mjths were so handled as to make
the actors In them thoroughly, often nndtenlliedly
human. Thus, In the Argmwmfkm of Apowoios of
Rhodes,* when Heni and Athena call on Aphrodite
to he^ them, we have no conference of goddames hot
a hamoroas sketch of great kidies, eunsUained to
recognise the existence of and even he deferential to
a woman neither sodaOy nor morally their eqnal,
who for her part to dehglitcd and a little maUckras at
the thought of getting a footing In such respectable
society. Besides thto, another tendency KmI long
been at work. The old and famlUar stories, however
re-handled, were too well known, and the poets, ever
on the lookout for anything which savoured of origin-
• ApoU. Rbod. III. 36 ff.

alitj, eatfglit eMgoAj at fresh material, while their
great learaliig pot raeh material at their dfapotal, in
the form of nnmeroiit obtcure and local lecendi never
before treated in any weQ-known work of litei a tuie.
Thit if why to many ttoriea are known to at only
ram Alexandrians, or frtim late compilers who
obviously drew on Alexandrian poetry for infcrma-
tion. A third lactor was tile prevalenoe of tiie
romantic and amatory faitcfest. PiydiDtogy had
been in the afar, to to speak, cfvcr iineeEiiripiiMs
^lensnder, and one of the most obviovs ways to
^le hmnan character at its most interesting is to
raw a man or woman in bve. Therelbre stories of

lie k>ve, not so modi, ss in the preceding centuries,

f a man lor a yom^er member of his own sex, but

rattier of a Tov^g man for a inaid« wcto ojilicweiy
popokr, and inrly all tiic famoos love stories of
He world eitlier have an Ale iandiiMi origin or are
iiodeOed on some tale Ibit given litwaiy mm
by one
of tliese writem.* Finally, rhelorie was a
interest with eveiyuoe who sooght
and tlie most characteristie rhetorical exerdse was to
-ompose a speech eipn esiiy the feeMngs of a given
•«*noD m
gtven cwemBsmnees* atyiwNogy aoounoeo
>n sitoatkios caWolatod to stir the sUoogtJst pssrinns,
And so no poet was even an appi entice in his art
ntil he had pot toto the mooth of a Modeia, an
\ Ksmemnon, or a Scylla, an artistic and dever expre^

;<in of tlie fceHngs of an oatraged wife, a fatlier

>m between aosbition and parental afecti»'> '^' m

• Thi* It mtt vWi iiaoiisliiia bat not wnnmii

fetih. •
bMto of Ibcl, b7 B. P. M. BtoSi. ifflilNodbw '^ r
-rnd fA# i^mitJMm V Wmmm is Ormk P^ttff*
ft <X IMC t tee capcdally pp. lOS-ili.
dau^ter who mutt choose between overwhebniQf
love and her duty towards her family «im1 her coantrj.
The greatest sumvini? roaster of this sort of litenip
ture is no Greek, but the Latin Ovid, whom there Is
some reason to say Nonnos knew ; at aD etrents« he
was a hue representative of the same schooL
Thus for something Uke seren hundred years to the
time when Nonnos wrote, m3rthokigy had been the
raw material of realistic sketches, new and startling
narratives, amatory and rhetorical descriptions. It
had also had plenty of time to become stale and
exhausted, as even the richest material most if
handled too long, always in the same way, by men
who are clever iMit not inspired. Now arose • ^

who undertook to compose an epic on wholly t

logicalthemes, the Ubours and ultimate '

Dkmysos. It is little to be wondered ..

gives us neither living figures nor even a gallery of

pleasing portraits or statues, but rather a faded and
overcrowded tapestry, moving a little now and then
as the breath of his sickly and unwholesome fancy
stirs it.

His Dk>nysos Is an utterly detestable character, or

would be were possible to believe in him for one
if it
moment The original god, Phrygian or Thraeo-
Phrygian, whose position was ftaUy established among
the offidal Greek cults by about the seventh century
B.C., was an impressive f*--** '««• '^r<iduct of naive

reaction to great and vn <es. He was a

god of fertility, especiallv tnr tmiiuy of food-plants,
on which the very life off simple communities in the
Mediterranean and surrounding areas depends, since,
in da3rs of little wealth and poor coatwittnicatioaa, a
failure of the har\'ests in any neighbourhood most


and hotUlp oolxt bat deatlL
He was a god alMi dr anfaBftl fertUitjr, locd of beasts M
well as ncB, or even rather than osen, and, as such,
was po wcjftj la the wild plaees where wild things
llve« wbkbc
For these reasons, while besefieent and desir-
able, he eonki be rcrr terfible* especially as his reahn
the Iruit of the ¥toe with its mystciions
He eonU kiU as weU as make aUve, send
as well as |iioa|ieiitj and adrth. His rilnal
largely, befaw Greeks tamed and dvihacd
it,of wiki off^aibe daaetaw on the hob and in pkwes
ow i sMe CDe Btiie ewavateii areas, lasa piaees we ma
say* whcie the unsopWsticateo felt theasielves in
oaeamiy m
well as tmfeodllar sOToandings, as iadaed
the moat bUs« member of oar preaent-dav orhan

yooth, if he will *« let hfanaelf go " by vigorons

ment in a solitary plare in stimif Imh air.
all this,thete is soose eHdenee that the
mde to this god were of the natme of a mystie
eonuamiloo, in wmeh the worshipperi did not merely
kin a beast and make a baiii|oet at whieh the <k^ty
was a gocst, but %\Ur and devoor the god Idmself In
bestial fom, thos absorbing hilo thcflmebes hii god-
It is no KDoder, Acat that there gathered
of his terrfbie wrath
his marrelloas |rflls and irnMcs, and of his
aethMea m a giver of ferdity to plants, animals, and

Many eentwies had pamed sinee the exirtenee of

deaefls ano oao fauMresseo tne soptas"*
vicBVOQ aano ano naiDircQ aim vO «v^we
o« cua^amocs
MswooderlolliaoQlar. By Noonoa^ time, a Dkmyaiae

orgy was a thing one might read about in old booki
new cuhs had long ago wrested horn his rellgioii Its
old place in popular favour, and the stories abmrt him
had been contaminated on the one hand with the too
hunuin roniantic interest already touched upon, on
the other with a curious political development.
Dion^rsos, who as earlj as Eoripidcs' day was thought
of as a great conqueror (he came finom the East, he
had esUblished himself faifiMe of oppoiitkm in IMbt;
therefore it was natural to assume thai he had eoe-
quered the Eastern peoples) was a ml iailatad to
human conqueror, Aleiander, and the
of that great statesman andjvarrior took nom otme
early days soenethiiy of a Dionysiae wUdi
grew more pttmouneed as time went on. Hi
the conquerfog Dionvsos tended to
Alexander. The result of this, to one Ibr whom
Alexander was a dim and legendary flfure of the
long distant past, was that Dionysos deireloped into
the sort of world-conqueror likely to be ImaglDed bgr
a mind wholly aUen to the least notion orpolllieal
motives, a person who Ibr no particular reeeon goes
about subauing nation after nation in h^ge and
bk>ody battles, in whieh his petioiial pniwem (this
was a remnant of the genuine epic tradition, the fruit
of days in which tactics were in their infancy, armies
small, and the strength and valour of one
jnan often of real importance) Is a deeWve
The other tales had degenerated into accounts of how
the god made people nuul, drunk or both, and seduced

women, poor survi vab of the Dionysos of older, less
sophisticated and at the same time more understand-
ing days. The Dionysos ofEuripkies one can at least
fear ; nothing but unbelieving contempt can be


bj the dtmUadtf MMJhnt of Aora and the
wintd who kilk Urse nuin-

ben of incredible but mosUr inoicnrive Indiam.

Never has it been more patent thai an Imaginative
writer, if he is to fanfireM hia andience, bukI have at
leMtanfaBachMthrebehefinhiiownttQnr. But the
ancient talea of how the creat god had shown his
la wrath, mercy ororthebk
the blgMity of incrtatc had
matter for panMk>sea» and the
(far the cidi ccrtafady had Ha jovial tide)
merri- M
broaght a inteai now famteod of a hragh. To the
stvdcBt of rel^i^ion or mythohi^jt tti oppoeed to the
dcffeiicfeoeeoee of Hteratore, Noonoa has here notnim
to oibr eieepi the telhng afler hit fiwhion of a few
, as the

(bk. ihril. 475 C).of whfah


Hterafy « of UlfplMiit a ^fstcm

te or abottt the sfarth eeirtmy b.c,
had a moat ewkms mjthok^ and theohigj of its
<*wo,and had hj Koaooa t tfane died o«t, thoofh not
withoat leaviM traoM on Chriillaa art.* The %»«
of Z«gf«M li ob. pfobablj of the oricfaial stntHB of
OrphtaB, lor he is well known to Pindar hi hb Ovphle
• Sm Wmchf I's ImO— . W. fOlt t. (B, Knhasrty, ItvM
a loey Afflie trndMsn. vondMd Ibr aaM« othv tliii^ lij
Hmj <MA Ty^,— ^ gui w ta^iy of thswaAraslid
iwnnas bmb DMnyms ana ha was bansa

It sjttirt

^^^ "" * Godsoffcrtillyarsof

Is W. K. a Oathrte. Of^AM«
IMft. The artlstie
ml laliiiltsBH ftiiBi fTiiihtoBi h amili aoiisiiil in
R. Biihr, Orslfirl rffufifiili MptttHimmimlm te d«r
tdblWdUa ^a#tA» (Ki iH»t d<r AAlMMI^riary.
context." How and when he beeume identt6ed with
Dionysos to the extent to v^l Sonnoi we
do not know; the strangenes hcTOunfer
god is begotten by Zeus aft* od the ^

heart of the older Zagrens) &u^^- ,. -:i^ quite

alien to ordinary Gr^

thought, and so akin to the
abnormal ideas of Orphism itself.
If NomiQS had been a more oonsistent thinker and
more of a poet, he had hold of an idea which would al
least have given his work a grandiose pattern and a
real, contemporary interest. He seems to have tried
to Ht the events of the story into an attrologioel
background, ill though he was fitted to do so« when
his knowledge of both astronomy and astiokify was
evklently feeble.* Astrokigy had kmg been popular
and widely accepted, and it continued to be so« what-
erer the Church might say or do, till modem astro-
nomy made its schemes cease to appeal to the
man s imaginative picture of tiie univcflse.
mann has shown * that he had some aequaintanee
i1M'l9iSU LdDsig-BcHin, Teubncf, IM5, but the work is
so crammed wtth relevant flMts as to br valuable, thoufh
care shoukl be cwfdsed la nmAhm It
• This has been denkd. bat asaiUiss la <»r«i«/V«lryeMl
Z.i/tf (Uxibffd, Ckr. Prr^ 1036V du. 70 M.
The n)o»t gUr
* lik. vl.«, where
he pats Venus in « I

Sua, iA 90 dag.
away, her maximum lii^tnncc from him \

beginner in astronomy knows, 4a deg. No

DO astrokiger of any repute would have made sack a
See in ccneral V. Stannaaa, Asiroio^ wmd Umiwtrmd
9«»ekicMi4^ Teuboer, 1990. espedally pp. 199 ff. 8mmn

willbe Iboad in the notes to the lest t but la aeaeful it hm

be said that he credits Nonnos with a more omsietant and
thorougrh application of his attrolofieal and mysUe Ideas
than he deserves to have attributed to him.
wfth Mtitilqgieal wrMngt, ukI thai liii geiMffml •chc'ine
\ ( Jiiiii k In in mil iiith thrii !r«fihlngi He
divides time Into worid-inootlit < MiiMlil«l l i iy a worftd-
r, and after the rnwiin moBtii wfafah hrtegt the

(bk. t) and that of Typhoa't attempt (JSl IL),

the coaode winter It orer (bk. UL I), nnniiier coine b
*o the nnifCfie and the blwiiy of the new god, a god
''f t he fi al tltfnMa of antwnnt to dne. Thitooneain
booka of the poem, with the birth, growth
tiitl of Dionyioa. Bot vnlbrtmatelr. miTiiig
ftot hit new tarioor-god bom, he hat no idea what to
do with him, and the poem traik off into a terfca of

» tifflnr than the iait, tiH finally a lew

iinet hnddb DIonsrtos away to heaven. He hai
tight of hit own ftraoMrwovlu reenrflBf to It onty
«nd again, and ao the work whieh ndght hare
Of §
4^ atcroiogiQai
111 laal rengiont
I - * - "
ilii li

with aone genuine fiteltaif, it bnt a heap of epitodea,


rite to a pieee of
w ssraa^i'Sr
nnbonnded faith in the drihjrfiY ndMfen of
late drtn,
the ftonwi Enpike (nMMh leta dead, of eonrte, in the
F^«i than in tH<> W^t ^ and capedally fai the beneUti
oman Uv <-lbre he ptmjdei one of the
* of tit.- m^-^K^hoob, that at Berrtoi. with a
•re-myth of Ita own, the story ot the njnnph
lid of Aphrodite (tee bka. xlL-xliL and
ing at tlilt, or at hk Mttolorr, the DitH^fmmem w<mld
be more readable and fuller ^interest to the hiitorian
of ancient culture.
There is ^ther point of view from whieh
Nonnoa's m\ ^y may be examined. At Bentley
saya of him,* " he had great variety of Learning, and
may pan for an able Grammarian, though a very
oitUnary Poet" Hence the epiaodea with which the
poem abounds, and the oontinual digrearioni and
aliuiiont which interrupt the narrative, lean with
atoriea, moatly in late literary Ibma, olten pnbMf
abo of late origin, even invented or
ahape 1^ Nooaoa Idmidr, whidi «ilher mmm^

found efcew hete or are not told In ftdl aave to the
Diomynmm. Inataneea of thfe will be found to abun-
dance to the notea ; bcahlea the ttory of the flght
with PerMut, already enlioaed, we may
reader here that Nonnoa ii our authority rbk. i. 155,
51 1) for the very curtooa legend tluit Typiioeat eon-
trived to steal not oiUy the thunderboHa of Zena byt
hit alnewa, which at once betrays itaelf aa beiiM to ita
origina at all events popular, probably old
Greek. Nonnoa it is who t«Ui na the whole aedea of
tales (bks. x. C) of the variooa h»v«a of DIoayaoa who
were metamorphoaed toto variooa plants connected
with viticulture. Nonnoa givca us incomparably the
longest account of the expedition of the god againal
the Indians, and though he probably invented a good
deal himself, still there are no doubt elemen ts derived
from earlier fancies than his, and to the dearth of
documents for this interesting development of

• Z>tM. <mPAaiari«. p. 90 Wagner (Bohncd.), p. 94 of the

ed. of 1699. For " Grmsnmarian '* we khould nowadsys aay
scholar " or ** philokiftaL**
poiiiicai myihekogff he na^ ms vmuc, Nonnos again
ii foil of bed fegcnda, wmh m the nuabm of the
fwnoiitory PaDme, though that b aIm to be found
IB a Hunof geogiapbef cnt two s and* in gcnefalt as has
already beoi said, he ftirniihfi materiJ for the stndj
of Alexandrian mjrtholMj In Us degenera te fbrna.
K-ldentaOr. he Is so lUTof imUatkMis of earlier and
-tter poeti than hhnself that here sgsin he lilli gaps
oar knowledge. In a manner not to be despised
consldf ring how iMge a proportion of Alexandrian
oferarare m hmr io ns. lus sstiuwigMai epvooes, m
which rarloos gods snch as Afcm (hSnself a hite per-
•onl6csatlon) twos na tl f lU -easter Hannonla keeps
a sort of celestial Okl Moore on her wall, we may
ascribe to hfan and to no predecessor, so far as onr
knowledge goes.
While thetefete anrone who ases Noonos as a
handbook to any sort of normal and gennlnely classical
mythology will be gflevonsly miried, the searcher
Into sundfy odd comeis win be rewarded mr his
pains, and rvrn thooe who are sUwi f l^g the sobfect
more genersllT cannot afcrd to BtMCt thb belated
prodnct of the' learned fancy of Hetcniied Egypt
H. J.

The interest which cU»stci»ta of the l.ia:i« 1> ^jm akm^

world have taken during the last ctMttur\ .hhI a half
in the Diomysiaca of Nonno» of Pan««|'"l»"' hi^ v|i.,>\n
an invenM! ratio to the astonishii^ bulk it( tin )»•< «
A work which, »ince the appearance of its n{iti,»

primcep* (1509). ha» in tocDC tl

attention of ^^ttrh men as Dani*
mann, A. f K. Lchn, W. M
J. J. Scali^ ii. Voai, and von N^^

tinaea, however, to at)|x;al to a doien or <'an

scholars, at least haU of whom have c<> in i

recent yean partlcularl}r to the better < 'cnt

of iU text.
The manuscript-tradition was first studied In
by A. Ludwicfa/ who also produced
tli 'U DOW
in use. Me gave a full aoooont td
the lesser maniiterlpts and provkled the bMit Ibr a
revised edition bj proving thist the Laurentian codex
(Mediceo-Ljiurejitianus xxxii. 16, written in a.d.
1S80), not used by any previous editor, was the one
firom which all other extant mss. were descended.
• All references to the I>isaMsiaas are nade to tlie
and best edition, a truly rrmarkable pices of work, by A.
I^udwi^ (Ldudg, Teuboer, vot L 1M0| voL IL 1911).
» ** Uber dkhandMhriltUcbe CberiicCBnn« der LHony-

siaks des Nonnos**: //#rsMs. xlL (1877), nim,

^i»K....«K Ku f«..ii It , ;, ^ v%'rr publislird, he
of rradingv fruni it which amplr

rrvraird lis pnntacy.* In hi« editioii (i. 15) he

the view that (P> PaUtino-HeiHrlber-
85, of the rixtcenth cent v of •

(L), WM
Itwif the model for «i ^iv
(x), nam lost, from vfalch all tht »rrs

(fl<- FMNORS\'M'), none earli« r ti >.ili

century, were copied.*

Another tradition ii representril h\ U yl\,y^,.^s
BeroHncwii 10M7), a badly motilatrd frapnrnt cnn-
talniiif narta of books «lv., %\. and xri., datinir from
abont tW aeventh centunr a.d/ (L) nevrrthelcai
ron^titotrs lor all practical poipoaea the baai* for our
tc!it. althooffh it i% barrlr pOMllile thai manuscript
material thna far left wfiullr unrtamiticd inay be
brought to Iwar upon it» textual problema.^
• C>. rii, 'tm-im. A dfMftetiaa of the ODOlKnla or(L) It
ffwn by \ < v radicv laitmillaoo xxxU. !•** in
Abcmlla w nar0 di ^tlie^ Rmmwimu (MUaa,

• Scr ludvirh'. cdlllon. L IO-I3 Ibr an aeooMit a( thnr

u*aiittMTi|]U and the ilmna

irtiren br V. Stnmiann, .l«#r»-
l«f^ mrnd t'mii irialfwrilffAlf ; Stmd^m wmd imUrprw ittlimt^m

ttlwH and r ran WiUakmrits-Mnrllm-

<irmltmmf ' n m fMim, Ihft V. I.

