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OB to goU te aB M boil. 1 v«m

like. Uke all ua^ Imi— ii ihli
nyy weaikmmmmwkk fnr htm, I wiU
pot to fo«r iMMb all aqr mU
aMi lihrcr, 1 will cltlYe
royal robea of llw Tyrian Sea, and ibe botiie of odmy
fatliefs. If pm
Hkc ; aeeqit. If I dare to mj II, my
fmthrr and molbcr too, ampi all inj wi
and ghrc me only lldi mam lor my bodfclbw !
ta<^ Maiden, vliy do yoo inmhh f Yoo wtil
•ad the Moa to IIm nwlM ' ttoMJ aerov tile narrow
vltfc lofohr CadMOB I fHO tfavervr the
ftolte Octtm lift am to wtoter Trrmble ool at llie

wcairyniMlm brtoy tw^" k-.-.*...^'- —-^. will

be kept Mfe on the br of r

Ibe bvtoe* Maidwi, yi»u na^r vaotiKM. *rrtL not

Ibe ItowM of OlyiMni! I dtateo wot tbe iilliiiiii|
KrytbraMi aloM of Ibo ladtoa,* nor tbe allfnidMi
tree aTtbt JlMBwidM, I d«>gbl not to tbe awbar
of tbo Bfttadm^ to wmmk m
one tbaaowir niKbt In
«Mdl Ibli ncmm aba! bob! PMitooe to' bto
von lOiCB yonr nnoaKe itom Area* noni ApwoaraOt
j«iOf pfovldaol bkiIImv bat fonnd yon a roarriai^
well wortby of tbeiis. 1 bave never bebrld %ucb a
nower ; iPfiiM naev onHnna ni vnonm oy natore a
ftft i iMvn aoen bb band, I bave

oi um weoejRim^ inue vw tea

lert iro twtontof • rnddyb nwm
to tbe
-Haoftatf oolonr at tbe endi Into
ofo MyvbHo. I wiQ |MMB tbe bib. or I may
provoke Pbotoi by bkuntoir tbe bne of bb Tbenip>
••— afl

oMW yiiyia*i^ i^fitttw, i^aifrro #wgydy<t i^nfj^.

ycAfa atyi)oa4|<i* to 5^ yr ^^a, ««mI|^ *Efi»ryi»»

«ra4 Xo^rtf iMMrovoir aW ^' .la &^ X*«^i^

hiwvao httXaifjv lu aiWvnor* i{ >i/o» U

Tf ^«i^ immatkrm i4 $ tlim Xftj^ x*^^—


Wpvcur oirpoT^Toim ^U^^MOia^ 4^it0r M

<ia/rt vi^^iWiiott ««2 fir *Ay^iporni «c^«|oim

olirroi^ 4uo0 «ral (^W iitW. rT«.Mf<4o»«A*

irai Xoptruir irrc«orra 4^\ Mdkfctf
0riXvT4pat hvo^panat, ioa§ crortr ^ttfUw w^,
fcai wVwttj rcA^'cTuf {i|A]S|ioMiff* «i «af4 A^i^l

vAayKTooi^r dS&urror. a^^j^. y^»«o lUtyimr

iroiMiS67 irapajoMTir- ^ ^aXaiiifm6k9r cl^r

oAAa wdLW rpo/Um a«, iral €^ mphnm^ IMMo^at,

(Horn. (M. yL !i3l s nfiL IMf

'^imn iffk.« WKeocvcr he owrcd hit ftUl rye* wHli

dr therr v«» tlie full
Ibeart-fUfidciiiqf |rUiior,
mooa alrfiiiw witli »p«rwv i%^< • «<»(« Im* •<M>ok
Irii kair «iio iHirrd hh neck* tlirrr mffprmrrd tbm
mankm tUr 1 wmild sol fpcak of hb Hpt
! : twl
Film Jim dwrlU in life noiUli, tJie fenf of the
ntm^ and pows cniI bonfy-awcd ipccelL Aje, the
races wiiMigi hb whole hody : hamk ami infcm
i %hHnk to j«%v, or I inaj 6im1 fault «ilh the

>< " Arrept aae far yowr yawiwi, iwhappy
If 1 iMMh the hey'a H|{ht hMid
hit md aMw
tMrie I MT
iMi iwfonahii piqrile far mty
ikJBui. I May tec hb neck harr. or a hcm
•i W
HDwriiniily whUe he rit» ; leoAffladl
If he arodd oAhr allp a villhM hand telo the orb of

Um afmi nj hp to de%ht nc irtth

Birt If 1 hold the hoy In my
coahi etlll
1 wiB pmm nrvn to Achctoo the Biver of Fain of my
own Im
wdl, ami with raptmv even amid the omiiy
lematathmi of aP-fciga ttliy Lethe, I will te8 the
dead of bit ISUe« to awaken frfty and mvy aKke in
intifilam rompikmela ; I wdl teach thoae giaee-
liiiiathinf kimea to wnmrn unhappy In love wko died
of that bvely ife. 1 will make the dead Jaakma, If
iiumew" ttiB gtwdfc^ at the Faphten » te Lethe aller

1 timnhle not Defore unlamiMar wander*

noc beMNre
Uaid^Mfted gH
hecome the Uwful mif^ bi
wonid he chamhinneid lo yon hoth*
I «nnotila and httUMnd. —
Bnt affain I Ifrmblr brforf

L 145
/iif iroiV oot &a Ximrpa x«0br mml {fW *fd^. >^

ira/ rtMi fiMsr liiircr (paoooiiiiM w^ otarpm*

XoVMTf , jToi oirovial KopmBmrrihf o Mn JUJm

€/u, fi^

<p€CK ,
on w^vrof
^fpoWig «Mff
vffUim, x* oUyiji Vi^^^w.
Miff oBi
4^An(Of o^

€om>fitu ^firfTTMi y^iMmn fioimoa §%lmv \

• Aphrodite euBTovt of the tcik

f>iiivv.ii4r% IV les-igs

To«r bed tlM>* JOS fate vmUd Ude it, ^ms eroi
HcTA, fniMrM Umn^ tlw is awl qnccn of the
htiffwi, gi «4t*» Zcvt kb baftard viTca on earth.
She waa nmry vHh Empa and tonaentcd the
vaadefiMP lo; the sparea not even goddcaa< « ;
breaiate Mi mother wa* anfry. Arm pmccotrd I^o
wf th child In hrr NrthpafiK«. If jroo are not jealous
to iad Mmr • phi%k' for my desire, give me this
be«ll^llov far one' dawn, jca I hiiiBh von, Ihr the
cowio of 0Ma%hl loo: If yon gwd^o It, hffl
with jroar own hand, that 1 maj know real from
rarrjrl^f thb aKrajrs night and daj, fed on the
of mjr heart, thb nudity hnpUeable fire !

She tald her tay, and with her ghdle drove

heddly HannoQia to her irojrafe, itwif at with «
pi^f and now obedient to darire. She changed
ner hmimIi and wits divided pwpoie wlMad both to
have the rtiiMtm and to Mvo to her own bnd. So
to the bcwt with the fllh^, aha ipoho
Ah nM, who baa ihaMid aqr haait f Save
yon, my eonntry ! Farewell, Fmafiimi and all my
honae ! Farrwrll grottoo of the Cabrlmi and Cory-
baotlan cWi ; or^rr again thall I src thr mrrlUng
of my mother** lleoate wHh thHr torrhca
tothentoht.It. FareweS, maidenhood. I wvd my tweet
^^^"-^^ Artendt, banal hooked, I am to ceom the
vweOofthebtoebHna. Bnt yon win aay, Iha daap
bpllileaa; I core nolhfaf lor the maddened anrgaa
— lel Harmonla and Cadmm drown together, and my
Mither'a tea * may rtcdve nt both. I follow mv boy.
!ifignfMin the gwddamn who have
• • niv mn to tne tannae cHa voyage,"
nedNHiow earrfei
I will wnflatoi how (Mon
Orion toved Dawn, and I will
«rai Kc^oAov «>jy^i«r |i<^ir^^

Aarfjuaf tea troMda ««fi|ya|p^ |«tf £iAi|nf."

aax<TO( 'nup6€VTi hailoiiirfi v^tm tXarpt^p'

teal icc^aAi^ Ktu tn^fiim, ««] *II^MiMigi«r Awiir^i

wdaaig S* dfi^^M^^mn i{y«^{«ro* |nyoyiA>n M

|A^fioM7v dt^^vor rf^ii^iAy ^d{pc Kijyiy

noptfmin^ r iV^tfoMm v^* fdrnt I^M wfrov

^^f» J^awofidrffv, 4Xoytp§ (tfcpg m iaxi(y«o«
Ki^/M& ^€fi4ofi4rfii ^iAoir<prg|ior Sum Mm* tl
Kinr/M, Ktu <ic o«o rtf«

^li^pffff wii¥9t i^iovro tthrpm *E>wrwr-

Eos. the IXiwiHiriMliltM. I0ffd

(ice belcnr, S») and rarHrd Idai of i
nMHbon, who bccamr an •timdoiil on A
a siinUar affair vilh thr Attk* Krm C
* Eadjnnioa of I^tjm» ira» a

raoUltlieaaldiqrCcfilMlM*: if I co to iIm
MflMt. m
yqifert b 8«bM iwM
wiio felt Ibe
MflM far EodyBifcHi vpoii Lstnos* *
"* Smtk vonb the g^ ttttarediB
plitelit mkI ffMiM hpI be raitratoMi« hfit
ravMcdvithtlwitli^ofdeiire. WHh^om of grief

ejrcB*Imt htd and ImmI awl bt ittt and ffiatliion't

ejrca, vlth diaMcfiMi Ites Mkomjk kc vat her
broClMr. A«
cnbrMtd all her iMmdMidi. and
tiaH tllr rotrt of thr lifrtcM ranrcB
Iwr bed aad tile wtdk of hrr
.« LMltiM girl look «p aad klMedtlM

A»l Umi eiacifa took HanMda by tiM ImumI.

ortkofodkMHll '

rikoo. Bafflytelkawmb«tka
Md Irft
ami kom r. kavli^
Irll tkc kooiir. bavkyp aa tkt
.jiMOAa gtft m tmrant to gaide kim ikioiigk tK^ ^••r
Wkas tka Moon aaw tka girl fbOowiiw a
ttramtr alonff tka ikore akova tka tea, aad boilQg
m raproacaad Crprv to

^ ~ 80 vmi makr war rrm apos jraw chlldrrn.

priiI Not nrm tkc fntit of jmtr wamb It »parcd
thr goad of bv« I Dam't jroa pity tka gM joa
Wkat otkcr girl eaa jraa pity ttaBt
Ji$. ITS C
oUrtipits h4pnf¥, &n o^ yiifot 9k w6$m tXttrnt;

*kpiiovvr), Xiir^nmrp^ hfoi^tpt, crcUAiWt Mifni

w/i^^iov 'Ey&tiyAXuiPa, aroi fy^^rm^ Kiil|Aor M^nfr,
tA^i ^pt^«^i>or Ibor, iptitror^tt^ A IMfwR

ikKohot tBmnpoto w^Xlftwo^ ««i0yi«f« Xrfg f

b«M> ;«<(r^*«;^ vAw. ofa M^^kte.


AMf '^Miff vAir •frot 4 mvrOof
via T4K€i¥ vXurrifpa Mm^omlm *A4fMm-

c{;<Ta4 ^ vpvfirffQur iam Ai^MM ffoyiiCMr

• HeretfaeSn. IlvtsHdtet wl»»«lWI«iM«rAm

and AphrodHe and told HcplMlilWi Horn. CML vllL 9fa

owClMfr. P^ilriM • i^&

PlHi«llm • noda j<N^ «tf
SelrnefNiUairtoUuune.* IU raio«ii, i t -Uw Mcatod
tile, l(«w to Mctte ber lukkgiuum Kndj mkm, sad r

trr ftir Jo«r vi^rwil CnlnrT Br rradj to endarv

M Midi Upvble at I have. And wlien yon
wkk lu fi thtuuiUkm Anilrtv,

*>• WIrfle ditwitflMsldi

over tJie Jkirr. Mr rrkoMd iJie back-
of ibo Ibrtlilafiiig aliipt aad tlkMik
o«rt tile tad to tbr nlld «te« bPMse, Md c«id«d llM


iIm tiiJHiwii aft aC MaMaaali^ He rr-
by tba •laarii^ war. b«t be kept tbe g«rl

vben be m«
itianfiw rowli aboaid at^
tbr •9Sikm% wrrf then taUnc In
wllb tbe Cmt. Oik- U
ihr pmmengrf% tccbw (

two, HlflfM bit Tolee vttb adwifatbiii aa be tald

» " Tbai «allor bobi Kb* Lav* bfaaaalf I aad na
vofidrrtbat Afibiaiita af tbe taa bat a wmrimer aoo.
But Kraa cartta bow aad anw
and Mb
a irebraiid«
K. . 4 Itotle one arftb «ii^ oa bba ; aad tbit 1 tea
cbadaa keteb. Perbap tbal It tbe eaaab^ oM
I nirt Afet ilttb^ aatbe poop, and tmnylam Apbrodltc

into Llbaaot,6oai Tbtacr , « bmce be

Br irtadoat, awdier of Love ! SaadiMa
wtfid In a waveitta aaaa over


Aof oj fV 'Apfwvifiw oKronnor ^|ijia rrrmbmmt.

otoTpov tYtJ^v npaviStotn, Aa^ S/ o^ oZ^ ivfffytiv tit

€v$€os dnXayt€aaw ittirptxt ^Mot turoum tf ,

€vBa UavtXXi^vtaai vtunt^ hwfa rtruiimm

dpxttcatcov Aoi>oo?o ^o4afiiO¥ hif^
ci iroTc xaA«r<«9<n vcSoawoi^ooft $MtfMmg tM

h£i^uf¥ M
"Apyof hnufO€, tamo§i4¥Oit woXtfmm
iypa iro&tfr Om
MfiaBpa, w6ptp, (^un^im »

cV /3u^^uir Aav«W dJU)«r ^<W; oMp J W99

'EAAa34 ^aimfryra Ip^poMi 8dpa
iral iroyi /Cttir liO
yAi^ooi^ opywfa rt^w 6pMpoa, mi^ Wof M i^

apfiovirif irroiYfffi6¥ if <((if)« (nf{tfya /AiSfac

Ypanrov amynfjrow nkror ropttfOOTO ^i/ff
irdrpia Btairtalrf^ 5c8cn|^i^i<or 4pyM Tmi|r»

irai,laBtuiV appffjrov d^tAyopuvof y6Xa

yctpo; ovriotfcrndpoio x<>P<^Mcrni Aofd }
cypa^cv dyiru^ mWAa* iral Alyvwriov
Evta ^rrjTTJpoi *Oaipthof ^jma ^liwi' fflO
fAVGTi&os hnnrxw rtXtr^ Modattwro Tix>^»
* For tooie obtcnre resMMi Dmimm and bit daufhttw «•
eoauDonly oonncctcd vtth vatrr. Doe at tbrm.
1 i>j ihimm,
ncBM to be otMimUIt the nymph oi m
* 'A{vy« aod oi^Cm Meni to be a P^rapli
eooMMumt, Ummk which toM mwj^m Md 1

be Joined. • E^Eypttaa


Bmek mmtlie sort ti ti*WB tkt tnveOer taid

\mmtM. lookif^i kccnljr at Hmnmomim cwt of the

"• So Cadnot Jniilmi hh mjrafe to llrQM, witli

tha iMiiiiidi^lce fai to Jad ttJugii^ like • f<My;
•ad tlw iMplrcd nwd of Zcm ever raa tmnrHfig
in kit can and drove Mm
on. Tlicre be vas tn
Ijilli to All Heleiiea, and to make
the >fibtii^tti^ art of Daaaoa* tlie
the vatetbrtafrr : for
tmd did be do Ibr the Aehaiam* If once he had
dnf t&ojpmwd iHth bb br a n pkbasca. and pcekiM
at the loodod boaov of the geylnir earth go nchid
thelhiMtef AnpM? IfheModrwrt thr »ti | |il iy of i

thiir fMl fcr Mi dwijr prafdr. and bruoffht ep a

%fwiei now the deep cnveo-.|he alnu^|[er'a nM
of waters Bm
Codnot broMbl fllb of voira and
thtmifhifaraMHaBM; he fiHUoMd look lo eebo the

•Inooe^vdfTaf coMoelodbennomr. 80 he

of a gmtett nwiet eT umbiM rflener f*^
he bed hemt the acareti of hit fidi 1 a wibMi «rt.

dwelt Mne yewe m
hnndfed -fpited Tbebta.' There he pr wed oot the
nnk of the boljr ooolut Inenanle* onratehed their
•rratchr* artoai wllh bi>lllirtmi k«^' and trarrd
their fnnndfd drrloi. And he thowed Ifanh the
veta of OdHi the vandevrr, the Emfpdtm
DIonfm'« fir llr lenroed the ahrfttly
alfhtJf eelehretfam of

• The wrUnt c#fOTh «fttli«. Mb*

fiMa rtalM to Ml.
* oSJjBMij ummtM^l^mmti
9mf la Hcwnlrtia thaaib
Koi tcftu6ifi lAorm viivov aW«Att/t 9m£hi 4^

Kol hp6uo¥ *HcAtfHo |iaa& irol

vcifw iwTTpo^ciAiyyor d^Aoira Si
J^oi ^por

U^ «d^c.Un
aorara icvVAa r^ifOf woAifiHtfvfoiO £€Ai(M|f

irorpo; iboffAArTOtfoa w^ ^ lf «A

gjuumfiOiis Mrmow ^irw'tjw ' Mb

AfA^^ tloiyi^nMo it4a6fi4a^ ^EfoMi

kvkX6$€v auToPcviT09 i94ow%at iroiAA ^^ hn ^ *

fuurrcuci; ru^ raii|por, &^ o^ ^0/i| t/m yiMm(|^»

Aaavpirjv dirocurc, rt^ S* i}yifro|pa ««MiV%

* He made the nui

them i the ancient* had
DIOSYSiA- . . v. Wt%-Wf

\^liik; A bojr te Um tmsle fbO of

he hud cone to kaam the leMripl hi ni canrcd
•ftiitedeep Mp tW wdL Witli imcIi petwirring
thoiglM ke hed iiwud
tbr i«nlii|r aidi of tlie
iQMyBcreble ftiv^. and lr«mt the %un% oHtrM* end
tW iteMire ai Ote rertli« tumlfig the inlmrlaed
«MCfi of hit iriMe ImmL* He endewtood the
S«ii« dmite ef tile MM
ee tlM eesMHi beck end

blidilM liiiii. !
TTi-lf firnin -f Mfrr
U hRHMll tovHhottt e MtlMv. ei Urn
ihr fetbrf'» leJfbifeHf ifv e%rr Uirhlrd aipan
Qekklj br ^« ^ r Ihc

dtke, ead left hii ie«fefitv ll«r-

u he eoBvejrrd e ftitane of icewemKnt^
tni«rUrf% b)r kad, In
end leden «Mon», on tlic «rev to tbe oreciuer
ewtneiki lien he rendMF^ DrbhI. end ethcd en
orerlr IWnb the nddnlniili atlr ^ of never-eOent
Pphoi end the PytldMi e%lc •prekNr o' MmcH
ettcced orecke ef mmc,* rp«o«fiAfiir eliool in hoQov
lOtM? !

** " C^ednMAt In veinjron travel ronnd and foond

ottlivendefflivelepe. Yon aeck e bnO «hk*h no cow
evcreehedi von anek n bnD whldino mortal kno«n
hoerloind. Benonnee Aai^fle* end tnhe en certlUjr
cm tognide jronr ndHion; linrrh nol far e boll of
* fkMOwd lo W ili» rreirel petal of ibr Mfili.
« Ifoely th« pHwtoM upekm enhrtiflliMt veodik «H»rh
th> pHert hHiniiiiiil.
nfii4^ E^m a fiomMat otto

mMm i»a9ifm^ ^Efrnm mi p^ M^tfvp nnukn.

vfiroi*of <tg<ub>To, iro4 d|i^i|€Wl pt^f^

«(m Mr- ml K^MT Vfr*» « > .*<;* "^

uPmptf OMAtyttTOtO fUMf ppUntftNKKn^ X'HV
^ioiUwm {a6iUTpo¥ ^gon^cmrro woptbf^

IMVpoiUmfi Sfnjuraav avoyttahp *j

haxpwn fUfnfXoUn \iw6Bpoof
rcdpoof iar€
lortwtv *Hj(w,


Otpapoi. KmmptkM liiidifini— widpwper Ibmhw^ how

ceilrfve; Jie ftf qw-Bti w» |MWlit» ao iriinw, t>bry^
no fottd* b c fikf^d bj
i m vlrip. He kaowi bow to
bov Ibe iktoty bwM» vi CypcK not tbe plow*
r^kthmd; bettndnibiiMcklbrUvealoM.aMiiioC
vOf DCIMltaV* Fl^ let pMB yOMT fC|ffVt PV 9W TyflMI
tW MM flT EtorptlMi TiMbM ywr boMe, te Um
vbite tbe evw of finHuiir %KAn «Ink and ml
t» bcsvybace loot.**
*" So ipcttU^f be bUlrti •••-^ i.ii^-** •^ild «*4f<^
tbeHdff of Fiw—iiwqMbgJ^iHieathrY b
tll thrr Krarti
Krartl '

ooiM^r tbiir Mtebbow RMiboi

tbt tiylt bg mm oow, —d iMt ber Ae

iwtb m
walked. Ilk awn ialbmed* owl iMKle ifMiHiiif parr.
rt^umi to tbc tlo«Mibeylfi|r ^*"^ "^ tbe iiei ring cow.

