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5963 SJS0010.1177/1457496916645963A Single-Institution ExperienceH. Seppänen et al.

Original Article

The Results Of Pancreatic Resections And Long-Term

Survival For Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma:
A Single-Institution Experience

H. Seppänen1, A. Juuti1, H. Mustonen1, C. Haapamäki1, S. Nordling2,

M. Carpelan-Holmström1, J. Sirén1, J. Luettges3, C. Haglund1, T. Kiviluoto1
1  Department of Surgery, Helsinki University Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
2  Department of Pathology, Helsinki University Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
3  Department of Pathology, Marienkrankenhaus, Hamburg, Germany


Objectives: Since the early 1990s, low long-term survival rates following pancreatic surgery
for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma have challenged us to improve treatment. In this
series, we aim to show improved survival from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma during
the era of centralized pancreatic surgery.
Methods: Analysis of all pancreatic resections performed at Helsinki University
Hospital and survival of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients during 2000–
2013 were included. Post-operative complications such as fistulas, reoperations, and
mortality rates were recorded. Patient and tumor characteristics were compared with
survival data.
Results: Of the 853 patients undergoing pancreatic surgery, 581 (68%) were
pancreaticoduodenectomies, 195 (21%) distal resections, 28 (3%) total pancreatectomies,
and 49 (6%) other procedures. Mortality after pancreaticoduodenectomy was 2.1%. The
clinically relevant B/C fistula rate was 7% after pancreaticoduodenectomy and 13% after
distal resection, and the re-operation rate was 5%. The 5- and 10-year survival rates for
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma were 22% and 14%; for T1-2, N0 and R0 tumors, the
corresponding survival rates were 49% and 31%. Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 >75 kU/L,
carcinoembryonic antigen >5 µg/L, N1, lymph-node ratio >20%, R1, and lack of adjuvant
therapy were independent risk factors for decreased survival.
Conclusion: After centralization of pancreatic surgery in southern Finland, we have
managed to enable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients to survive markedly longer

Hanna Seppänen, M.D., Ph.D. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery
Department of Surgery 2017, Vol. 106(1) 54­–61
© The Finnish Surgical Society 2016
Helsinki University Hospital Reprints and permissions:
University of Helsinki
P.O. Box 263 DOI: 10.1177/1457496916645963
00029 HUS, Finland
Improved outcomes for pancreatic surgery and long-term survival for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 55

than in the early 1990s. Based on a 1.7-million population in our clinic, mortality rates are
equal to those of other high-volume centers and long-term survival rates for pancreatic
ductal adenocarcinoma have now risen to some of the highest reported.
Key words: Pancreatic cancer; survival; pancreatic surgery

