Agreement For Sale of Flat

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This deed of agreement made this 22nd day of June, 2007 between M/s.
ABC CONSORTIUM a partnership firm having its registered office at 133, Kanungo
Park, Garia, Kolkata - 700 084, P.S. Jadavpur being represented by its Partners (1)
Mr. Amitava Debnath s/o Sri Sukesh Ranjan Debnath, residing at 5, S. V. Road,
P.S.& P.O. Jadavpur, Kolkata -700032 (2) Mr. Bivas Biswas s/o Late Sachindranath
Biswas residing at 49/A, S. V. Road, P.S.& P.O. Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700 032 and
(3) Mr. Chinmoy Ghosh son of Late Chittaranjan Ghosh, residing at 202/A/2A,
Raipur Road, P.S. Jadavpur, P.O. Naktala, Kolkata - 700 047 all faith Hindu, by
occupation Business hereinafter reformed to as the DEVELOPER (Which term or
expression unless excluded by or repugnant to the context shall been to mean and
include its successor-in-office, executors, administrators and assigns) Party of The

Sri Dipak Das S/o Late Subal Chandra Das, residing at C-24, Panchasayar, P.O.-
Panchasayar, P.S.- Purba Jadavpur, Kolkata – 7000094, by Faith – Hindu, by
Occupation – Service, after referred to as 'THE PURCHASER' (which expression
shall unless excluded by or, repugnant to the context shall mean and include his
heires, executors, administrator, legal representatives and assigns) Party Of The


(1) SMT. CHAYA RANI TALUKDAR w/o Late Adhir Ch. Talukdar, by faith Hindu,
by occupation House wife (2) SRI AJAY TALUKDAR s/o Late Adhir Ch. Talukdar,
by faith Hindu, by occupation business (3) SRI NARAYAN TALUKDAR s/o Late
Adhir Ch. Talukdar, by faith Hindu, by occupation business (4) SRI SUDIP
TALUKDAR, s/o Late Adhir Chandra Talukder, by faith Hindu, by occupation
business all (1), (2), (3) and (4) at present residing at G-3, Kamdahari, Banerjee
Para, P.S. Regent Park, Kolkata - 700 084, (5) SMT. GITA CHOWDHURY, w/o Sri
Gopal Chowdhury, by faith Hindu, by occupation house wife at present residing at
V/52/21, Green Park, Kolkata - 84 (6) SMT. JOYTSNA TALUKDAR w/o Late
Pradip Ch. Talukdar by faith Hindu, by occupation - service (7) SRI PRASUN
TALUKDAR s/o Late Pradip Chandra Talukdar, by faith Hindu, by occupation
student both 6 & 7 at Present residing at - 97/19, Purba Sinthi Road, Ghoshpara,
Dumdum, Kolkata - 700 030 and (8) SMT. MADHUMITA GHOSH w/o Sri Bivas
Ghosh, by faith Hindu, by occupation housewife at present residing at 159, Purba
Sinthi Road, Madhugarh, Kolkata - 700 084, hereinafter jointly referred to the
VENDOR /OWNERS (which term or expression shall unless excluded by or
repugnant to the context shall deem to mean and include their respective heirs,
legal representative executors, administrators, successors and assigns) Party Of

AND WHEREAS by the dint of a registered deed of conveyance being No. 7783 for
the year 1951 dated 15/12/1951Adhir Chandra Talukdar, the predecessor-in-
interest of the present owners became the absolute owner of all that land
measuring about 4 Cottas be the same a little more or less in Mouza - Kamdahari,
J. L. No. 49, R. S. Kh. No. 200 under Plot No. 466 (P) comprising Khatian No. 378
at present lying and situated within the limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation
Ward No. 111, being plot No. G-3, Banerjee Para, Kamdahari, under P.S.
Regent Park, Kolkata - 700 084 (vide K.M.C. premises No. 26, Banerjee Para) and
Assesse No. 31-111-02-0026-6 and the said deed was registered at S.R. Alipore
Sadar and recorded in Book No. I, Volume No. I, from page No. 144 to 147.

