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Authors A Shuraim, A Al-Negheimish, K Al-Sheref, S Alsayed, M Moustafa, M Al-Shamrani
Publication date 2007

Journal Saudi Engineering Conference

Publisher King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Scholar articles The road to structural codes: the process and the Criteria adopted in the development of
Saudi Structural codes *
A Shuraim, A Al-Negheimish, K Al-Sheref, S Alsayed… - Saudi Engineering Conference
Related articles - All 4 versions

A. Shuraim1, A. Al-Negheimish1, K. Al-Sheref 2, S. Alsayed1, M. Moustafa3, M. Al-Shamrani1

1 King Saud University

2 Saudi Aramco
3 Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

The paper discusses the development of the structural parts of the Saudi Building Code
from the perspective of the structural technical committee (STC). It describes the main
events, defines the criteria adopted to produce rational and applicable codes that are
appropriate for the kingdom. The structural committee has produced the following
structural codes: SBC 301 “Design Loads for Buildings and Structures”; SBC 302
“Structural Tests and Inspections”; SBC 303 “Soils and Foundations”; SBC 304
“Concrete Structures”; SBC 305 “Masonry Construction”; and SBC 306 “Steel
Structures”. In the development of these codes, source international codes have been
chosen to constitute the framework upon which major modifications have been
implemented. The paper documents various aspects of the process including challenges
encountered and criteria involved in the development of the six structural codes.
Documentation of the process is significant for understanding the codes and for the
future modifications needed to keep these codes up-to-date.

KEYWORDS: building codes, structural, coding, standards.

The evolution of codes in developed countries, such as USA, has progressed slowly
over many decades. The first concrete building code appeared in 1910 by ACI [1], and
the first enacted model code was the uniform building code in 1927[2]. Over the
decades, many changes, additions, and new codes have emerged reflecting the

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

accumulated knowledge from research and practice. These codes have become more
complex, more prescriptive, and address a variety of engineering topics. Modern
building codes have evolved well beyond their traditional areas of public health and
welfare. The 2003 edition of the International building code (IBC) [3] specify its
purpose as to “establish the minimum requirements to safeguard the public health,
safety and general welfare through structural strength, means of egress facilities,
stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, energy conservation, and safety to
life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment and to
provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency

In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the process of code development took different path. It
seems logical to develop a building code over a short period of time to follow up with
the fast progress in the construction industry where thousands of infrastructures are to
be built. The royal directive of 2002 has set the path to develop a Saudi building code
on the basis of comprehensive international codes such as IBC, EC and NBC along
with Arab codes and local research and studies in the kingdom. For carrying out this
objective, the National Committee of the Saudi Building Code (NCSBC) was formed,
in accordance with the royal directive.

Under the auspice of the NCSBC, the code consultative committee (CCSBC) was
formed, which is composed of some members of NCSBC in addition to nominated
chairmen of the proposed technical code committees. The first formal meeting of
CCSBC was held on Jan 13, 2003 where a work methodology and technical committee
formation criteria were agreed upon. The technical code committees are:
administrative, architectural, structural, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, fire-resistant,
and seismic requirements. The framework of the various code committees is shown in
Figure 1.

This paper addresses the structural parts of Saudi Building Code from the perspective
of the structural technical committee (STC). It highlights some aspects of the process
including challenges encountered and criteria involved in the development of the six
structural codes. The paper also points to some of the steps that may enhance the
successful applicability of the code. It is believed that such documentation can play a
significant role in understanding the codes and in the future modifications needed to
keep these codes up-to-date.

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Figure 1: Saudi Code Building Committees


The major evenets that have an impact on STC code development within the scope of
this paper are arranged in a chronological order as shown by Figure 2, for the purpose
of understanding the technical process. The first event shown is the first formal meeting
of CCSBC which also marks the first practical step in the formation of the technical
committees by nominating each committee’s chairman. The last event in the Figure is
the formal submission of the draft codes, represrnting the limiting scope of this paper.
However, the paper does not imply that no nontechnical events has taken place outside
the shown limit. Example of which is the international code conference that tookplace
late of 2005, also, the awareness meetings that tookplace in different cities in the
kingdom, in addition to other committee meetings. Table 1 elaborates on the main
technical events.

Figure 2: Timeline of code development

Table 1: Summary of main technical events in chronological order
Approximate duration Main events
1/13/2003 to 4/5/2003 Discussion of work Methodology, and technical
committee formation
4/5/2003 to 10/4/2003 Evaluation stage, conducting review process to identify
challenges and proposing solutions of the structural parts
of IBC
10/4/2003 to 10/5/2003 First SBC work shop
10/5/2003 to 12/15/2003 Making proposal to adopt new source codes in addition
to IBC: ACI-318, ACI-530, ASCE-7, AISC. Also,
requesting approval to form six workgroups

