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A1/A2 Grammar test: questions/embedded questions

in statements


Actividad 1.
Pregunta por la frase subrayada.

1. Columbus discovered America in 1492.

2. I graduated from school two years ago.
3. They were ready. (yes – no)
4. The mechanic repaired the car last week.
5. He is always late because he never sets the alarm clock.
6. I watched the film yesterday (yes – no)
7. Mandy phoned her uncle last Tuesday.
8. You can go swimming after lunch. (yes – no)
9. I am going to wear the yellow dress at the ball.
10. Ronaldo is the best football player in the world.
11. The library is right across the street.
12. The shops open at 9 in the morning.
13. We need a nanny because my wife has too much to do.
14. Her favorite color is red.
15. That book is mine.
16. You have 5 minutes to finish the test.
17. The university is about 2 km from the house.
18. I take Bus 52 to work.
19. My flight leaves Rome at 7.39.
20. The red shirt costs $99.
21. I have eaten my lunch. (yes – no)
22. That pen is mine.
23. John is talking to my sister.
24. The traffic in the city makes me nervous.
25. We have to start work at three o’clock.
Actividad 2.
Escribe WH-questions.

1. _________ did you do that for?

2. _________ dress do you want to wear, the red one or the blue one?
3. _________ opened the door?
4. _________ keys are these? – I think they’re dad’s.
5. _________ does this CD player work?
6. _________ is bothering you?
7. _________ is the car?
8. _________ money do you have in your bank account?
9. _________ are the sisters going to leave?
10. _________ is your favorite actress?
11. _________ did the party last? – Almost two hours.
12. _________ did you do in Australia?
13. _________ jacket is this? - I think it’s mine.
14. _________ do they normally do their homework?
15. _________ don’t you get up earlier? It’s so sunny outside.
16. _________ do you do on weekends?
17. _________ is your favorite singer?
18. _________ was the flight? – Oh, it was great.
19. _________ are you from?
20. _________ textbook did you use last summer?
21. _________ do you normally get to school?
22. _________ did you find her? – Yesterday evening. She was in the park
23. _________ does she teach?
24. _________ have you been all the time? – At the playground.
25. _________ can John ask if he wants to go to the university?
26. _________ was the play? – It was great.
27. _________ do you want to eat? Pasta and cheese.
28. _________ did you leave your keys?
29. _________ one do you prefer? – The red one.
30. _________ do you go to the gym?
Actividad 3.
Responde las preguntas de forma adecuada.
1. Where does she live?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
2. What arrived in the post?
I don’t know________________________________________________________________.
3. How did they have the idea?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
4. When is she working?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
5. Why did he leave?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
6. Has she eaten?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
7. Have they found a flat?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
8. Did the teacher go on the training course?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
9. Did Julie like school?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
10. Will David get a new job?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
11. Whose socks are those?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
12. Where is the office?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
13. Who drinks coffee?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
14. How did it happen?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
15. Why will she be sleeping at 7pm?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
16. Will I pass the exam?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
17. Does Jenny own a car?
I don’t know _______________________________________________________________.
18. Had I had dinner before I met Jack?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
19. Is the boss coming today?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
20. Has Amanda got a new job?
I don’t know ________________________________________________________________.
Total: __________/75

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