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This book is divided into five major parts. Part one introduces the nature and role of HRM and
addresses some of the controversial theoretical issues surrounding the HRM discourse. It also
examines the notion of strategic HRM and explores various strategic issues. Part two reviews
the external contexts that affect human resource management policies and actions inside
the organization.

➢ Changes in organizational structures, job design and employee health and safety are
also examined in this section.
➢ The discussion in Parts one and two provides the context of HRM and prepares the
groundwork for Parts three to five.
➢ Parts three and four examine the key HR practices that comprise the HRM cycle
illustrated in Figure 1.2: selection, appraisal, human resource development, and
➢ Several writers have reported how each of these four areas is back in vogue.
➢ The use of the assessment centre and psychological tests measuring personality
appears to be on the increase (see Chapter 7).
➢ Performance appraisal methods, both among non-manual and manual workers, are
growing in organizations on both sides of the Atlantic (see Chapter 8).
➢ In the area of reward or compensation management, employers have been moving
towards a more individualist approach to the wage–effort bargain: merit pay, for
instance, is increasingly replacing the traditional practice of the rate for the job (see
Chapter 9).
➢ Theorists see human resource development as a vital component, if not the pivotal
component, of the human resource management model (see Chapter 10).
➢ In Part five we address some of the developments in communications and employee
➢ There is evidence that organizations are devoting more resources to employee
communication programmers and introducing employee involvement arrangements
(see Chapter 11).
1. In the area of industrial relations, the traditional 'pluralist' or 'Donovan' model is
undergoing change (see Chapter 12).


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Before sorting


China Beijing Chinese 150 billion 102231234 Km
New Zealand Wellington English, Maori 20 million 700Km
Germany Berlin German 100 million 1200 Km
Russia Moscow Russian 50 billion 93347232 Km
France Paris French 2 billion 87233Km

After Sorting


China Beijing Chinese 150 billion 102231234 Km

France Paris French 2 billion 87233Km
Germany Berlin German 100 million 1200 Km
New Zealand Wellington English, Maori 20 million 700Km
Russia Moscow Russian 50 billion 93347232 Km

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