' I lefrr to Ihrrr hw. now In ttit KMorial libranr. vhlHi

M cdMor larr thr fmnlr dr MarerlhM (Sommm, i^» i*i*my'
MOOTMi, flic.. I'ar;^. I)>.|..t. I K.^!). IrilnMluHktn wi. mul

rvcvntly dcacril'

VOL. I 6 xxi

(L) itself is hsrd to rrsd ; many compendia in it
were wronfflj tnuiicribcd by the copyists of tkm
deieriorft. Its corrections by two hAiKli were put la
carelessly, so that at times it is cUActtlt to make
out the true form. Yet these corrcctiops are most
important, although thry were usually written over
the wrong reading which remained otherwise un-
changed in the Mss. ; this may have been the ooo-
dition in which the exemplar of (L) was
The problrms presrntrd by the text are,
generally til of rrrorv whi. ^
' Into It at H
waspropag. <> the fifth r«: hen
flourished,* to Uie thirteenth.* lluit
^exclusive of the papyrusi. 14 in all. not counting the
nragment listed by Miller ami the 4 owned by
Utenhovius and 1 by Oporinus, nam lost ; see
Ludwich, PrmfoHot i. IS) of a poem which contuini

oompariioii of the cstalogurr't remarks with the

concrralM thcotlier iiM.of Noonasflvvn Inr Lud
thut the E%mrimt$mm Ibm paHof the trndllloo af LPsm.
'Ilicir nnmbos la RevOk** mUlofiie arc t
(T. L 15), (T. iU 19).
(£. t S). ISA
Ilr nuikcs no moilioB of a fourth
fragmentary ms. oonUining Ihr Arrt two books of the
DJoaysiaea only, listed by £Milkr. Cs«al«#M 4m am
df U Miwiiaqm4 d# ri^MnirMi (Paris, IMI. No. •«•, Smm
180-190. with the enlrr r. i. IS. The three he dssarSw are
all oompiHr. PoMibly an itaMiion. Impmrtleahle at
present, of tlic*c Spanish m%ht yidd sons usslkl
cridence npoo certain rsadino ofr the test, cspsddly sines
Ludwich considered the dtU^Urm known to
examination at many point* and oAcn lists tlHir
with those of I.P in hU very full and ingcoloMly
apparatus rritiru*.
• See L. R. I.ind. " The Date of Noonos of Panopolb
Classitat Pkiloto^, xxlx. (1934), 89-78.
» Cf. p. Collart, ** !>am contr ot c is^s dca Diooydaqucs
de Nonnos " : R4vu4 ds Phiiolc^ xIL (1917). 194.

pvrvs^ TFXTrRrnnsM

rmtlier moiMnoiMJu^ nesMsietrr», <l,t97 iii tiumlirr,

•iMNiki have sonrhred, it« of eovne, one of the iiuiny
rtmlei attencUnt upon tlie tninMiilaftofi of moctcnt
Chief reeonnc In tUaifyiag m text upon wbldi nmcli
stillraoMiiM to be done* nart« then, be had to eon-
jcetwal emeiMUtioo, bat a type of enendatkHi whleb
rnmi alio malfitain a wboleaome rcapect for LP. The
tiiAtrriab for toch corrcctieo are, fortutuitrlr, not as
desperatelT eilgvoos aa out ai%ht wppoae ; fiist« the
mmiS mm
irWIwdg !• peeribv^fkh in rppe H Hmw of
wuioif phrases* Hnei« and entire pannip <*nd«
the prosudj of Nonnos Is so rlghl and r
r iv so
frrr (ron exceptions that thr laws goferning it torm
a very aseftil aid : and« third, Nonnos Imitated In
many places a large number of anthort whose testi-
mony can be brooght to bear upon hb text«^ These

. 1 1 1« I P. Mms ti0mUek0 Uttmtmntitmm^. No. snL

. «M8 1 l^vidi. ** Ad Biiihihaiia Nooal Dleaf-
Acumsi sdHinf wi iphathaai ** i J 'miwmn iiMm ffw ,
Vasi^iAsry (IfllK^t R. KcfML timnimm^ JmkrmUri$k^
rem. <IMI). 101.109.
* Coovwwiv. Ihr Mtmpttmm Imu pcnrkhd
''nr ths ilirtnB of bcHv aathar« thsa K,
«wlys hm nsdv good ms of II In crtabUMi
iwWdsi* Bmtkm (M
id.« CsndiH^e Uahr.
tOifcld. HehssBwdi iii^imu to|iB«srslnK<
>0,iQA. topiMsgrsin?
itan tS linifi. sad la two laitswc— with cspcdsl sdt »n tsirr.
V. Hsach {timUM tmrmimm, «d.« Ui|Mf. Trtihnrr.
has T islimd XBn ^A from tHam, 40. fli t ^^ mh**
#•• Khsssmw Kf agWKMla f. whrrr Vitrlli ha* rmiaird
IMia.IA.9a. L.RlFaratll(n# Hor&jo/pJM^, Lsn-
don. Maeadtai.
las In artshMte riadar, Oi. I.
IMt. 9 aad fSi) makes aaa of Dtek 8f
aft swU as of M. ST and
10. Mi la MfciiiliailBf FpOL U. W. Ikadkai on Hcnidm,
«/»•»# 7. 10 NSloMd ths rMbI issdiM fhim IMwi. 4. 199

W. Ilcadlaa»-A. a
KaoB, BrnwUmTlL MimmmmdFrwf-

include Homer, Hesiiod, Pincliir, Kurtpidrs, Kiiphorfcm,
Callimarhiw, Theorrit<»s, Plutarfh, NiranH «n, •

A|M>lloiii(>s RhodioH, i)<»rotli(*(K of Sidun. hr

Orphita, and apparently certain I«atin poct>. <'.i'l
Claudian, and perhaps Virgil.*
About 500 changeji have been made in the text
since 19) If including; the defence of readings in LO

mt^nts^ tttiiil»ri«lifr lUiv. Prr^s. I**/?*. IiiImhI. i. \\i\. Stt,

am. it.c. '
aminrrmfi, ati. « K.
Hounnan {Jourmai oj xtu iMMi, i48| cite* X^mm. t.
i1>.4».4^ibrhkeiDcnaatkwof A«icliyh»^^i ii M
riMT «i»orAMr aoocpini by Ihr Ulr»t ..' ' '•rU.
V. N. Papa^roryiiis Srk,>iia im .VocA -^m
(Leip8%, Tnthnrr. IWWk 17. 20, hi, ......... .... ... ll.
laA, 48. SSft. and 9. lU on the tchnlia to AJmM IW, iM,
and jjuiifomf 1147.
• Therr h a Ur|tr litrmturr on Uw iii> f narllar

Grrrk writrn by Nonno*. Mb aeqnaint U l^ttn

pocl«« loof a moot point aa in Ibr cmmt ot uUirr Utr (trrrk
authcin, nov Mema in tbc liirbl of rrornt InYtstiiraiiim morv
than probablr. Tbr panillrU brt«rrn latin potlnr and Hm
worlca of Orrtain Utc (trrrk wrilrrx have lltg t tofcig bcM
explained on thr throry of common Iirllmb4k* Mnirota t bnl
JuliiM Rraunr, .Yommw nmd OHd (Gfri6«akl. Dallmmr.
1035, 41 pa|{c»), attempla to unjvr dirrH u^ „fiu ttW j/tfto-
morpko§0§ by Nonno^. A' ifumrnt
Icavcft aomethinfr to br <' uHa are
accepted by It. K ih, who alao .

diacuMcs tlir dri.t kmeonnlry-


(604-6^ nmi \ iq^ b nnifc

doubtf^U al' sincr the paaMfpn to
which hr ni)K<>> •- -..|.|«»^^i in ii««r UMd the ^mmM* isr
exampir, bavr tbrir prolotTpca likcvlw in Homer and
ApolloniuH Itbtxliuv This m thr rf>nM>r\iiiivt> x\^^ ,4 |^
Castlgrlioni. " Kpica .\'onnian« ilo
Lom^ordo di Scifrnz* t iMI^rt, s» ;y
S96. Q. CataudclU, " Sulla furtuiM tit \
eco-cyiaiano." L'hronitiu* d'^vvftt*,
nlntn, without friWnir proof, at a dirrct reUliuoUup



of emcndAtionft earlier tlian 1911* rrjcction of
tfampoiitkmit and lacunae, and the
It of new lacunae. It fai «igni6eant that
more than one>(iAh of these changes
restoratSoiii of r^dli^ in LU which had
hccn CMplMCo hj enKndatiow feocivod into Lad*
wich s text. Coriart hm iiMd pahMogrimphfeal argu-
ments in the main« and leireral critics have employed
metrical eiridenee ; hut the fpreatest weight or proof
has heen drawn from the ajai §trihemli. Recent
works upnn the composition of the te\t have contri-
holed vidiMble infocination as to both readinirs and
traayoai t iom of lines.* In spite of I^dwich\ full
presentaticwi *>( tditional readingn it i% qaite
poasible that ^ .4latioa of (L) %rould produce
lanMrahle rtsniu.*
5%incr furflM*r rritic4%ni (if tlir tr\l must prtirrr<l tut

thr naffiasl aolo by thr third hnri

^0tmmi\tUt mm 9n^090yMi^tHi .... ^^, .

hirh. shhuiairh tbry «rr»r to ihinr MHar liBovif«i« of

:r|ril on Ibr part nf ihr *rribr« may havr rut pamfttlar

.. Ibr«c fnuagiii dcaeribinif ftrarml ir^ r « lirlef

•ccDiial of hwlNfinas In avorfsl. «- vOrll. Pmmif
ITiiMM. **
No«H» **
( ini). 90i^l
• R. KiTdrO, ** Zar Kompodlioa nrr i>iiri»r IS-40 dsr
.mrAmem dts Stmmm" t lltrmm. hdL (IffT). a»484t
hJac N<Mumi-Aasl)rw**i L\4mHfmit4 OMIfM. I. (iMtK
1 7S-iOt I Pisal I'ollart* .Vm»mm 4* Pmmmpttis ^tmdm tmr Im .

( »m,,»^ULm «# h Tmgi0 0U0 tfim n p»imf w4m {\jk lairr, Impri-

r fhiiK»i« d'ArrhMoirir orimUlr, liaOL
rmmrfalWin^ In hU lr«t Sfstovnt tosloMMt
< h*» W^
.%\'T\ MtmW numhrr in mnipAri^nn to tbr %\mt vt Xhie paemt
a f« » M
lbrM> br Ulrr rrirrirlnl. Tbr Uric of mny pobliihed
im40g twHmrnm \n tbr Diumptrnm renders laorr dUHealt the
iMMk of eoUcrlinir mlblmsl pwn^csi one by P. A. Rifflrr.
the basis of the material for the purpose whkh has
gathered since 1911 it has been deemed advisable to

collect in the folluwiiig pages a practicaUy complete

conspectus of these changes to date, following as
closely as possible the form used by Ludwieh in bis
apparatus criiicMS. Wis mcthcKl of abbreviation by
numbering above the line and immediately following
the critic's name the articles or bookii in which the
emendation or change fintt appeared will facilitate
reference and save space. It U hoped that this
additional apparaima will prove of »er\icr to students.

L. R. LucD.
Wabash CoUcgr.

ooveriM. however, only the llrst t4 books. IIm In

in theSlaat»bibliolhrk at Berlin. In iKr r.>ltrrtion aT
rmrndalions which follows all l eA- fgncta h < haeksd
•ndlhrlinr-numbmiafooUalcralpaMagiso •«hcf«Ter
wrongly citrd. Certain obvloas abbrrviatkao* Imw Imoi
rtnploycdi coll. »collatus, ele.t oorr.-eorrexlti ddbid.
drfrndit; duhit. =^duhiUvililt esplev.'cnlevllt lniptob.a
improbavit, -rrunl : Met. ^ Metoboir or raraphrase of the
(impel of SL Johnt reeep. w reesplt, -eniioil wstaar.

I. IS jtii KocdUy («3oO. Audi. Pid. is. IM).

Kcyddi* iilii prill La dcfcnd. UmH 78.-

* tU. ». I.— IS?

Mr La
Mm^ tati
19 (coU. IS.
(caO. Met. Z
SBi(c3oU.«.saft M«t.Bai).
H. lio ifm4m^ UMt H4m^ KosdOjr U^ ^ i ^^»^

cHMot v5« ili LaMcft* (eoU. ad 4S. M

lUt t«i 4. 4ait S.8III SMi l«.St«i li.CSi
STSi 1A.4I idOt ft. lAi tS.t9i Sli 107 St. fSA i SS. ;

ttSi softs SBTt «lit Si.t8ii 4&iii* 411. S47 i

#«l).-'f4S-l44l IcctkHM LO dUUwt IV (colL 40.
ISB ga r^ MMi «^^4«B«i w^dfiftnm %ft mm /^J^w jf;t

Collar \ (colL i:S. Ml).— 146 «Am» IM drfmd.

Krytirii- iir«. IIJA.-.4M 4 B^Mt Tkdkc* 44a-ii41 «d^

W^w Or«c«^ OMUB wnMrtiHiMii rviploi niinnlii ami
WU M^Ht MM poMMi eoMmmTUM -J »i»>f >

tuittfarii ftl njMN Ul. ddbMt TMIw* SIS (coU.

IL9rai».9H>i sklSii 4S.ITfti 4«.l9Si Met B •#).--
III. iO ^ 1 <
V^l-wlwkll* 91.
TIcdIic" 44S-449.— ISO
Ke]rdcll«Si(eoa.ia5lt Sl.Tftt 4A.SSft).~t4T iWMk4r>
M«M> tan.— 149 liiW ClMunbcftojMw SladiM teAdkiioirv.
ftlll. (I9I9K Sftt cnO. II. 499 lind.~9M m^tdn l^» ^
KcydriP I0«.-M7 <>«>Jbr 111. fvorp. ColUrf* 7
civbll. .

.^ m4 La
«^tl A MCV9- K«7drif« 41. -Sll iweiiw^
wl* Slft.-i40 m^a^
9^1 ct CMliciloiri* Slft.~-899 mv-
19. 179 t S9. 79 f.i 49. 9]r7)ct
. . .

r«p^ (.«) II]. dcftiid. Tkdkc* SIS (oott. SS. 144).—100

MXw^ LO, defend. Mm«« 44^-448 (eoU. loh. Gu. 9. U
Frkdllndrr ; ArMoph. LytbA, 90 cum »cholib t A. 613).

IV. SI fi*ooo9ot LI»M, f«crp. Kcydrll* 10^.-104 i^or

CaAttglioni* MU. I7H tU w6$tm iiJ^ Keydcll* 14
. . .

(coll. 30. 9tf): «o#or. primu!! {'unmmu /mLmiiFf — IM

Castiirlkini' :fiiO. -341 punt 341 IntMniitm sintuii krvilrlt* I
(coil. 7. 3S8»qq.). 436 ««iH^ »

(coll. 3. IS3s II. 177 t 14. I7.H;

V. 77 iJWirrpMC LPM. IWrp. -

cf. Ku»Uthk>% I7H8, 46 WUhtmiMl

rrrkiium muUvit l.«id«kli*
Keydrll* HH, ioikft* 8a
Maa** 3<S87.-'I6Q HUtyyt i uiiarua« nxrp.
«95 JyfM>ff Ludwich. iinpn4>. Mmm* «A«T t

436t 5.a»i «. >
91 ; iaitit Korchh

VI. 7.. inn 4S.

kucchly |f)
Strftrfiwnn 9.'> ' H. -161
Ormrfr, rrerp. 1 <• IH6 oJ^ LO,
drfrnd. Tinlkr* : i«ik dfti
intraiMilitr alrhra iKw-n nwn • -^ -» -

luum.** w^rfy (pro m^rnhfi i


Kc^dcU^ loi.— ]fui «^jc«» 1

lS.a06t 37. 17.H; 39.491 .^

CiltgftoBl* 316-317.-354 mJUorr.

S 109).—386 iyvpiiifa Keydrl m
15 248).
VII. 95 JMnijommv lA defrt>
a%ia r« r^
iconfror Colkrt' 963*^t>^ < t
T«^ fr^np-of U
rrcrp. Keydcll* 106.— 17(>
wrofteio fbr Aiuirf<wwi cintiiiHfni Dnrch d>'
H«tTtedkc.HcnMB.hrtfl.SI8(lai Vcnl9.ai7 bcf^cslcUL*'
kcfddP m, —
tu 6. 9S4 mm£ rtm Cnt§t^ rcec^ KcydeU^ 9

Mil. I3T wlyo^o^oia KcyddH 99 (coU. 47. 543).

i.\. 42 4w^
Lndwidl* 375 (oolL 99. 913; 45. tf79).—91
4«W{cf«i LP. ili9niiii WUMrand 195 (oolt 49. 491).— 190
imn%fHB9M C'MtMoni* 950.-199 tAtmn^H^ Kocchly,
defrnd. V. Maccbiora. Alt. Ace. Tortoo, Uv. (1919-1919).
139-134 : rrcrp. O. Jahii, Hcrmc*, itt. (I999>. 990 1 improli.
KrsrtlrIP l07.~iJO punrtum poil IfiO WUMiukI 199.— 199

r«i»fMMiilC«iit||r<i«i]«SI9(cti». ia994i M.999t 44.79t

^4. 147).—9T0 fr(]fiw L* In. rtcvB. Ttedkc* 305 (coU. I.
'*49t 9.9391 14.3941 43. SB t ted ^c^ywM proptos vmI
Noaai icrffaaMll I 5.909i 15.SI0« 3i. 199t 95Tt 34.309|
JB, 401) I d«blL KcTdrtP 105.
X. 93 •Uttifut T4r tentovil CAilfelhmi* 311.-991 «bi
C«i%iloiii>9JO^McoU.IO.#^3; M9i 9M t 939-937t 99.
998).—999 r ddtril Tkdkr« 110 (coO. 45. 13t Met. 1 109t
t Tl(dkr« Q—
iitimwiib Nonaiaaa, B.. Ilcnnrs, st.
(1990). 49).-308 iyi^gap' Um^
999 (odO. 9. 315 1 90.
9««t 99.i07« 4a450t 47. 9I9>.—304 |MhI 309
nl %Urrrlltt«, Kacti : rrrrp. Kr^il* lOtf. 304 iJ^iiii — W
«iA« |«yM Karh. rrrrp. Kr^ll* ICM t TmSJW ^wi wi^t
rd jy^) |^[^ ^U>»^^y Aiiiriy CmMobI* 951-^59
txiB. 307 t 93. 95ft aqq.! 40. 153).—999 fce^rrfm lil,
rtrrfK KrjfddP 109.

XI. 194 ^erfa li). rrrrp. KrrHHI* 19.—90S haf^oomt

imMkmt' <
497 4i«<-
iriloiiP999. ^.9ilt c«>
19. 45 1 9U. IWJ77. :»Ki; /J. &^ ; 199 1 49. *•
4Utm (*«*tlflloQi* 953 (colt II. 399 1 40. 197) •

Idnm* 319 (cdIL 37. 504) coolni Kejrdrlf* 104.

MbMT «d M^MT Colbfe I04, a. 9.— 379 «at«
T«M4f WW. ^e^ #«Ut
»ic Inlcffiinuil kV..l.]l
iWiK 41i 4cv r*«t%lk>
. . .

6i^) tinprob. Kr]r«lrir I04 1 rrtr


l^ta-445 pnt 449 oillocmYil Cantifrltufii Iti.

«» ff. t 17. 313 fc)i laHWob- KrrHelc 117


et defefid. idtm* S16 coatra Keydell* 104.--4M if§^ I a,
rtcep, Stegmuuin 19t.

XII. 9 /vmiJWCorro U2, rrcrp. Sttfrrmiinn i» el Kcjrdcir

189 (coll. 90. 9).— 15 fvyoT^ stcsenwiui 190.
— 16 Iwnfitvoi liX rrcej). »'».— 19 tir^r*^
Stagcnwiin i4a--99 wfw Ui. r'« )> .^irK^mMin I4Q-I41
4§0mmfk M^
OMui* Il6(c»ll. ll.SlSi 19.Mt IWi
IMi 900 < 940$ 9^*^* ^^' '^'^ nil. ii..i>r.>li Kt>irdrlP

100.-57 anV>fc> --H7

AAnw liX d^d. Mfrnd.
StrftrnMinn ISi.— 9«» fa « <rw i >
|>. Stc|Cettt*ttO 15A.
— 117 ivwoe^MM LQ, reen>. am 158.— I4!l ««f«
TtJUomu LQ, defend. IVdVc* ;^^ -159 4 »Wr^ I'
rvcrp. (astMoB^ Silt A t Wry CwMMti, ivohk
908-900 (oolC 4.9861 9. I68i IMod, te. rt D. «M .^p. i

Rhod. I. 1076; 9. wAm OipMr CM^fttonl*

1973).- 176
955-956 (Md cf. 48. 580).— 950 mMt dabiton*-^*IL».i« <

397.-«S v^ (pfo M«»») Tkdkc*

19. ISl; 98.95 1 43.65 1 44. 107 MMi.« 45. V
341 f^rAcrmo \Xl dcfefid. (*olUrt« 109. n. 3 (cUL 335-336).
—357 obw ace. Riflrr. dUvit Krydcll* 17.—361
CMtigUooi* 314 (colt 47. 73).
XIII. 45 r^^orrof Kotcfalr t y^^mmB I^MKrlcJit
tion» InutUn** Tollart* 116, n. 1.-58 ff«i /#i»^4f IW
li). rccriK Mmh^ 130.-141 «MMdT6»T« Ludwleh* 5 (coll.
94. 46t 47. 915; 48. 649 1 953t 958).-«M at |iifc«
MtCT^MNWi (pro Km . , Nwlgfiiii)
, Mi) CJlwt*
117. ct n: 9.-976 x4W. 'A^«a« Wr^i|» IVdkc* 307
(cb».998t 6. 194t 331 1 8. lU; 13. 199 I39| 31. 187 t

99.9 1 40. 83 1 49. 583 ; MH. Z 84).—345 iipiQn'^iPw

LA dHVnd. KeyddF 3.-436 WdV Kriddl* 90 (colL 99. 78
Met. £84; 101).-451 vtfrpr K«3rMP39(eoU. 448).

