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APTITUDE- its a potential ability which is natural or acquired for learning and
proficiency in a specific area. it may or may not lead to effective
administration. Hence required ethics and integrity.

ETHICS-it will provide the administrator the ability to differentiate between

right and wrong. and follow the path of frightedness.

INTEGRITYit will ensure the path of rightness is followed across time and
space .the reliability in ethical conduct is guaranteed by integrity.

To lie is bad. Example- if a saint says dacoit truth then dacoit kill the man

good is independent of right.

why do study ethics-

1 To resolve conflict between competing values. Example - Dilemma faced by

doctor saving life of a criminal who has done heinous crime.
2 To prevent social strife.

it will lead to social harmony

it will lead to peace and national integration.

3 To ensure efficiency in the administration.

Question-Discuss the impact on social and individual well being.

solution-social well being

harmony ,peace, tolerant, Accommodation of diversity ,brotherhood, fraternity,
national integration.
individual well being

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decision making quick, walking the talk, preaching is Practicing ,no crisis situation,
peace of mind ,satisfaction, credibility in the market, disciplined ,help in resolving
Dilemma, may influence social change.

Quotation-when you love your nation for what it does it is patriotism and when
you love your nation no matter what it does it is nationalism.

Quotation- Patriotism is when you support your country all the time and the
government when it deserves.

preamble ,fundamental duties ,DPSP ,Gandhiji seven Sins must be remember.


 what are these concepts?

 what are they made up of?

 characteristic features:—

1 Dynamic or static
2 Absolute or Relative
3 Universal or cultural specific
4 objective or subjective
4. There international relationship

5. How they develop(socialization)

what are these concepts?

VAME are mental construct that serves as instrument for behavior regulation.
They responsible for
1 guiding or decision making

2 influencing our choices

3 and directing our behavior

Mental construct- anything which cannot be measured directly but it supposed to

be existing as it gives rise to directly measurable phenomena.

statement-VAME simplifies our interaction with our environment by making our

behavioral choices parsimonious.

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What are they made up of

They are made up of

1 cognitive/belief
2 emotions

3 action tendency
Belief- it is an internal feeling where we assume something to be true. It is based
on tradition, folklore, superstitions, verifiable facts or irrational view points. These
are the ideas or view points held by a group or society. they give us hope and
human being thrives on what they believe in.

can belief be changed?

If belief peripheral it can change but if they are core they may take long
time or may not change. Core beliefs which exist across time and space when it is
based on preferences known as values. example glass is half full or half empty, if
he says half empty we can change his belief by saying don't be, this
peripheral belief. while religious, courage, creative core belief is values.

Beliefs can be challenged and peripheral beliefs can be changed.

Two people can have different beliefs about the same phenomena.

beliefs generates emotion.

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Emotions- Emotions are bodily arousals. They are personal experiences that
arise from complex interplay among physiological, cognitive and situational is a basic aspect of human functioning and all of us are born with the
capacity to experience emotion.

For example corruption, child marriage but afraid due to politician and social
boycott respectively.

Action tendency-it refers to desire for action not necessarily it will result into
overt behavior .it needs to overcome certain impediments.

characteristic features:—

Dynamic or static - These are relatively permanent. they are the source of our
identity. they are the result of massive investment of time ,cost, energy .any
departure from the existing value might create guilt or tension. example-a child

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going for republic day parade every year saw the officer getting honored .hence
the value of patriotism develop.

 statement-environment is constantly changing and VAME helps to establish

equilibrium with the environment. Means practice change like how you
practice patriotism during Gandhi era and how you practice patriotism now.It is
reflected in multipplicity of behavior .

 for example- equality is a value which was reflected through socio-religious-

reform movement in 19th century. However is reflected through affirmative
action in todays time (value remain same but manifestation of value change
over a period of time).

Universal or cultural specific

Values serves as adhesive which brings different people of given culture together
.To sustain a society we need to ensure harmony and stability and one of the
prerequisite is value consensus. courage, wisdom ,empathy, striving for peace,
compassion, tolerance are universal values. culture specific, familial obedience,
collectivism, cooperation, strong religious orientation etc.

Absolute or Relative ( it is wrt context )

absolute values are constant and situation independent where as relative are
contextually specific i.e., there is nothing right or wrong it dependence upon the
situation. absoluteness has a tinge of rigidity whereas relativeness provide
flexibility which is needed to operate in the environment successfully.

observation-if truth spoken to upheld the value of truth it is welcomed however if

it is spoken to give pride it is not welcomed. to evaluate the rightneous of any
action it is important to understand the intention behind the action.

quote-To be kind is more important than to be right.-Buddha

In everyday life relativeness is welcomed wrt to situation, timing and choice of

Objective or subjective(wrt individual)

when the values are evaluated wrt to its existence independent of an individual.
Mostly the values are subjective .individual differences occur wrt perception
,understanding and judgement. hence it result into multiplicity of behavior.

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example- Plato believed in objectivity of values lie outside the individual and are
not independent on perception or belief however it was refuted.

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values when seen in the prism of right or wrong at individual level called
morals however at societal is called as ethics

Morals- these are the principles of right behavior. these are the standards
which individual set for helps guiding a person about rightness and
wrongness of an act. the source of morality is internal.

