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3 things AI can do:

Speech recognition
Image recognition, when the number of objects in the image is limited
Natural language understanding in narrowly bounded domains
6 things AI cannot do:

Conversational interfaces—ask Siri something off script, and it breaks down

Automated scientific discovery
Automated medical diagnosis
Automated scene comprehension for blind people
Domestic robots
Safe and reliable driverless cars

1. AI can learn

2. AI can see and identify things

3. AI can process Human Languages

4. AI can make successful predictions

5. It can protect from Cyber Attacks

6. AI can make Good Recommendations

7. It can write publishable articles

8. AI can help Paralyzed Patients handwrite with their minds

9. AI can play Games

10. AI can be your personal assistant

Are you in doubt?

AI can be your personal assistant (if you are not already using one). In many ways
AI can do the job of a human personal assistant more efficiently and effectively
than their human counterpart.

They can find information online at your command, help you control your smart home
devices, and manage your daily schedule among other things.

Amongst the most popular AI personal assistants are Alexa by Amazon, Google
Assistant by Google, Siri by Apple and Bixby by Samsung.

Other things AI can do

It can design logos
It can write music
It can trade stocks
It can discover new uses for existing drugs
It can recognize human faces
Things AI cannot do

There are so many things AI cannot do today, here are some of them:

1. AI cannot be originally creative

2. AI cannot exercise free will

3. AI cannot possess high emotional intelligence

4. AI cannot solve everything

5. AI cannot be free from bias (100%)

6. AI cannot communicate with Understanding

7. AI cannot explain itself

8. AI cannot relate with the world like humans

9. AI cannot make successful predictions consistently

10. AI cannot do anything meaningful/useful without its training data

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