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Table of Contents 
1. What did Google say About Adsense Approval? 
1.1 Your Website Must Not Have And Abusive Experience: 
2. Factors You Should Consider Before Applying For Google Adsense in 2021: 
2.1. Always content is king  
2.2. Pro Tips Of Content 
2.3. Blog Design Must Be Attractive: 
2.4 Tips To Improve Website Design: 
2.5 Your Blog Should Be 6 Months Old: 
2.6 Use Top Level Domain 
2.7 Create These Important Pages: 
2.8 You’re Must Be 18 Years Old: 
2.9. Avoid To Copying AnyOne: 
2.10. Pro Tip Of Using Images 
2.11. Avoid To using Other ad Networks: 
2.12. Add Your Site On WebMaster: 
3. Additional Information For Blogspot Blogger Users: 
4. What I Did For Adsense Approval: 
5. Final Checklist Of Google Adsense Approval: 
6. The bottom line:

The Detailed Case Study Of Adsense
Approval |101% Guaranteed Approval
Tricks In 2021
Are  you  seeking  AdSense  approval  and  looking for a complete AdSense approval 
but  still  not  getting  or  keep  on  rejecting  by  the  AdSense  team  ?  or  how  much 
traffic do you want to get AdSense approval? blah blah blah! 
These  all  are  popular  questions  from  the  blogger’s  side.  So today I come up with 
all answers to your related queries. 
I  think  somewhere  you  are  making the same mistakes which I  have also made in 
my  past  for  that  reason  I  also  faced  many  rejections  by  the  google  Adsense 
Do  not  worry  now  it  is  time  to  understand  the  google  Adsense  algorithm  how  it 
works  in  2021  why  are  many  users  getting  rejected  day  by  day  and  how  many 
myths are going on right now about AdSense rejection. 
All  these  answers  to  your  question  will cover up in this complete guide post after 
implementing  all  these  things  you  will  be  able  to  grab  your approved. account by 
the Google Adsense Team  

What Did Google Say About Adsense Approval? 

First of all your content must obey google’s terms and conditions you can read 
the entire guideline from Here 
1. Ensure Your Content is Full Of quality it is always written for users and 
must contain solutions to their queries 
2. Your Site Design ought to be fabulous 
3. Must have clear navigation with proper breadcrumbs schemas 
4. Here is Google’s Official Video For Adsense Approval


Your Website Must Not Have And Abusive Experience: 

Abusive  experience  means  your  site  is  designed  to  mislead  visitors.  avoid  using 
redirecting  links,  content  lockups,  Fake  messages,  misleading  site  behaviors, 
browser history manipulation, auto redirection, and many more. 

In  a  nutshell,  anything  which  looks  like  scamming  users,  downloading  unwanted 
software, or some kind of fraud is banned from the side of google. 
You  can  read  out  the  complete  abusive  guide  of  Google  From  Here  which  is 
strictly prohibited. 
Let’s  Jump  towards  our  personal  strategies  for  getting  Adsense  approval  fast  in 
Remember  these  tips  are  not  Line  on  the  rock  so  for  Regardless  below-written 
guide can increase 99.99% approval chances. 

Factors You Should Consider Before Applying For Google Adsense In 2021: 
Make  sure  your  blog  must  follow  these  guidelines  this  will  increase  99.99% 
chances of approval

1. Always content is king : 
I am always considering content as a key factor for AdSense approval. 
content not only beneficial for AdSense but also good for your overall site’s SEO. 
Your  80%  On-page  SEO  work  also  depends  on  it  Keep  in  Mind  quantity  Doesn’t 
Matter  Quality  Matters  Asure  your  content  is  unique  and  serves  readers  in  a 
different way.  
you  must  come  up  with  new  ideas  that  haven’t  been  copied  from  anywhere  and 
fulfill the user’s intent. 
70%  of  bloggers  stuck  in  this  first  step  because  they  copied  content  from  other 
sources that have zero quality with no user experience. 
Copywriting  is  a  good  thing  but  google  is  now  very  smart  his  new  AI-based 
algorithms detect plagiarism and it causes rejection of your application 
Read Out: Unique Content Policy 

your content should not be sensitive like it does not contain any 
1. Pornography 
2. Adult materials 
3. Pirated Material 
4. Hacking or Cracking Informational Tutorials 
5. Illegal Drugs Any Other Illegal Stuff 
6. or any gambling supportive information

It  is  all  against  google’s  community  and guidelines. There are few languages that 
are  supported  by  AdSense  (AdSense  Supported  Languages)  so  make  sure  your 
blog’s language is on the list of these. 

