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14 Adventure

Galaxy Tours
5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Take off! Be one of the first humans to visit space.
From next January our amazing new spaceship will be making
regular trips into space. You’ll see your beautiful blue home planet
far below you and you’ll have the amazing experience of
Before you go we’ll give you a month’s preparation in our Astronaut
Our space tourists will have about two hours in space and travel
once round the Earth. Anyone can go, but you must be fit and

3 Months in the Desert

Take part in an incredible experiment in co-operation and
Join our international desert camp.
For three months, 150 people from many different countries
will live together in the middle of the desert.
You will be given one week’s training and a week of basic
supplies. After that, you are on your own! No shops. No TV.
No piped water or electricity. You can only survive by
working together.

Underwater city
We are looking for 12 brave people to work for a
year in our experimental underwater city at a
depth of 2.5 kilometres.
You will live in a special building on the ocean
floor. No human has ever stayed so deep for more
than a few hours.
Every day you will explore the surrounding area.
Who knows what strange things you will discover?

Photocopiable Learning Teaching Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011. This page may be photocopied for use in class.

Pre-Intermediate Teachers Notes.indd 28 11/16/10 1:06 PM

14 Adventure
Pairwork. Discussion.

Negotiation skills.

Photocopy one worksheet for each pair.

• Explain the basic situation: Students have won a
competition prize to have ‘The Adventure of a Lifetime’
for two people. There are three options: living underwater,
staying in the desert or going into space. Pairs must
discuss and choose one prize. Remind students that they
both have to take the same prize!
• Hand out the worksheets, which have brief descriptions of
the three prizes.
• Let students talk and decide. When they have decided, ask
pairs to prepare a short report back to the class on why
they made that decision.

Optional extension
• When students have made their decision ask them to
imagine that they have just finished their adventure.
• Students should discuss their ideas and then use the
following six headings to write short descriptions of some
aspects of their adventure.
How the adventure started
Where we went
The view
The most frightening thing that happened
Our most amazing discovery
How our adventure finished
Make the challenge higher by saying that students must
use at least one of the words from the vocabulary box
under each heading.

verbs: took off, flew, was delayed, gave

up, swam, climbed, carried on,
landed, was cancelled, was called
off, sorted out, sailed, travelled.
ways of travelling: by balloon, on foot, on horse, by
ship, by taxi, by helicopter, in a
spaceship, in a submarine
prepositions: across, into, through, around, over,
out of, along

• At the end, students can report on their adventures to the

whole class.

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