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Hand in Hand Module 6 

: Nature : Any future without Mr .

it ? Kooki

1- Complete the table

Verb Noun Adjective

………………… Threat Threatened
Erupt …………………….. +++++++++++
………………….. Loss ………………………….
Conserve ………………. ………………………….
Affect ………………… Affected
…………………… Fertility …………………………

2- Choose the right options.

Which parts of the USA are (more / most / much) at risk of being damaged by major
earthquakes? California? Alaska? Certainly these states (had / have / have had) the most
well- known US earthquakes the previous century. (Although / unless / but) we should
include the area of Mississippi Valley around New Madrid Missouri. A major earthquake hit
the frontier Missouri town (on / at / in) December 16. 1811. Observes reported that for a
time the waters of the mighty Mississippi flowed upstream, in the process creating lakes in
Tennessee and Arkansas .The quake destroyed New Madrid ,but the number of (deaths /
dead / deadly) was never established .

Earthquake safety will require condemning (unsafe / unsafely / safety) structures, strict
enforcement of earthquake codes in new construction, solving the (threat / threaten /
thread ) to the pipelines and educating the public to the earthquake danger along with
informing them how to prepare (to / for / in) such disasters .

3) Match sentence parts from A with those from B to get a coherent paragraph.

A B Solutions
1- reports urge immediate action a- tax motorists in an attempt to curb 1+………..
2- The report highlights the use of CO2 emissions.
fertilizers in agriculture 2+………….
b- increase the price of everything we
3- the biggest worry for farmers buy. 3+………..
and other rural dwellers is that the c- on climate change
government tend to 4+……………
d- pollutants such as coal, gases and
4- This would be costly for the smoke 5+………………
people who depend e- as producing 1/3 of agricultural
5- However , increased taxation on carbon emissions
transport will f- on their vehicles for transportation.
4) Match the sentences in A with those in B to get meaningful sentences.

A B Solutions
1- threatened a- warming 1+…………….
2- global b- hunting 2+……………..
3- to curb c- of rainfall 3+………………….
4- to postpone d- resources 4+………………..
5- the lack e- species 5+………………….
6- natural energy f- a concert 6+…………………………
7- to trap g- toxic gases 7+…………………
8- to emit h- birds and animals 8+………………
9- a rupture with most of i- the traditional ideas 9+………………………

5) Find out 5 pairs of antonyms from the word list

1- …………………….#.........................
Word list: deep/ drought / clean / allow / prevent /
concrete/ dirty / abstract / shallow / flood

6) Find out 6 pairs of synonyms from the word list

2-…………………………….=…………………………… Word list: turmoil / cry / yell / emit / perish /
3-…………………………..=…………………………….. shiver / smash / release / tremble / agitation / hit
4-………………………….=……………………………… very hard / die

7) Match words from A with their synonyms or definitions from in B.

A B Solutions
1- extinct a- menace 1+…………….
2- startling b- to prevent from 2+…………..
3- threat c- no longer in existence 3+……………
4- storm d- to fall or almost fall 4+……………..
5- to curb e- continuous dry weather 5+……………….
6- heat wave f- surprising / remarkable 6+……………
7- drought g- very bad weather with strong winds and rain 7+………………
8- catastrophe h- to surround 8+…………….
9- earthquake I- disaster 9+…………….
10- to stumble J – rise of temperature 10+……………
11- to engulf k- seism 11+……………..

8)-Fill in the blanks with words from the list

Millions of people could be suffering from asthma and bronchitis because of acid rain
caused by…………………….. . Acid air is responsible ……………………acid rain .lakes and forests
have been laid to waste by acidity .And the effect on people may be ………………………than
dreaded .We now know that the bad effect of acid rain may be a …………………………to human
health .Acid rain contains tiny particles ……………………….when inhaled ,may lead to chronic
respiratory health effects .The problem comes from car exhausts ,power station gases
…………………..sulphur dioxide ,nitrogen oxide and other …………………………….. .

Words list: impact / threat / pollution / for / emitting / pollutants / compelling / worse /

9) Fill in the blanks with words from the list.

There is an opinion that says there’s no cause for concern regarding global warming.
However politicians have hijacked ( use an event or idea to one’s aim or interest ) the idea
of a ………………….to the environment as an instrument for dramatically raising taxes .As the
weather is still ………………….at the end of October ,we must all…………………..less carbon –
producing fuel as we keep our central heating switched off, thus help the…………………Perhaps
nature is trying to sort the situation out .But it’s fighting a losing battle while there’s extra
tax to be …………………..from the country’s citizens.