XIV. 96 aiw €^ fm . . . im JPbi lA
drfmd. KrY-
ii» "> (coll. Ap. Rhod. i. 1199 Ct G«orf Booch. De
HiKidii rloculkmr. !>!». Berlin, 1908. p. 44).—
^a;^ayya ColLart' 1 18-1 19
lOOiAiyo* t
imprr>l» K«-vifflP
106.-153 wmmrmhorra KrvdrlP 14 (coll. 9. W
MmMiMT sine Imeunn ViAlnrf 117. cf. n. 3. .^- ^r

LPFa drfrnd. Ti. 6I^m|. ; »3. i;» .h|. :

95. 191: 47. 518; ii. 195).— 900 Jpiwpw Krydell*

39.—937 irt^ttmro Ca^tigUoni' 956 (colL 1 1. 934).—949 «&•


" la 140).— tM-M7

<SfiO«KkMM« KejMP ass (eoU. 17.

I mx ^ 4t % p wiw mm jnqf^ Gnirfr, rrcrp. Mmu* 44il.-~
XV. S hx^^Ht CirMfe, rccrf». Keyddf 109 (oolL la
IM).— 10 tQmi TkdkH 4dO (ooU. 4S. SI t 49. «»).—
119 Aa%r ICocciily. i«ce|». Mmm^ f 40 (coU. 47. 4t S79)
ctG. PlMmMll.GBoawa,v.4Ait wd improli. Stofrmuiii 9S8
(cdIL I9ril9).~f II ** 4^ | »idh arfgUdi vftrr.** TVdkr« SI4.
II lk«t MM doiite MMMliicr
am^ i>v*^." 1 olUrl*
Itl-IM.—9»4 CB •pparata ««f^ LO MHtv^tcn" l^^'
•a.*. I.

XVt. lit mminrm l^vWi, bRMob. .Mm*> 9587

V<nw l^MhrMi* S75 (colL II. 944 1 U, 991V.— 119
40 (coll. 99. I79t 989|
141 UcMHun •tetttll KryddS^ SBSi

w LO pfolwYlL— 199
#r4^MMi aaftUw
Mm Btf«xw
"" *

Mam* M#«m«i? Kotciajr. rmp. Udvkli* A.

444. -«i4
-944 nri^v U|MM tn»pmpliit Tv^^ mlMr. Mm** 9599.
XVII. i TV pd^
<pro WAV)
Colkft* 194.—49 poit 51
colloMTll Krydrlf
fdrll* fo. 1 U "
Mmble q«*i« miliiw Mp-
y vtt» InlrM
prtamr fe tadlqtarr idr WutM-r
InlnM MUM tMllQtarr CoIUrt* 199.
tui. -144 »faiiM CK^IIuJ 9A- iH| 19.
945 I M. 99).—901 In p U f Mf
rti^fcl CMtl9«0BP 99f jMltf. 117 i i:.^lUi ii%.9l9).—
9T9 K«lb4p dMMlir WUMiMd 179, a. I (ooU. 91. fil i
as. 9Mt 95. 940).-a95 ifc^ if Kcfdell* 994 (raU. 17.
174 99. 190). -990 J^dmtm Udwkli.
( Impnh. Mm** 9597
H TMkr* 449 ; rrfrarl. H
T^i9|pifMi Mr Ort^ probavll
I^victi* 9 (coll. 97. tf4M t MH. A 99 t N 145).
XVIll. 9 I Mrflin LO. fHRi. ' vn (cdU. I0.79t
9A5t 19. 54t Mt 99. 999| 99. rtrmim
rrorp.ftiMlMMMOilbrt*199.— li i^.^ C«i4l||ilOBi« 959
(eoU.ll.990M|q.t 19. 197 i llr»lad«Th««.990t A^ Rlwit
I. 799t 9. 51 1 Il4l)t Impmb. Kcfdtli* 104t rrlract.
C«iti||lkN# 919. -95 tpmm^lg ^'« vd ^4r I^««m tpmw^^
H M««aU wIMbimw vocBlniiiifn vcrwft mmAUmU (olUrt* ISO
(rolL 10. 995 1 IS. 99).— 99 ^#yf^ liX dML Tktikr'
993 (colt 4a 599).— 199 ^n<|i r CMtlglkiaP 959-950 lo.ll.
1 11


19. 199 et idrnt* 8I« I 10. ^41 t 11. 3i ))5. SI t M. Mt 44.
148). in..>r..i. K.v.I.lI* KU. lir, (LLW iXX,

Kr\ Mm»* 131.—wo

Ko^tiov \\»^^' IM 11^; 41. JUii 997 t **
noch unriitwirrt ") ' 177; coll. l.^eSaqq.i 9.a09MM
41. 58 M)<i. Maa-s* i « I.ucUk h* 9f (colL II. «7
pntriuUtu^ i'mst'iy' .'»uoXvmX^ f wrmmir CmM-
"' '-• :U4JW0ncTled-
fflkmi* i5!Mci>ll. 1

kr* :iOH (mill. G. J : V 906 < 99. 93

i$. 143: 90. Ii:<; iT : iTimV
XIX. 4 oai0o^om Krydell* 15 (coll li.
964). ii9 •• ifymfimm iin\ ... • iiir-

•chrinlirh" TledlM* 461

, (<
, I I • i . !•«. 114 ;

40. 955} Mrt. #

19 1 Ku.. -,^^>h. u. JJl tT.). Ill
««loMi«^H»ff C A<ai|rlkNii* iS» 999).- 177
(ooU. 99. »^
Keydrm 40 (coll. 159 ; 14. 99). -999 KrvUrlf* il ^4nfm
(coIL 906).»989 A^mwt Ul, rrcrp. KryilrlH 40 (..
568 1 16. 956).— aiT ** Tirllrkrhl •vra^MMo tu km*
Tlrdkr«91»; cf. 7. 176.
XX. 69 cum iiXomtowO^ coU. 16. 196 i 9R. 75 t ift. 941
Lndvkh* 5. 09
— 19« ^v6a\4iu
mkmmm Lud^k-li. dut
Ta^ljrllmil* 1?6r> (mil. :*ll
improb. K
^iVa> 'll«IMr' .-Jin lii»li. r.

Krvdrll* I0&.—949 w^p^ I 1.

i. 6^1 9. 169; 4.4111 44<.. .

8 t M. 91 1 1 96. 955).—319 ^>nm

Keydeil* l<H. :i29 awr,m^»l*r <

96; 48. 697). y« t " am i .ti

faiMHMmsd'> 'i<»llart*U(
957 ante 357 Mgauiu aUkU in.
\\i J ^:^
Scalifer, r. aa ( <.lUrt' 143.
n. I ranpoiifiooeiii tii' \iX n. i.—
77 » '. rrttD. Maaa^ \^-rt>j« (irarfe,
rrcrp. 1 iitikH i5l (roll. 5. 935 ; 1 1. I '*« ; 99. 95
95.5; .S6. .S7i: 37. iHH ; 953: 519: •
*>? : MH.
n 73; i>>.Ti>»iJ6 p.»sl i47 cf.l p.
Collart*I4H-I4y.- ii:J->i4 f>«*^t iii .ii»

961-963; improb. Krydrll* t'U

: .

y . .
»^--' « < .' 471 ; 6. :ii I
/I. */».. />. *•-». «r C uiMc-UH
UtriiliMfur iM^kt' •»- ' • -

rtjtia ( ollart* 140. i

K ^ .. iQf.--U-43 " II y • oi rtelil^ plu% d'nnr Umr. ...


iiaearmbAriMAyavairplMifollairfilrr 4iH l^inuVntrr- 4i

ct4tfctMif^r«»iMiliaibl0iartftAcirl.*M'otI.,n^ iv>. ..
— 108 Wif(|MoWM) KcfdHI* l5(rol'
IIS iwi^irtini 111, rrcrfk. Kr>^lt*
^JWV) W&Mnuid I8T (coU. <. AdOt tf » t

lori cj^ pmlwnl. -4M |mtA i«cr La

^rff« Onwir. fvcrfK Uithrkii' tMO

XXIII. lOS W (|«o ^) CMl%flat)i

'(eolLC IMi 90L 140

SI. ftf|.~l9#
t onUnci.. , .. ^ .....JU^ct
ISS-ISI ('olkrt* Ido. 161 aalr ISf rrm*. bcwMm mm
KrydHP 40S. n. I. i6S Trfyr* vr! furt. v*wr.i *irir 1r« »

poit lil C'olhrt* Ul

•Oft. aprct I**

nrdlnr) C'oUwt* |5i

S7« (mlt 10. W t i i. «Av : i.^. r"

I*, a. I.— il»4 i» t nmm4»m C'*«li|ri

—SIS iiiW^ti TMIui* S0» (roll
(roll. li. SMi S4^ IS7| ^.
9<Mt m.SO»t ». Ittt St.4tf4t S7. MT).
XXV. MS «m mJUm»
112. rvcrp. Mmi^ IS! <ciilL t.
I4A «5. MtK-SOT-SM *• S«B liMl MmfHAndlicK
t tmmm
•nrh krifimvrir* an dk* •ndmi fltltiHI. mi «flr iimui tie vcr-
•Hxt hat" Krxtlril^ 4IO. n. I.—SOS ft^t^^t d rflbw r^m- i

•ttWiyv f allavt« |«&, n. I. -S&S WJU»r I >lr|rrtnann

HT.-aW ^4^
l-0» nrrp, iMdwhelt ^trirrmanfi
: 1

C&-«6.~-ia7 ^^trm^MWr IXK drfvfid. St^imviiin M.—
409 intcrpuittil port AfKtmm^ mm pcwl |MTpMfpi«««« Mmaafi
966.-485 Wm
LO. roa. Mm^* 666 («h»1I. .\p. Uhad. I.
74U 767).—3S iW^ KVv.Mli 9| (coll. II. 417). -440
4%vV Ludwkh' 98 a66t ». ill Hc.).-<-475
VMMfxru liX drfend. n 108.-5081 rt^ti Ludwidii

di: II* 109.-&M'ttx«^«ffT«r LO, ddtrnd. Ijadvkh*

37 ..i t 5. 399 I 99. 170 ; 36. 99).

-S5 4
XXVI. m nm nap, wOm) CatMih^
99-67 tntmna
#<^ KeyddH 994.-^ ««
e boh
Colkrt* lii, a. I.

964(ooll. IS. I94t Md dubtt. hfeoi* SI6.~56^a9to«ii»>

posttloMs Don mxp.
CoUart* 169, a. I.— 199 •* Mdwm W
(L)Pa mxp. KesfdeO* 109.— 169 MIH^ 4||&biPi
CMtl|rlionl< ail.—996 Um
LQ, 1>Mff ^ifar dibH—Iw,
IV.. '.c«996<CDU.40.996t 46.994)1 ** I iliii itiillit
ti. deU* lost mtm
iSaJagm ad 99. 969) f«l
iAirv^ y--"" IS* 90^04 1 MTltS^Mt 9. 54) CoOut* 119-
191.— 946 pirn' lidwpM B i lt Lhid.— 4mm . . . 945^
y^MT La ddbBd.Tkdfce> 994*699 (eon. 19. 999 1 19. 919
99. 904 1 39. 919 1 41. XiS). 990 U mt^^htm LQ. ddlend.
Tkdke* S1S.-993 EAmJUW ix«^i«^ KrydeU* 91 (ooU. 1.
146t 9. 95).-999 U
CwUvUnii* 991 (colL 95. 9f0i 99.
998t 46. 991).-956 M^
L, defend. KcydcW 991 1 kkn^

XXVII. SI »>wi» aad> (profiler 99) dabttuler CmII-

irlkmi*964.-49 dy^M* La VMvp. CMUfttoid* 914^15.—
70-79 port 195 coUooivIt CmIMIobI»965i tanob. Ki
104.-94 ion^mri . . . {M^lUf^^ 995feoU. 9. WVi
99. 19n.— 199 w€m GnMfe, improb. Mwh^ 198. n. 1.—699-
990 ooUontiooan port 896 fanprob. Kcsrddl* 4IS.-'855 mMt
dobttanler CMl%&nii* 866.-896 M^ii^imi LO. M>»
defend. Tu^WrM 447 .44M ^<|D6 oM
plr^ kVvtUlTi T*. iv^.
XXVhi. 3<i .iiMMoog wtAar fa^F^' tmcaTit i.uavridlt
improb.WUMruMi I9.-61 dltM)W LQ, ivrtnar. Uidwld^
97ft leM t4 Ufht^ dabilMiIrr Ttedke* 910 (floU 90.
994t S5.969t 96.999t 4a99t 99 67).— >)y»il9ii TIedlw*
Sll (coU. 90. 196). — 157 ^U»w»ifr^ »mi»e tentevH
Lodwicht dubit Kcrdell* 109.— 189 pnaeliun port 199
Kerdem 48.-1M m^L^ Kevdem 49.— 195 pU gS^ LQ.
d<%nd. OtftiflkMiP 917 (coll. 94. 99). — 196 Av^^om^

Kcfddl* aSft (eoU. S. 999 Und).-^! cvorraAoMm «#o9-
M mHi h C9t$Uaa^9B9."^999 jmi^mw^iimw LUde-
i I ii I i

TkdlM!* SIS (eoU. ST. «T t 40. ias>.—9T«, 95I-454,

wq. swie ooUocbvII ttoe Imvm
tn-aOO. aOt-Sia. aoe-aos. SI9 fcq. ,

poal #T7 Colkrt* I7»s cf. Kejfddl* 4I&.-SI»«I I post Sl«

rv«Uitr. CoOut* I7a.-9il m^ T, reerfi. Colkrt* ItiT
XXIX. 19 4^ ^im LQ. dcfcad. Kcvddl* 103.-157-161
onllBm eodieofwi •crwrll CollMt* Iff.— 157 i;*^ C'ollart«
I79.-9M ii^^igii CwMiWM, iwm. Kcfdrll' 4l6.~«n
•:.->-- uiMTtt*. recM. Ki9dcll*4l£-«M«l«4«£rfmdMi

k.wu./ ti7(cp|i I4^W>.—#OhttiMMiioiim!ep.lCgydBlP

«l7.~i«S-«»« T#M
ltt.--S9r 4 4r« UMtvidi* vn (cbIL flS. tSi iA.
t as. 91 1 44^ 50).

XXX. lOS wf f La acted. Tkdlie* Mi. — lit i

>MJ > ww*» Marodlitt.

ManxUitt. rmf». tJnd* 91.
r««rf». tJad*. — 1S9 «'tH' ^^^
^l* ~J^
997.-IS5 ^ w^iy MaoiP 999 (cMrtm
»-9sn iIm LiidvkiiP898.-994 ln«f CmU-
95l^~mlM Kcfddl* 99 (lM|«ilv AlhrM !).-999

XXXI. 89 U%\\xiifii KrYdrU« 43 (coU. 17. IBS).— 195

199 OMidll vmwF
m«wF Collwt* 197. n. 9.--98i y^ (pro
NMl 9SA eolloeivli ( uUart*
li9.-«4i «Mi C«i>t%lkMii> sn (ooll. 40. 589^-^4 90^9
P. i«e»|i. Colkrt* ll#. -^S poa /7tf lolkre 199.

\\\TI i
ishmC IScbUocbtII CoUvt* 199. -59
•too* 49 <cott. 49. 799).—95 •#
,»M «»« t .Miart' l9a-99, 97. 90. 99, 99 idecnllmvll CoQMt*
191.— 109 bcwMM BM PMBvp. CoOwt* 199.— 110-119 po«t
194 eoOoeBvll Colbrt* I99.-IU
Kim* 819 (eoB. SOi 949W— 199
CMUfttoaP 997.
(cf. 40. 989) racte
\SSk^ ptobBtViMl II. I. Ml. ClmleBl Kcvkv. nttl. (I909K
f99% H. J. Mltnr. ArrhW fDr l*«pyfHfendHM«, vtt. S-IO
Kcfdcll*49l. Idnn. lliUulngiM^ W tic htMBhi 111(1999), 1 101
< olkH* 199. M. I.

XXXIII. 99^ MMfe iarl rt* I9S, B. 9.-99

V^*' "
« I A
drIhMl. Kerdrlt*
175 afyJ^ I «Mi^
t«ruiiam non rvcvp.
^>11. 4. 98S( 97. 19 t
W. IS4 ; S7f» : 41. 9S).-178 ^U^ U proharit KeyddH 49.
190 M^ KrrdHP 99.— l95/t^H|it«f c:«tlirUoBl« 999
improb. Ludwich* M
(cull. 7. 199 ; 43. 377).~^6 mOM
U «iMi» Ludwkh* »78; M^oAg AAm^ IX)« drfrmf M
Tirdkr* Ml-M). Idem" 445-Ml» ; (Im^^ K
9. 196 ; 35. 70).— /7» ^Xl»9 'l>dke« 4A3 (o
aSt aW< M. «A6t W. tf94t tf4. 140t 44. »».
ythm% r^X¥ Met. Z S« KrydrlP 105.

<x*|t C-rarfr, improlk
tl «

SM.— 47 obelum ante 44 pOMiU 4 a—^fc.r H ^

mAlott Mm*" laif-ISS (coU. 30. iil}.~-4»
M Qitii i^^
Mm^ I9MSS.— IM Mmm^ 193.-1
•^ Colkrt> ioa— 157 f| geallhrtti Liidiri.
IT.88« 9«.Ut 9i.9Mt a3.il70)t nnilwitK'
108.— 17.H A— M>.*«» LQ, Kcvpw 1.4idiridi* Sit (n*
SO. ^iO; 195 **
Lr vm 195 Ikit curl'
4 167" . .^00, n. 4.-403
Krydril* liU 4 ct, Lndwkli* S79.
XXXV. M M4ii i»>Ay (eomiplk) rx .V !«A*
(coll. 30. 4«dr kMruna
I *^iliijci . . . M-i..

908. n. I. lot lOT ii ry f^ LQ, dcfci.

99. 310).— IM oAor Lodvldit '

--4ll 4UI«r in. deftnd. IC^.

l9T).--946 *

Uflumi oogiteM Cdiwf Si «C n.

Ludwidi* S75.—9»5-9i6 iincb In^
908 i^^vra Tkdke* 450 (ooll. 15. •• 1 ;

46. 600 1 .MH. I 90).

XXXVI. 174 '*AUaiM<t walmdirliilirh 70
(ooU. 9.9661 4.46SI 14. 379 t 16. 191 1 40. lt*l < 4«. U4 t

9T9) t
unfMMend ** Krvdrll* 1(H (ooll. 6. 1 13 t 14. 935).—
904 <rr««»o|«A«r Cttdfttooi* 903 (oolL 901 t 30. 347).—
964 4a«o (imcfe iFd ^iM« Tfadke, oMOuit »lfie lacinM
(963) i ollare 906.—666-909, 806-a8S, 9D4-966 lie coUooiyII
Collart* tf 10-911, n. 9.—906 iimm eon. LudwIdi* 861.—
940 iMttpodomM fo CmI%1IobP S9 (coll. I. 916 1 99 ^"^
99. 949t 49. 995« 46. 999).—359 fa)
defend. Keyddl* 409, n. 1.—41T 4y<|MWti> Gr^fr.
Amrfti. ^i

Keyd^m 4it4.
XXXVIl. ti inof^'otaiv] iftoOfoiuH Cutigltoiu' i6(i :
improh. I^vidi* 379.-« hfMli pMt iUwianm mm
. 61; tail at6t 19. 117; M. IM; :£l4t
i9. HJSL^-m fa <^B» UX
dcfcwL L. StenOMcb, Aalho-
lofiM Pill liimi Appcwiix BMbcrtoo-VatinuMi (Lciptif,
TcvfaMT. W.~7i >^«»»
IfliO). C«ilMk»i> 9«.-H»l-
M ordlBOB wmtmmm codieonMi MnravltColkrt* 016 (eolL
HoMcr T
U&-9Sr},'^tU wta^ KcydeV S4 (coU. SI.
4«.3«f< MH. 1 6>.-g>6fcMMifEiii li). arlbid. Ticdke*
91ft.~-4i0 iiy <•
Kcydril* M6 (coll. la 404).-~46S
ll£ ddkwL Tkdke> m.-40T ixm^ CMtlfUonl>
^yw La i«<«l». C aalMioi# Mi (mil ST, 610).—
i» (|NO dMM
rii»g|lM# iii.-AM Ainr bouM
W. SdMortmlC Knnwhmi DiiirMaHmni (IMOk l»-lt
(eoO. Honcr T 6M t.). — MS mjiiiftiiii l^idwkii* A
M. SM).~M6-MT H«»» «^«Am. »ie imcfiMBsll
-^ wmr4im l-a dHHid. H. W. Gnmr.

