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SAS® Results: Retail Insights

your organization’s level of analytical

Examples of SAS® Results:
maturity. We deliver analytics to our
customers in several ways – through results Retail Insights
as a service, cloud offerings or on-site SAS Results: Retail Insights capitalizes on
software and solutions. our vast experience delivering analytics
projects across many industries including
Now, the results-as-a-service option (known retail. One of the benefits is that SAS
as SAS Results) helps overcome obstacles Results: Retail Insights is not limited to any
companies face when acquiring and using single problem; however, there are some
analytics, whether for a quick high-priority common retail challenges it can readily solve:
project or an ongoing enterprise initiative.
SAS Results
• Customer segmentation. Segment your
All organizations face challenges and are customer lists into clearly identifiable
presented with opportunities. This requires groups based on similar shopping
answers to critical questions. SAS Results behaviors, lifestyle and other important
allows your organization to meet these chal- characteristics.
lenges and take advantage of the right
opportunities by making the best possible Merchandising and supply chain
decisions from your wealth of data. • Intelligent store clustering. Cluster stores
Retailers are facing big challenges driven based on product-specific sales patterns
by changing customer expectations, multi- We combine the expertise of SAS services and provides insight into the demo-
channel shopping journeys and prefer- with our award-winning software to help graphic profile and merchandise attri-
ences, store closures, increasing you develop more powerful insights. There bute to determine “Who are the
competition, corporate reorganizations and is no software license or infrastructure to customers?” and “What they are buying.”
a rapid push toward unified commerce. buy. You provide the data and business
• Apparel size profiling. Transform histor-
problem; SAS delivers the results.
ical sales data into size-demand intel-
These challenges require a fundamental • Get expert help. We go beyond the tech- ligence to help predict future sales and
transformation in how retailers use analytics nology and provide access to our skilled, inventory needs by size.
to run their business and achieve a compet- industry-specific experts, who know how • Market basket analysis. Discover
itive advantage. to get the most from SAS Analytics shopping patterns between items to
products for your specific business determine which products are often
We know that it’s difficult to fully implement challenges. purchased together to support a cross-
analytics-based improvement when you
• Quickly implement key projects. selling strategy.
have limited analytics skill in-house or
Blending IT with domain expertise, we • Price optimization. Analyze and under-
strained IT resources. But in today’s highly
deliver the answers you need to focus on stand the elasticity of product prices to
competitive environment, doing nothing is
your priorities for rapid ROI. set prices to achieve optimal financial
not an option. How can retailers employ
• Deployment options. SAS Results objectives.
advanced analytics for their high-value
provides multiple delivery alternatives • Forecasting. Enable executives and
business initiatives and technology chal-
through cloud-based or on-premises planners to make more informed stra-
lenges in a timely and effective manner?
configurations. tegic decisions by conducting financial
SAS understands better than anyone how • Transfer knowledge in-house. As your forecasting to understand key trends,
to quickly and effectively bring analytics business needs evolve, SAS can provide confidence levels and business drivers.
into your decision making, regardless of customized support to implement SAS
Analytics within your organization.
Reporting Deliverables
The SAS® Difference • Analytics-based dashboards. Develop With SAS Results, the deliverables will vary
For rapid, cost-effective analytical executive dashboards common in the depending on the requirements but can
results, you can trust SAS. Our team of retail industry covering comparable include:
experts is available to help you expand store sales, sales and inventory trending
and more. • Documented summary and agreed-
your analytics capabilities to make the
upon output (e.g., data set, presentation,
best use of your data. SAS enables • Trade area analytics. Provide a geographic
report, etc.).
organizations of any size to access and analysis of the trade areas to determine
sales contribution from the stores versus • Presentation of results, including recom-
benefit from the world’s most powerful
online to support in-store and online mendations and insights from SAS experts.
analytics, coupled with expertise that is
unavailable though any other channel. merchandising and marketing decisions. • A review and discussion of the results
based on a defined business problem/
Our flexible cost model not only pro- Flexible Delivery Options
vides the ability to apply SAS software
There are two options for the delivery of
to your business problem, but also
SAS Results offerings. You can use a secure, Pricing and Deployment
access SAS analytics experts and their cloud-based service or have results deliv- SAS Results: Retail Insights is priced based
cumulative experience as needed. ered on-site. Either way, you get the benefits on what you need. There’s no need to
of SAS Analytics software and our analytical account for technical infrastructure costs
SAS provides better outcomes expertise. The services are regularly or worry about test, development or
through our: reviewed and audited to ensure your data backup environments. The price of these
is secure, regardless of the deployment services is dependent on four factors:
• Ability to handle large volumes of
data to get the broadest view. option.
• The volume, variety, format and quality
• Broad range of algorithms to fine- of the data required to perform the
tune model performance. Benefits analysis.
Increase marketing effectiveness by under- • The complexity of the business problem
• Flexibility to meet your current
standing customer purchase decisions and being solved, including the type of
needs and scale as needed.
behavior. Execute a marketing strategy that analysis and algorithms required to solve
• Team of highly qualified analytics engages the customer to maximize their the problem.
experts with experience and exper- spending. • The format of the deliverables that will
tise across many industries. be passed back to you. This can include
• Ability to handle more diverse data Increase sales by having the right merchan- reports, analytical models, model score
formats for comprehensive dise in the right stores at the right time. code and model documentation.
problems requiring third-party or Provide customer-centric assortments to
• The frequency of results delivery.
each store to maximize sales and margin.
nonstandard data. Options vary from a single piece of
analysis to daily, weekly or monthly
Create a more efficient inventory position by
sensing and shaping demand and automating
processes. Have an accurate view of demand
to maximize the return on investment and
minimize waste and markdowns.

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