Cbcpmonitor Vol15 n07

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•A3 humility

Confession teaches
to priests and
•B1 “Pahalagahan
ang buhay”
•C1UgnayanThe News Supplement for
penitents, Pope says Couples for Christ

Advocates urge priests to Study shows annulment

use pulpit vs RH bill cases in PH rising
SOME anti-reproductive health bill advocates THE number of annulment of marriages in the
called on Catholic priests to use the pulpit in Philippines rose by more than 40% over the
the campaign against the measure. past ten years, according to the Office of the
According to them, priests should be more Solicitor General.
aggressive in preaching the people about the From 2001, the country had 4,520 cases and
church’s stand against the bill. 8,282 in 2010. This brings a daily average of at
Since the church’s stand don’t get much least 22 cases filed every day.
media attention, they said, it’s about time for Common grounds for legal separation or
church officials to use the pulpits in delivering declaration of nullity is psychological incapac-
sermons about the bill during Masses. ity, according to a document sent to CBCP-
Advocates / A6 March 28 - April 10, 2011 Vol. 15 No. 7 Php 20.00 Annulment / A6

Pope urges faithful not

to give up fight vs RH
By Roy Lagarde

POPE Benedict XVI called on

Catholics to strengthen their
resolve and not give up the fight
against any “attacks” to life and
the family.
In a statement read during a prayer rally
on March 25 against the reproductive health
(RH) bill, the pope urged Filipinos to respect
and protect every human life.
The pontiff’s message was relayed by
Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone
in a letter to the Filipino cardinals.
“His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI recom-
mended the defense of these values which
remain vital to the whole of Filipino soci-
ety,” said Bertone.
“I again encourage you and all who value
the human person to be firm in your com-
mitment to honor God and, by doing so,
to manifest a deep love for life and for its
protection at this time,” he said.
Aimed at promoting the use of contracep-
tives, Bertone said that the bill is again put-
ting the Filipino society in a “difficult period
in all that concerns life and its defense.”
“The Church is not indifferent in such

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

moments because she believes that life is
sacred, a gift from God who calls man to
cooperate with Him, aided by a deep sense
of responsibility for his actions,” the Vatican
Pope / A6 Filipinos trooped to the Quirino Grandstand in Luneta March 25, Feast of the Annunciation and Day of the Unborn; to protest against “attacks” on the sanctity of life and integrity of
the family. Organized by the Archdiocese of Manila, the interfaith rally drew an estimated 200,000 people coming from different religious denominations.

Bishops mourn executed Phivolcs Chief to

Pinoy drug mules Church officials:
Check stability of
CATHOLIC bishops are mourning the death I also wish to extend my deep condolences “We already know that there are laws in

old churches
of three Filipino drug mules who were ex- to the families of those executed and I pray each country about drugs… this is a lesson
ecuted in China on March 30. for the eternal repose of their souls,” he said. for all to be careful and to respect the laws of
At the same time, the prelates said it “I also pray for all those OFWs who are un- other nations also,” dela Cruz added.
should serve as lesson for overseas Filipino der great suffering at this time.” Ramon Credo, 42, Elizabeth Batain, 38,
workers (OFWs) to be extra careful abroad. Kidapawan Bishop Romulo dela Cruz also and Sally Villanueva, 32, were executed
Cotabato Archbishop Orlando Quevedo said said he is saddened by what happened and by lethal injection on Wednesday morning
OFWs should make sure they know the laws of expressed condolences over the death of the after they were found guilty of illegal drug
the country they are in to avoid trouble. three Filipinos. trafficking.
“We cannot control the administration of “I’m sorry for the families who are bereav- The execution took place despite earnest
justice in other countries,” said Quevedo, ing now. I hope that this will also serve as a appeal from the Aquino administration to
former president of the Catholic Bishops’ lesson for the future that our OFWs should have their death sentence commuted to life.
Conference of the Philippines. be more careful,” he said. (CBCPNews)

ARMM postponement
disappoints bishop
A CATHOLIC bishop is disap- scheduled to solve the present “They have the power of au-
pointed over President Aquino’s problems in his province. thority so let’s hope for [the] best
call to defer elections in the “First and foremost I am because that’s what the President
Autonomous Region in Muslim frustrated (with the planned has promised that he will clean
Mindanao (ARMM). postponement of the ARMM the government,” he said.

The ARMM polls are elections),” Jumoad said over “I hope it will materialize… I
set on August 11 but the Catholic Church-run Radyo am a law abiding citizen and I
San Agustin Church
administration’s allies in Veritas. respect the decision of the gov-
Congress are determined to But the Mindanao prelate said ernment,” Jumoad added.
have it postponed. he will respect the decision of On March 22, the House of DIRECTOR of Philippine es are also point of interest

Basilan Bishop Martin Ju- the government and will remain Representatives approved a Institute of Volcanology and among tourists, he added.
moad maintains that the elec- hopeful that it will bring good to bill seeking to synchronize the Seismology (Phivolcs) Dr. Re- He said concern from church
Bishop Martin Jumoad
tions should push through as their region. ARMM / A6 nato Solidum urged Church authorities is a manifestation
officials to ensure the stability of its social responsibility.

2 bishops urge pork barrel cut for OFWs

of church structures against The Philippines had records
earthquakes. of destructive earthquakes
The Phivolcs chief said and most of these are found
church officials should so- in Manila, specifically in In-
AT least two Catholic bishops urged law- licit professional help from tramuros, the first established
makers to use their pork barrel funds in the civil and structural engineers city.
repatriation of overseas Filipino workers to check on the strength of The most destructive earth-
caught in armed conflicts abroad. church edifices in the light quake to hit the Philippines
The prelates said the lawmakers should of recent earthquakes that was the one that originated
help finance repatriation of thousands of devastated neighboring coun- from the Philippine Fault
OFWs in Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and tries. Zone in 1880.
even in the quake-ravaged Japan. Solidum said a significant He said many churches in
Maasin Bishop Precioso Cantillas said con- number of people regularly Manila and Infanta, Quezon
gressmen and senators should allocate a portion flock to churches. Old church- Philvocs / A6
Illustration by Bladimer Usi
Cut / A6

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World News
CBCP Monitor
A2 Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

US bishops question use of force in Libya

Stress moral responsibility, principles of justice
Vatican Briefing
Prefect promotes adoration for vocations, holy clergy
The prefect of the Congregation for Clergy says the value
of Eucharistic adoration cannot be overestimated, and he is
recommending that every diocese have an adoration chapel
or shrine dedicated to the intentions of consecrated vocations
and the sanctification of the clergy. Cardinal Mauro Piacenza
affirmed this in a March 4 note to Bishop Dominique Rey of
Frejus-Toulon, France. The bishop is promoting an international
conference on Eucharistic adoration, to be held June 20-24 in
Rome at the Salesianum. “We cannot overestimate the im-
portance of adoring the Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
knowing that worship is the highest act of the People of God,”
the cardinal wrote. (Zenit)

Vatican urges support of Holy Land collection

The Congregation for Eastern Churches is urging Catholics
worldwide to support the Good Friday collection for the
Church in the Holy Land. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, pre-
fect of that dicastery, sent a letter with an appeal to recall
this “commitment that dates back to apostolic times.” He
affirmed that “the Holy Land expects the brotherhood of
the universal Church and desires to reciprocate it in shar-
ing the experience of grace and suffering that marks her
journey.” (Zenit)

Church needs courageous apostles to fight religious

Pope Benedict said at his general audience that the modern
world needs “zealous” disciples of Christ, who will fight reli-
gious indifference with the “light and beauty” of the Gospel.

The Pope dedicated his teaching at the Vatican on March 23
to St. Lawrence of Brindisi, who was born in Italy in 1559 and
was named one of the Doctors of the Church for his expertise
in preaching Catholic doctrine and Sacred Scripture. St. Law-
WASHINGTON, D.C., March “massacres” of Libyan protes- of, civilians’ appears to meet this population of Libya? Is the force rence is known for his “clear and tranquil” explanations of the
28, 2011—The U.S. bishops are tors and bombings of rebel criterion in our judgment.” employed proportionate to the Christian faith to his surrounding culture, the pontiff noted,
urging government leaders to forces by Muammar Gaddafi, He added, “Since the protec- goal of protecting civilians? Is it particularly to those who had left the Church in the wake of
examine the use of military force the country’s leader for 42 years, tion of civilians is paramount, producing evils graver than the the Reformation. (CNA)
in Libya according to principles the U.N. Security Council passed a key question is: Will the coali- evil it hopes to address?
of moral responsibility and the Resolution 1973. This resolution tion actions stay focused on this “What are the implications of New book features in-flight interviews with John Paul
protection of human life. authorized the international limited goal and mission?” the use of force for the future II
Bishop Howard Hubbard of community to establish a no-fly “In recent years,” Bishop Hub- welfare of the Libyan people and Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi recently announced
Albany, New York, chairman of zone, and to allow for the use bard observed, “the Holy See the stability of the region?” the release of the book, “Traveling Companions, In-flight Inter-
the United States Conference of of “all means necessary” for the has emphasized the role of in- He pointed out that “the jus- views with John Paul II.” The book, which features a selection
Catholic Bishops Committee on protection of Libyan civilians. ternational bodies in authorizing tice of a cause does not lessen the of in-flight interviews the late Pope John Paul II gave to journal-
International Justice and Peace, On March 19, several countries humanitarian interventions into moral responsibility to comply ists, was released March 23 at the offices of Vatican Radio. Fr.
wrote a letter last Thursday launched bombing attacks on sovereign nations.” with the norms of civilian im- Lombardi explained that Vatican Radio preserved recordings
to National Security Advisor the Libyan military systems in munity and proportionality.” of the interviews given by John Paul II during the first years
Thomas Donilon emphasizing Tripoli and elsewhere. Careful monitoring In this regard, the bishop of his pontificate. The organization then made them available
these points. Underlining Catholic teach- He added, “The United Na- raised other questions, such as: to journalist Angela Ambrogetti, author of the new book. The
The prelate acknowledged, ing, that “the use of force must tions Security Council needs to “Is force being used in ways that book was published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana, the Vatican
“Recently our nation in coali- always be a last resort that serves continue to monitor carefully protect civilian lives? publishing house. (CNA)
tion with others embarked on a just cause,” the bishop affirmed, the mission and the use of force “Are civilian casualties being
an internationally-sanctioned “The just cause articulated in in Libya.” avoided? Is the destruction of Pope Benedict prays for peace in Libya
military mission to protect ci- U.N. Security Council Resolution The prelate outlined “impor- lives and property proportionate Responding to the widening military conflict, Pope Benedict
vilians in Libya from their own 1973 to demand ‘a ceasefire and tant questions” in this regard, to the good being achieved in XVI has prayed for a “horizon of peace and harmony” to arise
government.” a complete end to violence and including: “How is the use of terms of saving civilian lives?” in Libya. He also assured the people of Libya of his “heartfelt
In the wake of reports of all attacks against, and abuses force protecting the civilian (Zenit) closeness.” “The disturbing news coming from Libya has

US bishops reiterate commitment

awakened in me fear and trepidation,” Pope Benedict told
the faithful in St. Peter’s Square after the traditional Sunday
Angelus prayers. He reported that he had offered a “special
prayer” about the state of affairs in Libya during his Lenten

to fighting clerical abuse

spiritual exercises recently. (CNA)

Atheists and Catholics in Paris examine question of God

Pope Benedict XVI called for a greater sense of brotherhood
WASHINGTON D.C., March 25, 2011―Arch- Archbishop Dolan emphasized that the priority.” in the world as the first official modern forum for dialogue
bishop Timothy M. Dolan, the head of the Church will continue to enforce a zero-tol- Archbishop Dolan also expressed his between believers and non-believers was inaugurated last
U.S. bishops’ conference, reiterated the bish- erance policy, referencing the bishops’ 2002 thanks to the conference’s National Review week in Paris. “Religions cannot be afraid of a just secularism,
ops’ resolve to swiftly remove priests guilty Charter for the Protection of Children and Board—an initiative that works to prevent a secularism that is open and allows individuals to live accord-
of sex abuse from active ministry. Young People, which was drafted in the wake sexual abuse of minors within the Church— ing to what they believe in their own consciences,” he said. “If
Archbishop Dolan released a March 22 of the first revelations of sex abuse by clergy. as well as “Catholic parents, professionals, we are to build a world of freedom, equality and fraternity,
statement—just ahead of National Child “Over the past nine years, we have con- the victim-survivor community, law enforce- believers and non-believers should feel themselves to be free,
Abuse Prevention Month in April—saying stantly reviewed the high promises and ment officials, and our diocesan victim- with equal rights to live their individual and community lives
that the occasion provides an opportunity rigorous mandates of the Charter, as we assistance coordinators.” in accordance with their own convictions; and they must be
“to unite with all Americans in a renewed continually try to make it even more effec- The archbishop noted that annual outside brothers to one another.” (CNA)
resolve to halt the scourge of sexual abuse tive,” he said. audits by forensic experts will continue,
of youth in our society.” “We want to learn from our mistakes and “checking that we remain faithful to the pro- Pope picks Augustinian nun to write Good Friday
Archbishop Dolan also cited “recent dis- we welcome constructive criticism,” the cesses in place to protect our young people, meditations
closures” about the Church’s response to the archbishop said, adding that the U.S. bishops promote healing of victims survivors and Pope Benedict XVI chose an Augustinian nun to author the
clerical sexual abuse of minors as a primary “remain especially firm in our commitment restore trust.” texts for this year’s Way of the Cross procession on Good
reason for his statement. to remove permanently from public ministry “In short, the progress made must contin- Friday, the Vatican announced March 25. Mother Maria Rita
Earlier this month, Cardinal Justin Rigali any priest who committed such an intoler- ue and cannot be derailed,” he said, adding Piccione, a contemplative nun who leads the Federation of
placed 21 Philadelphia priests on admin- able offense.” that “we want to strengthen it even more.” Augustinian Nuns, wrote the texts that will be read at each
istrative leave following an investigation The conference president said that “this “We can never stop working at it, because of the 14 stations, the Vatican statement said. Each year, the
into a grand jury report that said there were painful issue continues to receive our care- each child and young person must always pope selects a different person to author the texts that mark
credible abuse allegations against the clergy ful attention” and that “the protection of be safe, loved and cherished in the Church.” the steps in the solemn, candlelight ceremony that begins at
members, who were in active ministry. our children and young people is of highest (CNA/EWTN News) Rome’s Colosseum and leads toward the nearby Forum and
Palatine Hill. (CNS)

Catholic youth create videos for internet contest

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, March Malaysian govt to release 35,000
27, 2011―Young Catholic film-
makers have produced inspi-
rational YouTube videos with
Bibles seized over ‘Allah’ dispute
Catholic themes as part of a KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Muslim context was an affront to
contest to help evangelize others March 17, 2011—Government Muslims. Islam is both the state
about the faith. officials in Malaysia agreed to religion and the largest faith in
The Kentucky-based Catholic release 35,000 Bibles that were the country.
youth media group Goodness seized in the country as it con- According to Vatican Radio,
Reigns is running the contest, tinues a heated dispute over on March 16 another govern-
whose entrants include youth non-Muslims being allowed to ment minister attempted to
groups and individuals aged 14 use the word “Allah” for God. reimpose a block on 5,000 of the
and older from all skill levels. The decision on March 15 by Bibles in the Malaysian city of
They have submitted short films the Muslim-majority government Port Klang.