»rdtdo«itamnt». Onth- «dnotCipMfto»

tbe rood a MCPod bIwo oiiMirvMw : tbo pbM wb««
tbo fytbtea bod MliMd oa o bM tbo biii^; !
tbt drafotia baek. and put to •Icrp the
deadljr poiioa of tbe Clrrliaiaii * M*rprnl. 11>rii
ibevM left tbe bcodi of ParnoM* aad trod ibr
od of Daaiit wbeare ceairi tbe talc
I hrar of tlie daadi aMHdiaai PbiVaarh and hrr
taikJMilrMi.wboi Tcfvai deilcd, vbeo Hefa.qaceo
*w vaaioeiif tavaao wtf aaea oa tae vaodiait aaMN^ff
tbt Bwaataiaii with no weddb^ daacea ; bow tbe jiri
laoamcd over thr undrrfccd pallet of a bHdebed oa
thr Hirii ; bo» tbe iriH taafae-obom bo-
waiMtbii IB rape : aad bow mkelcM Echo
Ijumdr Aw " tkifiiirr c

mtp$€mieip^ 4vy6S€fif^ OvpofUt^ ^O^^t^V*
^rtn^ 4ounff€vn fi</iiy/i^ww ofyuKTOt iX^^
yAi^oi^ o^irofAOiO aw^pXmv oJJ^a ttoptlw^' »0
iroiTiTvov irdAir tttir. &mji ^poovf vttr 'Apo^pi|f
oAaca KoXJUvh^ SMMrrf^XMy HoiwHIof

Kai iroSo^ ixMK ^^7ir« TaMi)^pii^ ir«»«^)M.

^K b€ Kopoii^iV 'AJUVm"" <>A<v iIim^Smt m
'Aoi^ii;; oX<^

iroAf|a /kAMcr4|iM»r rt
^^^^ BoMirrar ^Mmt,

£icopfrio9, otrropyfMO fia9i^6o9 loMfl^^r,

dxpordrriv cri W{ar ^bfUOTf (Wm x*rtiirof

Topaa x<^C^^^ Tvxwr ^xo^^^crro tUrrp^$,

KOi yaii}; ^W/Si^ Xnipuwwfl^r, Ma mmifff
apyv^v rcfinouoa /Mf AcwmiImtd X'vM* *^

Kol /Soo; o/i^i{cooo x^'f'*^'*^^^^ liUUof XT^4

• Pandton. kinKor.\thm*. hadlvoi

Phifemela. Trrru%. k infr of iHr THtmIi
Dttulls nuirrkBd Procmr. and aArr a wliUc kmI a
Athens to «ay ihe wa* drad and to tnvttr ItittoflMli lp «MM
On hrr anrivai he raped her. mmI Hmm Oil Mil Imt
to him.
tonmie and
^;.»... i^Mt
itiipriaoocd her, to
pmrrtA W coaptlWHto
loMd ProcBta wovMicliai^

tt torr einhffoiiknd on it PMcw IHrhad h«

t killed Tems*a and PMCM*s to* Ity*. aad m
him up to hU
father at dinner. Ob dlWlMllhli iMa, T(
pursurd lioth woiiwn tu kill then ; the goda
D1C>KYS1ACA« n\ S»-S%B

«i llie blood of Iwr
iLd Iw^

Hm tow too tlie nij oi i itjcw, whcwe %tuk% tMml

tW frlHMiy
*«crrd robe of iJelo sad
.» Mr«nolbolilcpo«ToiM«rni
C'oroMlo to tbo oDil <if
lUlofftgo,bo CMO iiror to tbe c«^ of
Pktoloi tolUd«Mni«tofO,MHlAoidoo«lbe
nwit, Tbb li tW plMv vbcrr OHoo Mbr loToM
MMi of Rartb vm bm ngbt low, tfrml *• br was, bjr
tlW wbo CMMo to brip ibr bofd-bo tod f
be «M to tbo art oTimi^ tbt
ei%o of tbo iMleor Ibo WMtodjAkoi,
CTOWltoff MOW CMBO UHlt MVtbT bflffW* Ml Mi od"
%rrMirr'« brri and ple trtd it villi frrrtirif •linfT*
^ Ur
tr««rf%rd ibr Ufid oT Cbotomcto, wbcft
thr nuv*
hniif «m
wbltrtird to CStllM tbc ittvofy
dii«t« oad IbUowtM tbo Monjr vtodb^jfctoraHi of thr
mrby p^b It book dT tbo vbhe dirt hmm Ho duuy
*** Thrti ibr cwarolor boof of tbr ram |r«

•hoM two wiliMinl K oo4 Ity^ to mmm kkt

to tor way tort arbr
lo liaatliyt Kaftb mak a
arttbtortHw. Ftoalljrtob

currccK iaoofnivoto wpodyytXat. iXX* &f9 K flj^iy

cLyw^ vSfti^' o^ vw yip iv olm^r mout iXumU

Kai iro&if ion^pt(€ hfrntrnfTofUff^ Wi^ A^pwj*

or^ 5^ ra^i^» M
Jbf^ ^ovk iMtOcT SMfi^

ri¥ fihf Cm6 ot^pmun htutw¥ x^^^voSoi yv»-''-- ito

TOy Of OO^OUn^Kfl TiryuM^ mJfiptt^tV QOOttTt,

a^o/ian;, irAa^apoSo KuXitaBtlon ir«yi pDi


iaxrrof. lop^ hi fiaJ^ t^A^^ Upof,

oAAow Topo^ 'jMoH^' yy<wp4pwo» U yumfy

ujo^vri^ xXoao¥n hu^f6jfiti hdfiat iff

aXXov ^vaioofyrof vwo nXtfy^ ytmiom IM
aaraBw ^iriviyyt^ tKvuaiMotrro aro^y^wpv

yLvhaXiat ^ivicrfjpiKaraaavros ipptfv tx^l^p. MS

Kox TOXV9 a^i^UXucToq itrX mrrnijfow Mpmm^ JM
Kd3/xov airtikfjrffpi hpdxtov i^waaro htaii^,
rid ill* mtam w iMT rnmud fMffitiHiag
mmmm tae
tile dty
cftty to ti

MloTtlMr ^t
^^ W^A ^blfl^^A. CA^^^MM ^B^^^ikft ft^H* ^MWtfft

• M ti wftk^ water, tlMt Im nlgitt

OMWteffHff kMHal MM DOW thO pW
dMmr lis

flic MKriirv ; far M

yH tlMto were so

• He MAjcd Mi fcoi orMOc rtragimliii i


IfdwtMipHi^wltllMMnrcaQ. TbetcnMatMmd
«r8jr tllo frmt cwB|«*fi y iKh» f<»lk>«i rd I Mlmm. Wtt^f
n« wiitfr tW dirst »itli him fUUm^ i^^^* rriMii^f
lotlMr wink m t/U9km oT bloodv toolli. tc«ffii«
r vImi lie

oT tiMdMk Imia dora M o«« Ut

AaotHv Im wcmnd Imifk^ aim* tW auui't
rmn op MOtlMf '• cte Irmlrtlblr to •ttike lili'cjo
witb fiidww ikiiith^ a»w, oad dffcrtird Iho iforliliiy
irlrafn «*f the rlodnf ofK One hr rAUffhl bjf tile iMt
^nd hrld It in hb )o«i»« tcwiof It tiitli bk ldte>-«|Mit
It irrata tamm flroM Ms IfotK ami file Ud t body,

mnn tbe nifviiUi palKm nooe tbe tKidjr Mrld IPi' ttrel*
Anotbrr |N»ntrd ander tbe ttfoboi of tbr jaw«, and
'«* iiiiBitiieiiii of tbe bnlB tiJttawd
tbnbbii^ ost
the bead ol tbe patmmmm bite, wbflo a lirfiB of
• Tben qofebbr tbr dreg— corled io«i
p Mi lr|pfct end boood min in
• A ilfvofli Ofor IVbM.
t II 161

ravp€ir)^ irtpUvtfXoy it ^Mi^tMm lAro /fet^*

ofSiov tarrfwra icatVoiraovy €iC v^Sor IXtnm^

KOi ord/ia mtcpo¥ £Wf
• 6Mn|A«y^o( 5^ JKOi^tfrrof

^ii'toff OMI0^^ whJUmt iV

*' «y" Aoifi^.

u^ircm mAucto |Uoof ir«|pTMiyM»or ^^X^* SK

*AAA ort KiSyioc lR«|«iPf»

ioaofUtnff hovdmfoa w^prfvyjor flMhi w^nff M

ropy«/o» irofi^oMyav /m^>4**^ «i^ »'y>
KOi oi arv{o|i#in^ AcMMPOOOC MX*

ooi iruTviAcx Tii^cSmi Mknmf^nit Kp€t4tm

UaXXas cirorpuwi af , irai oj ^or% «a^ ^^^P*^

oAAa, tcara^Bni^vfMO Xafiim haowkSlfn€ Mrrof 40Q

r^ycWail' 5< ^oAayyoc M pimmooi^

trri^c Aincui" {(uoiTay*
ortaoTwv dvAcuWo^irof <U«arax^otTO ytvUh^P «»

• The Thawn arfatocracj were calkd SmHoI Amb

fii«*VV*iI AT % TV ^^ ut7

\ inrn rmt««nK ni% wmwaj m|[n «aave him witll

f Iwcli of te IWb. <laitcd at the nmnd
oT ilie n%|ii4» MM. IW
auw vlUi bfa
by thoir i awtiiif H^gi vw exlMiMitcd
IW kmwt mrlM of tJie Mw
tiallinir »n«kr «
hofffble bwAcm
uprifHil* *>itil iW
! M llir vrraiM bevrr %till

dfngwl lilm to ibr jf^towiil


ami ciprnrd bit rr«r| MMUb-Che OMMwIrr |r«p^.

afid thr btiindT pnrtal of ki» ni«*mvraiii|f lhr%M(
rawmd wtilr : W torMllrii iMd
mMHBI^ hooa rvr%r<| Mi Mcfc I
bM ovvrlhr mkldk of Mi cdIK
rbrti C 'mMmBWtm nemrir ribAiMcd, AlbrtMi
\ tboliiwir iW arir^-rofir villi tbo Gor-
k^.^ .^ .n«|^ bolr. Ike fanMoa of eoMlmf fle-
tluB witiitui d»Hy 9Md 9km4 to
llK' ctaitintavnoni SMMH*
** **Codbwit tihiwHi Md alljr of tern OUm-
*bnrcr to tbr biitb* Arr ' YtNi ftlr»ld whm joa Mt
•Jjr «» ftAAkr ' In tbiMr' b«itlr« 1 roidon trwUd
III fwi« «hI bfonflil bm
Tjrplmi ««lli all iImI
./lir«d%, aadevenr 009 SMMkr* Trraiblr no

Afto ftltol] .^'v ^.r bh rrptilr

i wdtWNW
IHrrr. Bat wbc-ii he
H k0Wtl. lakr ibr rrpalurr't bufHbig Ifetb, Mnr
tbr irfooml all alMOt «itb tbr tmakf «or«, reap the
ttooioi bMylof wwtorgi>1i,|Ai^ bottoibmi

Iratr cmly itv iNtoir trt tbocfopof tbr Sof«n*»pf«Mit


ap to ickiHoMi IhiiiAirr fur Tbdbei Utoi tboU be."

«• WHb tbc»r fvonii AtlMM eneowsnod tlie dk-
mcnfitrd (*«difim. Ami tbm *hr c^H tbr arrjr doepi
with wifMhviA fimt, until %h«' rntf-rrd thr boOM of


fidpfiapoy tvpiMtitas iihfmtm oi| w di^ o^pii f

mm^p^ M 410
loraro Kov^^tim tfpavoim pikot,
oKpa hpoMovrtuHo irafnfaTOf iBXaat Wmi*

^^a5a KvicXoy cAioac iroAiXAirror dEvmrof o3v^. 4ia

Kol hair^hw rcTamoTO Sp^iccvr WWvv.

BoOpos 'Apnrf^ papv^i^vt^ opdrnpayt' x tMO^hnm M

(ctvov 4f;(ctv uf6aX^ hptutmmtUno wpoawwmt, 49^

dXXa ra fUir w4wputro firr^ xpifoor. aiM^ 6 fUwo ^

SrifKUMpy y€¥6w fXaavftinf Biaar Mo yftyi M

irai crrdvv; <wroAA w roi iimiimn FiWiTiar*


ciii" o /ici' iffucafnfm$ amhpn^u» OMpa rtrmumm

arrfitoi tvVwpriicof, 6 hi mpoBopitm KOffifrm
^oucrov avoiyofA^vfff vwtp4a)ftB€¥ cS«ior ij^ojpur iJi>
aXAo9 <mii npowcvtfKv it o^iiaXS^, 6f 5*
i^fUTcAi7^ dWrcAAc nthoTpt^ imkem JUiptm^
y«% M
aXXos v7r€ptnmrovra Xo^ioif mo^K^m rwrmbmm
ov irw artpvov €^€uvt, kqX Mioin fiifrpif i»4fmtm
€K Xayoviov urard fiai0¥ arappdi fidftmro Kmogiitp 4M
rcvycaiv avTo^uTOii fctKopvifUvof' d ftdya 6b%a,


Zcw. fi«t CMimas whm Im stMid on the dry outh

a vdl-flwided twMifciijftoiic of Um braad
f«f»-lml.«nKlnraMbl aad wiUi •
of Um tloM —MhH tW too «r Uie drafoci> bejid
then dniwiM a whettrd knlfr ftom hb thhrfi he cut
thmghthemonrtrr't Iliehood
the boihr Imy apart, U.. ....r uil ttil aovcd* mllinit
la the dwl antil it had aMonad i^ite U* teiilUr
Hqgk Theta Uy tha dwfaa rtwtchiid aa the
avoaadf oead* aad avair Uia aovBsa AviaaB Aias
hi heavy aagcr. Bf hii
Ila chac^ III Ihiiht fer a ofiw shape, and
to hava a ettanae aipai
the eodi of thelnjriMa
Bat that wa» fiiihihiiil Ibr latm after. Nav he
ipithefed thenait at death intide a hehaet af heofm*,
thegvhahanreslaf thrcTr«iitrr'«j««m. Then he drrw
apoi the IhhI the haayid plaar of Patl«» ftan har
haljr alMa hi thaM partm and phpved • biu k hwad
Ihffofv hi tha hiffhl aarth, and toaad laM Inat
71the paiMn-oMlh^ taalh. There irfev oat the self-
drlitrrrd crop of giants : ane thot ap vith brad
h.<.K .K^)^||,|^ tli^ l0p 1/ n BuUlrMlrd breast oor

>n|( head »t rr tchcd • horrid iJiauldcT otcr

the opcninv earth ; analhcr hcnt fcneard above

--»^^-« *
*^ V'lJl
ann nneoI a iviwn
Mneai • .

a iilin planM haKta hhn and

«hr>«cd nal yet hIi dMrt ; arldk •till
%k9wiy ham hii aathar't ianhs he Uiowad
«lpamt fraHrM Ciihnin, dad hi the anaoar he wm

(Lm^ Bw ior ever m powmn of tba

anrXunv EiXiiBvia, rw ad fuutiomto |tiHlp*
KOI rif oKiyifOPnfo' 6ficyrtor fyjfof ^iavmm

a#cpa no&IW ar^vra w««1fyl>^ » li^oifan. ^

dAAa naAi|4^oir iraAd[fii|r V^|0« PtyiCrrMr*

ooT^a Aa y t}*yrof <b4y»w» ib4f^«dpof '


yaaripot ^XP^ ^aWrra* iraf olJ^iiTor oAwiy^rraw

4oi^os ^CL yvia, waptora^Uinit S«'

oAAou §Aap¥a$Upoto wop* l^xfttf 4opi ryi ^t

Koi ^avo9 iawmn Ivtrw* hmt(/o§iSmm^ hi VvydiFfu m
Xoiytof aniaXhfi artanfiricf aiXif ^^p^^
aofn $€ivofJvtu¥. 6 hi UaJMhtu ^i^oit fio^ U$
rrjytv^uty rwa w4rpoit 4 mjitiff9iO€ «a^ifN«iM
oi 5^ Sa^ouo^cvrt wMp |A«Morrfff *Eaiwfc

aAAa> 5* aAAo9 tfpi{cK* ipf^SUuitni hk

OTucra hiaivofidyri^ iiuXaimrro vwra fiothft
Fi/ycWo; frro/Wi'oio* Ka rmthahi^ hi §mxoiftlf
yvunxH^ovw yXut)fin SotCcro Kafm6f dfwipitff.
* Because he and thr »prftr vcfv Iwni
* Like cogMtc »hirid and bratlMr

niONYSlACA. IV. 497-463

bom in. OwlMlamrtBrirwle! EUrithyU

hiai wImb tmaHher ktd not \ri %pmmned ! And
there WW
oae vIm» rwt hk bnnW^pcar/ AnUittaf
•nd hiUf tWble: one wiw IMmIj drew tlw winle
'iodhr Mo tlir U^t. but Irft Idi tow
Miihig to tlir cnHind.
for aU that dkl not iiM>ti» AtilMMi't
lie rrapcd the Mttbble oictoMiivitoff'

Hfpttwi— w. Om tor itmck villi

v«r tito to^Mtt tot OM OB tiM tovMMl neck bjr tiM
bocwi c/ tbr liAinr throat :
•Oartoiae tbcarftiHr tto?
nolhcr he lof« with hartto^ ftoor while he »hiiwcd
•ularwthebdlx. ThebkiodortheafcadlUffayrts
iowed to Hvcn ; Aff«s ftton to the ilatofaw hit me
with art— nn, amI VleCory • robe wm
with Pvpto drop* whilr mhr «taod hg iddi thr battle.
.VaoCher ho'wed igto. atid C iitoini fan hk ftword
throigh hb eti|riiat« fhtokl of oxhide. Into the hip-
"4alaiido«tat lhe«Mloff*^l*»^. The»Uu»hirr
tajred not : aa the giaals «* MidHtoi'
the cwofd* a deadhr ipoiit ol ifwxiT drw toibW^ up.
«• Hm b^ th; w1i« coMMi ^
PkiM toi Mtod
a Mocie hl|rh above the ftonia' heads : and tlwjr
drvokeo with |tofT toil tor Emph ««il «iki wtth
waritos tonr aid telMfvd sMh olhtr wUh Ihe atotl
thdr mrnhk^ aad towid hvtol to tha dMi. One
fooffht «ith another with ruddy fcore thr kurfarr

tif thr •hicld wa» drmrhrd and tfiottrd and dariirned,

«% a KUtit died : thr crop of that 6rkl wa» fthofii by

the btother'm ardering blade of an rarthfroww kntfa.'
• Far Ito aMitol of thii iniji, am AHI-


AcA^ /SoukUp€va€ ^c^^irwi^ fittyA^.


floAAafii KoAor «yaA|ia. mmygKOfUiY

odAoxvroif ^ 3^ viiyia^
' Mr m^
y«mM |ci|p^
^aayavw *AoavfitMO W9f^9pom €K rt lii flwif

ao^ irann^ft* BfOicAiJyMVor M «<ftt6|r

avx^i^ovs Si r^^opraf dwiyAoA t OWur in

dfuf>ir6fua povnXwy%, aol ml§iaXim fioit 6Xtt ^
Xauvo9 'Oy«(a«y ifivBalvrro fiti^ *A9i^, IS
Kal po€ov K€p6€VTOf dpaoooftdvoio iitfTarPOV
nprjvris fioaxo^ €mnrt' Sal{bfi^^ hi m^p$^

Kai Porrjy rpijj^ccoy ryvfUfwoatrro KoXumrpfqif

^ The MM. read r«n^pjhtiM> cdi
raAatip6xiMo, ray%mpalpo»o. ilie BleOl
poet meant hom».
Look Into tht Biih nrit, aad jmi will tee AeUioo
«!»• wham no prkksl titoVfhi feftli, torn
by dofi m
« fodnf fiivii.

