BFF by Anna Zielger

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BFF (“BEST FRIENDS FOREVER”) sy ANNA ZIEGLER DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC. Scanned with CamScanner ie by Mee Ry {aura Heisler and Sasha Eden ina scene fom the New York production of BFE BFF (“BEST FRIENDS FOREVER”) syANNA ZIEGLER DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC. Scanned with CamScanner BFE CBEST ERUENDS FOREVER) ‘Capri ©2008 Anat Zee Rigs Roser Cun Pea a ny a CARS REE et pn Siem tran eee me oa ches alg be Besa cea cial a coke et ae Soro en cemer emir 9 Soret Saas ear ata hae Sor chcepcpabeme te gotta pame athe fy Seer oe een Bech cto ensenaetsoie me Sect ater rammmeraaigs hota ka a emer a eae al Sines go oa cmt peli et ne Ue Sey ‘Recete tnt cleaner (ESP HUENT Onin ss SBRAMLTITS PAY SERVICE. INC 0 Fu ee Sod ee so Sek Reps napa eta he ara epee ee oa ew pr of DUA PLASTER in orig hh be del he Ger Age 4t Nalin SSE SORRELL i! ic ag sn repenee TET nce roman prem ee edt fate ro cn espinal ptm io ae forces he Ker tpn ot een mint tock ped Soe eR ee aed HE oem ee nr eo ur me ri Fagen decd nomi ck pote Bee ng pty WET (Women xs The ne) a New Yu i 207 ROSNER Se eng i oon er cece OA ope nn Learns pp eee ad ESE ‘This play is dedicated to my family Ae eter al hings are Wh all my lve. Scanned with CamScanner ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “owe, Sh Benton, Jon Grote and I oes poe inception, Tasks aso 10 Kim Rosenstock a ‘the Lark’s Arthur Kopit, ‘ond aS ce Philip Himberg Lia Pecrn, Ey 1a als, and Naomi Petes for aiding me so mack Sb ley atne Sundine Thee ay Pad Zien, View Feibone, Josh ade my Webb, Lars Heder and So Eh woldhave happened, “Thanks to Mauren sad ‘Tabs Gordor-Slomon, ‘Dapan, withour whom Premiere by WET (Women's Expresive ind Vitoria Pettibone, Executive in New York City on February Hecht the et design ws By ‘Sara Jean Tosti: the ight nd design and orginal projection design BFE was given its World ‘Thenex, Inc). (Saska Eden Producers) st The DR2 Theatr ath, 2007, Ie was diced by Jos Rabin Vest the costume design was by Ing design was by Clifon Taylor: che sou ae Cre by David Stephen Bakes the video ‘mull Kevin R. Freche production manager was David Nelson: Re ploducon stage manager was Ashley B. Delegal the sting THe Protar Jack Doulin; and the asistant producer was Ashley “Thompson. The cas was as follows Sha Eden ‘Laura Heiser "Jeremy Webb Scanned with CamScanner (CHARACTERS LIZA, late 20s, early 308 LAUREN, late 20s cay 305 SETH, late 205, early 30s PLACE Lp New York and New York Ci TIME 1991 and 2005, NOTE Simpl gickcee changes termina ee be offstage during Scene 12, : an option for Lares 0 BFF (“Best Friends Forever”) Scene 1 Sh gerut andi Peet ‘reading a maga ‘owen ne bis. Fats fom a of “ha on Ba omar eure, tle, is wing in 4 ben of se ‘Flee woarr a Fakir and ex ea Learen ies den, er LAUREN. Liza, what do you think il be likes be grown oP? ELIZA. I dont know: FA GREN. Tmean, do you think it fel differen than this? (line ‘inks about it) LIZA. No, Probably not TAUREN. Right Probably not ELIZA. Why do you ak? TAUREN. Tort know. ELIZA. Okay. TAUREN. No, I mean, I just gor this fecing, while Twas swim- ning, chat the years are gona past s0 quick ELIZA. Oh. 1 dont want them 0 TAUREN. “This feling that everything happens at once, you HM That were aleady grown up and walking around some- \ihere and doing some job and we just dont know i ELIZA. Youre not making ens, Lauren TAUREN. Tam. ELIZA. Otay. LAUREN. Lec make something up ELIZA. Oley. LAUREN, Lets ell dhe future. LIZA. I dont want to think about the Future. LAUREN. Like, where are we gonna live in the year 2000? 7 Scanned with CamScanner LIZA, I dont know — LAUREN. New York City? ELIZA, Yeh gues: BA i Belt have ike, apartments nea 0 each other ELIZA. (nay geting ito ital) We could live i the same sparument. TAUREN. Absolutely, (Beat) Will we get marcied? ELIZA. Tocach other? TAUREN. No! meant, in general ELIZA. I ehink we will When we want co LAUREN. How will we know when e wane to? ELIZA. {dont know. I guess when the right person comes along, LAUREN. But who wil the rght person be? ELIZA. Really nce LAUREN. Eliza. ELA What LAUREN. He' goca be hot ELIZA. Of courte hot. I meant hot too. Nice and hot LAUREN, And funny [ELIZA. Iewould be great if he were funny: Beat.) And he should havea sere, LAUREN, Whar do you mean? ELIZA. Something he only tel you. LAUREN, I guess Yeah. ELIZA. Hellbe shy but ako open. lite awkward but in sweet way LAUREN. Ifyou sy 0. ELIZA. Will you rub my back? (Lauren does) Isnt this sa great day, Lauren? LAUREN. tis. ELIZA. fee relly happy sight now. LAUREN. You do? ELIZA. I sore of wish we could just stay here forever LAUREN. We hve fou igh? T me, ht al couple ELIZA, But can el ic becoming a memory even as it's happening. LAUREN. Dost say that ELIZA. But show I fel LAUREN. Hey, did you know that Jason Presley lost ewenty-five pounds — ELIZA, 1 didnt. LAUREN. Jason Priestley’ so hot. ELIZA. 