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Davin Lee

AP European History, B

Chapter 25

 Chapter 25: The Age of

 1789 Nationalism had already grown a lot but never was able to complete
anything it promised
 Napoleon III in France
 Nationalism could be under a democratic rule like in Mazzini and
Michelet or it can be in a dictatorship like under Napoleon
 The Second Republic and Louis Napoleon
 December 1848 Louis Napoleon when the election to be president but
a huge margin
 He won because of the pamphlets he wrote = The Elimination of
Poverty and Napoleonic Ideas
 His idea was that he would serve each and every person
 All classes would benefit from what he wanted to do
 1851 Assembly refused to change laws so he could run again and
so he dissolved them and people still voted for him and he became
ruler again
 Napoleon’s III Second Empire
 1852-1870 Napoleon was very successful with the economy
 tried to fix public works and rebuilt Paris
 Decline of Unemployment
 Satisfied most dissatisfied workers = working class urban
 Right to form unions and protest
 He also wanted to expand but their were some problems with the
continent , like Growing Prussia, that prevented him from
 Public Opinion = very important to him
 1869middle class demanded for a new constitution and so he lost
a lot of votes but later he got back some by reconciling national
 Nation Building in Italy and Germany
 Italy to 1850
 In 1815 Congress of Vienna reorganized the country
 Giuseppe Mazzini
 Said that a country should be democratic and also unified under
the will of the people
 Vincenzo Gioberti = priest saying wanted a unified state under the
control of the pope
 Pius XI supported the unification of Italy = a powerful figure sacred
people and he wanted the church and state to work with each other
 Wrote the Syllabus of Errors accused rationalism and socialism
 Cavour and Garibaldi In Italy
 Sardinia owned much of Italy at the time and it was ruled by Count
Camillo Benso di Cvour (1851-1861)
 Made red shirts = 1000 men to attack to liberate the two sicilies
 Feared man named Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)
 He attracted a lot of attention
 Later he succeeds to keep Garibaldi from continuing to gain
popular power. And so he created a conservative nationalism
 1870 parliamentary leader Victor Emmanuel not radical or
democratic = not many men could even vote
 Although on paper Italy was reunited on paper but there were sill
many culture problems
 Germany before Bismarck
 After 1848 there were many tensions between Austria and Prussia
since Austria and Russia had earlier stopped Germany from being a
whole unified state under Frederick William I
 A huge trade union was created called Zollverein and it was used
as a tactic against Austria.
 They were excluded and all the states of Germany like Prussia
was invited
 Economically it was essentially a Germany without Austria
 Also William created a larger army by about two times larger as
another way to fight against Austria
 He also hired Bismarck to go against Parliament that was created
by the middle class to keep the King under control
 Bismarck and the Austro-Prussian War, 1866
 (1815-1898)
 came from a landowning aristocracy and was usually flexible while
still forceful and keen
 oppressed the middle class and continued to create a greater army
and still kept on the amount of tax
 led to the control of entire Northern Germany and had to remove
 he did so by neutralizing any available alliance like France and
 defeated Austria in battle of Sadowa in Bohemia and was very kind
to Austria in terms of reparations
 Main goal was EXPANSION
 The Taming of the Parliament (In the Northern German Confederation)
 After the Austro-Prussian war he created a federal constitution
 Each state had a government
 King and Bismarck controlled army and foreign affairs
 2 houses with equal power to make houses
 the liberal middle class actually repented especially Hermann
Baumgarten in 1866 who repented in essay expressing how it
was a miracle how Bismarck was able to make such a
peaceable change to Germany
 The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871
 Bismarck also wanted the Southern Germans to join him so he
decided to call War on France who fought back and lost badly
 After the war Lorraine and Alsace was given to him
 Helped with military security
 All other countries sat back and only watched = Bismarck made a
good decision to be nice to Austria
 William was proclaimed emperor in Versailles
 Before they were the weakest power of the Great powers but now the
dominant figure = a lot of nationality where people really loved their
own country
 Nation Building in the United States
 Once the U.S. reached the nineteenth century it was the first time it
experienced any major problems in terms of disagreement
 The northern U.S. was filled with immigrants and a lot of transportation
and good industry
 On the other hand the South lacked all of that
 Black slaves were the basis for profit in the market of cotton
 Helped economy
 There was a huge dispute on who got the new territory when in 1848
part of Mexico was ceded to America
 1860 Lincoln was elected president and eleven states wanted to leave the
union but after the Civil war (1861-1865) they were forced once again to
rejoin the union
 Many times the war caused a bad economy and in the South the
majority of poor whites left the army but on the other hand in the
North people prospered
 Homestead Act 1862 gave the new territory to the North