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

12/15/2003 Presenting STC proposal to NCSBC
12/15/2003 to 3/15/2004 Preparing the contents of the new six codes and
completing the work group formation
3/15/2004 The first meetings of the new-formed work groups: SBC
301, SBC 302, SBC 303, SBC 304, SBC 305, SBC 306.
3/15/2004 to 12/4/2004 Code development by workgroups based on the new
source codes and STC criteria.
12/4/2004 to 12/5/2004 STC work shop where the findings from the six codes
were presented
12/18/2004 to 12/19/2004 NCSBC convention
12/5/2004 to 6/6/2005 Refinement stage: Completing the work of the six codes
6/6/2005 Formal submission of the six codes in a draft form

The general methodology adopted by the national committee for the Saudi Building
Code (NCSBC) requires each of the technical committees to perform the following

1) Conduct a thorough study for each of the following:

a) The Source code

b) Relevant research and studies published by universities, research centers,
ministries, etc. in the Kingdom.
c) Arab codes issued by the council of ministers for housing and constructions –
the Arab league.
2) Based on the study, identify chapters, sections, and items that should be removed,
added, or modified. Rationale and scientific evidence for such decisions by the
technical committee should be provided.

The source code mentioned in the NCSBC directive was identified as the set of codes
published by The International Code Council (ICC)[3]. The ICC was established in
1994 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing a single set of comprehensive
and coordinated model construction codes. The founders of the ICC are: 1) Building
Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA); 2) International
Conference of Building Officials (ICBO)[4]; and 3) Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc. (SBCCI). Since the early part of the last century, these nonprofit
organizations developed the three separate sets of model codes used throughout the
United States.

The ICC issues about fourteen codes as shown in Figure 3, one of them is the
international building code (IBC) which has been considered as the default source code,
where its contents have been distributed among the various technical committees.
However, during the initial stage neither the ACI-318[5] nor the ASCE-7[6] was
considered as part of the source code. Upon reviewing the IBC, eight chapters have
been identified to have structural contents and were assigned to STC. Some of the ICC
codes such as International Mechanical Code and International Plumbing Code are

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

referenced by the IBC and were considered as reference codes for other technical

During the evaluation stage, the STC has divided the eight chapters of IBC among
themselves, and agreed on a methodology and criteria for the thorough reviewing
process. Tasks and Time table were defined as shown in Figure 4 where the time span
for this assignment began on April 2003 and planned to be completed by September
2003 in order to present its finding to a code workshop. The criteria considered at that
stage are the following:

1) Code modifications should have scientific and practical basis;

2) The code needs to be compact size not voluminous;
3) The code should address relevant only national/local issues;
4) Code provisions should be simplified without unwarranted complexity; and
5) The produced code may contain only minimum shortcomings and deficiencies, if
Framework of the ICC codes

. International Building Code®

. International Residential Code®
International Building Code:
. International Existing Building Code® Contains 35 chapters, 10 appendices, and 532
. International Fire Code® Referenced codes and standards
102.4 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards
. International Mechanical Code® referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements
. International Plumbing Code® of this code
. International Fuel Gas Code®
. International Property Maintenance Code®
. International Energy Conservation Code®
. International Zoning Code®
Examples of Referenced
. International Private Sewage Disposal Code® codes and standards
. International Urban-Wildland Interface Code.
. ICC Electrical Code®
. ICC Performance Based Code.

ACI-318 (one of the 532 referenced codes and
(one of the 532 referenced codes and standards by IBC)
standards by IBC) Has 10 chapters, 2 appendices, and 130
contains 22 chapters, 6 appendices, and Consensus Standards. The consensus
more than 90 Referenced codes and standards are to be considered part of the
standards which are declared to be part of requirements
this code as if fully set forth herein

Figure 3: ICC codes and relationships with other codes and standards.

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

ID Task Name Apr '03 May '03 Jun '03 Jul '03 Aug '03 Sep '03 Oct '03
Quick review the entire IBC Code to identify Structural Parts
Make initial review to determine relevant references
Identify and review relevant local and regional work
4 Chapter 16: STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1 ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
6 Chapter 18: SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS 3 ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
7 Chapter 19: CONCRETE 4 ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
8 Chapter 20 and 23: ALUMINUM AND WOOD 5 ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
9 Chapter 21: MASONRY 6 ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
10 Chapter 22: STEEL 7 ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
Conduct comprehensive review with cross-referencing
12 Chapter 16: STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1 ‫ﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
14 Chapter 18: SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS 3 ‫ﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
15 Chapter 19: CONCRETE 4 ‫ﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
16 Chapter 20 and 23: ALUMINUM AND WOOD 5 ‫ﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
17 Chapter 21: MASONRY 6 ‫ﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
18 Chapter 22: STEEL 7 ‫ﻳﻖ ﻋﻤﻞ‬
Identify issues that need further studies, and show justification

Figure 4: initial work plan during the evaluation stage.


The review process has brought a number of critical points for the STC to consider and
to propose actions. Among them:

• Differences in geological and climate conditions,

• Differences in construction materials and systems and quality control,
• Errors in codes,
• Differences in measuring units, and
• Interdependency through cross-referencing.
Differences in Geological and Climate Conditions
The source codes reflect geological and climate conditions in terms of seismic
activities, hurricane, high wind, and cold weather that differ substantially from the
prevalent conditions in the kingdom. Accordingly, these issues have been identified in
the reviewing process and some proposals were submitted by the members for the sake
of modifications. Examples of the decisions are presented next.

