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Pt Management & Problems of the CV System - Part 4 Cheat Sheet

by Maria K (mkravatz) via

Valvular Heart Disease Aortic Regurg​itation Transa​ortic Valve Replac​ement (TAVR)

Mitral Stenosis Aortic Stenosis

Mitral Regurg​itation Aortic Regurg​itation

Mitral Prolapse

* Hear murmurs!
Sten​osis: valve doesn't open all the way, not
enough blood passes through Pharma​col​ogical Interv​entions
Regu​rgi​tat​ion: valve dosn't close all the way
Cardiac Glygosides
so blood leaks backward
Beta-B​lockers Layers of the Heart Wall

Mitral Valve Disease Calcium Channel Blockers



Inflam​matory Diseases
Surgical Management
Myocar​ditis Rheumatic Carditis
Baloon Valvul​opl​asty: repair of cardiac valve;
open heart; no long-term anti-c​oag​ulation Endoca​rditis Perica​rditis
therapy Cardio​myo​pathy
Direct or Open Commis​sur​oto​my: cut
leaflets apart if fused together Myocar​ditis

Mitral Annulo​pla​sty: fix valve (e.g. Myoc​ard​itis: infla​mmation of the heart muscle
regurg​ita​tion) so blood moving in the right
Mitral Valve Prolapse Usually also have perica​rditis
Symp​toms: fever, tachyc​ardic (out of
Repl​acement Proced​ures
proportion for fever), c/o HA, fatigue, flu-like
Valve Types
HF w/ severe myocar​ditis

Trea​tme​nt: largely support​ ive, treat symptoms

Rheumatic Carditis
Pt must be aware of the type!
Ball valve: more durable than tissue valve Endoca​rditis, myocar​ditis, perica​rditis,
Mech​anical valve: inc. clot risk  lifelong pancar​ditis
First Symptom: pts often SOB Coumadin; used w/ younger pts b/c it lasts
Associated w/ upper resp. Strep. infection
- 40% of people w/ Strep = rheumatic carditis
Aortic Stenosis Tissue valve: inc. infection risk 
Most of damage done to endoca​rdium -
prophy​lactic antibi​otics for invasive
damages valves
Porcine = pig / Bovine = cow Asse​ssm​ent: tachy​pnea, cardio​megaly
Homog​raphs = cadave​r/organ donor (CXR), murmurs, perica​rdial friction rub,
prolonged PR interval
Analysis Trea​tme​nt: + Strep. = rheumatic heart
disease  treat infecton & control symptoms
Activity Intole​rance (original intent is r/t cardiac
issues (CV))

Dec. CO

By Maria K (mkravatz) Published 4th December, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 4th December, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Pt Management & Problems of the CV System - Part 4 Cheat Sheet
by Maria K (mkravatz) via

Endoca​rditis Cardio​myo​pathy Hypert​rophic Cardio​myo​pathy

Infe​ctive Endoca​rdi​tis: microbial infection of Heart muscle disease (usually unknown cause)
endoca​rdium Classified in 3 Catego​ries:
Common in IV drug abusers, valve - Dilated
replac​ement, DM, immuno​sup​pre​ssed, burns - Restr​ictive

Vegetative lesions form - Hyper​trop

​ hic
Symp​toms: palpi​tat​ions, dyspnea on exertion
Asse​ssm​ent: sunco​nju​nctival hemorr​hages, Massive hypert​rophy of ventricle
varying murmurs, conduction disorders, - Medical: diuresis, digoxin

hematuria, Osler's nodes, petechial rash, - Surgi​cal: ventri​cular septal myomectomy

Heart Transp​lan​tation
(remove septum = 1 ventri​cle), heart transplant
cerebral emboli, Roth's spots in fundi, petechial
(palli​ative treatment until then) 1967 in South Afica by Dr. Chrisitan Barnard
hemorr​hages on mucus membranes & fundi,
poor dentition, spleno​megaly, systemic emboli, Completed heart transp​lants
digital clubbing, splinter hemorr​heages, loss of Dilated Cardio​myo​pathy
Survival rates
(distal) pulses
Cause of death

Symp​toms: dyspnea, fatigues, signs &
Ventri​cular assist devices
Usually caused by viruses (also bacteria, MI, symptoms of HF
radiation) Expanded damage to fibers  L. VAD?

Acute: fever, leukoc​ytosis, ST segment change Expanded ventricles

Chro​nic : signs & symptoms of R-sided HF EF < 49%

Asse​ssm​ent: leaning on table (taking

Restri​ctive Cardio​myo​pathy
pressure off sac removes pain

Trea​tme​nt: NSAIDs (dec. inflam​mat​ion),

steroids (if NSAIDs don't work), antib​iotics (if
caused by bacteria)

Less common
Something restricts filling of ventri​cles, walls
become stiff but not necess​arily thickened

By Maria K (mkravatz) Published 4th December, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 4th December, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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