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PART 6 Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 131-134 refer to the following letter. Dear Mr. Cowell, (DREHER SERRE thankyou or SERS WNERTSKEWP ensure te |SeOUrIYOFYOURIFESI¢eNGEN assure you that we will do our utmost to ——-YURORG! ~ 131. 1 Inall efforts to maintain this postion, we are continually upgrading our monitoring and 32. communications sytem, =~ you the bestin secur technology and service, We value your business and we want ydUlfO BBE. I you have any questions or concerns about our security package, please contact us. with what we have to offer. Sincerely, Jonathan Ross Sales & Installation Manager 131.(A) sell 133.(A) ensured (®) renovate (C)repair (C)be ensured (O)will ensure 192. + aa satisfying (C) satisfaction (0) satistactory (8) | spoke with the former security representative but he wasn't concemed with security at that time. (C)However, it seems that the mayor has placed a priority on security above privacy. (0) We would like to emphasize the Importance of security. Go on to the next page ———— 199 PUREST Fe) Questions 135-138 refer to the following letter. November 15 Dear Mr. Brand, Your friend Ray Ferrier 135. 136. that the features and artices in New Scientist would appeal to you. So, when he recently renewed his you a six-month subscription to New Scientist journal, Ray thought subscription, he requested an additional subscription as a git for you! From next month, you will receive a monthly issue of New Scientist journal, the industry's most respected science publication, at Now Sct cor mat arises I, crate |W you would like to cancel this free subscription, please contact our customer services department listing of} adverisements, and at 555-9982, Sincerely, Allen Graves Chief Editor 135. (A) Have a wonderful day! (B) Buy one and get one free. (C) Articles bought here will be delivered (C) flawlessly © (ovTmaIe youre dy Soma 138:(A) reviews” 136.(A) to give (B) upgrades (B) should give (C) purchases Sie _ 200 Questions 139-142 refer to the following memo. Date: May 5 Attention: All Wyatt Bul ing staff ‘The 6 elevators in the main foyer are scheduled to undergo maintenance between May 28 and June 3. This is a that you can expect the elevators to occasionally be out of service while 139. the work is underway. from day to day. Signs willbe posted daily at the main entrance, showing which floors can be reached by which elevators. ‘you work on a lower floor, please take the stairs to reach your floor instead of using 1a. the elevators. -----. We appreciate your cooperation in advance. 139.(A) request 14 () possibilty (@)Fven (©)In spite of (0) proposal (0) Rather than 140.(A) changed 142. (A) I's on the second floor, so we'd better (8) was changed not take the elevator. (C)is changing -(D)will change {€) The clovater only otope at the aixth floor and above. (0) They will bring the new elevator into service next month. Go on to the next page 201 CURE P epee Questions 143-146 refer to the following letter. April 29 Nathan Mafi, Vice president: 29 Ozlem Avenue New York, NY 10010 Dear Mr. Mafi, Wa want to ove spacial harks for the great ja the workers fom Jetrey Papering did fru ‘As you know, our previous paperng experience tumed out to bea disaster and we were very ansious about his paperng. But, your sales offce, Sam Kizana,ffiGGITEN RGIS lessen our anxiety and us that we could trust your company. 143. Se Pe cere fe eral eis ae ree ann an water ov tenipeat scar th ce an pressor he wor av shown basemen am treated al of our BERS pFOREHES|We wore very pleased to see that everything aved in a perfectly fine a6. Please feel free to use our name as a reference for the company's future record. Loulach Ltd. San Francesco 143.(A) be assi (C)assure (C) progress (O)assuring (O)ettect 144,(A) about 146.(A) We would recommend that the (@) in the event papering work be done at once. (C) therefore (8) We saw all of the workers papering the wall all day long. environment is important for all employees, 202

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