AND WHEREAS being the owner in the manner stated above said Adhir Chandra
Talukdar was seized and possessed of the said bastu land after constructing one
temporary structure thereon.

AND WHEREAS while in possession said, Adhir Chandra Talukdar died

intestate on 05-05-1977 leaving behind his wife Smt. Chaya Rani Talukdar, four
sons , i.e. Pradip, Ajay, Narayan and Sudip Talukdar and one daughter Smt. Gita
Chowdhury, as his sole heirs and successors who have jointly inherited the said
properly in equal share. Be it stated here that in subsequent period his elder son
Pradip Talukdar also died intested on 26-04-1986 leaving behind his wife Smt.
Jyotsna Talukdar, one son Prasun Talukdar and one daughter Smt. Madhumita
Ghosh. Save & expect as mentioned above the persons on the third part confirming
both the persons of first and second part that no other heir / heirs is/are left by said
Adhir Ch. Talukder and Pradip Ch. Talukder.

AND WHEREAS Owner no.1. i.e. Smt Chaya Rani Talukdar, due to her old age is
dependant upon her sons and daughter, now willing to distribute her share equally
among her all sons and daughter and the owners are now in peaceful possession
and enjoyment of the land described in the schedule - 'A' below having 1/5 the
share each from owner No. 2 to 5 and remaining 1/5 the share jointly by owner No.
6 to 8 as legal heirs of Late Pradip Talukdar.

AND WHEREAS the owners of these presents due to their severe accommodation
problem, have jointly decided to develop the said land by raising building thereon
after demolishing the existing structure standing thereon. But as they have no
knowledge in this field and also due to paucity of fund they have jointly approached
to the developer, the second party herein to execute the said work and upon
considering the proposal of the owners, the developer herein has decided for
construct building on the said land as per the plan to be sanctioned by Kolkata
Municipal Corporation at their own cost and initiative for the mutual benefit under
the following terms and conditions.

AND WHEREAS the parties of the first part & third part offer to sell the flat having a
super-built up area of 843 sft more or less for a total consideration of Rs.8, 80,000/-
(Rupees Eight Lacs Eighty thousand) only, lump sum and the purchaser second
party accepted the other of the vendor and to complete the transaction both the
parties agreed between themselves in the following terms and condition:-

3 -
Now This Indenture Withnesseth as Follows
1) That the purchaser has agreed to purchase the flat specifically
mentioned in the schedule- "B" hereunder for a fixed consolidated price of
Rs.8,80,000/- (Rupees Eight Lacs Eghty thousand) only, along with proportionate
share of land of the schedule - "A" hereunder and the common amenities, facilities
and obligations thereto;

2) That the ownership of the land has entrusted and empowered the vendor to
enter into agreements for sale according to developer's allocation and they
also agreed to join their hands the time of execution of the original deed of

3) That the purchaser has also inspected all the title deed of the deceased
owner, joint venture agreement dated 08.02.2004, sanction plan and all other
necessary papers and documents relating and connection to the said property and
being satisfied regarding the title of the owner and the capacity of the vendor
entering in the present agreement to complete the transaction strictly as per terms
of this agreement;

4) That the purchasers shall pay to the vendor or the Developer a sum of
Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lacs) only as earnest money / part payment of the full
consideration money and also agreed to pay the balance as per schedule - "D". The
vendor and developer shall receive and acknowledge the said payment and also
agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement;

5) (a) That the First Party shall at the earliest construct and complete the
said flat for and on behalf of the purchaser second party and shall
deliver possession thereof to the purchaser in a habitable condition
with good quality of new materials in good workmanship manner
strictly following the specification mentioned in the schedule - "C"
hereunder subject to payment as per schedule - "D". Force mejure
and circumstances like flood, earth quake and other natural calamities
beyond the control of the Developer always accepted as an excuse &
(b) In case the vendor or Developer fails to honour the stipulation
mentioned in Clause 5(a) the Developer shall pay to the second party
Rs.2000 (Two Thousand) per month for the house rent allowance until
Developer or Vendor honour the stipulation and the second party may
claim house rent allowance at a higher rate after 3 months from the
first receipt of the allowance.