\* *aan m Ciijimm ImmI muwd Um tMiky crop of

, and ilMni the
aad ttabUr of the
tiM ttsbblr i

giiN, p i wlM iIm liloBdMwiiim to Arai •• tlie

«ntikiir IbMt of lionrcrtihiginar, Im» iI il Mi

t>n(tr te dw^iuabri-wiiiiir Ukf», oad rrtJMil Ute

him cow oa the |{adballt aIiat m
a fair oitfiim
PoIIm. Ab Ihr ir»t Htr in ihr %meHlkr, hr
Urd the tfro barm ofi botb ftklr* with b«rU %
^TAifM :be drvw o«t and bwvd tbe faldiloii knife
» hkb hiifw at bli tbM
aloMildt bj an Amftaattrap,
and cni tfea lop bain oT Iba ba^lwiid baad wA
tba bUlad bjadn TbaadraMMaMapad Iba baiinr's
born and draw baak tlM llMoal« IVpartaa aal Ibimifb
ibr «inawi of Iba ncak nftb a itwibb' adgad air :
ihr %ioor mliar of Atbcna Oncn« was taddanad y^^U
tbe niaar of tbr crratttrr't blood. Tban tba cvm %
bonwd front ««« •irurk. and prona tbe araalafa frll.
Tbay brittlrd her «itb tbe •trrl. tbajr ant tbrongb
tba ridai and ranrd ber up %Hth tba knife* tbey
ttflpt tba bard aonarlug of bida and ttfvtebed It 'ut
€Wa5*V o hi ^oi^ M x#«4 4^ipaf iXlfm »
co/ici SiaT/iiffay tVoAJfoTQ ^vyi SnjW ^

<nrAayxm oi^/hmhoi irc«avi|AA« |«A«)pa f

cipvow, aimjoaf <k«oA^ «i|^- |MP0OMy4

&uTp(k, ifnamn4povf 4/kMf {fiormt itf(pac.

«ra4 tfvo«(( iXiXum hi* ijdpof 6rit6i i^^

*Amwpins Ai^d(MNo. T«AfM|iin|f S^ An|Mf 3o
Sciirvor lip, inU lUS^iAf AiSir MM^iir Marw
MKpilkivTfq Op/yOM' M9D€^C€a ^MHptUP ihrn^i
&uTvyi^Mtfr M ^dUttyytf ^* tMmXoto rprnmn^^

riXot iwXrro KJMa^. U

aXXa fu6^ ifunjvrrjpa, |mt* iyp^ ^*^ Ptyttrni^,

pofifiapw dfUMKiM^ m^x^ 'A^of , dyy ^^foic U

IXP<M Tc/ifAurcooi* ira^ooa|A^wy S^ ^XV^
mHKiXiK iofiof htoM wtpm nimm hnttiiSfm^. 40
#cai hihviuu^ arpem%aw *E^ filiwftiflufy *Bni^
^vXoniv athivovaa- awtp^o^Uvrntt hi levhot^t^
r6(ov €icvkXwBvi, hopv woAArro, otUro w^kaf^
Kol p^ ippolirta€P. iw' 6ii4aX6€rrt
PaXXofX€Vf) fivXottrn Xil^ Qfiapdyfitn
U M^
/fec^f. 4B
Kai Krap.€v%M>v pc'cv oX^ia- imXin h* M ^opfidlhi yoifl
i^fiiBayrfs npoKcifnjvo^ dvijp KticvXurro KO¥^»
Kol orparo^ dtmpiuw uetrrft ixXiittro K^iy

* Tbe pfteee Mwintf was bmr, after foldinit

IriiMflM oMuitlr And Urii^ It on iW gRMind. lie
ctit <Nit raw «lirr% «if •*»- -»""fl3r tlilgli», rliopt thrm
MiuUI mnA •rt thrm I- wt> Ujrrrft of fat : he

p ie f cr d Uk loqg tripi> «nii in»n tii^N and %trrtrhrd

them pvcr tba iiibii , irrillitiK thrm «iith KrntU-
nvat • tacB be Miia|{|lit iJicMt pfccnsed on tna poiiitcd
and iftlnii llie cluwliy ifNia one bv nnat
Uid thrm In a row en At grmm aodd tbe iowen
%tnBard of a ktm\r i^ht** • Tbe framnt tnobe of
AMTfUn taieeme I ««Hiiur tbfong b the air.
Tbr MMTlftrr mdr^t. tiM-r«- vaa a mat : and Cadmoa
toob and hrld o«at ami •erred to rarb an e«|ttal
•fcbokelboit Tbe fova of b«M|nHrf« at tbe

^ Hm d^arm'a drirtb Ma not tbe e«l of Ibe

Utio«r% of C^Amm Imt after tbe Scrpeat.aMl after

\w of iriaou. br ^mirbt tbr cbaM|dom

.^ -.wi tk, ^nfiUn proplr. rra|iln|t a
and fr 11 on thr nrlj{h-

«hcn be called lor loliti

hboM* cMM to bla belp. l

/oinrd Knyo and bmngbt fortb

in battlr tiowi vete bent«
%(irar» hafticd. i»riiHi taaboob. thfU whiutrd. o%bidr%
ratilrtl %tni<L ..ffi tbe bowr round with chunka like
milk* ^knd of thr fallm ran in atfoma ;
man^ « man ir^n l»radkmfr luilf-drad on tbr fruHfbl
aitb, and mllrd In thr du*!. Tben thr armv nf

Afl tbii lia

Aim> 5* aym¥.

ainm^wTOiO #f«MAia vnymt

K((S|u>f 84^
noAXal a* Mb
Mi2 Ma
fitmlofdmm mm
aSKoLKts irpLifrroino, voAvoxMir M mA ihm

iroAAal 3* orrtv^^ Miuitif rcr^iryt ffM|i^

iroi inUftc *Aoi^ Tm^ wourMfTO t/yvm

X<UW^- iml iwojwwmi^

€ir )3oo9 oytafiyuiHO ^MMttyior, ^rri «al

ravpo^vfis fC€p6€aaa po&p iXirntpa £<Ai{n|

Scvrcpoi' 'Kp^dun% htavy^^ yviVoM M^iiiir

'HXtKTprjv ^ai^ovns #vwniyi0r» ^m ^tuf4pnH

• A moanUia la Boeolfa.
» UMdlooiel7iirlittfDlMrai«rtlM;
• A rare cxpbuMlioB of THIoaii. fomd abo te Ti
f>iovvci %«^ V. 1^76
tilt eooiiirt rr*M>«]. Aiirr tbm bkaodr whirl of
battte CmAmm h^ dtttfon of Tbrbcs
tlw ftiMifatlnn Tlidbrs jet

« lU dMacd the ipiWi, aimI aHMy Ibmrars

<wl titfi way mmI
ilwii, tlM bidi «r
rvMMli wcfv Oil by tlie rfntp Imiitiif li Iran id thm aw
plow ; tmamf alRc^ wcvt t i mm
a t at Hgclit aii|r)r«

to Um Imv uwioiii^ wtodi to takr thHr Jura of tlie

tbr Aofliaa city «a«
ofTrrUfi art all mrtr

ratttnir amirr tbr

Willi 9mnktk m %itm p^
thr %anr|ratod
wiMdb Ibo bdb iM«r tbr ibirb fufr^t of
r 11 Bi* braoiHH fortb. «birb lloMmi crrw mm!

ttbaboo braofbi lo Mrtk He campkHtd Umpln
r tbr irodi atMl bo oi ii fo tbe DMiplr. pliaal^f

«itb b^ bolfairr » fwln. Ho aeavad tbr «ba|»r of a

city itwimIiiI by wall opon lnpfa||na)»lr fuutMla-
rtPBM, witb tcvm ttfiia, baltatin^ m hk art
baofoa wMb Ha tovon aoMa.* b«t br IrA ibr walk
ftor AflifAlon to

H .tidlaaliil tbo oirwuoloa, oq—I to w—

'•I tbr cwn
plaiwtt rifvt towarai tbo wrstrm
ikmm br aOoltrd tbr OnraUn C^atr to Mcnr llriKht-
rr». taklMT tbo MUM
fro »
tbo bflaAof oattitt be-
alMT tbr MOOM btfatlft boHMBptdt bOitMQt driVMT Of
«mlr, brimr iilfaii laTWlB oli Atbano.* Tboi
Kate br j^a^ te boooMT to Ha ri waow/ tbo
itc igbboor oT Mcor. Tbo tbortb hr trarrd out and
lor Ekctra Pbaftbnot* daogblcr, bccaoM
\ \ MIS

yciroi« M^ 'A^ifa BMitit^yMr ^A^^oWr^'

Afyinrr^ im^aaw i$ttimf$t m ^Evrtf B4IH^*

jpourOor cSinnfMf x^*^ ^*'*»'» ^«^ ^OkS^wt,,.

Sp/vfuclrj^ ^Bty(wrro j|Upfiotf M"B|ia W9if4^*

iro45^ /^ liAvovoo AioffA^rovr ^yMM^Pvr

Sc(tTcpi^y <kyAi|por hnttkbfm^ *A^ Mtj, la

ayrirvnov avpiyyi, inhipo^ifiav U K U^ jiWi

furpwaa^ irXotcapSiaf AimȤiditTOtm KOfdltfio^t

vXt(a^ KWfioy 'KpoiTi* iF^r i$apdrmf hi x«{pcilMr 100
C19 Y^fiov 'Apfioytri^ *Iafii}vio( i{A^r *A«^iAA<tfr
iirrarovw KiBdpfQ ^lAor^oior ^^umot
> S0MM.t cdd.

with llkr cxtl
I McImm. liaoc be
Ilir tdih 1mj»
nonferllMil PLi'

«tili mare jrioHott* ctallnwMlll|k Tile Wi frll to

the lot oT Cmm * tiM wvmHi plMl.
• SmIi Im BHidt tlili MH ; and luitU^ lowMka
ilM wrai cilv, ke cdbd H
in Bgjrfrt* dBddiw o«t mi
^ MMM of TMiQi
iMUfe like to
(IhrNpi villi an iu iiliirwHiili
* TIm flMMblrf% of tW AiHteM itrwii mi liar-
miigr liyMi wlill iImwi lllr
I'i : Atawit>^
gltk wmi^llie MMir of titaf HwmUh brtdr. to tliat
pakatMMJ in J— brtdal rtl Mili r TV Payiiiin afcw >.

hf —d •trtpt oTIrfi fMWW. • toic Arr» ! Mid Ukl

hk ffiflM ann anwcapimcd abiMit Apltfoditr. wbUe
he MMmdnl tlie tirffit oT ihr Latrm on Mi wrddii^
ibe p«mphm: V iMd haken
pfMMS of
tile iiJMiiiei
baH lfig M. and vrvatlH
to Uto
waaitog a iiriji to^f Imt
Idi hair,
jfrttb tbr toHBortali caoM iMMfltoa'
ApoDo to Hanaotoa't <Piddli^, while he Iwanirlcd a
•TWalMMtflatorm. Til 11 tohf toiaeeathpH-
tallvetol«rihtfitoiar'nMtoii hMdIjr aajr l«e aalhef»
MNib thMsh BMil aaaw tht «il0 of Oaea mad BiKtfa.
• rttp wJj^H Ilia, a beai llih>« IVwa oat of th» two

ofifiara bivwovoa- w^hforpiwr^ M vfoA^p,

vop^ffv^ orayiirfovi ya^^A«or /vAIum |iflJbnfr, ||o

aiiofUyfi wrtpi w^XXt wo^ wrtfflytiaw *E^«MTttfr.

ical kyvpoit oroiidnom ^<Ao^ip4^» *^ wmar^ IIA

^fidia idfi^ iXntw, Aral 'rmiuti WSUr

*\ptcr4nfi MnXXt df^xmif ^pA^^oeTOff 'AjUfifc,

fiOMtipt^ h4 nc lAAor /v* £U^ its

Zct)^ /icv Wrra r^ia- iraoiynfn|r M ymml^mf

iinrio^ amaac h<opa BaXdmna tnmpojfalrrff

Htomi qf love m
Irfi tmiMlili^ hum. The nbm
''IwflttMttnKkttpalifcstini^f nelodj: PoljHUito
•onrt^fawlJwir of Uie iUiim wtntd hier aim, and
•ketaHcd in iJie air an Inace af a
willi ha mil and Mi'vt^i^ eras to a gnptmc
pfetwaafrfMeeiyiaf mmbIm. Vielonr VictoiT tavwd a
til|i|ii^ fc Ibr Ul
ol fer a plaatwa af Za—
tlla Zai»«. and
ana •food
sUmmI by
aa toloMBMdd CT'^luK tfWBi|Hi WW CadsMM tJia ffod t
rh i wptnn ; ahoat thr hrtdrbrd tlia wme
wMii|f wHn D^
irif|0fi voice*
and novvo mht flHBi^
tcfH to the prttty diika af iIm daoM, «Ma riM
liattcffad kcv
>» A Mfltt aia
caiiH.n«ai IW

r>fur. tfce aiiinj iMt af VBllHfia daaaaai vara rfM*

rlMT vvieaa bciiil ^klal diaab^to
.^iiir nigbt had trft bit fbiyltor araad
•rraiHT thatt wai Uw rattowraf tle«|k So Thcbai
M rniMBii oanBHrpaw «
thr (llri RH||pi» am ma
r Cadt •nd Zrtt* tiiriiin tiba aaMa labia
»« And nam ttme iha Sitpml,* Bewnaniaii of dto
^Vifrm,bHi^|»ydla>Hdi aifcidi^ ii aiuii
— -ffiaipa MMBf a MMBMNMpar Willi ii9m Of tnlii||v
fia llanmido'a briifcirr win alnnir vlih hit
: lor
tl« bridr"-- ^«-«tlficd Id chaiy hi* haman
fura*rr} hr fflaawd,lim aAcf rwithrf,

bn»u|cht thdr gtlU of iiooe to Cadmoi aa he w

hafttmrd to Mi dMunber. Za«i garc locpaii In all
muMDiw •aiaaBHiatar BaaBflBasaif nvaSaiaQ uta d^lB
of thr ara. to hemw to hli Mrtar Hcta Ula rmovnad.
• TW mMlribliaa Uranw
%oi. i a 177

'A^i|r hfam. rrffor *A«dJU«ir, IJI

ApfAO¥VfS ti^tkUFTOf 0W^gtip^O9 Mfl|^i|MI>»

Xf!6o€C¥ 6piiim lj|gr m Mbr voAmIm^ •fy^

To(€vrijpof *Kfarror ^Mf JbiAiihi c&f*

vtn rtircir oartf{orrm, w otflr l^fiV** m»iof*

lo¥ awawrvovaa Oi d^tfcfrifom trnp ^j^mm,

etc Kt^aXipf hk ttdff^i m

^ i^ifmi ytmoa «w4sTf«,
Xo(fj tca§iwfSXa vwra vh^mim^^ovpb W9^t§' lao
cur o yc iroarAov 4rK^ i«X^ Dtfirm

The vord b iMcd of • brUccnMMB*! fW

sight of the bride wiUioiittlMf«at HIn Ci». ift. M.
* Thr ncckkee li ui clibotiM
ftiuke, and the eafle b a rlMp gti'
heads, <irarc^#ir, mtiBillii| b^rood Umm ssw t
are spread to eovcr the Ihwifhm whirh do the rnl
•1 with prtrtoM
rrU-t hung over

j-lit Arm In
t goldm

•irk of II vlih «fMiHitin|r freaw

he MM MMW forMl
-t fitaipe of AidMr
t tK«i CjrtlHsvk him A bolbblliv
C the Imu^ of But
kit failirr in hi* frrt.
iMiiUfcw s And wbcn be brhrkl a
rd MS
hrtMiBt villi vliwi MaIa'a Hm
^ui rTi»«^ lie OMMle tkli MgwIfWrnf nccUaet.^
»M It WM a Mw MiMl
with «tiif^fi««M bMk
and eott^f tlMipt. For m
iImt tvolie«
bilMi • to vefj Miolli vlwli tW colli betwectt'

ainn^ wftlfc HJfHililf nlMm Motion, and br^l rrAwltaf

hrad mMt slbe jMopi Aboot v
— KAck ddrvAjm : »
tliAt *..-.

'«-d ftliAkinf Its rmolu^ liArk«
•f runifw omIs, widdl «hm to mcci ai me
u iemlhle IwoImmM MrpMi
rid bjr tiM mnti^ JotetA cT Ike
-»rfof Ibr hnds ITI f. It* vii«% sfr oM-
tkoi iMiaiv Ibnr Ifankiw Inoirljr milid
ito lnt%.
iBl. •itwiMd IQ tk« A^khni wMi Httfe Iwllw
m\mr^0^fmi,i lilIU if jMd. To Mde

nl rpfMtU*d lo liAvr m Wrmd al aadk Mid>


Xff^099S oJUoii^ dXiAH^ro mk^K dM^ii4filt,

iwyj* ** *
8i5ilyii<r |«««vi|yi '^
^^^i^oyi}^ vrtpirvMr tw pwy
rrrp^{vyi ifyy -

'lUA«oo yinriopg i^iAyvrat a^r^yopoy «l^*

xdofiara htaoA hpdxoirrot dmyrfiotru «^i{pMr,

(ucrov d§t/^or4poun wtpufXtiorra ytmlo^
avfinXoHO¥ Matcai Mb' Si* cv^cUof Sj mpoammoi

o(u o^Aa; W/ivovooy, O|ioiior otfpvi Aifjyy

c^xc i^aXri/HOuMrra iitAniwpiiA'ift n^wor IV^ff IV

Toj cvi SoiSoAa Wm rrrf^yaTo* r^ In v^rra
Xpvao^Kirj fiapfjLaip€v aXlrpofa V(tf<a AiJ^n|r,

not a wi»e reading* bceMMe the toiMt, iMlly ciwfidHt, «m«

HIT out of ZdMrigd lUand. not ftom Um
m« aMlf (AV
/>v.^ «.r. Peridot).

foldcn cifck ol tiic mouriK quae bent iwnd. until
tlie bead aid abovt «itli iiiiiJiiWirtnf Pi—m
t and

brlclKd ft alMfe hbdiV Uboiigb file J««i.«

*« With tHe tifm OMMtlM on tmtk lidr, where !•
tlie beclMii^ and llie rtid* wat • goldm ciy|fo tlial
c cwrf^ •" ^
''^*Hfi|r the own air, aprficlrt fc twcca
iWtrr hijh ilifciiy wHh IbwrfcU noarte
df ibr t'Hjr iMinj^.* (hir w|ii|f waa cofcfad arMi
rrllov Laipcr. our bad ihr allwliila aloM of Salear/

McwMvldiidkd dMb Imt hani't ^idd Un

and arfln o«t tba tdf-foltca ire oT Father HeSoa.
% thM had ihr #lramlttf iM-art vhlrh 1^ Ita gWam
«kr» ihr m> rthralao Sra tpafklr
•Jtinlf^. luifht M> i««< .•-U.. .^ the othar.tha liidUii
airair «pat o«t iu Mi|«ld H|^, i^titljr ihlnl^f in
briirht braatr.
<^ Ht^frlbr i«u bead* of thr •rrfimt oasM
tofrvtbrr hfom both i^dca, thr iwMtlki gaped wide
mnd rtirluKtl tha riu^ie ailb both ibrlr ja«%.
inir it IWma thb •Idr and that. (Urt tbr
tbr cyt» JnH thrir tuithr bHlHafiej,
fnifit« ralilr« In
itbkh arat foHh a ihafp aWm. likr a Arrj lamp
liHiw bflndled. Prosd with the rr nH MH
fthatica of
%totMa «aa a
wrlramed the rrr^tal a^ofal^ the^ Mw
*himrd the hDair^ </ the arhl to a wt
ad bflfia
ifi|t dark : here aO devcr work wm
tehioaadt hera
«lt thr bfiiiebfvd beiA of the de«|i ffMurfclcd to

a* If tba «aka vrrt

• MuiMMtoBi (iihafc, Mtottd cakiaai MlpbaIrK

to w«saad vaat vllbtht oiaaa.

ota w€fHat(aiporra' mMs 5/ nc ^yfit Mr^
^KvSJUrfy 5' iXiH^ % aiMooirfor oV>i>^
t^x^ ^tt%
froi xOpos offMttM^ 4rtp6xpoot, iSr
i7rrafA€vu»y irr€pvytMt¥ iptftMta loBmm itfOik*t

Xfiva€ov, tvXaiyya, W9ffiiopO¥ atSy^ I'l

pi^ f .