Words list: predictable / warm / alert / threat / taken / use / planet

10) Match sentence parts to get a meaningful paragraph

A B Answers
1- Man has always been a a- the natural process of life 1+………
messy creature ,but his b- animals aren’t the only creatures on 2+………
2- it was nothing but a factor earth 3+………
of c- disorder was of no consequence in the 4+………
3- Today with population past 5+………
growth ,industrial expansion d- have affected many other forms of life
and e- nuclear energy, man can cause unlimited
4- we can’t help being anxious catastrophes
5- All the fertilizers used in f- about the extinction of many species

11) Circle the right alternatives

The great Miami hurricane was first recognised as a tropical wave on September the 11 th,
1926 as a storm rush of ( nearly / swiftly / too) 15 feet was reported in Coconut Grove.
Many casualties resulted as people (crossed / rushed / shut) outdoors during the interval in
the storm .Most residents believed that the storm had passed during the interval. They were
(hunted / trapped / excluded) and exposed to the eastern half of the hurricane .Every
building in the downtown of Miami was damaged and (innovated / decorated / destroyed).
Hundreds of people in Moore Haven alone were killed by the rush .The great hurricane of
1926 ended the economic boom in South Florida.( Most / the most / More) than 800 people
were missing .A Red Cross report listed 373 ( dead / died / deaths) and 6381 injuries as a
result of the hurricane.

12) Fill in the blanks with words from the list to complete the separate sentences.

a- The old man ……………………..over a tree root and fell on the ground
b- The match was ………………because of bad weather.
c- the police had 10 minutes left to……………………800 people from the store after a bomb
warning was given
d- The cat ………………………..silently towards the bird to catch it .
e- Air pollution is caused by gases …………………….from vehicles and chimneys.
f- Many workers were ………………….from the factory
g- Thousands of victims………………………in the last floods
h- the little girl was …………………………in the civil war in her country
I- the little boy was …………………………out of fear
j- the famous actress was …………………… a crowd of reporters

Word list : orphaned / crept / engulfed / emitted / stumbled / shivering / expelled /

postponed / perished / evacuate

13) Fill in the blanks with words from the list

The French Minister has put his mind to the problem of global warming and his answer is
to declare carbon war on CHINA and America.
Let us tax goods from countries that have not ……………………… the Kyoto Protocol , urges Mr
de Villepin . The International Emergency Agency reminded us last week that carbon dioxide
emissions are……………………., mainly because ………………….a surge in the coal consumption.
Coal is cheap and abundant …………………….it is most needed in China and India , and the two
countries are engaged in a scramble to build power stations to keep factories humming .Mr.
de Villepin knows that a serious attempt to curb ………………………would be costly.
Word list: signed / of / emissions / volcano / soaring / where / chaos

14) Match the utterances in A with those in B to get meaningful sentences.

A B Answers
1- The safe disposal of nuclear waste a- collided with a big lorry 1+……
is b- to confess his crimes 2+……
2- they had a bitter controversy c- a major international problem 3+……
3- a midwife is a woman trained to d- inflamed the public opinion 4+…
4- the dangerous criminal refused e- about the sitting of the new 5+……
5- as the bus turned the corner , it airport 6+……
6- the killing of many innocent f- help) mothers / women in having 7+……
children their babies 8+……
7- Doctors can diagnose g- shouldn’t fall in the wrong hands
8- Although modern technology is h- diseases and treat them
beneficial , it

15) Put the bracketed words in the correct tense / form

Dear friends of animals,

We can’t imagine the shock I (feel) ………………………when I first came face to face with
(horrible) …………………..that were threatening billions of animals by manufacturers and
scientists. As veterinarian, I had been trained to help animals, to heal their wounds and to (
relief ) ……………..their pains . I had been (teach) ……………….not to turn my back while animals
suffer and perish (day)………………… . So in 1983 I found the In Defence Animals (AIDA).And
now, some 20 years later, words fail me as I am trying to express the depth of my
appreciation and (grateful) ……………….to the tens of thousands of IDA supporters that have
given my staff and me the resources to become one of the most (effect) …………………animal
right organizations in the world today.