1 know. Totaly hot. (Long beet) But do you ever get the fing fing one vn When yu ig oh ex LAUREN. Liza— ELIZA. I miss you (Beat) LAUREN. Tim srry. ELIZA About what? TAUREN. T dont know. Scene 2 Lee, brit tents ie examatine ee og ont Sab mie ool aa he fora or imamentt He ugh Lowen rt around The 0 make Sateen The Ln gs gabe SETH. You dort have to go. LAUREN. Oh no, Iwas leaving anyway. SETH. I chink I'm jus ealy for the next lass. LAUREN. I dda know there was another class in here. SETH. Yeah, ther it (Beat) Ihas todo with ining your inner oie in a pos 9/11 landscape TAUREN. Right SETH. Hoses bet LAUREN. (Tieng t eave) Okay. SETH. Buc figured maybe, well. given che way my life is now, itwouldt be bad o cry some new tings. Why aot xy to find my inner vole? Find out if dhe sor of thing i posible TAUREN. What he way your ies ew! mean, maybe if more people had inner voices, the worl Pecld bela beac pete to gr LAUREN. 1 dont know. SETH. (Aulward) You look like yout in pretty good shape 9 Scanned with CamScanner JREN. {ave work, ei lide monotonous. A litle bite 1 ame LT yl now de ine : hk had hati ke. cae ont ink is be ERUREN. You dont? SETH. No. (Best) SEOREN. Wel [bere — LAURE gh (Lene bea for the darlin the dere SETH ema (Een ik Lene hd and Uti ah dt ls and watchs Lane)” Scene 3 eaves end Bc, the temas, ae singing kraoe iy [Lae edwome. Te bling and and dancing te aml 1 Touch Mel Theyre ham si he Dinah Mo Thy ban LAUREN, [thik Mrs. Linkter should couch herself She 19 col peed ELIZA” Maye oll math eachers are TAUREN, Wy, bocase number ae lke a language fr people who don't want to use words? Ere ELIZA No, becuse theyll look totally repressed TAUREN, ber Mec Linkers iin LIZA. Tet shes. LAUREN. bet shes never ksed anyone. I bet she lives alone ‘ase ee ole act I Bt he having 3 vey ney ELIZA. Yah, the TAUREN" Maye ican orphan and neve knew any love and EZ hat Bt GawflBat yah, mayb, cold ee chat TAUREN. hin my nom nove depe with anyone but my dad “spi eg tg i 0 E__ eronce Sheol me twas nan of my basins. That Tae a tang eat) On Tm sry ia — 1 da wo ing saying oP — Eliza, Now i ELIZA Nk yore ding 0 wl he dae My mom yt eto dg ah wal ik 2 a Sue, ea re ELAS some hink my mony and, ke, LAUREN Ape aae Surah mea, nt that ay Kind of dot know Ie my ame shy? Fe ae i oud ke, hs a voice, li I mean ay it ELIZA. Um, no TAUREN. ‘Come on, sa i. Eliz ELIZA. No. dramatically) Elza... (Low and TAUREN, Jus sy it (Then more sexy la. Sy it ELIZA. (Snapping. ener) Nol TAUREN. (hurt) Okay. Soy (Beat) ELIZA. (Quits) You dveeb, FAUREN “Lens quiew I dat chink shes shy bu shes que. ‘She slips along. ELIZA. [think its the other way around. LAUREN, No. You'e brave. ELIZA. Right TAUREN. Your pick this time. (Eliza lef through the albums. She (pusancen.lssover and mellow Her dad fsorite son. Sbe sands, Aecin nsy) That ike». Edont know ... I feel like my mom likes that song 1 by mistake. (She stops it ELIZA. Right. No—TI chink I put ‘She sts down. Beat, Lauren, do you ever feel lke the Hee bing inthe wold js waking TAUREN, Wows ums Liat ELIZA. What? LAUREN, You know, the ching is, these days I'm never sure what youre going to sy. ELIZA. I surprise you? LAUREN. Yeah, I mean. You do, ELIZA. (Thou) Good. u Scanned with CamScanner Scene 4 sae, te aa bck oh 8 at Sth wa again fom the deo ‘ated SETH, You must do this every Tuesday. Lauren tsa SETH en tat te neue ofa weekly dag? SETH. But you say afte: TAUREN. 1 like quit. SETH. Me 10. TAUREN. (Stoning) So, did you find ie? SETH, What? LAUREN, Your inner voice? sah No. Bur did eam sme ways to hegi to undentand etre oer Se you ae unetnd en to fain wo yt lose i. You can ty 10 find someth Fe a sr ar you's looking fr all wy TAUREN. Wha? SETHE Wal, doa know yous Tm not sue how you fe about thnk hi cold say “eep" with sort of seas edge or CE yal very en and ty cake seriously. dom wane wo offend you TAUREN, You at ofending me — SETHL 1 dont wane to make ou late for work. LAUREN. Tm avs le SETH. What do you do? LAUREN. T work wih guati animals SETH. What like at an squat? TAUREN. No. (Long bse) SETH. Okay (Beat) ike your bracelets LAUREN. Thal SETH, They teehee TH Most people dot wea jewelry to work out, do th TAUREN: te or dot af SETH. Oh its hard to explain. Very serious busines. Los of 2 >= — abscact shinking and lac nights LAUREN. Oh, SETH, No—'m kidding 'm a banker. mean, {work ata bank: TAUREN. Are you marred? SETH, No. Beat) Are you? TAUREN. 