Seismic provisions of the source codes are very complex and play major influence on
the provisions of design, construction and quality control. In contrast to the high
seismicity of USA, the Kingdom has only low to moderate seismicity. Keeping the high
seismicity provisions was judged by the STC to be counterproductive for the goal of
applicability because engineers and building official will be required to master these
provisions though they may not be needed in the foreseen future as indicated by local
studies. Accordingly, STC has decided to remove any provisions related to seismic
categories E and F. Similarly, STC has decided to simplify wind provisions to reflect
the conditions of the Kingdom.

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Hot weather condition is a major factor in the Kingdom, though not as a big issue in the
source codes. Hence, STC has taken steps to add provisions to tackle the hot weather
conditions and at the same time minimize the provisions related to the extreme cold
weather conditions.

Differences in Construction Materials, Systems and Quality Control

There are a number of differences in the construction materials between USA and the
Kingdom. For example, wood is a major construction material in USA, especially for
single dwelling units, also masonry is used extensively for low-rise buildings. For such
type of construction in the kingdom, reinforced concrete is the main building materials.
Differences exist also in reinforcing bars, steel shapes and dimensions, units of

Prevalent foundation systems in the IBC are pile foundations while in the kingdom
single, combined, and mat foundations are more widely used. Accordingly, STC has
concluded that more provisions are to be added to address the latter systems while
minimizing some of the provisions of the former, especially those related to wood

Slab systems for single dwelling units are usually follow irregular layouts, making the
design procedures described by the source code inapplicable in a great number of cases.
This problem was marked by the STC. Therefore, the committee has decided to identify
these issues in the reviewing process for the sake of deleting, modifying or adding.

Errors in Source Codes

Source codes are not error-free, as one might anticipate. STC has identified some errors
in some limited cases. Although limited in numbers, but they can have significant
consequences if not detected. This finding compounds the burden on the STC members
to be meticulous when working on source codes. Table 2 presents just three errors from
tens of errors that have been inspected, for illustration only.

Table 2: Samples of errors in source codes.

The correct equation is
Ec = 4700 f c'

The correct equation is

⎛ 2 ⎞ f c bo d

Vc = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟
⎝ βc ⎠ 6
Here 1.7 is a power not a
R = (Rn0.59 + pl)1.7

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Practical Unit Conversions
The default units in the source codes are US customary units with conversion to
equivalent SI units. This conversion seems very often odd and insufficient. For
example, the conversion of 5 feet is shown in Table 3 to be 1524 mm, however, this
number seems very odd if not rounded properly. In the second example, the no. 6 bar
size in (US units) was converted down to equivalent No. 19. However, there is no bar
size of 19 mm in the kingdom, according to SASO specification. Thus, the proper
conversion requires selecting the nearest actual bar size without violating the safety

Table 3: samples of practical unit conversions.

Exception: For exterior walls with more than
1500 mm of horizontal separation, the fire shall
be assumed to occur on the interior side only

Shells, folded plate members:

Dia 20 mm bar and
Larger……………………………………. 20

Interdependency through Cross-Referencing

The structural topics in IBC are not fully covered directly within its chapters, but rather
through cross referencing. The concept of cross referencing in building codes is well-
known; however, the extent of it in IBC is more profound than in its predecessor
Uniform Building Code (UBC-97) which is widely used in the Kingdom. The basis for
this concept emerged from the fact that in the USA, codes and standards are developed
by various institutes and industry professionals. For example, reinforced concrete
provisions are developed by the American Concrete Institute (ACI-318) with a
document entitled” Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete” which
provides minimum requirements for design and construction of structural concrete.

Similarly, American society of civil engineers (ASCE) and Institute of structural

engineering produces a number of standards among them the loading standards ASCE-
7, which is entitled “ Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures”.
ASCE-7 sets minimum load requirements and load combinations for buildings and
other structures for strength design and allowable stress design. Addressed are dead,
earthquake, fluids, flood, lateral earth, live, roof, rain, snow, wind, and wind on ice
loads; weight of ice; and self-straining forces. In fact the two standards mentioned
above (ACI-318 and ASCE-7) follow the same cross referencing concept and they site
other standards and codes and consider them as part of them. Figure 3 summaries these
cross referencing ideas.

The interdependency of codes makes that code insufficient for design purpose unless
the referenced code or standard is present. Consider Table 4 with respect to steel
design. Section 2205.1 merely cites AISC-LRFD, AISC 335 or AISC-HSS. Therefore,

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

steel design can not be performed or checked by authorities without having the proper
document from AISC. More brief examples are shown in the Table.

Table 4: Interdependency in IBC.