'ApfW¥iri wtMmmBa y owW |MU«io«To ffi^Av^

iyKuo^ oyttc¥ «Amm ffwvBTpovoMW T0ircT0w«

rrpamir^fcoic c&foir' 6i»/oyif^^r^ hi y<pM»

fiffTTip htaoor^KOf rp&r^ini V

ii^TtXXiv *Avaim,
17 irorc niyi^ti^ura Ffti^yrt^Mf ^yitvoioK

KOi Xo^MTttir UoA^ «otfo||Bbfroio vpooMov

$vyar^pw¥, fwAqj hi mU ^Ao^pg w«^ Mog

'Apfiovtri v4w via ycyi}^^ yrMwro Kiflyi^,

*Aovtri^ UoXvh€upo¥ iwa^6pO¥ aordpa wirpftf^,
onX6r€pov lIcfiiAi^ poSociMof » S^ 9i^ 9ij^r
Xapatv aB4yuar€K o[mi^

/XC*' O^y ^/icAAc y</KtfF xjpdivf ^ TWJUOOTU.
fold m though Iriping aboot, and manj a

nliHr the brine whkh wealed its mhi^ tall eelf-

^ -* ^^
oocei oi niaiiir^oMMfea Mm
^, I,,,- B M t mIi t-«
noTrQ ,1 ,
- - - -

thtah )ro« heeid the vtody beet oT their ^

tl i p h
wingi. trhea Cwlheicia the fjktkam m^
ow4leee to her glrlt goMei, hr)r»rnr<i, to hang by
the bride'i ocdu*
** Soon llaffMoole jfokcd bv Urr t^^iu%-gifdl€ thai
goHNe weopea nernvt t ai i leu ne* wuuio me eeea n
by otJ: tttm by lOTi the im ikitewid of her
p w
wlM bwd ty the birth ef diMhtrii, alter few
Mi t^m dRMlta oT the Mooo bed been £UQled.
inl Aelonoa leapt ftom her wlher** fruitful wucnb.
"" Ant birthpengi after nine nMNrtlHi* coonM; with
Then eeae Ino to be her rietcr, the bcantiiy
rttn«art of AthawM who boTe him two ddldrea.
Third appcnred Afant, who altcrwardi married with
the giant stork and Imrr a ton kke In hrr fangbnm
hoiband.* Then Senrlr fenrth of tbr tUugbtrn
grew np, the hnige of thr c;fcee In her ieieilmlug
looha, BreMTved fer aSeot alibiMitfh vuongort of the

was givm Ivy r prrnagalhr

ci nconqotfebli l>raoty. L*-i <-« •!! lUnaociU
adde4 • Kttle too to thr brood of riiiterft, and made
radnm happy— Pblrdnfti*. thr wmntkm tlnr of the
Voniminatlonvyoniigvr thAn i nyehiehBemele ; bnl
Peirtheni a lewfam prinee pMhed hfan aride.and took
the eetplpe hi Thebes. All thi« oM Thnr wa« to
bring to poM by and b>

Big ivBai nnnt apooeai ram va ene aemmmr aRir aamaw*
Fridae. eae ef tht tfe totrir6y 8p>Hel, - hem of th>

K€Kp^idva9 ^ Bvyarpa^ hftttX^iaovt dttoimt \

Ka3/io( dfLOifiatoto y^^iov Ttrpd^vyt waar*

Kal A/yog aXXo fur* aXXo aunyyioof* impo^oft ^ yq^ i

itpanoq *A^umubf « li6iuof tnl imum fpnot Ayfimk^ Sldj

ot) fUv *Ayipopi5i|f woXif^pfiiot ByiM« r^K*^

yofifipov ix^w dir/ciirff, ptoao6oit vUa ^otfiom, \

VCUOCi CrVIVfAl|MltN 1TtpiOOO¥Offf WtkptUfOtTJ^

Koi ya^iof i}v wMoXPof, iwtl y^pa€ ^vy^ Koiijpp
hwt(€ fioat, w^ipcv alyac, ipirpo^ Moot wo^|Anfr* ,

«rcu iroAi^ axBo^^ptp

^prov iXaitf^mt
fitfiuf ^ dvot Syptat iit^yttfi ud
ittoA^trnp dl^^^of^ oc, 1

Soi^oAciyi' <tf5iKi wjXurrfiTfTow Xox€iftt»

opBia Xo(o»(dXtv$o¥ iwi Ifi6§ii0¥ oCara rtwm^^

Koi araXuctov nhroif SpBoi

^cp fo^dthto hi $fiipta¥
npauov drpiirrw f(€xapayiUvo¥ Tyi^of ^fioifpfi , .

Kol noalv ivSpofiiBa^ Bfi/nfropa ^dna hM(ag

> A Tcne or more mcom to have fallr« o«t
DIOSYSIACA, V. tl».«97

thdr wtddk^ ooc bf one. Vint ArMafa»
«iUb gtfb, lie </ Uie bcnk and hr of the %Hklm M
WW MUDcd. the bkiod ot tJM^ ApoOo and Cjrme
•o rendljr with her hand»,* wedded AstonoC aoeocd-
Im to the ndet of lawM narHi^. Ammu
did not rctee hii da^fhlcr to a foodm ««l
aeqoateled with the art of Ibedlof manj S iMijr,
he gK9t her to a very dercr h ho nd , a Mlfei^ lan
*on of AdoUo. alter hr had fhard the pestilrntial
*Uur of imy Maka* bjr the Hfcpiaiff iliiir hreeiet
ai hmniUMrt vtedi. The iiiiiHhMfii t aho ffw
«erj fkii, iteae he gmtt thr «Bjmid Maid
tvaiave* he Kave ffoata* he ffOfo
or her tvaiave,
!! hffid iofha; mmuy a line «/ bordrtibrafon
was ifaioad to hft the load of irrriii jmt% full of
alivf^.oil« hb narriaire giAa, moch travail of the
clr^rr hooey heo he hioaght, in the riddled conib
\*irt moiterpieee.
** That man ranffingr thr moontaim on his wpring'
lag fret, lb%t fcManduot thr tMt%lnr^ cif hunting the
prkhets asMMy thr hicIl* they hnre : how the di^
dirinat the aoenl of thr un»ccn pfer with IntaMktiit
nortffl on the anklr* of the Mlb, pHekfaM|
rmn on the emokiMih emme : he knnil the
twIniiY BMshca of hkt eonnif^ art« and the ahape of
the standhy etahenH* and the mantit^ tmek of
•niaMli over the aand and the apoor lapeenMsd In
the ii ntw idden earth. He tawdit ako the

* Iht donlar. Artrtaiaa,
Eanai^nffo ot cooaoy aMt wvi wv^paa 19 w
hMwai tiriae a minor dnAr or

aaxtrov aioowra KV¥Ooa6c¥ «2r hp6fmif iy^ g

fx^ iroTC BripfrfTf^at imtyofid^ov wtMt Spfi^ MO

nXaio^ivffi 8* iartfofv i^ftiiMfn ifyn ucAfwiff

ij Ti? coctf Aci^uifrof ^v* MfOf M»r d|itflfitt

ira« \a4njkii i^AoK wpJUnrJUWroio yr <S»of

ou^fUvrfp w^i^vvw, ^vip/|i4or rm W i ^w Ml

irvpoov airciAifrApci ^lAo^iifMio ^tJUppff
8/{;uya xoA«r^ iiip€¥, hntfo^ijH Jb M y^
pofiprfiov xXof^orrot imy^rpto mf^ot§ta9
X€ipi noXimpordXi(f hAffMo^a Softro» jp^ooim' SM
Kol nporafiw¥ in|poSo »oA»)U<^xM» ttoXSmrpfff^ ^^
tpXiotv oiiXoL hwfia fttXumy^ot TOfftroib.
npanos ivpfioBaiuyyot iXnifar^t djocv Up9^,
Kapnov ore fioSBwri rofuipr iuXmMi wirpt^
viovas vYporoKoto yowdc iBXu
ircu airu^ iroAi$&€v8|por ^M
itXirot tSfitfrm iSbff

ciV cAo9, <(V Aci^MiM^ 4^pctfr Mbait fl^r^fmt

nAaio/xcMur 5' wtLx'fnm JanMa ^orrtft xfM

€airofjL4vw¥ Apa3tW ol^
iwur9*»w6pm¥ vfil^ n^Atur
CiV voyLov oiStiLUvra UAjj (wwat KtM&m
atya Xafiwv npoKdXtviov 6yu^liiXoiO wofjflf.
#f04 vofjurfv ivorjatv 6p€Ma Mai^ ^oiOifr.


ihimm l^h boots §mt hb heU wIms hm nwcdi oo,

wiMJng the howMb in duMc of tfirir prej,
«i^ oMdo him vrar m short ihirt with the thiph
•hoviiif , Icot the twiie hmog/ing hm fthooki himkr
the pnd ci the hantcr *• hwijlM loot.
M* Thol OMM iBfWrtcdi the liUed hhre with iu
nnrt of ccB^ aad «Mle a tettJed pleee tor the lAhoofs
of ihr vtaoocriniK bccstwhicn Rit noai flower to flower
atrr the mcodowi ami fluttrr on rlu%trr^ i>f finr
fniitiM aliyit».MKhimdew Inom the top with the tip»
•r thdr li|». He eovcml evcrjr hmb from toetuOk
ttf hoir with A efai< wa»eo wrap of linen, to ilefend

liiM horn the fenafcUUe ttlMi of the bettlta^ bsM,

— dwHhthe iiig Utoh of waotheHiyMha he
their iw>. Ha ahooh hi the air a lofdl to
thrraten tlM hiir«4oHn| bee, aad MiOfl a pair of
n»rtal pUtci, he ckpl the two toffcther with ratthnfr
hamh otrt the brood in thr %krp, whilr thrjr baiatd
and hanitiiili—ddfd in croftclcoi din ; theo e«ttinir
a§ m
the eu i aii of wji with iu maojrpoUitod atlh. hr
loai the ooad» ftt» cieamifHi trraftorc of

Ifr Ar%t tbond o«t the dew ofaMctiiehitaf o0,

bro hr rot hrto the flroit of the Jviejr olhre with the
prroit lieavj stone aad Cfongid oot tlie rich feaeon.
Vwam the wrltwixided pMtorr of tlie sluMiv forest-
«iopca he broonht the hrrdunen to w
eaifcwi and
f-ami|tf, and laoirht thrm to feed tlieir floeha from
unrisr to rvrntklr. When the ahaep strayed in
%fi1Hfi with wandrriiHi hoof, higiipf hcMnd oo ways
their ODoki n»t find or tmst, to the flowery pasture*
he Mined them on one path lendinir • fnat shrjid
to lead tiM caninrtad nuueiL lir invrntrd Pan s
pastoral tnne on the ammtaint. lie hiUcd asleep

teal wvpi, Of ipwiorTO nattAmatw im^ mmtff^.
Kal ^t^ 'Ik^iouho ftwSfO pmiiii^ ^^mg •

oifuiTft ravp€Uf» yhmtfi^ imtjf^v^io ^np^

noiiCiXa ^ToA^ hnfimtim St8^ i^Mf^fft.
irX^aa^ afipa tnhtnXXa fuXutpf^rtm mmnAnt'
ZctW «wariip ^iro«w icol «U»( wta y«HSP^

ciWri »w in}pwirf y *Apurraioto 0iniX^

naaa iroXtt ar^Btum, mil iftfr|i^f iymal

ctAitro^y i^fi^Muor hnp^tiawrro voAlrtti.

iroi yofit;; avptyyi omiKkaytm 'AoMf a iW .

*A#rrauiii' aWrcAXc* ^cAoviraW^ M |iCPOirj|

*Ayp409 atfia ^puw cnrcfiifttfo v^pior ^ypfff^

^AprtfiiSot d€pantMi¥ SptoiBpOfiaf o^ in/|Ma&f 5j M>
hvofuopov *Atcr€U€Mtva ^loBtiv iuXt^4^§Mera ^ijj^iff

vuui^i' ycyocimi Acorro^^^oio Kvpi{n|r —

Xolywv inroirjat Ac)^cim5o( o^ifia knuyfff-
iroAAaKc 5* wlnirornjrov iniBpwoteorra htrntikm^

frafnuil Altar ot iem Icnaloi : htt powed the buUft

blood over Um
•««Nfl Mbitfaw, mA
the ciiffiott% ictfb
of tW
gldiiilOrt bf
widcil Uy o« ilir altar. rUUiifC hk
dililUr ami wttb a poMrt dil vtlb bootj. Fatber
aSew bcwd btei: aad boMMrii^ bit HNi*t ton,
br •ml a ruttotirbhrt of pcaUveftte|r wtodi to re-
•traln Sdrio* »itb bb ftm firvm. Stitt to tbb daj
tbt etcalaawiwli frooi Zm
brrabi ibt tacHieeof
ftrirtahw. »!
cool tbe bod vbro tbo
Hiowi te Mottfed cbHicfm.

Tbb woi br. tbr Vrimn^ aoo of
Kno cMOiUd to ibr Aonun ««ddb^. All tiM cHjr
oiOotflMl In ir«Hamlt oia boijr oImI Ibr rattlr-
ioortiw* and tbr •tio%bifot atiooii who all btt»y
dasiHiiir. Bribfv tbr |t«lr« of tbr bridal rbambrr tbr
firaplr loirird tbHr rrcbtw Im
Ibr tbr vrddto^ ;
tbr o«oom •trorb ii|i o lo» g ||iooodtng twk^ d
mfkadf. tbo AoidMi bobojm tootled ottb tbe bridal
Aftmrank fmm ihr bod of AiMoiot and
AoloooC, armr ArtAi»«a. lib poMloo was kif tbr
nirbji : and boring In bbo tbr blood of tbr llunirr/
br toob ibroMMdd of bli bo wlMoa ii fbtbrr.and brransr

that flMiird Artakm

b»arat tbr proelirr of tbr rbow.
«bm br oa» bnm
frnnAnam to bowlajrlon Vytrfm !
NrtrrabeorcMsafird bbooo Ibo bMi; ool ovoo tbr
Uorfol rjro of tbo IfaHMw orlHi yooi« cooM andw bfci
brart iottor. Many a tbor br lay In voH lor tbo
«Srr#|QL Xgoi Ifiho b 1—n io bb OiiniHf ef
* \n I iiitiiiil MOl aT Ibr adi «
L I4«oftb2hfrio»*ftaalb
V tub aT AHI^

oAAa CM oi xe^V^n^ v^*^ h^' *^ 4^P^

Aovo^i^viK Mnio€v Apr xt« yy >

S^Jpioc io

ayX*^avi)f* iral f^ ^ im l^mot <flbf


irao$€vup (oMrr^ aa6fpetm$ #mrf«ff n^Cwfe,

«rcu Sufwif fi€XltaoiP tarn M
fovaa fni$pm¥
ai5oft<Ki7 irara /loi^ Aor Miac ittpnf^ wo^pij

dv^pofi€rj, wtaipu¥ M «oUr Aixi{rro jnA^*

iccu ramoi yyoBikoiow iinmcimmo wopttml,
iXiwrwovro, tad oytntKa SomL |4rrw»^
^vtro fjuuepa KOfWfifia m¥%nrr^f$o$o Ktpaiift,
KoX €micTfHS fLtXiMom iMffi woutiXXtTO §wp4^,
Kai Xauino¥ hiuat mIy^' dcAAiWvTt bi mfiiA

crpcxcv o^ciKMO 5i* ovpt€>f oApirt yif^^p

dfj/mrqp rpofuwv BfjpTp'opai. dXXofvtj H
ovKtri rov npw avatcra kw€s imBw c^xmyiAnif yap
vcv/iOflrii' arp€itroun papd^pO¥OS toxtaipnfs

I)I«»\N '^l M V. \ --^ r,

I cMiC on ntoi ni|ipi


f^ *^ niin otTf
lUt l» OVMliyMd

•tnHtd liai WilJllM, Ms i|«lirfT brlprd hlni m>i. tmf

^k^mtiiJ^ii^ V^mmkt^^ fS^fkmmx bat thr

bytlnir^wiibgtttbfMtyi^b»itfe JWlii^UMitoii
war. For M
Iw Ml up to ft tal o«k tvM Mrfd thr
twrfiiiiM biMflM, iir hftd •rm ihr «M0
bod>^ (if
ik^ AiHMnMB batlriiV -t^l r«ilf« gnwdOjr on thr

irt^Mr^ tiMl aonr «i«% fu

tjftJ tort bir inrh
tW tolly bodjr of llMr imw^riKird Hrftn rtoM> at haml.
A lifltod mfmnk ftfllJ «ipM torn fmm afar m\%h m
aa tor itofvd villi •tolm fUnrca on ttot
of tov MMMW* oiiii toirlwtl to toirtw*
tW md4ort«f of • lo««>«lrk man.
Artrank haM ffv««iiltoii CMcIM op brr drraa and rn-
Hrrlli^ %lia«l. and rowfod IMp OMHtort lvra»t» with
the OMldrfi aoiM* to dkmmr. owl wnli «Htli irUdlnir
talo tiM valor, am bjr ttttir and Mttlc all brr

fAloi MO foor Moaly thaDT

wP^ had i tovcw boo«r« Innf dtoin
Irg^ hrramr ddn
di rwonl on voor ia« bi*nr%— voorp Irf^ Udnngf
DOmlif* of vidrbranrtonir
rtongr Antlrr* rarv«d
of«r yoor torttood— o burroocd ftbape.tta body oU
cwicfi'd ofiUi holrt oopplco ovory wb
viUi Mot
polo o vtodiwiA favn hod notfa nf of yoo kii Irll Imt 1

With qitlrkfarinir lra|> of the boof hr ran

throofh the ottlHrodiy Ibmt* a huntrr in trrmr of
hontrtm. Bol to Ibto new •hopv hi» dcim *»> k>n|n*r'
Too AfdiofOM to
vftb o imkI—-Umo woo
fjwiTooos ourrpij^vn-i /Ac/iTPOTff di90§tl^rt Atmnwiff

$€69 clAAo t^tfot,
KAm pf

YVfAvc¥ OMoufo^ihnff ournp§»oifOf cOor *A#ifn|ff*

{^ftrr4pip wpofiM^m i w ^iif ^t u mpatag*

MOf>^ ftypoy €^i /i€, iroi aWpof i)aor ^^.

dypuH apri yhwAk itimt wXda^- oC worv rSoooy

aXfLari Auacn^cvn irarcmrfiWo^ JU^rrctfr.

vol, Xirofiai, Kox ^/hs ofiouw und, KiBa^pti^, I

AvTovoj), TO, ntp €©€9, ^Apurraup hi rotefj^

n!*>VY«^f ACA. V.

i pantiM mtisMtr^ vHli vfld tntmj,

mv «r lIlHr fiifniytti^ u
bjr Uie fiOne ap|WM«9Pe of • fteg UmsJ
ik iO W id llie di|ipfed dMuMhy Imfy in KM wlMi

fWjr. Bat that «m Ml all tW fodd— airant : thr

flfMr« merr tn tr^r AHaiOII sIdvIt to pirrw^ mitk ihcir
'-. vbilr bmitliltn
rwHi (iMiHi. »«Mii «I|Q flMlCllt tOfWCtti ill* iiiiimI f-«rii

wtlll tharprr pfllM. 80 lie vltll m man'% frrlinfr

hie, wttfe br rrird alowl to a

Hmst TdMitel* Yoa law

aakad badf of AiImmi, laiiBtart tmt
Ni di»
Yoa did aol dial jmi did aat grtllM •li«t>r
^/ a vtair. •• pold^f Itotm rafaad tln aMi l i fp oa twu
brow. Ya•loltbal^dilar3roarr3rai,blMJroallva!
•ad llto liifiaiij aT Ula cyta AUmm tfaiwplaimd
thmn THtagcaaia. O dM At laid gtYvn'mr a pato
likr ilMt ! O
llMt aba alw iMd attacked the rye*.
m AllMM did I O
that abr bad trradbnacd mjr
mtod arftb my farm— tat I bave tbr alfon tbapa
of a bra»t. yr% a man'* freMaa la to mr ! Do baaats
rrrr Umrn't tbrlrawn dratb ^ Tbrr bvr arftboat
and know not tbrlr md. I alone kerp a
*<wuile Hwl pcffadttatf s i dfop tateMcaBt taaiat
aadertbebmvaarabtaalf Nav iv tha^ Una,
uty bound*. Toa aia taaDjr vfld i balufv bava wbm
ftm bynird a baa wllb ftiailBil krap kka tbb!
•M •« Stay a db«a ihr Aat^om My bebtad bObl
Yea I bcMcab yoa, aad tba baMta do tba llkel
itbabaa* teO Aalonot wbal joa know ; wttb ttorf

Me aai kfliidad A» «Nli« Atkma a« •!» Iiallirdt r/.
baa. Hpmm v. «T f .

o 190

w6pSaXis oXoA^vnTOf Mmovr, aJDN U4 wutpoU

'Hii^Aii^ n(S* l;U^. irai od« aibrm JUt^mt

^iM^i tcAfa itdfym iMgatro wMh 4«i^*
opopofidvK ffcABOWW s9WiMVf<ov i|M09 i|ypvv*

Aim>i^ po6wQa ttv¥oamAm mmMi ia4)wip,

f^F ^hrctff 4Xddoio Sam^MMi Mpbto #mm4*^»

oufxari ^oivtfaaa, mrrd 9r/ppoio ft^ yiiy«i«0

Ik wpoo mmf
furqatmiirfi^ roircroib' ^ikoBfi^fnm w
hoKpvaw (Uvooioiv cAotfooTO ^4p<o mIIm^* mo
icoi mW; 'A^rroioiMx awo ajroinAoto |ioMrrff

fivpofUvoy^ 3* d/MHuoa voAtf viWW /otcm Mi^nj^'

jrai 7ro^i7F TrAoKO/uSa y<>ciir dvtirciMro Kdi§ior, 9M
'Apuwifj 5* idjpore* ^iXMrAatmair M
avfu^prrq Papt^vno^ oXov hofioy l[pp€fuv iix*i.

team dgicfftc to Ah^Uim mv fiUlMr. my rml and

the widagiwd JWMwfa iiMiiiiilfbL O ibcMirul r«tr !