I jl»*»

K' (I9III. IMIStf. Ml »inr bctiiui W.

ii 7i» iA4r^ TMUe^aUCcolLT. lie;
IXXVlll. 170 UcwMn BM f«c». Colktft* «i-«M.-
'S-IMi»dUW...JMMn4KiivirilaM*4U. 197 .^v
a drfriMl. -Mt ii^ LO. iliAiiiil, Mmu« 444
MMft« 444.
!.Thcqg. M6) I Md rHnM^ kkn^ MA. iOS de-
444.-iM im ^> 9^m CmUiglkim!^ Ml (roft. n,
li- . ^a ^irrft tmKtm Mun KHhcadit cf. «

^*t*r,>^ KcMdUV rrl n^nWw nftliiit Mm«* i

112. clrl^od. MaM« 444.—619 mcCrhcti frUirr.
«fa« Ml W vmAmm *^bw


446 ;
•'• t99t W» r Ifcr M
4A. 9I6).-6I4 imi^ UMnw.

M4.--6IA »ii4iini Mmw*
I mtwnmtm M.-~MI ifcw li f— i SIi suimmmi S4.~-
(i rrcTP.
^ i 4>D»- KrriMH 4a--M6 ^iiUiMmi Ke^MH 44
oil. M. 944; SI. Si).-MA «M^Mt SlifnwuMi 41 (coll.
^M; iM|b-MA In {. lil. de^nd. K«yd«m SA6. kfen^ 480,
i..-fM Ij^ivwf LP. KcjrddP I09.-S96
KrydflP 4i.--Srr nAd^ StegOMMi 66. n. I.-4S0
MwL m^
•vm MMcctMn" KocdUyt **»«lMdbr** Tkdkr> 4AS
^cdU. M/tT t 46. ITT).
XXXIX. 40T«ifk«rll],ddhHLTlNlkr*917-9l»(rDlL6S.
%oL 1 e %%xxU

It 8t.TMq.
l^ iJbiWm CMtigUoiiP :i£l (coll. 9a iMi.— 1»4
.M(<»ILA.S70t tf4.l79i M.^5t 44.lfS|44. If~ 4f . I>
.164 «M|Mfw
•~|S4 ID ...
mhiprntm 111
M. 77).- IM Imm^^ov diiMteBlrr
^^ $UXa^) Kr\
. . . ^^b«r (pro i^Aar)

ilrll* aat CcoB.
;. Idem* 900

(coll. Ap. Rhod. C tf 13).—9I»«»& I

m^Mt pirt
q«e Ir iimI ; minn va«t me aaywlt iniwH •

poftition mxrc mddHtkm de

CoUul' » IJX
ddbid. Colkit* MA. a. t^-800 « ' .1.

KcTdell* 431, 0. t. c< Collwl* ltfr». .1.

difcad. Lttdwldi* 98l.-^lf-»» '^» k

944^7. (aoa^lli pott MaietUiiii. '7.

— ass bpM rorr. I.uilvfeli* 991,

Krydrll* I0«.

XL. 4SftiDr ..vutM i ulkrt* 9M.~^i

S70(ooU.9i.9llt 4S.S97I 49.791 7*>

981 (ooU. 9. i^i -iA ii? : ^ i9i^^

Ldifstt linpr«»

994.-998 cf. M. 1«K^.

95. 988).~-999 Air K

990 4 (pro ««l) M
999 y
Atg 4)i»c
jtiMidiiit eorr. l.uuwH'n- .v<i.
7. lH| tT
unina (•
447 Iomo
981.-458 bpM oorr. I.iidwkli* 981.-46 ;

-WW ««2 ww4|iO» - w w - "> H hflMlin ax... .^^^

M«MM9S(cori.8.SI5M|q.t lf.H4).~a88 <y ^ ><t»> Kr>
XU. 15 o4 La ivQfP* Coikft* «99-894. n.
ct 50 uncfci tnclarii Colkff 994.-101 4v»
987 (coU. 87. 979 aqq. i 48. 80 •q9>^l<V t^mc
991.— 195 WalsMT »iiie taouM Cbllut* 895.—
R%ier. Laioonn. V. J|iitVi|iw dtawH KcvdeO* _
05).-17i pjkw Keydrll« 987 (ooU. 48. 85iy.-«M ^f^%kn
Castifrlkmi' SU (coU. EuHpidcft. Med. 894^98).—980 vm^
MMw Keyddl« 40 (coll. Ckllim. tn^. Pfeitfer p. 18). -989
M^MTMliX defend. CMtiglkmi* 911.
XLII. 55 sine Ucuiui Kc^rdrlF 191. n. 99 eC 99.— 104
^powcpa^ CmOigHoni* 970.— 192 MnpiiAw I
Ti«lkr> 919-990.— 197 /Mm^ KeyddP 18.-985 fom Cm-
dcftnd. A
tiirlioni' S1S.-988 ipo4pmt duUt. I^wicli* 95 (colL 5.
819; 18. 178: 14. 199).-980 JWrnoyiAy P. dtfcnd. Keyddl*

nrcT.NT rrxT ( riTicisM

KrydHf iaa.-S9T ti^ot udwirh* I

- ; .ki.ISI.->S» ^OT^ CMtifHiimi* no,—

.> Ka#4^^ Tkdk*^ fl< CflolL 7. 116: SL
ii L\ 418. Si.—SH kcttoon iXK detmd.

^itgW^rr dr torn fttlldtli i^rm

(eDll.a.Mt fi.#r3>. -ftl ** Die Koi^tur LttdvldM

.iiaMUl ikli akbl t JUBmt tldil mmI Air mm V
Wlktnmd M. •. I. I^virh*
CeoO. S. IO).-«Mi twiniwIHof bm r«erp. C olUit*
! 91 «Mn 0409m lAtAmkhi duhtL KrjrdrJr I OS.-.

.^Mn noci rrrrp. H in poa l#7 poMiH, WmaA^

.-«^.» Colfart* Mtf.
Mi. 137 R CA^iirlkmi* «71
IT.IOSt cf.lUftnMUHi.Morfiio»yar.ii.(IMH)^
fS1-9»\t Impnibw Krytlrll* iiii i.^JI fi. M»^
I9» n|MK
r^tvra, lfilrr|Mm%M (*a»liir 'i lit fci Ii]. rmn.
TW«lJir«SI7<colL I!l.i9» 157 I !• i M.M|
99. • t 9i. Ml
t 43. <»). nliiitlwiMl lei vm
IMIM H fHKm aoal d.
dr«i« frfoupoi c
UH« #44. Mi BM
diMll Colluf* Mi.-M^.


.'«rM.I4«t t5.S7At SS.t4

49.-443 dr rmmdalitmr l.ud« K-iiii
krirdrlH iiul*it

w4$m (|Mo khmi^) 9km Imwm CoOwt*
." I.— UlDOit i4< poMiil H iwdi IbcImII Ciilkif It.
.' »44m TiHikc* sm («x>ii. 9. 37 1 at. 80i as. 47 1 aa.
li'*; 4a.adftt altfmo vonbuln rnmmtl t 9. Ill 17. 994
19. an t ta. 9» I m. aasi add. 41. itt lUy^M ios>.

XLV. 14W^ C«iligBoid« 971 (colL 44. l90).-^7

MafvrllM, ftem. CwtifttoaP 310.-99-94
Colkft* 9»«94,— 114 dxm Mp W^m
. 1

sie lolanNunit Mm^ ia.-U7 iU «4JWw Keyddf lOft
(coll. S. 49i 4a aSOt I Md. A «iK— 1» kMWMim
40. 447
pcMt IHO itotail KejrddP A.—ffJt i«- vrl #i « » y ftt>f Kry-
drm 4» Ml. «. IIS).—Ml ••Tary.rowm KrvdelF 5 (oolL
8. 58; H. .^1 t ST. 5S6t SA. I i9M
dubit. Wtl»inuKi 189.—at5 »iiir :' lIM.-

SS9 wiwXtm M ^f jy fiut Keydell* «i (cuU. 19. 7^).

XLVI. 8S iA4^ (pro 'AyW^) Oulifflkmi' Slit (ooU. 44.
IS4).-I» «Mio» Ludwldi* Ml •ir*' Tkdke« 319.-130
WsW LPM, Kcvvlem a»7.
rtccti. ftft TttV4«>^
defend. Tltdkc«ai4-SIA(eoU. A. 949 :

909).—431 dc rmriKUtkMW l.^dwirhli v drlP IQt.—

939 oWpx«o9« KifHrr. prolMx N ' ' it.

XI A II. l)^ C'«fttl|ri

it) . SO iH>i»<w| CmU-
rlloni' ^S Ml. 4it. 999: mU. tdciii* SItf II. 3M).-^A9

nira/»c lii, rrcrp. KrydrlH 196. O. 9« (rolL II. SHI t 47. 9A\.
—97 4j imJ^mf^ Ludwkh" 9W
(coll. 93i t. 579 i A. i Ml
9AS t la 95 I 15. tf4S t 959 t 9)1. 93) t mr^r •« jmv ^Kmw
Kejdell* 399 (c"
Imim ex 156).
" 'V)).-I90 ^
CMtifUonP 9TS.— I9l 4w dPU>
:(i9i dypdA^ ^u^ fi~^ lentevll
CiMUJtttaiil* 979

Ludwich, duK.t
. duhlUntrr <
TX>. ' . WWcf. 7. iM
rt K U dtiMt. KfrilrlP
lOi. SSi matr (pru mAh •7).
—356 <^ MhMt .M«u^ 343 (. M
Mmi^ IS4.-469 NW^
rcetpw >li>

-513 4y«r CMlifiioBP 894 (c

995 Miq.! 300).— 567 Wr

(coll. 47.
—619 eorr. Ludwldi* :.
rrrvp. Coikrt* 193-194 : #4m> Gr»cfc, rcccp. lu

XLVIII. 87-89 **pourniimt firr nil» rnir

C:olkrt*96l.— 114 ^tUviit lH,
95-96: cf. i, IM.-I80 Ko4^^ K
vd wfi. (pro vmS 54) sine lacuiM i *>lkrt* i6S>.—
990 collocnvH CoUart* 964.— SS4 «al Um^ wktt
Colkrt* 965.-347 iWedbo fOo^ (pro ir^Wrot Ic
lacniwColfatft* MA-4M.— SM Uemmm anir 3^'uLm MtaSt.
'kh^ Inrrm CaH^rliiMiP SI9. -37tf i«^. ^t%lioni*
»0 <coll. ia »•: 40. 4Ut 4^
KrydelF 5.-409 ^^Mmt JM, lOA a*> Maa^ Mi. Mm^
:^ ^
JOO |IA^«f«i CaOiirliooi* /74, Md rrtmct idem* 311.—
34H Mx^^ WUMnad 190 (eoU. 1. #1 1 Sft. Mt 40.666;
Mrt. B lOi : H^v* UtkA. Smm. Hr. 6 •q.^.—6M m«
Bi^aina Lttdwirffi* 6 (eoU. 14. 196 : 90. ni6 -46. f6 : 99.
167 1 SI. 60| 40. 6»4).-6SI \\4foUr^ Ui. (Irfrnd.
Wmm^ IS4 (coll. 4. SM) ; ad 'A^fo4fri Oraclr, cuU. :M. i43
Kcyddf 106. 6Ji Jr* 4Mat ^r^ Tkdkc* SIO- ^iM
S9I. LU mUur»n%. 6«n C««r^- imr <|S ik Interpvaslt
H JBliniuiin *^l 94^ (pro Imm^I dabi- (

•nntcr Kcyil. •m^^ •ine lacuna C'^iliare 969.

:76 lAnr ^
^«huoi* 994 (caU. 6. 999 1 43. 996).—

h^iftmm. Hpm m^mm iBterp tM ft bouMa port —

Matvil KcYdrlF ^4: Irra wUtm CMt%ttiMi* 996.—099
j^pMi. mT a^atff 1 a^iirlioQl* »k—060 ^ala ym^ pmtm
Lydvkli* 963 (coU. 16. 191 99. 10 1 96. 996t 4a 949t i


996 t 40. 965) i
44. 916). 976
y^ v^iIb Tkdkr* 446-U7
w»mf4mm Tkdkc' III (rull.


( a-l^rUoAl. Lidoi t (I) C^tmtmmm Ormtm (lt*a. F. Mariotti,
191 Ik 640-974 1_ C9) ** Kptea N'ooaiafia" t Rtmdiamii

llart. Vmu vtt. 100 aqq. " i

Nomioa. DliMvrtM|iMi
fUr. d^ (1916), 969406 1 (9) **IWm
vcr»6i dn 4§PkU^ xlL
ll«un)r«AaqiM» dr Sooaoa ** t it«v..d0pkU^
t irt t /2 ;

mh Sammm d# Fmmmptttis
T»s*0 d** l>itmftmq'> irr,
hr >«titutrraiKabd'\rrh^ui. > air,
• I' '^Im SoftamM i Bpu-m^mfr, 744., hr.
i^ii ; «9) Md. V. (IM6-I997), 960-900 1 (3)
I. (1996), 19^4 1 (4) *6M. fau (1991-1999).
rfx:ent text-criticism

t U) **
Ztt N
(i) ^ Ziar KocBiMMition dcr BOehor IS-IO dr r u-a
£• NoniMM**! //#nM». bUi. (1997). !«KMS4 ' >iie

Noiiiio»-AiuiItm> *' X //.liir ^W^im, i. iltKtil),

17S-909 1 (ft>^* VoniMM uml .: mrr **
t Bunimt
Una. L. It. ; nam ud Thctftb " ; Claa^inU i^kiU-
iofw, wnriii. i I vrcti, 3106-009 1 (t) ' " non
DKiytiMai I. m-ll **i Mrf. sxx. )w i

Mhnr in Nonnm*t Dlonystan '

x\ix. (19^5). tf I.


Nooaw '--Art/l, uuvuL 09U>.

Mmu. I vidi*» loll /JMifMAi
Lit' i4M-t50Ot (9) iftM.
xx> N ..nnoft DlMir*. 47, SM ** t

Bfi . SMSt (4) **>:ooiikiMi ** t

ihid. ... '-'• •»*^' ^^10.1841

Id) tMc^. r^MMl
dM Noi. (1097).
17-18 s 'WM^ •• dit
AU0rimt» iirrckr itnd
K. Nordrit. i, 7 (l^i|*u|f. IruUitrr. 1U^>| (0) TaH-
in'/ii :K «.ihid,
Stffcouuin. Viktor t AHr^lomit mmd Vmhmrwmi^tttkitkU :
ShtdUm umd Imi^rprttmiMm^ dM JHwmjmUkM dm m
iVonMo* VON Pamopolit (t ^ Tfnihnrr, lOSO).
Tkdkr. Ilrinrichi (1) ** / ^ntik drr Dkm. dM
Nonnoft**: Hwrmrr - *.^,. il4-^^ :
" '^ I.
(1015). 44A-iA5: i Nofinai t .1.

r»7l, xw
\Vork0m»rhrifi^ x\\ - ». mi I -«A4 ! M xf.
kniik drr I>kin. d drs s {),
an5-»ll ; (5) Krvk-w ,./.

HVM-AM^Ari/f, xxxH. ( r
Wif^trand, .\ll»rr1 ; Von K-. . /,

9lUiati»ch0 hisek*n
Epik umd ztt r^> ind. II.
Ohlason, 10S»).


^ITVI pniltrci nv **. i' aiKmouri^, .'%im ^rfpi^ 1o0P \lnMltlll/*

witli Lfttin twiwlitiim, in a C^orptm of ll«rafo Foatry :

Po«U» GfMri Vttarw cmrmitt

ApfiHiU Ml • NvioM UUm lntcr|irfUtio.

rtiarfiaia4trripto«»ntni ri r.

AmIiM Altkrami. Biw i rtH Y^fbtm 4m U

nw MDCVI. (Mio.)
4t MaivtOw: Nmumm. ia DUoC* Swiw. No. 46.
ArminlM KiMdUr la^w wbIbmm S vok. T-

1867- invB.
Ua«rkl^ A.: Nonai FMM»DoHUBi IXoajniMift. . . ^
TMbiMr. Uip>%, I90»-1911.
TW book hf CoOort oad IW two oHldw Ih '

\yimA bilov (AmM, UM. ( 19f7) •«! LAmtimtU^'

08tt), 179-«a) cowUtvto oinost oO Um frock U«mm
r. racoot tlnoi oa tlM comMiliMi of tW toit.

TIm Lotin traiwUtimi : «i« Tnt

do Poaopotti: Lm l>M>n7MMa«B, oa
. riUbtt, tradatt, ol imaiaiwitl par It

Conto de Mmrilw, aadn miniitiv lOteipolMitiart.
Cttto Mitioii« |M>tH fonnat, cootkot iMkMnt llntro-
doctioB, la tndnrtion fraiKAiw, at Urn notw. . . .

L'Mttioii gnuid in 8*, ani pmtt m mlnw tamfM. rt

qui fait pmhh dc b BiblfcHllteM d«i aoltitfi :

Eubli^ par AIM. Finnin Hldot, ranfemia, an

»testa jme rorrir ihlrau mnttv^ daa <

tiook Paria: an ^ dm Imprtmaont •

LamUCQnoB,r: juai Mabqaaia, 15, 1B66.

Sb rtAmom. U. rilaa baa pobyMd two
oUmt wwk^ wkfek dwcrtba lib tni?ab and n.
tkw in Iha dbtriela wkirli Nnnnm dcab
SowHmin 49 fOHmi, Parb. I^b (tt. S v«>b.
^tfUoim LUUrmh<M em Oriemi, V .ftv, 1851,
German: Db Dionjraiaka daa Nonnoa: Daotadi too
ThaMflo von Bnliatfcir, IftndMB, F. Brurltmann.
Trambtad Into Oannan Wsametcrm with notca,
S Tob. 1M»-I9«i.



A WOfk Ol pflBM iMipOft>HW> IFOIII U9

dcr KaJHfWtt (bb 19S9) " ; Bmrwimms JaArrshrrirhi, voL
crxxs. (1081). 41161. Part II, ** und die Non- Nomm
nkiMr/ pp. «».144, ciTM • eoodM lirt of Um litantvrv oo
Noonm from lUll. Uie data «f LodwW-K*. (..^f. to 1980,
with a rarrful nitiiiwi of Mck itan In
Krjrdeli't otlwr woHv oo Noonoo fait . . .

1. Artklooo NoQiMM, fitmi^n'iMmmm. A«/'AiApMbpMCt,

KonpoiaioB dor BSrlMr IS-IO ilor DiooTiiolui
....SoQooa ** ; H^rmtm. Utt. (1987), .108-134.
a. KIdo NoiiiKMk.%iiaJ)r«e *' : L Amiifmiti OmmUft* i

(1008), l7&-9ns.
1 Kmaodatioot of tfao l«xt : Bfmmtimiwk oifrittyoefcor
yairiMA. iv. (1983). 14-17 ; v. (1980-1987). 0004100;
11180), 19>S4; ix.(l99n.aO-44; xil.(lffM), Ml.
K of Jnlioa BrBttao, '^Ncmiioii and CKid "
^ in ;

i«. (1905), 407-OOA.

T ••wtn^boolBondartidMHiajakobocofieiilUd
I Haw: "Dio
RoHirioii dot KomMM yob Paoo-
l^>lL. FhihJ- ; '1004), 080-000.
Braunr, Juliu« : Orid " (QMA—IdrrI

Heiir^T'. II. I»z>iir...).r. «.rrtlinrald, 41 pan,

an attmint to
OrU'a JHmmwrpkm^;
nnvt-r that NooBOt nodo dwKl of
KovdoO ooeepU BcMM't


xL (100^ 107-000.

CiMtipllMii, L.
T^"uio Lomhardo
: ' Epica Nonnuuui " ;

di Scitmx* • LtUmrt^ Ixv. (1082),

KemiiitomH M it.