2205.1 General. The design, fabrication and erection of structural steel for buildings
and structures shall be in accordance with either the AISC-LRFD, AISC 335 or AISC-
2106.1 Seismic design requirements for masonry. Masonry structures and
components shall comply with the requirements in Section of ACI 530/ASCE
5/TMS 402 and Section 1.13.3, 1.13.4, 1.13.5, 1.13.6 or 1.13.7 of ACI 530/ASCE
5/TMS 402 depending on the structure’s seismic design category as determined in
Section 1616.3.
1609.1.1 Determination of wind loads. Wind loads on every building or structure
shall be determined in accordance with Section 6 of ASCE 7.
1617.1 Seismic load effect E and Em. The seismic load effect, E, for use in the basic
load combinations of Sections 1605.2 and 1605.3 shall be determined from Section of ASCE 7.
The maximum seismic load effect, Em, for use in the special seismic load combination
of Section 1605.4 shall be the special seismic load determined from Section
of ASCE 7.


The first work shop organized by NCSBC and took place in October 2003, over two
days, and attended by engineers and architects from public and private sectors in the
kingdom. Engineering community has been informed about the workshop either by
personal invitations or through open invitations in the media to all those interested in
the Saudi Building Code. The first day of the workshop was also attended by
international guests and speakers and devoted to the general methodology as well as to
the experiences of other countries. The second day, all technical committees presented
their findings in parallel sessions the purpose of the parallel sessions is to present
findings, criteria and attract comments and suggestions.

STC has prepared presentations on each of the topics, represented by the eight chapters
of IBC (16-23). Findings on each topic were summarized in a systematic way. Figure 5
shows the STC main sheet as presented in the workshop, comprising the scope,
divisions, criteria, and workshop outputs. The criteria are summarized as: 1) scientific
basis; 2) compact not voluminous; 3) relevant to national/local issues; 4) simplified
without unwarranted complexity; and 5) minimum shortcomings and deficiencies.
These criteria aims at achieving the main STC objective entitled “towards rational and
applicable codes”. A sample of the prepared form, as presented in the workshop, for
one of the topics is presented in Figure 6, while other samples are presented in the
appendix Figure 9 through Figure 11. A typical form is composed of five items:

1. Code documents: the IBC chapter as well as other referenced codes and
2. Subdivisions: the major parts comprising the topic.

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

3. Major problems: the main challenges identified in the source code.
4. Proposals: suggested remedy for the cited problems.
5. Needed research and data: highlight of research topics that can help resolve
encountered problems.
In additions to the forms and presentations, the STC has drafted seven critical
statements in order to seek responses from engineering community attending the
workshop. The statements are presented in Table 5 and the summary of the responses is
presented in Figure 7. In general, the audience responses concur with the prevalent
views of the STC. In summary the prevailing views call for the following:

1. Specialized code for each major division (loading, concrete, soils, steel,
2. Codes should have commentaries.
3. The importance of avoiding complexity and irrelevant materials.
4. The need to add topics of great importance to the kingdom when not available
in the source code.
5. The need to remove topics that have no probable use in the kingdom, such as
wood construction.
6. The need to develop a code for small residential buildings.
7. The importance of inspections and quality control

102.4 Referenced codes and Saudi Building Code

standards. The codes and
standards referenced in this code Structural Committee workshop
shall be considered part of the
requirements of this code to the
prescribed extent of each such Towards rational and applicable code (s)

Other benefits
SCOPE/ of having an
Divisions applicable Code Criteria for
developing an
applicable code
minimum standards Extending life of
for SAFETY ; structures
Reinforced Loading and
SERVICEABILITY; forces Output of
Concrete Scientific bases
Allowing for
realistic value
by engineering
Steel Masonry
Compact not
Major problems that
regulating and controlling the Minimizing hinder applicability
QUALITY of materials, Aluminum wood disputes
Relevant to
national/ local
issues Proposals for
enhancing applicability
Soils and Testing and
Foundations inspection Simplified without
all buildings and structures
Needed research
under and data
the influence of gravity and environmental loading and deficiencies

Figure 5: Scope, divisions, criteria of STC as presented in the first workshop

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Saudi Building Code
Structural Committee workshop
Towards rational and applicable code (s)

Loading and Forces

Code Subdivisions Output/ Major Findings


Gravity loading Needed research and

Proposals data
IBC-16, IRC-4,
ASCE-7, NEHRP Other loading
2000 Scraping high seismic
The code is voluminous and provisions from the entire
contains a large portion of code
Wind loading irrelevant issues
R, W0, CD
Selecting a complete,
High seismic provisions are compact, simplified, relevant
complex, yet not related to the DEVELOPING AND TESTING
Seismic loading subcode for loading and
seismicity of the kingdom SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR 1
forces on the basis of ICC

There are no pertinent

provisions for 1 and 2 RC family
dwellings Special provisions for 1
and 2 family dwellings

Figure 6: Summary of major findings regarding loading as presented at the first


Table 5: Workshop questionnaire

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Workshop Quesionnaire


Axis Title




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7
Disapprove 39% 0% 21% 18% 32% 7% 4%
Approve 61% 100% 79% 82% 68% 93% 96%

Figure 7: results of workshop questionnaire.