Wlik Bj own ImmIi 1 fed my mwdcfcfi ! Ifonlja

hillrai^ltM ttoo kMl btmiflrt me km. If ooly a d^ip^
hmek pMsUier bad dragfrd mc mnA Umt mr. If cniIt
(ttficNM br«f« had pkrrfd me abrtut villi «harp merrt-
leva rlaw«, and fraAtrd on the teeminir favn vilh
(Umkimg jaw. not my own iMHillar homid
trnufht me dovn
:no lo^gor thty Imov
hHwer the voiee with a tomMl lo «tfange
^ Half deod he spoke, and m
hr prayed* the cntrl
not ondrr^land lb«- |>r«%rr> |vHtrrti out in
•omnr with the mkeof a brA»t the »torici he tokl

«d meaai^f, bttt Inatead of a httmaa volee, only a

*'' Airaadjr Iummnv aelf bom had floorn nom the

bilk to Aotonof . iii rlrfmlmi hw

ton's fate torn to
piecca b V hli dogs : nol hMload thai he had
the thJukhalnd ahapt of a itaf» only thai
Hb mother hi her paarfooate
aoYeflcd, waa leoori^ by gfief She tofe her hair,
*He rent all H*" ^m^m-L ^\%r- »^f>%rr»% hrr r>n«>««L« lailll
hrt nalk In «•
barinif her bo—Jun , %nr rmnrnrti tt^r utrjp^inv muml
of the broMla wMek had named herchti^cn. In
memory of her wm ! over her aonwlns moa tba
tcar» ran In a ceaaelr^ iood and draoflhod her
Aetalon't honndi retondnc nom the
firmed the tldbrni of aroe, for thr% revealed the yoonf
man't end by Ihrlr »llcnt •
A'hm thr mother
'-iw their moamfoiff the m^.,. .. .«*tMler ttlll. Old
«dnMM %hnre oC hia hoary hair. Ilarmonia crird


rju fAoartvowm woAifcrAom Xtuh»^ wtmfn^'

c25c Ka\ ov yifmoK€9 iinf yA«or. A|paM |ib^ ^^i W
5ai3aA/i/9 ;jU^oio imI o^ Oct Mj^

Aci^om woiUr Afttrwr, ^r««|i4p>ro« M w^oj oi TOt i

ircu ircp^i' ISj^awv ttal vUor o^ |Uii ir4^9i|r*

XtnraXdovf w^Sof cSc tmi o^ Vk takXn w M ta¥. m

o^daVodv Ppatr^Mtf odte U^tfw, aim Jit §itp4^i
a^pofUrif Uf^aXfM, teal oCm ^»^ip«r laikmt

Aucrcx^'^^'i' air^&Aof ' <SpivAaWctfV 5* ^«^ M^x^tmf

Tvxi7 5* 174^010 Karff^i warpi wapiarti

arucrov cxcuv iXi/^ov OK%6t¥ hiiuns, ix fXkt^6ifit»fv S^
ifM^pova bojcpva x^« 'fo^ avSypoyi^ ^ichv ^i

€yp€0 Kol irrixw€ ^iXrf^ iXd^OiO K^pahfv,

• AitloaoC alnciir with ArMaln her liwbMMi
in urtdl qf tiir toittcfyd rf
ilni nf the dttwL SIm
%4w her •on, hot knew him oof ; %hr brhcU the
^lape of • d>p|ilrH deer aad »«« no aupcd of a bmul
»fUBB the MMd the hoMs of « favii mwMOfnfaod*
Ijhw on dm mnmd, and dM nol nmlmtand : fer
hrr bnT vet cMcL onci the looked lu 6nd • htamon
bfaune not onhippy Antonoi. Thr fr\k%
»n which HMPt MT eyes wrrr of alien
)^ nolired the jawi of a foee tecq a f
nisra anii did not we the cirde of his eonntenanee,
tonelied honai and dUI not kno«r a lon't trmplr«,

mSmupf Al ono l
oho taw not the hanun ejrea of

him thai wno gone, Ae awnolnM^

of a manhr
snane* sna saar not tne o^atFtEnonin oMn asavtHiQ wttn
the data nowrr of blooni. Pannw ove? the nncat
Hdir«« with wamWh^ feet, tile trad the nmch hack
of the nacd hill« amhod« with Inrwnad rSmt. itnd
ret amed home from the moowtaininni i
fTlrrlnir far her amneceaiM earra the
•t iMt brshle her h«thand« aahappjr father!
nlad hf tlMdowj dreamt, thrlr eyaa
^naipHQg the wln|f nC a ntolrtifligale tlee|i.*
^The foonir m«n'« i^fMil stood hy hit
«oUte Dither, tile thadovT Ibm of a 4

ttair: bot from hit ejeitft he ponred team of

ttandiM and tpoke with m homan volee
*** "Ton tieen, my father, and ron know not my

fair. Wakr, ano fMMniie mr anitnown rhaqgai^f

kmkft vakr. and fmtiffaff tne horn of a ttag yon

• Tht vakWbJ UrTp at Ihr

•oa It


a^rov oiriircvfif /i«. rir irp^M V ilMftfm yip

h^pKtai *Airrautfra irai 'Aifya ftiU'o r JUmimf 4JQ

noooBihiovt a$€aw(ait v^te. «rai x^lpa ivifOTic*

cc irc^oAi^ iroMc4f « wt ^aAJ^y ^Atfoto hm^ voH*
cc Ppor^vt tcpordifc^, SoAiinif oimr^M^a^*
fro&if 'AirrdiBMiof, ^vioM^ Be XW^
fuXio/¥ rplyot iOcf • ^|ioi ytydhigi yrflpt r.
via, wartp, yimfotn, r^ «l« Mm9€v *A«^AA<ifr*

fin o« fraMvX^yfcM vdAi «! AnofOf jt» g ij* u|

/in Tf^ Lcrt^wnMf iXtMm mfipim ^^W • Ul
ai9c, miTfp, /M 4«^9U^t ai{^a 0»po 9m dm '
o^K a¥ iy^ fMo¥ «bror iffmMot feyMfaif,

0nm( cf^or Iporra* ya|ia«)^nnte 8'

#rciAAciip<if wTmOOun ffoi wttpttopofft

Sciiryov ^/Miiv aKvKiint¥ wdnp'

tun KoKimFtu
fxdprvp€^' Ci aicoir^Aoif o^ vtl^MA, <]JpiO Nik^of
Ni^io&a?' 5c5aaoi S* ^lol Sptfif* loorih nm M 440
^pa9 c/iou; €pi€i¥€, kqX o6% tttdXtaoa iRoyiAaf.
oAAa, ndrtp, nvfidrqw w6p€ fUH x^P*^» i^faidug hi

naiSo^vou^ ohcrtipav o/ic/i^ck* ii|«€T^^«if yo^

Sr)p€uu^ dcVovTC9 dntfrXoYX^ffawt dmwimU, US
Ti9 3c #cuai»' iXd^ou nori ^M€rm; ^ tic ^v^
v€fipo66vois aKvXdxtaat xoAcocroi; ^ v^oa octAoi
#a;/cAa3a9 o^a iccu ci^a iftpirpoxoutoi KoXutms,

|0««, Ite A vHi bMH villi

arA«loMC'«fM«b! IvlMijro
^—— ^ one
very — Hp — — ap
^ — — btiiaglit
—^^^ j«mi ^

—^ ;V jros
^ bo«
bMT AcUiiMi • nMcc. If irott ik»i:
»ioy'« bMMl and inmrn, look at my forafcti ami \ ou
«lm0 kaow my Imndk If yoa vasit mr brad, brhuU
tiM kaad of a nUf : If baman trmfilr«. Iw^ al ibe
laa« bofm : If Actalaii't ^evt, •«« tbr blndlmof. If
raa batv tecs my balnr oaal« H va* mjr clolhin«.
yamr io«, aiy mtWr «bam Afldb dU mii
if Moani ytmr ton. my
cUd Ml proiMt I Cmrar to ibr md dm! yomr boy
la diyAii, ami be wn mlilrd by Udi abm^
wt, tbal yoa auir mvl Icava yoar

1 IdlMaMtarl
frfbk 1 tlMld
of iba ^libk now
battt MOK tba Olymiilmi
•bapr. If ooly I bad brad a morUl ! |^Bal 1
left eartbboni womta aad qalrldbtcd wcdbek to
otbirfv, and I dtaliad an bwmnrtal tba goddf
: m
anfnr. ami I became a dtonar ibr my doft« folbar—
lb arr my
tbc dllb mr «r|ti - . . ^
thtiiamm, or If yott do mil boitva
be nil anufii 1 %\

^" Ido bry. ay Iblbf r, fcr ooa lut gfaoa Ibay ;

kaav nol abat tbey did, m

do mil klD any tlayefm.
In yoar Wire ami Mirfow far yoar cbUd : ptty laooa
»bo ftlrw yoar too, Ibr tbey aia not to blama Ibty
did nol maaa It, ibay m^i^ wM\A by my btaaliyia
looba to lake ma Ibr a baail. Wbal bovml aver
•fwrm • viag ? Wbal man Is aagry wllb d^fi Ibr
killing a Uwn ? Hoar tbe poor uealaraa teampar


Sonrva inmWvcrt ^Uogriyyy tii4 hi^fn^*

h4pijuxra Aax^TCKTOf ^^ipMrro «»ooi»«ov, 43A

*A#rrautfr ficrd^ivro iral htXtto vtfipit ixi4p^ *'»

roid fUv dxvvfUvw^ mcvkinm ipifiomf iphnmk.

noXXas€i 5* Aprttuf cfirtv /^
fittori]^ 4^"^'

5c{ccu *A«rrauui^, ror Mo^i ytunpOf (U^if* 470

5i{cai *A«rrauu>^, rotf Mtcrtu^f ^
o^coi ocrrta /iowa rc^ cri A««i|^am 4opfii,'
oAAa, ndrtp, Kara tcooiujuf iitm lk&fO¥ mU o^ /fei(ow.
$d^i^ hfv ToywfwXXiK, 6 fUy ^«LW , ^ 4* /;Uii|f
SciAo; ^yw' <^vXirfi yap Mmf^tm i^^at id9a€ 47A
nptfivov cV a>^uc€Acv^ Mfjooftem dyp6r Ao^
*Apr€fAiSos XPo<» yviivw Mffroto hotevkm^.
daadfLrjv hihvfitiv yap drdaiaXov ^fipt^ 44f^vr
' So MM. I loroe
ctmjedurr fi irp^
• The iMt lis words are from Horn. (M.v.«n.

r MM
MSk all wd,
aB nmm^ iMi
Urii way n
jr ana tlMt waj,
awl cnac way.
lbrtlbetliAMlll8irlMf«kificd! Theydrop
dta« tcaft mMi UMir cjat, and Umow tlwir
villi whal riglil ba an
mwniing BMn. and weep
tvrr Uir plaea wlMfe I He wHli notrnifttl hetAn^.
Yes, 1 ptav von, do not kiQ tlM nMMwnm It mju !

my laee, bat tliey aaw oi^ a htdtj tUn ; thay dM

not obey my praycn, tbey did not tUy tbeir tcetil.
tbey heard only tbe belloar of my cbanfrliiiir
«oke, and bi wblnipfrinf tanci qaetrtloned my rlif
-'To-day mnnone baa stolen Aelaion : Idi «i,
wbtber be pbea bit jiHibUnbidM eo«r«* >
ka. wbUber
TeBnitWiwybit' SolbedHp; mdHbAOIni^r
Wbal bOMHbMr priAirt bofit« iba
I nevcrbaaidaf A«ta|| iiiftMHl •laMHwIarl
ba» chjinirrd into nnalbar Mtpa and
a fiiwn «itb a mliid« be wbo onea bfllad Ibe
«ibl hinrti -be wbo boi Ibe bbwd oT tbe Himler In
*H> tnonlcd Ibe end to Ina toffowfU nonndii* CJIlan
•aid lo my banting mofdeter, * Down,
beavylalMMfftag bonnd ! Iiaee no more Ibe wander-
in|r «lot.
triK «iot. Do jron aadt Aelaion wbom yon earn- in
iron aaab
% our brIhr
brihr ? m Aetalon wbbm yon h»\ r
Do yon seek
Willed ? 'If yon Uw, yon tball tee Ibe oris of tour
tneal,nolbing bnl
^ Bnl IwiB leO yon my fate, fiilber, in doe

order. Tbere was a bioflcaiy Ibltibal, part - M* "^

obve.parloforebardolHre.* LIbaalbolIlef'
naiMiiBBov growth^ and luramhlid np a liandy
Heancb of Iba porr «4iirr. to apy ool Iba naked
«kin of Arlrmit fiirbbMtn dfbl I ! wm

rioAAuoov ci9 f^mv 4AAor, lUbf li^mt loxtml^^

^1 yap tiptaowm wvfnwfit ffai({piaTOf <lr|i^

"Afyrc/iif ctWo^Toco |irrd S^^^ior i)#i<5or Miff
Aovrro /i<v irotfo^oSmy ^ Aom, AoM|i/nyf M
vuWaf curriraf airorri{ov9a ^4$potg*
^V ^*» ^ '^W ^^^ waA^AVQ^or ^
iantpifi 9cJUiyf{< & mroff V**^ Mi^rn.
Ni^io&f 6* <UaA»fay ^i4lbSff bxc Ao^
cnn^pooK Oihrty ^xovoa. yoAifMUM A^ |

irai {o^ i}f^M^kNTOf 4i^ fc dUW^y AMiNb*

avhpofitij^ ayvwtmw ifkim Miof Ivirrvv A4x*^»

icQi fcmr aYfMvrf^t 6fii&t qf^Mifar tfdrrof

firja€ Koi {mvwovra w^XiP arvvaxjot i

noXXoKi b4vSpo¥ it(u^ mipionw, Smw^ irfflnu
Xiultavov *Akt€uwvos, vnkp hawitov 5^ XMrra
noXXdxi BaiSaXtoiQ wap^Xudts Sarda PtfipoQ
oltcrpa noXvfipwrwv fL€Xtuf¥, iiM§upuriiiiim, ya^>

rrurrov tnov dopdrmf crinftikor* apxt^diimf y^

€1 firi Koi nr€p6€vr€^ t^op^wBrfoav ^urroi,
€4 ftty YUHififvTj iraXiv 'AprtfUi €if ^crr^ w^iff
t6{ov €fi6v fi€rdfi€i4f€v, ifiifw h* ijXXaft ^apirpfff,
oXfiio^ *Qto9 €7/1', ori /ii7 ndXt vtfip^ nXrfrrf^'

I eommHlrd twn oatrf c oi itei, when I ctJwhcJ
PaIIa to look on tile Ahhttrm'* body wfth
bold ran whkli tlic cUi^frr of Wrttxy rr»rni-
mrnt Attaikrd ActalombotJl from Artcmb mnA fn>ni
Alhrtui. For Artcnii newtj t wea ttm In the vA|it>ur
i/tiN? iiypffml ft imr brat, aft rrciiwrtinfbgrfaiBiltor
irMDr. WM bsllifiy In the parr watrr ; and tbe m
h«ihrd, hrr bfttftMe ilinnflM tnofrT glcant on tlw
tr«imt aiTnr«^<l«nlc>dmr. i o« mlglH bavr
till nHnn\ i*f r % rninif « a« flU«hirtfr tKnwgll the

Airr nrar tile fri nc Ht vtrenm of Urmnoi. The

the air mmI cvmed my eyes ; I dlpl dwB ftnni Um

(rr«* braiilaaif Into tile ili»t« me a
and inddatily got
<lA(.|»lcd fthapr. I natoad of a kmnan Ibrm I had a
»iM|ie nnknown, covered all over wfth bair, and tlie
bmiHimdiigi all at onee drove tlieir Un$c% into me.
^ "But I fHll not speak of aO tbat-wby bonhl
I inHlrt a ftcomd pain ? or 1 ma^r caoac jtm to gfoan
a(|aln even In alccii. OHen jon pawfd that ti«o
wfcere ttea what It bit of Aetalon ; often von went
by thoM' pitiable bonr« of a dappird fawn, iHiMntcd,
«4-«tirrr«l on the gfoand far apart, tnm from tne ieah
lt\ fiiAfiy rater*. Bot 1 will tril rou another dgn of
niT drath whkh jToo will brhrrr. You will leo my
quiver and near the troe where the trodhfe
began, onlr^n the winged arrowB have been
formed mUt*, unlcwi Aftemli In her anger hm
bow back to It* native «raod and
the quiver. CHom* wa« bappj, that
Brother of Eohialln and kilM vitli bfaa (
hot tht flionr vartai) Ibr trying to rape hm,

GKOfmlo^ *Atrrmmifa na r/irrayfy ^i(4% «/» y.

SccAor 4yiu' K€vrfl /^
y^ v^or jir a^t fijfif
f^oatuii^ a*. Sn ^oifiof, ^X^^ toxtmiff^.

'AoTt^uy unoiiftfi^ iii4'iSkyo¥ tig Yd§tor Mrtir.

iro4 waXi¥ €Mmifiwr« Sn mm^mif^f^f *Hmt

ttai fiparQ¥ *laowtiFa w^otr wooownifaro A*^,

aXXd, wartp, trrtpdil^ iM^ KtpmtAitia Hflf^iji', &?)

/ii]^ Aiiriir Mpotai iruoir ftw|^M >ii t>#ii.