6) That the purchaser shall have no claim save and except in respect of the
particular flat along with common facilities 4hereby agreed to be acquired and which
is more particularly described in the schedule - "B" hereunder. All the open spaces
lobbies etc. and roof shall remain the Property of the First party The purchaser shall
have no Right of any nature in the car parking / garage in the said premises In any
circumstances, if not purchased by the purchaser;

7) That the purchaser second party hereby agrees to pay the First party
towards the cost of the flat the total sum mentioned in the schedule -"D" (payment
schedule) hereunder strictly in the manner and at the state mentioned therein,
for acquiring the said flat described in the schedule - "B" hereunder;

8) That the First party shall till the completion or the Construction of the
proposed building shall be in sole and exclusive possession of the entire property
and premises without any objection, obstruction or hindrance whatsoever from the
purchaser second party or the vendor or any person or persons claiming through or
under them;

9) That the Developer, as aforesaid shall construct the building as per the
existing sanctioned plan by K.M.C. In case additional work to be done as per
written instructions of the second party purchaser, the cost of such extra work to be
borne by the purchaser as per estimate / bill of the L.B.S. of the First party;

10) That nothing in these presents shall be entitle the purchaser to 'make any
claim whatsoever in the said land, hereditaments and premises or any, part thereof
or the building thereon. Such ground can take place only upon transfer by formal
conveyance of the undivided interest in the said land as mentioned in the schedule
- "A" hereunder;

11) That the purchaser second party agrees to pay the proportionate tax and
outgoings of the K.M.C. or any authority from the date of possession till the
premises be separately assessed by the K.M.C;

12) That the purchaser / second party shall make all payments as per schedule
of payment as made in schedule - "D" hereunder to the First party or to the Vendor
and the First party or the Vendor shall issue receipt for the payment made

13) That the First party shall construct the building as per specification made in
schedule - "C" hereunder. The purchaser second party has liberty to inspect
the nature of construction by self or through his agent without interfering with
the work in any way, if not prejudice to the purchaser as per schedule - "C";
14) That the purchaser second party shall have every right to point out the
deviations or, defects during the construction by the First Party and the First
Party agrees to rectify the deviations if any, in the constructions;

15) That the First Party agrees not to make any structural change in the said
building detriment to the interest of the building or, present laws of the land;

16) That the second party purchaser shall apply for supply of electricity
connection for the said premises to be purchased by him and the vendor agrees to
arrange necessary consent to the first party for such supply of electricity by the
W.B.S.E.B., for connection for the whole building on behalf of the second party &
other flat owners and all expenses will be borne by the Second Party equally in
respect of common meter or separate meter;

17) That the purchaser second party will get the facility of common areas and
places as per schedule - "E" hereunder;

18) That the purchaser second party hereby covenants to keep the premises, its
walls, partition walls, sewers, drains, pipes and appurtenants thereto in good
and tenantable repairs and conditions and in particular, the various supports,
shelters etc.