As discussed above, the IBC has extensive interdependency on other codes and
standards. The STC believed strongly that modifications in IBC structural chapters
would not be fruitful without changing the entire strategy and target the original
standard or code on which IBC has interdependency. However, the STC can not make
that decision without consent and support of the NCSBC.

Immediately after the first workshop, STC drafted proposals for structural codes
naming source code for each proposed code. Summary of the proposed codes are
shown in Table 6 and Figure 8. The STC submitted a detailed report to NCSBC
showing justifications, contents, and proposed additional workgroups for the
development. A presentation was made to the general meeting of the NCSBC, about
two months after the workshop as shown earlier in the timeline. The fundamental
element of the report, as shown in Table 6, is the development of specialized codes for
concrete, steel, soils and foundations, loading, and masonry. The proposal requires that
additional members should join to form workgroup for each topic.

The NCSBC has accepted the proposal, and approved the formation of six workgroups
that are composed of members from STC in addition to the new members. The
workgroups have begun their assignments in mid-march 2004. The STC members and
workgroup names and their workgroup participations are summarized in Table 13.

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Table 6: Proposed changes in code development strategy as submitted to NCSBC in
December 2003.
The Source Code Sub-Code name (if needed) specialized IBC Chapter



‫ﻤﺘﻁﻠﺒﺎﺕ ﻜﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻭﺩﻱ ﻻﺤﻤﺎل ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﻨﻲ ﻭ ﺃﻟﻤﻨﺸﺂﺕ ﺍﻻﺨﺭﻯ‬


‫ﻤﺘﻁﻠﺒﺎﺕ ﻜﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻭﺩﻱ ﻟﻠﺘﺭﺒﺔ ﻭ ﺍﻻﺴﺎﺴﺎﺕ‬


‫ﻤﺘﻁﻠﺒﺎﺕ ﻜﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻭﺩﻱ ﻟﻠﻤﻨﺸﺂﺕ ﺍﻟﺨﺭﺴﺎﻨﻴﺔ‬

See Wood and ALUMINUM report No ALUMINUM



‫ﻤﺘﻁﻠﺒﺎﺕ ﻜﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻭﺩﻱ ﻻﻋﻤﺎل ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﻨﻲ ﻤﻥ ﺍﻟﻁﻭﺏ ﻭ ﺍﻟﺒﻠﻭﻙ‬

OSHA & Aramco ( ‫ﻤﺘﻁﻠﺒﺎﺕ ﻜﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻭﺩﻱ ﻟﻠﻤﻨﺸﺂﺕ ﺍﻟﻔﻭﻻﺫﻴﺔ )ﺜﻼﺜﺔ ﺃﺠﺯﺍﺀ‬
Safety Manual
See Wood and ALUMINUM report No WOOD



Based on chapter
Based on chapter 18 of Soils and Foundations Reinforced concrete 19 of IBC,
IBC, and a number of Workgroup Workgroup ACI-318 and other
codes and standards SBC 303 SBC 304 ACI standards

Based on chapter 17
Based on chapter 22 of workgroup Testing and inspections of IBC and other
IBC and on AISC-LRFD SBC 306 Workgroup standards
SBC 302

Design loads Based on chapter 16
Workgroup of IBC,and ASCE-7-
Based on chapter 21 of workgroup
SBC 305 02
IBC,and ACI-530-02 SBC 301

Figure 8: STC workgroups and corresponding source codes.


Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

SBC 301: Design Loads for Buildings and Structures
SBC 301 contents are presented into sixteen chapters as shown in Table 7. Many
changes and modifications were implemented on ASCE 7-02. The lengthy and
complex seismic requirements have been reorganized into eight chapters. Each chapter
contains a complete and coherent subject. Seismic contour maps for Saudi Arabia were
added. Furthermore, some seismic coefficients need further study. The requirements
on wind loads have been reorganized in a more logical and meaningful manner. Dead
and live loads tables have been added to the code, and topics which are irrelevant to
Saudi Arabia have been deleted. Load factors and combinations have been modified
from those of ASCE 7-02.

Table 7: Contents of SBC 301

Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 Combination of loads
Chapter 3 Dead loads
Chapter 4 Live loads
Chapter 5 Soil and hydrostatic pressure and flood loads
Chapter 6 Wind load criteria
Chapter 7 Design wind load procedures
Chapter 8 Rain loads
Chapter 9 Seismic design criteria
Chapter 10 Seismic design requirements for building structures
Chapter 11 Material specific seismic design and detailing requirements…
Chapter 12 seismic design requirements for non-structural components
Chapter 13 Seismic design requirements for nonbuilding structures
Chapter 14 Site classification procedure for seismic design
Chapter 15 Quality assurance and supplemental provisions
Chapter 16 Existing building provision

SBC 302 Structural Tests and Inspections

SBC 302 contents are presented into four chapters as shown in Table 8. Many changes
and modifications were implemented on Chapter 17 and Section 109. These changes
range from replacing sections with new one (Tables of required verification and
inspections of concrete, masonry, steel constructions and soil and foundation), inserting
additional sections such as precast concrete constructions, and special inspections for
wind requirements, removing irrelevant topics such as Section 1704.6 on wood
construction, 1704.10 on wall panels and veneers, Section 1709 on structural
observations, and Section 1715, …etc.

