Глагол to be в pres sim

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Глагол – to be- в Present Simple,

мы используем в 4 случаях, когда мы хотим сказать:

кто/что кем/чем является (она врач);

кто/что каким является (мой кот белый);
кто/что где находится (она на работе).
Когда в инфинитиве у глагола присутствует частица -be-

Во всех остальных случаях do, does.


1. I … a girl.
2. My mother … a housewife.
3. My parents … at home.
4. The cat … on the sofa.
5. Where … you?
6. I … in the park.
7. They … at work.
8. What … the time?
9. It … 9 o’clock.
10. How … she?
11. She … fine.
12. How old … you?
13. I … ten.
14. … he your teacher?
15. Yes, he …

1. I ... a student.
2. My father ... not a shop-assistant, he ... a scientist.
3. ... your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she ... .
4. ... they at home? - No, they ... not. They ... at school.
5. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I....
6. ... your friend a photographer? No, she ... not a photographer, she ... a student.
7. ... your brothers at school? - Yes, they ... .
8. ... this her watch? - Yes, it ... .
9. Max ... an office-worker.
10. We ... late, sorry!

1. What … your name?— My name … Ann. 2. What … your address? — My address …

175 Central Way. 3. What… your phone number? — My phone number … 718-19-30. 4.
Where … you from? — I … from London. 5. What … you? — I … a student. 6. Who ….your
parents? — My parents … Steve and Nancy. 7. What … they? — They … teachers. 8. What …
your uncle? — My uncle … a doctor. 9. … your aunt a doctor? — No, she… not. She … a
housewife. 10. … they at home? — No, they … not at home, they … at work. 11. My brother
… a driver. He … at work too. 12. … your family big? — Yes, it …. 13. . …. your sister tall? —
No, she … not. She  … a little girl. She … five years old. 14. How old … your brother? — Yes,
he … ten. 15. … your brother at school?— No, he … not at school. 16. My brother … on
holiday now. 17. … you a happy family? — Yes, we…. There … four of us.
1. Where … you? — I… in the kitchen. 2. Where … Fred? — He … in the garage. 3.
Where … Lisa and John? — They .. in the living-room. 4. Where… Mike? — He … in the
garden.  5. What time … it?  — It … 5 o’clock. 6. Your watch … slow. It … 5 minutes past 5
now. 7. Where … our Tom cat? — He … on the sofa. 8. It … so quiet. Where … the children?
— They … in the bedroom. 9. What … they doing there? — They … playing hide and seek. 
10. … it your brother who … in the bathroom? — I think he … 11. It… time to have tea. The
pie … ready. The cups … on the table. 12. My home … my castle.

 Put the verbs in correct form.

 Kate (to drink) tea every morning.
 We (to play) football every day.
 He (to be) a pupil.  
 My sister (to get up) at 7 o’clock.
 They (to leave) home at 8.30 every morning.
 My mother (to be) busy on Sunday.
 We (to arrive) home late.
 The children always (to do) homework.
 They (to read) the newspapers every evening.
 We often (to drink) tea together.
 She (to have)a new dress.
Make sentences negative.
 I  run very fast.
 He runs very fast too. .
 We often  sleep in the garden.
 Her sister leaves home early.
 Sally opens the window in her room when it is hot.
 Mr. Bay often  goes to the cinema with his son.
 My Mammy  swims very well.
 We swim well too.
 She always makes a lot of mistakes.
 The Olympic Games take place every 5 years.  
2. Put do or does.
 The Dillons …n’t live at 45 Green Street.
 …She come home late?
 We … n’t   do homework every evening.
 …. They get up early?
 …my brother visit our grandmother every Sunday?
 He … n’t know these rules.
 My parents … n’t work at this plant.
 The girl …n’t play the piano.
 Our friends … n’t like reading.
 These boys … n”t play football.

Вставьте is / do / don't / does / doesn't.

1. Our grandma doesn 't live with us. She has her own little house.
 2. What time ..... you usually wake up?
 3. ........... your brother shave every morning?
 4. We ..... want to move at all.
 5. Sam .... a good football player, but he ..... play very often.

Исправьте ошибки. 
1. The leaves is yellow.
2. The cat am under the chair.
3. The sky are blue.
4. Russia my country.
5. I are clever.
1. be at school — быть в школе
2. be at home — быть дома
3. be at work — быть на работе
4. be on holiday — быть на каникулах
5. be on vacation — быть в отпуске

1. Что ты обычно делаешь по выходным (on weekends)?

2. Тебе нравятся эти виды?
3. Ты знаешь как добраться в центр города?
4. Он понимает по-английски? Нет, но он понимает по-русски.
5. Сколько ему лет ? Откуда он? Ему нравится этот город?
6. Обычно моя семья просыпается в 6 утра, потому что в 7 я должен быть в
7. Что вы растите (grow) в саду? Я ращу овощи: помидоры, капусту, зеленый
перец, баклажаны, картошку.
8. Какая сегодня погода? Сегодня солнечно, но ветренно.
9. - Когда ты идешь к доктору? - Я отменила запись
10. - Ты занята? – Нет. – Хочешь сходить за покупками со мной?

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