1 only asked because — SETH. You think I'm coming on you? LAUREN. No... Idont know. Are you? SETH. Can TAUREN. 1 dont know, um — SETH. Seth TAUREN. Righe, Seth. don like invasions, you know. SETH. Am I being invasive? LAUREN. No, I'm jus letting you know. SETH. Whats your name? LAUREN. Fliz SETH. Eliza. kei. LAUREN. Did I say Elza? meant — SETH. Elsa — like the song. (Beat) LAUREN. Is there song? SETH. 1 asume there ate songs for most names (Lang beat) LAUREN. Well donc chink there's one for me SETH, Not yt, maybe. But these things get writen every da sere nt et ry day, LAUREN. 1 gues so Scene 5 Leo nd i ae ons tht hedged dor he iho bafta balay eae yo en ELIZA, 1991, dost ound ke much, dei LAUREN. No. os ELA. No LAURENT wonder el er be a of kis, He re i ‘tory. Like a war or a ... revolution. rs ce ae B Scanned with CamScanner ge dont wantto be. My mom sys hing ae na Mens icorrpmnsmeing eg TAUREN. She’ alking bout 7% dad dying, righe? ELIZA. (fier bat) 1 gs} TAUREN. Bur you appreciated Bi ELIZA, dost hom LAUREN, Lina. ja would have been fu, ELIZA. Isic this ree grea Like peaceful aN toh LAURE ein hil of roe ay pn BUA ke peop have eon feng this bree forall of xe she Lapin 8 ot 19 nd ene Sy ie gh alban open ioeheh met he goad women So ermal wee jut inde mide ofl this wind. LAUREN. It's 2 really good breeze. LR elie os LAUREN. I guess s0. (Beat. Lauren drops Eliza’s hand.) So got my ‘at Fiza, Wha TAUREN, Yoh fiz Wh LAUREN. Three days ago. Hun on cores Hizs os BL NE os aue wes eo: Bgh omy LAUR Meas Be a a om PoaPe TAUREN ane HEA an Ex tc nig ea Fiz wl tm nef sonctig | wan andra TAUREN Ye eos wt ears bo ian Syd “ LAUREN. Why not? ELIZA. (Afra beat) So... you sill have i LAUREN. Yeah ELIZA. Like right now? TAUREN. Yeah ELIZA. Gross. LAUREN. Yeah Scene 6 Learn nd Se er raat Tho dae Sala fo moment bon png ah dy no aitewkeaepyacen na iia oe SETH, hit om uemnon ea eto become prayed with fe, Many get shot bocaue Cart move. They siting ducks ie Ce TAUREN. Gor SETH, Right and she afl ching lof them, well hit them- ves a they dying. Right when theyre dying TAUREN, That i awfl SETH Tow. (Bea thn trying tbe emmy) Death, ight? Ks just re actred beg he aly en oe edt ting hrc oy in rojo pin he ‘Potion and then you sac tat way o you dos. You cat sm hate wae oe TAUREN. No, (Bett) SETH. So do'you have tobe like a ely good evimmer tobe marie biologi? es TAUREN, Decent, I guess. SETH. Ub-huh TAUREN. mean, you have o like the wae. SETH. Right (Bet) LAUREN. ‘Do you lke your wine? SETH. Ii good TAUREN. Good. Scanned with CamScanner SETH (fering er tezeyp) Doyo like your — hone Yah Sin TREN, Se — LAUREN, a my da — my ithe — at ds SET Rah me tra the er — eran Vi Me cece action He ao a eda oom inthe angle: Once Be Bead gun shy, Sac : INOREN Sob was ad Sim ipere, Hota eme EN, 1 ar on ane too 1 0, ew SETH, Neth tig il agpen but thn wee Hig oe Lik, my Duy Teor vat inant en fr amen en he al tsa oy Tapa ey aan at or yo, They hy near eo oo Perrone STN yee Be) SRG REN "Whar peel LENT re ay—ejar, wl gt dow ning RUBEN, Ny SETH Whar do you me? EUR i lt hve elk shout Seep, Ws ggg meting? LAUREN. Think so. SETH, It must be unconscious. LAUREN. Okay. ‘SETH. No, its jus tha. well my dad died LAUREN. Oh, SETH. T mean, ifs nothing. Ie was a year ago. Ie was along ime 230 now. TAUREN. Thats nora long time. SETH. Let jus. les change the subject. Aske me something, Anything LAUREN, Are you sure? SETH, Tec oe hung pom jt you know not LAUREN, ‘Seth — SETH. Like selprying, moaning, “Oh I have dreams and they 6 analyst every afternoon kindof .. well, cha’ jus orment me," eee aerate eae a UREN hd ae i ming ETH Mell he died of ung cance: Never even smoke signers TAUREN. Wow: eee EE os Sit an LE Ny coisas Tia ae is arent Am Leuining his? anymore ORES. twa nam yee — EE pe pepreinct leebeirer oc TAUREN. What should I ask See iy del ka utc nthe pe, Ted roe SETH My eed mec ce dg reich older or much diferent man, 7 LAUREN Tal me FEUREN. Did you hak