 1865 13th amendment ended slavery but lack of enforcement caused
the South to regain some power and they enslaved black illegally
which was called sharecropping
 The “Manifest Destiny” of the United States was to become a world
 The Modernization of Russia
 For Russia it was easier to create a united nation since it was already
composed of a bunch of united states
 Many times especially in 1856 the autocrat found that it must make
the country of Russia modernize
 The “Great Reforms”
 1850’s = a poor agrarian society
 Serfdom
 Nobility was dominant and the serfs were slaves
 Russia felt they needed reform after Crimean War (1853-1856)
 They were humiliated by France, Great Britain, and Sardinia
 They knew that all change must occur to the higher level of
 Idea of Alexander II in order to keep power in Europe
especially since they did not have enough Industrial changes
 1861 Serfdom was discontinued
 They gave each peasant a piece of land and it did not help
 Formed type of government= Zemstvo where each town
elected a small government but it failed do to subordination
by the rich nobility
 Lated a system of equality before law was formed = good!
 The Industrialization of Russia
 Most of the modernization was in terms of economic reasons not
political = still autocratic
 After 1860 there were changes like railway company subsidization
 Urban cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg grew
 A lot of patriots and nationalists since they were proud of the growing
 1881 Alexander II was killed by terrorists and the growth of the
country stopped but economically it was still growing although
Alexander III was not very aggressive.
 Main man to boost growth of Russia was Sergei Witte who used the
Western capitalists in order to stimulate Russia’s economy
 He encouraged others from other countries to build factories
 Russia began to catch up in his hands
 The Revolution of 1905
 A Lot of territorial expansion
 Russia had gone to even affect the Asian countries and Japan had
protested against and Russia had no response = Japan attacked and
severely surprised Russia in 1905
 Peasants had no gain in the industrial age
 Poles and Ukrainians were not satisfied and the Russian Army was
occupied so they were revolted against in the Revolution of 1905
 The people went to St. Petersburg to make a petition to King
Nicholas II when they found he had fled and the army fired on the
people = Bloody Sunday
 As a result the King granted the October Manifesto where the
Duma or parliament was elected by popularity
 Also issued the constitution or fundamental laws
 Middle class felt this was a fall back!
 New chief minister Peter Stolypin was chief minister and had to
break down village ownership and allow more small businesses
owned by poor
 1914 country was modernized
 country that was based on the peasants but had an industrializing
 The Responsive national State, 1871-1914
 After Italy and Germany were built the period of “Blood and Iron” had
 People were content with an Industrialized Europe and people got
more rights in 1914 almost all men could vote without restriction
 Women in 1914 in Norway was the first place to get it in Europe and
1913 in U.S. – Emmeline Pankhurst fought for women’s rights which
were only realized after WWI
 She had bugged politicians to allow them to do so
 There were more parties in where politicians could represent their
people more freely and could gain benefits by joining or forming
coalitions with other groups
 The only down fall to a strong national state was that the government
could use the new change to manipulate a sense of nationalism
 The German Empire
 Federal union of Prussia and 24 small states
 Most things were done by the state
 Central government had chancellor “Bismarck” and a elected lower
house = Reichstag
 Bismarck did not like this but he tried to keep a parliament
 He relied own liberals who backed him in opposing the Church in
the Kulturkampf
 “Struggle for civilization”
 Only worked in Prussia which was Protestant but other states
were Catholic
 He had to cooperate with the Catholic Center Party for economic
reasons and in 1878 he stopped attack!
 1873 there a continental market crash since foreign goods were cheap
and transportation was a lot cheaper
 in response there was a protection of 1879 made to protect the
country and this also won Bismarck support Catholic and
conservative party in Parliament
 he kept most nationalists
 Caused a lot of trade wars
 Fear of socialism = outlawed social democratic party
 He also tried to win the support of the working class people
 1883,4,9 all worked to increase rights of the people such as old age
pensions and for sickness = National Social Security System
 Later William II takes power forces Bismarck out of power
 No special change
 German Social Democratic Party became the largest of the Reichstag
but much change that it wanted was not something immediate but
very gradual = common among socialists after WWII
 Republican France
 1871 France was divided After the war with Prussia
 the last standing city was Paris who later was starved to death
 A new government was created, a commune of 1871 March
where the people wanted to rule Paris without outside
 It started a civil fight between France and France causing a
lot of tensions
 1848
 Their’s plan to stop the idea of a commune started the 3rd
Republic which was desired the most since it did the least to
hurt the people and it created national unity
 Another reason for growing unity among France before 1914
was Leon Gambetta who was a successful rallyer which helped