V &^ tearateMfit ifiA kaUmm mJUBi yv^,

botpo¥ ^fUH Koi ToOro x9pU^^» ^^^(^ '^ ^0^

oAAa /S/Ao^ iral r6(o¥ U. w^p, &m

fiMjiVom Atft

rifmtTfu loYiatpa Koi AytnSka ri(a rtT«/Wi.

iw6rvnQv 5 Mmv€
woMrpowtn^, ^^yg x^P^^
OTUCTOV ifliv v6B0¥ Mot

liov¥0¥ iijuov pporioto iwor r«i{(cM wpomSrtnm,

/ii7 5<, wartp, ypotUuif ipii^ p/ipom' ad Mmtm v^ '

hatcpvx€€iv <fior cOof dfioO aroi w^rpotf Mrtff.
Efwcv 6v€ip€iri vo€pff xMpdf, avpoit^ M
o>)^€To frcirr^ooa* «rai A^rotf^fff wnpwninft
dv6op€v 6fn^>i^€VTot airoppiifnf wnpiv ^wvav. M6
€K Ac^coiv Sc hapaprra noXvnroiffTO¥ ^ipor
W^pa3< Bfiptirpp K€patXi(€a imMf ^wwm
Koi pvBovs ayopcucv, ooovr ^(iro rf/i^


he frnrm*' im mmnArring fawn. Thr dcip^ did not

mid Orion * llir dog^mMtcr. Would that m »r«iq)km
bad killed Artaiao aim with a %liarp »tinK I %ia» !

a fad ewpty mm
omr deceived my mind. I hrard
thU nbSbm^ the ArelMrcm's biollier. slept with
Cyme aad bcgnl my father, and I thomctit to draw
Aitanii to OMiriafte in tlie family. I heard aitain
that ikiid^f DiBirm cwfied df CMmIbr a bridegroom.
and SAmm EmAymkmu und Deo whwciid e mortel
hmbeml iMion.* and I tlmi^ tlie Aidietem't mind
the tome.
** '* 1 beg voo. fatber. give berUl to tbe cbei^ttM
%tfOMboniedabape.lHit not be a toy for other dogt!
And Vyee cover what b left of me to tbe boOowed
cortb* gram me tbii booo aIm: is my bow and
enrnm Mkle my tomb. wMdi ia tbe bonoor doe to
tbe dfod. Bot oo» Crtber. oevor orfod bow aod
arrowB* becooie Afcbetem deMgltfa to abelb and
t>rml« m emniag bow. And mk a UUlftd artiat to
r —r ebangebng dappled «Kapr fmm nerk •"
r let Idm omke cmly my facr u( human f

tnAi All ecugoiee my aliape

may l ahiape aa faWe. But du
not imcffbe wKy Mo. Iblber ; for tile woyfl
not dmd o tcor lor faff* and tbepo lOMlbtrJ
So ipobe to thr drram tbe fiilltoul priokel,
and «iiihi*ut it«niinK it wee flown and gone* An-
tooo€'» hoabaod leapt up. and tbrew of tbe wi^g of
tida revealbMr •1««P* He afome d bii wife much dia*
torbed. and driwribed her boy V atmngbomed animal
form, and recounted tbe atory widcb tbe intelligent
•fim aela on Hr. Ml
•Orieo waft aaMOg tba many tovwa of Eoa. Ilom. t^ti. v.
If 1 1 fcrflil ml It.USi n iw U i r kywMb
laiAan to a ploMlHdMd foe deobt a iijiitiiia af mma
Qidrtt»affcfiiityVHaakOd.e. tM.
KOII y6os hfXtro imAAor- *Kptandou^ U M^ptfif

irvKva rawnp4fuf04a hU^mx^^ Mm A^XM^*

KOi Kpavtultv artipovoa ^vo^fifittra takXoL mMttmf
KCiw /a>yi? MA' rfi^ lOoi^Aw, dJM irol s^rV

6aT4a 5' Ma irol Ma x«^* p«^tpMf|iA« ya/j|,

irol ^9 mXt^An yAiwcp^r fr4xw« M;Mr»

irai Kwn¥ olMfi^oco
5o<n^pixa x<A«o

n^ami hi ol «a^ rJitfim iwiypa ^ v. Sooa toff^i

cKniX^ *AitT a(immt Am^liy ^dko ^nj.

t6^ hi KfMiar^pw 'Ex^m Wimr *A)«A|

riyytWo; 9pa0dr i4a #ii|md(xoi^ ifrt^ irw hi

Koi Nc^i^f |A«ra Xdmpa,

ci; daXdtAovs *AM^iayrof Jir«tfyiaM •l y lj ui *!»«••

am>ira^ hi Adap^^ iy^imKro imi McAur^Jpnfr

mnmai iaaoftdtni iutm4arwf, ota nAfrf
nathoK6fiOf Bpo$diH» ^tpiafkof* dfi^oWjpoif y^
fia^ov €va (wtoot UaXalftmn teal Aior^o^.
icoi ScficXi} irc^tUoicro ^MUfor/pcMf ^yMMUMf*

xvri hM no dear mmntng bcrr.

* If. i.
to tranipow xvrf . . . naia
MMcrfoMs and i4kw in 549.

• S«e l>k«. xlhr.-sM.

nTOVYSIACA \ i '^2

fmwa had told. Hicn tlicrc «

The bride of ArirtAto went mt
peewd oiieii tlwM||li tJie h*

wajfs, tlie Amad wSli ptdm fata) ftn»«rth. %hr

r.^.^i -.»-^ tk^ ^..u^- ami iMskir a lonelr trunk.
'«* OMitber gatlirrrd tbc faJIrn

iici. Dime* *caiirrr<i here and tliere oytt tlie •tmrn

Affth. Sheclaaptdtheawf
thtf aweet iMm «<tli Wriiw iMnd,
andidmed the kdij Upt a
Waiiif hmdlj the mother D»bcdtlM4Md.«Mi
rarvad alooy the tomb all tKat tkm iviflt la a liniaw

of tbe night hnd toU Adaion't fiMhcr.

^ At the tkne when nwinndi^ tetonndt'd in the
haO of AHvtakM. falr bommed Aftaaf brooirht forth
to Bchion thr Karthbnm a bold irada«Miultinf( •on*:
he wna nniMd Psnthettt* thr omub of aofiow
the lormw aririMP to^ the nrwijr ahdn.
«• After theWdak of Ncphde of the
maiHafca,* maiden Ino went with rereb to the bridal
rliamber of AthHnas. She liorr I.^'arrhm ilfatintd
to woe* and Melfocrtaa. She was af^mrafdi lo ind
a home hithe aea, aa iJMridyi^ nanc for the child-
hood of Bromloa : to bath the gave one oommon
brraat, Palahnon and Dioajnoa. Semela waa kept

• Somim hrrt fcliiii that vatfaat of the

iiwilUaa of AUHuaoft** aHwrtM|» whirh fflvoi Mm two
«ho Ml hiai fer mow wwmwi.
(I) Nrtilirlr.
HwtmaaadHalfei (f)laou Bmametheaai
Ham wm aafty with Imt aad diova AthaaM* <aad in
lbnmaftla2orvtaoh«arif)aHd. Athama* thm hifa
MM Uafcho»i laanwavajr wllh Maiewtm la bar
aadjaaipid at a dthdatha ma. IWmihafma
halo a tta-gadttiM aad hflMribnli rmtM t .^iw itlwa. i

VM kouvo «• Falahaaa.
17^ yap iu¥4wat9 i4or iWMWor ^^fiv,
Tavpo^v4^ fi^iflfia nuAatyn^^ ^timr^oom,

OF r<irc IU/MF«^dnta 2^(urorrc% di^k i^

fuiXixof ^up6€m ipdim^ inmXo^ii€POf ^»^

\Upa4^6rrft giftifOW 4w|i ^i rfT OiO w^pt^ fH

ira«5t fog MAyoTTD «•! iefjpydi^Mt wyl woi^^ i

hutfn^6poi' ^^ WW hi i»oKi0f M ft^ima MciAWk

cSpcyc 5* Ami yil^ioio Jli^^P !» m *AWUfeir,

iroi S^pv iral BiMtf/fitta yon if^ior tSw^ W y *^ff^

Aii/Aito; dlprtrAivnor fo vm^omib mifUafov

nouciXov 6pfiC¥ lr«iM woAif^poor d/A^yvi^if •
1^517 yap irpor4ff9f¥ iJtium jp
i mu v4i$4'^
'Apci PojcxfvBttaaat SmtW€iStu¥ *A4pMrtfr
Scurvuc icQi fAatcdptaoi

ya§s4mX6mc¥ ipmaya Xiicrpw¥.

yv/Avg yv/ivoi' 'Ap*)a vcpio^yfac 'A^pot/rp. AM

• Zapnu, a deity of imkaovn oHgte (llw msm Mvtfr
crrtainrv U not
Greek, pov^ihljr ItinrirUfi), appawi arnt In
connexion with Orphiun. a cuh whk4i mnmr pfobabhr la the
sixth ccntnry ax. The mo of Zcm and I'mepboae, ht vaa
murdered at deacribcd by Noono* in hk. H. No coHy
DIONY8IACA, V. 56S-585

far m nore brilliafit onios* tar aJtrmdf ZeiM ruling

oo Mcli iaicnkd to muikm a new DIoqjpmm gnm y|»,
• hBlhiMipnl C0p)r of Um oldrr Mmriat ; ibiee lie
tlm^ Willi ngni of Um UUbtcd Zttpew.* Ttris
wm m toa bom to Zc^t in ilf palnd by FciicplMmffa,
the coMoft oTtbt blMbrabcd kiiv of tbe «Mkr-
world; wbea g—i p«l o« • dtctl tlug tb i
coik, M a ir«^tlr dnuton Iwiate 10—
y of BMay
d bcr In lovdy
nmrcB, and ra%i»licd tbc aMlMdnod of wwedded
PencfjMck; UMNub abt wos bidden wbeii «U that
dweh in Oljwpot wm bcwitcbed by tbis one ^rt.
ritali In Imrr mr tbe aMfriacvnble mold* and offrrr.i
tlirir dowcfi for an onmiFrbrd
on> n i irc lie<l bridaL
orw Henm
nai jot gone to tbe bed of PrHbo,* and bo oiorod bit
rod OS n ffli* to adorn bor dMnuier* Apollo piodncod
mm HieHiaHPiB rp ib • mswiOKVKwi* i%WTU iifW|giii
«poor and cniroM lor tht! woddhMr* and tbitld as a
bfidO"gift* Lonunan Hc|ilMiitoa bold ont a curious
nocklaoo of nany oolonn* nrwuMde and brraUiinK
mtiOof tbolbmoeotpoorbobbkr! Ibr be bod abendj.
>«wn nwiiun^y nnoetoo om i nier in me Apvo*
illte. wben be apied ber riotiof witb Am; bo diiH
tOajred bor to tbo BleaMd and tbe wiwnoDlbtef wbo
iiad inbbod Mb bedt wnen hy innmnotioii lioni
Pbaitbon be bad enUi^rlod tbom to a apidrr^ n^t,
nalied Am witb naked Apbiodito.*

fiod b» bad jOpbiMy bad iiiiaiB| baliiii to do witb

lowopliot tba two vtfo toow-

of bb Down.
• ifwaiM hM oo mwort i to loy tbal Im OMrrifd tbe
iroddw of IViiMiiMB It mwo albfuiy (to k tto crlti«laj
poirooof omlonrl.
• llook CM. «k Mt.

iroi.1 r W9

KOI Ail nanraivom ^v^ i Jw4^i M >0» 4r;*

ricpof^i^ JMpnfTOf M KpaUft hd ol mU

IfCU WOTf VOAmvI' vjI^OWB OMtP^^Hl TVjPWfV ffW^pl^

iraAAcof ctinrirviroto &jro4nr^Aor, a^ro|itfry U asS
oiyoA/^ jnj^vfn nfwor wto nmaaro |i oy^ ig
^v8aA/or airi^fvn S^iAr Kpbovoa arttrdrr^,

^^cv8ofi^n|r wMor tBor i>Vinro Ili^M^spiAfff* ioo

icQi iroTf ^^ l^aXioto wftpmv^tdt mmdiUKTOf iifp^

KtpKtBoi urrwovuH^ $fQ^»diw¥ ^^mnmcto «Oipi|,

«rai xpoo AvaiiroKOMn mi^/ioiiioiioo XorrpoU

injfiara KoXXtufKura mwufitSfa floAMSof fer^.

oi)5< Ai09 Aa/^€v o/A^ woiirf^ ^ ^loirtWof

Xovofi^f oXoy ctSoc Mptctro Utpaf^ov^hft'

ou Toaoi' ifi€ipcjv circfivp^aro KuvpoytM^,
^v nodtwv oKiXfta yoM^r Ivwipcv d^oi^pw
BtpfjLov dxovTiiwv aimSovvror oj^p^ *Ep£nt¥,
hSw atiiroKOio ictpatrr&of MoBi KiW^ov

DIONYSIACA, V. 580-415

^* And '
ifs bcwilawd uy
Pcnephocu^. >- virgin bc«ylY
of her fthapr, life eje r to irvkle «U
N« Lovci»aiid cottld no
o«it CTAsifig,and yAlilljr a grratrr tumacv of iKe
pApliUfi WM Idndwd Awn a mdaH tpark ; Uie gtobt
of lorcmadflrfird Zeoi was coftlavrd by the lovely
bre«a of tlie gwMw. Onee tbe «w aanwlw ber-
•clf witli a fwylcmien t brom
ber Cm« Hke a ja^te of beaatj
the JM^c orber •hape by thfe free fiiliiliM Iwtald,
%tiiY the anrral fbnn in the tbadow of the
'.udoMOlMatthrmlmklibetiaM. Tbat
iraaadtetSetelf|cni%r<l|MMrtraHofberfbee,aad be-
hrM the teM^MMd Mfien of a fiUw
Once to tbe innf f bli^ aU—of tbhi^ bortt the giri
woold ecaae the lonaitoiHM labowi of I
mklday to Umo the tieoa «
and wipe the ruoakm nreal fron ber face the ;

.^ed the modert bodlee wbkb bold ber bieasl to

K'ht, ead WBirtiBid btribto witba iiiftioMi^ bath.
ttoatifif to the cool running ilniaw, aad left hehiml
hrr thieodi 8tt on the looai of Ptellaa.* But »he
uld not cacope the iliiffing eye of Zeoa. He
g««ed at the whole body of Prwrpbomla, m
eo fetod
in hrr »Nith. Not to wild hfci doira bttd been Ibr the
vpriao* when rmrinirbut tint attaining be •enttafod
^ Mcd thr irmund, and »hot oat the hot feam
love aelf-aown. where in the fhtitful land of homed
vpnM flonriJied the two<oloored generatioo of arild
• Pldla0AthMa«aft|»lraaoftbcAf«»of«aaHa.
teal iuhiw¥ K6ofUHO iroA oi3|paa4r ^n mx t fftm^
ci9 iMo¥ ai^x^W tcofuf^v 6 n|A^KOf- o^ Ktfia»m>l

A170U9 ^^1" Sputm, B^fuv 4^» «r^AAMr« A^rM,

Uur thr twintr U Mid Mkl to

a» uld •• lloawr
Mmt>iy vild iHMte AWtol. b«l Iw
la II 11 11
MM* (if, iftv. IMt upOL Ilk TW
Culiiii M«
not thr rhlMrm oT likM tmA Um cImmL IwI sT Urn and Um

-rcAtwcs wtth horii- ii« —•«» nii^ni^^ .'
tlir ruler of
^le mattmc, the charioteer 9i heavvti. bowrd bb
ricck to drriir Ibr all Ui gwatntM no Umnderbolts,
(to V|[MbI^^ kwpca hnn agpifawl AphitMBte in annt
hr W^ the boMe of Hrra, he rrftt«ed the bed of
I Hone, he tbrrw avar the loirr of l>eo, he fled lirom
henrim be dceerted Lel»-M cbann left for wm
:itai bvt only In enton «Hh Periephonela.

Mfftb, lirtMwil hv hb M«ilt mm! thry •n honmd. aot a

bloHl of bona aid MM. Hut tomr mU
Cmlola h««ii
b tevohrtd mmmUiM H I by thr dktcovwy la Cypras
Cvpras of
tte igatii awrt ar hm
Cialiai llbi bai bawtn
H-by ibt bteaa MHir b caiwa ** bafMd ** b aol cImv


yalrfs ihpaam wimu tMrit(kitO€¥ Mnof Zm.

^1^ a(Xai pMoio huMdfaaa wpomUmm

aXytai inifiaiiHorra ff6m pmofUfno Ai|m* a

hdKpvaw o^royi^roMn irci#ur|Mi^«irro vo^iao/,

orri r«>aov9 /iKi^crr^^f /n ^^by^^ri fUXiiim^ 10
ci9 cpiv oUnpfffiivrat iiiO^f^Kum jyoMiinir

f ui^ "Kpco; fioKxtvw, A^iMairtjpat *E^MTitfr*

iravra; /uv rpofUtoKt, t6 M
wXiov Sfiwvta fi'^irrfp
iraihos €X€iv 'H^aurror ISt&« X**^ iico^n|r.

dnXoKov aaradttaatv cacirro P6orpiujfpm QiUpait,

cu^o ytpa/v *Aorpcu6(* o fi€v ypa^i^^ xap^oo«0r


liook lor iMnrrk ... ::.^ Oxtll, wImiv la honouHiMr

3U|trra». all thr •ettlfMfwti on tlie esrtli
wm uiuwucd bjr Kmut ^"""^

Nor Uie Vtaktr alone fell dcirfffr : byi ah tn«i dwrlt

III OKmipoi iMd tW aomo, atmeli bjr oar b»lt« and
vnoodfcronniMiviliiDoo'adHrlneckMMlMor. Then
Ilfo lort tlM bi%tew of Im my
tee/lMr aweUliiff
heart «a» loabeJbjf aoriMik Sbe nalfad Ute IMtlU
^rootlet • ftnni Imt iModt and ahook booo Ibo long
JothM of hilr ow
llor nodw tfWihMi^ far iwr gfarj
tito dioeks of Uio goddow wrr mofcit r ned vHJi self-
rannli^ tonia» In ktr aormw that to mmny wooota hod
brm ttitf^ villi one a straggle of rival
iorr *hot ft>r

woningf. bjr a
oddetdiig Rrn.
rontrndlQf tafrthrr
far tlMir lovea. Fmm all the bonntooni »«
«hrank, bol apMHallr «hr fran?d HefdMdrtoa t«*
her daiightrr*« lame brdfrllnw.
^ Sbe baatmrd wtth ookk fool to the boii«r of
.\alndoo Ine god of pivipneejr • nee mbt flowed br-
hind her onbraldod and the clii«trr« were vhaklng in
thr fitful winda. Boaphorm * »av hrr and lirtiuitht
llie oeva. Old Aitndoa hoMrd it and aroae : he had
• \ wfrath of I'lirn <ar».
I^adlrr, thr Monte 9lw, Iha iaoM aa tfte Efinlpg

oAAa ra /a€k /<«a^irf iral tfibify <yM fcyi^Mi'

'EofTf/Kx ify^/uM^rvf . iroi «tr ^pAvr &mw Afl^

vtKTopdov tttpaaarrts iw6 My ij TfpO f *A jroA

vi/cf *Aorrpaib«o- vmS^t t* |p>4My u Ai|i»

i i 10
n</K7c^oio7f /4«Mpv0« |i€Ai|WM* |iow>» rAfo» y^

Ma Impair /i/^ Scfviw krfprv9¥, S4p^ im^l(mm »

BvfioioKtU Aijitmpof d«oairm0«t€ rpoWCjy.
iral mavo€9 Xayimam iraio^^d|icpM TtAa^«^b«f


€iaf)ivoi^ hovoKtaot utXH^rn $ifk»s 'Ai(n|f •

opdfHvoU KOfAOijavra ^poa%io§ii^voun mpimfiott

'Ea7r€/>o? opxfiOTTipi iro&tfv iXtXIlrro ropa^

#fci4 aKapdful, fiMiM^/To xpfiomXuMtif ifumUm

• The ancient nuitlieiiwtkian*t cqaHraloil of a
niOSYSiM \ \ I io 40

cov r rrd the Miifacr of m tabic wHli dark du»t/ whrrr

he mm dcMTibiftff in tmeed Hnei • divlc mtth the
loocn 01 Mi ffwmmBg iooi« wimii womb ut lOKfiocci
m 9qumrt In tW dm
mkm^ and anoUirr 6fpne with
tlwee Mttal ridn and aMWa. He Irft all ihK. and
-n^e and eame tciwafdii tCr door to meet IVmrtrr.
\« tliipy iMfltencd tliRN^ tile ball, Hcnem
led IVo
t.» a chair htMt bb fatfarli Ifllh e«)nal
t » ; «Hih eqn
tioci thr Wbldi, Ibe flOM of Astraioft. vrlraoMl Um
rendjradsl bi^bowL ibit Dm rvteod to drinb,
""PIT ^^ rcfWMMMMf • nvMiiiM
: paicois m an

-nlrcnud evef treflMl^ Rmt Ibeif bclovca cbiUfVU*

" Bnt Aatraloa waa one of tweet vwdi, wbo
poaaoaaMl BMnu*oe witf Mnif PefMMHiOM«ano witb ffcin
palna be pefMMdcd I Vo Io oo«MMl while alfll dei^l^f.
Tboilbc andMl praparad a gfMt apraad, tbat bo
ori^ iMwiil DfnHi'i b lit iiliiiriBg ootoa b^ bio

fafiioa, tbe torn Wbidi ittodMMWi imod their

««i«t> m tbelr fatber'a waltofa. out the
KflHoa beU
Ut thr mitinifbowl and pmirrd in the nectar,
kad ihr water read? in m» jti|t fur the meal,*
' bmufrht the arnhmtia and «et it on the table,