of BEUREN. Did you think of me all dy? Ar wr? Setar Won. That ques qusion Wo: Buns you aed ioe dors qre aqnien Bal goon pe tot a LAUREN. In what way? SEITE Wile was nrous bout oighe TAUREN You were nemo? SETHE wre swore yo plan what sy and AE exam op Toeeseal top Vagecl come dhl on cf rm ee or sny sia woking oat ned sh? SETH. Vaguely planned. Se TAUREN. And pour mother becoming a denis? SETH alt pneu dnt my women ming Sider eves dened Hine TAUREN, “ou sid you Te toa in the in SETH Td erly a at mak women ink i ew and potential omande UREN. i aed ou wo abn I won might cam ops ory omens un URN Ten veracity me ETH, Yes, Ena, you are (Bear) Bat do you thik — TAUREN. What Leora evi intr Scanned with CamScanner js kind of question. sort Arnon 1 hin Seshame nigh? Cone) SETH, Oy st a tia ala eae SETREN. dni 78 LAUREN, LAUREN Tr mst ave 2 ie You mst know whether yo TAUREN. I might Scene 7 earn and Eka sit on a dck ya lke Summer ending ehol ahut begin LIZA. 1 ehink he kind of goflooking. LAUREN. Are you serious? HATZA, Vea sot his new haircut kind of wed? I it up. to tick up like that TAUREN. Tchink 0 ELIZA. Well [chink is rir Like an alien. LAUREN. He’ not ik an alien. ELIZA. No, jus his aie LAUREN. Well ike i. ELIZA. Thnow. (Beat. Lewren dips ber toes in the water) LAUREN. Remember when I went with Julie and Jason co that fied up nea her dads place? ELIZA. Where was I? LAUREN, You dae wane come that day ELIZA, I dont remember that. 18 LAUREN. And we hi co but Jae thogh igh vgn gt he Mt era te eit BZ, schol time Iwas staring a iad twas LAURE oui lok awe, Li. I cou lokam se tli being ava? She ness ei Ren. Liman hcl ean a ie fr AUBIN, me becrte Iwas 90 cared. But serous | thoagie | ba iand Think edi co. eee Ore huh ihn — fel ek would never lt me go but : Ete ea lr eh a MIRA When my mom Ie me home at Fllween le EL pe incercom light kepeRashing as though someone wa in oom ofthehowse Iwas prey tried. ae pat sno theme: edling about somchig pi oN Be "abou something pi Bk (hor undesanding) Okay. FOREN. timean, [know you were scred. Y dont like tying lon o begin wih. mea, when ae fede ike theres oo one cle andthe’ nothing to cme, ‘oer chat ever happen to you? ee. pina TAZA. Oh, wel {chink im xaggering, And 1 mean, See aKa ee BBRIN, (Tho Re TAG pny uc) BEF. Ba dor hak he Tile bis at now (Bate Ad chink Bens ae te Dojo Teh at Bat) Ad ik Beene Doyo ink ELIZA. No. TAUREN. I think so. And I thought when wefan LAUREN i ought it them he ELIZA, He wast. TAUREN, Hea ica IZA. He had something stuck berween IZA Hichancting histeth, ita ed or TAUREN. Thats not the point. ELIZA. Is heres point hee? TAUREN. The poin is, you should go for him 9 Scanned with CamScanner at tee ce auton . ae A et 1 lc eet i wm saa tne UG tee a, pera Ele nthe coor ea Ep ata eer si iawn ELIZA. Haba. TAUREN, Ie ell noc scary Liza I mean I Tove i.e lik, takes you avay from everything ELIZA. Real? LAUREN, Someday youl try it ELIZA. I don thinks. Scene 8 Lowen and Sb are at dence ea, Tyre dencig in each other’ arms, ns SETH. 1 knew you'd be good a cis and ibe awful TAUREN. You're no awful SETH, 1 guess I had this optimistic idea chat wed, lke, learn something together atthe same pace, but TAUREN. [ used co take lessons. All the kids took ballroom dance ‘one winter This od man taught it and he was traditional, lke he ‘made the men ak the women to dance with them. We were cele lewas hotif. 2 = cz iggv mesa rane No AEE ioe Se ou! Wha wey ie SEN aa Ee dad sec sat oc Pou ob donc know. gues wat average PEUREN. You werent vege Sere Twas TAUREN” No. LATTE pmns. (Bet) Or di you mean I wat below ssrge ttaaen punch pla) ao when theft time you — SETH, Whe SEOREN. Lik, went ou with someone aE Tent ou with Hannah Carer in sich grade bu don Sink the cous TAUREN. Why not TAFE. Well. iewas a yearlong relationship and in tha year we serbat thee times. Once to Burger King, where my older brosh- thajeroned and made fun of us tthe same time. Once for rGhibe whore we ran into my moms fiend and she sat with us dha once toa dance, where we never even touched TAUREN. T think that counts. (Beat) SETH. Sowhat about you? When was the Fst time you went out ‘with someone? TAUREN. Oh. Um, I guess there was this guy Jason, SETH, Jason, huh? And wha was be ike? TAUREN. Shore. I gues. His voice cracked all the time soit founded like he was making fan of himself SETH. Yeah, T matuted late too. My voice didnt change til ike covefh gade TAUREN. [sil cracks litle every now