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History of Terrorism

In the 1960s and the 1970s, domestic terrorism saw an increase in the United States. Groups
known as the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, and other radical groups frequently challenged
authorities. Moreover, in the 1980s, international terrorism began to grow. For instance,
terrorism in Israel began to grow with bombings occurring frequently. The war in Lebanon also
started, which brought with it terrorist acts which shocked the world.

In 1993, the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City started a new era of a threat
of international terrorism activity in the United States. Then, in 1995, Timothy McVeigh and
Terry Nichols blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
This was known as home grown terrorism, since these were individuals born and raised in
the United States seeking to terrorize fellow Americans. Thereafter, in 1996, the Unabomber,
Theodore Kaczynski (an individual terrorist), was arrested and charged for killing three and
injuring twenty-three individuals. Kaczynski created bombs he sent through the postal system
and demonstrated how a single person can create a threat of terrorism.

In 1998, Islamic terrorist Osama bin Laden attacked American embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania, killing American citizens. Then, in 2001, bin Laden successfully funded and
organized the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing approximately 3,000

Currently, cyberterrorism, which is terrorism through the use of computers and the internet,
is a primary focus of law enforcement's efforts. There are concerns that the nation's economic,
business and military systems may be attacked. Therefore, there are increased efforts to
minimize the risks.

What Is Terrorism?

Terrorism consists of criminal activity. There is no single definition of terrorism since it

encompasses a range of activity all designed to intimidate fear. However, one well-known
definition of terrorism is in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Policy and Counterterrorism
Guidelines. This definition states that terrorism is ''a violent act or an act dangerous to
human life in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state to intimidate
or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of
political or social objectives.''

Terrorism can be defined as the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of violence to fill
a population of people with fear or to coerce or intimidate a government or society, while
pursuing goals that are generally political, religious or ideological. Terrorism often includes
the use of extreme violence with the goal of inflicting the most pain and death on the most
number of people to accomplish those goals. People who practice this type of violence, called
terrorists, often use the innocent citizens of a country in an attempt to make sure that their true
targets listen to their message and meet their demands. This means that the people who suffer
the direct violence and pain used in a terrorist act, they are not the terrorist’s true targets.
Citizens are used as a way of sending a message to the larger population or government of a
country, and thus, one can understand terrorism as a violence based communication system
that influences an audience much beyond its immediate victims.

While precise definitions of terrorism can vary, there are many similarities among those
different definitions and among the perpetrators who commit these crimes that should be noted:

Innocent Victims: most terrorist acts are planned against unrelated, innocent people who are
used to elicit an emotional response (fear) from a wider population. Because the direct victim
is not the actual target or goal of a terrorist act, this type of victimization is considered
especially senseless and the families of victims often feel “used.” See section titled “Victims
of Terrorism” below.

Violence: acts of terrorism are always violent, or threaten violence, against a particular group
of people.

Creation of Fear: terrorists seek to dominate a population of people or group within society
and do so by eliciting fear through violent acts against those populations.

Audience: terrorists seek media attention through their violent acts and through those acts
hope to impress and gain sympathy around the world for their cause. This is one of the reasons
that terrorist attacks are rarely random, as the perpetrators need to plan their acts in such a way
as to affect the most people both directly and through witnessing the attack.

Political Goals or Motives: Terrorist groups feel that violence is not only justified but also
necessary in order to achieve their political objectives. They believe that foreign governments
will not listen to their mission, goals, etc. by simply talking, and wish to intimidate those
governments via violent acts into acquiescence.

Types of Terrorism (US)

There are two types of terrorism. Initially, there is domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorism
includes acts of terror which are committed by those who are located in and operate from the
United States. Moreover, the efforts of a domestic terrorist are solely aimed towards the United
States. Conversely, international terrorism is a type of terrorism which includes acts of terror
committed by individuals affiliated with foreign countries. The efforts of international
terrorism is typically to further a political or social objective.

Types of Terrorist Attacks

Some of the different types of terrorist acts that can be perpetrated will be discussed here. You
will notice that all have many of the elements described above. The most common types of
terrorist acts include:

Bombing: Over the past decade, terrorists have been able to develop improvised explosive
devices which are cheaper, smaller, and harder to detect then previous models, but can still
cause much damage to people and property; thus resulting in their widespread use. Crowded
public areas such as train stations or government buildings are examples of common targets for
terrorists who use bombs.