Pancreatic surgery has a high morbidity rate, and even tumor-histology, grade, Union for International
very high-volume hospitals report high postoperative Cancer Control (UICC) size of the tumor, nodes, and
mortality. In-hospital, 30-day, or 60-day mortality in metastasis (TNM) stage, lymph-node status, margin-
high volume centers for pancreatic-head resections resection status (R, considered R0 when the clear
ranges from 0.9% to 8.1% (1–5). In a very high-volume resection margin is >1 mm), type of resection, compli-
center in Heidelberg, Germany, with a case load of cations, adjuvant therapy, and tumor-marker levels
more than 2000 pancreaticoduodenectomies, the in- came from patient records. Analysis of postoperative
hospital mortality rate was 3.9% (5). Overall morbid- pancreatic fistula rates was according to the interna-
ity after pancreaticoduodenectomy has even been 59% tional study group of post-operative pancreatic fistula
with 27% of the cases being serious adverse events (6, (ISGPF) criteria (15).
7). Post-operative pancreatic fistula is one of the most Our pancreaticoduodenectomy operation tech-
serious complications and may lead to death. nique was developed during the 1990s to become a
Overall long-term survival (>5 years) of pancreatic standardized procedure by the year 2000. For malig-
ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), ranges from 0%–18% nant disease, operations began with laparoscopy to
(4, 8–10). In a debate over the accuracy of a histological exclude peritoneal metastases. When none were
diagnosis of PDAC one suggestion is that diagnosis of detected, a transverse laparotomy followed. Pancreatic
all long-time survivors needs re-evaluation by experi- resection was according to the non-touch en-block
enced pancreatic pathologists (8). principal including distal gastrectomy. Resection
Only a few reports from high-volume centers have included right-sided omentectomy, excision of the
indicated longer survival for a certain very small pro- right cranial peritoneal leaf of the transverse colon
portion of PDAC patients (2, 4, 9). These cases contrib- exposing the caval vein and renal veins. Excision of
ute 5%–6% of all patients undergoing surgery for the lymph nodes of the hepaticoduodenal ligament,
PDAC (2, 4). around the right side of the celiac axis, and excision of
The earlier high postoperative mortality, complica- the aorto-caval notch caudally to the inferior arterial
tion rates, and very low long-term survival rates for mesenterial axis, as well as along the anterior and
PDAC patients after pancreatic surgery have led to a right lateral side around the origin of the superior
demand for improved treatment for this devastating mesenteric artery were followed. If the tumor had
disease. Internationally, centers for pancreatic surgery infiltrated the superior mesenteric or portal vein,
have been established with multidisciplinary treat- resection was the choice. Pancreatico-jejunal anasto-
ment. By this approach, diagnostic accuracy of PDAC, mosis was routinely performed end-to-side with a
postoperative mortality, and long-term survival for double-layer duct-to-mucosa suture line. All the
PDAC patients can be improved markedly (11–14). In patients were referred to adjuvant therapy.
southern Finland, all pancreatic resections were cen- Neoadjuvant therapy was administered when the
tralized to Helsinki University Hospital, with its tumor was radiologically borderline resectable (16).
1.7 million population basis from the year 2000. All histological specimens were re-evaluated and
the diagnosis for PDAC was carried out by two expe-
rienced pancreatic pathologists. All slides from 2000 to
2006 were re-evaluated by both our local pancreatic
The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of pathologist (S.N.) and a German pancreatic patholo-
patients undergoing pancreatic surgery in general as gist (J.L.). Centralization of surgery over time led to
well as the possible survival benefits of PDAC patients centralization of pathology, as well, and specimens
in our hospital during its centralization. from 2007 and later were re-evaluated locally (S.N.).
Pancreatic malignancies other than PDAC were
excluded from survival analysis.
Patients And Methods
This study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki
From the Helsinki University Hospital database, we and was approved by the Surgical Ethics Committee of
identified all patients undergoing pancreatic surgery Helsinki University Hospital, and the National
other than necrosectomy between January 2000 and Supervisory Authority of Welfare and Health.
September 2013. Survival data came from patient
records and from the Finnish population registry on
September 2014 followed by analysis of cause of death
(COD) from pancreatic cancer or unrelated cause. Life tables were calculated according to Kaplan–Meier
Information on age, gender, American Society of survival analysis, and the log rank test served for com-
Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status Classification, parisons. Pancreatic cancer-specific overall survival
56 H. Seppänen et al.

