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A. Listen to a woman talking to Dan. Answer the questions below by choosing

the correct option.

1. What time does he get up?

 a) between 6 and 8

 b) 5
 c) not early

2. What does he do after he gets up? 

 a) has breakfast

 b) goes swimming
 c) has a shower

3. What doesn´t he have for breakfast? 

 a) some bread and coffee

 b) toast and eggs
 c) orange juice for a drink

4. When does he finish university? 

 a) after lunch

 b) At 11 o`clock
 c) At 4

B. Listen again to the conversation. Answer the questions below. Write the
answer on the line

5. What time does he go to university? He goes to university at eleven o`clock

6. Where does he have lunch? He has lunch at two o´clock

7. Where does he meet his friends? He meets his friends at a coffee

8. What does he do after dinner? He watch TV or he works online

9. What time does he usually go to bed? He goes to bed at ten o´clock

Jenny Milena Perilla Gutierrez

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