Curtains Come Down On India's Best Ever Olympics: White Paper On TN Finances Today

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ASTROGUIDE,,, Vol. 17 No. 135 Established 1938 | 8 PAGES| `3.00
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White paper on
Tithi: Pradhamai
Star: Ayilyam TERROR LINK?
7.30 am to 9 am NIA RAID ON

TN finances today
10.30 am to 12 noon JAMAAT OFFICES
Fajar: 4.41 am IN KASHMIR
Luhar: 12.20 pm YUSUF JAMEEL,
Asar: 3.28 pm
Maghrib: 6.34 pm
AUG. 8
■ AIADMK’s 10-year rule under scrutiny
Isha: 7.49 pm R. MOHAN | DC The 120-page white
CHENNAI, AUG. 8 paper is prepared
under the watch of
(NIA) on Sunday carried The Tamil Nadu govern-
out raids at the offices of ment will release the finance minister P.T.R.
the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) much-awaited white paper Palanivel Thiagarajan.
in Jammu and Kashmir on the condition of the The DMK has been
CASES DEATHS and the homes of its lead- state’s finances today. The claiming that there has
ers and prominent 120-page white paper, pre- been unprecedented
(+35,233) (+427) Fireworks go off around the Olympic Stadium during the closing ceremony of the
activists across
Union territory in con-
the pared under the watch of
finance minister P.T.R.
mismanagement of
3,19,68,793 4,28,319 Tokyo 2020 Games on Sunday. — AFP nection with a case regis- Palanivel Thiagarajan, is finances, particularly
tered earlier this year by expected to highlight the after Jayalalithaa's death.
Curtains come down on it against the right-wing
cadre-based socio-reli-
gious-political outfit for
allegedly diverting large
fiscal mismanagement in
10 years of AIADMK rule
since it came back to
power under the tutelage
ing manager in his profes-
sional career, makes of the
state's debt. He had indicat-
Comptroller and Auditor-
General. Government lia-
bilities, which stood at Rs
(+1,956) (28)
TN:25,75,308 34,317
India’s best ever Olympics sums of money received
through donations at
home and abroad to fund
separatist militants.
of J. Jayalalithaa in 2011
and then with Edappadi K.
Palaniswami as chief min-
ister from February 2017
ed that he had doubts
whether the vote-on-
account, presented by pre-
vious finance minister O.
1.31 lakh crore in 2011-12
when the AIADMK took
over, increased to Rs. 4.85
lakh crore in 2020-21, when
SANTHOSH KUMAR I DC As many as 56 locations after her death in Panneerselvam of the party left office.
WORLD CONFIRMED CASES CHENNAI, AUG. 8 in eight of J&K’s 20 dis- December 2016. AIADMK in February this The white paper is
tricts were raided and The state budget is to be year, had reflected the expected to also reveal the
20,32,67,944 It started with a subdued
opening ceremony, but
thoroughly searched by
scores of NIA teams,
presented in the assembly
on August 13 even as the
actual finance position of
the state.
loss of revenues in the last
10 years. The release of a
ended with a carnival. which were assisted by DMK is ready to celebrate It has been the DMK's white paper is not unprece-
DEATHS Thousands of athletes the local police and the first 100 days of M.K. claim for long that there dented with the AIADMK,
from more than 200 coun- CRPF personnel, sources Stalin's rule on August 14. has been unprecedented too, having released one in
43,05,207 tries danced their way
into the colossal Tokyo
said. The searches were
also carried out at the
The overall outstanding
debt of the state, estimated
finances in government
of 2001 pertaining to the pre-
carious state of TN
COUNTRIES, stadium, got together, and offices and other premis- to be Rs 4.85 lakh crore as departments, particularly finances. Now, with the
partied as the curtains
came down on the 2020
es of Falah-e-Aam Trust,
a JeI subsidiary which
on March 21, 2021, is
expected to grow to Rs 5.70
after Jayalalithaa's death.
The debt burden is said to
pandemic having hit rev-
enue collections and the Olympics on Sunday. runs a number of schools lakh crore by March 31, have risen in the last few state's own tax revenue
Organised in the middle and orphanages in J&K. 2022. The debt figure may years, with the fiscal expected to fall by at least
Now, get vaccination of a resurging pandemic,
the 16-day sporting extrav- Indian athletes take a selfie during the closing ceremony
The raids were conduct-
ed in Doda, Kishtwar, Ra-
well have crossed Rs 5 lakh
crore early this year itself.
deficit standing at Rs.
92,305 crore for the year
18 per cent and increased
the debt due to spending on
certificate on WhatsApp aganza certainly lived up
to its billing as the Games
of the Tokyo Olympics on Sunday. — AP mban, Anantnag, Budg-
am, Rajouri, Doda and
It would be interesting to
see what the current
2020-21, while it was Rs.
53,038 in 2019-2020, accord-
containment of the epi-
demic, the picture of the
New Delhi: Citizens who have of hope and redemption. It While the uncertainty when American gymnas- Shopian, among other finance minister, thought ing to unaudited provision- finances is certain to be
been vaccinated against COVID- not only celebrated ath- posed challenges aplenty tics superstar Simone areas. ■ Full story on P4 of highly as a global bank- al figures from the gloomier. ■ P2
19 can now get their vaccination leticism and the Olympic for the organisers, the ath- Biles, who was expected to
certificate through WhatsApp motto, but also showcased letes too had their fair add more gold medals to
within seconds, Union Health the spirit of humanity by share of hurdles to cross. her Rio tally of four,
Minister Mansukh Mandaviya's acknowledging various Mental health became the pulled out of an array of
office said on Sunday. Presently, social issues. talking point of the Games events. ■ P3
people have to download their
vaccination certificate by logging
into the CoWin portal.
“Revolutionising common man’s
life using technology! Now get
COVID-19 vaccination certificate
Mixing jabs gives
through MyGov Corona Helpdesk
in 3 easy steps. Save contact
number: +91 9013151515. Type & MEET ON PEGASUS better result: Study
send ‘covid certificate’ on DC CORRESPONDENT whole virus vaccine was
WhatsApp. Enter OTP. Get your New Delhi, Aug. 8: NEW DELHI, AUG. 8 not only safe but also
certificate in seconds,” Shashi Tharoor, senior elicited better immuno-
Mandaviya's office tweeted. Congress leader and chair- The mixing and matching genicity,” the study has
man of the parliamentary of Covid-19 vaccines may claimed.
standing committee on IT, possibly do more good It added that the IgG
UK PM threatened to demote on Sunday said the panel’s
last meeting on July 28
than harm, a study con-
ducted by the Indian Cou-
antibody and neutralising
antibody response of the
Rishi over leaked letter was “disrupted” by BJP
members as they did not
ncil of Medical Research
has claimed. The study
participants was signifi-
cantly higher among
London: British Prime Minister want the Pegasus-related was done by ICMR on 18 those who were given the
Boris Johnson is said to have allegations to be discussed individuals who were mixed-up doses compared
been furious over a letter being and the officials who were “inadvertently” given a to those who were not
leaked to the media last week, to testify “appear to have shot of Covaxin after their given this.
which claimed his Chancellor been instructed not to first dose of the Covishi- During the study –
Rishi Sunak had written to push attend”. He, however, eld vaccine in Uttar “Serendipitous Covid-19
for easier international COVID-19 expressed hope that the Pradesh. Vaccine-Mix in Uttar
travel norms ahead of a planned snooping issue would be “We compared the safety Pradesh, India: Safety and
review. The reaction followed taken up by the panel and immunogenicity pro- Immunogenicity Assess-
media reports that the Indian-ori- going forward. — PTI file of them against that of ment of a Heterologous
gin finance minister had written individuals receiving Regime” — the reaction
to his boss, calling for a signifi- either Covishield or Cova- on 18 people who had
cant easing of the coronavirus xin… The findings sug- received two doses of two
travel restrictions, warning that gest that immunisation different vaccines was co-
they were damaging the econo- with a combination of an mpared to 40 people who
my. adenovirus vector plat- had got two doses of Covi-
form-based vaccine fol- shield and 40 who had got
lowed by an inactivated two doses of Covaxin.
Long school closure
RAMAMURTHY serious issue: Panel
New Delhi, Aug. 8: The "The closure of schools
PASSES AWAY hazards of not reopening
schools after prolonged
for over a year has had a
deep impact on the wellbe-
Chennai, Aug. 8: Former closure due to the Covid- ing of students, especially
Tamil Nadu Congress 19 pandemic are “too seri- their mental health. The
Committee president ous to be ignored”, hazards of not opening the
Tindivanam K. according to a parliamen- schools are too serious to
Ramamurthy died here on tary panel. be ignored. The confine-
Sunday. He was 86. The committee has ment of young children
Ramamurthy had held noted that the closure of within the four walls of
various positions in the schools has not only the house, being unable to
party including that of impacted social fabric of attend school, has altered
state secretary, general families in a negative the relationship between
secretary and had headed manner, it has also the parent and the chil-
the Tamil Nadu Congress increased involvement of dren adversely.
unit as its president, a children in household “The closure of schools
party release said. chores. ■ P4

Custodial torture still prevails: CJI

New Delhi, Aug. 8: The Sunday while batting for a tion about the constitution- also actively carry out
threat to human rights is nationwide effort for the al right to legal aid and nationwide sensitisation of
the highest in police sta- "sensitisation of police offi- availability of free legal aid police officers."
tions as custodial torture cers". services is necessary. He was speaking at the
and other police atrocities The CJI, who is also the "The installation of dis- launch of a legal service
still prevail in India and patron-in-chief of National play boards and outdoor mobile application and the
even the privileged are "not Legal Services Authority hoardings in every police vision and mission state-
spared third-degree treat- (NALSA), said that to keep station/prison is a step in ment of NALSA at Vigyan
ment", Chief Justice of India police excesses in check, this direction," he said, Bhawan here.
N.V. Ramana said on dissemination of informa- adding that "NALSA must ■ P4
pg 2

Donated organs give
lease of life to many
Hesitancy against vaccine Helping the needy

Chennai: A family recently

donated 51-year-old
Manoharan’s organs after he
was brain dead on sustaining
high among elderly: Study
serious head injuries when T. SUDHEESH I DC The study was con- ness issues (not aware of more willing to get vacci-
his two-wheeler collided with CHENNAI, AUG. 8 ducted across the vaccine, not aware of nated than rural house-
another two-wheeler. The state in July to analyse where to get vaccinated holds.
family is hoping that in such A survey carried out by and already got infected As much as 17.5 percent
the perception of peo- of the urban population
tragic circumstances more the Directorate of Public by the virus).
people would come forward Health and Preventive ple towards Covid-19 Dr Selvavinayagam said showed Covid-19 vaccine
to donate organs. Medicine, under the state vaccines under the in a statement on Sunday hesitancy whereas the
Manoharan was rushed to a health department, has guidance of Director that the survey was done hesitancy in rural areas is
hospital in Villupuram and found that hesitancy of Public Health by visiting houses, and a notch higher at 20.3 per-
later on moved to SIMS against Covid-19 vaccines (DPH) Dr T. S. choosing a random family cent. At least 82.5 percent
Hospital - Vadapalani for fur- is high among those aged Selvavinayagam member from each house. urban residents are will-
ther high-end medical above 60 in Tamil Nadu. They were interviewed to ing to take the jab. The
care. The study was conducted aged above 60 while 16.9 understand their percep- percentage came down to
“After discussing with his across the state in July to percent of hesitancy was tion towards Covid-19 vac- 79.7 percent among the
family regarding their will- analyse the perception of found among those aged cines, after verifying their rural population.
ingness to donate his organs, people towards Covid-19 between 18-44. When it vaccination status. If the The age-wise vaccine
they generously consented to vaccines under the guid- comes to the 45-60 age participant was vaccinat- acceptance in the state
it to save lives of others,” ance of Director of Public group, the hesitancy rate ed, the reason for their comes as: 18-44: 83.1 per-
said Dr Vijayakumar Health (DPH) Dr T. S. is 18.2 percent. acceptance of the vaccine cent, 45-60: 81.8 percent
Chockkan, Director - Medical Selvavinayagam. The main reasons for the was recorded. If the par- and above 60 : 72.4 percent.
Services, SIMS Hospital. The respective Deputy hesitancy are no person to ticipant was unvaccinat- ‘’Based on the results of
After approval from the Director of Health accompany, centre loca- ed, the reasons for not get- this study, the DPH will
Transplant Authority of Services and Community tion is too far from resi- ting vaccinated and their focus on awareness activi-
Tamil Nadu, doctors at SIMS Medicine, post-graduate dence, long queue or willingness to get vacci- ties to address misconcep-
Hospital harvested liver, left students of the Madras wastage of time, vaccine nated in future was also tions among people on Chief Minister M.K. Stalin interacts with a benefiaciary after distributing welfare assis-
kidney, heart, lungs and Medical College and the of choice, afraid of injec- recorded. Covid-19 vaccines. People stance at Kolathur in Chennai on Sunday. HR&CE minister P.K. Sekar Babu eagerly listens
corneas. While the liver and Greater Chennai tion, doubts on vaccine Among the unvaccinated aged above 60 would be
as the beneficiary narrates her woes.
one kidney were transplant- Corporation led the study. efficacy, fear of complica- people, 80.3 percent of given special attention
ed at SIMS Hospital, the Random samples were col- tion and death, service males and 81.6 percent of due to high reluctance and
heart and lungs were sent to lected from 95 clusters provider challenges ( diffi- females were ready to get need. New strategies and

DMK resolves to gear

other Chennai hospitals. across the state. Each cult to register, glitches in vaccinated. Vaccine hesi- facilities would be put in
cluster includes at least 30 CoWIN portal, vaccine tancy was observed place to counter the barri-

Water tech co gets

houses. unavailability, not sure on among 19.7 percent in ers and empower everyone
The study revealed that priority groups, bitter male population and 18.4 to get vaccinated with con-

$165 m order in
percent among females. fidence’, said Dr.

up for rural elections

vaccine hesitancy was 27.6 experience from vaccina-
percent among people tion centres) and aware- The urban residents are Selvavinayagam.