Table 8: Contents of SBC 302

Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 Special inspections
Chapter 3 Seismic and Wind Resistant Constructions
Chapter 4 Special Conditions not Covered by the Structural Code

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

SBC 303: Soils and Foundations
SBC 303 contents are presented into seventeen chapters as shown in Table 9. It is
noteworthy to point out that out of the seventeen chapters that comprise the SBC 303
document, six were entirely new and five were substantially revised. The newly-
introduced materials account for almost sixty percent of the SBC 303 document, and
excluding the pile and pier portion this proportion approaches about seventy five
percent. Furthermore, although one-half of the IBC document was devoted to pile and
pier foundations, materials pertaining to those foundation systems represent only about
twenty percent of the SBC 303 document.

Table 9: Contents of SBC 303

Chapter 1: General
Chapter 2: Site investigations
Chapter 3: Excavation, grading, fill and fill
Chapter 4: Allowable load-bearing values of soils
Chapter 5: Spread footings
Chapter 6: Foundation walls
Chapter 7: Retaining walls
Chapter 8: Combined footings and mats
Chapter 9: Design for expansive soils
Chapter 10: Design for collapsible soils
Chapter 11: Design for sabkha soils
Chapter 12: Design for vibratory loads
Chapter 13: Dampproofing and waterproofing
Chapter 14: General requirements for pier and pile foundations
Chapter 15: Driven pile foundations
chapter 16: Cast-in-place concrete pile foundations
Chapter 17: Pier foundations
Appendix a: References
SBC 304: Concrete Structures
SBC 304 contents are presented into twenty one chapters and seven appendixes as
shown in Table 10. Many changes and modifications were implemented on ACI 318M-
02. These changes range from replacing a whole chapter with a new one (Chapter 4 on
Durability Requirements), inserting additional materials such as the simplified methods
for the design of two-way slab system of Appendix C, removing irrelevant topics such
as Section 5.12 on Cold Weather, expanding some sections such as Section 5.13 on Hot
Weather, incorporating properties of local material such as reinforcing steel, …etc.

Table 10: Contents of SBC 304

Chapter 1 General requirements
Chapter 2 Definitions
Chapter 3 Materials
Chapter 4 Durability requirements
Chapter 5 Concrete quality, mixing, and placing
Chapter 6 Formwork, embedded pipes, and construction joints

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Chapter 7 Details of reinforcement
Chapter 8 Analysis and design general considerations
Chapter 9 Strength and serviceability requirements
Chapter 10 Flexure and axial loads
Chapter 11 Shear and torsion
Chapter 12 Development and splices of reinforcement
Chapter 13 Two way slab systems
Chapter 14 Walls
Chapter 15 Footings
Chapter 16 Precast concrete
Chapter 17 Composite concrete flexural members
Chapter 18 Prestressed concrete
Chapter 19 Shells and folded plate member
Chapter 20 Strength evaluation of existing structures
Chapter 21 Special provisions for seismic design
Appendix a Strut and tie models
Alternative provisions for reinforced and prestressed concrete
Appendix b
flexural and compression members
Appendix c Two way slabs coefficients methods
Appendix d Anchoring to concrete
Appendix e Notation
Appendix f Steel reinforcement information
Appendix g Design aids
SBC 305: Masonry Constructions
SBC 305 contents are presented into fourteen chapters as shown in Table 10. The
development process of SBC 305 draft followed the methodology approved by the
Saudi Building Code National Committee.

Table 11: Contents of SBC 305

Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 Definitions and notations
Chapter 3 Masonry construction materials
Chapter 4 Construction
Chapter 6 Seismic design
Chapter 7 Working stress design
Chapter 8 Strength design of masonry
Chapter 9 Empirical design of masonry
Chapter 10 Glass unit masonry
Chapter 11 Masonry fireplaces
Chapter 12 Masonry heaters
Chapter 13 Masonry chimneys
Chapter 14 Masonry veneer
SBC 306: Steel Structures

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

SBC 306 contents are presented into fourteen chapters as shown in Table 12. Many
changes and modifications were implemented on AISC-LRFD, 1999. The main
changes are: merging the Appendices into the main body of the Specifications and the
Commentaries, moving the Commentary paragraphs close to the related Specifications,
and deleting parts or paragraphs of the Appendices and the Commentaries when it is
felt of less use or irrelevant to the Saudi Building Code. Only SI-Units are used through
out the Code.