19) That the purchaser shall not let, sub-let, sell transfer, convey, mortgage,
charge or in any way encumber or dispose of his premises nor assign, underlet or
part with the interest under or the benefit of this Agreement or any part thereof
unless and until all the dues of whatsoever nature payable under this
agreement is fully paid and satisfied and all terms and conditions herein is complied
with. The Purchaser second party however, may mortgage / charge the said shop
to any financial institution Central Govt. / Govt. undertaking / Autonomous Society
for raising Finance / loan for the purpose of payment to the first party or Vendor
after obtaining consent of the first party and the Third Party in writing. However, the
first party will be bound to give written consent for raising loan from the above

20) That the purchaser second party shall not use the premises or permit same
to be used for any purpose other than as a residential use. That purchaser will also
not use the same nor permit the user thereof for any illegal purpose and where any
license, permission etc., is required for the user thereof the same shall not be used
without obtaining license;

21) 6
That the Purchaser second party shall not at any time demolish or cause
to be demolished the said premises or any part thereof not shall make or cause to
be made any structural changes to the said premises or any part thereof;

22) That after the possession of the premises been handed over to the
Purchaser, if any additions or alternation in or about or relating to the said building
or thereafter is required to be carried out by the Government, Municipal
Corporation, Improvement Trust or any statutory authority the same shall be carried
out by the Purchaser in co-operation with the purchaser of the other flats in the said
building at their own costs and the First Party shall not be in any manner liable or
responsible for the same;

23) That the Purchaser second party shall not decorate the exterior of his
premises otherwise than in a manner in which the same is delivered or constructed;

24) That the Purchaser second party shall not throw dirt, rubbish or other
fetuses or permit the same to be thrown in the compound or any other open
portions, space etc. of the building and its part except at the place specifically
provided for the said purpose in the said building;

25) That all letters, receipts, notices intimations etc., issued by the Vendor /
First party and despatched by Registered post with A/D to the Purchaser
second party on the address given in this Agreement will be sufficient proof of the
receipt of the same by the Purchaser second party and shall effectually discharge
the burden of the First Party;

26) That all costs, charges and expenses in connection with the preparations,
engrossing, stamp duty, registration charges and all other expenses that may be
required in respect or transferred, or conveyance or any other documents to be
executed by the Vendor, Owner and Purchaser shall be borne and paid for by the
Purchaser second party;

27) All other costs, expenditure, charges etc. payable by the Purchaser
second party for the purpose mentioned under this clause shall paid by the
Purchaser second party;

28) That upon delivery of possession of the premises to the Purchaser second
party, the purchaser will be entitled to use and occupy thereof, and thereafter
the Purchaser second party shall have no claim against the Vendor / Owner
as the any defect in any item of work of construction of the said premises, such
defect if any should be brought to the notice of the First party for rectification before
taking possession; 7
29) That the Purchaser second party hereby covenants not to interfere with or
hinder or obstruct in any manner whatsoever the construction of the building or any
part there of. The Vendor also not to do anything whereby the first party is in any
way affected or prejudiced;

30) That the Purchaser second party hereby covenants that he will not
interfere in connection with use and enjoyment of the premises and common
parts of the said building by other fiat owners;

31) That the Purchaser second party will not display or affix any neon-sign or
any wall of the building or the terrace or the common parts of the building only the
name plate / board shall be affixed by the Purchaser second party;

32) That the purchase second party will not claim any partition or, sub-division
of the land or common parts of the building and shall not make any partition in the
flat i.e. by making the flat a smaller sized two or three separate units;

33) The Purchaser second party paying the consideration / cost of

construction and observing and performing the covenants terms stipulations
herein contained and to be performed by the purchaser, the Purchaser will
peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the said premises and the common parts
thereof when constructed and completed without any interruption from the Vendor
or Developer or any person or persons claiming through or under them;

34) If the default of the purchaser in making payment of the installment exceed
the period of one month from the date in becomes due, in that event the
purchaser in addition to the said interest of 24% per annum shall be liable to
pay penal interest at the rate of 2% per month on outstanding amounts. If such
default continues for a further period of three months, then in that event the
developer shall be entitle to terminate & determine this agreement. The
developer shall not exercise this power without giving one month notice & last
opportunity to the purchaser;

