Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing: Lesson Plan On Infection Prevention and Control Measures

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Presented by
Shruti Sharma
M. Sc Nursing 1st yr
RAKCON, New Delhi
Name of Presenter: Shruti Sharma

Qualification: M.sc Nursing 1st year

Topic: Infection Prevention and control measures

Date and Time: 04-08-21/ 11:30 Am

Duration: 30 Min

Place: Class Room

Group of People: B. Sc 4th Year students

Method of Learning: Lecture cum discussion

A.V AID: PPT, chart, flash cards, ladder chart

General objective: On the completion of the class the students will acquire adequate knowledge about infection prevention and control

Specific objective: On the completion of class the student will able to learn:
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Florence Nightingale
once said that the first
requirement of a
hospital is that it to do
the patient no harm. It
is really obvious
Hospital acquired
infections leads to
waste of resources and
elevating mortality rate.
According WHO
estimates 15% of all
hospitalized patients
To understand suffer from these. Most
2 min basic of these could be easily
terminologies preventable by taking
simple measures by
RELATED TERMINOLOGY professionals. So today PPT What is
Pathogenic Organism: Organism which can produce disease. we are going to discuss infection?
Infection: Invasion and multiplication of the microorganism in about infection
host body which finally produce the disease. prevention and control
Isolation: lt is the separation of infected persons from a non- measures
infected person for the period of communicability. Student teacher
Portal of entry: They are ways through which pathogens enter discusses the basic
the body. E.g., respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract etc. terminologies
Portal of exit: They are ways through which
pathogens leave the body. e.g., Excretion of body fluids
through urinary tract etc.
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Quarantine: It is detention or isolation of a well person who
1 min has come in contact with an infectious disease for a period of
time equal to the longest incubation period of that disease.
Carrier: A person who harbors pathogens of a disease in his
body without showing signs and symptoms.
To explain What are the
about normal normal
body defense NORMAL BODY DEFENCES body’s
mechanisms The human body normally has microbial flora that reside in and defense
outside the body e.g on the skin, which are called resident flora PPT mechanisms?
on the skin. Individual normally have defense that protects the
body from infection. These can be categorized as: Student teacher
NON -SPECIFIC DEFENCE: explains about normal
Protests the person against all the micro-organisms, regardless body defense
of the prior exposure. These includes anatomic and physiologic mechanisms
barriers as intact skin and mucous membranes: body’s first line
of defense mechanism, Nasal passages, Lungs, eye, GI tract,
It involves immune system, which responds to foreign proteins
in the body (e.g. Bacteria, or transplanted tissues) or body’s
own proteins.
Active immunity: The host produces its own antibodies in
response to natural antigens (e.g. infection) or artificial antigens
e.g. vaccines).
What are the
Passive immunity: The host receives natural (e.g. from a elements of
nursing mother) or artificial (e.g. from an Injection of immune Chart chain
To enlist serum) antibodies produced by another source. It includes infection?
Antibody Mediated Defense and Cell-mediated immunity
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1 min chain of CHAIN OF INFECTION:
Infection Development of infection occurs in a cyclical process that Student teacher enlists
depends on the following elements: chain of Infection

PPT What are the

modes of
 An infectious agent or pathogen. Student teacher
To explain explains modes of
 A reservoir or source of pathogen growth.
modes of transmission of
transmission of  A portal of exit from the reservoir.
infection  A mode of transmission.
 A portal of entry to host
2min  A susceptible host.
 An infection will occur only if the chain remains intact.
Nurses use aseptic technique to break the elements of chain.
modes of transmission are
Direct Contact : direct physical transfer between an infected
person and a susceptible host (turning clients in bed, Giving PPT
bed bath, sexual contact with an infected person) Indirect Enlist the
contact: contact of a susceptible host with a contaminated risk factors of
inanimate object (e.g needles, bed pan, instruments, dressings, infection?
linen, etc).
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1 min Droplet contact: or infectious agent like small particles of
saliva and mucus secretions coming in contact with Student teacher
conjunctiva, nose or mouth of a susceptible host (droplets travel discusses the risk
up to 3 feet and therefore contact is not air borne) e.g. factors of infection
coughing, sneezing.
To discuss the AIR
risk factors of Droplet nuclei: or residue of evaporated droplets remaining
infection suspended in air (e.g. coughing, sneezing, and talking).
Dust: contains an infectious agent. PPT
VEHICLES: Contaminated item, liquids, water, drugs, blood,
food and improperly handled or stored fruit and vegetables.
What are
VECTORS: Insects: mosquitoes, flies, ticks lice, animals. the
2 min There are various risk factors for infection Student teacher medical
differentiates between
 Broken skin or mucous membrane surgical
 Traumatized tissue medical and surgical asepsis?
 Decreased ciliary action. asepsis
 Obstructed urine outflow
between  Reduced hemoglobin level. PPT
medical and  Suppression of white blood corpuscles (drug or disease
surgical related).
 Suppressed inflammatory response (drug or disease-
 Low WBC count (leukopenia).
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1 min What are the
steps of hand
Difference between medical and surgical asepsis Student teacher will
Medical Asepsis Surgical Asepsis explain the steps of
1 min The number of Articles are free hand washing
growth and from organisms
transmission of
microorganisms are PPT
A clean technique is A sterile technique is
used e.g. hair used. e.g. doing
combing, surgical dressing
To explain PPT
about the
2 min Enlist the
purposes of
These involve:
Student teacher will
 Hand washing
learn the purposes of
 Gowning hand washing
Enlist the
 Gloving steps of
 Wearing mask PPT procedure
Student teacher will
 Sterilization of articles enlist the steps of
1) HAND WASHING handwashing