was calculated from date of operation to death. Cox Table 1

proportional hazards regression served for multivari- Patients and operations (n = 853).
ate analysis. The Cox model assumption of constant
Age, mean (range) 62 (18–86)
hazard ratios (HRs) over time was tested by including
Gender, n (%)
the time-dependent covariate separately for each test-
 Female 435 (51)
able variable, when the assumption was valid.
 Male 418 (49)
Variables included in the analyses were T-classification,
BMI, mean (range) 25 (17–37)
N-classification, disease-free margin R0, lymph-node
Type of resection, n (%)  
ratio (LNR) below 20%, adjuvant treatment, grade,
 Head 581 (68)
perivascular invasion, carbohydrate antigen 19-9
 Distal 195 (23)
(CA19-9) <75 kU/L, and carcinoembryonic antigen
 Total 28 (3)
(CEA) <5.0  µg/L. Backward conditional stepping
 Other 49 (6)
removed insignificant variables at p < 0.1. Results are
age- and sex-adjusted. All statistical analyses were BMI: body mass index.
performed with SPSS (v21; IBM, New York, NY, USA).
Statistical significance was p < 0.05.
Table 2
Postoperative complications after the pancreatic resection.
From January 2000 to September 2013, 853 patients All (n = 853) PDAC (n = 306)
underwent pancreatic surgery, (Table 1). Of the 853, Fistula, n (%)
581 (68%) patients underwent pancreaticoduodenec-   Head resection n = 581 n = 254
tomy, 195 (21%) distal pancreatic resection, 28 (3%)   A 116 (20) 22 (9)
total pancreatectomy, and 49 (6%) other pancreatic   B 28 (5) 6 (2)
procedures such as middle pancreatic resection, enu-   C 14 (2) 6 (2)
cleation, or uncinate resection.   Distal resection n = 195 n = 38
  A 45 (23) 13 (34)
Post-Operative Outcome   B 21 (11) 2 (5)
  C 3 (1.5) 1 (3)
Of the 853, 13 (1.5%) patients died post-operatively. Re-operations, n (%) 44 (5) 20 (7)
The in-hospital mortality after pancreaticoduodenec- Mortality, n (%)
tomy was 2.1% (Table 2.) Clinically relevant grade B or  Whipple
C fistulas occurred in 7% after pancreaticoduodenec-   30  days 7 (1.2) 1 (0.4)
tomy and in 13% after distal resection (Table 2). Of the   In-hospital 12 (2.1) 4 (1.6)
44 (5%) patients who were re-operated, 40 (91%) were   All patients  
after pancreaticoduodenectomy. There occurred 17   30  days 8 (0.9) 1 (0.3)
(39%) pancreatic leaks (grade C fistulas), 10 (23%) bil-   In-hospital 13 (1.5) 4 (1.3)
iary leaks and peritonitis, 13 (30%) hemorrhages, and
four other re-laparotomies. PDAC: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Histological diagnosis was PDAC for 309 patients.
After excluding three cases with a diagnosis not con-
gruent, 306 patients remained for final analysis (Table (p = 0.004), lack of perivascular invasion (p = 0.001),
3). Of the PDAC patients, 52 (17%) received neoadju- and having adjuvant therapy (p = 0.016) (Table 5; Fig. 1).
vant therapy, consisting of either gemcitabine, gem- Lack of perineural invasion was associated with a
citabine combined with cisplatin, oxaliplatin, or tendency for better survival (p = 0.055) (Table 5).
radiation therapy. We had 151 (53%, with informa- Neither age, gender, and ASA class nor neoadjuvant
tion being available of 285 patients) patients who therapy was significantly associated with survival.
received adjuvant therapy, mainly gemcitabine or its When the R0N0 and tumor stage T1-2 patients
combination with cisplatin, kabesitabine, or radia- (n = 49, 16%) were analyzed separately, their survival
tion therapy. The 23 (8%) patients who turned out to rates for five and 10 years were 49% and 31% (median
have metastasis at imaging after surgery but before survival 46 versus 23 months, p < 0.001) (Table 3). More
receiving adjuvant therapy, all received palliative than half the N1 patients (111, 57%) received adjuvant
oncological therapy. therapy and benefitted significantly from it (median
survival 25 versus 13 months, p = 0.021).
In multivariate analysis, patients who received
Long-Term Outcome
post-operative adjuvant treatment had a significantly
The overall 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year survival rates for decreased HR, while patients with N1 status or
the 306 patients radically operated on for PDAC were patients with R1 had significantly poorer HRs than
74%, 36%, 22%, and 14% (Table 4). In univariate anal- did patients with N0-status, radical operation (R0),
ysis, longer survival was significantly associated and who had received no adjuvant treatment.
with CA19-9 <75 kU/L (p = 0.001), CEA <5.0 µg/L Patients with CA19-9 >75 kU/L, CEA >5.0 µg/L, and
(p = 0.001), smaller tumor (T1-2) (p<0.001), lack of LNR >20% also had significantly increased HRs
lymph-node metastasis (p = 0.001) or LNR <20% (Table 6). Multivariate analyses were adjusted for age
(p = 0.001), higher histological differentiation grade and sex.
Improved outcomes for pancreatic surgery and long-term survival for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 57

