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hpgia reading

September 8, 1999 3:23pm Augusta, Georgia

22 years old, 11th Libra profection, Venus lord + natal Venus Leo active

"One of the things I want to work on is meeting new people if that helps too"

Note: I am also a Sagittarius rising with Venus in Leo, so a lot of this reading is me recounting my own
experience with the placement. :)

Your birthday is very close, so I decided to focus this reading on age 22 for you. Age 21 has been a Leo
year for you, which is activating the same Venus that will come into full prominence during age 22. This
and your proximity to your birthday is bringing your focus onto 11th house matters of aspirations and
greater friend groups/social connections. Age 22 for you will have the characteristics of Libra first and
Taurus secondarily, namely: Diplomacy, prosocial articulation, enjoyment of bodily and aesthetic
pleasures such as food and art. Additionally, 11th house matters will be the theme of the entire year.
Since your natal Venus is in Leo, the manifestation of these Venusian archetypes will have a Leo tinge to
it: warm, radiating, self-determined. Here is a tweet which encompasses Leo's attitude perfectly that
might give you insight into the way your Venus thinks:

Since your Venus is in Leo, you view all Venusian topics (art, romance, etc) through a Leo lens. You Like
What You Like, according to no rules other than that which radiates from you naturally. I believe you
have a distaste for most abstract art. Sun in Virgo ruling Leo, plus Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus brings a
darkness to your aesthetic taste. When visualizing your artistic taste, I'm seeing a dark, materialist scene
with a subtle radiating point of light as the relief. Monochrome things. I'm seeing Caravaggio, with the
somber, harmonious, natural forms punctuated by warm lighting from a spotlight.

11th ruler in 9th, Libra-Leo: Friendships are based on intellectual and philosophical
agreement/conversation. This doesn't mean that you literally have the same opinion as each of your
friends, but that you can reconcile two conflicting ideas harmoniously. For example: you and a friend
might both agree that the way the average person eats is unhealthy, but you two come to opposite
conclusions of what kind of food a person ought to eat instead. Each of you can see easily the reasoning
that the other used to come to their conclusion and even agree that it's a compelling and well thought
out line of reason, but only if you Believe in it, and neither of you do. In this way you can have truly
friendly and respectful disagreement with no hard feelings whatsoever. That being said, there is a square
to Venus from Saturn in Taurus the 6th, I'm seeing this aesthetically as looking like darkness overtaking
light, death/decay overtaking life, etc. Very gothic, very underworld. Socially, this aspect might manifest
in friendships seeming all good up until a betrayal comes up out of nowhere, or you find out a hidden
belief/practice which destroys your relationship. Kinda like suddenly getting "the hammer" when you
don't expect it. Also, getting locked into a friendship or group of people who you eventually realize are
destroying you.

Your Mercury in Virgo cazimi with your Sun alongside the Moon in Virgo makes you absolutely obsessed
with what is Correct and not very appreciative of "small talk", that is, surface level talk. You probably can
discern the meaning of a new word simply by understanding the prefix and suffix (like in theology, theo =
"God" logy = "the study of", etc). It bothers you to watch people argue when they are using the same
term, but defining it slightly differently than the other. You also see straight through euphemisms and
hate when they are used to obscure the depth/reality of whatever they're describing. You definitely have
linguistic talent, particularly for metaphors.

In your Solar Return chart, Taurus, your natal 6th house is rising. This is reinforcing Venus' importance for
you in your upcoming year. The 6th house has connotations of hard labor and illness, and is the joy of
Mars, so it is a house inherently associated with the Martian topics of strife and aggression. The 6th
house is also often associated with diets and food restriction. I would imagine that during your 6th house
profection year when you were 17, you experimented with one or more diets, and you likely began
working seriously in some capacity. Perhaps your first job, which worked you harder than ever.

Your Venus is in Libra in your SR, in the SR 6th and the sign of the year. This is giving me something like...
The labor of interpersonal relationships, of maintaining your ideals while also maintaining your relations
with others. Mental and physical integration. Understanding what your ideal physical state is, what
health looks like.

TRANSITS after September 7th, 2021 (this is the day the Sun returns to its exact natal degree, so
astrologically it's your birthday)

While you are 22 years old, the transits and aspects of Venus will be the ones that manifest most
tangibly in your life.

Venus ingress Scorpio September 10th

This puts your focus on what's being hidden in close personal relationships (including romantic).
Definitely seeing this period as being a time when you are excavating the ways that people have
betrayed you, things they have hidden from you, etc.

Mars ingress Libra sign of the year September 14th

Mars will ingress Libra while Libra's ruler Venus is in Scorpio. This is a case of mutual reception where
both planets are in their sign of exile. I'm definitely thinking this period is going to be full of strife, with
all parties involved struggling to express themselves accurately and be understood by the other. Mars
may be representing a love interest who is an artistic/writer type, maybe art critic. Could also be a group
of people.

Venus Scorpio square Saturn Aquarius overnight September 16-17th

This moment is going to mark a negative event with regards to your current employment/career. I could
see you getting fired due to noncompliance here. This aspect is you coming up against a BRICK WALL.
Whatever the conflict is, the authority of the situation will not move a damn bit.

Venus Scorpio square Jupiter Aquarius September 30th

This aspect is looking like learning the reason for whatever occurred on September 17th. Some sort of
resolution here. Perhaps you put in a 2 week notice around the 17th and your time is up on the 30th,
and you are set free from a constricting situation.

Venus ingress Sagittarius October 7th

Sagittarius is your natal 1st and SR 8th, I'm seeing that you're feeling much more free and relaxed during
this period with financial help from others. Perhaps moving in or traveling with a significant other.

Venus Sagittarius sextile Saturn Aquarius October 13th

This is an aspect where I'm seeing you engage with the same Brick Wall that stopped you up in
September, but this time you've learned to Game(and "game" is integral to describing what you're doing
here) the system and use it to your advantage. Not that you enjoy the situation or that it is purely easy,
but you're prepared to adapt to the challenge in a way that you weren't previously. I would not be
surprised if you send a job application on this day.

Venus Sagittarius sextile Jupiter Aquarius October 28th

This sextile is the fruition of the sextile to Saturn on October 13th. I'm seeing "elation of
accomplishment" as being the emotion of this aspect. Success. Whatever you initiated around the 13th,
like the job application I mentioned, will be confirmed positively around October 28th.

Mars ingress Scorpio October 30th

I only include this transit to mark the endpoint of Mars' transit of the sign of the year that began on
September 14th.

Venus enters Capricorn November 5th

Venus' period in Capricorn will put your focus onto money matters and educating yourself for your life
path. This period will be very "serious", your disposition will be much more sober (potentially in a literal
sense) than it was while Venus was in Sagittarius.

Venus stations retrograde at 26 degrees conjunct Pluto December 19th

This aspect is really interesting... This gives me very strong dropping out of college due to finances vibes.
Potentially an internship falling through. Some educational intellectual opportunity shifting in course.
Something deeply transformative to do with the 9th of higher education + foreign travel and the 2nd
house of property/finance. This will have implications for your identity as well.

I've felt very stuck on readings for the past month and this reading feels as if it broke me out of that, so I
really appreciate that you got me to do it. I'm very proud of this reading and I think it's the best one I've
delivered so far, I will be using it as a template in the future to improve my readings. Please let me know
how you feel about this reading and message me with any questions.

Audrie Carter

8/9/2021 3:17pm Rolesville, NC

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