Kidnapping or hostage-taking: Terrorists use kidnapping or hostage-taking to establish a

bargaining position with their real target (particular person, government, etc.). By doing this,
terrorists gain leverage to acquire more money, release imprisoned associates, or increased
media coverage and expansion of their audience. Hostage-taking is used more often than

kidnapping, as it demands a confrontation with authorities and forces them to either make
dramatic decisions or comply with the terrorist’s demands. The Government of Canada has a
policy which does not allow it to pay terrorists ransom money for the hostages they have taken.

Arson/fire-bombings: Like Improvised explosive devices, arson or fire-bombing is easily

done, and is normally committed against hotels, office buildings, or government buildings to
portray that the ruling government cannot maintain order.

Hijacking or Skyjacking: These acts occur when terrorists seize vehicles, its passengers, and
its cargo to create a mobile hostage situation. The hijacking of the passenger airplanes on
September 11, 2001 are perhaps the most notable and clear examples of this type of terrorist

Bioterrorism: This type of terrorism involves the intentional release of biological agents to
harm innocent civilians in order to get the attention of the government. An example of
bioterrorism can been seen with the use of anthrax shortly after the September 11 attacks;
letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to 2 new Democratic politicians and to several
media offices, killing 5 people and infecting 17 others.

Cyberterrorism: cyberterrorism is when terrorists attack computers, networks and the digital
information stored within them in order to intimidate or coerce a government or group of people
to further their political or social objectives.

Nuclear Terrorism: This type of terrorism generally embodies all types of terrorism where
nuclear weapons are used to achieve the terrorist’s goals. Such things as attacking nuclear
facilities, purchasing nuclear weapons, building nuclear weapons or otherwise finding ways to
disperse radioactive materials would fall into this category.

15 DIFFERENT Terrorist Organizations in the World

Who exactly are terrorists? Are they rebels with (or without) a cause? Monsters with an
unquenchable thirst for blood? Mindless robots out on a killing spree or are they just human
beings fighting for the greater good?

These questions and much more have plagued the human race ever since the first appearance
of this breed of savage entities. It is virtually impossible to deny the fact that terrorists, whether
they are fanatics or patriots have given rise to an untold amount of death, suffering, and horror
wherever and whenever they show up. Their activities range from suicide bombings to
genocides, toppling of governments, air raids and a whole lot more. Terrorists all over the world
have butchered millions all in the name of patriotism, religion, or for the so-called ‘glory’ of
their fatherland. While the very thought of them is sufficient to strike abject terror into the
hearts of the people, their very actions have accomplished far more malevolent objectives!
With the numerous terrorist cells or groups scattered all over and operating in some unfortunate
regions in the world, the following represent the most dangerous groups ever brought into


Known officially as ISIS or ISIL which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (the
Levant/Syria), the group controls part of northern Iraq and parts of Western Syria. It has
fashioned a form of brutal government that enacts and enforces sharia law. The Islamic State,

which was founded by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has perpetrated acts of terrorism and barbarism
that are so cruel that it was condemned by even Al-Qaeda. ISIS admits fighters from around
the world and motivates them to relocate to “al-Sham” which means heaven on earth and is
believed to have nearly 80,000 fighters within its ranks in Syria and Iraq. The group believes
in an apocalyptic vision where they will bring in paradise by capturing certain territories in the
region. They encourage all forms of terrorist attacks in Western countries and accepts
allegiance from anyone who will swear to them. The group finances itself by selling slaves,
artifacts, drugs, and oil. They promote themselves greatly through the use of social media by
posting videos of grisly activities such as beheadings. Their latest actions have prompted USA,
Germany, UK, together with other countries, to carry out several operations with the objective
of infiltrating their ranks and battling their rising insurgence. They are also responsible for the
gruesome attacks in Paris.


Founded by Abdullah Azzam, Osama Bin Laden, as well as other militants, the Al-Qaeda is a
Wahhabi organization whose objective is to unite all the Muslims around the world in a global
jihad and a harsh interpretation of Sharia law. The al-Qaeda played a role in the US embassy
bombings in 1998, the September 11 attacks, and the Bali bombings in 2002. Even though
Osama Bin Laden’s death resulted in a setback for their operations, they remain the deadliest
terrorist organization in the world. Their attacks are sectarian related and their typical way of
executing attacks is through the use of suicide bombers or carrying out of suicide missions.
They are tremendously influential and are believed to own numerous aircraft including
executive jets and Boeing 727s.