Pro Tips Of Content: 

1. Make  sure  your  content  contains  meaningful  information  and  fulfill  all 
users queries 
2. your content should be plagiarism free 
3. It must not a spined content or machinery rewritable content 
4. Your content does not contain any sensitive information 
5. your content should be long enough (in the range of (1500-2000) words) 
6. your content should be to the point without any juggling 
7. Your content must be High quality 

Blog Design Must Be Attractive: 

Do  you  know?  That  was  the  reason  I  got  a  1st-time  rejection  from  Google 
Adsense because my Blog design was not good so far. 
After  that,  I  moved  toward  WordPress  and designed this blog, and applied for the 
2nd time miraculously my Adsense got approved. 
The  lesson  behind  my  Story  Was  Blog  design.Ensure  your  site  is  designed 
beautifully and simple.

your  site  should  be  easy  to  navigate  and  it  provides  all  information  clear  and 
visible to the visitors. 

Try  To  Add  an  easy-to-use  navigation  bar  because  it  is a key factor in providing a 
good user experience. 
When building your navigation bar keep these three rules in your mind; 
● Alignment – All the elements lined up correctly 
● Readability – Entire text is easy to read 
● Functionality – your drop-down lists work correctly 
Check Out: Google Adsense Navigation Bar Criteria 
If  you  want  to  impress  google  then  impress  visitors  because  google  fully  relies 
on user experience so for 
Basic Formula => Impress User = Google Impressed = Adsense Approved 

Tips To Improve Website Design: 

1. Make sure user can easily navigate your site 
2. Fonts, color, and design must be decent 
3. No hidden Page 
4. Your site must have a Clear Navigation Menu 
5. Search Engine and Mobile Friendly Theme installed 
6. There should be No popups or any irritating material

3. Your Blog Should Be 6 Months Old: 
Make sure your blog domain should be 6 months old. 
especially  if  you  are  from (Pakistan china and India) then you should have to wait 
for 6 months anyhow before going to apply for Adsense. 
Google  requires  at  least  a  6  months  old  domain.  you  may  still  get  approval  in  2 
days old domain but this is nothing short of a miracle. 
Many  AdSense  stories  are  going  on  that  some  people  got  approved  for  a  few 
days  old  domains  and  the  others  got  rejected  even  They  have  a  6  months  old 
So domain age doesn’t matter when you have quality in your content. 
If  you  have  a  website  that  is  less  than  6  months  old  then  you  can  still  consider 
applying for AdSense. 
But  the  suggestion  is  to  at  least  wait  for  6  months  before  going  for  AdSense 
because it will increase your first-time approval chances. 

4. Use Top Level Domain: 

TLP  domain  or  top-level  domain  means  your domain extension should be (.com . 
org  .  net  .edu  .gov  etc)  but  for  commercial  use  your  domain extension should be 
Google  can  still  approve  your  account  in  the  (.blogspot)  domain  and  many 
website owners got approval and they are using Adsense account but frankly. 
I am telling you it is too hard to get approval 
Especially  for  Asian  users,  the  TLP  domain  is  mandatory;  it  is  based  on  my 
personal experience too. 
Do not try in the .blogspot domain it is completing wastage of time 
Buy a domain on hosterPk in cheap prize and start your blog

(if  you  face  any  problem  with  domain  setup  you  can  contact  me  before  buying a 
domain it is free I will feel happy to get you to know ) 
Read Here: Domains Rules Before Buying 

5. Create These Important Pages: 

Before  going  to  apply  for  Google  Adsense  in  2021  make  sure  you  already  have 
these pages 
1. Contact Us 
2. About Us 
3. Privacy Policy 
4. Terms & Conditions 
5. Disclaimer 
The  topmost  3  Pages are most important for your approval (contact us, about us, 
and privacy policy)  
if  you  are  using  WordPress  install  plugin  named  contact  form  7  and  add  a 
contact form with a single click. 
Make  an  attractive  About  us  page  For  your  blog  By  using elementor ( if you are a 
WordPress  user)  For  Blogspot  users  go  through  the  site  to  insert 
attractive emojis and make your page next level. 
Never ever use online generator tools for creating these pages. 
If you have no idea, check out different website’s pages and make your own. 
Note:  Sometimes  google  may  give  approval  without  a  privacy  policy  and 
disclaimer pages but about us and contact us pages is obligatory. 