To explain Hand washing is important in every setting, including hospitals.

Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V aid Evaluation
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1min about the It is an effective infection control measure, as it prevents spread
purposes of of micro-organisms. For routine client care, the vigorous hand
hand washing washing under a stream of water for at least 20 seconds using
soap. Hand washing should be done in the following
situations: How many
To explain steps are their
about the steps  Before contact with clients who are susceptible to in gowning
of Student teacher will technique
handwashing infection. enlist the steps of PPT
 After caring for an infected client.
 After touching infected material.
 Before performing invasive procedures like
administration of injections, suction, catheterization, etc.
 Before and after handling dressings or touching open
To describe the wounds.
1 min gowning
technique  After handling contaminated equipment. What is the
technique of
 Between contact with different clients in high-risk units.
Student teacher will
learn about the gowning
2 min technique

 To remove transient and resident bacteria from fingers,
hands and forearms.
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 To prevent the risk of transmission of infection to patients.

To teach about  To reduce the risk of transmission of infection organisms PPT

the gloving to oneself.


2 min 7 Important hand movements in hand washing: Enlist the

steps of
removal of
 Wash palms and fingers
Student teacher will gloves
 Wash back of hands learn how to remove the
 Wash fingers and knuckles
2 min  Wash thumbs Why mask is
PPT important?
 Wash finger tips
 Interlocking of hands Student teacher will
learn about the
To teach about  Wash wrists technique of wearing of
the removal of masks
2 min 2) GOWNING PPT

To explain
 To prevent soiling of clothes during contact with the
about the
wearing of
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objective activity
masks Enlist the
 To protect health care personnel from coming in contact
2 min PPT steps of
with infected material. donning
Student teacher will
learn about the donning
 Pick up a sterile gown and allow it to unfold keeping
inside of the gown towards the body without allowing the
outside of the gown to touch any area.
What is
 With hands at shoulder level, lip both arms into doffing
Student teacher PPT
armholes simultaneously. Ask circulating nurse to bring describes the doffing
To explain the gown over shoulders.
about the
donning  The circulating nurse fastens the ties at neck and
What is
 While removing avoid touching soiled parts on the outside disinfection
of the gown. Roll up the gown with the soiled part inside Student teacher defines
To teach about and discard in the appropriate container
the doffing

Gloves are worn to protect hands when the nurse is likely to
handle any body substances, e.g. Urine, faces, Sputum, What is
mucous membranes and non-intact skin. Gloves also reduce sterilization
To define Student teacher
disinfection the likelihood of transmission of own endogenous micro- describes the
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organisms to individuals receiving care. For most activities , sterilization
disposable clean gloves are used. Sterile gloves are used when
the hands will come in contact with an open wound or when
hands introduce micro-organisms into a body orifice.
1 To describe
1) Thoroughly wash hands
2) Open a sterile glove packet of proper size

3) Identify the right and left hand. Glove dominant Hand first.