on Church teachings, the sacra- is being considered a significant “In Selangor—where Port
ments, Church history, the lives move to quell frustration among Klang is—there is a state enact-
of the saints and examples of the Malaysian Christians, as a court ment that prohibits the use of the
contemporary mission spirit. case continues on whether non- word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims,”
Goodness Reigns’ People’s Muslims have the constitutional editor of The Herald Fr. Lawrence
Choice Award promises a $1,000 right to use the word. Andrew told Vatican Radio.
cash prize to the winner of an The Herald, Malaysia’s sole The enactment, however,
internet vote. Catholic publication, was pros- “goes against the federal consti-
Entrants are also competing As of Friday afternoon, the setting. The video “Finding John evangelization at St. Theresa’s ecuted last year by the Malaysian tution,” he underscored.
in the “Share the Story” short People’s Choice vote leader was Doe” involves a troubled girl Church in Sugarland, Texas, Home Ministry and threatened Fr. Andrew also said there
film contest. On April 1 contest a video titled “The Sacrament of contemplating suicide, while praised the contest. with the loss of its printing is an internal security act that
organizers will announce win- Divine Mercy.” It retells a story another, “Morning Star Family “Now youth groups and license for its use of “Allah” in allows for use of the Bible by
ners, who may choose either from the life of St. John Bosco in Holy Hour,” describes the Holy teachers will have a safe place describing the Christian God in Christians as long as they have
video equipment packages or which Satan tries to demoralize Hour at a children’ prayer group to send their students and peers its Malay-language section. been stamped with the words
all-inclusive travel packages to a priest and his congregation in New York state. to get solid Catholic information The Herald argued that use “For Christians Only.”
World Youth Day 2011 in Ma- about the effectiveness of con- The contest will help create presented in creative ways,” she of the term follows a centu- “So legally we Christians can
drid, Spain. fession. a repository of short films for said. ries-old tradition within the have the Bible, but they are now
The entries come from 25 U.S. Another leading video, “The catechists and the general public, The website for the People’s Arabic language that pre-dates putting restrictions because of
states and Canada, India, Mexico Ten Plagues,” reinterpets the organizers said. Choice vote is http://www.good- Islam, while the Home Ministry the fear that this will confuse
and Pakistan. biblical plagues in a high school Gabriel Castillo, director of nessreigns.com/vote. (CNA) claimed that its usage outside the Muslims,” he said. (CNA)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Confession teaches humility to

priests and penitents, Pope says
VATICAN City, March 25, 2011— poverty of his person. It also nourishes
Confession teaches both priests and in him an awareness of his sacramental
penitents to be humble and aware of identity.
God’s forgiveness, Pope Benedict XVI He also pointed out that individual
said March 25. freedom and self-awareness are ex-
“By administering the aSacrament pressed “particularly clearly” in the
of Penance we can receive profound sacrament.
lessons of humility and faith,” he told “It is perhaps for this reason too that,
a gathering of priests at the Vatican. in an age of relativism and of the con-
“For each priest, this is a powerful call sequent reduced awareness of self, the
to an awareness of his own identity. practice of this Sacrament should also
Never could we hear the confessions of have diminished.”
our brothers and sisters merely on the The pontiff then touched on the
strength of our own humanity.” practice known as an examination of
“If they come to us it is only because conscience, which involves a review of
we are priests, configured to Christ, one’s sins and failings. This practice, he
the Supreme and Eternal Priest, and said, teaches Catholics to compare their
granted the capacity of acting in His lives with “the truth of the Gospel.”
Name and Person, so as to make pres- Comparing one’s life with the Com-
ent the God Who forgives, renews and mandments, the Beatitudes and “above
transforms,” the Pope said. all” the commandment to love repre-
His remarks addressed participants sents a great “school of penance,” Pope
in an annual course organized by the Benedict told the priests. An “integral
Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican tri- confession” helps penitents recognize
bunal in charge of granting indulgences, their own fragility, achieve an aware-
resolving sins reserved to the Pope, ness of the need for God’s forgiveness,
and resolving matters of conscience and achieve the belief that divine grace
forwarded to the Holy See. can transform life.
The course concerned the “internal fo- “Do not fail to give appropriate

rum,” a technical term for the personal space to exercising the ministry of
area of conscience and judgment in the penance in the confessional. To be
priest-penitent relationship. welcomed and heard is also a human
Pope Benedict told the priests that sign of God’s welcome and goodness
the sacrament of Penance teaches the towards His children,” he said. (CNA/
priest about his faith and the truth and EWTN News)

Vatican welcomes European court

decision on classroom crucifixes
VATICAN City, March 18, lated her children’s freedom of Lombardi said. may need to explain what a reli-
2011—Crucifixes displayed conscience. A lack of respect, he said, gious symbol means, but it isn’t
publicly in Italy, including in A lower chamber of the Euro- would lead to a situation in right to have to take down your
classrooms, are a sign of Chris- pean court had ruled in 2009 that which, “in the name of religious symbols simply to avoid offend-
tianity’s key contribution to Eu- the classroom crucifixes violated liberty, paradoxically one would ing someone,” the cardinal said.
ropean culture and civilization, the religious freedom clauses limit or even deny this freedom, Similarly, he said, “when you
said Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, of the European Convention of ending up excluding every ex- go to a Muslim city, you aren’t
president of the Pontifical Coun- Human Rights. pression of it from the public concerned when you see golden
cil for Culture. Jesuit Father Federico Lom- sphere.” crescent moons” lit at night and
Christianity is a “founding bardi, Vatican spokesman, said Speaking to reporters at a dotting the skyline.
element” of Western civiliza- the Vatican welcomed the Grand news conference about a Vatican During his news conference,
tion and “even if someone does Chamber ruling, which recog- project to promote dialogue with the cardinal presented the pro-

not want to recognize it, it is an nizes that “human rights must atheists and other nonbelievers, gram for his office’s “Courtyard
objective fact that the Christian not be placed in opposition to Cardinal Ravasi had said that of the Gentiles” project, which
presence is absolutely relevant, the religious foundations of Eu- while a crucifix is a religious sym- aims to promote discussions
decisive,” the cardinal told re- ropean civilization.” bol to believers, it also is “a sign of between Christians and atheists
porters March 18. The decision is an affirma- civilization” in the West. or nonbelievers.
Cardinal Ravasi spoke just tion of the respect owed to each In every culture, he said, peo- The cardinal said the “Court-
a few hours before the Grand country of the European Union ple find symbols that express yard of the Gentiles” project
Chamber of the European Court for “the religious symbols of its their identity and, in losing those tentatively is scheduled to hold
of Human Rights ruled in favor cultural history and national symbols, “we run the great risk sessions in other cities around
of Italy in a case where a mother identity” and for national deci- of losing our identity.” the world, including in Quebec
claimed crucifixes in Italian sions on how the symbols can “Having white walls leads to in 2012 and in Chicago and
public-school classrooms vio- and should be displayed, Father a void, to cultural fragility. You Washington in 2013. (CNS)

Vatican says church philosophy studies Study on coal-fired power plant,

must combat suspicion of truth
VATICAN City, March 22, 2011—When needed primarily because of a shift in the cul- touch, it said.
health hazards link pushed
training priests and educating students in tural understanding of “the concept of truth. The new document sets a minimum of
philosophy, the Catholic Church must com- In fact, there is often mistrust in the capacity three years of philosophy studies ― instead
bat a widespread sensation that there really of human intelligence to arrive at objective of two ― for an ecclesiastical bachelor’s
is no such thing as permanent, objective and universal truth―a truth by which people degree in philosophy. The second degree,
truths, a new Vatican document said. can give direction to their lives.” a license that allows a graduate to teach
Because so many students are influenced The document said people must realize in a seminary, continues to be a two-year
by the cultural suspicion of truth, the Vatican that unless there is such a thing as truth, program after the bachelor’s, and a doctoral
said it will require an extra year of study be- there is no such thing as real charity or program must include at least three years of
fore a student can earn a church-recognized love. additional research, it said.
bachelor’s degree in philosophy. The study of philosophy helps people The decree also included a broad outline
The “Decree on the Reform of Ecclesiasti- recognize the importance of human reason of what must be taught in the bachelor’s pro-
cal Studies of Philosophy,” released March and helps them hone the ability to reason gram; a brief explanation of the philosophy

22 at the Vatican, updated norms issued in in order to discern the truth, the document study needed before studying theology; and
1979. The decree was signed and presented said. At the same time, philosophy studies requirements such as the number of profes-
by Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, prefect of prepare them for the study of theology by sors a department must have before the
the Congregation for Catholic Education. helping them see that knowledge and truth Vatican will recognize it as an ecclesiastical
The decree’s introduction said the reform is are not limited to what they can see and faculty of philosophy. (CNS)

Fil-Ams unite to help Japan calamity victims MANILA, March 17,

2011―Local officials must
take a cue from the coal-fired
coal-fired power plant in the
city’s Binugao village as the
key solution power shortage
MANILA, March 26, 2011—Fil- mittee is partnering with SAGIP- should not surprise us, or cause sasters instead, let us pray to our power plant operations in in the southern Mindanao.
ipino-Americans in the United MIGRANTE Japan to assist us to doubt GOD’s faithfulness. LORD that whatever happens, Misamis Oriental whether or The firm said the short-
States are once again united in migrant Filipinos as well as other Rather, we should actually be we love and praise Him and we not to allow a similar project age was merely because
helping their kababayans who migrant groups affected by this glad for them. GOD sometimes need His mercy for whatever in Davao City, a Catholic the hydro-electric plants in
have been affected by the earth- tragedy. We are soliciting your sends trials not to punish us but sufferings we have since March archbishop said. Marawi and Budkidnon can
quake, tsunami and radiation financial donation,” reads the to strengthen our trust in Him so 11. I am praying for all of us,” “The consumer groups and no longer provide sufficient
leaks in Japan. letter of appeal posted by the that our faith will not fail. Our she said in her message. the city government should supply of energy to the needs
Filipino communities, espe- HFMJ in the social networking trials keep us trusting; they burn Meanwhile, the National Al- see and observe the coal plant of the locality.
cially those who have been en- site, Facebook. away our self confidence and liance for Filipino Concerns in Misamis Oriental before The project, which divides
gaged in the religious service, Aside from financial help, the draw us near and close to Him.” (Nafcon), a multi-sector alliance coming to action,” said Davao local officials of Davao, also
had launched their own help group has also joined hands with In addition, in a private message in the United States assailed the Archbishop Fernando Capalla. aimed at providing cheaper
campaign drive for Filipinos other organizations and indi- to this reporter, Okawa extends her “slowness” of the Benigno C. And if the plan is approved, power to the region.
severely affected by the catastro- viduals who have been praying deepest sympathies to the victims Aquino III’s administration in he said that safety measures Davao del Sur Governor
phe. Dubbed as Help for Filipino for Japan. A three o’clock daily of the tremor and tsunami. helping Filipinos in Japan. with the use of modern tech- Douglas Cagas and Davao
Migrants in Japan (HFMJ), it aims habit was launched for the fast “To my kababayans who were “The Aquino administration nology and monitoring sys- City Vice Mayor Rodrigo Du-
to collect money and other forms recovery of Japan, where every affected in Sendai and Miyagi so far has failed to effectively tem must be in place. terte support the project but
of assistance to give the victims. Catholics and other Christian de- Prefecture: My heartfelt sym- assist Filipinos in Japan. The “If they agree to the estab- Mayor Sara Duterte is against
In a statement, Nerissa N. Alle- nominations are asked to pray, in pathy and condolences to your President should use all avail- lishment of the new plant, it although she would go with
gretti, secretary of the HFMJ and silence, three (3) Our Fathers or friends and loved ones who died able resources to ensure the they should see to it that the decision of the people.
a coordinator for Lay Scalabrin- compose their own prayers. and still missing. To all survi- refuge and safe return of our some knowledgeable citi- In a petition, residents of
ian Missionary Movement-US Famous Filipino-Japanese vors, trials and hardships will kababayans. Up to now no emer- zens from civil society and Binugao village are also op-
Nucleus, said they are targeting model, Mayo Okawa, who is make you closer to our Savior. gency money has been allocated religious groups should also posed to it and asked the city
to gather enough aids in order based in Nagoya-shi, also ap- With your faith in Him, you can for relief and the administration monitor the monitoring plan government to reject the pro-
to immediately help the 20,000 pealed for help. make it, we can make it! Don’t has proposed only a single C-130 of Aboitiz and Department posed coal-fired power plant.
Filipinos living in northern Ja- Trying to inspire and comfort lose hope, GOD is in control. I military plane to fly our dis- of Environment and Natural Capalla admitted to have met
pan, particularly in the Sendai her compatriots in Japan and else- just wanted to announce that tressed Filipinos home,” said Fr. Resources,” he said. with Aboitiz officials and got a
coasts, who are heavily affected where, who have been affected this is not God’s plan. GOD is Benjamin Alforque, president of The Aboitiz Corp. pro- briefing on the project at least
by the disaster. by tragedies and war, she wrote love, He is merciful. We should the Nafcon, in a statement sent to posed to put a 300-megawat three times. (CBCPNews)
“The HFMJ coordinating com- on her Facebook wall: “Trials not blame GOD for natural di- media. (Noel Sales Barcelona)
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011


Spirituality in the defense of life

IMUS Bishop Chito Tagle in his homily at the Thanksgiving

Mass for Life held at the Manila Cathedral last March 23,
2011, called for developing “spirituality towards the defense
of life”. That was not only superb; it was very opportune at this
point in time when working relentlessly for the passage of the
Reproductive Health Bill seems to be the main obsession of
some legislators, and, therefore, also of the Catholic Church
and other religious denominations that see the senselessness
of rushing a legislative measure that is not really urgent, if not
utterly useless.
Saying that there are many forces against life, the good bishop
saw the necessity of a spirituality surging from those who are
working in the ministry of life and the family. The first questions
he posed were “Are we coming from a deep commitment to
God? Or are we coming from other agenda which in the end
might prove to be counter to life? What makes someone a
prophet of life and a prophet for life?
Bishop Tagle took the cue from the readings of that day and used
the biblical figure of prophet Jeremiah in the first reading and Jesus
in the Gospel as the icons of the spirituality in the defense of life.
Paradoxically, the way towards defending life is through sacrifice
and even death. He says: “For it is only in life given in service
that this life is promoted. Two figures—Jeremiah and Jesus. Life
threatened but they took the threat and transformed the threat into