6.You’re Must Be 18 Years Old: 

The  age  restriction  policy comes from the AdSense side that your age must meet 
18 years.

if  you  are  not  18  years  old  yet  then  you  can  use  your  parent  or  guardian 
information  to  sign  up  a  google  account  Because  Google  AdSense  won’t  give 
approval to those who are under 18. 
Some  people  realize  this  problem  after  being  disproved  a  few  times  without  any 
legitimate reason. 
Note:  Do  not  Insert  fake  information  to  make  yourself  18  years  old.  it  would  be 
serious trouble to your account. 
ReadOut More: About Google’s 18 Years Age Policy 

7.Avoid To Copying AnyOne: 

What does that mean of copying anyone?  
Make  sure  never  to  use  copyrighted  images  on  your  blog  and  avoid  copying 
others' content. 
you  can  pick  free  copyrighted  images  from  shutter  stocks  and  pixabay  and  edit 
them according to your choice. 
You can also pick copyright-free images from the google 

1. Just go to google and type your keyword in my case I typed “blogging”

2. Under the Image tab, There Would be an option of “Tools” Click on it 
3. Select  the  Creative  Common  License. Hurrah ! you have done now pick any 
of the images according to your choice edit it and upload it on your blog it’s 
completely safe and royalty-free images 
I  made  the  same  mistake  in  my  time  so  it  could  have  a  reason  behind  my 
first-time rejection. 
so  avoid  using  copyrighted  images  and  content.  make  your  own  content  and 
work hard. 

Pro Tip Of Using Images: 

1. Add your website’s watermark on every image to make it more professional 
2. keep  in  mind  post  Quantities  doesn’t  matter  Quality  matters  it  takes  time 
but will definitely give you results 

8. Avoid To using Other ad Networks: 

If  you  are  trying  for  google  Adsense  and  on the other hand you are using another 

ads  company  like  MediaNet,  Infolinks,  propellers  ads  then  cut  it  off  from  your 
Along with Google Adsense, you do not have to use another ads company. 
Even  though  Google  Adsense  has  not  stated  that  they  don’t  allow  another 
advertisement  network.  But  believe  me,  if  you  are  using  then  cut  it  off  from  your 

9. Add Your Site On WebMaster: 

This  is  not  mandatory  but  as  my  personal  observation  concerns  ensure  your  all 
Pages and Posts links are properly indexed On Webmaster.  
If  you  are  a  WordPress  user  then  it’s  not  your  headache  just  install  a  Plugin 

It  will  automatically  index  your  links  otherwise  index  it  manually  by  using 
webmaster indexing features. 

Additional Information For Blogspot Blogger Users: 

If  you  are  using  the  blogger  platform  and  trying  to  get  AdSense  approval  then 
trust me it’s too hard (but not impossible )  
You can even Take AdSense approval of the Blogspot domain 
Then What Should You Do To Get Google Adsense Approval? 
1. Ensure Your Blog loads in Under 3 seconds  
2. Theme Should Be Mobile Friendly 
3. Must have Clear Navigation 
4. Written Upto 20 quality Blog posts 
5. Buy  a  custom  domain  (It  will  increase  your  chances  of  getting  Adsense 
approval faster) 
6. Your Blogger Theme Must Contains following schemas 
● Hatom 
● Breadcrumbs List Schema (Most Important) 
● Blog Posting Schema 
● Website Schema  
Many  questions  may  be  Blinking  in  your  mind.  It  might  be  you  are  thinking  How 
do  you  check  For  these  Schemas  And  Which  Free  theme  Contains  these 

Don’t  Worry  just  Go  through  this  link  And  download  the  Smag  theme  and  upload 
It on your blog.  
2nd  step  Go  through  This  Link  and  paste  your  blog’s  link  here  in  order  to  check 
your website schemas status. 


What I Did For Adsense Approval: 

Let me tell you my personal trick which I have used to get approval in 2021  
By  following  these  steps  you  can  get  99.99%  Adsense  approval  on  any  blog  or 
STEP  1 : You should have a Top-Level Domain Like .com, .co, .org,.pk. avoid using 
the .blogspot free domain it would be a restriction on your approval. 
STEP  2:  Avoid  using  inappropriate  niches  which  I  have  discussed  earlier  in  the 
post Like => Gamling, software cracking and Pornography, etc.  
Step  3:  Use  WordPress  and  then  try  for  Adsense.  it  is  not  mandatory  you  can 
also  get  AdSense  approval  in  blogpost  but  In  my  case, it didn’t work for me. So it 
Could  be  the  reason  behind  my  struggle.  You  can  use  both  WordPress  and 
Blogger for the blog as it hardly matters.