Civic body
leading pure-play water tech-
nology Indian multinational
Govt to introduce new bill intensifies waste
Chennai, Aug. 8: A meet-
ing of DMK district secre-
taries chaired by party
president and chief minis-
Overall revenue deficit for 2021-22
group, consolidated its mar-
ket position in the oil & gas
sector by securing a break- to check online gambling movement by
ter M K Stalin in Chennai
on Sunday discussed
preparations for polls to
estimated to be around `41,417 cr
through engineering and pro- rural local bodies in nine From P1 `41,417 crore and the fis-
curement order worth $165
million (about `1,230 Crore)
media that a law enacted
hurriedly by the previous
ting online applications
for admission to the gov-
night districts of Tamil Nadu.
The meeting deliberated The interim budget had
cal deficit estimated at
`84,202 crore for 2021-22.
from Amur Gas Chemical AIADMK government ernment law colleges is on gearing up for polls in indicated that while rev- What the current
Complex LLC., in Russia. The Tamil Nadu govern- was rejected by the court. August 24 and thereafter DC CORRESPONDENT the nine districts of enue receipts were expect- finance minister makes of
Wabag will be the technology ment will introduce a new Referring to the release the government will deci- CHENNAI, AUG. 8 K a n c h e e p u r a m , ed to fall to about `1.80 those projections should
and system integrator for the Bill in the ensuing budget of seven accused persons de on the counselling for Chengelpet, Vellore, lakh crore, the revenue prove interesting, so too
Integrated Treatment session of the state assem- in the Rajiv Gandhi assas- the admissions. In order to avoid traffic Ranipet, Tirupathur, expenditure might cross his assessment of the debt
Facilities (Waste Water bly to check online gam- sination case, the minis- The government will jams due to the trans- Villupuram, Kallakurichi, `2.46 lakh crore. burden of the state. His
Treatment unit). bling, according to law ter said Chief Minister take a decision on reopen- portation of solid wastes Tirunelveli and Tenkasi, The revenue deficit might financial planning to cope
The facility will be designed minister S. Regupathi. M.K. Stalin had requested ing the law colleges short- during daytime, the party sources said. widen to `65,994 crore in with what the white paper
to recycle and reuse the Distributing the medical the President of India in ly, he added. Greater Chennai In view of the welfare 2020-21 to about `96,889 may project as the real
waste water released from accessories donated by this regard, and hoped Mr To a question, he said Corporation (GCC) has measures being taken up crore. debt burden should reflect
the petrochemical unit, sub- the rotary clubs of Ramnath Kovind would the state water resources started garbage collec- by the party-led regime as The overall revenue in his Budget that he
stituting about 25% of the Pudukkottai district to take a good decision. department is now think- tion during nights. part of efforts to fulfil poll deficit for 2021-22 was esti- will be presenting on Aug.
raw water intake require- the Raniyaar government Based on the President's ing of the next course of The GCC on Sunday promises and considering mated to be around 13.
ment. maternity hospital and decision, the state govern- action on Karnataka's said in a statement that the popularity the DMK
The order in the Russian the government medical ment will take further plea in the Supreme Court about 5,000 metric government enjoyed, regions in nine districts tricts.
Federation also marks college hospital at action after consulting the for preventing the pro- tonnes of wastes collect- functionaries should that would go to rural While the general and
Wabag’s largest order in the Pudukkottai on Sunday, legal experts, he added. posed Cauvery-Gundaru. ed from the city’s 200 reach out to the people polls participated in the farm budgets are sched-
oil and gas sector. the minister told the The last date for submit- Vaigai rivers. wards had been taken to and work to win local meet. Pending delimita- uled to be tabled in the
dump yards. polls, sources added. tion of territorial wards assembly on August 13
Currently, the waste "Makkalai Thedi in such regions following and 14 respectively, gov-

Governor lauds TN eye care doctors

DC CORRESPONDENT Dr Mohan Rajan talked on
movement at night has
been intensified with
Corporation and con-
tract cleaning staff.
For this purpose, at
Maruthuvam," aimed at
taking healthcare servic-
es to the people's
doorsteps and welfare
assistance, projects and
reconstitution of dis-
tricts, rural local body
polls were not conducted
in nine districts while the
same was held in 27 other
ernment chief whip Kovi
Chezhian in a statement
said a meeting of party
MLAs would be held here
on August 13, by 5 PM at
CHENNAI, AUG. 8 Blindness due to various initiatives that he least 255 battery-pow- services to beneficiaries districts in December party headquarters.
causes like diabetes hospital had launched ered vehicles, 53 three under "Ungal Thoguthiyil 2019. During the previous
A comprehensive approach retinopathy and glau- through Chennai Vision wheeled vehicles, 147 Mudalamaichar," (chief In view of an order of AIADMK regime,
to eye care is needed as we coma were rising, Charitable Trust and Rotary compactor vehicles, 50 minister in your con- the Supreme Court in Chegalpattu was carved
need to not only treat Rajan Eye Bank in associa- mechanical sweeper’s stituency) are among the June this year, polls to out of Kancheepuram and
cataract but also curable the Governor said tion with various organisa- vehicles, 23 tipper trucks DMK government's initia- rural local bodies in these Vellore was trifurcated,
blindness, said Tamil Nadu while pointing out tions towards community and 1,786 cleaners are tives. nine districts are expected resulting in two new dis-
Governor Banwarilal that Tamil Nadu was ophthalmology. being used. The `4,000 Covid-19 cash to be conducted by tricts of Ranipet and
Purohit, at the 26th anniver- a leader in adopting He also revealed that about The night cleaning relief to rice ration card September 15. Tirupathur. Kallakurichi
sary celebrations of Rajan 30% of the hospital’s servic- work is being carried holders were among the The DMK government and Tenkasi became two
Eye Care Hospital (RECH) in
technologies in eye es were being provided free out with extra vehicles initiatives taken up on the had last month indicated new districts, and these
Chennai on Saturday. care of cost, including and personnel without same day Stalin took over that polls to urban local were split from
Blindness due to causes 6,000 cornea surgeries and any hindrance to the as chief minister on May bodies would be held Villupuram and
like diabetes retinopathy and ing out that Tamil Nadu was He praised thge system 1.15 lakh cataract surge- traffic and well as pub- 7. before December 2021 and Tirunelveli districts
glaucoma were rising, the a leader in adopting tech- in Dr Mohan Rajan’s ries. lic’, it said. District secretaries, following polls to rural respectively.
Governor said while point- nologies in eye care. RECH. MLAs and MPs from civic bodies in nine dis- — PTI

Neeraj creates more room for optimism in Indian sport

R. Mohan
Namma Chennai Diary

ndia is not a sporting Sindhu to prove that today’s
superpower. It may Indian athletes are no
never be in contention pushovers. The days are
for spots around the top long over when the
of the medals table where Olympics were more for the
USA and China fight their Indian hockey team as
biggest sporting battles. As champions. The rest of the
the Olympics were on, Indian contingent would
everyone seemed to be con- have done well if they did
vinced that India needs to their bit in the arena rather
measure its national self- than going out wearing the
worth in Olympic medals. tourist attitude and return
And helping such thinking after gaping at the compe-
along was Neeraj Chopra in tence of world champions.
his breakthrough moment It is a far more professional
with a golden javelin throw setup now with perform-
of 87.58 metres, which ance the yardstick. Neeraj Chopra, the man with the golden arm who threw the javelin to a winning distance The Indian men’s hockey team that promises a renaissance even with just the bronze, the
changes a lot of things in Sindhu’s commitment to of 87.58 metres to become the first Indian to win a gold medal in athletics. first medal in 41 years since Moscow in 1980.
Indian sport. her sport was reflected in
As the archers missed her competitiveness and it her world No. 200 ranking, Saturday evening. His first under extreme pressure, far more competitive these been played on synthetic prejudices of selection are
their mark and shooters was a shock then that she she was right up there with couple of throws were suffi- with the exception of the days as we see in the silver surfaces for the last 45 being shown the door even
failed to get anywhere close seemed to slip after being the world No. 1, matching cient to propel him so far in likes of Abhinav Bindra medal winning performanc- years. as professional coaches are
to Abhinav Bindra’s stan- right up there until her her stroke for stroke in the front that none could really and Neeraj Chopra. What es that signify the athlete But only now have the taking the responsibility
dards of perfection, Tokyo opponent, world No. 1 Tai leader group on the final challenge him. It may have separates the winners and has been within grasp of Indian men’s team showed like the supremos that they
was turning into a great dis- Tzu-Ying of Taipei, got to 18 two days. held that his biggest threat the rest is that clinching the ultimate prize. What the ability to cope with the ought to be. Finally, it is the
appointment apart, of points in the first game. As Having been affected by Johannes Vetter of iron attitude furthering the they do not have is the demands of what is called athletes’ talent, application
course, from the opening the shuttler who used to Covid very recently, she was Germany failed to make the ability to score when it mat- instinct of the sportsman to ‘Total Hockey’ where nearly and ability to perform in
day’s excitement when the raise her game at the big always a few yards behind last eight. But, as Neeraj ters most. You could say the close out the contest - the the whole team moves up the face of the highest
little known Mirabai Chanu points, her inability to play off the tee but her short was to say, it’s all about the same of the Indian cricket winners’ ability to not only and down in attack and stress that will bring the
lifted more than her weight the crucial points well made game is compact and her day’s performance at the team too as it has not pro- perform but also shut out defence respectively and the medals and the titles. But at
and created the weightiest the difference. She did erase putting is excellent and Olympics, which is once in duced the goods in the last the competitor when it mat- old slots of specialist posi- least the system is more
expectations in recent it with a dominant perform- comes with a nerveless four years opportunity. This eight years in the most ters most. Call it the win- tions do not matter so much supportive of them. May
Games. ance in the bronze medal touch. It’s a pity then that was Neeraj Chopra’s day. sought after ICC Cup events ning hit or the finishing as having every hand on there be more Neeraj
It wasn’t until the second match to satisfy the Indian she did not hit enough fair- The one point about and not even in the World touch, it’s yet to get univer- deck in the middle of the Chopras to carry Indian
week that the real perform- hunger for a medal of any ways on the day that count- Indian athletes, who may Test Championship final. sal among Indian sportspeo- action. sport forward.
ers arrived to restore metal for their favourite ed the most after being have improved leaps and In the old days, the expres- ple. Post-Tokyo there is room
national pride in sporting athlete. briefly in contention for the bounds when it comes to sion was that Indians lack The hockey men’s and for optimism because the (R. Mohan is the
achievements before Aditi Ashok was then the gold too. attitude in the face of the the killer instinct as they women’s teams showed a system seems to have Resident Editor of the
Chopra took it to another sole bright spot as some of It was up to Neeraj Chopra highest competition in their would be seen buckling spark in what appears to be changed between Rio and Chennai and Coimbatore
level altogether. our wrestlers faded after then to bear the burden of discipline, is that they do under stress in all big ticket a revival of skills at the now. The corrupt practices editions of Deccan
It had been up to PV putting up a fight. Belying all national expectations on not produce their best when events. They are generally national game, which has of administration and the Chronicle)
pg 3

