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Important People To Study

Morris Sheppard
• Author of the 18th Ammendment
• U.S. Senator

Woodrow Wilson
• President during WW1
• didn't have anything to do with the 18th ammendment

Governor Hobby
• Governor of TX in 1918 durrin WW1
• Special session for prohibition issue
• Vetoes German department at UT

Jim Ferguson
• Campaigns against hobby in '18
• U.S. Senator in 20's, retires in 22
• Runs for President in 20
• Anti Klan
• Ran MA's campaigns and Governorship

Annie Webb Blanton

• Elected state education superintendent in 1918
• First woman elected to statewide office in TX

Charles Culberson
• U.S. Senator until 23
• Defeated in runnoff election by Earle Mayfield

Hiram Wesley Evans

• Imperial Wizard of KKK in 22 when they were at large

Patt Neff
• Bone Dry Baptist
• Elected Governor over MA Ferguson
• Gov 2ce in 20 and 22
• Joe Bailey ran against him
• Neutral Sympathizer of KKK
• Wins governorship in runoff

Warren Harding
• President in 20
• conservative apart from the progressive movements that were held by Teddy Rosevelt

Earle Mayfield
• Klan Member elected to U.S. Senate in 22
• Replaces Culberson in Senate
• Defeats Jim Ferguson in Runoff and defeats Culberson in runoff as well

Ma Ferguson
• elected governor in 24 and 34
• passes many pardons for breakers of the prohibition
• uses governor position with PA for personal money (publication in their journal etc.)
• really dumb

Dan Moody
• Elected Governor in 1930
• was the Attn. General for Ma
• dry, youngest TX governor
• prosecutor of Klan cases as district attourney
• wins using road contract issues, pardons issues, textbook contracts that were issues with the
• Honesty in Gov his campaign
• MA ofers to resign from race if he has majority. She lies, but he wins in the runoff against MA
and Lynch anyways
• Business Progressive and Business efficiency

Herbert Hoover
• 1st Republican nominee for president to receive TX state electoral votes over Al Smith

Jesse Jones
• Houston financee and banker who moves democratic National Convention to Houston in 28
• government appointee under roosevelt

Tom Connally
• Elected US Senator over Earle Mayfield in 1928

Ross S. Sterling
• Elected Governor in 1930
• Friend of Moody
• Businessman defeats MA in 2nd primary
• Martial Law to stop overproduction of Oilfields in 31
• Depression not a hugee issur in summer of 30 but is later in the year
• this screws him over

Dick Kleberg
• Elected to house in 31
• Democratic
• LBJ was his aide
• Dems gain control of the house with his election
John Nance Garner
• elected speaker of the house in 30
• Democratic leader
• fought plan for reducing the top income tax bracket
• VP in 33 for LBJ
• didn't make laws, liked to know people who made laws
• Very active VP under FDR
• released his delegates in 32 national convention giving FDR presidential nomination

Sam Rayburn
• chairman of US house Interstate and Foreign Commerce committee
• Majority leader in 37
• Protegee of John Nance Garner

Jesse Jones
• Chairman of financial program

Halton Summers
• Chairman of the US house Judiciary Committee

James Buchannan
• Chairman of the US House Appropriations Committee

Martin Dies
• Chairman US House Unamerican Activities committee

James Allred
• Attn. General
• Favored old age pensions
• elected governor in 34
• Federal Judge appointee by FDR after 2 years of Government
• This is after the LAST Ferguson administration

Pappy O'Daniel
• Governor in 38 and 42
• Won on dumb shit like his stupid radio show
• Pensions that wouldn't work
• relief bonds and social security act in his administration time
• Runs for Senator in 42 and wins against Allred and Moody

Andrew Jackson Houston

• appointed senator after Morris Sheppard dies
• he dies in like a year, than OD runs for senator

• Elected senator in 48 over Coke, very sketchy election than becomes prez later
Coke Stevenson
• governor after o'daniel
• appointed governor
• conservative

• pres of UT gets fired in 44 over not wanting to fire some people than runs for governor against
Jester and loses in 46