Discussion volume international pancreatic centers. For example,

Johns Hopkins Hospital in the USA reported 1%–2%
Since the beginning of 2000, the population base of our
postoperative mortality rates among almost 1500 pan-
hospital has increased to 1.7 million. Larger hospital
creaticoduodenectomies, and Heidelberg in Germany,
volume and improved surgical treatment may explain
an in-hospital mortality of 3.9% after more than 2000
our very low post-operative in-hospital mortality rate
pancreatic resections (2, 5). In one Japanese pancreatic
nowadays of 2.1% after pancreaticoduodenectomy,
surgery database with 8575 pancreaticoduodenecto-
which is at the same level as reported from very-high-
mies, the in-hospital mortality was 2.8% (17).
In our hospital, clinically relevant ISGPF grade-B or
-C fistulas occurred in 7% of pancreaticoduodenecto-
Table 3 mies. Johns Hopkins Hospital reported a 5% fistula
Clinical and pathological parameters of the 306 rate (2). The variation has been high (5%–16%) among
PDAC patients. centers (5, 17). After distal resections fistula rates vary
even more (0%–40%) (5, 18). In our hospital, the grade-
n (%) Mean B or -C fistula rate after distal resection was 13%.
Several attempts have been made to reduce the num-
ber of fistulas by differing surgical techniques and
 Female 136 (44)  
with somatostatine analogs. A Cochrane analysis rec-
 Male 170 (56)  
ommended octreotide for high-risk patients only (19).
Age (range) 65 (39–86)
Prophylactic pasireotide in a recent randomized sin-
BMI (range) 25 (18–37)
gle-center study reduced the number of clinically sig-
CA19-9 (SEM) 2158 (1139)
nificant fistulas to half (20). Pasireotide has been in
CEA (SEM) 4.4 (0.3)
prophylactic use in our center since that publication,
but following the period of the current study. Our re-
 1 10 (3)  
operation rate was 5% at the same level as in other
 2 82 (27)  
large series reporting a 3%–6% re-operation rate (9, 21)
 3 101 (33)  
In our series, the overall 5-year survival of PDAC
 4 7 (2)  
was 22% and in a subgroup of patients with T1-2, N0,
and R0 tumors (49 patients, 16% of all) the 5-year sur-
 1 29 (9)  
vival was a very high 49% and even the 10-year sur-
 2 139 (45)  
vival was 31%. In 2006, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, the
 3 34 (11)  
overall 5-year survival for pancreatic head cancer was
18%. When the tumor was <3 cm, and well or moder-
 1 24 (8)  
ately differentiated, radically operated (R0), and
 2 72 (24)  
lymph nodes were free of cancer, 5-year survival
 3 192 (63)  
improved to 43% (2). Of 1175 pancreaticoduodenecto-
 4 11 (4)  
mies for pancreatic head cancer, the patients with
these features numbered 56 (4.8%) (2). In Heidelberg,
 0 105 (34)  
the survival, among 1071, of an almost similar group
 1 194 (63)  
of 62 patients (5.8%) (tumor grading Tis-T2), the 5-year
Number of lymph nodes analyzed (SEM) 24 (0.8)
survival was 54% (4). In our series, Tis was considered
high-grade dysplasia, and these patients were not
 R0 221 (72)  
included in PDAC survival analysis. One explanation
 R1 55 (18)  
for our notably good survival results may be that an
 R2 3 (1)  
increasing number of patients are operated on at an
Perineural invasion 147 (48)  
earlier stage of the disease. In our series, tumor stage
Perivascular invasion 66 (22)  
was T1-2 in 96 (32%) of the patients or the lymph
Neoadjuvant therapy 52 (17)  
nodes were free of metastasis in 105 (35%) patients
Adjuvant therapy 151 (53)  
compared to other centers with a 76%–78% N1 preva-
Palliative oncological therapy 23 (8)  
lence (2, 4). Several other favorable tumor characteris-
CA19-9: carbohydrate antigen 19-9; CEA: carcinoembryonic
tics such as CA19-9 <75 kU/L, CEA <5.0 µg/L, higher
antigen; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; cancer-differentiation grade, and lack of perivascular
SEM: scanning electron microscopy; BMI: body mass index. invasion favored longer survival in both univariate

Table 4
Survival of 306 patients undergoing surgery for PDAC in Helsinki from January 2000 to September 2013.