IUML mourns Covid-19: TN
Ramamurthy demise posts 1,956 cases,

Indian Union Muslim League

28 fatalities: Dept
(IUML) national president Prof Chennai, Aug. 8: Tamil discharged in the last 24
K.M. Kader Mohideen has Nadu recorded a marginal hours, mounting to August 7 it was 1,969. cumulative number of
expressed his condolences over drop in daily coronavirus 25,20,584 leaving 20,407 Meanwhile, Coimbatore specimens examined to
the demise of former Tamil cases with 1,956 new infec- active infections, a med- topped the new infections 3.86 crore till date, the bul-
Nadu Congress Committee tions being reported in the ical bulletin said. among districts with 241 letin said.
president and former Rajya last 24 hours, pushing the Tamil Nadu saw a high people contracting the As many as 31 districts
Sabha member Tindivanam overall tally to 25.75 lakh. in the number of fresh contagion, followed by reported new cases in dou-
Ramamurthy after a brief ill- As many as 28 people have infections with 1,997 cases Chennai 187, Erode 185, ble digits, while there
ness. succumbed to the virus reported on August 5 after Chengalpet 105. were no fresh deaths in 19
In a release at Tiruchy on aggregating to 34,317, the witnessing a slight rise in Ramanathapuram record- districts. Among the 28
Sunday, Mohideen recalled the health department said on daily cases. Since then the ed the least by adding five fatalities, four were with-
efforts of Ramamurthy in Sunday. new infections have been cases. out comorbidity or pre-
developing the Congress base Recoveries were lower on the decline. On August A total of 1,60,229 sam- existing illness, the bul-
in Tamil Nadu. Mohideen Greater chennai corporation painters give final touches to a wall painting at Mylapore on compared to new cases, 6, the state added 1,985 ples were tested in the last letin said.
prayed to God almighty to give Sunday. — DC with 1,807 people getting new cases, while on 24 hours, pushing the — PTI
enough strength to the family
members of the deceased and
the partymen to bear the
irreparable loss. Chennai to get 1,000 HC TO HEAR
Upsets, heartbreaks
and narrow misses women wall painters CBI’S PLEA IN Upasi slams Tea Board
mark Olympics
From P1
women toiling in the con-
struction field risking
their life to earn a liveli-
and architects who can
provide painting jobs for
them. It’s so nice to see
New Delhi, Aug. 8: The
Delhi HC is scheduled to
order on public auctions
There were numerous upsets, So far, women might have hood. Today, painting women painters work hear on Monday the B. RAVICHANDRAN I DC Bhansali said the government in the year
heartbreaks and narrow miss- been a notch behind in the workers get at least Rs 500 along with men. It’s not CBI's plea in the INX OOTY, AUG. 8
es. Also, stunning stories of male-dominated wall- a day. It’s also a nine-to- only a matter of women Media corruption case 2001 had repealed the mandatory routing
underdogs punching above painting jobs. But that five job. You can’t paint empowerment but also involving Congress United Planters’ of tea through auctions, in line with the
their weight, terrific teenagers concept too has changed buildings before 9 am and showing them a way to leader P Chidambaram Association of South economic policy of liberalisation and free
sweeping the skateboarding in the post-pandemic life. after 5 pm due to lack of economic prosperity with and his son Karti. India (Upasi) president trade which was subsequently amended in
podium and an unprecedented Yes, at least 1,000 under- sunlight. In that case, it is minimal risks’, said Mr. The CBI has challen- Prashant Bhansali has
occasion of two athletes shar- privileged women from in a very comfortable job for Rao. ged a trial court's order said the Tea Board of 2015. During this period, many tea pro-
ing the high jump gold. and around Chennai will women. As part of the ini- Mahesh Anand, presi- directing the agency to India’s circular directing ducers painstakingly developed domestic
There is no surprise on top of soon be giving finishing tiative, the RCME has dent, Nippon Paint India allow inspection of doc- the manufacturers for markets thereby getting much better
the medal tally though. USA touches to the coloured come up with a one-month (decorative division) uments kept in the mandatory sale of 50 per- prices for their produce
finished first with 113 medals, walls of the city build- training with theory as pointed out that the 'malkhana' (room where cent of the total manufac-
including 39 gold, but only after ings. The innovative gen- well as practical classes to ‘nshakti’ initiative to case properties are kept) tured tea through public Board recently took posi- through auction will
edging out China on the last der-equality concept has make women efficient in train and certify rural by the accused and their auctions will be counter- tive steps towards the gov- result in more percentage
day. It turned out to be a water- become a reality as a meeting the industry stan- women as wall painters counsel. The plea is list- productive due to the wide ernment’s current policy of out lots, resulting in
shed edition for India who result of the initiative dards. In the first step took shape three years ed for hearing before divergence in the auction on “Ease of doing considerable loss to pro-
bagged seven medals, including taken by the Rotary Club they learn the technique ago. Justice Mukta Gupta. prices vis-à-vis retail Business” and reduced ducers. As tea is an agro-
a historic gold in athletics. of Madras East (RCME) in of plain wall painting. In “It is an attempt to HC had on May 18 stay- prices. regulatory compliances based product and the
With one more than the London association with the the long run they can recognise and utilise the ed trial proceedings in He said the government related to a number of policy of the Union gov-
2012 tally, the Tokyo show will ‘nshakti’ campaign of develop design works as skills of rural women by the case involving Chid- in the year 2001 had mandatory licences. But ernment is to reduce
be the country's new Olympic Nippon Paint. per their inclination. providing them with ambaram and his son repealed the mandatory on the other hand the Tea intermediaries in mar-
benchmark. RCME president M. Upon successful comple- employment opportuni- Karti. It had also issued routing of tea through Board’s circular directing keting enabling the pro-
Javelin thrower Neeraj Srinivasa Rao told DC that tion of the programme, ties. Women have a keen notice and sought respo- auctions, in line with the the manufacturers to com- ducers to get a better
Chopra, a farmer's son from the idea took shape after the women painters are aesthetic sense. They have nses of Chidambaram economic policy of liber- ply with the order of share in the sale pro-
Haryana, emerged the new seeing many impover- awarded a professional an eye for colour, and the and others on the CBI's alisation and free trade mandatory sale of 50% of ceeds, the Upasi is of the
posterboy of India with his ished women struggling certificate which qualifies patience required for plea. The CBI has sought which was subsequently the total tea manufac- view that the Tea Board
incredible achievement. He has to cope with the impact of them as professional wall being an expert in the pro- to set aside the special amended in 2015. During tured through public auc- direction of mandatory
shown that Indians too can Covid-19-induced lock- painters. As an initial fession. We want to pro- judge’s March 5, 2021 this period, many tea pro- tions is completely coun- sale of 50% tea through
dominate the world-class field downs. ‘’The wall painting push to set their foot in vide women the necessary order to the extent that ducers painstakingly terintuitive. auction be withdrawn
in athletics. Between weight- job was always dominated the field, the women training and tools. We aim it directed the CBI to developed domestic mar- “Since the auction sys- and instead it be left to
lifter Mirabai Chanu's stupen- by men though it is a painters will be intro- to train at least 1,000 allow inspection of doc- kets thereby getting much tem has finite load han- the discretion of manu-
dous silver medal on day 1 and lighter occupation com- duced to the decision- women as painters in uments kept in malkha- better prices for their pro- dling capacity, pressuris- facturers to decide the
Neeraj's golden finish, there pared to other construc- makers in the industry Chennai in a year,” he na by the respondents duce. ing the system by manda- mode of sale,” Bhansali
were many disappointments. tion works. We see many like Interior designers said. /accused/ their counsel. On one hand, the Tea torily routing of teas noted.


Your day today By Dr C.V.B. Subrahmanyam QUICK CROSSWORD

Aries: Spending time in your partner’s
company will give you the opportunity to
relax and enjoy today. Your financial and
business situations will get better this day.
Taurus: Imbibing positive thinking by
looking at the brighter side of a problem
will immensely help you in getting rid of THE WIZARD OF ID|Parker and Hartsd
psychological fear and stress.
Gemini: At professional front, you will find
many changes taking place for the better.
Heart patients are advised to strictly avoid
spicy and fried food today.
Cancer: In financial matters things are likely to
change for the better. Quit smoking to keep
yourself physically sound. You are likely to
publicly exhibit your love.
Leo: Today you will have to cooperate
despite facing obstacles in your friends
circle. You might miss an offer to work in ARCHIE|Bill Henry Scarpelli & craig boldman
an exciting environment.
Virgo: An important date is likely to get cancelled
due to your busy schedule. Do something mean-
ingful to bring joy to your family. Learning lessons
from failures will have positive effects on health.
1.Prejudiced (6) 1. Unclad (4)
You share your b’day with 3. Bludgeon (4) 2. Lucky charm (6)
1. Chipolata, 6. Cubes,
Mahesh Babu is an Indian actor, producer and 4. Appearance (4) 7. Extra, 9. Mute, 10.
7. Overwhelming defeat (4) Catnap, 12. Anchor,
philanthropist who works mainly in Telugu cinema. One 8. Steam (6) 5. Coarse jute fabric (6) 14. Ajar, 17. Yacht, 18.
of the highest paid actors in India, he has appeared in 6. Glossy wood coating (7) Linen, 19. Heartbeat.
10. Silvery food fish (7)
more than 25 films, and won several accolades. 9. Film extract for Down: 2. Habit, 3.
13. Oil from flax (7) advertising purposes (7) Posy, 4. Leeway, 5. BLONDIE|Dean Young and John Marshall
Libra: Restrain yourself from gambling with 16. Numb (6) 11. Treeless Arctic plain (6) Titan, 6. Company, 8.
17. Sit for (4) Aspirin, 11. Loiter, 13.
your hard-earned money by putting it in 12. Declare null and void (6) Cache, 15. Junta, 16.
dubious financial schemes. Inflow of money 18. Assist in crime (4) 14. Labyrinth (4) Glib.
will keep you satisfied. 19. Guide (6) 15. Sensed (4)
Scorpio: Keep yourself calm and tension-free
to restore your mental peace. Be very
selective in your investments today. Your Word Mine jumble
media contacts will help you in your work.
Sagittarius: Changing your lifestyle will help you
keep tensions and strains of life at bay. Your
financial situation will improve. Invest safely
and be wary of dubious schemes.
Capricorn: Spend time with your family members.
The decisions you take at work today will be


appreciated and will reap benefits in the long run. GOOD; 28 OUTSTANDING
Your routine activities will impress your boss. How many words of four or
more letters can you make from
Aquarius: Positive thinking will banish your negative the letters shown in today’s
thoughts. Strengthen your immune system to fight puzzle? In making a word, each
letter may be used once only.
against infections and diseases. Legal battle will be Each word must contain the
sorted out with the timely help of your friends. letter at the top of the pyramid.
There should be at least one
Pisces: An expensive trip is on the cards today. nine letter word. Plurals, foreign
Don’t forget to take out some time from your usual words and proper names are
not allowed.
chores for a romantic meeting. Your pessimistic sultan, thus, tuna, ulna, unlash, unlatch
shun, shunt, shut, staunch, STAUNCHLY, stun, such,
attitude could lead to serious health problems. hunt, launch, lunacy, lunch, lush, lust, lusty, saucy,
ANSWERS: anus, aunt, cult, cushy, haul, haunt, hula,

bridge ertain plays are five. What should he lead at South draws trumps and despite East-West's com-
deceptively difficult to trick two? runs the clubs, aided by the bined 27 high-card points.
find when they go South opened with a mod- successful finesse. The winning defense is a
PHILLIP against the normal grain. ern favorable-vulnerability West tried to cash the heart switch, forcing South
ALDER We are used to following pre-empt: a weak hand spade queen, but South to ruff in the dummy!
the textbook. When some- with 13 cards, some of ruffed and led the diamond Declarer does best to lead a
OUT OF thing rarely highlighted in a
book crops up, we all strug-
which were in the suit bid!
East did well to double five
king. With the trumps 2-2
and the club finesse work-
trump to a royal, but West
completes his good work by
BOOK, gle to find the winning play.
This is particularly true in
diamonds because five
hearts would have been
ing, South had no trouble in
collecting 11 tricks: five
ducking this, leaving the
defense in control. If South
OUT OF today's deal, which easily defeated. diamonds, five clubs and a plays another trump, the
occurred at an Australian Normally, when declarer is late heart ruff on the board. defenders cash a heart
MIND tournament. threatening to ruff losers in Perhaps East didn't do so trick. Tough.
Against five diamonds dou- the dummy, the defenders well after all. With this Copyright United
bled, West starts with the should shift to trumps. But defense, he should have Feature Syndicate
spade king: three, nine, that doesn't work here. sacrificed in five hearts (Asia Features)
pg 4