'»ScuM. lutomo alle font! r alb ron ipodiiooe ddW M«U-

inorftMi di (Mdio " ; Annah drtta H, Snutim Nenmh
mf$Hmr€ di Pim^ FUomJia r t^ioiofim, xx. Pturt S, 1907.
ActaMn • Artanb "
Siudi rritiri nf^rti dfai ; MikM
iMmmpoA fl Cterfo Amoi/. CaUnk, 1013, mi. 63-lSO.
CaUiMMlii* U. : ** Sulla po«fai di Noono di fmmmaU ** i
Aitme e Romm, xxxrVL (lOM), 17e-184.
CluiinlMrlayM,L.P.: ** A Aladjr of Nonrai *' ; AMfiv in
PhihJ.mi^. xiu. (101$). 40-68.
Coll> XommoB df PmmopoHs : tiudf ntr fa rom-
k I^si0 dfs tHomffaimjmm \ L» (airv : Pub-
baitaiiMd«riMtitut franqik d Ardi^olofit orimlale,
ItKm, pp. 298.
Danii t : ' «AIim F^tim V b A»— '

lie induenetof NoniKW upon 1

Uer, Rcinliold : Ch^r
Cher St DkmwH^lm
Sm Dkm^ «/

ihmapotts (llalfe, C. E. M. PMrr, 1»<


Um bast and tbt onijr

oniy work on tbe ^

1. **NoiiiioaaiidThcspb'*;ClteM<ni//'Aaolafy,xxTilL90B.
\h^ ]^ ^'oifionatmotPmnopotiB''; riastiemi PkUo.

\ X T.- - ,. . .

11- hlciUCUU in tllf >uffjttt N!

.1 of Nooaoa"; VkustaU

•X Nonnna*t DionjrsiJM'

r>. I
••mentji in the '
% ru. (10S8), 67-86.
s : AMrolofie umd Umimrmifmekiikie :
''^rprtUUimm $m dm XN«iiffMBa d«9

yommts rom l\»mopoiis. Mil etnerStrmkartr. (Teub>
nrr, Lripsif . Il*^». IrtHj^^Mi. Hrft ix. :
** Stutiieii

tAm HlMHiitilt," bcntodsl von Fhun BoU.)

WiftlnM«AllMrt: PMMEMdbMMiir«mM.- »«frMrA.
Mittitfht Vwknmtkmi^m wmt ififiwii frittrkiseken
BpUk wmd wmr igr— dlw GMfeAl^^rtfrnfm. Pp. tiini.
( W. K. GiMrm, Unl. 198a. (SkrilW atchnw av
\ ctf n>kap»SockHlta i Uad^No, 16.) lUv&wed bv
Haas HOTtar in Bmnimm Mk kniHii. cchr. and crlrtL
(1987). «>^l.

H imporUot rtccnt aotai and wliclai art tkcM

Co«U,c;.. 'ProblMidiStoriadilUligioiia. I.: Nomiodi
PanopoU " ; MMMt,RiwUtm mmttk di
%M, vol xrvrl (1981). 148-156.
W. : ** Nonaoa al» AMrolofcv ; A rwh^if , xlL
Amanii. E. " Noonot la paaopolHaiii " ; artirW in Diet,

df IkM. emtkoiiptf^ mJL %l (19ni), cola. 798-7M.

Utam^ II. J. Mukm-Pk^km cUs Xammo§, Pftria, Lwoai,

1982, p. 4. Phun CwMot, rapljr to Row (lant



Uputrw ^x^i Kpwiwva, ^o^^ponf ipftraya

teal mtXidfuui Tv^arvof ipaaa6fuww ir^Aor iarpatP*

Kol ortfion^v koI cUBXa Aao9 ttai tewfui¥ 'OXv^nov,

*Ei^ rpirdrtft iiaartvt mMwXavov (SA«r«i3a KoSfun;

'Apfjunwiv wXuwvaa» Aii/&oroXo¥ 4jJKlk% Ki8|4^.

IMfiirrov in airoiru&{c «rat *Airro4<iiMi votfati^,

rev KffjuiS odtc ctfScvff, KtfvoaiMa vtfipd^f dXi^frrp^,

At(co ^OKtXov tKTOv, ourji Xayfnfa ytftaiptatv

yaiTf^ ihpava irdyra tcar^tcXvatv virion Zcvf.

*E/38ofu>K Itftairjv TToXiTiv Aiwvo^ cUiSci

teal T^fUXrjv Koi tporra Aio; kcu ^pto¥ tMjjV,

llcAntvo4 OF TiiF rm«T rimut^ Bcmmu

(I) The fir^t cuntaitvi Cronkm, Ugbt-branng rmvUhrr

of thr nymph, and thr »t»ny tieavm battrred by
Trphon'ft IuiimI«.
(4) Thr %rci>i>«! h«% Tvph«»n*«» Iwittic r«i ^ugh
the siMr%, And llinitning, and th« s of
Zens, and thr triumph of Olrmp(»s
(5) In thr third. Uwk Utt thr
thr paUcr ot
(if (*«dnMi*>.

pitahty of hrr table.

() Tracking thr fourth over llu tj, , ,.. ,.... ^*ll »r*
llamMHiiA ^'Ailititf togrthrr with hrr agrmatr

(5) Look Into th« ^ ind yoawill %cr Artaion

abo, whom no y rmight foHh. t«>m by
dof^ an a lleelii|t !
(6) Look for manrrk
In the iil«th. Hh« r« in honour-
ing Zagrrusi, the M*ttlemrrits on tlic f-artti
were drowned by Rainy Zeu».
(7) The teventh wbrnt of the hoary tunpliration of
Time, and Seme&, and the kyre of Zeu<», and tlir
furtive bed.
'Oypoov aioXofivBov c^'i ^d6¥0¥ aypiov 'Hpi^f
jcoi ScftcAv^f 7rvp6€vra ydfiov koI Z^kq ^oi^.
Ei? cvaroi' a«ro9rui{c iccu o^KOi vUa Ma/i^
Bvyartpa^ re Aa^ou ical MiMTiBa Kai Bp6ftO¥

Kai 5cirdrai uayiijv *A$auayTtSa iccu 3pdfioi»

irJ»y ^vy^y ciV oAo^ olSfia ow ci^ito«c<^ McAur//»TD.

"AfintXov €uSpo4^¥tff WM^opnriiJnmv afmayi ravpift,

*£»" TAiairai5<JcaT(p orpariiiv vripi$uo¥ ivUn*

haifLOvtfiv OTi^a ndoav is *\y6iMi¥ 'Apca 'Pc/i;.

fU/iirr<^ iroi &c#rar^ fipiop^ ^Ucaiav dciSui,

$rip<M^6vo¥ fitMmrfx^ dircUifrfipoy 'Hp&vrcoy.
(8) The eighth has a changeful ta]. . thr turw
jralousv of Hrra, and Scmcl« iiuptiaki,
and Zeus the flayer.
(9) Lookinto the ninth, and you will s<^e the son of
Maia, and the daughtcra of Lamos, and Mystln,
and thr flight of Ino.
(10) In the tenth ako, you will »ee the madneM of
Athamas and Ino t flight, how she fled into the
swell of the sea with newborn MeBcert*
(11) See the eleventh, and you will Ami m»miv
Ampel«»«i r«rri«*d ofl" bv the man%Uving robl>er

(1^) With thr t^trit'th, firiight your heart, where

Ampeloa has shot up his own shape, a new flower
of love, into the of the vine.
(IS) In the thirteenth, I of a host innumer-
will tell
able* and rhamphwi heroes gathering for
(U) Turn your miml to the fborteenth there Hhi i.i

arms all the ranks of heaven for the Indian ar. W

15) In the fiAeenth, the sturdy Nieaia, the
I <»ing
rosT-armed beastalajer defying Love.

Ural waXdfiauf Tu^cui^ apaaQOfAfvo^ w6Xo¥ aorpwv.

Wfi^^y owtMjpi fioyoar6tco¥ daSfia tctotwt

Bd^xov ^MroonWoio, rov Jtc nvpof iypov d«v

Z<i^ Ppd^Of iiiurdXtorov d^toMvroui rtKowni^,

^thopJwfus naXa^jfot roftijv ^rfpolo X9pd(af,
optMVi yoarfti X6\r€vot, warfip ircu n&rvta ^tfrr^p,
tZ fiSciyr r6KO¥ aXXo¥, ivu yoi^ocvri Kaptjvip,
dawopov oyKoy oMumm fym^ iytcvpovt ledpoj).
rtvxttnv darpd m r wway dynir<$rrt{cv 'A^ijiniv. lu

"Afard fA€H vdpBntta, rtvafarM icvfAfiaXoL, MoOaai,

Kol naXdfLji MnOvpow dtihoiiiyov ^tovvaov
dXXa XOP^^ i/favovTa, ^dptp napd ycrroM n)aa>,
onboard fUH Upanija noXurponov, ^^P^ ^owti;
iroortW €tSo^ OC<^^» ^
nouciXov vfivov aodaaw
Ci yap i^pnvoatu hpoMutv tcvtcXovfiMvof oXxtp,

fidXiJHa 6€io¥ ocAAor, omits teunfwStl Bvpmp

• The bUnd (DOW part of K|nrp() on wlileb McmImm
caught I^rotrua, Od. hr. 351 If. Noqdm cuDe Ami
PanopoUt in nriirhbouring Egjrpl.


The fir«t conUim Cruniun, light-bcAiing ravUhcr of

the nymph, «nd thr fttarn* heaven bjittrrrcl
bj Tjphont luincl<i.

Till tlie tale. Goddcw« of Cnmidcs* courier u ).

fienr fUnir. tfir e«i|rfiif krmtmA which the thumlt r
Ixlt lin> li tpms for weddbif-tovcbM, the
lif^hluifig .1. ^Miiinir opon Semele't mtptiaki: tell'
the nalauuice cW Baeehoi twiee-bom, whom Zeus
liAea ftiHl moiftt fr • Ixibv half-coiBplete
bom %rithout mk^« .th Uirinkioc hMMS he
rut thr ittrtM (luKh ami carried MmIn hlt|
tnati'H wiHiih. '

.11(1 grarioos mother at cmce —

and well he rrmrniltrrcd another birth, when hb own
head conerived. when hit temple was big with child*
and he carried that t ncrediile nnbcyitten lump, until
he »hot oat Athena idntinatinK in her i

" Bring me the feniirl. rattle the cymbels, ye

Mnaei! put in my hand the wand of Dionjnot Diony
^<rhom I ling :but bring me a partner for your danee
ti the neighbouring ialand of Phaioa,* Protent of
many tum«, that he may appear In all hU diver^Itir of
%hn|»r^, «ince I twanff mv harp to a •!
I tir if. *% a Aeqirnt, he should glide ^.....^ ...

trail, I wiO ning my god'% achievement. I> i

^pucra hpoKovroKoyuMtv ^Scu{cto ^uAa Tiyovrwv*
€1&€ Xtaw ^^CMV inavxfvifiy '''P^X9 ^f^^^t
BoKXpv ovcvclfcu pXoavpffji cm mJx** 'P<«iyy 10
fial^ov imotcXiirrovra Xtovroficrroio Staiytf^'
Ci hk BvtXXr^fvri fi€rdpaioi oAfiari ropacuv
nopBaXii atfj^ TroAuScuSoAoi' c25of dfk€ifitov,
vfjarqow Aio^ via, ird^ //mx iKToyw 'IhSoii'
trof>5aAuui' 6x^€am Ko^iinrciW; iXn^avrutv' 16
Ci 5^/ia9 iaa{oiro nfiry auc^« via Bihuki/^
ac/ocu vodiovra ovokt^vov ciryofiov Aup^i»,
idfny^fvov rpiraroio Kuj^TAiSa fiyjT4pa BdKXQV
Ci 5^ irAoi ^ufLriXo¥ uScup, ^M¥vao¥ dttow
ic6km>¥ aXos hv¥0¥ra $topvooo§iJ¥ou} Avtto^pyov 10

lun^aofAOi *lt(apUHOt960€¥ wapa BvMi kff¥^

P^Tpvf ofuXXrp^ijpi iro&iiy iOXifirro rapo^»

ptfipiba woueMmino¥ i0i/j§t€¥Of drri xtTdvor 16

VtKTOp^, PvdtJJ hi imp* El&od^ Kol '0/A^/M^i

^Kouw fiapif hdp§ia ^fuXaaadoBm YAtmXitp,
tvid fjuH Mr€ fi^mrpa ml aiythag, i)Siiy««A^ hi
aXXtp hiBpocm aiX6¥ indaoart , /ii) irai 6piput 40
^oifio¥ iiUnf' SoMUCttir yap iSmUWtoa ifimvow i}x^»

• ThyonebooeortbeBMMiorScfnele.

- -^rrathed wand be destroyed the borrkl hosts of

^ seq>rnt-hjiirrd. If as a Ikm be shake his
i>nsTiiiig mane, I will cry
Eool ! '* to Bacchos on the
ami of buxom Rhcia, stealthily draining the breast
of the Uonbreeding goddcM. If aa a leopard he
•boot up into the air with a ^tormr leap from his
nmd%, changing shapr !> "sman, I will
nymn ifie fMNi of Zeus, h McGan nation,

with his team of pards ridinc down the elephanta.

If hr make his figure like the «hape of a boar, I
will ming Thyone's *on, love-sick for Aura the desir-
able, boaislayer, daughter of Cybele, mother of the
thiid Btteehoa late-bom.« If be be mfanle water. I
wUI di« DkHqnaa dhrte iBlo Uw boKMB of the brine,
* armed If he beeone e
quivering tree and tone a counterfeit w hlqpfring, I
will tell of Icarios,' how in the juliiUnt wineprras hb
fret crushed the grape in rivalnr.
•• Bring me the fennel. Miiiuill(iit«k ^ On my !

shonldefv in place of the wonted kirtle. Mml, I pray,

tight over my breast a dapple-back fawmkin. full of
tMpcfftHBeof Maroatenncdar' ; and let Homer and
deep-sea Eidothea keep the rank skin of the teals
tor Meneboa. Give me the jocund tambours and
the goetskfaHi! but leave for another the dooble-
MNinding pipe with its mekxiious s w cctncM , or I may
offimd my own Apollo ; for he rejeeli the tonnd oif

» A Thradaa kii« who ptnoratsd Dkaiysost


€( &T€ }Aap<pSao Brqiiax'** .*. Ao*' iXtyfa^

^vrw KoXnovfitvov avpai^,
htpyLa rrapnriwpT)a€
yvfivwaas oAa yvia Xinoppivoio vofirjo^.
'AAAa, ^co, fiaarrjpo^ dXyjfioyo^ <^X^^ KoBfiow. 4*
IliBoi'ti^ jroT€ ravpos <Tr' j^di^x v^ixtpan Zcwy
lp,€p6€v fiVKr)fia voBip fUfL'qaaro Xaifitp
tealyAuK^w cf^^ /iiKi>fra* /iCTO)^fia{aii' &€ yuimira,
irvicA^a^ noAa^as* ircpc ycurr/pa $i{vyt btafup,
paio^ 'Epa*^ #coi>^{c, #(a« iyy^fv VYpov6pof fioOs AO
Kvprrov unoaropdaas Xo^Tfv iitifitfTopi tcovpffj,

hoxfuof 6t(Xdifoy» Kcx^Aaa/KW Mami riromoi',

Et/pc^Yn/v cU^cipc* 5i<aoi^i/MMO h^ ra^pav
nXurroi oyiff ix^P'^* P^"^ ^^^ aii^w^O¥ S^atp
lxv€ai ^i&ofUvoiQiv' (mip 'n6vTOiO hk Kovpr) 65
Sci^ari naXXofUVf) fio€ip voMtrlXXiro vwrtp
doT€fi^^ d&uuno^' iSoiv &< fuv i( ra^a ^<Mi}f
^ B^rtv ^ raAarciOv ^ ciWrtv ^yKxriyoiOV
^ Ao^'j7 TptrciM'Of i^lofUtnfv *A^poSirrjv'
Koi trXoov €tXiir^&rpf iwtMfifi€€ Kvttvoxalrri^, AO
TpiToiv 5' iTircpoir^ Ai^ fiwcffOfiiv cucouwv
dyriTvnov Kpovuvvt fitXo^ fAVfc/foaro ko^^
at&iov vpMViuov atipofjuivrfv 84 ywauca
BaOfAa ^fiip Ktpdaa^ inthtitanH ^wpCU NT^pct^,
^€ivov Ihwv nXbjrrjpa Ktpaa^pov aicpofia^iffj hi ^
oSxaha ravpov t^pvoa fioooroXo^ €irX€€ injfjL^,

* Athena invrn t>ipr», hut threw the iiMtniment

away. Marsya.s up. and waa to pleated with it
that he challen^rti .a}i«hii> lu a muaicai copteat ApoUo won«
and flayed Manyas alive.
breathing rrrtis, . put toshninr Marsyas*
\. r n;. • :

and hU gud-<l<! .nA Itarfd every limb of

|up< .

tlie tkin-stript abc|ibefd, and hung his »kin on a tree

to beOr in the breeiet.
^ Then come now, Goddcw, begin with the long
•earcfa and traveb of Cadmoa.
^Once on the Sidonian beach ZeiiA as a high-
homed bun imitated an amorous bellow with hi^
changehng thn>at, and frit a charming thrill little :

Rroalieaved up a woman, with his two amvi endrcHng

her middle. And while he lifted her. at his aide the
bull curved hia neck downwardif spread
the girl to mowit« sinkiiitf sidewaja oo Mi
kneea, and s ticleldMig his back aubmimiYe, he raiaad
apFnr<tt^- then the boll premed oo, and hia ioattag
hoot .1 the water of the trodden brine noiae-

leaaU v«iTii i<irbearingfootalepa. H%h above the aen*

the girl thrubbing with fear navigated on buUbadL,
unm<>%ing. n If ^rnu «aw her you would

think it wn- |HThap». or (ialateia, or Karth-

shakerV '
Aphrodite seated on a Triton's
^ .- iir

neck. A ^ •lurhair ' marvelled at the waddle-

foot voyage * : Triton heard the delusive lowing
of Zeus, and bellowed an echoing note to Cronoa
son with hb conrh by way of wedong tong ; Nereoa
pointed out to Doris « the woman carried along,
mingling wonder with fear as he saw die atrange

•^Xt It the maiden, a light freight lor her bull-

barge, tailed along oxriding, with a horn for ateering-

* Ofani, Homer's word flsr the wddking gail o( cattle,

•kcw-the^^*- as the Ei«lish call It
Raqwctheiy the fkthcr of the NVrrldt and one of his
KOi bupij^ rpo^4ovaa fA€rdpauf¥ aXua woptlrif
nrfiaXiov fctpa^ ^^nc^» *^ 'lfA€po9 inXtro vavrt^.
teal SoAocis^ BopCffi Y^f^J) hthovrifiihn^ ovptn
^doos oXov KoXnwof hvalfupo^t au^crrdpfu oi 70
IrjAov vnoKXtnratv iittavpioty 6uftu(% fioXi^,

€lofA€vrj 5cA^5^ X*^^ aWiconTC yoXi^vrfv,

i^fu^iomT^ irt^opvfTO &vSoro^ ^P9^ Mrrj^.

t€vprwoai ia vwra, 5M/mu{ovoa
Simvxoi oMpa xikivBa iraWyjpo^tv ^yMw oi3^*
Off ^ vff ifum¥ tUip€' rrrmpofUmMO hi rwSpov
fiovKOAof oMva hoOXo¥ 'E^cu^ iw9fidaTt4 kmot^, 80
iroi vouifp^ OTV fi^fiho¥ httiipJhi t6(o¥ ditipuf¥

KvwfMoifi wol§iaA¥€ KoXa^pomt wft/^lo¥ *H/n^

€tf ¥o§ii¥iypi^ iytu¥ llooMm* oiSo/i^ M
mfStvtrp^ nip^vfM woffffiiha tlaXXAf o^ifroip
^I'toyoi' Kpovuityoi c^iircilouao ywaUa. 80
fCOi AtO( v&irocvrc hi€aavudvQV n6pot^ <U«(^
Of} nM)i¥ iafitot novTo^, on fiovx^V^ *A^fiohirqv

ovpayiTf^ whty€v air* aiUairof iyKVO¥ Aopp*

#rai /3oo( a^XMofioio tnffi^piirffTtipa fropc^
Kovfffi ^pr€>s rqy koI vawrCkos, €taoo6a9V hi 90
fUfiffXffv raxvyom^v M^pova vrja BaXdaayjf
TOiOu €110^ n€pi^oiTt>^ A^ouicor 2a;(C vavrris'
*0^$aXfioi, ri TO &avfia;
noBfv noai tcvfiara riiivwv
vrixiTOi arpvytroio hi* vharo^ aypovofio^ Bov^:
firinXurrfjv Kpovihrf^ rcA^cc x^»^.' hV hia ir6v7
vypos aXifiptKroio ^cipacracTai oXtco^ audfy^;
irairraivw Kara KVfia voBov frX6oy i) pa ZcAi^
DlUN^^iACA, I. e7-(r7

oar, and tecnbled at the high heaving

while Desire was Uie leamaii
bellied oat all her ihakiiw robe ^aii aiiu*r«»u>
breath, love-siek himtelf, and In aecrrt jealousy,
whbtM on the pair of unripe breasts. As when)
one of the Ncrclds ha» peeped out of the sea, and
seated upon a dolphin cuts the Boa&tog ealm, balanced
there while she paddles with a wet hand and pretends
to swim, while the waterjr wsvfarrr half-seen rounds
his back and carries her iry through the brine, while
the deft tail of the Ibh passliig through the se«
scratches the »urfscc in \\s courM«--ao the bull lifted
Us back : and while the bull »tretchcd« his drover Eros
flogged the servile neck with hi» chaimrd f^rdle, and
lifting bow on shookler like a pastoral staf, shep-
hetded Hera's bridegroom with ^Tpris' crook, drivii^
him to Poseidon's watery pa^turr. Shame paroled the
nuUden cheek of Pallas anniothrrrd,* when iiie spied
Cronioo rkklen by a woman. So2«isehive thecowse
with watery furrow, but the deep sea dkl not quench
Ids pmrinn for dhl not the water conceive Aphrodite
br a heavenly husbandry, and bring her forth from
the deeps ? Thus a giri steered the bull's unboister-
cHis passage, herself at oner both pilot and cargo.
" One saw this mimic »hip of the sea, alive and
he cried out in this Imhkm : '* O
my eyes, what's this
miracle ? how comes it tluit he cuts the waves with
his legs, and swims ovrr the barren sea, this land-
pastttrii^ bun ? Narigable esrth~b that the new
creation of Cronideii ? Shall the fanner's wain trace a
watery nit thmufch the brinesprcnt deep ? That's a
bastard voyage 1 descry upon the waves Surely

