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 The Screaming Eagles are the alpha's pack at the 

Sept of Falling Anvils, Denver,

Colorado. Dedicated to mighty Clashing Boom-Boom, they are warriors all — even
when they're not. Stealth is not their forte.

 Killbox, the pack alpha, also leads the Sept of Falling Anvils. The Elder Ahroun
of the Silicon Sentinel tribe is sometimes called "The Cavalry," because when he
shows up, Wyrm things die and Gaian things live.
 Ain't Dead Yet Athro Theurge, pack Beta and Gatekeeper, tends to the spiritual
leadership of the pack while also dealing with his own anger issues.
 The Bone Gnawer Ahroun Athro known as Scratches on the Eight is ready with
a throwing rock or to wade into melee as required.
 Reach For The Sky serves the sept as Master of Challenge. A Silicon Sentinel
Philodox and an Athro, he doles out both wise judgements and fast-moving bullets.
 Shakespeare in the park tells it like it is — or at least the way an Adren Bone
Gnawer Galliard sees it.
 Dances With Crows, the team's Silicon Sentinel Ragabash Adren, is so sneaky
they hardly ever see him!
 Taz, Damn Horny Devil, is a recent addition — a Silicon Sentinel Fostern
Theurge with a damn cool spaceship.

 There is no foe the Screaming Eagles can't bring down when they work together.
 There is also no pop culture reference they won't make while doing so.
 The Screaming Eagles vacation in Malfeas.
 Their next road trip destination is Pluto.
 They have a Mech. (Just one? Bah!)
 Three of them made it back from getting stranded in Pangea.
 "Our totem, who art the airstrike, hallowed be thy Boom. Thy ordnance come,
our enemies be rendered to bits as well as pieces. Give us this day our air support,
and empower our artillery, as we lob shells at the Wyrm that stands against us. And
lead us not into empty clips, but deliver us more ammo. For thine is the fire, the
napalm, the Boom-Boom forever. In Gaia’s name, FIRE!" — Ain't Dead Yet leads
the pack in prayer.
 "Today... today. At the edge of all hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen
not only to believe in Gaia, but in each other. Today there is not a man nor wolf in
here who will stand alone... not today. Today we face the Wyrm that is at our door,
and bring the fight to them! TODAY WE ARE CANCELING THE
APOCALYPSE!" — Killbox paraphrases Pacific Rim.
 "The Apocalypse falls, and now my watch begins. It will not end until my death
or the Wyrm's. I will suffer no fools, hold no land but Denver, and father no metis. I
shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the
sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against
cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that
guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Sept of Falling Anvils,
for this night and all the nights to come.” — Reach for the Sky steals shamelessly
from Game of Thrones.
 "Worst blowjob ever!" – Ain’t Dead Yet describing being swallowed by a
Thunder Wyrm.
 "Hey Killbox, we're surrounded." "Great, that means we can shoot in any
 "Ya'll are Cliath? Fuck ya..." - Killbox, after working with Pack Imminent Force
in California.

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