Trucking resumes
NIA holds biggest
at Assam border
Trucks from the rest of the
country rumbled into
ever raids in J&K
Mizoram across a disputed
border with neighbouring Finds charity money funnelled to terrorists
Assam late on Saturday
night, some 12 days after a YUSUF JAMEEL and ● 56 LOCATIONS in “but these funds are
bloody clash between police RAJNISH SHARMA | DC eight of J&K’s 20 dis- instead being used for vio-
of the two states. Truckers SRINAGAR/NEW DELHI, tricts were raided and lent and secessionist
who had parked their trucks AUG. 8 activities”.
thoroughly searched by It alleged: “The funds
at Dholai near the tense bor-
der and refused to move The National scores of NIA teams, raised by JeI are also
even after an informal block- Investigation Agency which were assisted by being channeled to mili-
ade enforced by locals was (NIA) on Sunday carried the local police and tants such as Hizb-ul-
lifted, started moving essen- out raids at the offices of CRPF personnel, sources Mujahideen (HM),
tial supplies including medi- the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) said. Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT)
cines, diesel and cooking gas in Jammu and Kashmir and others through well
after two Assam Ministers and the homes of its lead- disrupting the nation’s organised networks of JeI
convinced them it was safe ers and prominent unity and integrity, and cadres. The JeI has also
to travel to Mizoram. activists across the Union claimed if the party’s been motivating impres-
territory in connection activities were not curbed sionable youth of
Kashmir and recruiting
CIC: Disclose EVMs,
with a case registered ear- immediately, it was likely
lier this year by it against to “escalate its subversive new arakeen (members)
the right-wing cadre- activities, including an to participate in disrup-
VVPAT with faults based socio-religious-
political outfit for alleged-
attempt to carve out an
Islamic State out of the
tive secessionist activi-
New Delhi: The Central ly diverting large sums of territory of Union of The NIA said a case
Information Commission money received through India”, continue advocat- under the relevant legal
(CIC) has ordered the disclo- donations at home and ing the secession of J&K, provisions was registered
Flooded Daraganj area due to rise in the water level of Ganga river, following heavy rains in Prayagraj, — PTI
sure of the total number of abroad to fund separatist and propagate “anti- by it against the JeI in
EVMs and VVPATs that militants. national and separatist” New Delhi on February 5
showed defects and errors As many as 56 locations sentiments. this year.
during testing and evaluation
of their firmware by the
Standardisation, Testing and
Quality Certification (STQC)
TO DEFAME MAHA Custodial torture prevails, in eight of J&K’s 20 dis-
tricts were raided and
thoroughly searched by
scores of NIA teams,
The MHA had claimed
the JeI was the main
organisation responsible
for the propagation of sep-
The NIA said the search-
es were done at the prem-
ises of office bearers and
members of JeI and also
Directorate. The ruling came
on a petition by activist
Venkatesh Nayak who had
approached the STQC
need to sensitise cops: CJI which were assisted by
the local police and CRPF
personnel, sources said.
The searches were also
aratist and radical ideolo-
gy in the former state, par-
ticularly in the Kashmir
Valley. Earlier, the J&K
at the offices of the trusts
purportedly run by it.
“During the searches
today, various incriminat-
Directorate under the MUMBAI, AUG. 8 From Page 1 later determine the ability carried out at the offices police had in a major ing documents and elec-
MiEITY, seeking information of the accused to defend and other premises of crackdown arrested the tronic devices were seized
on testing of firmware of With the CBI completing The mobile App will help himself. Going by the Falah-e-Aam Trust, a JeI leadership and key from the premises of the
EVMs of M3 and M2 genera- one year into the probe poor and needy people in recent reports even the subsidiary which runs a activists and sympathis- suspects. Further investi-
tion and VVPAT units manu- of Bollywood actor applying for legal aid and privileged are not spared number of schools and ers of JeI. Most of them gation in the case contin-
factured by ECIL and BEL, Sushant Singh Rajput’s seek victim compensa- third-degree treatment," orphanages in J&K. The were subsequently ues,” the NIA said. No
and used in the 2019 Lok death case, the NCP has tion. the CJI said. raids were conducted in detailed under J&K’s arrests are reported to
Sabha election. alleged that the incident NALSA was constituted Stressing the need for Doda, Kishtwar, Ramban, stringent Public Safety have been made on
was used as a conspiracy under the Legal Services bridging the gap of acces- Anantnag, Budgam, Act. The NIA said JeI Sunday.

Panel: Long closure to defame the Mahar-

ashtra Vikas Aghadi
Authorities Act, 1987, to
provide free legal services
sibility to justice between
the highly privileged and
Rajouri, Doda
Shopian, among other
and members had been collect-
ing funds domestically
Interestingly, Sunday’s
raids were the third major

of schools a hazard (MVA) Government.

“Even after a year, the
CBI has not been able to
to the weaker sections of
society and to organise
Lok Adalats for amicable
the most vulnerable, the
CJI said "for all times to
come, we must remember
areas. The Union home
ministry had on February
28, 2019 banned the JeI for
and abroad through dona-
tions, particularly zakat
and other forms of
operation conducted by
the NIA in J&K in the last
three weeks. On July 10,
Justice N.V. Ramana
New Delhi: The hazards of ascertain if Sushant settlement of disputes. that, the realities of socio- a period of five years after mandatory and voluntary the NIA had also arrested
not reopening schools after Singh’s death was a mur- Terming the project The past should not economic diversity which declaring it an “unlawful Islamic charity to help the six people from different
prolonged closure due to the der or suicide. It has also 'Access to Justice' as an determine the future and prevail in our nation, can- association”. The MHA needy and carrying out parts of J&K in terror
pandemic are “too serious to not issued any clarifica- "unending mission", the all should work to bring not ever be a reason for said it had the potential of various welfare activities, funding cases.
be ignored”, according to a tion so far. It goes to CJI said that for becoming equality, Justice Ramana denial of rights".
parliamentary panel. The show that it was a ploy a society governed by the stressed. Furthermore, he stated
committee has noted that to defame the MVA gov- rule of law, it was neces- "The threat to human that dissemination of
the closure has not only
impacted social fabric of
families in a negative man-
ner, but also increased
ernment,” said chief
NCP spokesperson
Nawab Malik. The inves-
tigation takes place nor-
sary to "bridge the gap of
accessibility to justice
between the highly privi-
leged and the most vulner-
rights and bodily integri-
ty are the highest in police
stations. Custodial torture
and other police atrocities
information about the
constitutional right to
legal aid and availability
of free legal aid services
BJP targets 300+ TMC SEES BJP OUT
involvement of children in
household chores. “The clo-
sure had a deep impact on
wellbeing of students, espe-
mally at the same place
where the incident hap-
pened. But in this case,
the Bihar government
"If, as an institution, the
judiciary wants to garner
the faith of the citizens,
are problems that still pre-
vail in our society. In spite
of constitutional declara-
tions and guarantees, the
"is necessary to keep
police excesses in check."
Besides this, he said that
the prevailing obstacles
in UP with Dalits NEXT ELECTIONS
cially their mental health. It filed a complaint in their we have to make everyone lack of effective legal rep- like internet connectivity DC CORRESPONDENT ● KEEPING IN mind the KOLKATA, AUG. 8
has altered the relationship own jurisdiction and feel assured that we exist resentation at the police and lengthy, painstaking NEW DELHI, AUG. 8 caste arithmetic, the BJP
between the parent and the asked the CBI to probe for them. For the longest stations is a huge detri- and expensive justice will be launching mass West Bengal Chief
children adversely,” the the case. The case was time, the vulnerable popu- ment to arrested/detained processes add to the woes If regional outfits in contact programmes for Minister Mamata Bane-
panel said. then used to derive a lation has lived outside persons. of realising the goals of Uttar Pradesh — the rjee’s nephew Abhishek
"The decisions taken in 'Access to Justice' in
target groups and sec-
political mileage in the system of justice," he Samajwadi Party and the Banerjee on Sunday
Bihar polls, he added. said. these early hours will India. tions, starting with a
Bahujan Samaj Party — claimed that the BJP
are now reaching out to “booth vijay” campaign would be ousted from
upper castes’ vote bank, on August 23. power in Tripura in the
SHUNTED AFTER ITBP INDUCTS 1ST considered the core vote next Assembly Election.


bank of the BJP, the
state’s ruling party has
tasked its cadre to make
sure that Dalits and OBCs
the BJP in the state.
While the OBCs consti-
tute nearly 43-45 per cent
of the state’s total popula-
The Trinamul Cong-
ress Diamond Harbour
MP made the claim after
he flew to the neigh-

A day after the Union minister

Narendra Singh Tomar was
tricolours made of plastic
New Delhi, Aug. 8: occasions of important
Mussoorie (U'khand),
Aug. 8: The India-China
in the poll-going state
continue supporting it to
achieve its target of
Mission 300-Plus.
The BJP had won 312
tion, the Dalits are at 21
per cent. In the last
Assembly polls, the SP
won 47 seats and the BSP
had managed just 19
bouring state in the
morning to ensure the
release of 12 party work-
ers, arrested by the
police on the
mobbed by people in Sheopur
in Madhya Pradesh, the local
Ahead of the Indepe-
ndence Day celebration,
CAB. SECY TELLS national, cultural and
sports events, the national
LAC guarding the Indo-
Tibetan Border Police
seats out of total 403
Assembly constituencies
Keeping in mind the
Disaster Management
Act charges for violat-
district collector and superin-
tendent of police were shunted
the Centre has asked
states to ensure people
OFFICERS TO BE flags made of plastic are
also being used in place of
force on Sunday com-
missioned its first two
in the 2017 Assembly elec-
tions and formed its gov-
caste arithmetic, the BJP
will be launching mass
ing Covid lockdown
norms, following an
out on Sunday.
In an order issued on Sunday
don’t use plastic national
flags as ensuring appro- AT I-DAY FETE national flags made of
paper. Since plastic flags
women officers in com-
bat after they completed
ernment in this political-
ly crucial state after a gap
contact programmes for
target groups and sec-
attack on them allegedly
by BJP workers a day
morning, the state govern- priate disposal of the tri- are not biodegradable like their training here. of 14 years. tions, starting with a before in Khowai dis-
ment transferred Sheopur dis- colour made of non- New Delhi, Aug. 8: paper flags these do not A total of 53 officers During his meetings “booth vijay” campaign trict.
trict collector Rakesh biodegradable item is a Cabinet Secretary Rajiv get decomposed for a long passed out from the with BJP leaders in Uttar on August 23. The BJP This was the second
Srivastav and posted him as practical problem. Gauba warned officers time and ensuring appro- ITBP officers’ training Pradesh, party president leaders and cadre will be time in a week the newly
the deputy secretary in state In a communication to invited for Independence priate disposal of national academy located in J.P. Nadda made a special highlighting the “people appointed TMC national
secretariat. Similarly, Sheopur all states and union terri- Day function at the Red flags made of plastic com- Mussoorie after a pass- mention that party lead- centric” initiatives taken general secretary visit-
district superintendent of tories, the Union Home Fort that a “serious view” mensurate with the digni- ing out parade was held, ers and cadres should by the Yogi Adityanath ed Tripura.
police Sampat Upadhyay was Ministry said the national will be taken if they fail ty of the flag is a practical with Uttarakhand Chief reach out to the maxi- government in the state Accompanied by TMC
shifted as assistant inspector flag represents hopes and to attend the event. In a problem, it said. Minister Pushkar Singh mum number of dalit vil- and also the various Rajya Sabha member
general at police headquarters aspirations of the people communication to the “You are, therefore, Dhami officiating as the lages and bastis and also measures taken by the Dola Sen, state educa-
here. Earlier on Saturday, peo- of the country and hence secretaries of all Union requested to ensure that chief guest. Dhami and to the OBCs. Narendra Modi govern- tion minister Bratya
ple in district headquarters of should occupy a position ministries and depart- on the occasions of impor- Deswal put the ranks of While dalits, mainly ment at the Centre. Basu and party leader
Sheopur booed and jeered at of honour. “There is uni- ments, Gauba said the tant national, cultural and Assistant Commandant, Jatavs, are considered the From August 10 to Kunal Ghosh, Banerjee
Tomar when he visited the versal affection and Independence Day flag sports events, flags made the entry-level officer core vote bank of the August 20, the BJP has laid a siege at the
area. The irate people had also respect for, and loyalty to, hoisting ceremony at the of paper only are used by rank in the paramilitary, Mayawati-led BSP, the decided to hold meetings Khowai police station
thrown mud and garbage at the national flag. Yet, a Red Fort, has its own sig- the public in terms of the on the shoulders of the OBCs, primarily Yadavs, of its leaders and office for hours in protest of
his vehicle. perceptible lack of aware- nificance and officers provisions of the ‘Flag two women officers — have been backing the SP, bearers in all 403 the arrests. He was also
ness is often noticed must attend. — PTI Code of India, 2002’ and Prakriti and Diksha — headed by Akhilesh Assembly constituencies. seen locked in a verbal


among people and organi- such paper flags are not the passing out parade Yadav. However, since The BJP will be holding duel with a police officer
sations/agencies of the to display of the national discarded or thrown on and attestation ceremo- 2014, the non-Jatavs and nearly 120 different pro- while demanding the
government, in regard to flag,” it said. It told the ground after the event,” ny where they took oath non-Yadavs have come grammes to reach out to release of the TMC
MACE TAKEN TO laws, practices that apply states and UTs that on the the Home Ministry said. to serve India. — PTI out in massive support of the people and cadre . workers,