Illustration by Bladimer Usi

love, service. And life is not threatened anymore. Life remains a
gift given to others and others live because of Jesus.”
This kind of spirituality is the presence of Christ in one’s heart.
And since “ex abundantia cordis os loquitur” (from the abundance
of the heart the mouth speaks), this spirituality manifests itself
in one’s thoughts, words and actions. For sure, those seemingly
rabid and angry pro-lifers that mouth dirty expletives in emails
and social networks are not at bosom-length with this way of
life. Some have comfortably called their very own bishops as
“tanga” and their pro-life co-workers as “satanic”; an allusion Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ
perhaps to those who accused Christ as driving out demons
by the power of Beelzebul. And neither are they too close, An audience with Pope
Pastoral Companion Benedict XVI
those who are pro-life in intention but pro-death in vocation
and behavior. Of course, the Lord has exhorted his disciples to
be cunning as snakes yet innocent as doves—but this does not
include unchristian conduct that, at the end of the day, betrays
the very intention we are working for. AS part of the bishops’ ad limina and a Guidebook for Training of ops), I told him that our program relations in the south. I de-
At the end of the homily, the bishop admonished “We hope that visit to Rome, I was given the op- NFP Counsellors. As he was pag- was receiving increasing interest scribed to him our ongoing
our defense of life will go to that deep part of ourselves, where portunity to have a personal au- ing over the publications, I gave because it offers information on all dialogue efforts through the
Jesus has the Holy Spirit transforming us into true prophet of dience with the Holy Father. This the Holy Father an over-all view of modern scientific NFP methods, Bishops-Ulama Conference and
life, patterned after Jesus Himself.” took place on 25 February 2011 in our All-NFP program which over including the simplified ones. The the Mindanao Week of Peace.
the Pope’s reception room. We the past four years has covered Holy Father’s immediate response As Chairman of the Episcopal
started the fifteen–minute audi- nearly all our parishes. Moreover, was highly reassuring to me, and I Commission on Interreligious
ence with Pope Benedict himself our NFP training team has been am sure to all our NFP co-workers: Dialogue, I told him our plans
checking out the location of invited to share our program with “Yes, simplified methods are good later this year for a Mindanao-
Cagayan de Oro on an atlas map a growing number of dioceses in for simple people.” wide consultation of peace and
spread out on his table. Mindanao and other parts of the We next dwelt on peace- IRD centers connected with the
Development Models Then I presented to him two country. building efforts in Mindanao. Catholic Church. This year in
publications on the archdiocese’s As a positive response to the Pope Benedict was particularly October would be the 25th anni-
Natural Family Planning program: Reproductive Health bill issues interested to know more about versary of the first Day of Prayer
ECONOMIC recovery will be slow and more painful than a collection of articles, titled “NFP (which the Holy Father had al- our activities in interreligious for Peace convened by Pope
is yet popularly perceived. Not only is this a currency and – Values, Issues, and Practices,” ready heard about from other bish- dialogue and Muslim-Christian Pastoral Companion / A7
banking crisis or a property bubble that must be weathered.
More profoundly, the present economic situation, replicated
in many other parts of Asia, has raised serious questions about Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM
the viability of development models. Already in 1995 questions
were raised in Malaysia about a so-called “Asian” development
model that has as core elements high economic growth sustained
Saint Joseph: Model for
indefinitely, managed and/or guided by omnipresent government
officials, financed by foreign debt and implemented by cheap mission Living Mission
labor. Moreover, Westerners denounced “Asian” values that they
associate today with crony capitalism, widespread corruption,
banking irregularities, and lack of transparency. THE Liturgy of the Church designates two Joseph faithful to the Jewish law and also frustrating circumstances.
feasts in honor of Saint Joseph. The solemnity protects Mary (by law she could be stoned to Joseph dutifully raised Jesus into man-
On the other hand, the dominant “Western” model emphasizes free of Joseph, Husband of Mary, is celebrated death). Joseph plans a “middle course.” He hood; however, he most probably died before
trade and encourages competition, especially under the umbrella on March 19; the feast of Joseph the Worker does the “right thing,” assuring that no one Jesus began his public ministry. In short, one
of globalization. The idea is to produce higher and better quality is on May 1. will suffer; Joseph is truly the “just” man. notes that Joseph did not see the fruits of his
returns than one’s competitors, to be open to foreign investments, Historical knowledge about Joseph is Mission inevitably faces challenges and crises; labors. Joseph faithfully served and gave all
protect property rights, liberalize regulations, privatize government limited. In fact, his role is described in detail thus, great discernment is demanded. Mission to God; he did not seek for recognition. He
business corporations and have minimal government intervention. only in the infancy narratives of Matthew always seeks everyone’s welfare; no one will allowed events to happen on “God’s time.”
Unfortunately, those countries that had rushed to embrace this and Luke. His name appears in a few other be harmed by decisions or actions taken. Mission demands the same humility and
model have suffered most in the crisis. places, where Jesus is identified as “Joseph’s Just when Joseph seems to have everything self-effacing service. When and how one’s
Yet it is clear that the best examples of the Asian model, Hong son” and as “the carpenter’s son.” This lack in place, God intervenes in an unexpected efforts in mission will bear fruit is to be left
Kong and Singapore, topped the world in the 1997 Index of of detailed biographical data reminds us that way, in a dream. Joseph is commanded to in God’s hands.
Economic Freedom by the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street. the Gospels are primarily “faith summaries,” change his personal plans: Take Mary as your As one reflects on the birth of Jesus, one
There is indeed an “East Asian miracle” which got the “basics” written to engender a faith commitment. In wife! Alter your course of action. Place radi- realizes that it was Joseph who first held the
right. These include low inflation, high levels of domestic this context, one asks: is it valid to assert that cal trust in God. Do not be afraid! Believe in newly born child in his hands; he is the first
saving, heavy investment in education and openness to foreign Joseph is a model for mission? God—in spite of everything to the contrary. human to hold Jesus—even before giving him
technology. Experts tell us that East Asian economies have been Joseph, according to Gospel accounts, was Yes, all evangelizers need to have faith, to to Mary. What a unique privilege! But, Joseph
mixing the formula of Asian values and market capitalism and a village carpenter; he was also a descendant believe. “Mission is an issue of faith” (RM 11). also desired to share Jesus with others, the
have been reaping considerable success. of King David. Joseph’s life in Nazareth was Missioners believe that God always brings shepherds, the magi. Mission demands both
that of a quiet, humble, consistent worker. good out of difficult situations. “holding” and “sharing” Jesus. Like Joseph,
Still, many economists claim that development models be they
His village life-style was simple and settled. Joseph remained committed to Mary— evangelizers make their home with Jesus and
Western or Asian, with their variants and combinations, tend to
produce the same inequality of income, growth disproportionately He was betrothed to Mary according to even though it entailed living through many Mary; from this intimacy they share Jesus
against the poor, persistence of poverty and increased possibilities traditional Jewish custom. Joseph, like all difficulties. There were suspicions and prob- with others.
of social conflict. “Trickle down economics”, another name for evangelizers and missioners, sought to faith- ably even gossip around Nazareth. Joseph The meaning of the name Joseph is “let God
“growth economics” inevitably creates inequality of income and fully and humbly serve the Lord in the many took the pregnant Mary on the perilous, add.” Joseph, a model for mission, allowed
wealth. We have yet to see a version of what some economists daily, routine tasks of life. Mission demands lengthy journey to Bethlehem. They faced God to add and increase, to fill his life with
call “trickle up economics” where the fruits of economic growth faith and humble service. rejection, and in a crude, dirty, foul-smelling marvelous and unexpected gifts. Friends,
are universally and equally shared. In the final analysis present A tremendous crisis disrupts Joseph’s life- stable Mary gave birth. They fled as refugees through baptism we all are missionary; we
development models are based on a vision of society that remains plans: Mary is pregnant. Joseph faces a great into Egypt and for years lived as foreigners look to Joseph as our model for living mission.
materialistic if not consumerist. dilemma: What does he do in this confusing in a strange land. Only later did they return Saint Joseph was declared patron of the univer-
situation? He formulates a simple plan: a to Nazareth. Mission demands fidelity to sal Church in 1870; we see him as a model for
“quiet divorce.” This way of proceeding has one’s commitments—in the midst of trying, living the missionary identity of the Church.
Pastoral Exhortation on the Philippine Economy, 1998

Melo M. Acuña
Willie, ‘Jan-Jan’ and
Issues and Concerns the crowd

UNDER the mango tree where The boy said he was accompanied ple with “same sex attraction.” quested him to dance again. This
my friends converge after a by his aunt who seemed delighted One of the senior citizens in our was when tears rolled down his
round or two at the Veterans Me- to see her nephew with the fa- group said the dancing was “pure eyes. The young boy didn’t like
morial Medical Center grounds mous television host. entertainment.” It was fun and it what he’s going through despite
early in the morning, a lively It turned a bit different when was worthwhile because the boy the chants from the audience.
Pedro C. Quitorio conversation ensued between Willie asked where Jan-Jan’s fa- earned P10,000 just for the ten- During the ten-minute span
Editor a retired prosecutor, a doctor, a ther works and when the young minute exposure to klieg lights. that I saw on YouTube, I can
former government employee boy said he was in a parlor. Willie “Nobody earns P 10,000 just understand the pain and trauma
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Gloria Fernando and a cycling enthusiast. The then asked what Jan-Jan’s father like that,” he said. However, the “Jan-Jan” went through. Though
Associate Editor Marketing Supervisor issue may not be as simple as it was doing and the boy said he’s doctor in our group said it appears it’s been said the parents ap-

seemed because it may be de- cutting hair. Asked of his mother, the show caters to the poor who at proved of what the little boy did,
Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos scribed as what today’s young Jan-Jan said she was at home least hopes to bring home some- the incident simply calls on us to
News Editor Circulation Manager professionals would depict as because she just gave birth. One thing after the program. The bike reflect.
Kris Bayos “complicated.” could see what used to be a run- enthusiast said one man’s delight Is it always a matter of money?
Marcelita Dominguez
Features Editor Comptroller The issue revolved around Wil- of-the-mill interview turned to be may be one man’s pain. Listening to the senior citizens in
lie Revillame’s “exploitation” of a complicated when Willie asked Listening to their brilliant ex- our group, they all said the situa-
young six-year old boy known as the boy who taught him how to change, I pictured a scene from tion indeed is quite bad with the
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Communica-
“Jan-Jan” over his “Wiling Willie” dance. He said it was his father. “Gladiator” when the Romans prices of gasoline and prime com-
tions Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and business offices last March 12. The boy reluctantly gyrated and were lustily cheering slaves- modities soaring with no relief in
at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. The usual Willie interviewed danced the way macho dancers turned-killing machines who sight. They said more and more
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.; ISSN 1908-2940 the boy, asked him who accompa- danced in some dimly-lit honky- fought each other to death. people will troop to programs
nied him to the station and where tonk bars frequented by what Fr. When Willie handed over that give out cash and gifts worth
his parents were during the show. David Clay would describe as peo- P10,000 to “Jan-Jan,” he soon re- thousands of pesos.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011
Opinion A5
Oscar. V. Cruz, DD Fr. Russell Bantiles

Gambling republic
Views and Points Cogito
Why should I watch
CONSIDERING the nature of the government is a downright It bears saying that gambling course of time.
such government corporations gambler itself. This is anything is a vice. It promotes addiction, Considering that gambling is
as the PAGCOR promoting all but a national pride. encourages indolence and there- both corrupt and corrupting, it is
conceivable forms of gambling
plus the PCSO that is another
Never mind the poverty that
is pulsating and threatening the
by discourages industry. It feeds
on human dependence on luck
not only disturbing but also dis-
gusting that a government that
‘There be dragons’?
official gambling provider in peace and order in all the re- as it thereby demeans human proclaims itself as the incarnate
different modalities with differ- gions of the country. And forget dignity. This is why both legal enemy of corruption not simply “I THINK it was Oscar Wilde who said: ‘Every saint has a past;
ent names, and add thereto the about the graft and corruption and illegal gambling providers provides and promotes “legal” every sinner has a future’.”
continuous proliferation of a still alive and kicking in many and operators do not frequent gambling but also openly toler- Thus runs the opening lines of the recent movie “There Be
good number of both “legal” and departments of government. well lighted places. Much less ates “illegal” gambling such as Dragons”, written, directed and produced (among others) by
“illegal” gambling syndicates in Forgot as well the dejection of are they proud in identifying Jueteng! As often said there is one of today’s most famous English directors, Roland Joffé
the country, it is definitely not big number of people eagerly themselves openly in public. It neither rhyme nor reason in such (The Mission, The Killing Fields, The City of Joy). It deals on how
mere poetry to call the Philip- and continuously seeking work may be strange but true that the a gambling posture vis-à-vis its two different personalities confront life’s “dragons” or, in Joffé’s
pines a “Gambling Republic”. but in fact remain workless, de- said individuals do not gamble “Daan matuwid” loud and clear words, “the dilemmas or turning points in our lives where we’re
This is not because Filipinos sirous of having their children as a rule. Reason: They eventu- pre-election rhapsody. faced with potent choices that are going to affect our future”.
are born gamblers as gambling educated but become more and ally become losers. The same is Gambling Republic! And this “There Be Dragons” is about “the very different choices that
providers avidly claim—but more ignorant in the course of true with those making illegal is not even about competence people take at those turning-points – temptations, if you like –
rather because the government time. To all this big social prob- drugs their capital and source or will-power but merely about and how hard it is, and yet how necessary, to escape cycles of
provides and encourages them lem, the government appears to of income. As a rule, they do plain honesty and simple decen- hatred and resentment and violence”, the director said.
to gamble. Truth to tell, there are be loudly and repeatedly saying not take such drugs. Reason: cy. Nothing more—and nothing The film presents two different personalities – one histori-
rather very few countries where “Go and gamble!” They also emerge as losers in the less too. cal, Saint Josemaria Escrivá de Balaguer (Charlie Cox), the
founder of Opus Dei, whose life runs parallel with another
fictional character, Manolo Torres (Wes Bentley), who has
Atty. Aurora A. Santiago been the former’s childhood friend and seminary classmate.
How both personalities confronted the Spanish Civil War and

Now is the time to act!

how their lives took dramatically different paths were unfold
through Robert Torres (Dougray Scott), Manolo’s estranged
Duc in Altum son and a journalist who was tasked to write a book about
the priest, Josemaría, on the occasion of the latter’s imminent
beatification. The film also brings together the father and son
as the terrible truth about the past is revealed.
A VERY successful Interfaith Prayer Rally na nagpapa-alaala sa mga turo at magan- the Bill, stood; he suggested amendments Set in the context of the Spanish Civil War (July 17, 1936-April
with the theme “Filipinos Unite Under dang asal. (Even in sufferings and sacrifices, to the Bill. Immediately thereafter, Cong. 1, 1939), the movie wishes to transmit that the real setting of our
God for Life” was held last March 25 at the life is great that we should nurture, defend, Garin closed the period of interpellation. fight against our own “dragons” are the wars of our everyday
Quirino Grandstand in Luneta. Hundreds of and promote. Married life is sacred. Thanks How can a co-author stood for interpel- lives. Joffé notes that “Civil wars are most appalling because
thousands of faithful listened to the call of that there is the Church that reminds us of lation? Second, why did Cong. Garin not they pit brother against brother, family against family. By the
His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales the teachings and good manners.)” allow the anti-RH legislators to take part end of the Spanish Civil War, half a million people had died. A
to join the gathering. It was providential Simultaneous prayer rallies were also in the interpellation? The Pro-RH legisla- civil war is a powerful metaphor for a family. As in civil wars,
that the event happened during the Feast held in different parts of Luzon, Visayas tors “played out their theatrical act before family members take sides and split up; old resentments become
of Annunciation and the Day of the Unborn and Mindanao. The Diocese of San Pablo a national audience.” sources of hatred. We don’t forgive our aunt for doing this, we
Children. and Balanga held their Anti-RH Rally last As the Pro-Lifers were saying, the next don’t speak to our father because he left our mother, we don’t
Members of different religions led by their March 26. The Archdiocese of San Fernando, weeks are critical. They are now requesting speak to our mother because she went off with a man, or we
religious leaders joined the rally and voiced Pampanga held its Pro-life Prayer Rally with everyone to watch over their congressmen don’t speak to our son because he chose a different profession
their objection to the RH Bill. The intention the theme, “Crusada ng Penitensiya Para sa and make sure that they are pro-life when than what we expected. Those are the civil wars of our everyday
of the assembly was to pray for those who Buhay at Kapayapaan,” on March 27, 2011 congress resumes session on May 9. lives. ‘There Be Dragons’ is about both kinds of civil war”.
attack our valued culture of life and family. It at Villa del Sol Quadrangle in San Fernando The title itself is very significant. The director explains that
was also an opportunity to inform those who City. It coincided with the 50th death anni- *** medieval maps labeled unknown territory with the words
do not know what RH Bill is all about. The versary of Bishop Cesar Ma. Guerero, D.D., This column would like to thank the Pro- “Hic sunt dragones” – “Here there be dragons” – to signify
Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas (Council who protected life and peace. His Excellency life lawmakers who attended the March 23 that in these places, one doesn’t really know what awaits him.
of the Laity of the Philippines) and Pro-Life Archbishop Paciano B. Aniceto stated that Concelebrated Mass at the Manila Cathedral “Because I didn’t really know what was coming next when
Philippines distributed flyers why RH Bill it is an opportunity for the local Church upon the invitation of Cardinal Rosales, the I started, researching and writing this screenplay, or how it
should be rejected. to guide its flock regarding the different Main Celebrant. This space is not enough to would quite end, ‘There Be Dragons’ seems like a very apt title
The Manila Police placed a crowd es- signs of the times that are endangering the mention their names but our Lord knows – I was going a little off my map into unchartered territory,
timate of 200,000 before the Mass which basic gift of God to us, the value of life. Bro. them. The Concelebrants were the Papal into themes of what saintliness might be, themes of religion
was presided by Cardinal Rosales, but as Banjo Serrano, President of the Archdiocese’s Nuncio, Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams, and twentieth century politics and into the past of another
evening falls, the crowd grew bigger. Radio Council of the Laity, led the laity in making Bishops who are members of the CBCP Per- country”, said Joffé. Indeed, it is very interesting to note that a
Veritas President Rev. Anton C. T. Pascual the prayer rally a success. manent Council, other bishops and priests. It self-confessed agnostic and several times divorced man would
placed the crowd at 500,000 when the Mass is a thanksgiving for all the efforts in defend- treat on themes like saintliness, redemption and religion.
started. *** ing life and campaigning for the rejection One wonders why the director has chosen to make a biopic
His Excellency Bishop Broderick Pabillo It is very disturbing to note that the Pro- of RH Bill. of Saint Josemaría when with the message and the theme he
read the statement issued by His Holiness RH Bill legislators are trying to railroad its wishes to convey, he could have chosen other historical more
Pope Benedict XVI. The Holy Father said: passage. Early on, there was the gentlemen’s *** prominent figures. Nothing happens by mere chance. He said:
“I commend the Church in the Philippines agreement among the Pro-RH and Pro-Life Earth Hour was observed on March 26 “I was struck by Josemaría’s statement that God is found in
for seeking today its part in support of hu- legislators that discussion of the Bill in the from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. when everyone put ‘everyday life’, and that everyday life, in his case, was the Span-
man life from conception until natural death plenary will be taken up in May, after the off lights in the homes, offices, malls, restau- ish Civil War. I wondered: How could one find the divine in war?
and in defense of the integrity of marriage Holy Week recess. rants. Last year, the Philippines was number But then the same question can be asked of all the fundamental
and family.” After a series of caucuses, the Pro-RH one among the countries which participated challenges in life, and how we face them: How we respond to
Speaking in Pilipino, Cardinal Rosales’s lawmakers finally dropped the bomb on the in the Earth Hour; we hope we maintain it. hatred and rejection, or the desire for revenge and justice – all those
Homily was interrupted with rounds of ap- last day of Congress. In a clear desperate dilemmas are heightened in wartime”.
plause several times. He enjoined everyone move, ignoring the palabra de honor and *** “There Be Dragons” is a story of making a free choice in life
to value life, the best gift that the Lord has the Parliamentary Rules and Procedure, Congratulations to my niece Raiza Impe- between forgiveness and resentment or jealousy; between love
given us. He said “Kahit maghirap o mag- Cong. Garin acting as the Majority Floor rial who graduated Salutatorian of her High and hatred; between hope and despair.
dusa, ang buhay ay dakila na dapat nating Leader “for the Day”, opened the period of School Batch in the School of Holy Spirit Is forgiveness possible? One most heartbreaking scene is that
alagaan, ipagtanggol at itaguyod. Banal ang interpellation on RH Bill. As per the Pro-RH of Quezon City. It is also her birthday on of Fr. Josemaría arguing with his spiritual sons, convincing
buhay mag-asawa. Salamat may Simbahan script, Cong. Antonio Tinio, a co-author of March 28. them to reject hatred and resentment after having witnessed
the brutal assassination on the street of a Catholic priest-friend
of theirs at the height of the war. “But what they did is utmost
Fr. Roy Cimagala inhumane, Father”, said one of them, to which, the priest re-
plied: “Yet, they are still human beings. They may have enjoyed
Law, yes; legalism, no killing other people, but they are still humans like us”. It really