Table 12: Contents of SBC 306

A General provisions
B Design requirements
C Frames and other structures
D Tension members
E Columns and other compression members
F Beams and other flexural members
G Plate girders
H Members under combined forces and torsion
I Composite members
J Connections, joints, and fasteners
K Concentrated forces, ponding, and fatigue
L Serviceability design considerations
M Fabrication, erection, and quality control
N Evaluation of existing structures

The Royal directive of 2002 represents a milestone in the evolution of the Saudi
Building Code. Many lessons have been learned from this experience, where
international codes and regulations are utilized for developing national codes and
standards. Through proper criteria and thorough knowledge of both the international
codes and local conditions, developers can identify differences and shortcomings and
propose solutions. STC has demonstrated the foregoing challenging task, in identifying
a number of differences, detecting and fixing some errors and making significant
changes in source codes in order to bring about rational and applicable codes.

The challenges reported in this paper do not necessarily constitute a complete list, but
they represent general categories. The fact that errors were detected in the original
source codes makes it natural to expect that some errors may not have been detected
and even some errors could have been generated. Shortcomings in codes are not
necessarily numerical errors; they can be confusing statements and complex provisions
that can be misinterpreted. Wrong references to sections, tables and equations can have
serious implications if not detected by well-qualified engineer; moreover, referenced
codes and standards that are not available to the engineer may diminish the value of the

Newly developed codes should go through a process of quality assurances in a

systematic manner, through monitored usage and parametric studies by qualified

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

engineers in order to detect any inconsistency and bring the remarks to the technical
committees to take proper actions. Furthermore, external referenced codes and
standards should be made available in a proper form. Finally, successful
implementation of the code requires education and training of engineers to digest codes
provisions and intents as well as proper administrative and inspection schemes.

The authors would like to thank the NCSBC, particularly its former chairman Dr.
Khalid Al-Khalaf and its current chairman Engr. Mohammed Al-Nagadi, and the
chairman of the consultative committee Engr. Ali Al-Zaid, and the general secretary of
the code Dr. Mohammed Ben Hussain. Without their encouragements, supports and
appreciations our work may not have been accomplished. Special thanks to all STC
members and workgroup members for their excellent work and sincere efforts.

1. American concrete institute, “ACI: A Century Of Progress” special publication,
2003 123 pp.
2. Berg, G.V. “Elements of structural dynamics.” Prentice Hall 1989, 267pp.
3. International Code Council, Inc., International Building Code, 2003.
4. ICBO, et al. “Uniform Building Code (UBC),” by International Conference of
Building Officials (ICBO), Whittier, California; 1997.
5. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and
Commentary (ACI 318-02/ACI 318R-02),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Hills, 369 pp, 2002.
6. American Society of Civil Engineers, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, SEI/ASCE 7-02, Reston, Virginia, 2002.

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)


Saudi Building Code

Structural Committee workshop
Towards rational and applicable code (s)

Soils and Foundations

Output/ Major

Documents Subdivisions
Needed research
and data
Problems Proposals
Foundations and
soils investigations

More detailed provisions for

Site investigations site investigations,
need more guidlines excavations and backfilling
Excavations, Load bearing and
grading and fill deformation of highly
IBC -Chapter 16 weathered rocks
IRC -Chapter 4 No provisions for Detailed provisions for
shallow footings and special
ACI-318, 530.1 Allowable load- collapsible soil
footing systems (Mat,
bearing values of Evaluation of Settlement
ASCE-5,-6,-7,-32 combined, continuous) of sabkha formations
Extensive emphasis
on pile foundation Include provisions for building Applicability of tests to
Footings and on collapsible soils quantify the heave of
foundations expansive shales to
Insufficient coverage
of shallow foundations
and retaining walls More details on retaining Effect of dry/wet cycles
Damp-proofing and
walls on relevant parameters of
expansive formations

Irrelevant seismic
provisions Shortened and reduced Data-base on dynamic
Pier and pile coverage of pile foundations parameters for soil
foundations formations in West Coast
(Gizan, Jeddah, Tabuk)

Figure 9: Summary of major findings regarding Soils and Foundations as presented at

the first workshop

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Saudi Building Code
Structural Committee workshop
Towards rational and applicable code (s)

Reinforced Concrete Structures

Output/ Major

Documents Needed research
Problems Proposals
and data
Material properties
Major modifications
to the durability
Inadequate provisions for requirements
local severe environment Durability issues
Quality control
Modify other
IBC Chapter 19 provisions to account
ACI 318
for local conditions
ASTM Construction Hot weather
Other ACI requirements Questionable applicability of
Committes code provisions due to concreting
Irregularity of locally
prevalent structural system Remove irrelevant
Structural systems seismic provisions

Improving the
Compliance of material regularity of Locally
Special properties with ASTM Simplified provisions used Structural
Standards for residential systems

Figure 10: Summary of major findings regarding Reinforced Concrete Strucure as

presented at the first workshop

Saudi Building Code

Structural Committee workshop
Towards rational and applicable code (s)