SRINAGAR, AUG. 8 School closure for longer period too PM TO CHAIR
serious to ignore, says house panel
Days before a select group of
sadhus are scheduled to carry
Chhari Mubarak to Amarnath
cave-shrine for the final puja
and darshan on Shravan DEBATE TODAY
Purnima (Raksha Bandhan) From page 1 "Plans to bridge the learn- ing of face masks at all cols,” it said.
on August 22, the holy mace of ing gap caused due to times, frequent hand sani- "Best practices being fol- New Delhi, Aug. 8:
Lord Shiva was on Sunday has impacted the social school lockdown as well tization etc; regular ther- lowed in different coun- Prime Minister
taken to Shankaracharya tem- fabric of the family in as review of online and mal screening at the time tries for opening of Narendra Modi will
ple overlooking Srinagar’s Dal negative manner leading offline instructions and of attendance and con- schools may be taken into chair a high-level open
Lake for special prayers. to early/child marriage exams and plans for ducting random RT-PCR consideration for taking debate on 'Enhancing
Mahant Deependra Giri, the and increased involve- reopening of schools" tests to identify and iso- an informed decision," it maritime security: a case
custodian of Chhari Mubarak, ment of children in headed by Vinay P. late any infected student, said. for international cooper-
who led a group of hermits to household chores. The Sahsrabudhe. teacher or staff immedi- The panel has also noted ation" on Monday via
carry it to the historic Shiva present situation has The seriousness of the ately, are among the rec- that the learning loss of video conferencing.
temple at a height of 1,852.16 exacerbated the learning matter should not be over- ommendations for reopen- more than one year due to His office said on
metre, said the prayers were crisis that existed even looked and a well balanced ing of schools made by the prolonged school closure Sunday the meeting is
held to mark ‘Haryali- before the pandemic with reasoned view may be panel. in wake of the pandemic expected to be attended
Amavasya’ (Shravan Amav- the marginal and vulnera- taken for opening up of “Each school should would necessarily have by several heads of state
asya), an important occasion ble children getting the schools, the house have at least two oxygen weakened the foundation- and government of mem-
in Hindu calendar, “as per the adversely affected. panel said. concentrators with al knowledge of students, ber states of the United
age-old customs'”. Keeping this situation in Accentuating vaccine trained personnel to especially in the subjects Nations Security Council
A statement issued by his mind, it becomes all the programmes for all stu- address any eventuality of mathematics, sciences (UNSC), and high-level
camp-office here read, “The more imperative to open dents, teachers and allied and provide first aid till and languages, at school briefers from the UN sys-
sound of a conch shell charged schools," the panel has staff so that schools may availability of outside level. tem and key regional
the whole atmosphere. Pujan noted. start functioning normal- medical help. Frequent "This learning loss is a organisations.
was performed chanting Vedic This week the parlia- ly at the earliest; holding surprise inspection of big deficit and is likely to “Modi would be the
hymn”. It said that in view of mentary standing com- classes on alternate days schools may be done by impair the cognitive capa- first Indian prime minis-
the pandemic only a selected mittee on education, or in two shifts to thin out health inspectors and bilities of students," the ter to preside over a UN
group of sadhus accompanied women, children, youth students along with obser- health workers to ensure panel said in its report Security Council Open
the holy mace and participated and sports tabled in vance of physical distanc- strict adherence to tabled in Parliament on Debate,” the Prime
in the prayers for 90 minutes. Parliament its report ing and compulsory wear- hygiene and Covid proto- Friday. Minister's Office said.
pg 5

15 KILLED AS Taliban seize 3 more Saudi to accept foreign
Istanbul, Aug. 8: A passenger provincial capitals pilgrims for Mecca
Riyadh, Aug. 8: Saudi
bus veered and tumbled off a
highway in western Turkey,
killing 15 people on Sunday. Insurgents gain ground in fight to take over Afghan cities
Arabia will begin accept-
ing vaccinated foreign pil-
grims seeking to visit the
Brisbane to lift curbs
The governor’s office of Bali- Islamic holy city of Me- Brisbane, Aug. 8: Austr- ● IRAN REPORTED over
kesir province said said the Kunduz, Aug. 8: The Ta- cca, state media reported alia’s third-largest city of 500 daily Covid deaths
bus overturned at 04:40 local liban tightened the noose Sunday, around 18 months Brisbane will lift a lockdo- for the first time on
time (0140 GMT) on Sunday. around northern Afghani- after a border closure pro- wn Sunday after contain-
Emergency units arrived at the stan Sunday, capturing th- mpted by the Coronavirus ing a virus cluster, while Sunday, its health min-
site, where 11 people died. Four ree more provincial capi- pandemic. Authorities in an outbreak that has kept istry announced, as new
others died in the hospital. The tals as they take their fight the ministry responsible Sydney paralysed for wee- infections also hit a
governor’s office said 17 people to the cities after seizing for coordinating foreign ks continues to grow. record high. Iran regis-
injured in the crash were taken much of the countryside pilgrims will from Mond- Millions of people in Br- tered 39,619 new infec-
to five hospitals for treatment. in recent months. ay begin “gradually recei- isbane and surrounding tions in the 24 hours to
The bus belonging to travel The insurgents have sn- ving Umrah requests from areas have spent just eight
company Efe Tur was traveling atched up five provincial various countries of the days under stay-at-home Sunday, taking the total
from Zonguldak in northern capitals in Afghanistan world,” the Saudi Press orders after an outbreak since the pandemic
Turkey to Izmir in western Tu- since Friday in a lightning Agency reported. of more than 100 cases sp- started to 4,158,729, the
rkey when it went off the road. offensive that appears to The umrah is a pilgrim- read among several school ministry said.
have overwhelmed gover- age that can be undertak- communities.
REGIME SHELLING nment forces.
Kunduz, Sar-e-Pul and
en at any time — distinct
from the hajj, which takes
Deputy Queensland pre-
mier Steven Miles said the city of Cairns, after a taxi
CLAIMS LIVES OF 4 Taloqan in the north fell
within hours of each
place once annually —
and usually draws millio-
region had achieved “so-
mething quite incredible”
driver spent 10 days infec-
tious in the 150,000-strong
SYRIAN CHILDREN other Sunday, lawmakers,
security sources and resi-
ns from around the globe
each year. The Covid-19
by seemingly bringing the
outbreak under control.
They will join millions
Beirut, Aug. 8: Regime shell- dents in the cities con- pandemic hugely disrupt- “It looks like we may of people in Melbourne
ing has killed four children in firmed. ed both pilgrimages, whi- have been able to contain and Sydney under stay-at-
Syria's last major rebel bastion In Kunduz, one resident ch are usually key reven- a Delta outbreak in just home orders, with Austr-
in the northwest of the count- described the city as being ue earners for the king- eight days of lockdown, alia’s biggest city about to
ry, a Britain-based war monitor enveloped in “total chaos”. dom — in normal times, just 10 days from when the enter a seventh week of
said Sunday. “After some fierce fight- Afghans inspect a damaged building after airstrikes in Lashkar Gah city of Helmand they together rake in aro- first case was notified,” he lockdown.
The artillery fire late Satur- ing, the mujahideen, with province, on Sunday. Airstrikes damaged a health care clinic and high school in the und $12 billion (10.3 bil- said. Restrictions on leav- New South Wales state
day hit a residential area in the the grace of God, captured capital of Helmand province. — AP lion euros) annually. ing the city and gatherin- recorded 262 new cases
south of the jihadist-dominat- the capital of Kunduz,” Before Sunday’s announ- gs will remain in place for Sunday, taking the out-
ed bastion of Idlib, the Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights
said. The victims in the village
of Qastoun in the Hama
province were from the same
the Taliban said in a state-
ment Sunday afternoon.
“The mujahideen also
captured Sar-e-Pul city,
the government buildings
Airstrikes hit clinic, school
Kabul, Aug. 8: Airstrikes bombed. Majid Akhund, States. The fighting has
cement, only immunised
pilgrims resident in Saudi
Arabia were eligible for
umrah permits. — AFP
at least two weeks.
Authorities also announ-
ced a snap three-day lock-
down for the northern
break that began in
Sydney in mid-June to
more than 5,000 cases.

family, it said. and all the installations damaged a health clinic deputy chairman of the raised growing concerns
there.” The insurgents and high school in the cap- Helmand provincial coun- about civilian casualties.
said on Twitter on Sunday
evening that they had also
taken Taloqan, the capital
ital of southern Afghanis-
tan’s Helmand province, a
provincial council mem-
cil, said airstrikes hit a
health clinic and a school
in the city’s 7th police dis-
Dr Ahmad Khan Weyar,
an official from the Hel-
mand public health depar-
Boris threatened MARK MYANMAR
to demote Sunak
of Takhar province. ber said Sunday. In north- trict late Saturday. But he tment, said a nurse was ki-
KILLING SWISS Parwina Azimi, a wome-
n’s rights activist in Sar-e-
ern Kunduz province,
Taliban fighters made
said the area is under
Taliban control so any
lled when an airstrike hit
a health clinic and a guard
Bangkok, Aug. 8: A suspect in Pul, said by phone that additional gains. casualties could have been was wounded. Yangon, Aug. 8: Myanmar
the death of a 57-year-old Swiss government officials and A Defence Ministry caused by Taliban there. “American invaders bo- London, Aug. 8: British have been apoplectic with protesters on Sunday
woman on Thailand’s tourist the remaining forces had statement confirmed that A Taliban surge has int- mbed and destroyed anot- Prime Minister Boris anger and even suggested marked the anniversary of
island of Phuket was charged retreated to an army bar- airstrikes were carried ensified as US and Nato her hospital and school in Johnson is said to have a demotion for Sunak a 1988 pro-democracy upri-
with murder and robbery, poli- racks about three kilome- out in parts of the city of troops wrap up their with- Helmand,” the Taliban been furious over a letter from the powerful Treas- sing that brought Aung
ce said Sunday. tres (two miles) from the Lashkar Gah. It said drawal from the country. said in a statement. being leaked to the media ury department to take San Suu Kyi to prominen-
The suspect, Teerawat Thoth- city. The Taliban had the forces targeted Taliban As Taliban attacks increa- It said Safyano Hospital last week, which claimed charge of Health. ce, with flash mobs and
ip, a 27-year-old Thai man livi- compound “surrounded”, positions, killing 54 fight- se, Afghan security forces and Muhammad Anwar his Chancellor Rishi The problem was that marches of defiance agai-
ng in Phuket, confessed to the said Mohammad Hussein ers and wounding 23 oth- and government troops Khan high school were Sunak had written to the first Johnson knew of nst the ruling junta.
killing and even spoke by telep- Mujahidzada, a member of ers. It made no mention of have retaliated with airst- bombed. push for easier interna- the letter was when deta- The country has been in
hone at a police press conferen- the provincial council. a clinic or school being rikes aided by the United — AP tional Covid-19 travel nor- ils of it appeared in the turmoil since the generals
ce to admit his guilt and des- Taloqan was the next to ms ahead of a planned re- media, the report said. launched their February
cribe the crime. go Sunday, with resident view. The reaction follo- Quoting a senior source putsch and subsequent
Investigators were able to tr- Zabihullah Hamidi saying Kunduz is the most sig- long. The ministry of nikzai said later that rein- wed media reports that from a meeting, it said crackdown on dissent that
ace the suspect using security by phone that he saw secu- nificant Taliban gain sin- defence said government forcements including spe- the Indian-origin finance that Johnson then went has killed more than 900
camera footage, and during the rity forces and officials ce the insurgents launch- forces were fighting to cial forces had been depl- minister had written to on to say in the presence people, according to a local
interrogation he was found to leave the city in a convoy ed an offensive in May as retake key installations. oyed to Sar-e-Pul and his boss, calling for a sig- of around a dozen officia- monitoring group.
have scratches and bruises on of vehicles. foreign forces began the “The commando forces Sheberghan. “These cities nificant easing of the Co- ls that he had been think- But protesters remain un-
his body, said Police Maj. Gen. “We retreated from the final stages of their with- have launched a clearing that the Taliban want to ronavirus travel restricti- ing about a change. deterred, taking to the stre-
Nuntadech Yoi-nuan, deputy city this afternoon, after drawal. It has been a operation. Some areas, in- capture will soon become ons, warning that they Maybe it’s time we ets daily in lightning-quick
commissioner of Provincial the government failed to perennial target for the cluding the national radio their graveyards,” he add- were damaging the econo- looked at Rishi as the next rallies to demand the end
Police Region 8. The body of send help,” a security Taliban, who briefly over- and TV buildings, have ed. Kabul’s ability to hold my. According to The Sun- Secretary of State for to the State Administrati-
the Swiss woman, Nicole source said. ran the city in 2015 and been cleared of the terror- the north may prove cruc- day Times, which report- Health. He could poten- on Council — as the junta’s
Sauvain-Weisskopf, was dis- “The city is unfortunate- again in 2016 but never ist Taliban,” it said. ial to the government’s lo- ed on the letter last Sun- tially do a very good job so-called “caretaker” gov-
covered Thursday. ly fully in Taliban hands.” managed to hold it for Spokesman Mirwais Sta- ng-term survival. — AFP day, Johnson is said to there. — PTI ernment has dubbed itself.