Ethics-its a prescriptive rule of conduct i.e., correct way to do something.

ethics guides us what will be the right way to act in a situation. they are
externally imposed. any deviation may attract social disapproval. they are
consistent and are objective in nature. many organization have rules
prescribing the standard of behavior they expect from their employee .it is
referred as code of ethics. example-medical ethics, corporate ethics,
administrative ethics etc.

Discrepancy between morals and ethics

example- adultery is unethical but one who practicing might not find immoral.
homosexuality is unethical but it is moral for someone at individual level. defense
lawyer, doctor

ethics cannot develop in vacuum. society develops it by norms.

Norms-these are social expectation that guides the individual behavior. these
are the set of rules agreed upon by societal members and are binding on all.
these are expressed through customs, folklore etc.

for example in traditional society it was a norm of child brides, sati Paratha,
ban on widow remarriage etc. these are forms of social control on individual to
ensure Conformity, to ensure uniformity ,to prevent deviant behavior. non-
conformity might lead to social ostracization.

Laws-the latest stage of evolution of norms where society has codified the
terms of expected and unexpected behavior from its members is referred as

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laws are minimum standard set by society because suppose the people
Rajasthan completely says that child marriage is a customary practise and it is
ethical. so we follow it but then there laws helps to stop it.

legal but not ethical-adultery, living relationship, suicide, sabarimala,

something that is ethical but not legal-polyandry in some tribal society,

commercial sarogeshi but not legal ,medical termination of pregnancy.
prostitution is illegal but also society not acceptable. breakng the traffic rules for
saving someone life.

ethics is the first line of defense against malpractices while law enforcement is
remedial and reactive

where law ends , ethics begins

ethics vs law- ethics refers to standards of right and wrong which prescribes
what humans ought to do usually in terms of rights, obligation ,fairness etc. laws
are based on ethical framework and aim to bring social order in the society. laws
are the rules imposed on the individual by the government and individual
disobeying the law is liable to face penalty and punishment. laws have societal
sanctions and thus have an important role in smooth functioning of the society.
ethics as a moral compass in guiding an individual even when the law is silent on

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the action. example-role of administrator where discretion has to be exercised.
hence it is ethics that act as a strong defense mechanism to prevent


Socialization is a process by which a child is indoctrinated into his is

referred as a process by which culture is transmitted from one generation to

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other. Individual develops his personality by learning the content of his
is a lifelong process of shaping individual tendency so that he becomes and
remain a useful and productive and member of his society.

Technique of socialization

observant learning-the process of learning by watching other is called

observant learning .it occurs through social role model like parents ,teachers
,siblings etc.

Conditioning-it focuses on using either punishment or rewards to influence the


Role playing-The process of imagining and visualizing oneself as someone

else and acting like him is explained as role playing. while playing such roles the
individual able to feel of how others act and suitably modify the response.

Trial and error-By self learning or experience.

Agency of socialization

QuestionDiscuss the influence that parents have on the values of their

children. why is it that at times the values of children differ from that of their

QuestionFamily is an important agent of socialization in a Childs life

.comment .Give an example of a situation where these acquired values guided in
a situation of dilemma.

Family- Family is an institution which fulfills the need of value consensus by

socializing the children in their formative years by imparting societal values.It
helps children in confirming with the norms required for integration into the
community. its an informal agency of inculcates the values of
honesty ,happiness, ,love ,loyalty etc. which are synonymous with societal values
however over the time the values imparted by the values have undergone a
change, since values are based on preferences.

QuestionIn the backdrop of changing structures of family briefly discuss its

impact on values of children.

within socialization ,style of parenting ,role of mother and role of father is


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Autocratic parenting-they belief in restricting the autonomy of children and
forcefully impose their value system on the children. Hence children are either
over compliant or hostile. hence the child develops the following values less
cooperative, more authorative, more selfcentric less compassionate etc.

Democratic parenting-it deals with children in rational and issue oriented

manner .relationship s based on equality openness, receptive of feedback.
parents exhibit values of tolerance ,patience etc. .they provide positive
reinforcement of display of desired leads to development of following
values .example- objectivity ,tolerance , cooperation, empathy ,compassion etc.

Permissive parentingThey provide their children as much freedom as is

consistent with Childs physical survival. it is characterized by apathy, neglect,
non involvement and indifference of parent. the value inculcated are indifference
,apathy, tendency to identify with anti-social elements etc.

How parents can influence the values-

1 Right conduct by the parents(walking the talk)

2)activity based learning. example-story telling, games etc.

3 Participation of child as friend to make it easier for the child to turn to

someone in the situation of crises.

4 Pointing the child towards right practices and habits while not pushing them
by adopting strict disciplinary approach.


Father also influences the value development of a child through observation

learning and rewards and is through the identification with father
boy acquires gender appropriate values and girls learn to make heterosexual

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Mother the secure with the mother refers to womb relationship, the
relationship is characterized by trust mothering is consistent and it leads to
development of empathy ,patience ,cooperation, bold and confident behavior
and high level of self efficacy. insecure attachment is when mother places
unreasonable demand on the child, their relationship is characterized by neglect
,indifference or excessive results into lack of confidence, absence
of trust ,poor achievement orientation, high dependency.

Education system-

Formal agency of socialization which helps the child developing cognitive

skills, social skills, inter personal skills, psycho moto skills. schools provide am
medium where an individual learns to communicate with those are neither keen
nor friends. child learn cooperation except differences and become
acts as a bridge between family and society and prepare the child for the adult instills the value of achievement, equality, tolerance brotherhood etc.

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