pull France together
 They took out the autocratic president, Marshall MacMahon,
and replaced him with a republic filled with parties that
represented different people
 A lot of coalition politics
 Jules Ferry also helped to increase the education of France by
gaining support of village and town leaders in order to creates an
education system free for all which was sponsored by tax
 Usually secular education and republic instead of conservative
and non-secular as with the Catholic Church
 Hope for the next generation
 Teachers were encouraged by 3rd Republic to get married so
that they could set a good example for better birth rates and
less loneliness when deported to a new area to teach
 He felt must change from the underlying culture
 At first tensions between government and church was great until
Pope Leo XIII who accepted more liberal terms
 The only tensions that occurred at the time was with the case of the
Dreyfus affair who was a Jewish captain
 Alfred Dreyfus was supported by republicans like Emile Zola but
the Church and army had found evidence to accuse him
 Later he is proven innocent and so the government tore down all
relations with the Church between 1901-1905
 They took back all Catholic lands and schools which greatly
supported the public school system
 Great Britain and Ireland
 John Stuart Mill wrote the essay called “On Liberty”
 He wrote about the importance of protecting the individual rights
 Benjamin Disraeli and the conservatives in 1867 allowed everyone in
the middle class to also vote
 Later the Reform Bill of 1884 allowed all males to votes
 The commons wanted to form a People’s Budget but it was vetoed by
the rich
 This reform was created to support all the social services like free
education and free healthcare
 1832 the King threatened to add more commoners to support
the bill and so the noble gave way
 Part of the Budget David Lloyd George increased the tax on the
 William Gladstone (1809-1898)
 Wanted to create a self governing government in Ireland
 The southerners wanted to be ruled under the British government
= HOME RULE but the northerners refused
 Ulster was one of the Ulsterites that refused to accept the
 The problem was not solved but became unimportant when WWI
came around
 At the time many countries wanted to gain freedom like Ireland
Southerners wanting to be free
 The Austro-Hungarian Empire
 The Magyars of Hungary wanted to have independence form Austria
 At first they were defeated by Austria and Russia
 Later Austria had to form a dual-monarchy since Prussia almost
completely obliterated Austria
 Austria’s parliament had no power since it was very divided and many
times they ruled by just placing laws
 Magyar nobles restored the constitution of 1848 and ruled the
 Only ¼ of men in Hungary could vote
 Nationalism in this case was a downfall and badly ruined Austria since
it was a nationalism separating a country apart
 Jewish Emancipation and Modern Anti-Semitism
 1848 Many assemblies like Berlin and Frankfurt supported German
 Austria and Italy and Prussia fought for equality
 Jews were great at anything to do with business
 Later in 1873 the stock market crashed and so the blame was put
on the Jews
 Many anti-Semitists believed that Jews were a damage to their
perfect society
 In 1890’s Karl Lueger and his “Christian Socialists” had sparked the
ideas of Theodore Herzel which sparked Zionism
 Zionism = belief that Jews should have their own separate state
 Karl Lueger appealed to working Germans and sparked a belief in
the impurity of Jews and also sparked Adolf Hitler
 1881-1882 the army and the government allowed the German
peasants to destroy the Jewish property
 Zionism wanted to but the Jews in a place called Palestine but later
many Jews just left to the U.S. or Western Europe
 Marxism and the Socialist Movement
 Socialistic parties mostly led by Karl Marx
 They usually were supported by the working class
 He wrote the communist Manifesto
 He wanted to express later after his famous period how after a
revolution there is always a bad economy which was expressed in
the book “Capital” (1867)
 Marxist parties came together to form the Second Socialist
International in order to revolt against the government
 First one failed
 They met every 3 years
 May 1 also known as May Day was a day dedicated to revolt
and protest against the government
 Unions and Revisionism
 Many of the social parties were less radical when the standard of
living got better for everyone
 Also many of the lower class people could vote so they focused less on
forming a revolution
 German unions focused less on socialistic ideas but more on worker
conditions and amount of food for people
 Improvement not revolution was the main goal of many socialists
in Germany since they usually got their way
 Many socialists tried to edit the Marxian documents for the
reality of the time = Revisionism
 Rejected by German Social Democratic Party and Second
 Frowned upon
 Socialist Edward Bernstein wrote Evolutionary Socialism (1899)
 This contradicted and proved Marx wrong on how peasants would
always continue to become poorer
 In France another example was Jean Jaures (1859-1914) who also
opposed the idea of revisionism
 The most radical of all socialists existed in Austro-Hungarian
 Socialistic parties were different in separate countries and many
times they varied in degree which greatly reduced the power it
once had to provide nationalistic feeling
 Idk Terms = Labor

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