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Mid. Team Elbmobetaryy Name Moryam Ugbal Roll-no (sv)___, Section A) Sonester 1" Depadert,. Bator Course code? ___ Bot 402 GC Women University 45a — 6- Traditionad medicines { 4- UF =. 8 Gree phaseian Hippocrates 9- Corl Linnaeus bd ecologic) oriented! Oe A- Twe 6. Tobe 2- Fodse JT- Fase 3- Tue 8- Tue | Ye Fobse 9- True S- Tue - (0 Foye ee | Ponitorin {— Geneticatey } Gaasa Meonito: sng. rs In natuped — Short Gut aint the -habosadory 2 ee ais ants row. natural _envitnment * envirament , oho Plant. lants * placts becewwre tn mocks fied poe : thot are _genectially, tn He Feild, wie do mot _ Isnovs whet type dt bélween GM plant oy Inlevackions._\ates Place and emvommedrt Ro __sakerachoas may be. Competition pol wilh OU plants fox Tesousces ov ik be Matalsptic interaction Oe Can ths neceywaey Peasasilian inderactinn. So._tp the —Nod a \ Ccosiys bom ¢ [e__Know _the _advense affect ants nteching with natured envimrment, sn hecesiang 4 know [problem fer human heatth {pleads because, dk can cause fe a Sersouy, not i f monifs! olon e 1 erence le iii- Future Use of Data | TR data. obtained from | He monitor 4 Con he aed fee fatue (hye poker experts from different gould ——}Parscipate far 01 @gronomy.» hoe Aad N gus ecology , eI eho. poh pe GM__ plant (0 Hordontas gene ol generic mnateriod between _ceuls ent Specs es: ut sais are both , kif fer ont fit conventiena) _veprooluution. It can be explatredt arte __ the hulp ey Flample if the cou thot __ Ure pee to fhe babesateag. anol Reristant Ajene use Taste. i flow is the chanfey eS Sach a4 cameras lomatoes , tnbacto. palate Resistant acre Lncarporate Inte hese plact Thas _ferutant gene Avan fee Becoure there trees de __nat || have its \o _veproduce undes wh own Shade- and this wes \eplacad beg hemlac maple thu ts | q lynol 4 cemvirmentas war ning t | aiten by noture ef Tn In ov _chemicod Geoledion —In__ Science iv. —In__Liferature and fun ec MAG Plan ad medicines ant the Agri culduve Tissues anol genome eke matesa) from parent ty oh Ffsx eat Selena fo Species c SHS Different ram Conveationod Metro A Yeprocuetion tH Clamsica) repre ! fom bong Questions a Tia Future Prospectiva_| nobolany | ? How Jntellechaal. ie mi and._biopivacy ‘4 | issues (an be Resolved * I : pL Challanges a ‘ : fe c-_ Issues vegasding safely. ar, ee — Gale. _contiol_of plant = derived +» —— medicine: _ a- Biopi in ie a 3. Lock. Tnteblectuol prep. tg Right —_—— u- Many - derived molecules _—_—;— have mode 04 action unverified S- [sues regarding protection and. 4 Me Ladibionad zs Lnowleole | Rae 6- [issues Aclatect 4» patent Aaghhe t=. we herbal medicine and | them use without lade base fig genetic. Resource clue us Linas“ create! bey human being eae _ a, ater, pel 4 : to human aunely Future pe ies — Futwie proipeetiow oe Polyphase! oe, ’ so! means mann milk ply on mand. ¢ in whith _ Complex am mint emtrart = T = Patyphanmealepio) approath — a. Ekiminatebiopitacy | 3- Leavis Many dewgs ak fe apg approach Plant genetic | Rerousces wilh various ae S- Fdbnobota Fi oe ee ll ag ncuttre Suystem in wshich - plant Genetic Yeroune con _be Pos | Peserveot 2 Sula’ Bu yHedletiona) Lenaledge fam Yee ae, jf hasldana) —cammund es lay withouk |» —— Giving quutrtky . ds G wales | There Esme ean be vesolve throug nt dhe —_Fotent Rignt Patent ae irene _gire autos by Le tha Noto __cornmunitrer fax Shavig Voeie spockitanad Lnawtedlgs

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