and then SETH. Because im not entirely grown up right? I like to thik the kid I wa til creeps in sometimes. LAUREN. That’ a sweet idea. (Beat) SETH. So tell me something about you. Something I dont know. TAUREN, Like what? SETH. [know you dont want me . py. Bu give me something, é Scanned with CamScanner LAUREN, Um. Een Youn doit iment LAUREN, ott beembarated Was me, TAUREN. es you _ ‘SETH. Right. SEUREN Wal. veo swim ‘SETH. Why? “ Ps SET ke oon another planet whe “LAUREN enz wl ont ae anymore dy shins ta geting to work on tine. You jus he ig pecs like time ist pasing, Se Tat ne LAUREN. It is? LAUREN yk for way tcp it Tne, mean LAURE ah Sone rope seep 0 mucho dei er eeceeumeiagnancennab tke end I'm a kid again. dean, PREN ewet Ven ee Fy nd ed ey al hop Se ee eearaion echo un dong ha 3 ee ckgen tere ol ba yoann oe Seren ae dont cae 1 jus et him change it. le TAUREN ih SETH. What ERORD Frc yn seer detec ie Laven 38 gil aly el, Biya T kp diva bre ar ty ln ba eed Ob yo epg ™ Those. SETH 1B acan we had sop. TAUREN the ang Sern tu hay AUR Oho ‘SETH. Liza? (She stares at Eliza and Eliza stares at ber.) Scene 9 Lauren and Eliza. After a school dance. LAUREN, And then he tongue kel me IZA. Real? wir nda SRE ear pene EAUREN. Wl hae Han, Tati FLA Tedd that for a while and then he kind of pated my LAREN ic ewe sang my ad went ck onc Selo SPS yl chim agin? BUREN, {don know tr sa. LAUR Fe ida yk, le do hiss? TAUREN. No TAA eke mean sas ely wipe AUREN. Tc hey LAURE Netto shy to ici ongue down your tos. TAUREN. Bit za, Whae TAUREN. Dost be vl. ELIZA So now youre mad at me? EAUREN. Maybe, 1 dont know. waned oll you and you — ELIZA. What Whos di doo TAUREN, You dda undentand. Bat) mean, why did you Sane with Ben when he ase you? ELIZA. Em How can you even sk ha? TAUREN. Tea, beret — ELIZA. No bes nod TAUREN. And belies you ELIZA. That the kind of dancing everyone dos, the kind you do wih jon. aye, dose B TAUREN. Why dont you jr dance wth him nex ie? bet Felli you. je doen ink el hls grade B Scanned with CamScanner naires Ban teenie nee ee eS ey vu eee Se eee lee ee understand what I'm dealing with right now. alin harder HERTS yl dw a cet al ra oe cpr ered pare aren pinatter eee a {GUE Myon mie om he sere eee Bia er Tea aee puna a eee ELIZA. That an awful thing sy LAUREN. Buti ie true? ELIZA. No. LAUREN. ve heard that gis who grow up, be really repressed when it comes vo sexuality. ELIZA. Tm nor epresied LAUREN. Yes, you ae. ELIZA, What makes you think that? LAUREN, Everything. ELIZA. Look, dort wane cea about my dad. LAUREN. Tm talking bout you ELIZA. Well, what do Ihave o do to prove o you tha I'm not represed, huh? Bring my dad back o life? TAUREN. No. Py ks, = cccces amie” FA lhl habe oR ou lk sbout me? Be oe SRE a cents ey ia eet Ea arts Seene 10 Laren paces in front of a park bench. Shes waiting. Shes Ion wating fra longtime. Seb appears UREN, Se Lae cep hen tenemos ce —~ wr ad i sec end thought — Seager aa a sa Ue inher ah seein gk ie amen ae 2h ipricusetharert int EAUREN. thought you were gone rs Ei oe anaes pe (ite i lpear eee SETH, No—itv olay to worry. es ine. ike my middle name, 25 Scanned with CamScanner lke home tome Like the ving room co LAUREN. I don't like it. : ae SETH, Wsnonal lercae you tie me. Bae) eek ee wes slag TAUREN, Tsu aking SETH. Aboot me! About u? Because I on wane hi —Pm not usually late. Ic won't become a pattern = thie TAUREN Nov shou the things Lie hie SETH, Ob TAUREN. How pretcable itis SETH, You mens you knew Td beat dt ow ke TAUREN ur ner dough Fb i ee SEE, we ind in TAUREN. You iow. Like, with you mean, 1 nee hough Tbe, Hl ssionaly into — wre homely SETEL What ayo eying el et fac abl dy i? Thi ed Ne LAUREN, eas, and. ‘mean Ife like T could be sting here at any time in the het of the world ed SETH. Bliza— LAUREN. Dont you ever feel cha wel just on the edge of our lives? That they're happening but wee outside of chem sede ing we can do will stop anything? SETH. Like fate LAUREN. Like being stack. Even if we know what the right thing todois, we sill wontdo it There's something we cant define hold ing us back. SETH. ‘Thats a prey negative outlook. LAUREN. Sometimes I can be negative. You do know tha, igh? ‘That [can be negative? I'm not as easygoing as you ar. SETH. Tm not exsypoing. LAUREN. You seem i. Eary ro get ro know. SETH. Those arent the same thing. LAUREN. les just chat. I dont chink I'm as simple at Tve scemed. Or something like that. I mean, weve