Turbo 2 Student Ebook

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Unit 1
01. Vocabulary
Adverbs of time
every | day | week | month | year| once | twice |
three times a | four times a | always | frequently |
usually | generally | sometimes | rarely | never

Routine Verbs
get up | have breakfast | drink coffee | check
emails | read the news | have lunch | leave work |
have dinner | wake up | go to meetings | make
phone calls | finish work | watch TV | go to the
gym | do housework | relax | see friends | sleep

Verbs to talk about technology

use a device | use a link | find a location| log in
update your network | post news | browser
create a profile | share news | change |
develop | read news on Linkedin | feed |
followers | go viral | sign up | sign in
half past
a quarter to
a quarter past
a quarter after
(minutes) past
(minutes) after
(minutes) to

2. Expressions
I'm connected to the internet.
I'm online
I'm going online
I'm surfing on the internet
I'm offline

03. Grammar
Present Simple
John starts work at 7a.m. on a regular basis.
Does Susan start work at 7 too?

Present Continuous
John is attending an importnat conference
call right now. We can't interrupt him.
Is Betty attending it too?
Talking about the weather
hot | cold | freezing | rainy | cloudy | sunny| etc

04. Functions
Beginning and ending a conversation
How are things with you?
How's business?
How's everything?
Really, I didn't know that.
It''s such a lovely day!
It's an excellent....., isn't it?
It's an amazing .... , isn't it?
Really? That's ..........
Let's do lunch later.
Well, it was nice talking to you.
It's being nice talking to you.
See you again soon.

05. Productive Skills

Speaking: Your regular routine at work.
Momentary short-term projects, which
are not part of your regular work.
Express likes and dislikes.
Writing: Small talk in emails
(pg 44)- look at PHRASEBANK (pg 54)
06. Suggested dialogues for Oral Practice

A: It’s terrible weather today, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it is freezing.
A: I hate the cold weather.
B: Mee too. And it is going to rain this afternoon...
A: No kidding! | You're kidding me!
B: Yes, too bad.

A: Do you know what time the presentation

B: Yes, at a quarter to three. (2h45)
A: And what time is it now?
B: It is 2h30.
A: Uau! Is that the time already?
B: Yep. Time flies!

A: How are things with you?

B: Fantastic! And you?
A: Pretty Good! It's an amazing ________, isn't it?
B: Yes, definitely. I totally agree. (comment)
A: (comment too)
B: Well, it was nice talking to you.
A: Let's do lunch later next week.
A: Great idea. I'll give you a call. Bye.
A: I am very happy with my new job. It is much
less stressful.
B: Really? Why?
A: It's so much closer to my house. So, now I
wake up at.... Then, (sport). After that, I have
breakfast. I leave home at around... I get to work
at... It is really so fast.
B: That's fantastic. Do you go back home to have
A: Answer. Then, I get back to work at around...
(describe your afternoon activities). I finish work
at aproximately ... (finish your description)
B: Wow! It was really a good idea to change jobs.

Adap thes
dialogue th
wa yo
se fi !

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