Candidly Speaking takes supernatural grace to see evil with the eyes of God.
“So many horrible, horrendous acts between people seem
unforgivable, unredeemable, impossible to move beyond”, says
Joffé, “But forgiveness is possible! The inexhaustible possibility
A SIDELIGHT in the RH Bill the law of God? St. Paul once said about free- we have many brilliant people of forgiveness is what offers room for hope – even in the most
issue that is gaining public So, some of our legal minds are dom: “You have been called entangled in their own web of painful, tragic and appalling circumstances, where hope seems
interest is that ordinance of held captive by what is known as unto freedom. Only do not conceit and pride. impossible. But the price is high: It takes a deep sense of what
the Ayala Alabang Village that legal positivism. That’s purely make freedom an occasion to In this RH Bill-related Ayala it is to be fully human, a deep feeling for compassion – and a
seeks to regulate the availability human law with God having the flesh, but by charity of the Alabang ordinance, for example, firm, individual, and yes, heroic resolve not to be caught up in
of contraceptive materials. It so no place in it. Unfortunately, in spirit, serve one another.” (Gal it is claimed that some sector of prevailing hatreds, but to fight them with unremitting love”.
happens that the same ordinance some so-called developed coun- 5, 13) St. Peter said something the Catholic Church is impos- “Essentially we’ve all got to choose whether to hang on to
is now being copied by other tries and among some of our similar when he said we should ing their option on others, and our resentments or find a way of conquering them. Life can be
barangays in Luzon, and so, the bright minds, this narcissistic not make freedom a cloak for therefore, unconstitutional. seen as a series of injustices, of rejections and hurts, or as full of
controversy thickens. anomaly reigns supreme. malice. (cfr 1 Pt 2, 16) How that conclusion was ar- opportunities, of chances to conquer those dragons through the
The brouhaha actually sur- There are also people who That´s why Christ told us to be rived at is again a mystery to me. overwhelming desire to replace hatred with love and connec-
faces a more important aspect of may not openly profess atheism most faithful to his word. ¨”Who- I suppose we can look at things tion. Many people have it in them to make that heroic choice.
life, and that is none other than and agnosticism, but put God in ever relaxes one of the least of in different ways and through They realize that they can make a choice to be free. They have
the interplay between legality brackets when they pursue their these commandments and teaches different lenses. If one is not the strength of character to understand that hate is a prison.
and morality, man’s laws and temporal affairs, like making laws men so, shall be called least in the clear about the intrinsic evil of No one who hates can be free”, says Joffé.
God’s laws. This is an area prone and ordinances. They consider kingdom of heaven; but he who contraception, not to mention He adds: “Forgiveness unlocks what’s been frozen. It touches
to a lot of problems. God a drag, a bother or an embar- does them and teaches them shall abortion to which the RH Bill everything human inside the one who is forgiven as it touches every-
For one, there is an emerg- rassment in law-making. At best, be called great in the kingdom of is bound to approve one day, if thing human in the one who forgives. You think you can’t forgive?
ing attitude of considering any they give him only some formalis- heaven.” (Mt 5, 19) experience of other countries is Well, you won’t know if you can forgive until you’ve done it”.
reference to God in the making tic references, but no more. When our freedom is not to be considered, then anything “And how do you forgive?”, asks Joffé. “You forgive by
of our laws as completely out of This is actually a common acknowledged as coming from that regulates or restrains the empathizing. You forgive by being that other person. By
place. How this mindset came problem. While we need to have God and therefore, for God, use of contraceptives would be abandoning demonization, by not saying, ‘I’m better than that
to be is quite a mystery to me, law and a whole legal and judicial when it is not lived in charity viewed negatively. person, I could never do that’, but by looking at that person
since as far as I can see, the ul- system to regulate our life in soci- for the others as God wants it, Some so-called legal luminar- and saying, ‘That could be me’.”
timate basis of our laws should ety, what we don’t need is legal- then we can make laws and or- ies are questioning this ordi- Indeed, “this is very much a movie about love, about the
be God’s laws. ism, or the distortion and abuse of dinances that cater to our own nance when in fact other RH- strength of its presence and the arid and terrifying world that
Of course, we are now in some our man-made legal system. ideas, and not anymore God’s, of related ordinances that favor we inhabit in its absence. When people choose to love, the
secularized and Godless world, We are, of course, vulnerable who we are and of how we are contraceptives not only regulate impartial observer can feel it in them – the sense of freedom,
and thus, we should not be all to this predicament, since man’s supposed to behave, etc. and promote but rather impose of compassion, of giving”.
too surprised when we meet intelligence and free will can take We can abuse our freedom and the use of contraceptives. Finally, we all face this choice. Saint Josemaría chose the path
anomalies like this not only in tortuous turns that in the end are use it to pursue what we want, In this RH Bill issue, we are of love. Manolo tread the road of hatred and jealousy. “Even
the streets, but also in our law- determined by how our heart even to the point of disobeying not mainly concerned about the Robert, the agnostic and materialist, is asked to choose between
making congresses worldwide. tilts—either toward God or is it God. This abuse of freedom and legalistic intricacies involved. love and hate”, observes Joffé, “in a sense, to fight the world
Some would ask, how would we just stuck with our own selves? of the other gifts of God to us is We are more concerned about with love, or as Aline, a mysterious lady who conversed with
ever know that such and such is Apropos of this point is what rampant these days. That’s why the morality of such bill. Josemaría during his refuge in a mental hospital, puts it, “to
fight God with love”.
The film’s last words run: “Saint Josemaría founded the Opus
Dei, which teaches that work and the circumstances of everyday life
are occasions for growing closer to God, for serving others, and for
improving society, while Manolo Torres remains in each of us, trying
to conquer the dragons that reside within us!”
The movie appeals to everyone to make a choice especially
in these times of spiritual and moral turmoil in our society. On
our response rests our happiness and the ultimate meaning of
our existence. Isn’t this enough motivation to watch the film
and reflect on it?
Local News
CBCP Monitor
A6 Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Ex-SC chief justice Davide slams RH bill ad

Ending culture of impunity will
end journalists’ murders—CEGP
THE College Editors’ Guild to end the assassinations
of the Philippines-National [against journalists], then the
Capital Region (CEGP-NCR) murders would stop. How-
said that ending the culture ever, if this kind of brutality
of impunity in the country would continue, more and
will stop all extrajudicial more media practitioners
killings, especially of media will agree with the need of
persons critical on the issues having journalists armed,”
of corruption in the govern- Perdigon said.

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

ment. “We urge President Aqui-
The statement was issued no to have sincerity in end-
by media groups pressuring ing these assassinations.
Malacañang to allow journal- His promise to make the
ists to carry guns in order to past regime accountable [on
Retired Justice Hilario Davide is flanked by MACE president Mr. Antonio Yulo and KCFAPI president Alonso Tan during Mass at the San Agustin Church, prior to
KC “Walk for Life”, March 26.
defend themselves against the past political killings]
media murderers. But the and to make the present,
Palace’s Communications spotless [with crimes] is not
RETIRED Chief Justice Hilario ly saddened, discouraged and San Agustin Church where Da- “So there is a violation there… Operations Group said there even close to coming true.
Davide has criticized a new troubled” by the advertisement vide was present but failed to If they want to uphold that, they is no need to arm the media, What more promises will he
television ad on the controversial shown on a commercial television join the march and the program should change the Constitution stating that the only way to make? What the people need
reproductive health (RH) bill. reportedly sponsored by the RH because he had to attend his first and define when life be- stop media killings is the is a visible act in pursuing
The ad showed former Ak- bill lobby group Philippine Leg- grandchild’s graduation. gins,” he said. swift police action to bring those responsible for these
bayan Rep. Risa Hontiveros- islators Committee on Population Davide also pointed that if the Davide, meanwhile, called on the perpetrators to justice. political killings. These kill-
Baranquel presented the bill as and Development (PLCPD). bill is passed, it would violate his fellow “Knights” to exert all However, CEGP-NCR ings need justice not pseu-
“a chance” for families to have a “In short, she (Baraquel) says the first and most fundamental possible means to defeat “the president Antonino C. Per- do-statements of support,”
better future. that the RH bill provides the human right which the right forces that threaten the right to digon Jr. said that police Perdigon added.
Davide admitted he was dis- chance for a better future of a to life. itself, especially the right of the action is not enough but On the other hand, Mala-
appointed by the content of family or of a child, for a better “The right to life begins with unborn.” there’s a need to reassess cañang is positive that the
the ad in a statement read by health of the child, of the mother, the right to life of the unborn and “At no other time than now how the justice system in the Somera case would be solved
Court of Appeals (CA) Justice etc.” Davide said. human mystery of Creation,” must we walk, stand, fight, work country works, especially on immediately.
Jose Reyes Jr. during a “Walk “I asked myself: Have we lost he said. and pray unceasingly with the the cases of summary execu- In a news report pub-
for Life” in Manila on March our faith and trust in God that Meanwhile, K of C Luzon courage, resources and might tions of journalists. The latest lished on the dzME’s
26 organized by the Knights of we now would leave our future spokesperson Arsenio Isidro we could give and muster, for victim was the dzME anchor, website (http://www.
Columbus Philippines – Luzon to chance,” he said. Yap said that if the RH bill life,” he said. Marlina Perez-Somera, who dzme1530.com/index.
Jurisdiction. At least 7,000 K of C members passes Congress, they might Also present in the rally was was shot dead by unknown php?option=com_conten
The former Supreme Court and their families participated question its constitutionality Mayor Alfredo Lim and Alonso assassins last March 24. The t&view=article&id=195..
chief and Reyes are senior of- in the rally carrying anti-RH bill before the SC. Tan, K of C Luzon State Deputy. motive of the killing is said .), President Aquino said
ficials of the K of C who led placards and streamers from “We see it as unconstitutional The Knights of Columbus is to be connected with land that he is confident that the
the protest march to raise their Intramuros to Rajah Sulayman because for Congress life begins a militant anti-abortion group dispute. police would get the kill-
strong objection against the Park in Malate where a program at implementation. While in the composed of more than 280,000 “If the government would ers in no time. (Noel Sales
measure. was also held. Constitution, life begins at con- members nationwide. (CBCP- have the political power Barcelona)
Davide said he was “deep- A Mass was held first at the ception,” Yap said. News)