The Afghanistan chapter of the Taliban is ubiquitous in their illicit activities. The group has an
annual revenue of nearly $400 million resulting from their activities ranging from extortion,
human trafficking, and drug trafficking among others. Mohammed Omar is a founding member
of the group and remains its spiritual leader since its commencement in 1994. The September
11 attacks on New York’s World Trade Center was perpetrated by the Taliban. The Taliban
was trained by the ISI and organized by the USA to free Afghanistan from Soviet Union
control. Reportedly they have perpetrated some of the most monstrous violations of human
rights ranging from raping women, ethnic cleansing, and recruiting child soldiers. The Taliban
rank among the deadliest terrorist groups in the world.

12. BOKO HARAM (now sworn to ISIS)

Boko Haram is an Islamist based militant group in Nigeria, and is affiliated to and receives
funding from Al-Qaeda. They are exceedingly vocal concerning their intolerance of Western
education and made the news for their abduction of over 250 Nigerian school girls. Boko
Haram literally means that western education is anathema. Boko Haram is alleged to have
killed at least 6,742 civilians between 2009 and 2014. The group was originally established as
a Sunni Islamic group and advocates for the proliferation of the very intolerant Sharia law in
places where they have seized power. They continue to threaten an overthrow of the Nigerian
government, which they say has become heavily biased and open to Western influence. In June
of 2011, they successfully carried out the bombing of the UN headquarters located in Abuja.


Ranked among the most notorious groups currently in operation, the Lashkar-e-Toba became
infamous after the November 2008 attacks in Mumbai. The attack resulted in the deaths of
hundreds of civilians and left the nation damaged. The group also carried out the attack on
India’s Parliament in 2001. With the sole intention of introducing an Islamist state in Southern
Asia, the Lashkar-e-Toba has sworn to free Muslims living in Indian Kashmir. The group has
also been notorious for using children that are aged 13-14 and from the impoverished segments
of society to propagate their terrorist activities. The group has also carried out bombings in
Delhi in 2005, the bombings in Varanasi in 2006 among others. There are shocking rumors that
Saudi Arabia is allegedly sponsoring this group.


This group which is known as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan forms part of the numerous Islamist
groups that have been active in the in Pakistani-Afghan border. Their intentions include the
complete overthrow of the Pakistani government, enforcement of the Sharia law as well as
combatting the NATO forces present in Afghanistan. The TTP which is led by Maulana
Fazlullah is not in direct association with the Taliban in Afghanistan. The attempted car
bombing in 2010 at Times Square was purported to have been carried out by the TTP. The
group has claimed to be responsible for several attacks which include attacks on Pakistani army
and naval stations, suicide bombings, and the bombing of the Pakistani UN offices.


The Lebanese-based Shi’ist militant group was established by Muslim clerics (headed by
Ayatollah Khomeini) with the sole intention of countering Israel’s occupation of Lebanon
(1982). Their intention has been clearly defined as they seek to expel all foreign presence,
particularly Americans together with their Western allies. The group is sponsored by Syria and
is also known to receive funding and training from Iran. Some of the terrorist activities which
have been credited to this group include the hostage crisis in Lebanon from 1982 – 1992, the
bombings of the Lebanese US Embassy in 1983, the attack in 1994 of the Israeli Embassy in
London, and many others.

8. Al-Shabaab

The group sprouted from the splintering of the Islamic Courts Union after it was defeated by
Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and their Ethiopian military allies. The
group was established in 2006 with the sole aim of stopping foreign Somalian military forces.
It is a Salafist jihadist group that is based in East Africa and it pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda
in 2012. In 2015, they carried out their deadliest attack which resulted in the killing of 148
students at a Kenyan university. The group has been officially designated as a terrorist group
by Canada, Australia, the UAE, the U.K and the US.

7. Hamas

Hamas which stands for “Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia,” is a Palestinian socio-political

terrorist organization, which was established in 1987 as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The group was founded with the objective of carrying out jihad against Israel and securing
Palestine’s freedom from Israeli ‘occupation.’ In its operations against the Israeli government,
the terrorist group is known to be significantly supported by Hezbollah. They are also

associated with deadly suicide bombers. Recently, a European Union court has petitioned that
Hamas should be taken out from the list of terrorist organizations in EU countries.


The FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) was founded in the 1960s, and their
regular activities include kidnapping, illegal mining, and extortion. The Colombian
Government together with other North American, European and Latin American governments
have all recognized the FARC as a terrorist group. It was discovered in 2002 that the FARC
and IRA had ties to each other- the IRA had received nearly $2 million in cash from the FARC
from their drug trafficking operations. The FARC has been credited with several killings,
assassinations, and bombings in Colombia and ranks among the largest drug-trafficking
organizations in the world.

5. Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK)

PKK is a Turkish group founded in 1978 and has been fighting for an independent Kurdish
state. Though internationally designated as a terror group, the PKK functions in regions such
as Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq, and is viewed in a positive light by the Western media due to
its station as a fighting force in the warfare against the Islamic State. Nonetheless, their official
status is that of a terrorist and rebel organization, and it also receives money from Iran. They
also have in place several influential lobbying firms based in D.C. who assist them with their
positive media depiction in the U.S.

4. Al-Nusra Front (a branch of al-Qaeda)

Jabhat al-Nusra or the Al-Nusra Front is Arabic for “The Support Front for the People of Al-
Sham” and operated originally as an arm of al-Qaeda in Lebanon and Syria. They are led by
Abu Mohammad al-Julani, and their importance lies in the terrorist group being the stoutest
supporters of the Syrian rebels that are fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad. This is one
of the rebel groups in Syria which receive assistance from the U.S. in the form of weapons
because it opposes the Assad and the Islamic State. The group has been labelled a terrorist
organization by Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Saudi Arabia, the U.K, the US, and
the UN.


The Naxalites are mostly linked with the CPI-M or the Maoist i.e. Communist Party of India
and derive its name from the village Naxalbari, in West Bengal where it originated. Currently,
states like Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand have all seen an
increase in the activities of this group. Their creation started in 1967 from a violent uprising
which was led by Kanu Sanyal to facilitate the redistribution of land to the masses. Their
struggle was encouraged by Mao Zedong, who was the chairman of the Communist Party of
China at that time, and who supported the Naxalites forceful overthrow of the upper-class
society and the government. The Naxal movement gained so much massive support and
momentum during the post-1970 era that students studying in reputable colleges in Calcutta
were frequently dropping out of college to join the group. Their objective was to provoke a
civil war by the assassination of individuals of great power. In 1971, Indira Gandhi, the then
Prime Minister launched the Operation Steeplechase (which included the Indian Army) which
lead to the killing of several Naxalites and the imprisonment of many more. Though their

numbers have decreased, the Naxalites still carry on the killing of civilians, policemen, and
security personnel. Dr. Manmohan Singh has characterized them as the “biggest threat to
national security.”


Founded in 1913, the IRA is a revolutionary organization formed from the now defunct Irish
Volunteers and are based in Ireland. From 1919 to 1921, the IRA was solely responsible for
carrying out a war of independence against the British. This war of attrition was a very vicious
affair and resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. Members of the IRA were trained as
guerilla units and were highly skilled in carrying out ambushes and surprise attacks. Just before
the conclusion of the war, the Anglo-Irish treaty was signed, and this resulted in a division
among the IRA: those who supported the signing of the treaty became known as the Irish
National Army while the rest maintained their membership in the IRA. This division
culminated in a civil war which the IRA ended up losing. Ever since then, the group has
continued to exist with the sole intent of overthrowing Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State
to realize their dream of an Irish Republic. The IRA has claimed responsibility for
assassinations (which includes the assassination in 1979 of Lord Mountbatten) and several car

1. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)

The LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) or the Lord’s Resistance Movement is a Christian
cult/dissident/terrorist group whose area of operation includes South Sudan, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, northern Uganda, and the Central African Republic. It was formerly
known as the Uganda Christian Army/Movement, and the United Holy Salvation Army and its
sole objective was the creation of a multi-party system of democracy, and the ruling of Uganda
according to the Ten Commandments. Previously, the US designated the LRA as a terrorist
group but has been removed from its list of active terrorist organizations. The group has been
alleged to commit a widespread violation of human rights, which includes abduction, murder,
mutilation, coercing children to take part in the hostilities as well as child-sex slavery.
Presently, the organization is almost defunct, but they have slaughtered thousands.

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