35) If the purchaser fails to make payment within 7 days of the final notice for
payment set out in the notice the developer shall cancel the booking money i.e.
20% of paid up money as & by way of liquidated damages & the said premises
shall belong to or vest with the developer as the absolute property of the developer
& developer shall be at liberty to sell the premises to any other person & the
purchaser shall not raise any objection or claim whatsoever. The developer shall
serve notice in writing on the purchaser notifying herein the date on which booking
& allotment of the premises has been cancelled & asking him to take back refund
within such date as be mentioned therein & no further communication shall be,
made with the purchaser thereafter. This notice is conclusive & final & binding on
the purchase & purchaser shall not have any right to dispute or objection or making
any claim in future on this issue in case the developer fails to hand over the
concerned premises of the purchaser in stipulated time developer shall be liable for
paying a penalty of Rs. 2,500/- (Two Thousand Five Hundred) only per month for
the extra period;

36) If the purchaser at any time wants to withdraw or cancel the booking, the
money so deposited or paid by him will be refunded without interest but after
deduction of 25% of paid up amount as any by way of liquidated damage and the
refund shall be maid after four weeks after the date of finalization accounts of
repayment with the purchaser with due notice;

37) Nothing contained herein shall be construed as present demise or

transfer by the developer in favour of the purchaser nor this agreement shall be
construed to be a transaction in the nature or part performance within the
meaning of Sec. 53a of the Transfer of property Act and such demise or
transfer shall take effect only on full and final payment of total consideration
agreed to be p*aid by the purchaser to the developer as specified in the third

38) Until the completion of the said premises and / or other premises in the
said building now in course of construction the said premises to be built and
erected on behalf of the purchaser, Developer shall remain in the exclusive
possession and the purchaser shall not in any way disturb or cause to be
disturbed the peaceful and quite possession of the developer and shall not
obstruct or restrict the right of the Developer to use with men and materials
every passage of the Building for such purpose as the Developer in his
discretion deem fit;

39) After the construction of the said premises the Developer shall give
immediate notice to the purchaser regarding the completion and with in 15 days
from the date of such notice the purchaser shall take over possession of the said
premises upon payment of all the dues payable by the purchaser to the Developer
under the agreement;

40) a) After the said building is completed and the possession of the
premises is taken over by the purchaser with his full satisfaction
regarding workmanship specification and quality of materials the
purchaser / transferee shall not be entitled to any amount on account
of any bad workmanship, 9specification of inferior quality of the
materials used in the said building nor of any construction defects in
the said building or in the said unit or in the said shop/flat. It is hereby
agreed that the decision of Architect is final conclusive and binding on
the purchaser before the construction of shop/flat;

b) After the completion of the said premises the total area comprised in
the same shall be certified by the Architect appointed by the
Developer and such certificate shall be final conclusive and binding
on the purchaser and the purchaser shall not be entitled to challenge
question or dispute the same on any ground whatsoever.

41) The purchaser also agreed to pay to the Developer in addition to the
consideration herein above all charges and cost for in addition alterations or
modifications or for any extra work or additional facility provided for in the said

42) The purchaser shall regularly and punctually make payment of such sum
towards maintenance charges and other out goings mentioned in the aforesaid
schedule hereunder written which may be determined by the Developer/
transferees of all the premises in the said building is formed;

43) The purchaser shall pay off the legal charges and statutory dues for the
purpose of Registration of the said premises and/or undivided share of the said
property in favour of the purchaser for the purpose of legal possession of the said
shop/flat to the purchaser/transferee;

44) So long as such shop/flat in the said building shall not be separately
assessed for the purpose of Municipal taxes maintenance charges and water
charges and purchaser/transferee shall pay proportionate share of water taxes,
maintenance charge and municipal taxes and other taxes assessed on the whole
building including the charges for consumption on electricity. Such proportionate
shall be determined by the developer on the basis of area of such premises in the
said building;

45) The purchaser along with other purchaser / transferees will not require to
contribute the proportionate share of the maintenance charges of the shop/flat
which are not sold by the Developer;

46) In the event of any default on the part of any purchaser/transferee in

making payment of the said maintenance charges indoor other outgoing the
taxes then in addition to such rights 10
the developer may have against the
purchaser, the developer be entitled to;

a) Claim interest @ 24% p.a. on all the outgoing.

b) Disconnect electricity in the said shop/flat. For the period till full
possession to be Association of the purchaser is given.