Harry Truman
• President after FDR in 45
• pro union liberal
• civil rights program end poll tax anti lynching
• elected over Dewey
• vetoes bill that ggives state rights to lease tidelands
• becomes very unpopular in texas

Beauford Jester
• Governor in 46
• Rainey got a lot of votes
• moderate conservative, increased hospitalization money and special schools
• State anti-lyinching law passed
• anti-labor legislation passed in 47
• limiting stricks and outlawing closed shop
• supported Truman halfheartedly

Ralph Yarbourough
• becomes leader of TX liberals after rainey
• faced Allan Shivers 3 times and lost all three times

Allan Shivers
• Governor in 52 over Sam Rayburn
• tidelands major issue
• states rights
• americanism
• corruption in government
• both the republican and democratic nominee
• leads state dem party to vote for Eisenhower (a republican)
• Elected 3 times, breaking normal rule

Price Daniel
• elected to US senate in 52
• resigns to run for governor against Yarborough in 56
• succeeded Tom Connally as Senator in 52
Bill Blakley
• served two incomplete terms as senator in 57 and 61
• appointed but never elected governor
• ran against ralph yarborough in 58 and lost against John Tower in 61 special election

Henry B. Gonzalez
• Elected to state senate
• 1st mexican American elected to senate in this century

John Tower
• wins senate seate in special election in 61 against blakley
• 71 names on this ballot
• First republican senator from TX in 20th century
• Only statewide republican for the next 17 years
• Father of TX republican party
• dies in plane crash after his career goes downhill after womanizing charges

John Connally
• Worked for LBJ in 41 and 58 in higher education
• elected governor after price danile in 63
• Ended poll tax, made one person one vote
• 65 civil rights act
• moves from at large electoins to SMB in local elections
• disagreed with ralph yarborough in many issues
• yarborough more liberal
• disliked eachother
• teams up with Ben Barns
• passenger in Kennedys car
• Near martyrdom helps him win reelection

Ben Barnes
• elected house speaker in 65
• lt governor

Don Yarborough
• defeated by connally for governor

George Bush
• Elected to House in 66, eventually becomes VP

Barbara Jordan
• elected to senate in 60s and us house in 70s
• first black woman form south elected to congress
• compromise and give and take made her popular
• didn't think the committee gave nixon due proccess in impeachment and made great speech
Preston Smith
• elected governor in 68 and serves 2 terms first west texas governor
• businessman, defeats don yarborough in runoff election
• lackluster personality
• Free Lee Otis problem-convicted 30 years for one weed cigarette
• endorsed first state minimum wage law
• liquor by the drink constitutional amendment
• new schools and universitys
• part of sharpstown scandal, took money from it

Lloyd Bentson
• Defeats Ralph Yarborough in 70 and bush for senate served 4 terms

Francis “Sissy” Farenthold

• leads dirty 30 investigation of sharpstown

Dolph Briscoe
• governor in 72 over sissy, smith, ben barnes
• bill hobby new lt governor
• no new taxes-one of the last governors to uphold this

Edward Dennis Williams

• Defends Connally on being indicted over accepting bribes

Bill Clements
• Elected governor in 78
• first republican governor since recunstruction (edmund j davis)
• beat Attourney General John Hill
• legislator genrally ignores him
• elected governor in 87
• largest state tax increase in states history during second term
• only other governor to win two nonconsecutives other than MA

Mark White
• elected governor in 82 over uncumbrent clements
• economy hurt clements even though he spent 15 mil on the campaign
• moderate
• democrats win every state wide race for the alst time
• no new taxes violated raised sales tax twice
• health care for poor, unemployment insurance for farm workers
• health insurance pesticide regulatoins

Ross Perot
• appointed chair of committee on education and makes fun of system
• competency tests for teachers
Phill Gramm
• resigns from house in 83 to run for senate in 84
• replaces John Tower in senate after tower resigns
• defeats liberal state senator Lloyd Doggett

Raul Gonzalez
• first hispanic elected to statewide office (texas supreme court)

Ann Richards
• First liberal governor since Allred
• Eelcted in 90
• Clayton williams blows his chance at governorship with rape comments and ignorance on other
dumb shit

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