Elliot M.Kats
President, IDA

16) Circle the right alternatives

There is a conflict between elephants and humans. For instance, elephants can destroy the
(corpses / crops frost) of an entire village in a single night .The greatest (thread / seism /
threat) to elephants nowadays is the ivory trade .Most commercial ivory comes from
elephants’ tusks .In 1989 an international (treaty / treatment / legal) limited the trade of
ivory, decreasing the number of elephants (been / being / be) slaughtered by many illegal

17) Underline the irrelevant sentence in the following paragraph

As rivers and other water resources have become more polluted, there will be a great and
growing demand to pure raw water for drinking .Thousands of different species are
threatened by pollution .A report by the Asian Development Bank says that 830 million
people living in the region’s developing countries don’t have access to safe drinking water
and more than 2 billion lack sanitation facilities.

18) Circle the correct options

An attempt to introduce a rare ( spices / species / spaces) of kangaroo into the Australian
wild has been dealt with after 4 of the animals were found ( death / dead / deadly) ,
apparently killed by foxes .The tiny Tamar Kangaroo were found killed in South Australia’s
Inez National Park, where 10 of the animals were transferred from a ( refuge / refugee /
ocean) in new Zealand in November .South Australia State Environment Minister John Hill
said mortem examinations would be carried (out / for / off) on the small Kangaroos .” this
unfortunate event reinforces our concerns that these tiny creatures will have a battle for
( extinction / capture / survival ).The deaths of these animals are very sad ,and we are doing
everything we can do to ensure ( their / they / them) lives” ,John Hill said .He also added
that the 6 remaining tiny Kangaroos had been radio- captured with a device that activated if
there ( was / is / will be)no movement for 24 hours .

19) Put the correct tense / form of the bracketed words.

The Greenpeace group has found that Indian children , living in villages and who are exposed
to dangerous high levels of pesticides, have poor memories .The group drew this conclusion
after (study)……….. the impact of pesticide on 898 children (age)…………….between 4 and 5
and 9 and 13 in 18 villages in 6 different states .The study showed that children in a control
group not exposed to pesticides performed 80 percent (good) …………than children in a
control group not exposed to chemicals . The extent of the used pesticide is (real)
…………..very high in India .Farmers don’t just use one pesticide but several to protect their
crops, which is very (hazard) ………… . India is the (large) …………..producer of pesticides in
Asia, and 90.000 tons of pesticides (manufacture) …………..annually
( Environment) ……………….groups have warned such widespread use of pesticides has
contaminated both food and ground water in India .So far, only the northeastern states of
Sikkim and Mizoram ( give up) ……………fertilizers, Greenpeace group indicated .

20) Match sentence parts from A with those from B to get a coherent paragraph

A B Solutions
1- In the past 200 years people have caused a- they die out 1+………..
many kinds of animals b- to die out and become 2+……….
2- People keep building houses and factories extinct 3+………….
in woods c- as they spread over the land 4+………..
3- If the animals can’t find a place to live and destroy animals’ homes 5+………….
4- Sixteen kinds of Hawaiian birds have d- they are losing their homes
become extinct e- for this reason
5- Other animals such as the Florida deer f- Hunters have caused their
may soon die out because plight.
21) Fill in the blanks with words from the list

Millions of children around the world may have suffered brain damage as a result of
industrial pollution ,scientists warn today .They ………….a ‘silent pandemic’ of brain
development disorders has been triggered in babies ……………to toxic chemicals while still in
the womb .The disorders include conditions ………… attention deficit ,mental……….. etc.
All are common and can result ………..lifelong disability, but their causes are ………….unknown
.Although a few industrial chemicals that damage the developing human brain have been
identified and in some cases………….. these could be just the beginning .
There are at …………..201 chemicals that definitely affect the adult brain ,while more
………….1000 chemicals known to be neurotoxin in animals are also likely to be …………to
humans ,it is claimed .While some are banned in Britain ,many are present in everyday goods
, pesticides and in the atmosphere

Word list: retardation / threat / than / harmful / fear / on / exposed / such / least / largely
/ banned / in

22) Fill in the blanks with words from the list below.

Lead / predictable / atmosphere / largely / mourning / which / depletion / protocol /

reaching / more

A recently discovered result of air pollution is an increasing “hole” in the ozone layer in the
……………above Antarctica, coupled with growing evidence of globe ozone ……….. . This can
increase the amount of ultra violet radiation ………………. The earth, and ………….damages
crops and plants and can ……… skin cancer and cataracts .This depletion has been caused
….by the emission of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs) from refrigerators ,air conditioners and
aerosols .The Montreal ………..of 1987 required that developed nations signing the accord
,should not exceed 1986 CFC levels .Several …………..meetings were held from 1990 to 1997
to adopt agreements to accelerate the phasing out ozone- depleting substances .

