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2da ley de la termodinámica

- Kelvin-Planck

Es imposible para un dispositivo que opera en ciclos, recibir calor de una sola reserva y producir
una cantidad neta de trabajo.

- Clausius

Es imposible construir un dispositivo que funcione en un ciclo y no produzca otro efecto que la
transferencia de calor de un cuerpo más frío a un cuerpo más caliente.

Maquina térmica = flechas abajo y derecha. Nomenclatura igual EXCEPTUANDO Wnet in – Wnet
Refrigeración = flechas arriba e izquierda
1. A Carnot heat engine operates between a source at 1000 K and a sink at 300 K. If the heat
engine is supplied with heat at a rate of 800 kJ/min, determine a) The thermal efficiency
(hint: Carnot engines operate at ideal efficiency)




b) The power output of this heat engine



W=560 Kj/min

560*0.01667= 9.34 kW of power

2. An innovative way of power generation involves the utilization of geothermal energy-the

energy of hot water that exists naturally underground- as the heat source.If a supply of hot
water at 140oC is discovered at a location where the environmental temperature is 20oC,
determine the maximum thermal efficiency a geothermal power plant built at that location
can have.

Max eff = 1 – T2/T1

T2 = 293K
T1 = 413K

Max eff = 1 – 293/413 = 0.29 = 29%

Th = 1300K

TL = 300K

Ncarnot = 77%

Na = (1300K-T2)/1300K

Nb = (T2-300K)/T2

Na = Nb

1300K(T2-300K) = T2(1300K-T2)

-390000K = T2²

T2 = √390000K = 624.49K

7MPa -> 285.9°C -> 559.05K

2MPa -> 212.4°C -> 485.55K

Th = 559.05K

TL = 485.55K

Qh = 150KJ/s = 150 KW

Ncarn = 1 – 485.55K/559.05K = 0.1314 = 13.14%

N = W/Qh

W = (0.1314)(150kW) = 19.71 KW

1.6MPa -> 57.8°C -> 330.95K

0.2MPa -> -10.09°C -> 263.06K

Th = 330.95K
TL = 263.06K

Ncarn = 1 – 263.06K/330.95K = 0.79 = 79%

W = (0.79)(3kW) = 2.37 kW

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