STEP  4:  your  blog  must  have  20+ quality posts uploaded. it’s also not mandatory 
but  it  worked in my case. When I applied for Google AdSense there were 25 blogs 
posted.  so  You  have  to  Post  20  Articles  at  least,  And the length should be >1000 
Words or more. Note: Above Content Rules & Regulation Applied. 
STEP  5:  After  that  create  Three  main  pages  Like  Privacy  Policy,  About  Us, 
Contact Us, etc.  
STEP  6:  Index  Your  site  to  the  Google  search  console  and  Manually  index  your 
Hurrah!  You  have  Done  Now  apply  for  Adsense  and  for  some  rare  cases  you 
would  still  receive  a  disapproved  notification  on  your  inbox  but  it  worked  for  me 
and  also  it  worked  for  thousands  of  bloggers  and  website  owners  all  over  the 
Note:  Allah  Forbid!  if  you  still  get  disapproved  message  then add 2-3 more posts 
and updated current posts and apply again after 2-3 week 

Final Checklist Of Google Adsense Approval: 

1. Always Follow above Given Google Guidelines 

2. Your content must be high quality 
3. Avoid  For  Using  prohibited  Content  Like  (Gambling,  hacking,  pornography, 
cracking and etc) 
4. Avoid copying anyone’s content and also avoid rewriting content 
5. Do  not  use  the  auto  rewriter  tool  to  generate  your  content  it  is  not  a  white 
hat technique 
6. Use royalty-free images in your content

7. Blog  design  should  be  attractive  with  clear  navigation  and  user-friendly 
8. Choose a Rich schema theme for your blog 
9. Theme Should be mobile-friendly, fast, and loads under 2-3 initial seconds  
10. Use  TLP  domains  like  (.com  ,  .net  ,  .org  –  etc)  in  order  to  increase your 
approval chances 
11. Domain  age  should  be  6  months  Old  (This  rule  is  only  for  Asian 
12. Create  Mandatory  pages  like  (Contact  us,  About  us,  Disclaimer,  Privacy 
Policy, and terms and conditions) 
13. Ensure you should be 18 years old before going for Adsense  
14. Do not use other ad networks if you are trying for google AdSense 

The Bottom Line: 

In  conclusion,  I wanna say work hard and keep trying for AdSense. getting google 
approval  is  not  so  much  har  just  focus  on  your  content  and  make  sure  your 
website design is pretty good. 
yet  follow  the  above  given  guidelines  and  keep  trying.  don’t  be  sad  if  you  get  a 
rejection  from  googles  there  are  several  other  networks  and  other  earning 
resources as well you can go for them as well. 
hope  for  the  best  and  never  lose  hope.  Try  &  Try  because  try  is  the  key  to 
Note:  If  you  have  still  any  queries  or  maybe  I  missed  anything  so  kindly  let  me 
know in the comment box I will bring up an answer to your appropriate queries.

You can one-on-one content with me via Instagram  
#StaHappy #StayTunned 

Adsense Frequently Asked Questions: 

1. How long does AdSense take to approve: 

Time  of  getting  approval  depends  upon  your  site  and  many  other  factors 
according  to  google  Adsense  it  usually  takes  up  to  2  weeks  to  give  a  final 
decision. but sometimes It can be as quick as 24-48 hours. 

2. How much does AdSense pay per 1000 views: 

It  varies  according  to  your  niche  and  your  audience  and  where  they  come  from. 
AdSense  is  CPC  (cost  per click ad network) means when someone clicks your ad 
you  will  get  Asian  countries  like  Pakistan,  India,  and  china  the  CPC  rate 
might  be  0.5$  -2$.  if  your  blog’s  traffic  is  from  the European side then it might be 
possible you would get up to 10$ per click. 

3. How many times can you apply for AdSense: 

You  can  apply  as  many  times  as  you  want.  but  keep  in  mind  after  rejection  from 
AdSense you should wait up to 2 weeks after going for your second attempt 

4. How to get AdSense approval for blogger: 

Ensure Your Blog loads in Under 3 seconds 
Theme Should Be Mobile Friendly 
Must have Clear Navigation 
Written Up to 20 quality Blog posts

Buy  a  custom  domain  (It  will  increase  your  chances  of  getting Adsense approval 
Your Blogger Theme Must Contains following schemas 
1. Hatom 
2. Breadcrumbs List Schema (Most Important) 
3. Blog Posting Schema 
4. Website Schema  

5. how much traffic required for AdSense approval: 

There  is  any  thumb  rule  for  traffic  because  I  got  AdSense  when  I  was  20 visitors 
per  day  in  my  blog  so  it  doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is only quality 

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