So r^t|f4 because she was hum fmni tKr tmul ttf Zru*.

d^vya raOpo¥ j^)(oiNm fi«r oMpa vA^rov oSciMt,
dXXA Sht9 pv$ifj hi€p6¥ hp6fMC¥ ^^x^iiti.

ad pcX x^ptmuft tihrtM^ €u(€Xo¥ mMXuk floOi li>0

iXXaxty—ixl^v6€w yap c^^i b^fiaf — * dyrl h^ yviunjs

dXXo^ayrff aXcUufoy iv uSooi irff{^ ^nji^
Niypctr iXxtoimirXoi atfita mOpov iXaih^i,

yXoiVKa huurxi{i€t fioiip vM muto AiAd(ovi|r, 100

fcoi <n^ Pv&oO ficrck «H3i^* lloofii^oir, fimufd(rrrj^

yaifft hijna vvSra lurdpxjio vtC^c iporp^ik,

X^paauHf oW^ioun par6¥ wX6o¥ /r x^^ rctfyuir.

roiJpc, vopcirAifyx^ |MTOM(anof- cm} «Af Ni]pfi)r 110

o^x ^Xot, oO Afi^ioircf ^ oShfAom^, aXXA BaXdatrij

arpvy^rtp wXwotm^ <inj^Krro i^aittoyor Aai{p

m^SoAi^ riiunwn tud oA ax^f/omn atii/jptp'

au^oica; 06 ontipovow imdovtt ivvomyalov, lib

aXXa ^vr^ w6^nHO w4Xn fipva tfol aii6poii vhatp,

vavrlXoi aypovopof, vX6af aSXattgf, ^XicAf ^x^^-

aXXa ir6&€y fuBdvtif rwa ^ pa kqI atVro2

ravpoi ipatpap^orrtf oi^apmddown yvimKor;

^ pa IIooviS^CtfT airarrjXtof ^pnaot Kovpnpf ISO

ravp€irp^ Ktpotaaay €XW^ voro^i^iSa pop^^;

firi hoXov aXXo¥ v^l*^ vaXiv fura b4pvta Tvpoih,

Sclme * an unruly bull, and leaves the
Uas ^uttt II

the high scms

ftkv to trai|>se i>vcr Or no deepwater
! —
Thetii drives a coadi on a floating raceoonne ! This
tea-ban b a creature Terjr diferent from the hmd-
bull, has a flshlike shape ; must be a Nereid with
other looks, not naked now, but in king flowing
robes, driving thb bull unbridled to march afoot on
the watrrH, « nr« fashion that If it b Demcter

whratrnhjiirtH!, rU-Aving thr gray bark of the sea

frith wjitrrffirinir i.\h«»<»f. thm th«Mi. PoM*tdon, must
have tumrcl UiHiluhlxr an<l tuiffraU d to the thiritjT
back of earth, afoot behind the pbw, and eat
Demrter's farrow with thj sea-vesKl, bknm bj land-
wtndii, traniirfiig a voyage oo the toil! Bull, vou are
astray oat ot jfmr ooantry ; Nereos ki no bulldrover,
Pruteos no pknrman, (tlaucos * no gardener ; no
mafshgrDttod, no Bieack>w% in the billows ; on the
barren sea there's no tillagr, but saflors cut the ship-
harboaring watrr with a stecriiy-oar, and do not split
with Iron ; Karth^hakrr's bln£ do not sow in the
furrows. iNit the sea's pUnt fo seaweed, sea's sowing
^«»»(..r rf*^%jiikirb the farmer, the onlv furrow is the
»hit «nd wake,' the hooker Is the plow.
^•- niiT how cane ycm to have dealing* with a
maid ? 1X> bulls abo go mad with k>ve, and ra\ish
women ? IU% Foackion phijed a trick, and ravbhed
a girl, under the shape of a homed bull like a river-
pid ? Ha* hr woven another plot to follow the
• Very oceasionalfar thr Moun-ffoddcss drives or rkbs a
bull. hccsMs Iha asmrfoiriral exaJtalba (I^MfM) of the Moon
U in Taurus.
' or INiliiiai in ikwoUa, a flshcr wlw was chaogcd by a
HMMrk* herb into • nwrrman.
If alinrbrdnivTi along the ship's course, the part ahead
U rallrd thr frrmin. thr part asirm is the wake.


Xti^tuun fiifirjXoiai vM>i tnXdfivlMV *Evtirfi^;

ToSor imf ino6m¥ 'EAAiJMOf Ivmrc MuPn^r IS^

jrcu irAoirdl|«otf( tAAomfo yoi{^iOMi ^^fv 2cin{i'*

EiSpctfinp Xinonarpu^ ^f^loudwri^ ni4 rai^

apvayi vAcirr^ ica4» «tfr So«r4i», wo^iohp,

t^^^pi fiooTpyxa rmOra moiUaoon^ iciMcAiBif omu.

I'm, A«TD|Aa«, DO^/i|r, CMf ^jpiraooc ^AtMa yily4^«|r,
ft^(^ fi€ 00& WTf^vyfoot iMitTdpout¥' tax^, 4^^» 1^

^crrora yi^^i^oircS^MMO |Am)i«r Tx^ta ravpov.

ilA^ jva4 €&c *Kp^tiot¥ 4^¥Wff aw4ot, tdrn ttoXu¥tu i40
foirdhts dppn/iicimo viSW ijj^ooooi' *OAifyAirov,

i^fH^ (/»*or 4X**of iprrjiwaayms dnrj),

Kol noXoi 4irrdium>f uidoarro' koa yap 4f €Mf¥ 14A
TlXovroGs Zcvs Kpot^Ap m^opmUvot,

Tjrro,dftiMlrtflr of Saimnttfi. loved Um

iHcr«odtlMvebiiUi*hormKuHaogotaeccMlolMr. Cimh-
pM« Hani
» OreHhyto. iki^<ig rf Bwf Nhii. kfaf cT
• A nouatalB raii«» te Aiia Mlwir WMlcr
Mooilcr INrphorat WM nid to be laid, aeeofdiiif to MM ftory.
Conpftrv Horn. //. U. T8S.

bedding of Tjro« jort m he did the other day, when

the wtSaj panmwrcMPC trickling up with counter-
feit rlpfJ«^ VxVr a bMtaid Eoipeus > " •
>* So '
'-nie sailor ipoke his amasement i
he psMcti i'^« i Uen the girl presaged her union with

the bull ; and tearlpg her nair, she broke out in

lamentablr tones
» *'

Draf Wstcr. voiceless Coasts ! Saj to the

Boll, if cattle can hear and hearken. * MerHleas, spare
a girl
'Ye Coasts, pray tell my b^Hng father that
Enropa has left her native land* seated upon a bull.
ly my sailor, and as I think, my bed-
frllow. Takr these riMletB to my mother, ye eireling
Breeaes. Aye Ikireas, 1 eoi^iire thee, receive me on
thy pinfam'in the air, as thon dklst raviah thine
Athenian bride !* But lUv. my voice I or I may see
Bofcns In k»ve, Ukc the Bull !

*** So the gfarl spoke, as the boll ferried her on his

'''Then CfnW**, pMiinf in his travels frtmx land
to hmd, foOowed the never^tajring tracks of the bull
turned bridesman. He came to the bkiodstained
cave of Arima,' when the mcHintainA had mo«*cd
from their seats and were beating «t the gate of
Olympos, when the gods took wing
rafaik-«i m\r, tike a flight of birds far out
of reach* oari mge
track in the winds of
heaven« and '
nes of the sky ' were sore

^This wan .:.^ .^~~.. Zrus Crunides had hurried

to Phito's bed,' to beget TsnUkvi. that mad robber of

' liuto (ntd rtulfNil. daashrr of Craoos and mothsr of

TavToAor oAftaflu¥ aiai^pmn, ^dpa iruv^AAcyr,
aUBipos imta $fJKM fivx^f K^»faXvfift4va ttirpnff
tad oTtpowipp tKowj^' vnwpo^UMt¥ hk K9pau¥&¥
teamrw iptvyofAivtMn^ ^^icAo/irrro Xrutcat ipimrri, i^

irol woXiuas TonJooc ^hro vtVfAan fiffrp^t *\povpffif

imXoL wvp6€'wtTdoQ/shk fiofooitAp^ytm orixa Xiufui^

9w§iStM€t U 8^cUrorr«r iwtoptitoino ttpoawmm

woa€aXUt¥, fiXoovoi^ hi jrayiOf Aix^ioirTo Xiirrunf,
tt€U fio4a/f owtiffffoi^ iiurputowm K^paiat im
odpalatf 4X[tnoo%, rayvvAitfOOwr M yw^Um
Ei^TVQ Om t\potnoo0 TWnf vwo ^cdMOOQ wwrpfpf
il^XtfidToi¥ Mriu9€v is oMpa Aijia ftipSkf'
tiiwaXd^up hi ^aXayyt ntpl o^^p^ £cpO¥ *OXvpnmf lfl:>

on KtrnX^Uim Ao ^y <SMOf ijpaoffy 'Apterov

oAAby^woJL6po¥ <(X«r<» pdrvp^ h* vwi tcw€X£hi vAnrg

wpuMOf aiitpijfs ivtavpunv ^XO^ i^ioaBXfff IV >

tipwnv iiftyimuuf, iptmofUm^o hi Tavoov

• SoLaadanaiM^cmMltdtD^Uy^vrabjrCrMiBL
llwdMM(lbod mmI) drtok amI ffiv* H to
' Odd.btliHiiM»''i IMteliVb«i%Bor4
/I. X. 7. Bui In Sonnoft. tujtrit b ollm a ilomi« or
of rniiK


the hcmwttJtj cops * ; and be Uid hb eelcstial weapons

weH hidden with hit U^bbaiag in • deq> cavern. From
u nde rground the thnnderbolts belched out smoke,
the white cUfl* was blackenrd ; hidden sparks from a
fire-harbed arrow heated the watenpHngn ; torrents
boiling with foam and %team |M)urrd down the Mvf^-
dooian irorge, until it boomed again.
iMTben at a nnd from hit mother, the Karth,
Cfllcian Typhoen^ -d oot hb hands, and stole

the tnowy tools . / the tools of fire; then!

%p|gndiag his row of rumble-rattling throati*. he
yelled aa his warrrr tlie eries of all wild beasts
together the «nakr« that gi^w frrnn him wa%*ed over

hb leopards' heacb. lieked the grim lions' manes,

girdled with their curlv tails spiral- wi%e round the
bvlli' hornt« mdi^^ the thootinf poiaon of thek,
king thin toogMB with the lbnai-i|ifttle of the boaim.'!
>• Now he lakl the gear of Cronidca in a cnbby-
holr cjf tlie rock, and tpfvad the hanrcst of hit ckmber-
iiur hands ^ into the upper air. And that battaUon
"Thmtwl* One throttlctl Cynmurb* beskle the anklc-
ympoa : one gripjied the Parrhasian Dear's
iiiMtK «<» «t|ie rested on nravrn*« atb. and dragged her
oC ; another caught the Otdmver and knocked him

cMit : another drMgcd Phoaphoroa, and itider


the Hrrlhig tUFBU^ ^putt toonded thr i? of

the heavenlr U«h in the morning; he carried off
the Dawn, and hrkl fai the Boll, so that timelett,
half-eomplete, hotic w oman Seaaon retted hrr team*
' Thr Kaadrrd hrsd« of thr mon*trr had thr »haprs of all
liind* of saimaht hrtirr wtftjwitt. Ilr had two hundred
hands. C omparr Utmkod, rU if—jr W5 C i

* ij». hi* hsmb which wrrc at aaaaeroMS as oormlalks ia

• Arid.
• A variani of 1 viio»ura. ' Calli»to.



ayAiM ^dyyo^ ^hfjv KtKtpaaiiivov , n/iarii; U

'HcA*^ acAa-yi{c cnjvami^ovaa ZttXmrf^, 17ft

OM ~' "
Viya^ andXriY*' maXanfiort^ W

€if N<^TOv 4fjr Bop^ao, AAfrcur «^f

ck iroAoi^ con}*

Muira y«iAa{i)cvro( ^fiaaruv AtvoKf/mof

ira2 Mi^iov( M
K/M^ a¥€ 09V^4Xt(€,
irorroi' aw' oW/kk *lxMif
iua6iti^aXa¥ aarpo¥ 'OAil^trov,
lAfCCiir 180

yfiTOM>ff cZapcyoSo ir«|pav^lo$> iS^^M miicAov

Mca^ 3^ wAooiy ^ywfiir o TvfoMvr

OJyOWlOU Off 0^pdstO¥TOf 4W$OKip>f 9f9€P OMoPVjj^

'Apta avpi(fii¥' 6 M
Ki^^^ fyvM iroil^ 190
aorpouu; ira\((|inatr 20JI{vyo KVteXo¥ iXifaf

Xo(^ Cw6 amttffQOW J M

yAcvj^m Ktpairjf
toonhnnv rwipou> hpdMit^ tcwtXoOro Ktpdarrf^,
ounpi^faat iXuetMv iMp fiodoio lurwwmf 10ft

ayrtnnrov; 'Tooa;, «(^^ u^^oA^ SffAifnif,

ocyoWvcuf ycyufootv* o^ionXiK^atv hi bpax^mtu^
tofiaXoi rtAofuuv^f ff/urpcuaovTo Boarn|r*
iccu Bpaiavf aXXo^ 6pova€P,

^X*^ ^X*^*'^^'*^^ vtpufitai(tui¥ 'O^tovyov, 100

icoiart^OiHp ori^oi aXXo wtpinXifas Apui&vrff,
av)^/m imprcuaaf, ^AcAi^cro yaardpo^ oXtctft,

DION^SIACA. I. 17S-«08

And in the tiudowy curb of his terpenUiAir heads the

was mingled with jrloom; the Moon shone rising
in bfOMl day with the Son.
>** SCiD there wm
no rest. The Giant tamed back,
and pssifd fron north to south ; he left one pole
and stood by the other. With a lour arm he grasped
the Charioteer, and fl<«ed the bac£ of haibtorming
Aicoceros ; he draggcdUie two Ffshea out of the slqr
and cast them into the sea ; he bnfeted the Ram,
that Hiidni plf star of Otjrmpoa, who balances with
equal pin day and darknea oiwrr ' ry orh of hit
spt ing- tlete ncighbowr.* Withtr t Ivphoeiis
mounted doM to tha ckmri >ac) the

far•scattrredllostofhisafln^ tHignt
Iniglit •

radiance of the unclouded sky by darting forth nia

Unglcd afmy of snakes. One of them ran up right
through the rim of the polar circuit and »kipt upon
the backboiir of the hoivenly Serpent, hisKing his
mortal challenge. One made for Ceplieas*s daughter/
and with starry fiqgers twiitiiMt a ring as dose as the
other, enchained AndrooMda* iMmnd already, with a
seeofid bond aslant under her bands. Another, a
homed serpent, entwined about the forked horns
of the Bull % homrti head of Kha|>r like his own, and
' '•r the BuU's brow, tormenting with
dangl*^' '

open j les opposite rangrd like a crescent


OBOOO. i^otson-spittiiig tangles of serpents in a bunch

girdled the Ox-drovcr. Another made a bold leap,
wbon he saw another Snake in Oljrmpos, and jumped
aroond the Ophiochos's arm that hekl the viper; then
cunrlng his neck and ooilii^ his crawling belly, he
hraidra a seeond chaplet about Ariadne's crown.

For the Ram and Mtring-tiine, lee sjonriiL 9m.

* AndraiiMda.
I c 17

Kol Zt^vpov {oMrr^pa teal arrtn6ptnf wnftiv EiSpaH^
alBvaawv noMmjx^ iwtarpto^&TO Tv^a*€t)(

noXXoMi ovufMApUnf no9i2i|ior ipfta BaXdmrtff

aS Spvaa^ araro¥ finror ^uoppvxiflf tnp^ 4^'^^^

ovpavliiv ippiflH¥ <V ayruva vtuAof aAi^nfi' Sli>

aiwia{tei»' <V 'OAi^Airor* u4aaoQyiA«oio 54 ^^yo y

'Hc^v wK/A4Ti{or iMCv)Md iciNdyScf r«iro»*
woAAturi o^ aypcuA^oio wtwavfUfmt limAnjot
raO/tav dn^tXffrijpi fufwtecra wffX^ otuu¥

rwSptMm XnmA AiwiAm ttortppoilfftn Vccuio^,

Ao/vuH^ loP6Xoui x^uȴ avptyfi^ ix^^*^*
OM icofiuoaofUnft Tinpnat curo^ Mijin^*
ftapvQuJyn 54 r/yairoc 6§iO«paipoun Kop^/fvoii tso
Taup€iri^ tvopa^f ^nua^ifta kvkXo. tttpaiffi'
ttai P6€i cuyAi|€Krf( ^uiMn^ooyro ^At^ki;^
yeur^a Tv^aomoio Tim^irarfc wStptutyo^
aarpatai M ^dXayya^ drapfi^^s uMnXiaa^ --r—
ircu <rrixc9 oi3Mm<u»' 'HAaraii^ Mo/nfropi «ruicA<^ 226
ci( ^Mmi^i' OfXiyt^oi^* ivtppoHrfat 54 wvpaip
oMpa fia»rx<ivuf¥ arparot aiakof, o? re oopna,
icoi Ai/3o9 coircpa Mlrro, Koi oi Aaj^oi* dyrvya^ Kvpov^
ircu Norious- ayirtuiuc o/io{i)A4^ 54 Kvboipup
dirXaytatv drtyoitrof ditrtrXiyji^ X9P^ darputv, 230
ai^ninf^>ovf 5* iKix^foai^ aAti^iorof * <6^p^ 5 i^x^

« Tbr Moon.

ryphoetis mmtkytm/td tum€*fi tu both n.K. •

vith hb hu»t uf aniM the girdle of Zc|li\ r.>s

And the wiiiff uf Kuros opposite, dragfriii^ Dr^i
Pha»phorw, thrn Hetpem and the vrv^t of Atlas.
^fany a time in thr wredr ffulf ^*'- -'•'••* V ;.«.... 'v —
triot, and dr«i;i;r(i it fntin ttf
land ; again he |>iiU«m| nut \ ni> nniir-
oaked mane fn>iii th< uikI. ! r. ami threw
the vagaliund iiA|; t. hiii

fthot at ()lvmiH*% It >^e»

on their rcNind whstt <
« time .

hr took a hull at r* n*e and

ntk him with a thrratrniriK hand, b«*lt«tw a» he
.1.1 •!...,, 4|||o| iiim Against thr Mcmmi like another

ttayrd her course, th€*n ruUicHl hinsiiig
heckiiw with the- Mdle her
,, whi& h** |titiirr<i out thr

ikitthng againftl tiie (viant « hrad«, iikr-honit*<l to

hrl%. \nr I'atx i il iiiitft\ a s4-iir nii lli<- Nhiiiitii^ ori> of her
1<- Ulkiwed
i«iiiM«^< <i <ti itiii •• It |>ii.ii>ii ^ tiintat. 1 lie
SeaMHVi ui •<! thr otarrk' Ijattalioniik, niMl
the lines oi iir.n* nu i ••>) in a diseinlined t

eirde eame shining tn ti> A varied host

maddened the upper air with elai> h flame:
ome whose portion was Bores^ liack of
IJ|M in thr we*l,or tin* rant* .r liie rceesscsof

the Miuth. '\l\v uiishak* I' of thr fixt

star« with unanimous n* r pUee^t and


"tttght up thrir travrlliti^ h iiii««s. in itxis )m«Mitig j

Nonnoft picturr% liw iiMH»n a% Ki%-llMtlM»r. with lM>rn«
and a diOc between IIk <

*Qpuat¥ ((409 ttXtet, ttopvoaofUmw ^opitjof M

^cu^pd Tayaypa/i|( ^taff6oarro wwra fuixf^iffV '^

w^wwr itpiainf Aoy^a, ira2 i|#(CSor okt^ XaytttoO

nAifM(S«r ^UUAa{< ^o^r /vT«bro|iof ^x<^,

irol iwmjip^ lo6§t€Tpo¥ iwtyhoiknioat^ oA^roi.

