Talking About My Neighborhood

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Learning activity 3 / Actividad de aprendizaje 3

Evidence: Talking about my neighborhood / Evidencia: Hablando

de mi barrio

In a recording describe your neighborhood. Include the following information: the

location of your house, places of interest, transportation options and interesting
activities you can do there. Also include directions to get to your house from the
nearest bus stop. Use the examples below as a model to do the descriptions. Draw
a map of your neighborhood and include it to illustrate your recording./ Grabe un
archivo de audiodescribiendo su barrio. Incluya la siguiente información:la
ubicación de su casa, lugares de interés, opciones de transporte y actividades de
interés que se pueden realizar. También debe incluir indicaciones para llegar a su
casa desde la estación más cercana de bus. Emplee los ejemplos continuación
como modelospara realizar dichas descripciones. Dibuje un mapa de su barrio e
inclúyalo para ilustrar su grabación.



My neighborhood is called América. It is one of the most central neighborhoods in

the city of Ibagué. There are some restaurants and a nice bar. Also, near my house
there are several shops. There is a large park to walk near the school. The number
23 bus goes through the front of my house and there are also taxis, so there are
not many problems to get transport, my house is located on the main avenue that
connects with the city center, there is a cemetery near me house called San
Bonifacio, the school in my neighborhood is called Darío echandia Olaya and is
two blocks from my house.

The transport terminal is not far from the neighborhood, it is approximately ten
minutes away.

This is the avenue that crosses the America neighborhood and leads to the city
center, The neighborhood America has a street lighting that was installed about
two months ago, the neighborhood is increasingly safe because before it was a
little dangerous.
The America neighborhood has a wide soccer field where matches are played and
tournaments are held every weekend, this park always keeps crowded with people
doing sports.

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