23) Put the bracketed words in the correct tense or form

The United Nations has ranked smog – a mixture of smoke and fog , in Mexico City as the
world’s second most terrible ecological disaster , after the (burn) ………….of the Amazon
forest , and last January the dense (pollute) ……………got so bad that city schools (force)
…………… close for a introduced a cleaner burning fuel and cleaner – running buses .But
the ( controversial) ………………measure is a test program that requires residents to leave
their vehicles home one day a week .Luis Manuel Guerra ,an ( environment) ………………,
estimates that up to 97% of all drivers are obeying the rules .The campaign which (begin)
…………..last November and will run for three months requires roughly 400.000 cars and
trucks to stay at home every day .And violators are to pay $ 100 .Fortunately the widely
publicized campaign has raised environmental (aware )………… . But the more practical
effects are less profound .The goal is a 10% reduction in air pollutants

24) Circle the correct alternatives.

Scientists are warning that continued ( destruction / destroyed / destructive) of the world’s
forest will trigger an increasing number of ( catastrophic / marvelous / bitterly) floods .The
destruction of vast forest areas in Nepal ,Northern India ,and Bangladesh has been a major
factor in the floods ( who / where / that) have plagued Bangladesh in recent years .Forests
help prevent flood by ( holding / sliding / damaging ) the soil in place and absorbing much of
the rain.Forests also ( supply / transmit / breath) much of the oxygen essential to life on
earth .Tropical forests ,the most important surviving woodlands ,contain about 2 thirds of all
plants and animal ( extinction / deforestation / species) . At the present rate of
deforestation, an (estimating / estimated / estimation) 15% of all species could disappear
within the next decades
The deforestation problem is particularly acute in developing countries .Until the late 1960’s
developing nations viewed their forests ( such / are / as) a source of income to be used in
the manufacturing and government sectors

25) Fill in the blanks with words from the list below

Predicts / at / coasts / taken/ by / which / flooding / deal / risk / melting

Britain’s annual bill for flood damage could increase 20 times this century unless steps are
…………….to fight the global warming …………….is causing it, a report by the government’s
chief scientist has said. The report ,written by David King , head of the office of Science and
Technology for the Ministry of Trade and Industry, ……………….that the cost of flood damage
would rise from one billion pounds a year to 21 billion ……………..2080. It said the probability
of floods along British rivers and ……………….could be between two and 20times higher and
that ………….due to rain could be up to six times higher .The number of people living in areas
at…………… was likely to rise from 1.6 million today to between 2.3 and 3.6 millions in the
future .King told the BBC that “investments in projects to ………………with flooding will need
to be increased over the next 20 years”

26) Circle the correct alternatives

Stories about disappearing wildlife are only too common but there are two (distressing /
finding / compelling) facts about the lynx .First , with only around 150 left in the wild ,they
could well become ( perish / endangered / extinct ) within the next 20 years . Second, this in
not happening in some far – flung corner of the world but in Spain virtually on our door
step .Iberian lynx belong to the cat family,(who / which / whose) includes about 35 species-
although numbers differ according to the source. Like their relatives , these striking
creatures are (higher / highly / high) efficient killing machines, but less effective when faced
with man-( making / make / made ) problems

In the past, (hunters / activists / scientists) caught them for their fur and meat and,
although (legal / illegally / legally) protected against hunting since the seventies, they are
still the victims of guns and traps, particularly those set for other animals. Other problems
(been faced / faced / facing) the lynx include habitat destruction, which is making their
numbers even more fragmented

27) Fill in the blanks with words from the list

As a farmer I’m concerned with global warming because one of its consequences is extremes
of weather such as torrential rain in autumn and the …………..we experienced this summer
.Not that global warming is a new phenomenon; the ancient fossils of tropical plants are
……………that the climate was once very different .All around is evidence of times ……………it
was also ………….colder .despite all the evidence the climate constantly changes over the
millennia ,there’s also evidence that man’s ……………..activities are accelerating the current
climate changes.
A ……….- published report proved that these changes have great …….. on food production
,processing and distribution

Word list: smash / drought / impact / much / when / industrial / proof / recently / chaos

28) Insert a convenient topic sentence


People keep building houses and factories in fields and woods .As they spread over the land,
they destroy animals’ homes .If the animals can’t find a place to live, they die out .Sixteen
Kinds of Hawaiian birds have become extinct for this reason .Other animals such as Florida
deer may soon die out because they are losing their homes. Hunters have caused some
animals to become extinct too.