just been having good time together and I'm nor like that. I dont just havea good time. There are consequences. SETH. Are che consequences bad? You make them sound ba. LAUREN. Yes. Theyre bad. 6 > tnt ings kyo pe soles Ce nse gran ea Listens vc dog? There's a Gray's Papaya not too fat Front Doser Rt freee jek wae want a hot dog. Fe acaba URED ay Beat.) ews just 0 ie SETH. On just ecing £0 --- trac hig eT LAUR prs something © 70% Ee uy fm a wo SEURENT eh elim soy on. SET en think I want to be alone. i ae r 2 , BE BERL Noes you shouldbe alone SETREN: Right Maybe I should be. Scene 11 Lowen and Eliza st on the floor: its raining out. Autumn ‘and boredom. ELIZA, We cou ply cd TAUREN. No LIZA. Pak phone cll? TAUREN. No! ELIZA. Monopoly? TAUREN, Bx No ELIZA Tio tak walk in hen TAUREN: Tk You and your mal ELIZA. I et hiking done nthe in. TAUREN Why wont he ll ELIZA. When ey hiking | dost mean ike concrete thoughts. 7 Scanned with CamScanner tesla Las Jo ‘my life. I just replay scenes from a Tie, SN say LAUREN. I left a message over fourteen ELIZA. | think it’s fifteen by now, se hour ago, tauren eaten ELIZA. Lue nt Tele you LAUREN. Ie’s okay. a eaten Hiza at TAUREN, tin mae on ie LIZA Oh, Wel hk eit BS om ay TAUREN dasa ey ae gee fg ELIZA. Lauren, LAUREN. Wha ELIZA. Lauren, (lize pats ber hand on Laren LAUREN. Whi? i paler ars ene) maternal) What are you doing? em aden ELIZA. Tim giving yous hug LAUREN. Why? ELIZA. You scem to aced some consol (Laure wriggle auty) LAUREN. Tin fine ELIZA, You'e not acting fine. LAUREN. Tim noe ELIZA. No, Beat) LAUREN, Las night had dream that my boobs grew fea 38doule rock eaten ELIZA. Was thats nightmare? LAUREN. Not... was so happy. (Bet) And what fo LAUREN, No Tato pe. (Bt) And hai sal ELIZA. Fanesining about what LAUREN, You know. ELIZA. No. LAUREN. About Jason, about. ELIZA. Ob no, ew. Don tll me LAUREN, Yeah. Ife... kindof auf Like, dry. ELIZA. That is no oem LAUREN. Teise ELIZA. No. LAUREN. Tes ike, when Lace hr, L wa t0 sleep at night, 1 want the sime things only tion Tm dong my bg ings And when Igo theyee more 28 wien Fn on my of ia ik ou shoul ry : BLIREN. How? stuff Think about -.. me. Like, my LA a oe a sy wee AOR Fo ort che sik iy wo be ae ‘a movie. While she tot fot odes ni Biza, Ba eee a : eas fart adopt the right rane. “Just give me acl TEN, Mah a eke don pet Canes fee OF PA hen you all me and tha ipo Bes ELA Anca sbabl} UREN, amc es ce you UREN. Wha as ou man LAR vc not incrested in you. Ie dos happen Sh Teac ee Hang nose : LAURE knw {ean sy for ae es nti hc ced ee iets ar ecmgepicdpte ei ia Ife reece tet deers iri etek etna eon lanes Saen Bak Gok awe TAUREN fat tne ante opiin. ad cethiagon 5p thinking. 1 all you back. busy. Maybe his dad like rook ay ova ELIZA. You wold her You went behind my back? LAUREN. I gues I did. Soy ELIZA, Sorry No, E mean why? » Scanned with CamScanner LAUREN. Now i er everyone kind of k that point, my friends mouth, HOW. gu already taken. At that poi Ji ha r ne ar knowing glances. They say “Seth, LIZA. Shes known for LT gues 0. So owe laueen. You Kind oF ke have py ELIZA. Are you making this upe LAUREN. ‘Come on. I¥ont lig ELIZA. Wal 'm nox proving soythi LAUREN. eeu that = lic tee, Lan YOU might be hol ELIZA. If holding you back means kee = - LAUREN. To be honest, she doesn't eno ELIZA. Well, dd you tell he" HY Me indy, LAUREN. No, ELIZA. Wy noe TAUREN. "Why te we ind? mean ELIZA. Did you bea what you jt LAUREN. I didn't mean i. : " ELIZA, Yate nny? TAUREN Tin sry (The phone ings) (Beat) Scene 12 amerika fone ae tide of the nage Sh ld uy. He aga seacbing bimelf He has a How co Play Guitar memahe bis aps Hers diferent chords He deny veh pe hod od ds Dart hos rage SETH. liza, plate pick up the phone. Pleas, Pm sotry leftyou alone. 1 guess when people sy they want to be alone ‘what really mean is they want to be with other people and I read that ‘wrong, Please pick up. I mean, I went out with some fends lit night and Trevor told this story about a dave he had. He met ths gel online. Apparently they match perfectly in terms of goal and teste, whatever that means. He says I should go online too, Lis 30 xe cxchathr peyton a fe dt f sae and considering the fct that 1 1 ge hey ight that hough we were Beep tT emcee sts it night be hard eo atick 0 but aa ny therapist, I mean, She se and means ship I'm engaged in, she ik ad ew yery one-sided relationship ” wie a a tc co By ean ne acer ee Cee rae Shel eben etn arse sew