47) a) The work of construction at site will be followed as per the sanction
plan from KMC. If the purchaser wishes to deviate from the sanction
plan regarding the size / layout of any room/rooms/door/loft or
any kinds of deviation whatsoever, the purchaser will be solely
responsible for such deviation from the sanctioned plan and he/she
are sole responsible to pay the sanction fees or regularization fees
and other alide charges which will payable to KMC as regularization

b) The purchaser will also bear the proportionate charges for obtaining
the occupancy certificate and also the expenses for obtaining other
certificate for no objection related to occupancy certificate such as
Drainage Department Water Supply Department etc.

48) The purchaser shall have no claim save and except in respect of said shop
hereby agreed to be acquired by him parking space not belonging to
purchaser or provided for under this agreement shall remain the property of
the Developer and it shall have the right to use, transfer or deal with same in
this manner as the Developer shall in its absolute discretion think fit and
proper. Regarding all open space not belonging to the purchasers will be
dealt with by the developer as it thinks fit and proper;

49) The purchaser shall not store in the said flat any hazards or combustible
nature or which are too heavy to affect the construction or this structure of the said

50) The purchaser shall not decorate the exterior of the said building otherwise
than in a manner agreed by the Developer or in a manner as near as may be in
which it was previously decorated;

51) The Developer shall provide electric supply meter used as common to the
Developer to supply of electricity to his premises and for electricity used in common
areas and the Developer shall arrange to get the individual electric meter in his
premises at Developers costs and Developer shall assist in this regard;

52) The purchaser shall not deposit or permitted to deposit any rubbish in the
staircase or in any common parts of the said building;

53) The purchaser shall not store of any goods, articles, or things in the
staircase, lobby or other parts of the said building or any portion thereof or the
landings or any part thereof;

54) The purchaser shall not commit or permit to be committed any alternation
or change any pipes, conducts cables and other fixtures and fittings serving the
said building of the said premises;

55) The purchaser shall not claim any right over and in respect of the roof or
terrace of the said building excepting fittings/fixing of antenna for T.V. or not to
obstruct any further development or additional construction which may be done in
the said building or any part of the said land.


(Description of the entire property)

All that piece and parcel or land measuring about 4 (four) Cottas be the same a
little more or less land lying in Dag No. 466 (P) under, Khatian No. 378, in Mouza
Kamdohari, J.L. No. 49, Touzi No. 14, R.S. Kh. No. 200, P.O. Gana & PS.
Regent Park, under at present lying within the local limits of the Kolkata Municipal
Corporation under Ward No. - 111, Borough No. - Xi, Premises No. 26, Banerjee
Para (Mailing Address, G-3, Banerjee Para, Kamdohari, Garia, Kolkata - 700 084)
being butted and bounded by :

ON THE NORTH : Rest of the land in Dag No. 466

ON THE SOUTH : Land in Dag No. 167

ON THE EAST : 12' wide K.M.C. Road

ON THE WEST : Land in Dag No. 166

(Property to be sold)

All that one flat No. F3, in the First floor, having a super build up area of 843 sft.
more or less consisting of Two bed rooms, one drawing, one dining, one kitchen,
one toilet, one WC & two balcony, on the first floor on the Western Side of the three
storied building constructed upon the Schedule "A" property at 26, Banerjee Para
Road, P.S. Regent Park, Kolkata - 700 084 together with proportionate undivided
impartiable share in the land of the property described in the Schedule - "A" above
and also common areas facilities, previledges and obligations thereto.