*0 oJiyo g M5
oiyAijctf ^ <iA«(uc(UC(i>i^ air^ x^ipat¥
yAomra wvpirpf^dufi^ dviot umro Harra Xpcuc^^mir,

i}/pa fitutxt^ietrr^ /ySnjcr rgf iurroi'

Koi BpQgn^ IxjMtrrof 6fMpo§iot Klyotctp/fjjOi lao

li€ooo4>Q¥^ hMiKnai

m^r KoXavpawa naXXt Boamf^'

fiapfAaipo¥Tt 155
youivrt 5* EliScuAoiO iroi ayx^fiopi^ napa Kvto^

Oop/uyf dartp6€aaa Aiof ftoa^cuaaro yun/y.

Koipvfrtov Si ttdfff/m, Xafianf iriva(€ Tv^uMfk,
* Thr hrad^i uf Typhortu. Bribre beoominy «

Uurougfa the beavcn boUow and fist uprifi^t in the

nikkt« gfoened at the KNind. Orion the hunter, seeing
these tribes of wild beasts/ drew hi«i !»word ; the
blade of the Tanagraian brand »parklrfi hri|rht as
its master made reMiy tor attack : hU thiiNty * Do|,
shoot iMHght from ms 6ery chin. bul>bl«-<i up in m
starry &roat and let out a hot bark, and blew out
the steam fram hb teeth sfcainftt Typhaon'ii beasU
instcwl of the anml hare. The skj was full of din,
and, ans wr rhy the tieven aooed heaven, the se%'en-
throated cnr c^ the Pleiads raised the war-shout from
as many tnroats ; and the planets at many again
banaed out an eowd ooise.
•<« Badiant OpMachos, seeli« the Giant's direful

snalnr shape, from hii hands so potent against evil

shook off the gray colls of the fire-bred serpenta, ami
shot the dallied ooiUi^t mkisile, while tempests

roared roood bis flames the viper-arrows flew slant-
.n,,«l«.ddc««IU.e-r. TVn
.he Archer « let
mhafW— that boM comrade of fish-like Aigoeerm
the Dragon, divided bet ween the two £ars, and
vWble within the drele of the Wain, brandished the
fiery trail of the heavenly spine ; the Oxherd,
Krigonc's neighboar, attendant driver of the Wain,
huiied hb crook with flashing arm ; bcnidc the knee
of the Image ' and his neighbour the Swan, the starry
Lyre presmpcd the victory of Zeus.
>** NofW Tvphoeos «hif^'r«l to the rocks, leaving the

air, to flog the seas. He grasped and shook the peak

tkm Orion was s flarotlan (hcnoe kiosdy Tanagralan)

it rIsM ia the dofr-days. * Saipittarius.

' Caprioom, repvcarnled as a fld»-talled goat
• A kntdiag man. railed BOW Hcreuks, bat by the Greeks
«IImW i$0rm, v
or 'r.yydma . LstlBised as EagOMshL

Tapaov o/iou urat Ki^i'oi' <i*i (vvunnv dyoori^'

Koi KpavtkoU p€Xt«aat¥ otOTMvwv crri;^^ iX^fft

/iCT* oMpa vdrror lft4iaow¥'

wwaoiUvov bi Viyavrof iX^fipdtcnm wtMf dAir^
^adfrro yvfimu^^itn 6t* tSaroip ifipoxof 6o^th,

ytlXOfitvoi hi fydftoKTMi, dXiyho6ww¥ an6 Xau§i^

'A/MQ avpi^ovrti, intarpaTOtMtrro $aXiaaji
iOF anaimjotrrtf' iv l^Bvo^vn hk n6vrip

piivBu ropod Wwf/Mfo, iral i^pi ^ywro yaori^

BXifioiUini v€^€OOf riyavrcAov 5€ irapiJMW

frdoa S< teriTiiMaaa^dXayf iartivtro fr6mp,

Vrfytv^o^ nXi^aayros okfiyaXa fui(iova yolflt
dnXvoToif Xayoh^oaw ifAVKi^aarrQ &€ ^toNrcu^
Kcu fivBij) 5cA^w( Mtfpvnrvyro BoXamrji'
Kol auroAioI^ iXuttoxn mpinXoieov 6Xk^ u^amur
nouAimcK m^yiifro ff^pff,
aioXofiyjrrif ^9i{fioM
Koi fuXdtov MaXfia xopoSpaii} ir/^ /lop^.
oi)3€ ri( arpofLOi <aicc* ^4rMpxoiUvrj S^ irai cuVri^
oi(rr/>ofiavi}f /ii^MUMi Spiurovrcti^ irM>¥ tMjf
•notrrtmopwv i^pift Btripaxw doBfUi hptuedvrtov.
irvpyw^rf hi BdXaaaa koI ctf/uXi/ocv *OXvfjLnot
TiXtfidroi^ ircAayccraiv atpatiropip hi p€4$p<p
Tf€po^ dfipoxos opvts iXovaaro ytirovi ndvrw.
Koi fivSiov rpiohovrm i^tav fiifLijfia Tv^okv^
. > :

DION'YSIACA, 1. )e5^i»7

of Cort<l.iNj> an.l (-ntfthiiyr tlie flood of the river that

bekMi tiincd Tanos and (*y dnos together

in otH 111. II hur?"'* .

"- " -nffs upon the '

mustered wavm of the tiit aclvAiK*(*d


with fret tratlr ri'-Hi, riis bare lo&m

were *rrn dn r. which broke lieav-y

LTain^t hi<i if Atu\ UMitiiiti^ ; hU

rpriiU ariftjit
< ri^r with his^viri|r>» from

brinr-beaten throata, and opittiiiy; |M»iM>n l<*d tUv

utark upon ihr M-a. There %tood Typhon In the fish
i%1ng »ea, hi« frrt Ann in the depUw of the weedy
•ottom, hb brlly in the air and ent^hed in eloudn
arinft thr terrible roar from the mane-briHtUnfC

liuoft oif his giant '« head, the »ea-lion lurkctl in the
•NRty gulf. There wa* no r«M»m in the deep for all
^ phalanx of lciriathan».«i I trthboninioii!itrr
•%rrrd a whole tea, larger land, with Hanks
)i«t no sM*a eould ctner. Ihe «eaU l»lrated, the
itiphirai hid in the deep «*.»i.r- ili.. •n.tnyfcKitird)
laid, a roa^trr «if cmfi, w- ,' web of 1

riMcni«ikn<»l«.*»tut k fa r ." r.iiiiuiar timk. making

ii« Hmbi IcMik likf a |>.t"' m n thr t»tone. All the
^«»rW wa* a-trrmbU- . ihr !<• • m murr)* her-
..l.l. »i. «l

If.* drawn by hrr pn*»i»»'

. m ? 'h. rpentV bed,

»hi%ered under the gin' . ^ br«ath of theite

..« a faring serpent*. IT ' .1 upand timrhed ,

{KM with i»r the streams

ted «>n high tuuchcd by rain
the %ea hi% nrtghlMmr, and washed himself.

I Ming a counterf* ' f" *^

* ^ ivnea

TAT KryUirau The

irv itfxr^ «»f irn* miirrv, or laniprrv, aod riprr -— * '!
tiy Aellan (#/*##. Jm, I. MK

flpjipoifep* MM19 M |uj icodl^i{€ lyo»fai».

fiftOffi^ tn$9€^ €99fiMW dvQWWfOV fimAot ^)(0V§ lO*'

ooTtt yw n^rroSb iraTt^WTo m^r «^P^'

<iiyfn ^Mw ri
^ S* iJyAuot, irai cSircAor olVtnn icain^
lin^qpuyg iMAttyi{c marff^K XnrmXic¥ wOp*

dpocMi «ii|p96r ^ncorrcf » #9i|X«worro KtfMuvoi,

dXfiOow aidrow6poiai¥' dntvXdlotrro wpool H

oipatfum wMamti iBrnumk x^tpa ^opijof,
t»f S* ^
Ttf vAi^iwof ttJi uB I uuiij X^Uu^
(tlvof artfp ohAuerof atnMa wuiXo¥ Sjidaoiuv
^ Slo

wwcui, li/^Tf^ fi€y4tote€v, 6 h^ Boaauf ifii^pavt Bv^uft

XiifM. iMfff ytPwoKtv d'jBtOf tftnoxfjof,
oUrrfffStU S* oWraAro, fcol SpdiOf &lr6a€ Baimtv,
<mjpi(as druHum¥ dmaMlov fnMg d^X^, '16
vpooBthUmn vpofiXfjfrai itcov^un yoiWra vaXXuav^
KoX Ao^or ^cumMV^ in dfb^aripuiv hi ol wfuoy
afi4^Xa4^oM¥ifro wapn/jjopos ai>x^ XQ*''^'

I>lC»nrSIACA. I i8S-5l8

trident, with one eaitlMliAkiQg flip from hb enomMNn

hand broke of an tslaiid mt the eage id the continent
wliich in the ketb of tbr brine, dfekd it mynd and
round, and borlcd the wholr thing Uke a ball. And
while the Giant waited hia war, hb hurtling
drew near to the iktan, and ebac ur ed the n
thrv attaeked f)hr«po»« and eaat the
^ Now alter the frontier of the deep, after the
weli-laid foundation of the earth, this bastaid Zew
armed hand with lire-barbrd thunderbolt
the gear of Zeoa waa hard work lor the
IVpfieaa with two hwdred IMow haadu, i
HM the weight: bttt Cfoohm wottU hghUr lift
It with one hand. No ekMidi were ahoot the OtenI
agalMt hit dry atnia, the thundrr let out a dull-Mmiid-
ing note booining gently without a cUp» and in the
dmght of the air ncarre'ly dkl a thirty dew trickle
in anowflakrii without a drop in then ; the lightnlf^
waa dim. ami onlr a loftkih Ihune ihoiie ipwkllwg
hiMrfapediy, like anoke ahot with iame. The
hndetMla feU the handi of a noviee, and aU their
manly blaae waa iii—iUBfil Often they flipped out
of thoae mainr omny haadi, and went leaping OT them-
•ehrcs ; the brands went aatray, miming the familiar
hand of their heavenly maater. A* a man beaU a hone
that hwthea the bit,—aome atranger, a novlee mi-
taught, flogging a rcstiYe nag, aa he tries again and
mmdn in vain, and the defiant beaat knowa by imtinct
t£e chai^eliag hand of an anfamlKar drivrr, leaping
madly, reavtag atraighl ioto the akr with hind-hoovca
phmtcd iommrable, Mfting the ibvelrfn «nd pawiqg
oot to the front, raUiw tfie neck till the mane It
shaken abroad awer both shoolden at oooe : ao the


'O^pa piiv ciV *A/N^oif iw^^tUrtM K^8p>f ^A^nff

mil K^wviS^ d^^Moa «^^ ti£onyiA«or *H/n|

oliffg Aa/Wlpi{0fi€r, ovfiK Au roOro fia^iom-

rMmB^ 5ivAoa tf^rrpa ttm aYpoif6§tm¥ ttm *Ep$ltrtaHf.
At H6§uaf, itAwrir^ft , r90¥ wo^ioim Toiri|ci« 330

Zi|t^ iWrcKrWIffMy JL^Mi ¥wr€¥ l^ida^kQ.

Sfrri o« |ii} wort Toior Stv v^oiv, jj^ Aoxvmfji Sft

'Kp|ic^ wv^cOofi /^lOiJ Uwo i|^ r^(r9»

mU ttMfnff imdntm t«^ wilAcr of/i ^o^S^

cUpvttyof ifm^iUmm ttMifAf^XuMt. dXXk rl ^(w; 340

'f iiMM
flT allwlooi.
^ ApoBolMMthe
mir PlMiWM Ca«»|. lMvte« bem to aO
prvlmniiiiT c»i M nmlMwai nrt^Mtiy. For lkslcsr*» os-
{maiiaSI>.^MilrcMfTt ulir lovtd Kad/nlHi «r Ulnot
mm! firilfd htoi vkOr he Urft (he mytb ibrm Um' bMlft

oT 1UM% pom of that tlllr.


I III iVN'vl \ t "^ I : i«i : 1

>«iiii iiii't ii.iihI i>t iii4tt iu life tnC

the ro%ing thundrHM>lt.

. at the very time wlicn CadoMMi paid hb

\ Hmn in hb wandeftap, the ^mfaHiif boD
fitHn hb wltKrr> il^m
• ; but Hem !*«*» ikni
> iiHi, and mud with jrakMsy nbe calird out
u ,. .. .., insrn* Inuffh

»** rii..iU. . -.. ittcUtandbr TourCithrr,oriKNiie

l>lM%iiii.iri in.t\ «.,•« h /nt»atKl put him to mhih* rarth-
%hxik,itii/ ploMtf • I wbh one tnmU r«trli him attd
rtn t.. rh. plow ! Then I coold •h«»ul to my Ion!
*.. U «r two coMb now, CupidV ami th<*
Pastatea, mj
be verfly Ixwd m
• ncl %hrt»hrrtl JOVT pMVnt, OT esttk^
niM ttndrr ihr yoke, the
.... lier mefrt !«?*#» 1
»'*•-•••*" '•*•

.mitKi'* lird in a I

!id m»l %«'«* V"

Ibr i»n»l« r may thinli hr |v

% Kill! 11 • i»In r *
III- ntM\ ^.
pfirr for the
irr raM*ii»«i ktut *»imi « «»• i *lo . Il nfillT

« wrrr vtill alivr, shining all ovrr with *lrrplr^

u daa^lrtrr oC Ihr \riit%r Itiwr Iw acbm. wa* loircd hy


/jru%, who Ivrord hrr intn • hrtf^ to hkic hrr frooi II—^ •

Ihr Ultrr ««i \nr«>% in «ali*h hrr vtth Mt ilWlliBliInt •

wlilcii hr did till llmnr« liUM him. Ilrrmr«. Ihr d«> r r

vaa bom. ftlolr ApoUo** csttlr. and n -tacv with

thr rk!^ rv) hjr gitUm bim thr Ijm- had ju%l •

tirrk //jrwa lo Il0rms0.


W€pM opOfi€V

idrpf^ wp&rQ¥ Avow wtplrpoxpf^, <^ lUirwr U

oAaX/i|r iBXu^
iral inlof x«Afor itffoit, dtrnwrfifa^ S^ OMwn

Ka2 5iWmi oim w^m wrn yovi itimmUm

St fi^ *PpMm wAs wpopkijfUk rrra^Mir

^aU^mu, lowtpm hi 9au!trtpof dtrruya /icUpwr M)
Qfior tfrrAAorra wapdmfrnu nvu

/.<t\- Kpo»«Sv^ oiir '1 <>Aor 5iMiirr^ idioat

^otraXtY iitaariiM W ompf ^vtvto K4&im» Sift

pmkiut¥Ot Tv^An 3v9i|Aa«^Tov A£o Ma(p>i^.

itcu All «ci|i|MUom amfiiLwopot aiyiptnot fldr
/i^( «ol |«nAa «cu €i^€paai¥ orixais clyw¥'
nXifa^ ft* ^JT iraAtt|M«r KoXufifff iAurcuftdf htoft^ 370

• Klif oTCicte!
DIOKYSIACA, I. 54^-571

yes, tlut be mii^t be Herat drover, and drag

• • tame inaoceMible pastvre, and prod hii flanks with
* crook !

So nmcli for Hera, But C'ronkirs put off his


bull-faced Ibnii, and in the shape of a Tovu^r man

ran rooad the innocent grirl. He toachM her limha,
kMMcdfiivt the bodirr about the maid's bosom, pre»ed
as if by chance tlie ftwrlling cirrle of the Arm breast,
kimed the tip of her Up, then silently andkl the holy
girdle of savcddcd f irgtolty , so well guarded, and
Inched the Ihdt of bve hardly ripe.
*** Soon her womb swelled, quick with twin pro-

geny ; and Zevs the htt»band pa«ked over hb bHde

with the divine iiftyili^ in her womb, to Aaterkm,*
OT inen wwKBm oenoe we
ncn muuie*
inklr the bfidifpoom
BslTof Olympos
with %iMr*, he who keeps his dewtoviag beck
•r the Son in the tpringtime, c r oMchiM vpoo hii

«m» across tile path as he rises : iMlf submerged in

le tea. he ihows himself holding mH kk right foot
>wardi Orion, and at cfcnii^ oJehem his pace into
lie eirde and paiscs the Oeriotoer who rises with

him to ffwi his eowee.*

*« So he WM estaMbhed te the heavens.
But Typlmetti was no killer to hoU the gear of
/'US Tor now Zens Cronklcsakmg with Archer Kros
I' rUng pole, and met roving Cadmos amid the
tiM'ijiiiniit^ on Ma wandering search then he devised

with him an Ingtnioas plan, and entwined the deadly

threadi of Mciirs'ft »pindtr Utr Typhon. And G<iat-
herd Pan who went with him gsve Zens Ahnighty
cattle and «hrep and mwik of homed goats. Then he
built a hut with mats of wattled reeds and flxed it on
• ladtalidciowly fma Anilm I74-I7a.