arena each nan ‘h ‘women to know that you're really very ... I me Raa ee iP through pe are eee ee oar one neh oa Ti a a er tng ve ging up now. And I won't beg you to call me back A ak ‘pier in plying) bes ent weno 8 Scene 13 Learen is applying makeup in font of mirror while Eliza tec, chomping loudly on carot tick. LAUREN. te i ot ike ould pct buy ao es ight? My mom was ike if you really need one Laren but lllbean ea birchday present and do you really want chat? And. dort want chat. Udon want to cut into my birthday presen. Is just dat, wel, Julie thinks T look ft in pink and T should realy 3h Scanned with CamScanner ve acute back des. She s98e270N€ should tet A apr in Madoaete wee Sy Oa he other hand, why not bea lie diferent righ? Tee © ose ot want to st Bend n- Hey can you ge 12 Tre (ic tends and helps Leste with her macena) 3 ang Pe do you thnk yes too lan wan a a Frc mes but ot ata harm a Bo Garde other Rand, shuld i lok ike in meal We Sober ment out with Maggie before me and she son © tly imakcup because she has ik perfect skin. What a whore. (en, any cares) Ave you going fy anything = ELIZA. No Fick eee een LAUREN, hearing Saab eer eee ca ea ed Shea Steers Lan ea me al el ee ae Oca tee set hse Dee aaa aunt som fr you or stay home with you and you know wha (re your babysitter, Lia. 'm just not. ot einen Geach ee creas LEN heen ee odio EGR eee ono a Nr ee Ee eee en thinking about it, and maybe it’ true what Julie says = seen Baia seem ameaenat ae A ee a neha Maybe you should come Yutdont Hae these anes Should yoy ms around ray, 32 wa 1 without you. oat want t0 risk offending you. I understand sith ances Bes teenie rmenins i a Sedma ouliza. Ate you kidding? Everyone will judge me! Bi et ELIZA. aber es ae seas smoke a cig You'l go apeshie. ELCREN. Like everthing Like maybe Ido wane ime time sone 2iEa, Notalone. Wit aie. And wih son (Bese pig cae ie eres and quits) Dont do We cba s ne TAUREN: What {dds quite hear you ANZA. Li, don do ths TAUREN. Do what IZA. Aeron ne TAUREN. Is noabandosing. sj. tkinga re (tn ory She ie tide it but ean i hr Besa Fiza, Donte lene don ie UREN iy oan ELIZA (etn sre dole med) Why d you think? LAUREN. Dott ate ae ie a incised ELIZA. I'm not yelling. LAUREN You wee ELIZA. Okay wa wha if jut go the ana dance? Lets jst hat 1 dont wane co go bat niles, TAUREN. Honey, in soo eft ELIZA. No. mean, Tl go Tl gt dsc. Le me ge eed tight now. (She sats aking ber clothes off) ha TAUREN. En What ar fou dng ELIZA. Tm ging hanged: What dct ok ken dig? TAUREN. Tot ely tant see your wl bay. ELIZA. God Whaccan dot Whar you nant edo at) LAUREN, Thi sbou your ns tt 3 Scanned with CamScanner care you king abou? Late, pease. su ere 2 TAUREN ese ELIZA Noting ey from ber) Vi softy your IN. (Gering 2089, LAUREN aly nce cuiza, What) TAUREN. 1 ive Uke a lesbian, right (1 T mean, yout lke a ae steel pep fe rayon Jalsa without father gue, Lauren. ERUREN {jun dont now why you dd ln, ELIZA. Tellyou -.- LAUREN” So osu ona ey ke baby? Lie ELIZA. (Crumpling to the floor.) Lauren. ia LAUREN. T mean Tm ely kof all his crying al tele dyesanmor, Un Hun thar ae Se HUA Gil bk! Laren) Later, ofl LAUREN, mean You ast ii dandy gy, wy So a he Bo aa fs tha doi Jon and wee ogee and Toe things and — (She begins to leave,) ELIZA. Where are you going? LAUREN, To the dance with my boyf friend. To have a for once. Okay? (Lauren looks at her and exits ed died 3 liza bold et Scene 14 Lauren and Seth are at a bar LAUREN. T'm so glad you could come o ut. 1 know it was ae SETH. That’ olay. wr REN. Te, a eas suggested ST LP tad ofl TENS To srry it kind of wel Ur you ind bar online, sgh? TREN ay mined to tee you, Seth, Ub SET EN Het lets havea drink Should we havea dink? | Okey. a ArH What re you having? TAUREN, dst now. Something ong Abin Un ey ingoned hee eX? SRUREN. T mised you. And wed {aac you back afl know whats wrong with me. | Teft you five messages. Embar TAUREN, dori whee hie they endure despite cerain obsess SETH. Like a werk of gnocing me H near the bank, igh) seedy. Thats what ou pe 40 Se you. And Tm so ‘mean, know Ti afl doce ing messages, inevitable. I want tose if TAUREN. T pues SETH, Ue dont know if undestand you — (Seka him ‘deny We hat an LAUREN. It’s ... Seth, I need to tell: ‘something — ‘SETH. What? sen = LAUREN. See, 'm not — SETH. Not what? Not go LAUREN. Right igh SETH. Good Tews Any fun. Tsay it ranks just. ‘week I had my wisdom teeth Foxton she can ith, bein rata ath iss