(Specification of Construction)

1. STRUCTURE : R.C.C. Structure with beams, columns, Slabs.

2. WALLS : Internal walls of 3" thickness External walls of 8" thickness of

No.1 new bricks inside with plaster of paris finish over 15 mm thick
cement plastering.

3. FLOORING : Normal commercial situ mosaic flooring and Kitchen & Bath
floor will of glazed tiles.

4. DOORS : The main door and Inside doors will be of Flush Doors
Commercial ply on both side All door frames will be of sal wood and the
toilet doors will be of P.V.C. made doors with PVC. framework..

5. WINDOW : Steel windows having intergrated Grill with pressed steel

handles, stay bars and 3mm thick pinheaded glass panes.

6. WIRING : Concealed wiring within the flat with standard electrical


7. TOILET: Toilet having an Anglo Indian style Commode & other Euro style
with 6'-0" glazed tiles in the walls & with other normal fittings.

Low down cisterns & one White Wash Basin inside or, outside the
bath/privy. Conceal plumbing within the bath/privy. Provision for water in
shower line and two taps inside the bath/ privy. One C.P. Tap in Wash

One Black marble platform (2'ft. by 6' ft.) for cooking and racks
appliances with glazed tiles 2ft above the marble platform. One sink 16' x
20' size (Black Stone).Two C.P. Taps inside the kitchen, one on the sink
and another just below the sink.

10. The Balcony will be protected will be grilled and the main entrance will
have a collapsible gate.

Schedule of Payment

Total consideration amount for the said Flat No.F3 situated at the Western Side
corner of the 1st floor stand as lumpsum Rs.8,80,000.00/- (Rupees Eight Lacs
Eighty thousand) only, The schedule of payment will be made as following manner.

1 Advance payment i.e. booking money at the time of

execution the agreement paid by Cheque no/ Cash Rs. 2,00,000.0
2. 2 payment i.e. final payment will be made within
one month from agreement through possession or Rs. 6,80,000.0
registry whichever will be earlier. 0
TOTAL Rs. 8,80,000.0

(Rupees Eight Lacs Eighty thousand only).

N.B.: The payment of extra work should be paid before the job.


(Common Areas)
1. Stair case on all the floors.
2. Stair case landing on all floors in common with the other flat owners of
the owners of the buildings as well as the owners and/or the flat owners
of the building.
3. Common passage on the ground floor.
4. Septic Tank.
5. Water pump, overhead and underground water tank water pipes and
other common plumbing installations.
6. Main switch, common light fittings, pump operating electrical meter and
fittings (excluding those, as is installed for any particular flat).
7. Stair case room from ground to roof.
8. Drawing and sewers.
9. Pump room.
10. Boundary walls and main gates.
11. Such other common parts, areas equipment's.

Installations, fixtures, fittings and space in or about the said building as is

necessary for passage to or user of the flats in common and as is specified
expressly to be the common parts after construction of the building the roof and / or
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties here to have set and subscribed their
respective hand seal on the 22nd day June, year 2007.

Signature at Calcutta :









We have received till date the sum of Rs.____________________ (Rupees______

___________________________ )only by cheque / cash.____________________
dated __________________ drawn on ___________________________________
on allotment.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF the parties here to have set and subscribed their
respective hand seal on the _____________________ of year _________

Signature at Calcutta






3. 3rd payment will be made after 15 days of the
agreement. Rs. 40,000.00
4. 4th payment will be made after one months of the
agreement. Rs. 6,00,000.0
5. Last and final payment will be made at the time of
possession or registry whichever will be earlier. Rs. 1,00,000.0
TOTAL Rs. 8,90,000.0

We have received till date the sum of Rs. _____________(Rupees ) only

by cheque vide no. ___________dated ______________drawn on _____________
On allotment.
The sum of Rs. _____________(Rupees ) only by cheque vide no.
___________dated ______________drawn on _____________On allotment.
The sum of Rs. _____________(Rupees ) only by cheque vide no.
___________dated ______________drawn on _____________On allotment.


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