Pope / A1
Coal power plants must be official said.
During the recent Ad Limina Visit of
In Quirino Grandstand, priests also
heard confessions from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
ing various parishes of the diocese
joined some 40 priests and religious
shut off—environmentalists the bishops in Rome, the pope lauded
them for their efforts to protect human
life from conception until natural death,
to highlight the call for conversion in
the Season of Lent.
The gathering included the recitation
women for their protest rally.
“We thanked God for the fine weath-
er that brought parish representatives
THE Kalikasan People’s Network for the dioxide in the atmosphere from the and for defending the integrity of mar- of the Holy Rosary, the Station of the to our activity,” Bishop Gutierrez told
Environment (KPNE) insists that there is current 390ppm to 350ppm,” he said, riage and the family. Cross, Inter-Faith Prayer and Declara- CBCPNews.
a need to shut off coal-fired power plants citing Dr. James Hansen, a well-known tion of Opposition to the RH bill.
in the country as they contribute to the climatologist, who said that 350ppm is Teaching the wrong values A protracted pro-life campaign
bulk of carbon dioxide (CO2), which has the safe upper limit of carbon dioxide According to Radyo Veritas, more Simultaneous Mindanao rallies CBCP president and Tandag Bishop
caused climate change. in the atmosphere if run away climate than 200,000 people trooped to the Simultaneous rallies against the RH Nereo P. Odchimar had earlier said that
Along with the global advocacy of change is to be prevented. Quirino Grandstand in Manila as bill were also held in different key cit- the Church is all set for a protracted
mitigating the effects of climate change However, what worries KPNE more early as 4 p.m. to raise their opposition ies across Mindanao, gathering at least campaign across the country to further
through the annual observance of Earth is the government’s Philippine Energy against the controversial RH bill. 50,000 concerned Catholics and repre- promote its pro-life stand.
Hour on March 26, so should the Phil- Plan that focuses on the privatization of In his homily during the 7 p.m. Mass, sentatives from various faiths. The prelate made the statement on
ippines reassess its policies towards the country’s energy resources. Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Zamboanga Archbishop Romulo March 23, after a concelebrated Mass
coal-fired power plants, said Clemente This move by the State, said Clemente, Rosales chided proponents of the RH Valles said they had a huge attendance at the Manila Cathedral attended by
Bautista Jr., national coordinator of will increase the country’s dependency bill for teaching the Filipino people the during their mass action dubbed as pro-life supporters and the country’s
KPNE, in a statement. on dirty fossil fuels such as coal. wrong values. “March for Life – Mass for Life” where lawmakers.
“Coal-fired power plants have been The environmental conservation “What kind of law is this RH bill that the participants assembled at the Met- Odchimar expressed his appreciation
identified as among the largest emitters advocate also said that despite local op- when it becomes a law… those who ropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate for the group of legislators who have
of carbon dioxide. President Aquino position, coal-fired power plants such would (violate) may be asked to pay Conception as early as 5:00 p.m. “manifested their support and did not
should enforce a moratorium on new as Toledo coal plant in Cebu and Iloilo fines or face imprisonment?” he said. “We marched to the Shrine of Nuestra give in to pressures and lobby for the
coal plants to contribute in the global coal plant were built and is now ready “Marriage is holy. Having sex is sa- Señora la Virgen del Pilar, more than a RH bill.”
campaign to lower the level of carbon to operate. (Noel Sales Barcelona) cred because it is connected to life which kilometer away, for the celebration of
came from God. Condom is not a game the Holy Eucharist,” the Zamboanga Support from lawmakers
that should be taught to children so they prelate said. Congressman Fernando Gonzales of
Annulment / A1
would not be infected with diseases. He said the message was loud and Albay’s third Congressional District,
News, signed by Solicitor General Jose have three to four children and 1% has Why should we teach these games to clear: “Those who believe in the gospel who was among those who attended
Anselmo I. Cadiz, the Assistant Solicitor five to six children. these children?” he asked. of Jesus, in front of the possibility of the the thanksgiving Mass, believed it is
General Karl B. Miranda and one Attor- “The children of these marriages “Elders should teach children the RH bill becoming a law in our land must right for most lawmakers to support
ney Christer James Ray A. Gudiano, are likely to be affected by the separa- importance of life, the holiness of self- choose between the Culture of Life or the Catholic Church’s position which
Psychological incapacity can be tion of their parents,” the same study restraint which is called discipline…to the Culture of Death.” is definitely pro-life.
found in Article 36 of the Family Code revealed. have discipline and respect and for the Valles said the big open area of the “I think this is strictly important to
and can be cited as a ground for legal person to have character. Now what highly popular shrine of Nuestra Se- the lives of the people and we fully
separation or nullity of marriage. Annulment and nullity, not the same they are teaching the children is use ñora la Virgen del Pilar was filled with believe that the Church is correct in
Other grounds include lack of author- Meanwhile, Archbishop Emeritus condom and play. This is how they people. making its stand on this matter, ensur-
ity of the solemnizing officer, bigamous Oscar V. Cruz, head of the CBCP Na- make life cheap,” added Rosales. “It had no roof and it was a fiesta ing life would go on,” the Albayano
or polygamous marriages and marriag- tional Matrimonial Tribunal said, the The church-organized rally coincided atmosphere that prevailed during the lawmaker said.
es where one or both parties were below Office of the Solicitor General at times with the observance of the Day of the Un- activity,” he further said. Senator Vicente “Tito” Sotto, Pan-
the marrying age allowed by law. “talked of ‘annulment’ and ‘nullity’ as if born and the Feast of the Annunciation. Meanwhile, at the Oval Plaza at the gasinan Congresswoman Gina Vera-
It was learned that those who filed said actions on de facto marriages were All afternoon masses in Manila had heart of General Santos City, about 4,000 Perez De Venecia, Manila Congressman
for annulment, 61% of the petitioners somehow the same.” been cancelled to enable priests to Catholic faithful gathered for their anti- Amado Bagatsing and about twenty
were women with 90% have filed cases He explained nullity is about ab initio accompany their flock to the prayer RH bill rally. other lawmakers participated in the
in their twenties, while only 4% filed in void marriages while annulment is re- rally and for them to concelebrate in Marbel Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez Eucharistic celebration. (with reports
their thirties. garding ab initio valid but invalidated the Mass. said more than 4,000 people represent- from Melo Acuna)
The same study revealed only 39% of marriages.
men initiated the filing of the complaint The 76-year old prelate noted that OSG Cut / A1 Philvocs / A1
with 70% of them in their twenties. It is said to intervene before the respective of their pork barrel fund for the OFWs. The bishop said he is convinced that the were destroyed by the 7.5 magnitude
was also found that 25% of men in their trial and appellate courts to “ensure that “It would be a big help… hope they government is doing everything it can to quake.
30’s or 40’s filed for annulment. The the interest of the State in the sanctity of will realize that,” Cantillas said over the help the Filipino workers abroad. Even if churches were made of lime,
number of cases filed was lesser for both marriage is protected” but the interven- Manila archdiocese-run Radyo Veritas. “We see that effort being made by the rocks and egg-white, still, the solidity
genders who are in their 40’s or 50’s. tion is however not mandatory because Cantillas is the chairman of the government despite the lack of funds,” of the structures will depend on where
Some 35% of married couples filed the OSG is simply “authorized to inter- Commission for the Pastoral Care of Cantillas said. these are constructed, he said.
their annulment case within the first five vene” and is even allowed to signify not Migrants and Itinerant People of the Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes also
years of their marriage. The OSG report only is “opposition” but also its “agree- Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the made the same challenge to the lawmak- Need for Community Preparedness
said marriages that lasted for five years ment” to a nullity/annulment decision. Philippines. ers for the sake of the OFWs. “While there may be earthquakes in
or more, only 26% ended in an annul- He sadly noted the OSG is not even He said that although the fund is “It is the best time for them that all those the Philippines in the near future, these
ment suit while marriages that lasted for mandated to appeal the decision. intended for development projects, it congressmen must give their pork barrel are not related to the devastating earth-
more than ten years, only 17% opted to “That the fact remains, that nullity/ would be good if the legislators would to protect our OFW,” Bastes said. quakes which brought havoc to Japan
have their union annulled. annulment decisions are not contested by use it for OFWs who want to go home. “I am challenging them that all their and New Zealand,” Solidum said.
“The study noted the longer the par- the Office of the Solicitor General while “The amount that would be gathered pork barrel will be put in a common But he added Filipinos should be able
ties are married, the lesser chances of collusion therein by the partes in causa is from the pork barrel of lawmakers could fund so that our OFWs whose lives are to prepare and focus on community
them seeking annulment of their mar- practically the norm,” Cruz explained. also help in providing jobs for the re- in danger would be able to come back,” preparedness which was manifested
riage,” the OSG document surmised. He added when the OSG was before turning OFWs,” he said. he said. (CBCPNews)
The sad part in the surge of annul- mandated to interview, said marriage in northeastern Japan. He said the level
ment cases, as usual, is that more and cases did not prosper when contested of community preparedness is very
Advocates / A1 important.
more children are affected. The data before the Supreme Court specifically
from the OSG showed 82% of those who under the nullity ground of “psychologi- Election lawyer Romulo Macalintal, bill. Had the Japanese not been prepared,
filed these cases have children and out cal incapacity” because the said Court a known pro-life advocate, appealed “Without the support of our priests, more people would have died from the
of this 82% who filed these cases, 59% observed Church jurisprudence in its de- to priests to often discuss with their the lawmakers will not feel our strong catastrophe, Solidum said.
have at least one or two children, 22% cisions in marriage cases. (CBCPNews) parishioners why the church is against opposition to the RH bill,” Macalintal Volcanic quakes cause little damage to
the bill. said. public and private properties. However,
“I am appealing to our priests to al- “I think the fight against the RH bill Solidum said there have been instances
ways include in their homilies the issue will be stronger if priests will discuss it when a very strong tectonic earthquake
ARMM polls with the May 2013 mid- power to appoint officers-in-charge in on the RH bill,” Macalintal said. in their homilies so that people would would “wake a volcano’s magma” as in
term elections. the ARMM government until new of- The lawyer noted that some priests understand,” he said. the case of Mt. Pinatubo.
By a vote, 191-47-2, the lawmakers ficials are elected. are not comfortable discussing the is- Former Manila Mayor Lito Atienza, He recalled a pretty strong earth-
approved on second and third reading Aquino lauded the approval of sue with their flock or some don’t even chairman emeritus of Pro-Life Philip- quake with its epicenter in Central
House Bill 4146, the measure certified the bill by the Lower House and know how to explain it. pines, also echoed Macalintal’s con- Luzon hit the region in July 16, 1990. Mt.
as urgent by Aquino. hoped the Senate would do the same. But priests, he said, can also get lay cern saying priests should speak more Pinatubo erupted about eleven months
The measure also gives the President (CBCPNews) leaders and experts to talk about the against the bill. (CBCPNews) after. (CBCPNews)
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011
Laguna declared pro-life and family friendly zone
SAN PABLO City—A multi- CALAMBA, ARLENE ARCIL- Liceo de San Pablo Gymnasium. it, is laced with vital moral issues
sectoral rally for life organized LAS of SANTA ROSA and LEN Concelebrated by the Reli- which are being violated or being
by the Diocese of San Pablo and LEN ALONTE-NAGUIAT of gious and Diocesan Clergy, the subjected into distortions.
the Knights of Columbus have BINAN to declare the Province Mass was followed by a short He said the declaration to
declared Laguna a prolife and of Laguna and their respective program with Parañaque Con- make Laguna a prolife and fam-
family-friendly zone. Cities as ZONES FOR LIFE AND gressman Roilo Golez as Guest ily friendly province is their com-
Around 7,000 young and old FAMILY.” speaker. mitment to continue fighting to
Laguna folks who joined in the San Pablo Bishop Leo M. Golez said, the Filipino popu- defend the gift of life from God
“Walk for Life 2011” on March Drona said they are in the pro- lation is not the cause of poverty and to preserve the family.
26 have committed to favor and cess of making representations nor are they a liability, but as- After the program, the bishop
protect the integrity of life and with Laguna lawmakers and sets. For instance, he stressed, spearheaded the signing of the
family, while urging local gov- Local Government Units (LGUs) the majority of the OFWs who resolution followed by priests,
ernment leaders to do the same. to also make their commitments remit millions of pesos and dol- leaders of every delegation, of-
The Coalition for Life and clear about the controversial lars in the country are members ficers, civic groups, youths and
Family of Laguna composed of issue of the RH Bill pending in of poor families that have sev- others.
individual parishioners, civic Congress. eral children. He said, the fight Rally participants walked
and religious organizations He said he is pleased that against the RH Bill is not only for through the main streets bear-
signed a resolution that read in presently, three out of the four the people in the Church, rather ing placards and streamers with
part: “We, the citizens of Laguna Congressmen in Laguna had it is a fight by every legitimate anti RH Bill slogans like “Buhay
and of the Cities of San Pablo, signified their intentions to reject citizen, private individuals, pro- Biyaya ng Diyos,” “Abort RH
Calamba, Santa Rosa and Biñan the said bill in Congress. fessionals, parents, civic group, bill,” and “Abortion and Con-
gathered today as a Coalition for The lawmakers are Congress- media, other religions, main- traception are Fruits of the same
Life and Family of Laguna com- man Edgardo San Luis of District stream leaders of government, tree-evil.”
posed of the individual parish- 4; Congresswoman Ivy Arago, the general public who believe Meanwhile, more than 1,000
ioners and civic and religious District 3; and Congressman Dan in the dignity and sanctity of hu- parishioners from the vicariate
organizations now assembled, Fernandez, District 1. man life from conception until of Calamba also conducted their
declare and affirm: our commit- The prelate said, they are still its natural death. separate protest march along
ment to uphold and protect the praying and waiting for the final Drona in his homily said major thoroughfares of the city
dignity of the human person, words from District 2 Congress- among others, that life is a against the RH Bill morning of
the value of life from concep- man Justin Timmy Chipeco who gift from God. “Let us fight the same day.
tion to natural death and the has not yet made any positive or against the culture of death. It The march culminated at the
sacredness of the family founded negative commitment in relation is an abomination to say that St. John Parish Church for a Holy
Photo courtesy of Fr. Romulo Ponte

on the indissoluble union of to the RH Bill. it is a person’s human right to Mass and message from parish
man and woman, THUS, We The walk for Life spearheaded kill a child inside the mother’s priest and vicar forane Fr. Rene
urge and request our good by the Knights of Columbus womb,” he said. Eriga.
Governor JEORGE E.R. EJER- Laguna Chapter in coordination He said the church is against Eriga is also the Social Action
CITO ESTREGAN, the HON- with the Family Life Ministry the RH Bill not because it wants Director of the Diocese. He was
ORABLE MAYORS VICENTE and supervised by Bishop Drona to meddle in political affairs but assisted by members of the cler-
AMANTE OF SAN PABLO started with the celebration of the because the measure, although gy in the vicariate. (Fr. Romulo
CITY, JOAQUIN CHIPECO of Holy Mass at about 7 a.m. at the there are some positive points in O. Ponte)

Isabela prelature lights candles, Briefing

rallies against RH bill PNoy bats for public-private partnership to address
ISABELA City, Basilan—The prelature of Basilan also organized a rally dubbed Immediately after the Mass, the Catholic Mindanao power woes
Basilan held its protest against the reproduc- “Walk for Life through the Way of the faithful started their “Walk for Life Through CAGAYAN DE ORO City— President Aquino batted for the
tive health bill by lighting candles and doing Cross.” the Way of the Cross” along the streets of public-private partnership in order to address the impending
the way of the cross. Bishop Martin Jumoad presided over a the city. power crisis in Mindanao. This, as he also warned people,
Coinciding with the grand anti- concelebrated Mass with four other priests People lighted candles after the final bless- during the joint Philippine Economic Briefing and Regional
RH bill rally in Manila on March 25, with hundreds of parishioners in atten- ing and proceeded to the kissing of the Holy Development Council meeting here on March 23 of a high
the Solemnity of the Annunciation, dance. Cross. (Fr. Arnel A. Lagman) electricity rates next year when the exemption to privatize
government-owned power plants in the island ends. RA 9136

Tuguegarao holds Bible Congress exempts Napocor power plants in Mindanao from privatiza-
tion, which Aquino said has led to a situation where the gov’t
subsidized power rates in Mindanao. (Bong D. Fabe)
SOLANA, Cagayan―More than tired in living and spreading the
Misamis Oriental awarded for innovative health care
200 parishioners from the Arch- Word of God.
diocese of Tuguegarao and suf- Talamayan emphasized that program
fragan dioceses of Ilagan and faith comes from what is heard CAGAYAN DE ORO City— Misamis Oriental is one of this
Bayombong and the vicariate of and what is heard of is from year’s awardees in the Galing Pook Awards for its excellent
Tabuk participated in a two-day God. innovations in addressing the problems on hospital services
Bible Congress here, vowing to “For man to become what he and facilities faced by the province. The Galing Pook award
live and help spread the Word of hears, he has to proclaim what he capped Governor Oscar Moreno’s outstanding performance
God in their respective areas. hears. And so, man has to listen as provincial local chief executive as it recognized his achieve-
The parishioners, in their and grasp the word that shapes ments especially in steering the province to greater heights in
statement of commitment to his life,” the archbishop said. his three terms of office. (Bong D. Fabe)
spread God’s Word, promised In spreading the word of God
to undertake the continuous even in these trying times, it Bishop seeks fair trial for Ombudsman
formation and study of the is necessary that everyone fol- Caloocan City— Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez urged

Word and the proclamation of lows the precepts of justice and senators to properly handle the impeachment case of Ombuds-
the unchanging message of God fairness, and of love to win the man Merceditas Gutierrez. Iñiguez said the lawmakers should
in a changing time. hearts and minds of the people properly deal with the issue after the Congress approved on
They have also committed and be under the graces of God, March 22 the articles of impeachment to bring Gutierrez to
to establish linkages and col- he added. trial at the Senate. The prelate called on the lawmakers to
laboration with other dioceses, It is important that in all the maintain objectivity and impartiality in handling the case of
commissions and pool resource parishes and dioceses, adults the embattled of anti-graft chief. (CBCPNews)
persons in order to further the ECBA executive secretary Fr. Life Apostolate of Tuguegarao and children are catechized, he
apostolate of spreading the Oscar Alunday who spoke on on The Role of the Word of God said. Pamalakaya demands P7.50 rollback in petrol
Word of God in the mission of Verbum Domini; Fr. Fredel Ag- in the Vision, Mission and Goal The congress was the first MANILA—The Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamala-
‘changing the face of the earth’ atep on The Evangelization of the of the Archdiocese of Tugue- Bible Congress conducted by the kaya ng Pilipinas demands from the big three oil companies
through the power of the Holy Metropolitan See of Tuguegarao: garao. Metropolitan See of Tuguegarao a rollback of P7.50 on the price of petroleum products, not a
Spirit. Historical Perspective; Msgr. Tuguegarao Archbishop Dios- through the leadership of Msgr. measly P1.00. Pamalakaya spokesperson Salvador France said
Resource persons include Gerard Ariston Perez, vicar dado Talamayan and Auxiliary Danny Ulep, archdiocesan direc- Caltex, Petron and Shell had been overpricing in petroleum
Lingayen-Dagupan Auxiliary forane of the Itawes Vicariate Bishop Ricardo Baccay urged tor of the Biblical Apostolate. products since December 2010. “ We insist oil companies to
Bishop Renato Mayugba and and chairman of the Family and everyone to continue and not get (Purita Licas/CBCPNews) rollback the prices of petroleum products by P7.50 per liter and
not P1 per liter and the oil cartel should resign from exacting

PNoy to pursue ARMM polls postponement monopoly pricing, price manipulation and overpricing,” he
said. (CBCPNews)

national and local elections in May 2013. Urban poor leader shot dead
CAGAYAN DE ORO City, March 26, “The Organic Act of the ARMM spe-
2011—The Aquino administration is keen Aquino said that synchronization would cifically states that the President only has NAVOTAS City—A leader of a Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahi-
in pushing for the postponement of the elec- eliminate “command votes” and would supervisory powers over ARMM and not hirap here was shot dead by unknown assassins, March 16. The
tions in the Autonomous Region in Muslim lead to clearer mandate by the people in the control. And the President’s appointment of victim was identified as Antonio “Nono” Homo, 47, a resident
Mindanao (ARMM). autonomous region. OICs in the region is a clear violation of this of Kadiwa, Brgy. San Roque, and currently the president of the
This was stressed by President Benigno He said that this so-called “command Act,” he stressed. Nagkakaisang Samahan sa Kadiwa, an urban poor organization
Aquino III during his visit here when he votes” is the reason for the under-develop- “The Constitution and the Organic Act affiliated with Kadamay. The victim was reported chatting with
faced local and national media in a brief ment of the ARMM. clearly stipulate that the President’s power one of his neighbors when he was shot by unknown suspects.
Q&A forum. Aquino said there really is a need for the na- over the ARMM is limited to general supervi- Kadamay-Navotas spokesperson Arthur Cadungon connects
Aquino said that he expects intense debate tional government to intervene in the ARMM sion,” he added. the killing to the escalating campaign of NASAKA against the
in the Senate now that House Bill 4146 mus- to be able to put in place institutional reforms Rodriguez also said that HB 4146 is an planned demolition of shanties in the area to give way to the
tered enough in the Lower House just hours that are badly needed and the only way to do amendment to the Organic Act, which city government’s road widening and housing projects. (Noel
before congressmen went on a month-long this is to postpone the August 2011 elections should be done through a plebiscite. Sales Barcelona)
Lenten recess. and synchronized it with the 2013 elections. As provided in the Organic Act, any
The Lower House passed on March 23 But Rep. Rufus Rodriguez of this city’s amendment to it must be approved by two- Civil society urges PNoy to formally appoint Robredo,
HB 4146, which gave the President blanket second legislative district said Aquino’s pro- thirds of the members of the Lower House Acosta
authority to appoint loyal subordinates nouncements smacked of double-talk since and Senate, voting separately. Then a plebi- CAGAYAN DE ORO City— Leaders of Civil Society Organiza-
as officers-in-charge of the ARMM. It also Aquino had promised the Filipino nation of scite to ratify the decision of the House and tions (CSOs) in Northern Mindanao urged President Aquino
synchronized the ARMM elections with the reform and good governance. Senate, he pointed out. (Bong D. Fabe) to formally and permanently appoint a Bicolano and someone
from Bukidnon to his Cabinet. “We would like to express our
Pastoral Companion / A4 support on the formal and permanent appointment of Mr.
Jessie Robredo as secretary of the Department of Interior and
John Paul II in Assisi. I assured ation of the archdiocese. Pope our formation of Basic Ecclesial blessing – for myself and all our Local Government. We believe in his honesty and dedication
the Holy Father that we would Benedict asked about the num- Communities. co-workers in Cagayan de Oro to authentic service,” they said in a statement read during the
also commemorate this anni- ber of our priests and seminar- Noting that I am a Jesuit bish- Archdiocese. Regional Consultation Forum with Civil Society Organizations
versary with a similar gathering ians, our catechetical program, op, the Holy Father inquired Postcript: In a letter dated 5 in Region 10 on March 23. (Bong D. Fabe)
of religious leaders praying for and the formation of parents about the presence of the Soci- March 2011, Archbishop Fer-
peace at the local level. and families as the first line for ety of Jesus in the Philippines. nando Filoni from the Vatican’s PNoy urges business leaders to support impeachment
In this connection, we briefly catechesis. I mentioned to him I mentioned to him that we Secretariat of State conveyed of ombudsman
discussed the unfolding events that the archdiocese has been have Xavier University as the this message: “The Holy Father CAGAYAN DE ORO City— President Aquino urged the lead-
in North Africa and the Middle blessed with more than a hun- leading university in Northern has asked me to thank you for ers of the business community in Northern Mindanao, as well as
East. Coincidentally, in the Phil- dred priests but that this is not Mindanano. He was also glad the Natural Family Planning local political leaders, to support the impeachment proceedings
ippines, I told the Pope, we were yet sufficient for attending to the to hear that there are five Jesuit manuals which you gave to him. of Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez. While highlighting the
commemorating the 25th anniver- needs of a million Catholics. We universities in the country. He appreciates the sentiments economic gains of his 8-month administration, Aquino reiter-
sary of the EDSA People Power are also in the process of evalu- We ended the audience with which prompted this gesture. ated that he will pursue his campaign promises of a government
Revolution on this very day of my ating and strengthening our the Holy Father giving me some His Holiness prays that you will of reform and of ending corruption for the betterment of the
papal audience with him. Catechetical Program, our Fam- pasalubong in the form of rosaries be sustained in your episcopal ordinary Filipinos. (Bong D. Fabe)
The last topic of our discussion ily and Life Apostolate (which and stampitas. Before leaving, ministry and filled with grace
was the general pastoral situ- includes the NFP Program), and I also asked for his apostolic and peace.”
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Nuncio bids farewell to CBCP