Structural Tests and Inspections

Output/ Major
Code Findings

Required inspections Problems Proposals

Needed research
and data
Special inspections (for
Remove provisions
concrete construction, Performance of most related to wind speed
steel, etc) inspectors and independent above 120 mile/hr
IBC 1.09 laboratories in the Kingdom is
Review and evaluate the
IBC-Chapter 17 substandard
Special inspections for Remove provisions related applicability and
IRC 1.09 seismic resistance and to high seismic design relevance of all
IBC-Chapter 35 wind Infrastructure of quality
category SDC D, E, F Standards cited in IBC
ASTM (certification, accreditation,
training, etc) is lacking or Chapter 35 to local
Extensive list of Quality assurance for practice and conditions in
other standards seismic resistance and
Include simple but detailed Saudi Arabia
and documents wind
inspection provisions for
Extensive reference to small residential buildings
Structural testing and unfamiliar American standards (Villas, duplexes, etc)
Structural observations and practice.
for seismic resistance Developing an
implementation plan for
upgrading Infrastructure of
Irrelevant seismic and wind quality in the Kingdom
Load tests

Figure 11: Summary of major findings regarding Structural Tests and Inspections as
presented at the first workshop

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

Table 13: Structural Technical Committee members.
Work STC Additional tasks (Structural codes)
301 302 303 304 305 306
1 Dr. Ahmed B. Shuraim KSU Chair CH M
The structural Technical committee (STC)

2 Prof. Saleh H. Alsayed KSU M CH
3 Dr. Faisal A. Al-Mashary KSU M CH
4 Prof. Magdy K. Moustafa MMRA M CH M
5 Dr. Nabeel S. Al-Gahtani SWCC M CH
6 Dr. Abdulaziz I. Al-Negheimish KSU M M M
7 Dr. Mosleh A. Al-Shamrani KSU M CH
8 Dr. Saeid A. Alghamdi KFUPM M M
9 Dr. Yousef A. Al-Salloum KSU M M
10 Eng. Khaled M. Al-Sheref Aramco M M M
11 Dr. Abdulsalam A. Alshogeir KSU M M
12 Major Eng. Hani H. Alnabulsi MOI-DCD M M
13 Eng. Faisal O. Binsiddiq RCJ &Y M
14 Dr. Ahmad O. AlQasabi KSU M M
1 Dr. Rajeh Z. Al-Zaid KSU M
2 Dr. Mohammed S. Al-Haddad KSU M
3 Dr. Ali Al-Ghadib KFUPM M
4 Dr. Saleh Al-Deghaiter KSU M
SBC 301

5 Dr. Muhammad K.Rahman KFUPM M

6 Dr. Nabil Al-Jundi RG&ME M
7 Eng. Rais Mirza KSU M
1 Dr. Abdulrahman M. Alhozaimy KSU, M M
2 Abdullah S. Al-Satarwah RCJ &Y M
SBC 302

3 Dr. M. Myasser Tabba NC M

4 Mohiaaldin Hussin El Qahtany RM M
5 Hassan El Harby SGS M
1 Dr. Abdulaziz A. Alfi UAQU M
2 Dr. Abdulhafiz O. Al-Shenawy KSU M
3 Dr. Abdullah I. AL-Mhaidib KSU M
4 Dr. Ali A. Al-Massmoum UAQU M
Additional members

5 Dr. Awad A. Al-Karni KSU M

6 Dr. Fadlo Toma RG&ME M
7 Engr. Muawia A. Dafalla NKCE M
8 Dr. Mohamed E. Hamdto ADA M
SBC 303

9 Dr. Mohamed O. Fadl MOE M

10 Prof. Talal O. Al-Refeai KSU M
11 Dr. Talat A. Badr KFUPM M
1 Prof. Omer S. Al-Amoudi KFUPM M
2 Dr. Waleed A. Khushefati KAU, M
3 Dr. Marai A. Alshihri UAQU M
4 Dr. Talal A. Radain KAU, M
5 Dr. Mohammed Maslehuddin KFUPM M
SBC 304

6 Dr. Faiz A. Mirza UAQU M

7 Dr. Mohammed Sohaib Al-Ama KAU, M
8 Eng. Syed F. Ahmed SOLtd. M
SBC 1 Dr. Mohammed A. Binhussain NCSBC M
305 2 Dr. Khaled Almuddulah KFU M
1 Dr. Alfarabi Sherief KFUPM M
2 Dr. Abul kalam Azad KFUPM M
SBC 306

3 Eng. Mohammed H. Al-Yousif ZSI M

4 Dr. AbdulAziz M. Alhamad KFU M
5 Dr. Mustafa Y. Al-Mandil KFUPM M
Abbreviations: (M) member, (CH): workgroup chairman,

King Saud University (KSU), King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) ; King Faisal University
(KFU); King Abdulaziz University (KAU); Umm Al-Qura University (UAQU); Ministry of Municipal and Rural
Affairs (MMRA,: Royal commission for Jubail and Yanbu (RCJ &Y); Riyadh Municiplity (RM); Rashid Geotechnical
and Material Engineers( RG&ME); Nizar Kurdi Consulting Engineers(NKCE): Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA)
Ministry of Education (MOE) ; Saudi Oger Ltd.SOLtd.; ZSI: Zamil Steel Industries; Ministry of Interior – Directorate of Civil
Defense (MOI-DCD); Saudi Geological Survey( SGS) ; National Consultants (NC); Saline Water Conversion Corporation

Proceedings of the 7th Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)

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