■ Tiny funds bet on tech, low fee to rival titans Labour

quick New players aim absorption
To Olympic victors go
the spoils, and a tax bill
BITES to disrupt MF turf
rises in July
SANGEETHA G SAM MCQUILLAN Olympic medals worth, saying pole vault-
CHENNAI, AUG. 8 AUG. 8 ing hasn't made her rich.
dont have much Of course, her tax status
intrinsic value, ‘
INDICATORS % With the revival of kharif
sowing activities, absorp-
As the Olympic flame has
gone out in Tokyo on fluctuating from up
could change after she
won gold.
Sensex 54,277.72 -0.39 RAVI RANJAN PRASAD tion of labour by agricul- Sunday, marking the end to $700 for a gold "For some of these ath-
MUMBAI, AUG.8 ture reached a high 11.2 of the 2020 Games, swim- letes, their success during
Nifty 50 16,238.20 -0.35 million in the month of ming phenom Katie to about $5 for a this year's games will
S&P 500* 4,436.52 0.17 Like discount broking dis- July, according to the Ledecky and pole vault- bronze, depending determine the endorse-
Dollar (`) 74.15 0.04 rupting traditional equity Centre for Monitoring ing sensation Katie on the market ments they'll earn,
broking business, Indian Indian Economy. Nageotte will both be prices of their whether or not they'll
Pound Sterling (`) 103.15 0.06 mutual fund industry is Agriculture usually leaving with gold. have income over $1 mil-
likely to see new players absorbs an additional 8-12 A hefty tax bill awaits component metals. lion for this tax year,"
Euro (`) 87.56 0.22
with innovative products, million persons in the back in the US, but only But the IRS focus is Karaffa said.
Gold (10gm)* (`) 46,570▼283 0.60 aggressive returns and low month. So the July absorp- for one of them. on the prize money Professional athletes in
Brent crude ($/bbl)* 70.80 0.69 fees disrupt the traditional tion this year was on the Ledecky, now the most the US typically owe taxes
bank dominated asset higher side at 11.2 million. decorated female swim- to the jurisdictions in
IN 10-Yr bond yield 6.240 0.53 management business in Often, the increase in mer of all time, likely awards its medalists, which they compete.
US 10-Yr T-bill yield* 1.287 0.070 times to come. labour begins in June, owes the US government which for the 2020 Tokyo Countries hosting major
With huge untapped debt focused fund has got offers with Rs 500 mini- peaks in July and some- about $44,000 from her Games is: international tourna-
* As of Friday/Saturday potential due to low pene- good response to its NFOs. mum investment com- times remains elevated in two gold and two silver $37,500 (gold) ments, though, often
tration, new mutual fund Brokerage Samco Securi- pared to Rs 5,000 required August, thanks to kharif medal wins. That esti- $22,500 (silver) exempt non-resident com-

Aramco half-year
players have started ties is also setting up a in other NFOs. sowing and post-sowing mate is based on her $15,000 (bronze) petitors.
designing differentiated mutual fund in India. "The Mutual funds space agricultural activities. lucrative corporate spon- Winnings are treated as "In Japan, it is legislated
products and are using Some existing players is ripe for disruption with The monsoon has been sorships and the prize income for federal tax as a special tax treatment
earnings climb technology to gain market
share with lower fees.
have matured and are pro-
viding competition to older
a massive opportunity to
create huge value for
playing truant this year
and as a result the kharif
money attached to her
purposes. For top-earning
athletes like Ledecky, who
that the prize award given
to non-resident athletes

to $47 billion Earlier this year, Flipkart players with new product investors," Jimeet Modi, sowing activities were Nageotte, who won gold makes over a million dol- participating in the
co-founder Sachin Bansal offerings and superior founder director, Samco delayed. By the end of June in women's pole vaulting, lars a year in endorse- Tokyo Olympics/
acquired Essel Mutual returns like South Korea Asset Management said. 2021 kharif sowing was likely won't pay any taxes ments according to a Paralympics is exempt
Saudi Arabia's oil giant Aramco Fund from the Essel Group based Mirae Asset Mutual As on June 30, asset over 20 per cent lower than on her winnings, thanks report in the Washington from Japanese taxation,"
announced a net income of in February and renamed Fund as per their AUM under management of the it was in 2020. However, by to a special exemption for Post, total prize money is said Yoshihisa Kita, first
around $47 billion for the first it as Navi Mutual Fund. growth (Rs 77,674 crore as top five bank sponsored the end of July sowing those with more modest subject to the top-margin- secretary of finance for
half of the year, double what it After Bansal's takeover on June 30), Nippon India mutual funds SBI Mutual improved and was less financial success. al tax rate of 37 per cent. the Japanese Embassy in
earned over the same period and renaming, Navi Mutual Fund (2.4 lakh Fund (Rs 5.23 lakh crore), than 5 per cent lower than a "The men's basketball Nageotte, on the other the US.
last year when Covid-19 pum- Mutual Fund has launched crore), PPFAS Mutual ICICI Mutual Fund (Rs 4.16 year ago. About 65.3 mil- team isn't going to be hand, is spared paying tax Some countries, partic-
melled global demand for oil. an exchange traded fund Fund (Rs 11,342 crore) and lakh crore), HDFC Mutual lion hectares were sown excluded, but a good by an Obama-era law that ularly those starved for
This puts Aramco back squarely (ETF)—Navi Nifty-50 Index PGIM Mutual Fund (Rs Fund (Rs 4.16 lakh crore), during July compared to majority of Olympians exempts athletes making Olympic success, offer
where it was before the pan- Fund and recently filed 8,110 crore). Kotak Mutual Fund (Rs 19.5 million hectares in will be," said John less than $1 million in their athletes much
demic struck and sunk earnings offer documents for anoth- The new fund houses are 2.46 lakh crore) and Axis June. "This could be the Karaffa, president of total income after deduc- greater rewards. Singa-
to $23.3 billion in the first six er new fund offering, again backed by technology and Mutual Fund (Rs 2.08 lakh reason why we see the ProSport CPA PLLC, a tions from the so-called pore, for example, pays
months of 2020. CEO Amin an ETF—Navi Midcap 150 offer lowest fees due to crore) own more than half sharp increase in employ- Virginia-based tax and "victory tax." gold medalists 1 million
Nasser said the results reflect a Index Fund. thier technology driven of the total assets managed ment in agriculture," said accounting firm who said "Income earned by an Singapore dollars (US
rebound in energy demand. Trust Mutual Fund approach. by the MF industry at Rs Mahesh Vyas, founder, he represents more than American citizen, even if $740,000)-for a first-time
which also started at the Also they offer a low 33.17 lakh crore. CMIE. two-dozen Olympians. its in Timbuktu, is win.
beginning of the year as a entry even in the new fund However, in July this year Olympic medals don't income on your US tax Unfortunately for for-
employment as farmers have much intrinsic return," said Conrad eign athletes with US resi-
Printed & Published by grew by only 1.8 million. value, fluctuating from up Teitell, a principal with dency, there is no exemp-
K Sudhakar on behalf of Deccan
Chronicle Holdings Limited. Printed &
Published at Deccan Chronicle Presses
situated at SP-3 Developed Plot,
Airlines asked to submit India-UK fare details The category of farm
labourers, who are part of
daily wage labourers,
to $700 for a gold to about
$5 for a bronze, depending
on the market prices of
Cummings & Lockwood
in Stamford, Connecticut.
"Many other countries
tion. "The law is very spe-
cific," Karaffa said. "The
exemption is only for
seems to have increased their component metals. don't tax income earned prize money received by
Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai.
Editor: Kaushik Mitter, RNI Reg. No. New Delhi, Aug. 8: official said on Sunday. flight for Aug. 26 was dramatically during July. But that isn't the focus of while in a foreign coun- the US. If somebody earns
TNENG/2008/25473 Air surcharge Re 1. Aviation regulator DGCA On Saturday, Sanjeev priced Rs 3.95 lakh. He said It is likely that once the the Internal Revenue try." less than a million, but got
© All rights reserved. Reproduction in has asked the airlines to Gupta, secretary in the economy-class ticket on kharif sowing season Service. Rather, it's the Nageotte has refuted money from the French
whole or in part without written per- submit details about the Union home ministry, had Delhi-London flights of comes to an end, these prize money the United what she says are Basketball Association,
mission of The Editor, Financial airfares they have been tweeted that an economy- Vistara and Air India was agricultural labourers will States Olympic & "extremely inaccurate" that money is fully tax-
Chronicle ® is prohibited. charging for India-UK class ticket on British also priced between Rs 1.2 lose this source of employ- Paralympic Committee estimates of her net able." —Bloomberg
flights during August, an Airways' Delhi-London lakh and Rs 2.3 lakh.— PTI ment.
pg 6

9 AUGUST 2021

Neeraj Chopra lights a Subhani

flame for Indian sport
eeraj Chopra’s golden arm that propelled the javelin to an Olympic
gold promises to change India’s sporting history. A nation with a pop-
ulation in excess of 1.35 billion is filled with zealous followers of sport
but when it comes to winning medals on the track and field in blue
riband events denoting athleticism as defined in the Olympic credo of “faster,
higher, stronger”, it has only been a wistful journey of more than 100 years, of
performances that were nearly there but not quite of the podium kind. It took
a farmer’s son from India’s wheat granary Haryana to put India on the athlet-
ics map. He is the spark that has lit the flame of inspiration.
The ebullient actor-athlete Norman Pritchard, born and educated in India,
was the first Asia-born sportsman to win Olympic medals, bagging two silvers
in the 1900 edition in Paris in the 200m and 200m hurdles. The IOC still credits
those medals to India though the country has been competing officially in the
Olympics only since Antwerp in 1920. It took more than a century for an
Indian sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal. Abhinav Bindra struck
gold in 2008 in the esoteric sport of shooting in a career marked by a single
minded pursuit of the highest calibre perfor-
India may not mance in the 10-metre air rifle event.
become a sporting Neeraj Chopra is of a similar mould, his record
powerhouse in in the last five years testimony to his graded
improvement at hurling the javelin until majestic
decades to come throws in his first couple of attempts in qualifying
but a path to sport and in the final proving sufficient to win the gold
as a vocation has and let the main Olympic stadium reverberate
Restoring confidence is DISGRACEFUL

key to economic growth

It’s disconcerting to learn
been illuminated by with the Indian national anthem. The discipline of
a career in the Army as a Subedar was reflected in that the ex-gratia payment
a golden light his endearing comments crediting legendary mid- promised to the family
dle distance runner Milkha Singh, who lost out on members of doctors who
a medal by a whisker in Rome in 1960, as a national inspiration for aspiring
athletes. an entire decade to double total exports. This com- had died of Covid-19 has
It is moot whether Neeraj has opened the floodgates to Olympic gold medals India’s GDP. pares with the $291 billion still not been made by the
but what is assured is there will be no dearth from now of athletes striving to This line of thinking is achieved in 2020-21 and
achieve their dreams. The lumbering Indian system has been changing with Sanjaya Baru also reflected in the views
of another member of the
$313.5 billion attained in
state government. The
promise of a family member
deep-rooted corruption in administration and prejudice in selection just about
making way for an orderly backing of sportspeople with amenities for train- PMEAC, Sajjid Chinoy, While companies and of the deceased being given
a government job also
ing at home and abroad and plenty of incentives to excel. It is said that a who has recently written diplomats can do their bit
teenaged Neeraj tried his hand at sport to reduce his weight and was straight- that exports and public to push exports, the min- remains unfulfilled. What’s
away seen as a natural at the javelin. Since then he has trained hard to be investment will have to istries of finance and com- more painful is that the
amongst the world’s best with the gold medal just desserts for years of effort. drive economic growth in merce will have to play
solatium of `50 lakh,

India may not become a sporting powerhouse in decades to come but a path he upward move- finance minister, to claim- the near term given the their part too in terms of
to sport as a vocation has been illuminated by a golden light. There may be ment in India’s ing credit for what may subdued sentiments of addressing exchange rate announced by the previous
anguish in near-misses as in the golfer Aditi Ashok’s final round of heartache stock market in- well prove to be, with hind- firms and households. “All and tariff policies. As part government, has been
but, going forward, Indian sportspersons can expect to have the backing of a dices, claimed sight, “irrational exuber- told”, said Mr Chinoy, of its “Atma Nirbhar reduced to `25 lakh by the
support team and it will be up to the individual to perform in chosen disci- Union finance ance”. It is not at all sur- “exports and public invest- Bharat” strategy and in
plines. The highest haul of seven medals in an Olympics is representative of minister Nirmala prising that Ms ment will need to create a seeking to contain Chinese new dispensation. The doc-
achievers making their mark in varied fields — javelin, weightlifting, boxing, Sitharaman, in response to Sitharaman chose to be so growth and jobs bridge imports, the Modi govern- tors had put their heart and
badminton, men’s hockey and wrestling — to show that India is just not all a question in Parliament bold as to claim credit for until private investment ment has aligned its trade soul into the sole objective
cricket when it comes to winning performances. last week, “is driven pri- the sentiment on Dalal andconsumption recover”. policy against imports in of saving the lives of the
marily by the expectations Street. After all, the Union The Union government general. The global experi-
of future economic government has been des- has been trying to push ence shows that any strate-
Covid patients, unmindful of