4) With the Thumb and the first two fingers of the non-
dominant hand, grasp an edge of glove’s cuff. For dominant
hand, touch only the Glove’s inside surface. (step1)

5) Carefully pull the gloves over the dominant hand. Ensure

the thumb and the finger are in proper spaces. (step2)
6) With gloved dominant hand slip fingers underneath the
second glove’s cuff. (step3)
7) Carefully pull the second glove over the non- dominant
hand. Don’t allow fingers of the thumb of the gloved
dominant hand to touch any part of the exposed non-
dominant hand. (step4)
8) After the second glove is on Interlock hands together.
1) Remove the first by grasping it palmar surface
Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V aid Evaluation
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Pull first glove completely off by inverting rolling the
glove out.
2) Place the first two fingers of the bare hand inside the
glove and remove the second contaminated glove.
3) Dispose them of in the Appropriate
container. CONCLUSION
Knowledge base of
Masks are worn to reduce the risk for transmission of
the nurse about
organisms by the droplet contact, air borne routes, and
infections, their
splatters of body substances. The CDC r recommends (7
To conclude
prevention and
and summaries December 2020) that masks should be worn
the topic control is
 All people should wear masks in public settings and
important. Any lapse
when around people who don’t live in their household.
on the part of the
 Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20
seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% nurse in handling
alcohol after touching or removing your mask such infection
PROCEDURE prone situations may
further aggravate the
 Hold masks by top two strings ties at of top of the
back of the head with ties above ears. problems of the
 Tie two lower ties snugly around the neck with the clients and may pose
mask well under the chin
 When removing a mask with strings, first to prevent a serious threat to the
Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V aid Evaluation
objective activity
the top part of the mask, untie the lower strings of
health of the patient.
the mas
 Discard the disposable mask in the waste
 Wash hands


• Wash hands with soap and water
• Wear shoe cover
• Wear gown
• Wear Headgear
• Wear the mask
• Wear goggles
• Wear gloves


• Remove Gloves
• Remove Gown
• Remove Eye goggles
• Remove Mask
• Remove Head Gear
• Remove Shoe Cover
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Disinfection refers to chemical or physical processes used to

reduce the numbers of pathogens from an object’s surface.

Concurrent disinfection
Immediate disinfection of contaminated articles and bodily
discharges during the course of the disease e.g; daily cleaning
of the ward

Terminal disinfection
Disinfection of the unit and articles on discharge, transfer or
death of the patient.eg; fumigation.


Sterilization is the process by which an object becomes frees of

all micro-organisms including their spores.

Direct sunlight will have an effect on acid fast micro-
organisms. Place the linen or bed pans in direct sunlight for six
hours for two consecutive days.

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Sterilization is the process by which an object becomes frees of
all micro-organisms including their spores.


Direct sunlight will have an effect on acid fast micro-
organisms. Place the linen or bed pans in direct sunlight for six
hours for two consecutive days.

Boiling is an effective method of sterilization. Boiling for five
to ten minutes at boiling point kills all the bacteria except
spores and virus. It is used in home environment.

A chemical disinfectant acts by coagulating the bacterial
protein or by changing the composition of protein so that it no
longer exits in the same form. It is used to sterilize articles
destroyed by heat.

Ultraviolet light sterilization is effective for disinfecting
working surface and air inside rooms


High temp and comparatively long exposure time are

Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V aid Evaluation
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required. It is not a suitable sterilization agent for fabrics and
dresses which are poor and uneven conductors and are
ruined by excessive heat. It is, however, the method of
choice for fine metal cannula (e.g. L.P. needles) and for glass


Steam under pressure; Autoclaving is a method of sterilization

by steam under pressure. It is the most widely used,
economical and one of the most effective methods of
destroying micro-organisms. This method uses high
temperature, pressure and humidity to destroy all types of
micro-organisms, including spore forming. For effective
sterilization autoclaving is done at 15lbs per square inch
pressure and 121°C temperature for at least 20 minutes.

Total surface exposure to formaldehyde gas under conditions

of controlled humidity temperature and time exposure will
destroy all vegetative forms of bacteria, viruses and most of
the spores. The best results can be obtained with high
concentration of gas. humidity above 60 and temperature of
not less than 18°C. The exposure time varies from one to 16
hours. The agents commonly used for the fumigation are
formalin tablets, ethylene oxide liquids etc.
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1) Fundamentals of nursing a procedure manual TNAI, FIRST
2) Fundamentals of nursing -the art and science of
nursing care, Fifth edition, Carol Taylor,
Lippincott Williams& Wilkins Pp-649- 682
3) Potter ,Patricia A and Perry,Anne G . Fundamentals of
Nursing.3rdEd.St Louis :Mosby year Book Inc;1993
Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V aid Evaluation
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4) Kozier ,Barbara black wood. Fundamentals of patient
care.Philadelphia:W.Bsaunders company;1967
5) Sr. Nancy .Principles and practice of nursing Vol 1.Ed 3rd
.Kerala:N.R Brothers;1997

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