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f es The Myst Srebility Criterion PSHO- 847 The closed » pols tle an vaenbal rele an de a ee tee) trond tnd ~ Pea ponse tT the system -©)-Ek-ZH- L a ned lop poles sobs fy [+ Kei@HL)= 0 For stabil othe ‘hove epratin chowlel not howe vos om He RHP Cinch the imcgnainy pets) Merthoels « © Rt Arey ropnire knootisde « © Rat locwae } ( &(s) HO f | © Nyqur- Soe bibs, Crt rns | Ny quar ~ steb. be ecterten 1s an alterncte method to determine stably. aslich oly reyrires aph erelnatorn + the open-loop Pore mapoee Main advan - lr does” ret rope ensledge ® a-l: 2=H of else -levp poles le, tres ca [+ Gb)) om RHP N= 4 F clocktse eacerclonont of -1 4 EG). Sindy the tro excmples in the ser deo pages The Nyquist plots of three open-loop transfer functions G(s) are shown in Figure 1. In each case, the Nyquist plot is shown for -00 < w < +00, where arrows indicating the direction of increasing w. Fill in the following table. std] (=iNs+2) | =F 2) (83) Gs) Tis+6 | (+i Ge Number of RHP zeros ° ee ° ‘Number of RHP poles ° ° 2 Number of clockwise encirclement of 0 oO [ _s sti Nyaist tt 4 a (a) (b) Nyquist plot 3 Figure 1: Nyquist plots Problem 3 (15 points) Consider the closed-loop system shown in Figure 3(a). The Nyquist plots of three open- loop transfer functions G(s) are also shown in Figure 3(b)-(q). In each case, the Nyquist plot is shown for —oo 2eNeP aan na i ( i Ia Neo ©) @ Ne2 >Nne( Figure 3: Nyquist plots 2723 ® Ny guist= Grebi lity Criterion: Ascume thet the open — log tan fer che GO)HL) hes no poles on jo axis, amd — im ADH) = ematent . 2 GI) HS) hosp spent pres on RHP , then tt srabilidy thon Nyquist ph of EG Gy) , as” wy wares ~ BSL Meh encircle the poset Hl p Rees a the cownter— — clockwise direchm. Tn other areroly_ in order frre B= 0, We muna howe >-P Hof dekirise NN, of pole encitelemant of (BL) Hb) -t ly EG KGa) om RHP Core lleery 2 Peo, fe, Herts ro open — hoop polson Rup» than the Ny poet plore — wnepele +o. —| a : Whar if the Syston hos a prprbenl jon ke? | The closed — Loop poke are rma cf (+ KEOHA=6 | | To We Ny pois Strebi le Doe can etthen D Dro he Ny quisr plot of KEEGY UG), ant cmt th encirelimet of —/ OD Srl we te ygnrsr pler EG NGD. ed Comme the rere Yf is It KEbyb)=0 & Et HHL) 0 cour this abe shell yemen WAL same | Stops tb we He Rygeast Sable Coto: © Chik: © QL)H6) has neo Pols om the jro- ener DO bie CoH) =) costo ® Frh oe P= # of pen-lenp gets of G04d on RHP © Chace sheer the My gcr-plor Clin) HGw) encirdis the -1 for (ee por) Comter-dockwise pf Hmes The clesed—/rop poles bre. rook of 7 it ep ze @ 4+ 7-8 let ws aerk on two specral Cases pro © Get: kee, 2+ S-rse _ Sep O: ne pols om jr—awis ~~ ee ee ° “ Srep®> PFI Srep ©: The Ny quish—plet bs T+ dies nt enccrcle the punt ew t > eee er fe Home, the system ts wtable . Yew fy: 2rep-o 2 ile UNSTABLE! ® Goe 2 k=2 +4 pp ee ~abs) Stop @: ok Step Oe || Srp O : The Ny yest plet of b> encircles -t “bra cmntor-chekre The Sptin Fs stebla Verf3y I tt 5770 a> S--| STABLE! In fact > we con determing the pemye of KR Stabila» For srebilige » My posse pler Tage vanot emer. oT conter—codunse This only happens ashen -#K is betwen ~) ado -l/ fe soe bslepe —Qusstion : Wher if He Myperp le posses Toph he le fas Gy. cop) > KEG) H()= | sone > cloed-levg pole #5'0n he io one's D> UNSTABLE * | ae Gee Determine the, oahe of k ia Sreblen Srep O>: ne poles oe a bm GH= © a Srog ©: P=o Srop BO: For stabrbay » we repwire zere of ope encicclamerd= of rhe se po Thess ts to all k>o > The system bs abweyé stxble i Vefy I+ IC Gp ee ss -ltdky Assume that CIDHG) % sinble (ie. Peed Determine qh ran k stablite of tHe closed lovp ase T te ot Sr O: ne pols om yeranis lotarwie the Nyguat-plor antl S/ns up). SN perp af & CH Hs) = 6 xv Stop @: PaO Sep O: For sieht, the Ny quent —plor mnt nop encircle. the -E Ge encirclement Comter— clock wie -|}¢ -# Ket Conc the numbe of wrcirclement can be Compriaiigg : Fellow +his ensy proadure. To Pood the Number of encirclement f oy pee ane draw a ray 7 iain thar got -k + O'n any direchin) . Count rhe # of Interseotions Wik she Ny quis pt, rey ai attond on to the deren with ashids HE Ny guest plo Cressex the re. 7 3 | ~ 1 cleck-wise, 4 Commter— Clockwise +99 / Df we teke comter— cle hein “as the, pote olire otro | Gute 0 encirclement h “I Connter_ clockurse | CO tG)z-2. encrvclement Counter clockucise_ =I CV elev tly) tlt t (t(D = -2 encirclement Comber chockurtsa |

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