Warehousing Assignment: Step-By-Step Assignment Instructions Assignment Topic

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Warehousing Assignment

In the previous lecture you have seen a traditional warehouse layout. But if you have actually seen a
real-life warehouse, chances are that it looked nothing like what I showed you. The layout of
warehouses have specific purposes and different designs can achieve the same purpose.

Now it is your turn!

In this assignment, I will ask you to take the traditional design I showed you and change it - for the
better. You have to maintain all the areas that I included, but are free to move them around as you wish.

Review criteria

You will be evaluated on several aspects of your design:

1. Did you submit a new warehouse design?

2. Did you include all required features of the warehouse?

3. Did you explain how your design improves on the traditional design we covered in the lecture?

Step-By-Step Assignment Instructions

Assignment Topic:

You will have to submit your own improved warehouse design starting with the example I showed
you in the lecture.
How to create your assignment:

Before you begin, you will need to decide how you create the plans. My suggestion is to use a
graphical program such as Google slides (free), PowerPoint, Keynote, or Visio (if you are really
serious). Or you can simply draw it on a sheet of paper and take a picture of it.

How to submit:

You will be required to submit your assignment using an image file (jpg or png format). Make sure to
include all the parts of the warehouse I included in my example:

1. dock doors
2. case lot/ fast mover section
3. bulk storage/ slow mover section
4. flow rack/ broken cases section
5. conveyor belt
6. sorter
7. packaging station
8. staging area
9. atleast two miscellaneous areas (such as equipment storage and maintenance, and/or
assembly, etc.)

There is no need to include additional technology or features.

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