It has been a major problem for most civilizations along the previous centuries .And the air
of the Western World has not been as clean as it is now for long time .Data for air pollution
since 1585 show how levels of smoke and sulphur pollution increased dramatically over the
300 years from 1585, reaching a maximum in the late 19 th century .And despite increasing
traffic, particulate emissions in the UK are expected to decrease over the next 10 years by
29) Write (S) if the words have the same underlined sound and ( D) if they have different

a- Ferociously / perish (……)

b- Postpone/ street (……)
c- Ferocious / postpone (……)

30) Classify these words according to the underlined sounds in them

[ ǝu ] [f] [ au ]
1-…………………….. 1-……………………….. 1-…………………….
2-…………………….. 2-………………………. 2-……………………
3-…………………… 3-……………………….. 3-………………………..

Words list : volcano / found / brush / hole / ferociously / drought / perish / pound /

31) Classify the words below as indicated in the table

Stress on the first syllable Stress on the second syllable

1-…………………….. 1-…………………..
2-……………………… 2-……………………..
3-……………………………. 3-……………………….

Word list : remove / asphalt / orphaned / tornado / volcano / earthquake

Hand in Hand 3 rd Form Module 6 Kooki


Verb Noun Adjective

Threaten Threat Threatened
Erupt Eruption ****
Lose Loss Lost
Conserve Conservation Conservative
Affect Effect Affected
fertilize fertility fertile

2) most / have had / but / on / deaths / unsafe / threat / for

3) 1+c / 2+e / 3+a / 4+f / 5+b

4) 1+e / 2+a / 3+b / 4+f / 5+c / 6+d / 7+h / 8+g / 9+I /

5) 1- deep / shallow / 2- drought / flood /3- clean / dirty /4- prevent / allow / 5- abstract/ concrete

6) 1- turmoil / agitation // 2- smash / hit very hard // 3- die /perish // 4- shiver/ tremble //5- yell /
cry //6- release / emit

7) 1+c / 2+f / 3+a / 4+g / 5+b / 6+j / 7+e / 8+I / 9+k / 10+d / 11+h

8) pollution / for / worse / threat / which / emitting / pollutants

9) threat / warm / use / planet / taken

10) 1+c / 2+a / 3+e / 4+ f / 5+d

11) nearly / rushed / trapped / destroyed / more / deaths

12) a- stumbled / b- postponed / c- evacuate / d- crept / e- emitted / f- expelled / g- perished / h –

orphaned / i- shivering / j- engulfed

13) signed / soaring / of / where / emissions

14) 1-c / 2+ e / 3+f / 4+ b / 5+ a / 6+d / 7+h / 8+g

15) felt / horrors / relieve / taught / daily / gratitude / effective

16) crops / threat / treaty / being

17) Thousands of different species are threatened by pollution

18) species / dead / refuge / out / survival / their / was /

19) studying / aged / better / really / hazardous / largest / are manufactured / Environmental / have
given up

20) 1+b / 2+c / 3+a / 4+e / 5+d

21) fear / exposed / such / retardation / in / largely / banned / least / than/ harmful/

22) atmosphere / depletion / reaching / which / lead / largely / protocol / more

23) burning / pollution / were forced / takes (is taking ) / most controversial / environmentalist/ began /

24) destruction / catastrophic / that / holding / supply / species / estimated / as

25) taken / which / predicts / by / coasts / flooding / risk / deal

26) distressing / extinct / which / highly / made / hunters / legally / facing

27) drought / proof / when / much / industrial / recently / impact

28) a- people are spoiling nature and threatening different species

b- Air pollution is not a new phenomenon.

29) a- (S) / b- (D) / c- (S)


ǝu f au
1- postpone 1- brush 1- drought
2- volcano 3- perish 2 – pound
3- hole 3- ferociously 3- found


Stress on the first syllable : Stress on the second syllable :

1- earthquake 1- remove
2- asphalt 2- volcano
3- orphaned 3- tornado

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