€t§iaat lAififiXoiat nStfor xAcummfc vofi^'-i

ircu hoXiifv iwp%yya 4^pm¥ gOn^ftort Kad^^

" Ka£|M Wvor, ailipi{f • «ai oi3|pa»of cvSioc Ivnu*

5i|Mmic» iral *OAiiy«iroff i^MUivrroi* ii|««W^otf y^

l{oyia4 oiSyAna yaDjpor ^y^ffopot *lairrroIb*

lienor Tif^JWti iroi i^«|U3orro iraA/oo^l

<ic lAiisr ijipiy/i^iar, a§upPUf6if hi Xtyai¥W¥

/Stffo «ioi|«€i^ oi/o viyirrAi «oif«A« tt6oiwv,

ftil ¥€^XffYtphiaif Tu ^ /oy ifx^'^ ojroilow,

tti 900
/W4^ M/KNO mMov Auk. dJJU i WOt^M
§iaf¥d§ifvo¥ QTMpam^i ttal oix^AO^orra KtpoMm^,
u hi A40f A^x^f o^Mi irai *1mix^''^ W^of *lot^,
tnphaXhit wiptyyof oXtfufAm^f a4o fioXiw^
^Ayt Krfor Tn^^KOf . ^xa» 5/ OM dt^M |i^X^W 9M

«u rpUhrl* arr wcllkmnrn lttk» of ZruA.

rvfir prr%tim«Mv va« Saltncinrtt*, Me ViriHU



th4> I he put od Cadmok a UiepherdV dress, lO

that no ooe could know him in diiguts»c, mhcn he had
rUd hit tham hetdunan in Mb inake4>ebcve costume
he cave clever Cadmos the deeeiviitf panspipes, part
&e olot to pihit Tvphaon to hb dtmxK
"^ Now Zeus called the counterfeit herdunan and
the wfqged coolwiiicr of ccneraliom* sad difchwod
thb one eonnoo plan: *^Look ahve. Cadmoa, pipe
away and thrrr Jiall br dtn- weather in heaven
IVl-» -.wi iiK.MpuK b ikomrKrd ! Utr Tvt>h«K*tts ii
a Onlv trie aegia-
AvrtilT wrii|Mm%.
cape 1% irtt mr nut wliat will mv argis «lo ^htiii|f with

Trphon't thnnderbolt ? 1 fear'okl dornrn may laugh

akMid, I am thy ai tlie pcood nedi of my lordly adver-
sary lapetos I 1 fear HeUaa even more, tlut mother
f fomancca-^what if ocie of thai nation rail Tyohoo
4)fd of Rain« or tliKhe%t. and RolinK tn ihr llei|(hta,^
'^-ttifif my name ? liecume a herd»man ft*r *me day-
— tmake a tune no your mindlK-fnolliv -»— •-

pipe«, and %m\r the Shepherd of the (

uit i may ml Iwnr the mibe of I'loud-irath* r« r 1 \ •

tMM-ua, liie tbwndi it of a new ' impiMtor %ru». that

may atophk baltlinir with lightninir^ and volleying
>«ilh thyndcr ho tu ! If thr bknid of Zeu» i* in yott,
•tul the breed of inaeliian lo/ liewitch Typhon *• wita
li\ lK«> wtVfffvicni rrtiiftK- «if viiur irutirful filfM*^ mimI

F.|h|iImm i f Jbre

Avgiofte* AffPtnof


httoo9 hiwX6a hiMtpa' o^ yap fiurijpa t«A^<

Koi wS, TfAfoaiydroco yd^wv wpwr^awopot dpx4»

TViTor, 'Epats, ado r^o, ical oiiir^i «r^o|AOf aAi}n|f
c^ «^^ iff o4o wdt/r^, fiiov 4*Xoriiou wo«^i(r« 400
h fUkofS £Uo r^wvoowt urn, (i)y*«anti OQctfagr*

iffoio pooripmaw dft^ M

x'^ ir^pamot,
wa9^afidrt»p,hm fU>Xt rt^t wvpi, My6int¥w M
air fiiXot dypr^Ut rir oi Mffi^ot K^oUoir* 40ft

OOiffpr wHM WOMN^ wtF^Ot^ 49 b^pitfff1|C l^^4MM0IW*

h^ Spot W3U TiOpot MmtiM f. 6i^ h^ rtbnm^

iUt^iof iyio^ltf)7m» <o»'dUr<iH> iwonfAior ^x^, 410
tcXunf yimm mmtot viri 2^
^opfi og iUt/v H
ffoi ^o^iMT iyyiW iJb|Mbc <^ MfA^*
wdfAWM Tin^aaWfygi SoAMrA^ffov jpiwor iffoimr«
oAoJU]} ^ttoiyia ««^>i|Ai Atvrir UAAmt.
Mtt rfy«c fiAiiNSor 4ci<mV «oSir 6Xk^ 4111

MbpiF fJoatwr USUor ^lAof • Mo#i 5* ifrrpov

Ttftpwooo pvptyyof 4oi%itTo ytiroMi fkOmHj^

IvvipiciMor pM^omar Aoir Si pw ^Y/^ VXM^
K<i8|<oc» ^r« rpofiicur, i^vo purydJU «<tS9rro wdrpfj, 420
oAA^ |Mr h^m6f/^im)is aAiwrffii{orro »oi|oof
m^piooir ^4^$iyyo^n wikutp MXioom Tv^uMiSt,
ffoi SilAor oi yimtotn XtyfSBpoott' itmr^wtp hi


I>I()W'SIACA. I. 595-4«4

^heir tone i hiU she tou Ample recomprnse for


\ ow wnricc, two gifts : 1 will tnake jou uxiour of

world's barmooT, and the huUMuid of the Udy
»oni«. Yoo Alio, haxe, primeval fcwndcr uf
MiurHage« bend yimr bow, and the univene
icer adrift, if all thiqgi eonie firocn fou.
ivndW bepbeid of life, draw one abol
tvr all Udi^ As fteiT cod, arm yomelf
1 jpboo, and bjr jour help
the fioy tbtanderbolts
rtum to mj band. one with
AlMranqttisilirr, strike
vfHir fire, and mar youf rbannrd *hot cateb one
Cronion did not deleat; and maj be bnire
SB from tbr mt nd-bew lttidag tVM of raiJBMWi
a» much bad pswiwi lor E«ffopa*s tmbraw I
as I

^ Witb tbeM words Zens pamcd away In tbe

hape oT tbe bomcd Boll, fiom wbleb tbe Tama
Mottotain takes its name.
*** Bttt
Cadnns toned op tbe decdtftil notca of bis
iiAfinoaiooa feeds, as be loeHned under a neiipuMMffimp
tree la tbe postorW woodland wrarin|( the ;

^'arb of a raal bateMa* be tent tbe

u Tjrpbaoo's ean, pottos bis cbecba to blow tbe soft
breatb. Tbe Giant lored mosir, and when be beoid
it bred

tbb drbiire melodjr. be leapt op siid draned mkmg

bis tlpei l A
feet ; br \rf\ in • rmtr the flamli^
weapoaa of Zeos witb \f<>(fw r Earth to keep tbem,
and fooowed the Bole» ho aefi^hboofli ?

"f the pipaa wbkb debgntnt tos sooL Thofo

M t II bj CadMos ncor tbe boshca, who waa sore aliraki
and hid In a deft of the roek. But the monster
TynboeiM wUb bead high in air saw bim trpng to
^lioe hfaaadf, and beekonrd with toloclcas s^ns, nor
Iki be onderstaad tbe trick hi tbhi bcootlftd mode
rU» u fur t.. f^^cr with the bepbeid, be held out one


vfffrAor ^fi/trdf^ iw^Mtnu ^ p^t^ i Zti^*

mSr S* iXfyttm htm^tttMmt iyJrm terimmr

od vAcJTToi^r ff«Aif|iov( mUd^Aoic ^rotyft^ ikLaow,

dMk mfku^oiUm^ vt^iXat M^Agoi om^vtmv

wvvilfian |i^ Oi^pty^oioay ^^({Cir wpofiktjira wapt%if¥

Mj^ian ^»y | r iVo <

i ^^ol ^ 4mm%
fipi9 utpamol,

orfi Aiof otnfWftmfjfp^ art VjpoMN^ i^PiojK«voaf» 44A

luw^<i>oi» |MTtA yatv #r flMSpa mil o^ mpJoom

9Ttipl(m oiitv ofyoc Mp

fix^ A/yom^^
4 ox«^'HmoOot, St *QA<Wiyr /k 'OAiI^ 4fiO

ir^l ^tmpiimlpfmn otXmo^6po¥ Atya nrmhm'


DIONYSIACA. I. 485^*51

right hand, not teeinf^ tbr net of dcstnictioo, and

with hii oikkUe facr, blood-red and human in shape,
he laoghcd akNid and buist into cmptv boast» :
«» '^Why do jroo fear me, goatherd ? Why do you
cover your eyci with yow hand f A 6ne feat I
•hovld think it to pitnae a mortal man, after Cronion
A tee feat to ranj olT pamipipet ahmg with the
Itghtidiw! What have reeds to do wtth flamii^
•imdeiSolta? Keep yo«r pipe* alone. fiiiceTyphoe«i
|M mtmti another kfaid of organ, the Olyiiipiaii,
by Itself! There sits Zens, without his <
eya ids unrwpbliiMr, noiie of hb n^oal n oise he —
do with yo«r pipce- Let him hare yoor haadftd of
«^ to play. I don't join worthless reeds to other
«ds in a row and wave them about, but I roll up
ckwds opoo doads ialo a hmp. ami discharge a bang
all at ooee with rewhUngs all o^rr tlie slnri
«* ** Let s hare a IHendly match, if you like,
i ume cm. yoo make mnsie and soond your reedy

tune, I will cnuh my thunder}- tune. \ ou puff (Mit

row cheek all swollen with wind, and blow with vour
lips, Iwl Boreas is my blower, and my thunderbolts
boom when his breath 6ofS them. Drover. I will pay
yo« Ibr your pipes lor when I shall hold the tceptie

instead of Zctsi, and drive the hra%rnly thn>nr. yoo

shall ooase with me ; leave the earth arid 1 will bring
Tou to heaven pipe« and all. with your flock too If you
like,yott shall not be parted from yov herd. Illsetlie
yomr goats <»ver the backbone of A^gooeros, ooe of
the same breed ; or near the Chaiioteer, wim pushes
t he shiaiiif Olenian 8be-go«t • fai Oiyinpoa with hli
arrjaw 5' 6fifip<n6KiHO wapa wXar^ «Mra Tmiipm
ri Spoatprjy napd iwaar, Swg {«K«iaAWt W n^

aiBtpiai^ *Epi4oun awaorpdhrrot o^ *o(^*^*

#(cu ^Tvfjs Mfnjf rtXiottf rthoi^, S^pa ttmi mh^
lao4wfis XdfL^i€v 'Ommt wo^ vv^tdm Mm.
<<7ao Kcu aaT€p6€is turA Boutt a¥, Boiitry A ^ 4M
iaao AiMcooi^ •^<Hf *ApicTidof 'A|iiA|r.
oi^Mmbv Ttf^i3»of ^»i2mpr* £^ ««»>W»

ovpavijn MyjAcvvi Tfijr w^piyya vnwilfw.

cZ S/ ooc o^ yXoiNr&inf mmpf , S^^riwo Aim*

ri Xdpw ^ Kv^pciay ij 'Aprtfio^ ^ WfMT *H^i|r' n«

ilLirvpov 'HcAmw rrrpdCwo^ ipita ocvMm*

ci 5< Aiof fro^cK, cur oM^, ^"^^ fr^JU««v,

€VT€ai 97)Xvi ioiha ri fUH flU^^ ^htHfini;

oAAa Iv^viffv dyafidXXMO, fiomfSXi, ^uaf¥,
yvi/jaiov vfivtUifv /u vdo¥ oteff w roQxam *OA^«ov
atdjirrpa Aio; ^/Wbrra iccu aarpoMTorra x^Wm." 4M
* The allnriom are I

CapelU, HMdi, the two Amm and llw fetoTMirirmn

stars betwcm them known as the Maofcr. the aivticM-

niON^'SiM"^ ! af^«ao

wamMmm mwm.^ 11 Mrt row esttk btrt iiti the rmmr

ill ill ij iwrttiiiill"

r*tMllfo wwi mrt A viMljr WM Awn Ik
^f llMWItik Yp« «vdl Ml VMll JTMV kltlr hut.
tvilMd of Mv
bvUlr^ l«t jmv i«k go ittJlitMi «itb
»*• «db«ff«d Khli 1 «1B naiw tUcm MHliier rHb. to

Jitee bcirfdr tW
A«m»* CWb tad ait foml •• ihHr«.
Be • alar foanrlf tal»a4i/«<lrv>«rr. «lirrr ihr Ol«
dHtw li trrfi: mUM m irtavfT fOMi jrowiiif, mtd
arttv iW Brar'« LffSMlMi wwim, Httfff tktfteA
«t •! teMb : Hn» MM
llMlVMl! YMdMrfflMV*
lor y«Hv •»(« I «ill i^taMhii :

•laHll cMr
of br«%rf»« am! Joiiivovr
ittrM |iifir« lo iW lN«tvfilx lUrfk If JWI Im« 1
wi« Kinr 7«« AtlMM fcr JMT
IhAjt bHifo : Iffmido
notfwv fbr ONmyw.* tel« Lmo, or Clhurli. or
iyiktnkk.mKti9mit.mlMmU^wm. CMy don't
Ibt Mjr Hora't bod.
hrvU kei mkm
If yvm iMire a liovvr-
mmtmtrr m trmm, Irl bim
Ubo Hrlk»** icty |bi>r Iffk.KAnd. If )ro« want to
fHoM tbo giMHablB «o|~ s b«4^ « footliMd*
I vfli wibo TO* pvtwni a« tbol too. I
mmfk Mo
•ffwod; oad vllot roi
noow r—o f i i h fltHkoM'tootboCoMMffM
i ?

T>pln iWMi /yooi lii ! thy tbro^bwifl

^OWO^pM Of UtVM|HM Ml MO* DOMffiif Im* MV|NfV ov
ISmm ood bli lobo of Iffbtidim
I am H OI •bfodir III I lilt II 11 it alHvfw !*&. mmI ioalljr (4#7)
^'f •

oAA* ore ^ yii \i»^ iyfi^

nj/iari MoaN5(< ("'ft

KtpoaXirw dy^Xaarof cbnJMTM K 4ii

CiW, ri irct' pdfttas, onur o4o tAtv

mil yutjfi^m ^putnf X^f^ ^^ **

fUXot wkHmrpotm Ti
BtXfo} hMpta mlrra «ra4 omm mu

dnXat^atv hi ^dXayyo, irai cSmMprr*

oAAa dtovi Koi Zajva fiaXut¥ wvpimn i fi$Ai^^ MO

fiovvov ia KXvrdro^m^, Smatf wijH 5c?vm TfttWCi^r

Ui€fH&as firf $cr€iV€ xopm^,

ital «ih«l ^^
OoijSou KWfioy aywrof
VfUrdpoto Myci|ortj Mi
^TAu /*€%>? irXdfwQW 6fi6$pOO¥ iMMWi lioJWg/'

icoi TrAoKOftoug ^Sdnjofv ipnyoiUmu^ hk Kofuiw¥

• Ni
>" 5I9< thbtoiiMtmcirtiQMd by litems)
DIONY<f\r\ I

** llr ^ipokut. Md Aikwlcte" louli outc ul lilt

• «flihif rfHii, Mrtuck bjr lite

** Yo«i Iflu^ Ikr Utile Innr of mt |i^m^. «Im« JTott

hMiil 11 Irl aw. viMt iraslil
: vm do wkm I •tHktf
«i«l • ll;—i of vlrlary «i iM Im of Mvm ftiHnir*.

^l*il PkaibM fHlli Id* lM«<«lf «A mhI bMl

icHMroriKldbMite. I iHl diM liMk Ojimiw.

dM miHHt nif iMiiiid abMi tU Mrtil mmI old
Ml OOfUl mftWItHm^ I WW flMBO MBI MMIOO Ofld Dft^H
Mi ill! 01 fottof ImmIi M|M« IdHMrIf rtiiifid thr •*«•#
rtMd I mtU •!«« ikr ofOiy cif ^y
rmtU^ amI PIUftMi/ Ami ^-
nUff»ri*. .- .<

ftnU But wbrn jroo fltiflu* 2rtt% And lK«* |t«Hl'

yoar iMBHKftNMl* do MOW OWJ toO AfVllCT« lIlAt
•Mo T>plMii Iboilo ol Mi loMo. I ood PMdboi ouiir
kmt9 O lotril^ ood mv wMrli will hrol mhkrh In crie-
Mote fli%lNx T^iMm ! And do not lull I hr a*o*
Htm rimm». tloii iW^ oioir i>r««r iho o oii o t lojr
iNMVfWxdnO* Willi OOf OMUdy Mfis* ibK«'«i PlMtitwitt «w
•^filirfd leod* llbr OMfrn

Hr ioiJ^d ; Oftd Twdhnw^ Uimrti IN* tiAvinng

ryrlmmm ood AModi life Mdi rvofjr lloir boisM :

4 11— ^^ |Ab» tlLmmm^


I'cupa,TO ircp v^ori inwrc Tv^«uii^ wri x4mi-

Kai 5<$atv d^ippootriv <iirarjAiof gMOt voijiifr*
Accu rd fuv dfi^a^daofCM teal i^^ut»m r« X'i'
taaofi^yrjv ^>6pfuyyt icar4Kpv^ ttotkSU v/tm,
M *!*
XeirraXiov ^vtnuAa ii€pumC7% xt(Xtl Wfi««tfr»
OXiPofidvoif SoMurcoaiv CwmXiwrw¥ rirot^ 4x^*

irt ^ay ^g ovptyy%

«ral irA#or otarp€¥ ^«pc* Mi' <^ i^ i^« tt^rrp^ Mi

KOi n^uiy xapUrrof i^ ^fiV^ KfSmXa wooamwm ,

a^yyofUyifv poS^vTog Srvr /ia{oSo 3oic«il«i MO

ovvcW fraimuittfr yllylMdi^«•«r» ^|i^ U liOfM
^cAvcroi oAAoirpooo^Aoi' oyvvr ax^fwror SmwwJ^,
ov 0€ Xin€w idiXti vori nufBiimf it S y^ K^^*^

• A mefnorjr €i Horn. iL liM i md nm^mm ^ idmdm

r«eo« K/M»^. 4»i/Ww r mUi

» Th<> story U ol»cardy told* umA

unbtMj No«
not understand it ; it b clbtUmdj old. Bv Mmwwmmsm
or by a wrllaimcd blow. Typhoo iMid arldcnllv c!Mt tl»

IIm Mb.* Qirirk be

to hb mirr, took «p oad bfongi t o«t the

ai Zem^^ and fpi^^ tlir«i to CmAnm mhy m

tkt |«ot
• irtf^ : tKry hmd fallro on tbr i^fvwnil in tlie
bottlp tHui TrplHMin.
dff«<ilM ilMlMd tknkod Ibr tlie M«
iwinrtal jrA ; lir kuidM Ulr •inrm% cmrrfunr, m
If Ikej wrr to be tlnMf on tbr b«rp, mmI hkl
tkmm to • bolt bi tbo lodu bepi «ifr §m ttm
Gtofil-«bi?rf. Tbm vHb p«rw«l-«p Mpt be Irl oirt A
•oA amI ffrtitle breolb* ibe rmk ami ttrAl-
H^ Ibe noCdft, amI inooitnl a tone nore ibitoly
ibo» ever. Typboiw pHcbed op aO Mi noagr cms
AadiilcMdtotbtMeMhr.oadbaewMlbtos. 1W

orZeiii, oad *^tbM tbe fiile of

TypboQ to Typbofi tHilnir br bl« i4ilo. Bo be eidled

bto« to frrfttr r%rfi morr and a* A boAy yoirtb eo-

AflKMwd Ia oevfinMv br oeil«oio tbffib dt Ise tooe

of A loliltw bii^iwitit—JjMMt aoor ot tbe djtety
of ber fbormimi focr. new ol a ftrojrbv c«H of
ttorb boir, lom Airote At A foAjr bAMl. or notes tbe
iig toeMU fcwcJ by d
f brr bioiblfltfbrfMtBffeMd Ibt
t:^i »^!aM» tbe bote iic«b« m
be dei^ to Wt bk
-yv nm oeer oad over ber body never toliiied. »t^\
»bolr «ool |0 CodaMi far tbr mrlndy In rHArm.

MVHOflOi|f lOAl O^ WAOOk tOWl W9f AAf*^

trtA tiadi Ivy
'f rv
r • l^b wwiy •HI
**o fcolAtilrgr^MrioHy IMfftal. U
' bnltty, A0l ( 'fwli •! all
thrpf mrr in vartoiift

)«rt» a< iIm ««Ha IUm, OMBlIf mvao*. a# • taOlBr Aod hm

. a
f t
w o i uy of toi Ho yAttiof tbA body.

105 ff. NocHio* b fbcMl uT di

MinNMNiikmJ iMmlM. Urtr i|»u— i h Cj iww. la !>•
cwwtriiiHoH Uw Mfcori b«l •• T>«lMi mmImi Ibr 11 ««li

dcMilbm It M bH^if
mr«n« «nythin|r,
the equator, he itm ii lo
«• ««— -w
roafiM tl
.. .».
villi Caali ^•o-.,
,.-.». Mlftor, vMdl
it MOM 90 te. fWift. '
.rrlA^iMi llMr b
danirlltrr nf . SremtU^ l» wWHl
rtiHitfcMi I r BoOlnk. tlic iH^lm«r, oUMivtM
AicloplnrlaA« Uie ucarwaid, b
Vcow, whkh rMnir on ttir
to be undrr Dm- " rtrrlUiir lumlii|rp«Ml " at Ihr aIi;
driw •round the cdm
of tt t Hie »«•*•• Lallft M«fc
the port afoawi vUdi the cheHoli hi • fmed
The heevenlj hodbe aiv mrile cwMWrfy apphen ti m
ridinir or drirhiir. The Bull hHnir nnr of the •%«• of the
Zodiac, if Trphon va» hrtrrfrrtnir «tth M the mui cmUd aol
pais throuKh. and to tlw MMoa
Clele epttaf I
completed. By grasptaf at oaee Awiaa t aprteoni, aM
the latter b **
hcttiM II b Uw lim of the «^
wbtior,— the r.iant NMhee dma
acroM the ihr eMi to Ami
weet,l7».|79. The Rawbthe" wld-«af^**eftbehi«n«i.
not becauir It b anrwhcfe Mar the Ptabw h«l II b bMMM
the ftign from which the artroooarieal veer cpat etit iotially
startK ; lt« firry nri|rhlK»iir U Ihr Sun, vhlch *nf \

In Arirs in Htmnir. 'Yht " Iwnrmlv M-rfw-ttt ihr

con.HtrllatkNi Draco, nrar t
iUuKl4rr b
here the oomtellation Atw .<rnt which b
attackinfr the Bull, i^. the nrnMniaiMin launM <l#f),
it b hanffing from hb horns, has Ha '


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