'^pnjToa nn{fefiii||f tbe nutca of tbe boboy node a

Ilia! Eoapborm pUited gofbmdi of iowow to porioo

H fMond with thr monilmr d«« ; Heapenai bold
iiA the Inrrh whieh l« wont to |ti%c liiehl in
ight, and vmrn about with danrit^ leg while be
faed bifb Ma evnrtnir foot for be la tbe coeort
f the l^fire*. well prarti%eH In thr iklppiiig tracery
f thr bridal dance.
• lU waa tto MO of
• To wash the

*AAA* &m ^ fi^ Sulm #f<l ««irVrfo xof^^K »

Mb^oro |Mi9f«foiNm «v4)^* #iai foorfwt yd^

ikwiow /boofiiiTiair ^voicMrrovMr Mat.
OM y/pcur *A<FT|Madf a»«lmo* lioawirfiidii 6^

irai xpdfor o^ frra/brro irol ^Aoa^oc Ijpdfiov *IV|ff t^i

afi4* woAivrdcrroio ficn(Aaf6o mkAoi' j^Aiog

tfir iroAa^i^ woA^^ Smi^f^M UCvyi W^^'

*A(n>cpiaiv «a|»lftfic« JU^i^ M WMfMm »^*

AciWciMr Mn jcal Ma irai dvAoWoc iroi iX^raf
teal noXov ap^tXiXilt* woXvorpo^dXgyyi hi fitw^ 70
ciV Spc^fUMT aar/jputrmf Mpi»an tt^pm r^ mhoff f
aorpam itoofnSm wMof iriMJb^pMwof dftly,
o^ovt fi€aoarup rrropfip^vof fipt M haifimt^
a^aXpaw iSoiv (rrc^oriTM', ^ vAi{Aom wpoawwtp
dy$cvXa avMapow Mrptx^ vunu ScAijn;, TO
icoi ^a^Swv laofidpo^ hp^ arrtumii MijtT^
Ktvrpw unoxOoyup nti^oprifuvof, axXu6€i9 hi
Kwvos a€pai-n6rjfros aito x^o*^ <>f »k a¥4pww¥
avTtrvnov ^oiBovro^ oXriv ix^Xu^ £cAi)nyr*

•• After the tMuiqMt, m

woo iIm m MMev
ImmI cwm^ oT the lUiice, the Uuvw of tW hemrj
gomd of -*»»i*^^*M*-*»>g> cere And inquiml of the
•crr'ft Art. She laid her left head on the kaeet of
the kindly enrirtit. and with her r%hl toadied hb
iUfjntUtwit^ beard te eapfilleetioo. She reeoanirtl
ell her deifhler • wooett ead erevcd e eoaifertAhlr
Oracle ; Ibr dlilBithiae eea eteal away aa«ietiai bf
meam of hoMa to eoHM.
^ Sor SAM Artnrfoe lalbie. He Iramt ihr
detaik of the day vhra her only child was new Iwm,
aad the emact time and veHtahle eowee of the Maeoii
which gave her birth : then he heal the twnipf
fti^tefiof hiihandi and uiiawed the awrfay ehale
of the nif ffwrHiy Mnaheraawlfaw horn Kami in
hand in doahit aaaha^fa.* Ha mmi
to a »rrtani.
aad Aetcrioo Mftad a loaod rendiring ephera, thr
diape of the thy, the ioMga of the aairerae, and Ukl
It apoo the lid of a chr»i, llrrr thr anrirnt ffat to
wnrk. Ilr tamed it apon itn pinit* and dirrrtrti hU
L**"' roond thr cirrlr of tlir Z<adiar, tcanninf^ in tbi«
place aad that planets and fist etais. He rolled thr
pole ahoet with a paah« aad the eaaatatfrtt iky wmt
rapidlr roand and roand in mobilr eoarvr with a prr-
prtaal movrment, caiiylng the artiirial *t«n alKUii
thr a«lr «rt thmigh the ilddlg. Ohaeninir thr
*plierc with a alaaee al roaad* the ddty Ihund that
the Mono at the Ml
ima craieiMrthe carved Mae of
her co^ianrtion. aad Iha 8aa wat half thwwyh hii liii

appmitr the Moaa aaiviiy at hii eeatrafpnint

andrr thr rarth a pointed cone of daHrngM creepiag

fmni tlic rarth into the air oppoaite to the 8«B hid

ef dajra la the foaia ef h« Ml


^pa yofuuv Mffot aim tLardpt Kvmpvytmttft

irapd^vunfi aoTpaS€¥ iM ardwir isjn^ V ip^ aih^

6fifipor6KQv KpoiFSboo ^ato^ogoi hmYtP icr^p.

o^aipQ¥ irouciA^Kirror* cuvipoyUi^ U ii«»^

dBp^^s wp6 vdfiMo w6$tm \m§fmtm* dstoir^

a& lla^ OTtlxorra ya^ioteXSmom *A^Ma Moom,

^fiumiv Mwa» Of* o^ yi^ rfTpi({iiyt «^0|i^
cacrcoi ayAo^ni^irof , fo yAoi4 m^M' Movtif
drfwydrip'^ Koupnp yip ^iv^ i^m^oio TO«ifitfy
ir(y)(^^K>ir ^Aarpaiii Aa ytl^ 7m£Mi."
q roxw

oAA' ore Aij^Tn^p &p<»q»i|^dypf ^Av0a ttfmum

€aaofi€Viuv ijtcovot teal a^ro SUiiUfUP ^iro^rw
TT^Ai^'TTyy a5/i7r<K dp^yymm ifmuya

• Thr planriA Mvt Mid Vcmw."

* ThebriifhtcatitarlBllKciMHidlaiiM VlfMliA
car of corn. The «%ot nn4mv It UhI pwt of Ikt
which ooncrmt the whieetli pwortik lis nnrfrillB
wrth the startinfT-point of the icheme.

tl«. %»!.;. \(«*«m. Thrn »bcn he h' r :

v». «)•{. .1 ;..... hrkiokrdrvprcuilly for \ |i..i

i» v»if' T'-\-<'- r *)ir »un*rt h(m%r «i«>n^ with tht-
• f

If •? •!!• wtrUn.^ He fouiMi ihr |i(»rtiun

Furtiofi uf tlir ParrnU under the Virgitis

4... .wiHTAr*; and rtiaml the FUr mn thr ItKlit
•<-«Hnff «Ur c/ (*rocikir%. father of rain.
** wlim be had notkcd rrcrjUiiM and reckoned
the cilvaH of tlie ttjum« lie Mt mwmj tkt ewr-ffrmhr-
ng iphtw in ita fooniy bo«, the cDhere iHth Ita
ufh w awfett ; and In anavrr to tlie ^tiddtai he

mnaihed ool a iripir iiraele uf |m>f)hetie MHind :

** " Food mother Uemrter, when the rava of the

Moon ate atohni nnder a tktdw cnne and her light

ipiafd aipdmli a robberrobber-bridegmui for
Pef%rnboneia« a < cff t ravtUier of jronr nnaodtcbcd
f[ir\, if the thfvadi of the Fatea can be persuaded.

VtMi trill »ee befoffv maffiage a faW and ^errrt

ne<peiiOw come onmnweeniy a naa^nHMiMCf cnnmng*
mfaided : ainre i petvenre dt the weitem point Aiea
the nifo-ateater walking with the Pauhian, and I
.^,t^^ the llragon rining tieside them outh. But I
ihn joa mcnt happr : for joo will be known
•r gloHona IMta in t)ie four qoartem of the
bceaMU ytm »halt lie«tow fruit on the
4rrrn «ail ; iteee the Vtogto AaHala hokia oot her
.4nd full tif oorn for the tetindl hH of your girit

" Thia aaid. helet the oraenUr voice %1rrt> in hia

montli. But when Demeter SIddebear the i

hope of coming fruit*, and how cme ui. ....•...» and

unbetrDthed wa* to ra%i%h her belo%rd maiden girl,
onlled at once, and haatening hf the
• Tht pkaat Japilv.

Kal yitvw ovioMSom wtpig^yyptw X«Aipd


Mura irt pcoiraijpomi ifMniiiiifii^ ai
iral rtyo Xdwa¥ otiror Apowvmwtt
SorcA/iK TpiA^^oio flcAaifAa Wowro w^rf y
C4f Ai|3a iro^ircvovoa Ro^i^tftv <tywft<» Ump'

Kpfyjvaitft arpo^dXiyyi j^Jluiir Jirifc>itfi> AcM«

vciToiv icdAvor 6mwm€if l&ooroMamu itudip^,

XoMfov loTov MXQtrra fUfifiXSra ythom N^yi^OK.

«rai 0CO9 op^Muoio ftif^in^ovoo /MAdMbov

* Mountain and cave la Otic, hini Zrvft «i.

a baby : the Currtcs drowaed hit ofca by cImMm tiwlr
spcan on their shiekb.
» Along the coMt by Drcpaaa or Df»paae.tlltiiiiib Ilia 1,
DIONYSUCA, VI. 108-155

4iki of Mgii iMvcn the eatcffcd bcr own

' ipoodgat step. Tbcti bokle tlie draKociHiiAiiger
ic ImUaiioccI the curved yvkt over thr twt> oecki of
ne lypMUii, and tetcncd tJw mniamed cruwlen
itll th« folwlfap, p>«ii^ tlMir j««» About Hm

croaktootli bit« So foldcabrowB Dr« in thai jrim

car eoofvjrcd liar gMoiddcii in « bUrk %ril of cloiid.
ItofcM roaml Bkc tlModrr agalmt tlie pMMge of the
««lftm. but the wUrtM bim down witb brr UMNvter-
•inir:^' '•Hip, gliding tbe Hgbt wlnm (>f the quirk
•lr«|^m» «• tbrjr tpcd bofBclIke aloag tbe course of tbe
Mind, tbfouffb Ibe tbr and found tbe baek -wacbh y
cape of tbe Libjraa Oeeaa. She baaid tbe UMMie ^
tbe bfbnetud Cretan troop wrouBdiiig to Dlele,« m
ii« beavx upon tbdr Mbida rfdtldi Tbe
n^» kobi^g for a stony barbourage
•be aliglMod anmw tbe PebNian cbib of Tbrerpeab
Siciljr near tbe A&ial »borc». wbcre tbe rrmtkaa
tbe Adriatic
Urinr flood ii driven towardi tbe went and bendi
n>und bbe a ricble. bringing tbe current in m cunre
•»ouibwcat Irani tbe nortb.* And in tbe pUre
iirrr th«t Blver bad often batbed tbe nudden C>ane»
fiouriiw bii water to Ibuotato-abowen at a brlde-
ffifl/ ine taw a nelgbbourfag grotto Kbe a bifty ball
•wned and oonoMM bjr a roof of stone, which
.^ture bad completed with a rockr —
•»««^-tT and a
kMMUcf tlone tended by the neiKhbi vrnpha.'
Tbe gnddcw pawid tbrnugb tbe darK haO, and
concealed bar dangbtov wul aacui td to tbit boUow
• Tbt rH«r b the Aaapoi. Qraae b tbe aynmb of tbe
HPfii^af Iba aaa»1l!rwanBM, iifiiitolaibii withiicaaw
the viOer ci the sprlMr iovt tola &• rtm.
« The MakKtitci oTaudi cavat are ofica cemparHl to tbe
'-«oitof e

Toi' 6< A4^A<tfxu«i «iU^ viyA AoAOt ^^y^

Ua^Xahos t&woXa^iOio r/tai rukaa^not Bmrnt'

KtuLwSXa wrrpaiffow Mrptmtv a^^Aara Nilyi^ig

fipoifd/iy ^omnioo vt^ irrti^ Anrca woi aw ,


yittfi^MA>«ifr €x6p€m lummf jrwcAoiVMWor Mrw-

mU moai ^mMmm wXU^o§w9 impm ^ impom Ifl

wrp^ i({Xtccvoa wapitt uirott, dft4i U w/»Am

riap^c'i^ ric/wf^^ia,

Zcvf ore irouAu/^urrof d^ifioudvoto wpoo m w w

i^/A^u>9 4^<pocv7t S^dUntfir jomM^miioc ^^
0€iwv dayXa ymia- vaptoro^UMr ii B^pirptp |«
€VKiacv iaorvniu¥ fn^ofngidvoi
fyfia hpast6mt¥ . . .

fieiXixo^. aiBtpuou hi dpatcotrrgiw^ ^furnakt^ |6

U€pa€if^injg yomvn Toif<^ tcvfituyrro yaar^, |6
Zaypca yciixx^^o;. kc/x>cv
A>^^, of ^i^ hpifS 16
rock. Torn «fic iuK«*cu i«m- itrv||IMM RVHD tht winded
car: oae ilie phtttd hj thtjmMt^ wotk on the right
oT tlie door. OM on tlw MMifo tibt
bofricf oC wut cBtrVy to proloct I
ThcroalwalM faft Colftnf nehi, bcr
wttk Iwr bMketo, and aO OmU
givoi to make womankind tveat otrr their wool-
-t^Miii^. Tbm the leA hrr rooadcd duviol lor tlir
^roifikt to vratrli. In tkrlr kicidjr kome amoof tke
mekSf &ud cvt wht ukr vltn kcr fcot*
"^ Tae ffrl DSnca iMtVHriiioaiobMP flccocaoi wool
ondor tiM MOtp tOdil Of tlM? IrhI COMP^ SkSMMMl
tko wool OB tlw dMaf, and the
man3ratwlrtaMiJofkrann»urMlafMl round indoBekw
•lep, at tko tkreodi wcrr »pttn and drawn ikfoogK
the tafonu Ska isod tko imt Ikroad* of Ike warp
wkfak Si^flBB tko ek>ck« and itavo ikcm a torn round
the kOMit HHrkMr from end to omI to and fro with
onriitiM foot. Ske wove awajr* phtam Ike lod and
Hlfa^tle kokkto akiM tkroofk tkelkmdk wkte
ake MOf over tke elott to ker eoorin Atkena Ike

»M Ah.makleoPef»epkoQeki! Yoo eoidd not 6iid

kow to rtcnpe jronr BuiUnf ! No, a drafon wa* jroor
male, wken Zew ckangcci kl« face and came. ralHi^
In many a Wrrlqw eod tkrooirh the dark to tke comer
of tke maiden's oMmiker. and «luikinK hi% knlry ekapi
ke kdled to tle^ « ke crept tke ejrci of Ikooe ereo-
or kli own tkapo who npuurded tke door* He
Ifekcd tke 0r\\ 16am conllsr wHk woofaw Ups. By
this marriage with ikeEeavody dra|Kon«tCie womk m
Pcftepkone swelled with Uiing fruit, and she kore
Zagfens tke komcd babj, wko by himself cMmbed

tcMpiaXifi ^fptMrrtf htUXoma it^ttXa waoautmmf iTi

Iv^ Si va{oyiA«pr lUkkm Ttripi gifc|^y
Wjpfia ^^ AiAiwog ^V(wi^ wukutdypttrnf
aKKo^vfft fioodoOro wpAyo mt^t cloof iftt^fm-,
w§ uhf drt lipmftbm MUor 94m •Mim 9^im¥ ,

dlAAorc iroiffiAAiMip^or
cureAcK oicrrMfMm, i4or
^ fiMm»^MsraMU
Sif oi
rt iwi^py
torf)Ui» Iti
curpoirf AoiMMrrs tfuriypm^t mSmXm TaopuMiro^*

^pueaM€¥ 9Mn^ n itaimro Aoi^,

^ptfcuoac viMnygai i m w

Ofi^^^^iofUmff AaWrpcvof MdAi vvvrov

cio» oMra Yolrmf,

hSa XioyrtuHo Mwmif MtiXfia wpoomtnm

Koi noXuff A«iMra4y< wc^trp^KtfV ytfitir di^^' 191

oAAorc poi{i)€vra x^opt avptyfi^ ^trlfrfft

•ecu pXoavfHft Tirijvo^ hftattlprifat ffo^ifpy

« Zamus tohorned bcoiiite DkmjrMs oHm b. Zcm

meant him to be kin|r of the univcrK.
ipoo the iNMiveolj of Zetit aocl bnuidkliMi
hand* and newly bom, Bftcd
j^lrtniiif In life Uttlc
mnd carHed thundcrboltm in life tender IhiKrri.*
^Bat br did noi ht>ld the tlmme of Zrus for loi^.
Ghr tlie farce mentOMnt of Iwplacnble llrm. the
Tnam cnnolngli onenred tlM!ir nMuid facr« with
while be eontcmpbitcd
hannpesMP conntennnee reflected In a mlrmr tney
dr»trD)rr«nibn witb an Infernal knifr* Tbrrr wbrrr
bfe bmbi bad brm mf H-""^*-*! bx the Titan vtrri,
thr end of bfe lifr »a% ^'innm of a new life
i« Dknmna, 'arm m another Uiape, and
MaMBd into rnm : now youn0( like crafty
rotmm ibak /fe-eape,

was a rui1ntt»i '<—Hwwi Hkc a bmmI

jootb witb tbi vt down marldaf bli

nmndrd chin wltb black, « nimfte Hon be

ottered a horrible roar In rage from a wild

Miarbng throat, a* be lifted a neck fliadowrd by a

thkk BMM, marfciM bfe bodjr on both ddct with the
%elf«liOdiw ofa
_ whip of tad wMeb
a tail wbleb foekcrcd about o%rr

hi« halrr biick. NrYt.belrft theftbraeofaHonM(iok«

and let nut • rinirlni; nri|^, now nke an onbn«krn
borve that bfhi bfe neck un hi|rh tn %bjikr nut the
irtifw*r{itu« tooth of the Nt, and mbtilng, whitened bit

h boaiy foam. Suinc t iinea he powed ovt a

«iii.^iii(i0 bfei ivnni bfe mouth* a curling noroedacrpAit

overed with •calr«, durting nut hfe toome IWhb bfe

YpinK tbroat,and leapingapon thegrfni bead of aooM

* liarpoomlkNi f.r. immmimm, o. M, U* i « Trr4f9i

j iidbiM. CliWpan llwoihltM xWL 91

far m *imiMr
of th« Phaeiaai, awl Lobcck. ^#l#af>Aa«»««. p. «5A.

Kai h4fia^ ipnrforijpoi cUi56npor Mmf

Tiypi^ €rjv, ortfa^ Mfiaf aiiXo^* Mart rwi^

aWtpiov K€Xd&rjtia iruAoi iraiMttx^o^ (Miltflm^,

iroi Bpaavi vjtcXami ravpot' dfunfiaiji h^ ^or
ravpo^vij Aiowaov ^fiMonMamo ^mjp^ifi^.

liyj^ipa Tcn^vuiyAtloac wounffo^

Zaypdoi €^tc€odoio irartirA^iyof ^I'OiHIl^
Taprapltp nvXtam' koI aitoiUmmf im^ h
BtpiAa fiapvpofiivifK iiukpahftro fiio X*^*
(IproAiV ^^(c. «ra2
f fMM€m
aXB€ro Ba#rr/Moy oAaf iwte¥, ^yytir^^otf M
KVfiaatv ^AaavpUHOW Aattro Ko^ior vSai^«
'Ii'SiJiioi re rri'OKrcc 'E^vAoo^Imo M
cfim/pa tcvnaivQim>s 'Apaif AiMiaiMTo Nig^vc.
#rai StMTiv arruc^^€«0or ^9» «]pnM^ iwyim^
Zcvf w
irvpdcif ^U<^r€ir >c* ^«^ Ziidjpoio M Topoy
iJfuSai^; acAa; uypov aWirrucv JawtpU cU^>l*
•A>#fT<j>oi Tc TAwr€9- oiio^Kiy^ot U
nal mirt^g
nrjywfiJvris tra^)Aa{c Bojfn}ia Mirro tfloAiiovifr*
iroi Noriov vt^6€aaa¥ 6n6 kXIow Khyotttp^oi

6€pfior€pw <miv$fjpi fuarififipuf^ Ifccr dyfrcvr.