Shot in arm for vaccine effort growth”. Quite under-

standably, the finance
minister attributed these
perate to get hold of some
positive economic indica-
tors so as to boost investor
public investment but fis-
cal constraints have been
imposed on it by slower
gy to push export growth
has to be aligned with a
country’s import policy.
the risk to their own lives.
The state should hang its
head in shame for playing a

he decision to grant emergency use authorisation (EUA) to Johnson positive expectations and and consumer confidence. growth. The slow progress All major exporting dirty game even in such
& Johnson’s single-dose Covid-19 vaccine is a welcome move as it the market sentiment to The ride has been rough of privatisation of public economies are also import-
would augment the country’s vaccine availability at a time when government policy. for Ms Sitharaman. sector enterprises has also ing economies. Given the matters.
every dose counts. The company has claimed the single-shot vaccine is 85 Having made that confi- Despite her best efforts, posed a challenge. In some structure of Indian P.G. Menon, Chennai
per cent effective in preventing severe disease 28 days after vaccination. It dent assertion Ms Sith- and visible results on the traditional sectors of pub- exports, and the commodi-
ty pattern of the recent
will be administered to people aged 18 years and above. araman went on to reas- fiscal front, both invest- lic sector spending, like
As per the government’s own claim, the US-based company applied for sure Parliament that the ment and consumption defence production, the surge, this link is all the
EUA on Friday and was granted it the same day by the Drugs Controller Narendra Modi govern- remain subdued due to government is hoping that more relevant. The Madras high court has said that
General of India. The fast-track approval marks a break from the past ment, the country’s central persistent modest expecta- private investment will in While the external affairs schools denying TCs to students cit-
when the foreign manufacturers had far too many hurdles to clear before bank and the stock market tions about the near term. fact make up for inade- minister has been actively ing fee dues or any other reason will
they were to get the clearance. The government has now relaxed several of regulator were all monitor- The Reserve Bank of quate public investment. reviving free trade talks be viewed as contempt of court. This
the earlier conditions, which included production of data on the bridge ing market indices to India’s consumer and busi- In the short term, increas- with the European Union, is unreasonable, to say the least.
trial conducted in India. At present, a vaccine with approval from regula- “ensure orderly function- ness confidence surveys ing public investment is Australia, Britain and so Teaching service is a commodity
tory bodies of other countries or on the list of the World Health ing of the stock markets continue to suggest that not merely a fiscal chal- on, the commerce minister purchased by parents and they are
Organisation would be given the EUA with the condition that clinical tri- and maintain macro-finan- both companies and house- lenge. It is even more an has stopped criticising the bound to pay the fees charged by
als could be continued later. At present, India has five vaccines — Serum cial stability”. holds are not yet voting for administrative challenge. United States, Japan, schools. Let us spare a thought for
Institute’s Covishield, Bharat Biotech’s indigenously developed Covaxin, Market analysts, howev- the future even as there is Even the Chief of the Army South Korea and the the educational institutions which
Russia’s Sputnik V, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. er, take a more nuanced an improvement in both Staff had recently Southeast Asian nations have many financial commitments
Indian manufacturers have, of late, increased production of the vaccines view. Some see portfolio contemporary sales and bemoaned the constraints on trade imbalances. To (say, paying salary to the staff, meet-
but the fact remains that India is far from being on track to meet the inflows from a global econ- capacity utilisation. There imposed by bureaucratic top it all, trade with China ing maintenance expenses and other
December 31 deadline it had set for itself to vaccinate all eligible Indians. omy awash with easy is a post-lockdown recov- inertia on public spending. is again rising, albeit exigencies, to mention just a few) in
There are many segments of society, including teachers, traders and daily money, thanks to US ery, but it is distinctly K- There has been some below the radar of the the society. Tuition fee is the main
wage earners, whose vaccination is critical for the opening of the econo- President Joe Biden’s fis- shaped, indicating a good news on the export BJP’s Swadeshi Jagran source of income for schools and col-
my. The government may prioritise the use of the single dose vaccine cal liberalism, fuelling widening gap in income front with a 74 per cent Manch. India’s exports to leges and if that is denied to them,
keeping its advantages in mind for targeted vaccination. It may also adopt market engines in India. and expenditure between jump in exports in the first China grew by close to 70 they will find it extremely difficult
international practices in approving vaccines so that procedural delays do Shying away from China the upper classes and the quarter of 2022 over the per cent in the first half of to run the show. And it is for no fault
not stop their launch in the country. for geopolitical and eco- masses. “first lockdown” quarter of 2021, even though the trade of theirs.
nomic reasons, they are Economic and financial 2021. Not surprisingly, deficit remains significant- S. Ramakrishnasayee, Chennai
coming to India, among analyst V. Anantha Prime Minister Narendra ly high.


emerging Nageswaran, a member of
the Prime Minister’s
Modi has sought to associ-
ate himself with this good
After spending its first
term in office criticising GOLDEN CHOPRA
Editor Printer & Publisher Others believe that the Economic Advisory news by chairing a meet- the Manmohan Singh gov- Many congratulations to Neeraj
R. MOHAN Reserve Bank of India’s Council, recently wrote on ing with the representa- ernment’s trade policy, the Chopra for scripting history in the
Resident Editor monetary policy, with low his widely read and highly tives of export firms, trade BJP has quietly come to javelin throw at the Tokyo Olympics
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: rates of interest at a time regarded blog (thegoldstan- promotion councils and terms with the necessity of by winning a gold medal, throwing a
Chennai: SP 3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600032. Phones: (044) 22254747, Indian diplomats overseas external trade policy mov-
22254748 when inflationary expecta- behemoth 87.58 meters. Chopra joins
Coimbatore: 77 Vivekananda Road, Ramnagar, Coimbatore 641009. Phone: (0422) 2231255, 2231256 tions are rising, is en- thor/jeevatma/): “If India where he set a target of ing from inward orienta- shooter Abhinav Bindra in the elite
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad 500 003. Phone: (040) 27803930-4. Fax: (040) couraging investors, big manages to grow its real $400 billion for this year’s tion to outward orienta- club, besides becoming the only track
27805256. and small, to chase equi- GDP by five per cent and tion. In a democracy, poli- and field athlete to win gold for the
Bengaluru: 5th Floor, BMTC Commercial Complex, 80 Ft. Road, Koramangala, Bangalore-560095. Ph: cy change is more often
08043460500; Fax: 080-22960551/52/55 ties. The rise in valuations nominal GDP at nine per country in 100 years. The historic win
does not necessarily corre- cent between 2021-22 and than not a product of of the 23-year-old spearman from
Visakhapatnam: Survey No. 1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony,
Visakhapatnam - 530 017. Phones: (0891) 2552333/2552334, Fax (0891) 2755285 spond to trends in the real 2029-30 and assuming a
The government is necessity rather than Haryana’s Khandra village is a
Vijayawada: No. C 3 & 4, Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.). Phones: (0866) economy. Indeed, even Ms USD/INR exchange rate of trying to push choice. moment of great pride, and his incred-
2555284/ 2555287, Fax (0866) 2555234
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry 533125. Phones: (0883) 2417208, 2417618
Sitharaman has focused on 70, India’s real GDP will be public investment ible effort is a perfect antidote to the
Anantapur: Thapovan Colony, Bangalore Bye-Pass Road, Anantapur 515004. Phones: (08554) 276903, “expectations” rather than $6.7 trillion by the end of amid fiscal The writer is an pain the nation endured in a few
“performance”. the decade.” Besides skirt- economist, a former heartbreaks with our women’s hock-
Fax: 08554-276904
Nellore: Survey No. 527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemudugunta Panchayat, Nellore. Over the years Union ing the fact that the econo-
constraints imposed newspaper editor and was ey team and golfer Aditi Ashok sliding
Phone: (0861) 2348581/ 82, Telefax (0861) 2348580 finance ministers have my will not be a $5 trillion by slower growth. an adviser to former Prime out of medal contention by the nar-
Karimnagar: Survey No. 1341, Vavilalapally Colony, Jagityala Road, Karimnagar 505 001.
Phone: (0878 ) 2228908; Telefax (0878) 2220433 had to swing between one in 2024, a goal set by The slow progress Minister Manmohan rowest margins. Subedar Neeraj
Kochi: No. 3-B, 3rd Floor, DD TRADE TOWER, Kaloor-Kadavanthara Road, Ernakulam, claiming that they “do not Prime Minister Narendra of privatisation of Singh. His most recent Chopra sent Indian hearts soaring
lose sleep” over fluctua- Modi in 2017, when India’s book is New Cold War: into the sky and earned immortality
Ph: 0484-4039408
Kozhikode: No 6/1002 E, First Floor City Mall, Opp. YMCA Kannur Road, Kozhikode - 673 001 GDP began approaching
public sector Henry Kissinger and the
tions in market indices, as by securing his stripes as a world-
Fax : 0495 4019018
Dr Manmohan Singh the $3 trillion mark, it also enterprises has also Rise class athlete.
Thiruvananthapuram: St Joseph Press Thycaud post, Cotton Hills, Thiruvananthapuram-14, Ph: 0471-
2735105/6/7, Fax: 0471-4016112 Gram: CHRONICLE Postal registration no: No. H/SD-348/2006-08ss famously did in his days as suggests that it would take posed a challenge. of China. R. Sivakumar, Chennai

he double landlocked Central project “has already gained broad sup- cooperation with all parties in the Mumbai port with Chabahar in Iran relentless advance of the Taliban, the
Asian republic of Uzbekistan port, including from the leading inter- region and jointly combat the “three and further to the Caspian Sea. real Quad in connectivity which looms
hosted a landmark Conference national financial institutions”. He fur- evil forces of terrorism, extremism and Uzbekistan will benefit by an INSTC on the horizon is between a Taliban-
on “Central and South Asia ther noted that this Trans-Afghan rail- separatism”. This claim flies in the face spur, the Trans-Caspian Railway, head- dominated Afghanistan, an expansion-
Regional Connectivity: Challenges and way corridor would connect with of the consistent Chinese protection ing east from Iran into Turkmenistan, ist China, a hostile Pakistan and
Opportunities” in its capital Tashkent China and it fully corresponds with the given to Pakistan as a safe haven for which connects with the Uzbek rail net- Uzbekistan — the only country that is
in the middle of July. Recognising their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). UN-proclaimed terrorists like Masood work through Urgench in Uzbekistan. friendly to India in this group.
Skand Tayal geo-economic centrality for connectivi- Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Azhar and Dawood Ibrahim as well as
terrorist organisations like the
In Tashkent, there was some excite-
ment about the proposed “Trans-
China has already signalled that it is
willing to work with both sides in
ty, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirzi- spoke at length, offering Karachi and
yoyev invited Afghan President Ashraf Gwadar as convenient ports for the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Jaish-e- Afghan Railway” linking Uzbekistan Afghanistan. On July 28, foreign minis-
Ghani and Pakistan Prime Minister Central Asian republics. He referred to Mohammad. via Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan to ter Wang Yi met with a Taliban delega-
Imran Khan as his chief guests. the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor For Uzbekistan, the BRI project could Peshawar in Pakistan. This $5 billion tion led by the head of the Afghan
In his inaugural address, the Uzbek (CPEC) as the “flagship project of BRI” help open the transport corridor project is linked with the “Quadri- Taliban Political Commission, Mullah
President recalled the ancient era and and invited the Central Asian nations towards the Persian Gulf. Uzbekistan lateral Traffic in Transit Agreement”, Abdul Ghani Baradar, in Tianjin.

Central Asia’s medieval age links between Central

and South Asia from the Harappan
civilisation to the Baburid states.
to join the CPEC, stressing that it was
“not exclusive”.
Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi
has already expressed its desire to par-
ticipate in BRI projects through bilater-
al and regional platforms. China is also
between China, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan
and Kazakhstan, that also links to the
CPEC. Uzbekistan expressed its desire
Pakistan will continue to block India’s
access to Afghanistan and Central Asia
and this country’s only option might be

bid for access Babur originally came from Fergana conveyed Beijing’s readiness to “join energetically promoting the “Silk Road to join this pact last year. to focus on developing Chabahar Port
Valley present-day Uzbekistan. He hands with the Central and South Economic Belt” and Mirziyoyev was an Eyebrows were raised when at the and the INSTC. The US needs to be per-
noted the current stark reality that Asian countries to forge a closer honoured guest at the First Belt and Tashkent Conference the United suaded to give a waiver to Indian and
“there are no effective trans-boundary regional connectivity partnership Road Forum held in Beijing in 2017. At States, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other multinational companies operat-

to sea may see routes and the trade-economic ties are

poorly developed”.
President Mirziyoyev proposed the
through high-quality cooperation
under the BRI”. Foreign minister
Wang Yi made a four-point proposal on
this forum, the two countries signed
115 deals worth more than $25 billion,
which covered electrical power, oil pro-
Uzbekistan announced the creation of a
new “Quadrilateral Diplomatic
Platform” that focussed on enhancing
ing at Chabahar port.
Afghanistan is poised at the knife’s
edge and the region would see new geo-
regional connectivity. The US media strategic equations. India needs to play
new Quad rise
development of modern, effective and promoting connectivity in Central and duction, chemicals, textiles, trans-
secure transport and logistics infra- South Asia. He also called on World portation, infrastructure, etc., and by note said that the “parties intend to its cards adroitly in order to remain rel-
structure in Central and South Asia. In Bank, the Asian Infrastructure road and rail to the Caspian Sea. cooperate to expand trade, build transit evant and effective.
his view, “a key element” of this con- Investment Bank and ADB to invest in Uzbekistan has also joined the India- links, and strengthen business to busi-
nectivity architecture would be the these connectivity projects. For the sponsored “International North-South ness ties”. The writer is a retired diplomat and
Termez-Mazar-e-Sharif-Kabul- record, Mr Yi added that China will Transportation Corridor”, or INSTC, a However, with the shrinking foot- has served as India’s ambassador to
Peshawar Railroad. He noted that this deepen law enforcement and security multi-model route that will connect print of the US in the region and the Uzbekistan and South Korea
pg 7

MEDAL TALLY Tokyo, Aug. 8: In between an unre-

lenting virus and an approaching
typhoon, the extraordinary Tokyo
Olympics drew to a close on Sunday,
COUNTRY G S B T having oscillated between trials and
1. USA 39 41 33 113 triumphs with an unprecedented show
2. China 38 32 18 88 of hope and tenacity.
With a large firework display adding
3. Japan 27 14 17 58 a burst of sound to the dancing,
4. Great Britain 22 21 22 65 singing and merry-making, the
Japanese capital pulled the curtains
5. ROC 20 28 23 71 down on one of history’s most unique