OUTGOING Papal nuncio to the Odchimar also lauded Ad-
Philippines Archbishop Edward ams for his “solicitude” for the
Joseph Adams bid farewell to Church and the hierarchy, add-
the Filipino prelates March 22 ing: “We truly felt the sincerity
preparatory to assuming his new of his friendship.”
position in Greece. “We will treasure the memory
Adams said he enjoyed his almost we have with you,” the CBCP
three-year stay in the Philippines head said.
and urged the Filipino bishops to In attendance were the three
continue the church’s mission of cardinals of the Philippines:
“truth, kindness and charity.” Manila Archbishop Gaudencio
“Being a human being is to Cardinal Rosales, retired Cebu
dialogue… being with others, to Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal
listen to them, to talk to them, to Vidal and Jose Cardinal Sanchez
understand them, to be under- who is prefect emeritus of the
stood by them, to love them and Congregation for the Clergy in
to be loved by them,” he said. Vatican.
“This should be the definition CBCP Vice President and
of a bishop… to be in the com- Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma
pany of God, to participate in and more than 50 other prelates
and to facilitate great conversa- also attended the gathering.
tion…,” said Adams. “As you move on to greater
Adams made the statement challenges in your new assign-
during a “despedida dinner” ment, we accompany you [with]
hosted by the Catholic Bishops’ our prayers,” Vidal told Adams.
Conference of the Philippines at “Your work in the Philippines
its headquarters in Intramuros, will bear much fruit… it is a
Manila. legacy that we will cherish and
Bishop Nereo Odchimar, CBCP remember,” he said.
President, noted Adams’ “fa- On Feb. 22, Pope Benedict XVI
therly” figure and was always im- has appointed Adams as Apostolic

© Roy Lagarde / CBCPMedia

pressed about his naturalness. nuncio to Greece, with about 50,000
“I would like to consider Catholics or about 0.5 percent of the
myself fortunate to have such a country’s total population.
special person like you… that we The 66-year-old American
learned to care to so much about prelate is set to leave the Philip-
and this makes saying goodbye pines for Greece after the Holy
hard,” he said. Week. (CBCPNews)

Clergy mulls prophetic role in national assembly

Contributed Photo
NEARLY 200 priests from various dio- up of the first assembly of diocesan and workshops, in what he termed as “pas- team headed by Jaro Auxiliary Bishop Iñiguez, and Taytay Bishop Edgardo
ceses across the country gathered for religious priests held in October 2009, toral circle”, where participants shared Gerardo Alminaza came up with a Juanich expressed solidarity with the
the second national clergy discernment in response to the CBCP’s call to “form their experiences, analyzed and came statement. clergy during their brief visits.
to reflect on their respective roles as circles of discernment” in order to ex- up with pastoral actions on the “varying Iba Bishop Florentino Lavarias, Other activities, like a forum on the
prophets “of the Church of the poor”. amine if Philippine priests have been faces of poverty and marginalization in chairman of the commission on clergy situation at Middle East and North
Comprising 111 priests from 42 dio- prophetic so that integral evangeliza- the ministries and lives of priests.” of the CBCP, presided over the closing Africa, pleas for signatures to help stop
ceses, including the Military Ordinariate tion could further realize the vision of Aside from Msgr. Manny Gabriel, Fr. liturgy with the participants dedicating mining at Palawan, signatures for a
and 56 others from 34 religious congre- being “Church of the Poor.” Roberto Rivera, SJ also guided the par- themselves to the Blessed Mother in the letter to be sent to President Benigno
gations, the national assembly aimed to Jaro Archbishop Angel N. Lag- ticipants in using “social analysis”. Ma- mission of being prophets in the Church Simeon C. Aquino III on the labor prob-
re-visit the Second Plenary Council of dameo’s gave the keynote speech nila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo of the Poor. lem in Cebu’s VECO, were also included
the Philippines (PCP-II), two decades titled “PCP II Perspective on Church provided the Scriptural foundations, Novaliches Bishop-emeritus Teodoro during the four-day gathering.
since it took place by reflecting on the of the Poor and the Priest’s Prophetic Living Tradition and Social teachings Bacani, Cabanatuan Bishop Sofronio The national assembly was held at the
priests’ prophetic roles given “the new Mission”. of the Church. Bancud, Manila Auxiliary Bishop Ber- Lay Formation Center (LayForce) of San
faces of the Church of the Poor”. Msgr. Manny Gabriel, one of the The group came up with pastoral nardino Cortez, Imus Bishop Luis Anto- Carlos Pastoral Complex from March
The national gathering was a follow- convenors, divided the assembly into 12 action on the last day of assembly. A nio Tagle, Kalookan Bishop Deogracias 14-17. (Fr. Nonie Dolor/CBCPNews)

Priest to run, walk for peace, life

Markings CELEBRATED. Davao Archbishop Fernando
“BIKING priest” Fr. Amado
Picardal is set to take his
“journey of a lifetime” by
running and walking across
the Philippines for “peace
and life.”
ran from Davao to Pagudpud
in 2005.
But what makes Picardal’s
unique is because he is older
and will do it alone, without
any companion, support ve-
R. Capalla, 50th anniversary of sacerdotal Picardal said he will start hicle or crew, carrying what
ordination, March 18, 2011 at the San Pedro the round-the-country pil- he need in his backpack.
Cathedral, Davao City. The solemn celebra- grimage on April 1 from “I will also mix running and
tion was graced with the presence of brother
bishops that include Ricardo Cardinal Vidal,
Davao City in Southern Phil- walking (Galloway method)
CBCP President and Tandag Bishop Nereo ippines to Aparri, the north- which I believe will be more
Odchimar, Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma, ern tip of the country. relaxing and sustainable for

Zamboanga Sibugay Bishop Julius Tonel, In his around 2,000 km me,” he said.
Mati Bishop Patricio Alo and Malolos Bishop journey to promote peace The priest will travel
Jose Oliveros. Born on November 1, 1934 in
Leon, Iloilo, Capalla was ordained priest on and the protection of the through North-Eastern Min-
March 18, 1961 at St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral sanctity of life, he expects danao and Eastern Visayas
in Jaro, Iloilo. In 1975, he was appointed to be away from home for on the first leg his journey.
Auxiliary Bishop of Davao by Pope Paul VI. 58 days, and plans to take at After that, he will take
In 1977, he was named Bishop of the Diocese
of Iligan. In 1994, he was transferred again least 42 kms a day of walking Southern Luzon, Central Lu-
to Davao where he served as Co-Adjustor and running. zon, Cordillera and Northern
Bishop before he was finally appointed as “This will symbolize my Luzon.
its archbishop in 1996. Capalla headed life as [a] continuing journey the Moro Islamic Liberation ings especially the reproduc- “I will follow a different
the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Front (MILF). tive health bill... my appeal is
Philippines from 2003 to 2005. He was also and pilgrimage for life and path, especially in the last leg
chairman of the Episcopal Commission on peace,” Picardal said. “I also pray that the GRP to stop these,” he said. when I will trek across the
Interreligious Dialogue from 1990-2002 and He went on: “I will even and the MILF will likewise Running across the coun- Cordillera mountain range,”
was vice-chair of the same commission from do fasting and will only eat at come up with a final peace try is not new. Picardal will Picardal said.
2002-2003. A peacemaker, Capalla was a
night. I’m very serious about agreement. I will pray for a be following the footsteps Picardal is confident he
convenor of the Bishops-Ulama Conference.
He was also vice-chair of the National Unification Commission from 1992-1993 and a member this advocacy.” widespread grassroots sup- of four ultra-runners: Cesar will enjoy the experience:
of the National Peace Forum from 1999-2000 and of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Picardal said it will be a port for the peace process,” Guarin who ran from Paga- “I’m used to this. I’m not very
Dialogue from 1998 to the present. He has received numerous awards and citations for be- “walking or running prayer the Redemptorist priest dian to Baguio in 1980; Fr. particular about the fruits but
ing a peacemaker. In 1989, he was conferred an honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities of appeal” for the success of said. Robert Reyes who ran in it’s about doing it. For me it’s
by the Ateneo de Davao University. He was a national awardee for St. Lorenzo Ruiz Award
for Peace and Unity in 1991. Ateneo de Manila University awarded him a Public Service the peace process between “Also, these threats to life Mindanao (1996), Visayas the journey and hopefully it
Award for Peace in 1998; and in 2000 he received the Aurora Aragon Quezon Peace Award the government and the com- are ongoing like mining and (1997), and Luzon (1998); Jay will inspire people.” (CBCP-
for Peace Advocacy and Peace Building. On March 14, 2011, the City of Davao conferred munist insurgents and with logging... the extrajudicial kill- Roxas and Mat Macabe who News)
on him its highest award, the Datu Bago Award, for his untiring efforts in the promotion of
interreligious dialogue, ecumenism and the peace process in Mindanao.

CELEBRATED. Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons of Rev. Ferdinand C. Delatado, Rev.
Mark Anthony S. Naval, Rev. Glenn William Z. Relucio and Rev. Rev. Moises D. Villamayor of the
Diocese of Antipolo; Rev. Edric S. Bedural, Rev. Herbert John B. Camacho and Rev. Kristoffer H.
UST confers highest award to UNESCO chief
Habal of the Archdiocese of Manila; Rev. Robert I. Dulnuan, Jr. of the Vicariate of Bontoc-Lagawe; THE University of Santo Tomas (UST) the arts, humanities and the sciences. ing poverty.
and Rev. Mark Andrew S. Simbul of the Archdiocese of San Fernando; March 19, 2011, Solemnity
of St. Joseph. The solemn occasion was presided by Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo
has conferred the Quadricenten- Fontanilla said it is also given to “This will highlight the Philippines’
at the San Carlos Seminary Chapel, EDSA, Guadalupe Viejo, Makati City. nial Gold Cross, its highest award, individuals who “have distinguished initiatives and achievements in UNES-
to UNESCO Director General Irina themselves by their total commitment CO’s fields of competence, specifically
CELEBRATED. Perpetual profession of vows of Sr. Maria Edesa C. Alibuca, Sr. Maria Bokova. to the service of humankind.” in education and culture, and in view
Mae M. Anacaya, Sr. Maria Ursula Nogo L. Bataona, Sr. Maria Imakulata L. Farnesi, Sr.
Maria Petronela M. Herin, Sr. Maria Selviana N. Kune, Sr. Maria Hildegardis T. Meme,
The Asia’s oldest Catholic university, Bokova also met Education Secretary of UNESCO’s leadership in the promo-
Sr. Maria Agnes M. Suwati, and Sr. Maria Valentina T. Taneo among the Religious of the on the occasion of its 400th year of foun- Br. Armin Luistro at 12:00 noon. A tion of culture of peace, the Philippines’
Virgin Mary (RVM), March 25, 2011. The solemn occasion was presided by Most Rev. dation, gave the award on the UNESCO high-level dialogue with her was hosted leadership in interfaith initiatives,”
Honesto F. Ongtioco, DD, Bishop of Cubao, at the Our Lady of the Assumption Chapel head in a ceremony at 9 a.m. at the UST by the DepEd and attended by senior Fontanilla said.
at the RVM Generalate House in N. Domingo St., Cubao, Quezon City. Medicine Auditorium on March 25. officials of CHED, TESDA, DOST and Bokova took part in bilateral meet-
CELEBRATED. The Diocese of Legazpi marked on March 17, 2011 the sacerdotal anniver- UST Office of Public Affairs Director DFA followed. ings with senior government officials
saries of Msgr. Juan Binlayo and Fr. Jose Bañares, 50th anniversary of presbyteral ordination; Giovanna Fontanilla said the Gold Cross The theme of the dialogue was cen- on March 25 to 26 to discuss UNESCO’s
Fr. Eduardo Bellen and Fr. Diogenes Barja, 25th anniversary of presbyteral ordination. is the highest award granted by UST for tered on interfaith dialogue, education, present and future cooperation with the
persons who excel in the promotion of and building a culture of peace in fight- Philippines. (CBCPNews)
Pastoral Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

Pahalagahan ang buhay
(Homily delivered by His Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales during the 7 p.m.
Mass at the Prayer Rally “Filipinos! Unite Under God” at the Quirino Grandstand,
Luneta, on March 25, 2011, Feast of the Annunciation and Day of the Unborn Child)
NAGSALITA ang Panginoong Diyos kay Moises at sa mga sumasampalataya sa kanya nang ganito:

“Tatawagin ko ang langit at lupa na sumaksi laban sa inyo. ‘Ihahain ko sa inyo ay buhay o kama-
tayan, ang pagpapala o ang sumpa. Piliin na ninyo ang buhay, nang sa gayo’y kayo at ang inyong
salin-lahi ay mabuhay sa pag-ibig ng Panginoong inyong Diyos, tumatalima at nananatili sa Kanya.”
(Deuteronomio 30:19).
towards the
defense of Life
Simulan natin ang pagninilay noong Diyos sa paglikha ng panahon ng hinog na binhi Diyos. At ang tapat na mag-
sa prinsipyo na ang buhay ay panibagong buhay. (Humanae (ng buhay) para magsilang ng asawa ay hindi pinababayaan
ang pinakamahalagang biyaya Vitae, n. 11). bagong buhay ng tao, lalang, ng Panginoon.
na kaloob ng Panginoong Di- Banal ang buhay ng mag-asa- at sa kawangis at kalarawan ng Banal ang pag-aasawa; banal
yos sa sinumang tao. Ito ang wa at sapagkat ito ay banal ito Diyos. (Henesis 1:27). ang pagtatalik sapagka’t ito
matinding paniniwala at turo ay ginagantihan ng Panginoong Sa pag-aaral ng paraan para ay kalakip ng pagbibigay ng (Homily delivered by Most Rev. Luis
ng Simbahang Katoliko na ang Diyos ng tuwa at ligaya ang tiyakin ang mahalaga at banal buhay na galing sa Panginoong Antonio Tagle, Bishop of Imus, during
buhay ng tao, kahima’t mahina bawa’t pagsasama ng sinuman na mga sandaling ang nahihi- Diyos. Hindi ito laru-laruan na
or nagdurusa ay palaging isang magasawa, sapagka’t habang nog na binhi ng buhay, mala- ituturo sa mga bata sa paggamit the Thanksgiving Mass for Life held at the
pinakamalaking biyaya ng ka- buhay nilang ipag-papatuloy laman ng sinuman ang mga ng goma, lobo o condom, para Manila Cathedral, March 23, 2011)
butihan ng Diyos (Familiaris ang masidhing pangangalaga banal na sandaling iyan—at iwasan daw ang sakit? Bakit
Consortio, n. 30). hanggang sa ang mga anak kailangan naman sa mga tiyak mga bata ang tuturuan ng
Kapag hindi ninyo pinahala- ay akayin sa kabutihang asal, na sandali at araw na iyan ang ganitong laro? Hindi po ba ang
gahan ang buhay na iyan sa banal ring pamumuhay na pagtitimpi, pagpigil sa sarili tamang ituro sa kabataan ay
alinman o saan mang yugto ng mayroong pagdamay at pag- (pagpigil sa pang-gigigil). Yan ang magandang halimbawa ng
buhay ng tao (sanggol, foetus, galang sa kapwa hanggang sa ang sakripisyo ng tao. Alalaon matatanda at ang kahalagahan
matanda, malakas o mahina), katandaan. baga ay kailangan ang mga ng buhay, ang kabanalan ng
hinding-hindi igagalang ang pagpipigil sa sarili na ang tawag
buhay ng sinuman—at diyan Banal ang pag-aasawa; banal ang ay disiplina? Ang tawag po
kapag wala ng halaga o walang noong una ay kapag may pag-
pagpapahalaga, wala ng mag-
pagtatalik sapagka’t ito ay kalakip pipigil, mayroong disiplina at
tatanggol sa buhay, dadayain ng pagbibigay ng buhay na galing sa paggalang at magkakaroon din
ang buhay na yan, aapihin, Panginoong Diyos. Hindi ito laru-laruan ng Karakter ang tao. Ngayon
kikidnapin na, pagsisinungalin- na ituturo sa mga bata sa paggamit ang gustong ipamulat sa ka-
gan na, pagnanakawan na ang bataan ay ito: gamitin ang goma,
buhay na ‘yan ng tao!
ng goma, lobo o condom, para iwasan maglaro kayo! Ganyan kabarato
Kanya napaka-ganda ang daw ang sakit? Bakit mga bata ang ang buhay ng tao ngayon.
pagtuturo ng Simbahan—ala- tuturuan ng ganitong laro? Hindi po ba Salamat at mayroong Sim-
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

gaan, ipagtanggol at itaguyod ang tamang ituro sa kabataan ay ang bahan at salamat at mayroong
ang buhay. Huwag hahad- magandang halimbawa ng matatanda Pananampalataya na nagpapaa-
langan ng anuman sandata o laala pa (kahit mayroong ilang
anumang artipisyal na paraan at ang kahalagahan ng buhay, ang mga mambabatas o matatanda
ang buhay. Ang paglalapastan- kabanalan ng pagpipigil sa sarili na ang na kakaiba ang isip na hindi
gan sa buhay na iyan, malakas tawag ay disiplina? Ang tawag po noong na mabuting makapangaral,
man o mahina, na ating laging, una ay kapag may pagpipigil, mayroong hindi na kayang makapagturo
pinapahalagahan ay labag sa ng magandang asal at batas na
kulturang Pilipino tungkol sa disiplina at paggalang at magkakaroon magpapabalik pa sa dahan- YOUR Eminences, Your Excellencies, our beloved priests
buhay ng tao. (Pastoral Letter, din ng Karakter ang tao. Ngayon ang dahang nawawala at nanghihi- and religious, our Honorable members of the House of
CBCP, 30 January 2011). gustong ipamulat sa kabataan ay ito: nang magandang hiyas na ating Representatives and the Senate, our beloved lay people, the
Ang kahirapan ng tao o gamitin ang goma, maglaro kayo! Ganyan kabihasnang Pilipino. valiant lay people.
kaya’y ang pagdami ng tao ay At bakit bata pa ay tinuturuan We are gathered for this Eucharistic celebration in thanksgiving
likas na merong solusyon at
kabarato ang buhay ng tao ngayon. na ang mga anak ng ilang mga to God for the gift of life and for the energy that has been given
ang kasagutan dito ay aral na matatanda at mambabatas sa to us to promote and defend life.
rin ng Panginoong Hesukristo. Mayroon naming natural sandali ng disiplina. Kapag pag-iwas sa responsibilidad We also want to pray, we have to pray because the forces against
Una, ang yaman ng daigdig or na paraan sa paghahanda sa may disiplina sa kama, tiyak at ang pagwawalang bahala life are always present. Let us not delude ourselves that we have
kaya’y ang pinagsikapan ng tao mahalagang buhay na iyan. na magkakaroon ng disiplina sa katuwiran at kalinisan? (Sa only one enemy, that life has only one enemy. There are many
ay sapat na at sobra pa upang At iyan ang tinatawag na sa kalsada, maging sa pitaka pangalan daw ng sanidad at faces of those that are against life, so we have to pray. And in this
pagsaluhan ng lahat. “Magma- NATURAL FAMILY PLAN- (karta moneda). Dito mapapa- kalusugan). Puro maalwang thanksgiving mass, we want to strengthen our resolve to work
halan kayo” at magdamayan sa NING. At ito ay kaloob ng halagahan natin ang “values” palusot ang gustong ituro sa together to defend God’s precious gift of life. And since it is Lent,
ngalan ng pag-ibig. Ikalawa, Panginoong Diyos sa kalikasan na itinuturo ng Simbahan. kabataan ng ilang mambaba- a holy season when we are invited to reflect on the meaning of
mayroong paraan na inilagay ng bawat tao, lalaki or babae. Banal po mga kapatid ang tas—kanya ganiyan ang magig- the life, Jesus has won for us, through His Paschal Mystery, let
ang Panginoong Diyos sa ka- Alam ng makapangyarihang gawain ng mag-asawa, kaya ing bukas ng Pilipinas—mga us allow the readings for today to help us develop a spirituality.
likasan ng katawan ng lalaki at Panginoong Diyos na darating naman ginagantihan ng Buti- mamamayan na puro palusot, I repeat, a spirituality towards the defense of life.
babae, na ito ay marapat alamin ang araw na dapat lalung pag- hing Diyos ng ligaya at tuwa lahat ng padulas ang alam. That is one contribution that Christians should make in this
o pag-aralan upang matiyak ang aralan at may pananagutang ang mag-asawa hindi lamang May peligrong mawawala ang whole debate and I’m challenging all of us here to check ourselves,
mga araw kung kalian maaaring balakin ang dakilang paghah- sa pagtatalik, kung hindi hang- halaga (value) ng kristiyano at to repossess the right spirit in our defense of life. Are we coming
madulot ng panibagong buhay anda sa buhay na iyan. Kung gang sa mapalaki sa kabuti- tunay na Filipino. Ang dapat from a deep commitment to God? Or are we coming from other
sa pagtatalik ang binhi ng lalaki kaya’t inilagay ng Panginoong hang asal, kabaitan at akayin ituro sa kabataan ay kalinisan agenda which in the end might prove to be counter life. Humanda
at babae. Sa bawa’t pagtatalik Diyos sa kalikasan ng katawan sa kabanalan ang kanilang ng budhi, kalinisan ng puso, po tayong lahat, maganda ang sasabihin ng mga pagbasa, at
ang mag-asawa ay maaaring ng tao—lalaki at babae—ang mga anak. Kasama diyan ng disiplina at pagpipigil sa sarili Spirituality / B2
maging katuwang ng Pangi- wasto at tiyak na paraan at mag-asawa ang Panginoong Buhay / B7
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

The Re-marriage of Fallen-away Catholics:

‘Sunday Mass’ on
Mondays A Review of the Motu
Proprio Omnium in
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina
Apostolorum university, answers the following queries:)

Q: My parish has a Hispanic “Sunday Mass” on Monday

evenings. They celebrate the Mass of the previous Sunday, and I

believe the implication is that it fulfills their Sunday obligation.
Is this licit?—M.M., Biloxi, Mississippi

A: If it is true that the implication is that this Mass fulfills the

Sunday obligation, it is not licit. The Sunday obligation is just
that, Sunday. The obligation may be fulfilled at any Mass on
Saturday evening but may not be transferred to a weekday.
Another possibility exists, however. On another occasion
we explained how in some Arabian countries it is permissible
to celebrate the Sunday liturgy on a Friday, the Muslim day
of prayer. In these countries Sunday is a regular working day,
and many Christian immigrants find it impossible to attend
In this case it is the Sunday liturgy that is anticipated, not
the Sunday obligation. Any Christian in these countries who
can attend Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday retains the
obligation of doing so. Praying a second, Sunday liturgy on a
weekday holiday is a pastoral provision so that the large number
of Christians who attend Mass on Friday may benefit from the
richer selection of readings and prayers found on a Sunday.
There is no obligation to attend Mass on such a Friday
celebration, and it is necessary to explain that Sunday is not
It is possible that the repetition of the Sunday liturgy on
Monday obeys a similar motivation. In the United States large
numbers of Spanish speakers work in service industries that
frequently require weekend work. If the number is significant
in a particular parish, then it is possible that the necessary
permission could be sought to repeat the Sunday liturgy so as to
provide a continuous catechesis in line with the liturgical year.
But to repeat: Clear catechesis is necessary to explain that using
the Sunday liturgy for pastoral purposes is not synonymous
with fulfilling the Sunday obligation.
Celebrating the Mass in Spanish would not in itself be a
sufficient motivation for this transfer. In this case it could
encourage some Spanish speakers to neglect their Sunday

© Roy Lagarde / CBCPMedia

obligation in the false belief that they can do so attending the
Monday Mass. If a Sunday Mass in Spanish is needed in the
parish, then it must be celebrated either on Saturday evening
or Sunday proper.

Stamping the faithful with ashes A Catholic man, a well-known personality, Failure to follow these norms by itself does the Local Ordinary for a mixed marriage),
became a Born-again Christian and married a not invalidate the canonical marriage thus a phrase which limited the scope of the
Baptist woman without securing the required contracted, but it renders it illicit─i.e., if done Catholic party to one who “was baptized in
dispensation from the Catholic authorities. After a with full knowledge and consent, it would be the Catholic Church or received into it and
few years, they break up and get a civil annulment gravely sinful for all involved (starting with has not by a formal act defected from it.” Thus,
from a Philippine court. Now he wishes to remarry the witnessing priest of course who should in the new redaction of the aforementioned
in the Catholic Church with a Catholic woman. know better). canons, the phrase “and has not by a formal
Can he do it? Quite a different matter is the so-called act defected from it” has been deleted.
impediment of disparity of cult established The crux of the matter is that many
The Canon Law on Mixed Marriages and by c.1086, which stipulates: problems arise as regards the separation
the so-called Disparity of Cult §1. Marriages between two persons, one of the faithful from the Church. The papal
There are two phenomena regulated by of whom is baptized in the Catholic Church document explains it:
Canon Law which oftentimes are confused: or has been received into it and the other of “First, in individual cases the definition
© Roy Lagarde / CBCPMedia

mixed marriages and disparity of cult. whom is non-baptized, is invalid. and practical configuration of such a formal
A mixed marriage is one contracted §2. This impediment is not to be dispensed act of separation from the Church has proved
between two baptized persons, one of unless the conditions mentioned in cc.1125 difficult to establish, from both a theological
whom was baptized in the Catholic Church and 1126 [i.e., the cautions for mixed and a canonical standpoint. In addition, many
or received into it, and another who is a marriages] are fulfilled. difficulties have surfaced both in pastoral
member of a Church or ecclesial community In other words, whereas in the case activity and the practice of tribunals. Indeed,
which is not in full communion with the of an unauthorized mixed marriage is the new law appeared, at least indirectly, to
Catholic Church. According to c.1124 of the only illicit but valid, the presence of the facilitate and even in some way to encourage
Code of Canon Law, such a marriage cannot impediment of disparity of cult─unless apostasy in places where the Catholic faithful
Q: In my parish on Ash Wednesday, the priests and laypeople be celebrated without the express permission of
use this “stamp,” shaped in the form of a Jerusalem cross. After lawfully dispensed─renders the marriage are not numerous or where unjust marriage
the competent authority. Canon Law further invalid from the start. laws discriminate between citizens on the
dipping it in the ashes, they stamp the people, one by one, as if stipulates that such permission can be granted
they were branding a cow or something. Is not the meaning of basis of religion. The new law also made
by the Local Ordinary if there is a just and The Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem difficult the return of baptized persons who
Ash Wednesday the act of making the sign of the cross on one’s reasonable cause, but only if the following
forehead with the finger? Is not the stamp a cold and uncaring The Apostolic Letter “Motu Proprio” greatly desired to contract a new canonical
requirements (called cautions) are met: (1) the Omnium in mentem, issued 26.X.2009, dealt marriage following the failure of a preceding
act toward the congregation? Is this form of distributing ashes Catholic party declares that he/she is prepared to
acceptable?—P.G., New York with two unrelated matters: a clarification of marriage. Finally, among other things,
remove dangers of falling away from the faith and the ministerial function of deacons, and the many of these marriages in effect became,
makes a sincere promise to do all in his/her power obligation of the canonical form of marriage as far as the Church is concerned, clandestine
A: I have never heard or seen this particular practice except to have all the children baptized and brought up
in some places in the U.S., and effectively I would be of the for those faithful who have left the Church marriages.”
in the Catholic Church; (2) the other party is in a formal way. Saving the first matter for a In sum, what the motu proprio has
opinion that its mechanical nature effectively detracts from the informed at an appropriate time of these promises
sense of ashes being imposed upon our heads. future article, let us focus now on the second established is that even if a Catholic separates
which the Catholic party has to make, so that it clarification. from the Church, he/she is still under Church
The rubrics for the distribution of ashes state that the priest, is clear that the other party is truly aware of the
on concluding, washes his hands, logically implying that he has The Motu Proprio dealt with the obligation Law, even if he disregards it. If he/she marries
promise and obligation of the Catholic party; (3) of the faithful who have left the Church a person who is not validly baptized without
physically handled the ashes and not just used a stamp. both parties are instructed on the essential ends
Historically, the use of ashes as a sign of penance is already in a formal way─e.g., the typical fallen- due dispensation (from the impediment of
and properties of marriage, which are not to be away Catholic who joins the Born again disparity of cult) from the Local Ordinary,
found in the Old Testament, and even Jesus speaks of the necessity excluded by either party (c.1125).
of some sinners to do penance in sackcloth and ashes (Matthew movement─to follow the ecclesiastical laws that marriage would be invalid.
Can.1126 further establishes that the regarding the canonical form of marriage, the
11:21). Tertullian, saints Cyprian, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, conference of bishops is to establish the way in
and many other Church Fathers make frequent reference to this required dispensation from the impediment Conclusion
which these declarations and promises, which of disparity of cult and the need for permission Since our Catholic personality married
practice, especially in relationship with the practice of beginning are always required, are to be made, what
a period of public penance for grave sins. in the case of mixed marriages. the Baptist woman (invalid baptism)
proof of them there should be the external It did this by taking away from the previous without dispensation from the impediment
Apart from the relatively few public penitents, many other forum and how they are to be brought to
devout Christians confessed at the beginning of Lent so as to be redaction of cc.1086, §1 (establishing the of disparity of cult, that first marriage
the attention of the non-Catholic party. In impediment of disparity of cult), c.1117 was invalid. Thus, after securing a civil
able to receive daily Communion during this season and asked to practice, many dioceses in the Philippines
be covered with ashes as a sign of humility after having received (requiring the canonical form if at least one of annulment, he is free to marry (not re-marry)
now require the non-Catholic party to sign the parties of marriage is a baptized Catholic) in the Catholic Church with a Catholic
absolution. In the year 1091 Pope Urban II recommended this a simple document to this effect.
practice to both clergy and laity. Subsequently the rite of blessing and c.1124 (requiring permission from woman.
and imposing the ashes became generalized and swiftly assumed
considerable importance in the liturgical life of the faithful. At Spirituality / B1
first, the rite was separate from Mass but eventually entered
into the Mass itself around the 12th century. sana maging bukas tayong lahat He breaks into a prayer. He turns to speak to God on behalf of the to runaway, I feel your word
Initially, men received ashes sprinkled upon the crown of the para magpasuri sa mga pagbasa to God, the God who calls him people, so that God’s wrath may like a fire burning within me. A
head, while the ashes were imposed upon women by making tungkol sa hinahanap ng Salita ng and his prayer in the whole book, be turned away from the people. fire flaming my bones, I cannot
a sign of the cross on the forehead. This difference probably Diyos sa mga nagiging propeta you may want to look the book The prayer of Jeremiah, so open run away. I maybe subjected to
stems from the simple fact that women were obliged to keep para sa buhay. Prophets of life, of Jeremiah. The prayer of the to God, and in his prayer his role suffering but I’m committed to
their heads covered in church. prophets for life, how do we prophet Jeremiah is simple, very gets clarified for him. your word. Your word is in me.
Today, the mode of imposing ashes varies from country distinguish them? What makes open, you can see the humility If we go to chapters later, the Your word is in my bones. I cannot
to country according to custom. In most English-speaking someone a prophet of life and a of this prophet, he talks to God 20th chapter, you see Jeremiah in escape your word. This is the
countries water is added to the ashes to form a paste which is prophet for life? openly. He tells God, heed O Lord his prayer again, struggling with commitment that every person
imposed by making a sign of the cross on the forehead. Many In the first reading, from the and listen to what my adversaries God. I don’t know how many of who defends life must have and
Catholics leave the mark of the ashes unwashed during the prophet Jeremiah, we see the say. Should good be repaid with us pray to God this way. Jeremiah it has a clear source, not any self
day as an outward testimony of their faith. sorry state, the miserable state evil? Sa tagalog maganda. Diyos, even said, God you fooled me. seeking, not any agenda for my
In much of Italy and in some other Roman-language countries, of a prophet, he goes around ano ba? Naririnig mo ba yung And in exasperation he said, and sake. Jeremiah the prophet only
water is not added to the ashes. Rather, the ashes are imposed proclaiming God’s word, and kanilang pinagbubulong-bulungan? I allowed myself to be fooled by had one reason, I am consumed
by making a sign of the cross above the crown of the head as what does he get? The people Nagbubulung-bulungan sila sa you. Because you were stronger by the flame of the Word of God,
the ashes fall upon the hair. This mode has the advantage of of Judah and the citizens of kanilang mga caucus, naririnig mo than I was, and looked at what has burning in my bones even before
capturing better the idea of ashes as dust but does not leave Jerusalem were conniving against ba O Diyos? Hindi nila pinaririnig happened to me, because I spoke the adversaries could burn them.
a visible sign that can last during the day, except upon those him, they were plotting against sa amin, naririnig mo ba O Diyos? your word, he even cursed the day He was already burning within
who happen to be bald. him. They were carefully noting Naririnig ng Diyos. that he was born because of the him with the fire of the word
The use of the stamp mentioned by our reader would appear his words. They wanted to And Jeremiah reminds God in suffering that he undergoes for of God. That type of prophet is
to be motivated by a desire to favor the duration of the sign eliminate him, the destiny of every his prayer. Remember, I stood the sake of the Word of God and unassailable, that type of prophet
during the day, even though this is merely an incidental, albeit prophet. And Jeremiah knows it. before you, to speak in their for the sake of the people. And he is beyond all compromises and
positive, aspect of one particular mode of imposition. The danger He knows the evil forces that were behalf, to turn away your wrath tells God openly, I want to retreat, pride because the source of fire is
is that this process could detract from what is essential to the plotting against him. The one sent from them. Jeremiah was very I want to give up. No more. Ayaw burning within spirituality.
ritual gesture, the act of receiving the imposition of ashes as a by God, the God of life, the God clear about his role, he was not ko na. But then he says, when I So I’m inviting all of us to turn to
sign of personal penance and conversion. who wants to restore life. And there only to speak to people discovered your word, I devoured Jeremiah, to turn to his sufferings
what is the response of Jeremiah? on behalf of God, he was there your word, and whenever I try Spirituality / B5
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Why I Am against the RH