he) *0 me, ever again? ofthe th out and just behind the werk at the ‘bank last year when they made us wea bene TAUREN, Bore” sean SETH. Gimmicks dont exception. Bencrally work and that one was no LAUREN. Tell ne what you dad wate 35 Scanned with CamScanner a to talk about it, better. inks beet MOE T chink it’ bad eo Jo i ce aig Meo kcep ig ren. Seth git Scene 15 pale ml ae pase. Leen and Sy ‘lis morning. Theyre reading the, a ip eb Pi ay ni teat decide if want to rad or go LAURE ack sleep. The nel wa 80 back og STEEN Tao Buti ie reading ext yoy, SETH, leis nic SETHE a Give me something fd, Something yo, * think hep lke. SETH. Okay. (He ef stro the paper) Hee (Hey tion to Lawte fad g BA REN. Is this some kind of joke? BS SETH, Sor of, SE OREN. Wel I dont getit mean, obiuaiee TAH. I want us co appreciate things. LAUREN. Oh. “a ERTL Because, 1 mean ally do appreciate thi T appeciate you. th LAUREN. Ob. SETH. And its good to remind ourselves, sometimes, Th, things wansient ; to GHARRENT (Supply) I dont need to be reminded oft SETH, You know, you never agree with me, LAUREN. What SETH, I mean, why cant you ever agree with me? TAUREN. T do agrce with you. All the time, SETH. There you go again 36 LAUREN, Sees it elle youre jst ou to contrac tt (ae fel ke a die ut The to thnk We les ‘a vin. Seve pink vindictive? (Lauren i te trou of be, pacer) SETH I eorng mys ipuRe SEEN, sw Lam UR ame he (he de hn) ooo, «Otis on line scrolling across Shakes you Sueno ut doh’ wl wh ning erty when | shoal have been wo = se ge tin we doe, hve the Fors aoc Defends tink wed, Soh ae oF cure we do. SEMEN, No, Once | wa simmig: | win haz — hi 1A ng collge — and dove downs deep andthe war mat ee boom and vo bet the Rascingly ea, so almost didnt go back up a {era But yo di backup. SETIREN. 1 mean, Yu fe our lng ge ght i wee ee SETREN, Loud hae ot saved mpl seep tonde TAUREN. You woul? SETH Yo SETIREN. So maybe wel go swimming one day? I think 1 TAUREN, So pone dy? I think Tike COTM And (love ose you ina bikin LAUREN. No — SETH. Or we could go skinny dipping — SEUREN. Selim ing serous SETH Yes, of courte we ean go svimming iz. LAUREN. But Elias vad of the water SETH, Whae TAUREN, mean, when was baby {lin Poe pep tart ec tl Mlctbrtegtrery SETH. What are you talking abou? Whats going on? 37 Scanned with CamScanner LAUREN, Pe dst eave me TATE Look at me. Tim not ging anywhere, ee TA Tn nein any Buca you ty c, Se era io a Na 2a Ranh handle on 1 wontyyou meinem at TAUREN Wha < St Boom snrsbow meting yr parent, os, Stee Ident cence that you dont won te fo yoy ‘Trevor. He can be annoying sometimes, "Bou wich TAUREN. Tn sn eh Soret sj at want ou tobe happy Li, TAUREN. fam bpp SETH Na nano be happy. im prey sue then, how woul ne ge thugh each days TAUREN: Tn ap SETH. Bane iy TAUREN: No Nor realy SETHE Weare ai ith aa ig iis pose Scene 16 Leuren ising at a table in the choo. by Shes swcuy and out of breath, Shes ‘igh shir for the fs time inthe play cafteria. Eliza wally wearing shers anda LAUREN. Liza — (Elie turns around.) ELIZA. What (eat) LAUREN. How ae you? (Elia gosto Laure ta ELIZA. Great how ae you? ne LAUREN. Why are you all — ELIZA. ined the track team, LAUREN. You did? ELIZA. Iesamazing I never knew IZA Taig new my bd old do sf ie th you know? And motivation. You really can 38 so dowhater you want io you ty hard enough, ecb se = red SOREN yay ransings sich igh Wi, Ld ow, eam gad yore happy. wee Ok im Oey happy. Beat) How ae you? ee URN (deat | gus we have aed in — A Oke er ak BA Rage Cat) Yu lok hi, Ui, Be) WAP ow had no ea my high nr ee, sua They were — LAE ou kat jst lve shopping now. My mom and have uP ing on these amazing spec. You should uc woes ete 3 Fetes. ten yoo ane er ata UREN. Buc mean, Lina se You canara Rope an RB FIIZA. tes none of your busines. TAUREN. I know. ELIZA. Olay. LAUREN. But why? You love to et ELIZA. No, I dont. TAUREN. Yes, you do. I mean... you kind of loa like ELIZA, What? TAUREN. Are you starving? ELIZA. And just 0 you know. 'm not a lebias T mean Ive been thinking about it and I'm not LAUREN. Olay. ELIZA. Anyway I beter go ve got study hall and you know how Jeakins gets if you're late. TAUREN. Orgy. ELIZA. Olay. LAUREN, Take cate of yourself, Liza ELIZA. What are you, ff? LAUREN, No. (Eliza walks away She turns back a though t sy something mare but then thinks beter oft and hep going) In case you cae. 39 Scanned with CamScanner

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