Games come to a close, Tokyo

6. Australia 17 7 22 46 Games, handing over the flag to Paris
with the message of moving forward
7. Netherlands 10 12 14 36 while remembering those who lost
8. France 10 12 11 33 their lives during the Covid-19 pandem-
9. Germany 10 11 16 37 Despite the global health crisis, the
10. Italy
48. India
ROC — Russian Olympic Committee
one-year delay, the soaring costs and
strongly divided opinions among
locals, the spectacle saw the light of the
day after staving off numerous chal-
lenges on the way.
hands Olympic baton to Paris
Short takes In sync with the time he is living in,
International Olympic Committee Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo waves the
president Thomas Bach, after closing Olympic flag during the flag handover
Kenyan Kipchoge the Games, said, “Athletes went faster, ceremony at the closing ceremony of
went higher and were stronger because the Tokyo Olympic Games at the
wins marathon they all stood together in solidarity. Olympic Stadium in Tokyo on Sunday.
“You inspired us with this unified — AFP
K enya’s Eliud Kipchoge
underlined his creden-
tials as the undisputed king of
symbol of sport. And it was even more
remarkable because of what you faced
in the pandemic,” he added.
the marathon with a totally Bach, without whom the Games
dominant run to retain his wouldn’t have happened, added, “For
Olympic title on the streets of the first time since the pandemic, the
Sapporo on Sunday. world came together. People were unit-
The world record holder ed by emotion, sharing moments of joy
clocked 2hr 08min 38sec to and inspiration. This gives us hope,
win gold, becoming only the this gives us faith in the future.
third man to win consecutive “The Olympic Games of Tokyo were
marathon titles. the Olympic Games of hope, solidarity
Abdi Nageeye of the and peace. You the Japanese people can
Netherlands claimed silver in be extremely proud of what you
2:09.58, just ahead of achieved. On behalf of all the athletes
Belgium’s Bashir Abdi in the we say thank you Tokyo, thank you
final event of the athletics Japan,” the IOC president Bach fur-
programme at the Tokyo ther said.
Games. The festivities began in front of the
Kipchoge’s victory margin athletes, dignitaries and officials from
of 1min 20sec was the biggest across the world after the Japanese flag
since Frank Shorter’s win in was raised at the 68,000-seater National
the 1972 Munich Games. Stadium, which was out of bounds to
The 36-year-old’s triumph, spectators owing to the Covid-19 pan-
his 13th win in the 15 demic.
marathons he has raced since ATHLETES LET THEIR HAIR DOWN
2013, came a day after team-
mate Peres Jepchirchir The athletes entered the stadium and
secured back-to-back women’s formed a circle around the rostrum.
Olympic marathon titles for Unlike the opening ceremony which is
Kenya’s women. a formal affair with the athletes
— AFP dressed in formal attire, the closing
was a time for the achievers to relax Bronze medallist wrestler Bajrang
and enjoy the occasion. Punia carries the Indian flag at the
Women send out A sizeable number walked in holding Olympics Stadium during the closing
their mobile phones to capture the ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics in
powerful message moment and some waved flags while US athletes pose during the closing ceremony Sunday. — AP Tokyo on Sunday. — PTI
wiping sweat on a humid Tokyo

T hey set records everyone

saw coming and others
that surprised the experts.
The theme of the closing ceremony
was the ‘Worlds We Share’ and featured
featured live and spectacular celebra-
tions from the next host city as the peo-
ple of Paris and France embraced their
Bach who, in turn, passed it on to the
Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.
“I would like to express my feelings of
then formed the Olympic rings, with
fireworks going off to make it spectac-
ular. Due to the Coronavirus protocols,
One of the many unique aspects of
this ceremony was that unlike at past
Olympics, where only Games volun-
They suffered, and battled, a whole lot of items, from lights to role as host of the 33rd Olympics. gratitude and respect to all the ath- the ceremony was held without specta- teers (field cast) were recognised,
and spoke their truth in ways music shows, dazzling fireworks and The segment took hundreds of mil- letes, and to everyone else who over- tors but the organisers put up a screen Tokyo 2020 recognised both the Games
that hadn’t been heard before. stunts. lions of viewers on a tour of Paris and came so many difficulties to so thor- inside the stadium where fan videos and City volunteers. The volunteers to
Over nine days at the near- Before extinguishing the Olympic treated them to a deep dive into the oughly prepare for these Games and from across the world were projected. be recognised were selected with an
empty Olympic Stadium, the flame that has been burning in the City of Lights to the tune of a re- deliver their absolute best performanc- Bajrang Punia as its flag-bearer, the eye towards balancing representation
women of track and field cauldron since the opening ceremony, orchestrated version of La es,” said Tokyo Olympics organising largest Indian contingent bid the of genders, ages, and other factors.
delivered a memorable show. the closing of the Tokyo 2020 Games Marseillaise. committee president Seiko Hashimoto. Games a goodbye after finishing their Meanwhile, The USA edged China at
These are some of the ath- broke away from history and propelled The musicians performing in six dif- campaign with the best medal tally in the top of the medals table. On the last
letes who defined the meet in hundreds of millions of viewers right ferent spots in and around Paris history. day, USA scored victories in volleyball,
Tokyo: Allyson Felix, Sydney into the very heart of Paris. evoked what the world has experienced Bach presented Kenya’s Peres The handover was characterised by track cycling and basketball to top the
McLaughlin, Sifan Hassan, For the first time in a handover cere- over the past several months. Jepchirchir with the gold medal for audacity and freedom as it highlighted tally with 39 gold medals, just one
Raven Saunders, Elaine mony, the next host country’s national The message was, “we are apart, we women’s marathon event, while Eliud Paris’ promise to take sport out of its ahead of China.
Thompson-Herah. anthem was broadcast as a film shot can join forces and play together.” Kipchoge received his yellow metal for traditional spaces, to open the Games The 339th and final gold medal went
Sifan Hassan started with entirely in the future host city. The Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko winning the men’s marathon. to the city and its people, and to con- to Serbia’s men’s water polo team.
gold in the 5,000m, then came In another first, the closing ceremony Koike, handed the Olympic Flag to Lights illuminated the Tokyo sky and nect with new audiences in new ways. — PTI
back with bronze in the
1,500m and closed the show
with a gold in the 10,000m.
Meanwhile, after a slow
start to the season because of
an Achilles injury, Thompson-
Herah swept the 100m and
200m sprints for the second
straight time.
Stars shine as India savours best ever Olympics
New Delhi, Aug. 8: It started ● India’s campaign at the Olympic Games was as much And in the boxing ring, an heir
The story of Raven with a bang, tapered off in the apparent to the iconic M. C. Mary
Saunders is inspiration for middle and then ended with the
a story of human resilience as of sporting excellence Kom began to take shape in
anyone. After she received her kind of spectacular fireworks that and it came to the fore on the opening day of Lovlina Borgohain (69kg).
silver medal, Saunders make historic events grand. India competitions itself starting with Mirabai Chanu. Lovlina ended with a bronze on
crossed her arms and formed was quite literally on a roller- August 4 as women got down to
an X on the medals stand. coaster during the Tokyo ● The stage seemed set for a grand finale and it was the task of rebuilding momentum
— AP Olympics. with Neeraj Chopra’s javelin striking gold, India’s first in the Indian camp. And it worked
So, there was the first medal in in 13 years overall and the first ever in athletics. out quite spectacularly. The very
track-and-field which also hap- next day, Ravi Kumar Dahiya
Bajrang talks of pened to be the first gold in 13 became only the second Indian
years, the first medal in hockey in on the opening day of competi- preparations came up after only wrestler to clinch a silver at the
hurdles in training 41 years, the first silver in tions itself starting with Mirabai one, Saurabh Chaudhary, man- Games.
weightlifting, the first boxing Chanu. aged to make the finals and none GOLDEN FINISH BY NEERAJ
S tar India wrestler Bajrang
Punia on Sunday revealed
that his knee injury forced
medal in nine years, the first
woman with two Olympic medals,
the most number of debutants
The Manipuri weightlifter
stands a mere 4’11” but lifted
202kg (87+115) to fetch a silver and
could get on the podium.
Nobody had a clear answer as to
what went wrong even as stories
The stage seemed set for a grand
finale and it was with Neeraj
him to skip mat training for ending up on the podium, and the put India on the medals tally, of factionalism, ego battles and Chopra’s javelin striking gold,
nearly three weeks which most number of medals ever won, showing the world why size does- petty differences began to crop up India’s first in 13 years overall
severely hampered his it all happened in one single n’t and shouldn’t matter. from different corners. and the first in athletics.
Olympic preparations and he Games for India. In her moment of glory, the phe- It seemed that the Indian cam- Bajrang Punia’s resolve paid off
took the mat for the bronze And it all happened at the nomenal weightlifter was a per- paign had hit the disaster note for him with a bronze on the
play-off without any knee pro- Games which carried the tag of sonification of perseverance. She early and would not be able to wrestling mat as the debutant
tection, going against the troubled long before the opening had left the same stage in tears recover. grudgingly accepted the medal
advice of his support staff. ceremony, thanks to the unrelent- and dejection five years ago, fail- SINDHU DOUBLED THE JOY after falling out of the expected
Bajrang was off-colour in his ing Covid-19 pandemic. It all hap- ing to log a single legal lift. gold medal contention.
first three bouts in Tokyo. pened after one year of shutdown And there she was smiling ear to But along came P. V. Sindhu and Then there were those who were
“I could not do mat training that sent most training and com- ear on July 24 becoming India’s put things back on track with her hit by the curse of the fourth-
for nearly 25 days. I was not petition schedules haywire. first silver-medallist in weightlift- bronze. The seasoned Hyderabadi place finish. Their agony was a
able to run as well after the Mighty impressive? No, it was ing. It was just the kind of start shuttler was looking to better the story in itself as golfer Aditi
injury. Before a tournament way more than that. that the country needed but what silver she won in the 2016 Games. Ashok and the women’s hockey
like Olympics even missing IT ALL STARTED WITH CHANU followed was a lull. She couldn’t do that but managed team ended within touching dis-
one day’s training is not Some top contenders bowed out to become the first Indian woman tance of the podium but not quite
good,” Bajrang said. India’s campaign at the Olympic without making an impact, the with two Olympic medals. there. So, India’s performance at
“My coaches and physio Games was as much a story of biggest disappointment being the While she was at it, the two the Games was bigger than the
wanted me to continue to play human resilience as of sporting 15-strong shooting contingent. hockey teams also showed stom- unprecedented seven medals.
with taped knee in the bronze excellence and it came to the fore A lot many questions about their ach for fight after early setbacks. — PTI
bout. But I didn’t feel comfort-
“Injuries can happen in
training also. And most of the
injuries happen during train-
ing because in the tourna-
Day 5 washed out, Test ends in draw KOVAI BEAT NELLAI TO MEET
ments you are completely
focussed. — PTI
Nottingham, Aug. 8:
Persistent rain proved to
be anti-climactic as India,
both India and England
log home four points each.
Only 250 plus overs out
It would have taken a
special bowling effort
from England to stop
of takeaways for India
from the opening Test of
the series.
who had a realistic shot at of a maximum 450 were India from scoring 209 The Indian team in DC CORRESPONDENT centre-stage with the bat Brief scores: Kovai Kings 169/6
victory in the series-open- possible due to the runs despite overcast con- recent times, save the CHENNAI, AUG. 8 and helped them raise a in 20 overs (Shahrukh Khan 64
Regd. No. TNENG/2010/35692 er, were forced to share inclement weather as ditions which would have series in 2007 and the one total of 169, their bowlers (not out), Suresh Kumar 36; B.
points with England after India, chasing a target of certainly aided seam and in 2014, have always lost Kovai Kings bowlers held were tested to the limit by Aparajith 3/13) bt Nellai Royal
Printed & Published by K. Sudhakar on entire fifth day’s play was 209, were well-placed at 52 swing bowling. the opening Test in their nerve in a tense finish the Nellai batsmen. Kings 162/8 in 20 overs (B.
behalf of Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited washed out, here on for 1 in 14 overs at the end KL Rahul, who scored a England and this was a to upstage Nellai Royal Kovai Kings will meet Indrajith 49 (not out), Surya
and Printed at Deccan Chronicle Presses Sunday. of fourth day. dogged 84 in India’s first welcome change in that Kings and qualify for the Dindigul Dragons in the Prakash 36; V. Yudheeswaran
situated at SP 3, Developed Plot,
Industrial Estate, India needed to score 157 While cricket remains a innings, had insisted that respect. The biggest posi- Tamil Nadu Premier Eliminator on Wednesday. 3/33); Chepauk Super Gillies 132
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032. runs on the final day but game of glorious uncer- the surface was not tive for India would be get- League Playoffs at the MA Trichy Warriors who fin- in 20 overs (Radhakrishnan 55;
RNI Registration No: TN ENG/2005/14987 the rain did not allow a tainties, Virat Kohli and “unplayable” though scor- ting the ‘Test batsman’ KL Chidambaram Stadium ished on top after the P. Saravana Kumar 3/24) lost to
Ph Nos: 22254747, 22254748, 22254750,
22254751 single ball. his men certainly had a ing runs might have been Rahul back, which going here on Sunday. league stage will take on Trichy Warriors 136/3 in 19.1
Editor: KAUSHIK MITTER As part of the new World better shot at full 12 points challenging. forward should benefit the After their captain Musa Chepauk Super Gillies in overs (S. Santosh Shiv 25,
Test Championship cycle, from the match. However there are a lot visitors. — PTI Shahrukh Khan had held the Qualifier 1 on Tuesday. Nidhish Rajagopal 66 (not out)).

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