Survival 1 year (%) 3 years (%) 5 years (%) 10 years (%) Median survival (months) n (%) p

All 74 36 22 14 26 306
R0N0 86 51 35 26 37 89 (29) <0.001
T1-2, R0N0 90 52 49 31 46 49 (16) <0.001

Note: p-values calculated with the log rank test versus other patients at 5 years (i.e. not R0N0 or not T1-2, R0N0, Fig. 1H).
58 H. Seppänen et al.

Table 5
Factors associated with survival in PDAC patients in univariate analysis (n = 306).

N Median survival months (95% CI) p

CA19-9 <75 kU/L 126 32 (24–39) versus 21 (16–27) 0.001
CEA <5.0 µg/L 230 27 (23–31) versus 17 (8–25) 0.001
T1-2 (versus T3) 96 34 (27–41) versus 21 (18–25) <0.001
N0 (versus N1) 105 34 (28–40) versus 21 (17–24) 0.001
LNR <20% (versus >20%) 236 31 (26–35) versus 12 (7–17) 0.001
R0 (versus R1) 221 31 (26–36) versus 15 (7–22) <0.001
 G1 35 (21–49)  
 G2 24 (21–28)  
 G3 12 (5–18) 0.004
Perineural invasion 147 25 (20–31) versus 32 (24–41) 0.055
Perivascular invasion 66 19 (12–27) versus 31 (25–36) 0.001
Adjuvant therapy 151 30 (25–36) versus 22 (16–28) 0.016

CA19-9: carbohydrate antigen 19-9; CEA: carcinoembryonic antigen; CI: confidence interval; LNR: lymph-node ratio.

Fig 1. (Continued)
Improved outcomes for pancreatic surgery and long-term survival for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 59

Fig. 1. Association of A) preoperative CA19-9 <75 kU/L (p = 0.001), B) preoperative CEA <5.0 µg/L (p = 0.001), C) tumor stage T1-2
(p < 0.001), D) N-stage (p < 0.001), E) LNR < 20% (p < 0.001), F) disease-free margins (R0) (p < 0.001), G) lymph node status and resection
margin (p < 0.001), H) small tumor stage (T1-2), no lymph-node metastasis (N0) and clear resection margins (R0) (p < 0.001), I) histological
differentiation grade (p = 0.004), J) perivascular invasion (p = 0.001), and K) adjuvant therapy compared to observation alone (p = 0.016) on
survival after the pancreatic resection in PDAC patients.
CA19-9: carbohydrate antigen 19-9; CEA: carcinogenic antigen; LNR: lymph-node ratio; PDAC: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

and multivariate analysis, as could be expected. Our extended lymphadenectomy improves overall survival
results stress the need for an earlier diagnosis of remains beyond the scope of our study. Thus far, five
PDAC. prospective randomized studies show no survival ben-
The role of extended lymphadenectomy has been efit after extended lymphadenectomy. Conversely, after
under debate. In gastric cancer, the increased survival extended lymphadenectomy, one meta-analysis showed
after D2 lymph node dissection encouraged us to change a decrease in two- and 3-year survival (4, 24–29).
the surgical technique toward the same principle also in Covering the years 1990–1996, a former one Finnish
PDAC patients (22, 23). In some studies, extended lym- study showed that only one patient in Finland with
hadenectomy has led to an increased number of R0 PDAC survived clearly longer than 5 years (8). A high
resections associated with better survival. Whether number of misdiagnoses among long-term survivors
60 H. Seppänen et al.

Table 6 Funds are acknowledged for supporting this study. None of

Multivariate analysis of 306 patients undergoing surgery for PDAC in the foundations have been involved in the study design.
Helsinki January 2000 to September 2013.
Variable 95% CI   Declaration Of Conflicting Interests
HR Lower Upper p The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
Aged over 65 years 1.3 0.9 1.8 0.1486
this article.
Gender female 1.2 0.9 1.8 0.2261
CA19-9 >75 kU/L 1.5 1.0 2.1 0.0368
CEA >5 µg/L 2.4 1.6 3.7 0.0001 References
N1 1.8 1.2 2.8 0.0046
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