Koi Sicpoif pXtifpdpoi^ irora^i^ S^^Mi XtifUmv
*Q#C€avos- Airavcvc ;(cW uccn^oior ii8m^*

DIOV^'SUC A. \ I l9S-«tS

ThaaeorifvMlibaMklBMMlgpipiralwili. TImb
lie IrA tW ilMpe wi fkm vartlni errnvWr mnA became
«iUi fiy ttHpcft on Mt bodjr : or airaln Ukr •
ith hr
vftb ilufp horn.*
Itoni.* So br fouKlit
Ibr lili Mb, mlfl Hem wub jcdovi Utooel brtlowed
bartbty iIm^ tbe aif Ibat bMvy-fr^rtitfttl itep-
mocbrf ! aad tbe mUi
of OlfMas mttlra In ecbo
iAMb%bbMv«i. Tbentbe
IbeMftem Meb cMtv bli^
«nb tbe birfai cbofi piifwuil Ibe boll^Uuipcd

After tbe im DbwiiM bed

Fatbv Um UmnA ibr iHrb of ibr «liivr\ntb
e«e. He Atucbrd ibe eT tbe tbit
>» wilb nn^iM bf
d, mmk tbttt «|i tbe
of beisedi OImnmi wltbbi ibr inOe of
T«rl«mi tbr ttece bJeeid, tbe beftr of »ufrHi9

K«rib «M
««««dMd ««tb bml. He kiwlka Ibe
FuMt tbr aAVfOMi^ of BertfU blued owler bbttby

le AsyrUii wewt eet aire tbe in IgbbiiMriM

fffi nil Ihf fnitlin iiwitihw, tbi tml ffin

Bovis or MMHe ami veffwti Ajwuun iverviM*
Tbe eBMMlv Wert epo flcfy Zew bbMted witb ut
tbmJaeH bi Wve Ibr bb cbibi s «mI Mdrr the
Ibot of Sepbjnve tbe fPtetem brine betf^wrnt ftpet
o«t • •btatef •tfvaai; tbe Sortbetn Hdnfi rrm
tbe Mttee of tbe hmtu Sortbet* See bnbbM
AndbwMa: sMler tbeelhMor«M«y AteoeePM'
tbe ^tbeni cemer belled Mtb bom
mm\rrt rxr%, m UtMtlon of eMIllbUlt BfSyCr. Umi


Aufiara Tt^fr^vra koI €/iini|por lAiror i^oilipjf

Kai rorc yaiov atnurav MWAvOfy Mnor 2M(

Ppovratoi^nardyoun AiOf /AvinjoaTO OMnvf

dar€p€^ ormoTt irdvrt^ M
o4rr^poun iiiM^poic
K€KpifjL€voi hpoyuov €lxo¥, htti rrrpHvyt U^^
*\l(\io^ acAayi^c Acoio'Citui' ^2 MuTwr
Itnx^vwv tov obcov cmrpovi^aioo 3^ &»^py
KopKii^v d^rrairo&i/v rpn^irffi kvkXovto L«A]fn|,
fcal hpoa€piriv iM W{ay MnuM^i^f wi^ lOmAfi
Ki^fM9 avro KpuHO ficrflurr^oaoa m^o^
y€iT(jjv 3* HcAuMo vpoQYY^^o¥ 'loToBcftloi tio

#(ai TcA^aii' ^^^HK

XvKdfiatrra 3iMf8««r^i|i>or
'lY|9ua9 aarc/>dcvraf Mr^pcYtv ^p^mpof Zn^«
rpiirXtvpO¥ fytf¥ TXueM^a Mi)ri|r,
5€|irc/>i7i' US
foi Kpoi'of ofifipia vdna hUor%)f^ Alyotttp/fjot
4>€yy€i 7raxtn,)€irri hidfipovos, «hU W ^<>«^
oTTi Aucqv hofiov cZxc BorcMnroAof . /trroira^ov U
€Li0€pos u5arocvrc$ dvuHV&naay o^^f tflO
Zi^po? cVo/x/3pi}aavro9- tpi^Xoiofioui hi ir^Avov
irpotn«i9 nXtiOTtpoujiv tfivtc^cLyro )(apdhp(U,
vSprjXcu §€ dvyarp€S ditooTxaht^ *li«rcaKM6
Aifivcu €Kov<f>li,ovro, iroi ^m
v4ptrtpO¥ Shmp
Kpowoi aKovTiarrip€i av4fikDO¥ 'Qxca»oSb, SW
KOi aKOTTiOi paddfu^ov, 6p€aaixvTtp hi fi^dBpt^


bb wrutJi at Uie ligilt of the

Im pitied her. and viriMd to wMbwHJi water

tile adMi of ndn and tlie fiery wiNUidi of tiM land.

Then Balnir 7^tt« coveradtlw whole akj with
doodi and fioodrd all the earth. ZeM *• heavenly
tnini|>rt bellowed with its thnndefdapi, while all tKe
Uaff» ttaovcd In their appointed hoMOi : whrr* *>- *«'m •

In hit Ibor-hone chariot drove ahiniBtf oYrr ^

baciu hit own home ; tlM Moon of tiireetoia lurm

loBed in her onrannlM ear over the chihtMol CMb*
Cjrpiii* hi her niinagfial eowae onder the dewy

rMBon MM
lefl tne Kmbv hero oelwio« and iMio ner
iPihMi-thne hoie In the h w
onlj BnB which hnowa
; the Snn*a ngjohhiinf Ktm^ paw lad Iho

oT Am Pfew. enehded hy the

onied Apluooite oppeaito with a
; Zeoi « of niirhllall, the tweltfionth

ir««rnrr who eooipfetca the hchtfai^,^ wot traodliM|

•n thr •toffvy ¥hhm» havh« on hii rifht the rond-
faeed Moon hi trfne; Cfeonoa* pmid throi
ihowttrr hack of A m
looee t^ drrnrhrd
dtrnehr^ In thr Aoaty
liirht : RMmd thr briKhl %l«id. ^4Md
'H% hk% pkniatw^ brcaoic a* « •• ^ h^
li4<) ti^ttcr far hii iionn.
** Now tile haifiaio of <i««t«-rT»«y
woo Bpened, wiMi Zum ,
> hk^ Ahowcnk

«if the JiiadipiMhioi guW. Thrkhea^hq^ddMiihten

rot o#
ftoin Oeranm, raHrd fhrir •itrfarr. The
fooatainii ihot <p«t» of tlie lower waten of Oceanoa
into thr air. The dtft wore hiaprinlilid, tlie dry
thif^y h&Qi were dwmchad m with rirrrt •trramiof
• TW piMMt VfOM. » Man.
« .tW aoir oa U. !•§. • flilorn. ' Caprteom. « Vir«o.

iAMn 5^ edXcLoaa, teal cJr ^fOf A4x»«^ ^^

Ntypc^y ytydamv *Opfi^f. ijUya UMj,

fi^naT€ Udva ^vyovoa lloociSaofM |fty«i^.

trovTomopoi hk XioKTts ttip«oj ciroow wtfff^
X€paaiatv cxopcvor M
mnf^vp^ A«A»r««'
** ^"^ «^A»^
/iv8aA<oi9 u^A^foai- X9P^^{^*

BrjfKS ivavTiXXoim^ ovr ^x^^' «(W^iC ht

S^Xoov alBvaootntf ^* l(ik hiw f VXQt^ u Jp^

crvfinXoov ifioiouiw imif^i^ amtt mituf

fivSaXiriv avpiyya biawXtuovoop idop^'

UfiaXdov <mw cfxcv i^vvm^o^^ B^fior *Hxol^.
icoi hup<i>roT€ 4>wr€t wfoAaummtt iXiBpq^
vSaai rvfi/ScvoKTo, vcXvf hd rtt iXXot iw* iXXif§

Kol vi^vrtp KtXahovn Kixi^orof atStpt ifO t w

)^av&oi/ atro oKomtXcHO iruitv optatHpo^um S6tatp
mirrt Xiotv, rriat Kanpof. 6§to(iifittrm ft4$pi^ U
Xifivai ofjLov TrtyrafAoun, Aior i6of, voamt m rou ^
dAA^Ao(9 K€K€paaTo, Koi €u^ m
rdoaoptf oBpat


tJw lM%iM» : liw Mtt mc Mrtil NefHdi bcMM

nkwttCTlJbofryitwawllmH O poor UiIiik!
MM Rdhi iMd to svte villi wyiMtimi lMmk« and
• Mv far IbrllMit oM liim mmms-Pm the
b«l rfy 1
liad 11 1 1 p > J.
BtA^HH mv
be .— ^ /°''''*** ^
wttpco Vila dnp^lni^ HBDi to Uie tano*
Ikim* r«%r Mnof^ mrk» ihrr luirv not, MmI in Ihr
dcficl* «/ A nwwniUtntorrrtil • ftniy boar met witli
* ^7^ <^<^«<*: ^"^ ^^•'^ awifciwa Mvf.
ifsled hi oosHMMi ftafBRf tw>oi ImI jMPfa nviM
the Hill.
iMj imHii qwiif dwMBrwi Mi
MV^ ««ii iMlo IW IrfMi. awl lioiiiiii on tKr hart.
Tte M|Mi«ff TVHom at iW «4gv nf • •rrrrt wood
Md iMr HI em fcrluMi latti Midw^ iHrir jaaini,
te tW ID—lain tnaHa viMrr Fan had Mi
Wnvtaii iliHr ftiniftiar ifw«Mad aonrlM to
fHthtJir wind* ^^ «« on bb trarrli mat
radi4o%ia|r Pan on m %ul> >ll. iHr mrk-fhrvllar

IrA hk ten and cbai^ut u lur ibe bilU kmi^

fi«irrlagfad pMi*i ptoii ibat ioaUd ; wbiW bt look
to ibr vatrnr cava wbu a Eabo oaea bad iba llartd .

^ Tbm Ibr bodkaofpaarfbinwBiwbDrflibitbair

mmtrry death wrrr buHrd in thr vatrri. llr«|M of
coqi— '» wrrr Hoailnir onr ttfion anolbcf carried abNif
br thr rollinir r orrr nta : tbifv M
iba lon« ibtft
Un thr boar Into tbr roartaf lovfcal, with opan
ihmai ipdpbKir di —
bto of ibe paanadw that poorad
from rnrl» and sMMrtatai. WHh
mingrHnir •trrAmt,
Ukr* and H%rf^ lofiasla af ndn, »atrr» cif thr taa

anitcd Ibair binrti bi oaat*lo iog Iba imlvafMl

• ffT« plaoHl alltr fH bjr


Kol hufrffv Y(Wm wooor lAoir inro ^4iiori ««Vl^

NiypcfScui' hi 4>aXayy€s W»A«or ^Ahm^ *^'

TpcTwi' cvpv>^v«io9, hf" IxMtm hi Niry

«cai Ao^v u&aTOcvri ^pwr iriMAoif^tfvor Aff^,

A<i>pi5a irov^'taii', |MTCU>doriof lrp«X« ^ «^ffc '
icoi 0u^ii7 ^(2AAa«m mpunnJfiovoa itoKu tm m

Kal t6t€ frv^arocooov &uv ^ar^ 7*^''"'* "^ rpyi W

mixofA^vriv VaXdrtuiy tmaYt iMnSoMof 11^*

/ii7 rava /lacrrctMcc /par^r K^KAonrof Jtntiti

irpo? Ma^ii^f Xiro^al at tcnX ^utripov fla^V^ijjyiOV,

vrixolUvrjv ivorfaa^ ifA^ ^o(hpo§W¥ *lfx«i.

^ pa ooi laoi' c^ci ht€p6¥ Spo^ior; i) ^ mai oir^

SaXaoaaiiK *A^pMrfff,
cfoficKT} htX^iyi
ws 0CT19 oiTpi^ScfiMK, ^/ii) vavriXXirm *llxitf;
3€iSia, /xi{ fui" opivc 5iP^^a^rca inf^ra ir^rrov* sio
SciSta, ^n fuv €K€v9€ l»^fym fioof itff ^po dfiA4
aararo^ €v ntXdytaoi fitr* ovpta icvfiara fiaiift%'
•n Hputf *Hy«».
7roT€ 7T€rpri€€raa ^atrqarraa
aXXa r€6v UoXv^^iov €a pptMir vj¥ mXi^afff,
atrros* tfioU tuyLtHaiv atpraiatv at aawaw 3|5
* Ludwich Uter restored ififX'* from IXL

• A Nereid.
» The CydofM Polypbenm lov«d Gdalda Uw im-fnmipb
DIONYSIAIA. \ I im 315

*" KarthAilirr >a« frum the deep tike tmwih aB

od0d, whSJk Zcm alooc villi itwmgcr pwh nuMle II
omIw wider hit llvealcains timnmU i be threw avay
Mi fwiMMM, w
idrfinf In llli MMper what rarth now
becMldlMvewtUlalfidaill Ncreidi In b«tt4ibuc»
•waa over the ioodh^ wsvci ; TbeUi tnitrtlrd
o^trr ihr water rldfatf on the green hip of • Triton
with hnMMl beard; A||Mii« on a iih« baeh dmire
her pOolMl in the open ah. and an etile dolphin
with the m^Axf mrlrllnc innnd hb neck Med fXiria*
and cnrrird her aloM. A whole of the deep ton
IcoMl nboni the hUb and eoMhl ihe cnf« of the

> " Wh«v «Pt

von felM, Gnbloin ? Hnvn jon
iritrn op ten Arhopa fan are looldqf
lor hilbf
Un the fciic aoi^ of Cydona ? * I praj joy b^r ihe
Faphlan, and bjr jTonr rayphenioa—yon know the
we%hl of deiirr, do not hUe finmn me If jroo have
nniload nif wnnlahitM^iy Echo i ntoiinbig bjr
the inehi f Doce eht mmm Ihpongh Iho wet like
yon? Dmo the nlw itt on a dolpSn of Aphrodite
Ihe «n foddfia, niy own Echo na«i|rntin|r Hke Thetla
nnvcttM? I frar the dancrrom waves c/ the derp
majT hnvo tlarllcd her I fear the frrat iood mav

have anveted her! Howe cmrl for her. poor ihhnr

She hm Ml the bob and nwvcn Mtkaa nvcrlhe
vavm Echo onea Iha andd oT Iha ineki «il ihow
iketvelf at ihe nndd of the w alaw Come* leave vonr

PolyphenMO, Iha la^aid I If yon liha« I will llli

jToo npon my owa back and aave jon. The roarliy

_ aabteaaU
ov fA€ KaraxAv{<* iciJUi&iir p6o9' 4r JMij^i,
iXvcotv cuyfUMmv ^9U^oe^M« fir «oAor imptt^^**

aXW €/AOi irAbor cj^ Mprtpot^ M^or Z<ik.

ouiccTc fioorcMu ^lorcAi^ iXa* rooomriov y^

ETirc, Koi ^Ypom6poto «a^i(Aif#t llai^ iratfWf
TTUKva 3^ KVfioimMfrof i^uM^tatUrmf rtii roSo

*Adpta5€9 HarcAoiou' ipMkoi^ Aom w^rpoi

Sfififrnpoii poBuHm^. ^wk ^ ««JW#y

fivSaX^wv ovcVo^ AcAoiiyiMr 9iv;ha rawpmv

darpaij} &€ ^oAayTt fu/uy/i/vor Oiifimat^ ttmp
XtVKortprjy itoitfat raXafaifjv irvv a^y,
Kai po^ioi yor^cyn Woir hrraorofto^ Simp
*AA^ui^ hvatpom avrfjrrrro NfiAor ^Aifn|ff
cat' o /i€V €VKafmoio 5i otAoiCOf jBtXtv Ipmmm

OS 5< napdifas irporipiffv Mm i)M5or ^ypiff

• The three pesks are tfaoM of Sidly. ThtwiilMiflniM
Tyrrhenian* Sidlim, aad Adriatk
* Hen b the Unrest sphere and
DIOVY*5'V * \T SI6-54S

man ovoimeiiii isir ; if I llkr 1 can

f on wif ^gttHUk fed t
wKmmwj tky
He ffiokr. and (ialatak Mid ia icphr
y 6tmr Pan, csfrr joar own EdMi Unovfh the
-•Im Inow* nolili^ of tlir ara. Don't wa«to
yoor lino ia mAing no wIit 1 om goliM liere Uiis
dar. IImvc oMilllcr Hid lM»rf voji^ fiwcli Rolny
Zciia liM feoad aie. Ut
be llM> toof of Cyelopm
Um^ it ii vwttU I tccli no more tiM flkOUn mo ;

i OM loffficd at Hdi timumtiiM iood. oad I eorr

iiiilldiw fill niljtihtiBiiM
^wMi thtea^ noodit iilo noMrd avar from tlio

Aa the
•i'wf ciljr* ctwfT noQon wm o aooo « not
VM ondMndM, not one liOl woa ihm
llMpealiof QM«noltllolopof Peiion. Under tlie
UleTiiifciiaienSM; tbeAdrUtic
wHii Mtoa tMtam ia aliowrn of

PboJUbon la
of raaiiaon
Off in W3l*SiJtjE^ 23
aw oiry ooaiM aoooaM Mif oao
nvMaonMl in tile totfento* Selene in aer Mvenlli
Mne^cmr tlie low Hm of tile eortli cooled tier Hglit
in tile moontinir vavco«end cberiird her cattle with
dtenched ond tnakiiw nodnu The rainwairr mitcd
villi the vtarnr KattaNom. and mode tile Milky War
whiirr with foam.
• TiMNile« uo affti^ Idi HfegHiiv olMoai daoogli
hia tevcn OMNitlia, went Mtrajr oad oiet breaiek
Alpheioa. Hb vfaih wmm to creep throoffa the fhtltful
•oil. and delight hia thimty bride with waterr kiBM*a
bot the odwr bod kst the familUr rood of Ma old-


W ircu irffcr !%•. ^^^ r 4P;^ ^

IC04 TdTc AdMoJUiMr w^yrfjir m^tiittwaiF Um^

* Pteekkm.
* The Nile** bride b •
tbe foootalH
fh>in the I
iMMtt Mid PiMuA (tkamg m ftomKt*

Mill»4»^ AfrttaM li Madtn

«WllKblMto? Ym Im%y Ml y«ir c«»
I MlMH--^te«llMi» r.«|jMlc» lie

iW •*»m^ ^^' iralB«»]r mhI ^rar

Li Aft irtdilt<hr AmliiMi > IffwH^MvlMm

ft^ mi JUm km mmii
m iw OTM «r ii» r fciw,»


mk^ m gw^ wiMili ? Tlir
lllv iaaiiiV •«•• iW H>«1» aB katv

oiW iHiv M iMi IHl <|«r«irlir<l. ihr Pi|illiill iw of

lor my palA. llM ir^drv MbhIi Ii


n^ M it6m§m ifm wp9€ ^/4«i«,

ymor^y rp i fliwri MmM« «i2 M I^^JM

f^}9miimm9 vMArat ijMn^ /m^itm^ mm^
y^^db^ jybiyi n n iiiii|t *<(h rf i>

viVTio AbIMsiov cipw^i||^ifff9 M|pi^HnW#

^(^Tty^voif MM^immmm ^^jupw ^ wm ' tl

yiwii / .


15. The MMC Mi ralillHiiillPi •! AiCf«lM tit

the TkUn*. and fclkcr oT tlw

ftfflttt hfaB tarto • dirtiir m
mdMfim it b wciiMry
lo Im«^ mm mhMmI^i «f

nioNT<iiAr\ \

to aavlialc far cmi of

««ir# fM lyirtigt 4Mm. K«ffli tlMili at iIn^

•fooMf Am^ viMdl t f tiii<i «o ll%ll. Ml4 ilKHivd

iW 4m^ liilniii Md iIm

*«i PNmI kk liln^ vi^fv mIIm wt te» of «wtll,
«mI dbM M iW fvstor fffw lIMi vMlvrlW iMmv

Ml IW Mid WW MhI Mto ai hHmw,

by MMMi «Mlb Wfi«f tUi mhI

ktrr irwf«lioM oT
»r ; llir air flM« MM
byllM tlkaivvteiW

ti I Mm • dbpwMi •—lOif tf • dwii I

%tm, I
Ht iKb

•. a *S •••• ^_ ^_ ,,^^
i«iiBMi^«i4 %l4i#%«Ml %«Mt to
Ikmw or MtfHi^
thrlKMWOr liiMrirti iiiillifj. vMlv Dmm M»i*
•I the
ir wwlie-fcna J by l^lyyw—yfcifc Iji ii i ipi i

the lMMMl«r
b in I tbr mmm aiMrt villi ftt Mam (llMM«»f » b akm garni
So ao tlie wholitiHi
Ibvourmbfe, thoMEli tt
«. Hrrr NoMMit Mift q«l l» 0m m
•rfaonearUieDdairr. ifhr vvfvMiavIlM
Stoic »ymiMtliici, be vmild Imw dlWr m
confla^tioii cnif, tincv 11 «•* tbrir rjr Uw
intcnral* om or mmUw

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