By Dr. Jesus P. Estanislao tive health. In fact, by its aim, most pressing development growth rates. It fails to give due key governance principle of by threatening jail and other
it is dangerous not only to the issues now confronting Japan importance to the key determi- leaving to individuals, institu- punishments to those who re-
health, but even the life, of and a few other countries as nants of development, which tions, and other lower bodies fuse to promote and observe its
OVER these past several months, unborn babies. It can also be well, including many European include the following top five those decisions and duties that anti-life orientation and propa-
I have often been asked for the dangerous to the health—both countries and soon also South factors: “good governance; they can and should take up gation of artificial methods of
reasons behind my stance regarding physical and psychological—of Korea and China. Ageing of the openness to knowledge; stable on their own. It disregards the birth prevention.
the proposed Reproductive Health women. population, arising from too few finances; allocation of goods and maxim that governments govern 9. The bill offends the basic
(RH) bill. 2. The bill aims at fewer babies being born, is bringing services principally by markets; best by refraining from over- dignity of human sexuality so
Many have long known I am babies being reach. essential for strong families as the
against the bill in its present “con- born in our 7. The bill foundation of a strong society.
solidated” form. They guess that land, under proposes to While proposing to improve the
since the Bishops are unanimously the premise spend tax condition of families, it can easily
against it, then I must also be against that the fewer money on lead to a fools’ paradise, charac-
the RH bill. they are, the population terized by “more premarital sex,
When it comes to matters of faith better off the control pro- more fatherless children, less
and morals, Bishops provide guid- P h i l i ppi n e s grams, featur- domesticated men, more crimes,
ance; they have spoken clearly and would be: ing artificial more social pathology, more
authoritatively in accord with their fewer mouths methods of single mothers, and therefore
Pastoral responsibilities. to feed, fewer family plan- more poverty”, as has actually
Nonetheless, as an ordinary children to ning, which occurred in some countries that
person, while I listen to the moral educate, few- many citizens have taken the path the bill pro-
guidance of our Bishops, I also put er people to find offensive poses (George Akerlof).
forward my own reasons, based on care for. This to their con- 10. The bill promotes a mind-
my professional background, for my premise looks science and set that weakens the ethical
stance on the RH bill. at children— objectionable fiber of our people. It devalues
As I make clear in [this article], indeed at peo- on the basis human life. It fosters short-term
being against the RH bill in its ple—as mere of the con- enjoyment of “freedom” without
“consolidated” form is being for: liabilities. It stitutional instilling a deep sense of duty
transparency; the value of human turns a blind protection of to take on its corresponding
life; enjoyment of freedom with eye on the oth- the unborn. long-term responsibilities. It
corresponding responsibility; a bal- er side, that Indeed, many views personal relationships and
anced approach to development; the they can be— citizens are social processes from a narrowly
dignity of every person, including indeed often asking: what pragmatic, materialistic perspec-
each person’s sexuality; putting tive without giving due consid-

© Roy Lagarde / CBCPMedia

are—great net business does
proper limits on the role of govern- assets. the govern- eration to ethical and spiritual
ment; respect for the primary right 3. The bill ment have values, the bedrock foundations
of parents to educate and bring up claims to make dispensing for the genuine development of
their children in an atmosphere that the road to contracep- our people.
respects and promotes high moral development tives and
standards; respect for the right of much easier: condoms (Dr. Estanislao holds a Ph.D.
conscientious objection; and secur- the fewer ba- and spend- from Harvard University, where
ing the foundations of our long-term, bies we have to provide for, the about a demographic winter, high rates of savings and invest- ing public funds on items that he was also a Teaching Fellow and
sustained progress as a people. more resources we free up for which considerably darkens ments” (Michael Spence). are supposed to be a matter of Research Fellow. He was Finance
investments, particularly for the long-term prospects of the 6. The bill expands the role individual “choice”? Secretary during Pres. Corazon
Why I Am Against the RH infrastructure. It forgets that the economies concerned. of government considerably, 8. The bill is not only in- Aquino’s administration. Cur-
1. THE bill, in its present best investment we can make is 5. The bill is simplistic in its expanding it into areas that are trusive; it is also coercive. It rently, Dr. Jesus Estanislao is head
“consolidated form”, dissimu- on people, on a big natural base view of development: one shaped best left to individual choices tramples upon the right of con- of Institute of Corporate Directors
lates. It is far from transparent: of human resources. and determined mainly by low- and responsible decisions of scientious objection on the part and the Institute for Solidarity of
it purports to be for reproduc- 4. The bill ignores one of the ering birth rates and population married couples. It violates the of individuals and institutions Asia.)

The Philippines Under Fire

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

By Steven W. Mosher favorite of the anti-life movement, is name suggests. Section 20, which fixes the framers of the bill had in mind the Constitution, in Article II Section
equally misleading. Such programs are the “ideal” family size at two children, would presumably include—aside 12, provides that “the State shall
not intended to produce health at all, undermines the God-given right of from my criticisms above—pointing equally protect the life of … the unborn
AS I write, there is a battle royal but sterility. Lest you think I exaggerate, couples to decide for themselves the out the simple truth that life begins at from conception.” The Philippine
underway in the Philippine Congress. consider how the “reproductive health” number and spacing of their children. conception. Congress, wanting to leave no doubt
On the one side are the Planned of a population is defined: It is the It will give further impetus to social Now I know that you may find this about its intentions and no room for
Parenthood types, backed by well- percentage of women of childbearing engineering projects, already underway hard to believe, but the “reproductive misinterpretation, defined the word
funded international organizations, who age who have been sterilized or who in the Philippine Department of Health health” enthusiasts who support the bill conception in medical terms, as the
are attempting to ram through legislation are using so-called “modern methods and other government departments, to deny that a woman who has conceived a fertilization of the ovum. Implantation
that would cripple the Filipino birth of contraception.” The higher this reduce family size. In our experience child is actually pregnant. It is not until goes unmentioned
rate. On the other side stand those who percentage (of women who have been at PRI, any time a government sets five to seven days after conception, when This puts the Reproductive Health
believe that the most precious resource chemically or surgically sterilized), the population targets of any kind, it leads the developing embryo imp lants in the Bill, which indiscriminately promotes
of the Philippines is its people, and greater the supposed “reproductive to human rights abuses. lining of the uterus, that they are finally all types of abortifacient contraceptive
who object to the use of what some health” of the population is said to be. But this is only the beginning of the willing to admit its existence. devices and services, on a collision course
call “human pesticides” to control the This leads to the absolutely bizarre mischief. Consider Section 13, which In claiming that human life does not with the Philippine Constitution.
Filipino population. conclusion that a population enjoying imposes on local government officials begin at conception, but at implantation, The bill’s backers, supported by
As you might suspect, the U.S. foreign perfect “reproductive health” would the obligation to enforce the provisions they violate not only science but foreign “experts” and driven by their
aid establishment, emboldened by the not be able to reproduce at all! Why? of the Act and “give priority to family common sense. But it is important to anti-people agenda, hotly deny that
anti-people mentality of the Obama Because every last female reproductive planning work”. To this China hand, understand that they are not fools. They contraceptives are human pesticides,
administration, is on the wrong side of system would have been disabled. We this sounds an awful lot like the PRC, do not engage in this obvious subterfuge and that their massive distribution in
this crucial battle for Life. should not be surprised that the same where local officials are under constant lightly, but because they believe that the the Philippines will exterminate large
The legislation in question is people who define pregnancy as a pressure to reduce the birth rate, and do very success of their population control numbers of innocent Filipino babies. But
called “The Responsible Parenthood, disease, define “reproductive health” so by resorting to forced sterilizations, agenda demands it. there is little doubt that, if the bill passes,
Reproductive Health And Population as sterility. forced contraceptions and, all too often, You see, if they admit that life truly and “reproductive health” becomes the
And Development Act Of 2011”—a title Finally, the implication of “Population forced abortions. does begin at conception, then they order of the day in the archipelago, that
which manages the remarkable feat of and Development” is that population Another provision which could have would also have to admit that every millions will die.
encapsulating three lies of the abortion/ growth constitutes an intolerable burden been taken from Beijing’s playbook is last one of their hormonal concoctions— So far, the Philippines has resisted the
population control movement in the on the economy. But while it is true Section 15, which sets up a so-called from pills and hormonally laced IUDs population control juggernaut that has
short span of a dozen words. that growing populations do produce “Mobile Health Care Service,” and to implants and injectables—cause crushed the populations of other Asian
“Responsible Parenthood’ is shorthand temporary scarcities of goods and details how it will operate around the early-term abortions. All hormonal countries like China and Indonesia. Zoe
for the wrongheaded notion that couples services, in a free market entrepreneurs country. Apparently, as is the case in contraception works, at least part of Vidal, a Philippine bioethicist, rightly
are somehow doing the world a favor respond by innovating; they devise China, mobile sterilization teams will the time, by preventing an already observes that in this sense the Philippines
by having few or no children. In fact, more efficient means of production, be brought in to do the dirty work of conceived baby from implanting in the is “the last country standing.”
the opposite is true: Children are the for example, or they find substitutes for population control that local physicians, uterus. Let us pray, for the sake of generations
only future a nation has. Those who are scarce materials. At the end of the day nearly all Catholic, find morally The backers of the Reproductive of Filipino babies as yet unborn, that
willing to provide for the future in the a larger population not only produces objectionable. Health Bill lie about this, too, of course, they shall stand fast.
most fundamental way—by providing more goods and services, they do so at a Incredibly, the proposed law even because they know that few women
the future generation—are a national lower price. Economists have a name for attempts to stifle dissent by Catholics and would take a supposed “contraceptive” (Steven W. Mosher, an internationally
treasure. They should be praised and this: It’s called economies of scale. others by prohibiting the dissemination knowing that it would actually cause recognized authority on China and
encouraged, not condemned and The language of the Philippine of “malicious disinformation about them to abort. population issues, is the president of
sterilized. Reproductive Health Bill, as it is called the intent and provisions of this Act.” This second lie is especially important Population Research Institute, a research
“Reproductive Health,” another for short, is just as dangerous as its The “malicious disinformation” that to their efforts in the Philippines, where group founded by Fr. Paul Marx, OSB)
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Alay Kapwa 2011 Our neighbors and environment, our responsibility

CLIMATE change is now in the contribute and aggravate to the effects of
mouth of everyone, because now climate change. This means taking our
it is being experience by all. We responsibility to care for creation. Hence
experience untimely and extreme the program of Alay Kapwa this year is
weather conditions. More and more not simply to ask people to contribute
people are attributing human activity for the relief and rehabilitation fund of
as a factor in these climate changes. We our Church in the Philippines, but also
have neglected due care that is to be to educate our people towards good
given to the environment. For a long stewardship of the earth. In fact, if we
time we have regarded the environment take care of the environment we are
as an inexhaustible source of raw doing good to our brothers and sisters.
materials and as a passive receptor of all We have now to realize that it is not
our wastes. Only now do we realize that enough to take care of our fellow human
there is a limit to what the environment beings. We also have, as Christians, to
can take and to what it can give. take care of our fellow creatures, that is,
Since the inception of the Alay Kapwa all of creation!
program of the Philippine church in In our situation now, we cannot afford
1975, we have drummed up the idea to remain in the “business-as-usual”
that no man is an island, that we have mode. Our usual way of behaving, of
a responsibility to our brothers and speaking, of living has contributed to
sisters who are in need, that we cannot our sorry state. Business, government
love God without responding to the and church have to heed the call to
needs of our brethren. We still do this change to start reversing our destructive
in our Alay Kapwa program. In fact situation. May this season of Lent
the need is greater now, what with the by a season of conversion to all of
catastrophes brought about by climate us—conversion towards greater love
change. In 2010 alone around 1.5 million for our brethren and greater care of the
Filipinos have been uprooted by extreme earth. Let us be generous in our effort
weather conditions. The amount that we to curb our wasteful ways and generous
get from the Alay Kapwa program is to contribute to the needy and to our
set aside to respond to these calamities. stewardship of Mother Earth!
But we should also be more proactive.
Thus, trainings are given on disaster Most Rev. Broderick Pabillo,

File photo
preparedness to vulnerable areas. D.D.
Being proactive, however, also means Chair, ECSA-JP
that we avoid the human factors that National Director, NASSA

An open letter to President Benigno Aquino III

by the participants of the Second National Clergy Discernment
Dear Mr. President, Company Employees Union actively participating in union a reflection of the dignity of every consistent official teaching of the labor force, co-equally with an
We are the National Clergy (VECEU). DOLE assumed ju- activities. worker, a ‘co-creator’ with God in Church, will be made a CRIME by enlightened capital/manage-
Discernment Group, a national risdiction over the problem on These violations of DOLE’s le- this world of human endeavor.” your government. Moreover, that ment, can together, enthusias-
gathering of Roman Catholic November 10, 2010. One of its gal order were reported through (USCCB, September 7, 2009) it also a crime to harass existing tically forge a developmental
bishops and clergy from Luzon, orders was the following, “that a formal letter to DOLE-Region As such, human labor shares labor unions. thrust that is for the benefit of
Visayas and Mindanao. Twenty neither management nor labor 7 by the labor union on Decem- EQUALLY the dignity of the * That the right to security of the common good, not just for
years after the Second Plenary should do anything that would ber 3, 2010. DOLE-7, however, management and the owners of tenure of the workers be pro- a few.
Council of the Philippines (PCP- worsen the situation.” Labor did not even have the decency capital. Therefore, we humbly tected and the various ways We would very much appre-
II), we are reflecting on our role obeyed. to respond to the formal letter. suggest the following: management employ to circum- ciate it if, Your Excellency, can
as socially—committed prophets The management, however, Moreover, DOLE did nothing * That labor is made a CO- vent the law against contractu- spare some of your precious
in building up the Church of continued to engage in alleged about the violations of its legal EQUAL PARTNER of capital alization of workers be stopped time to meet with some of our
the Poor. illegal union busting activities order. What is going on here? and government as our country immediately. representatives to discuss these
Mr. President, last May 2010 such as: declaring that the union May this be investigated? crafts any economic develop- Pope Benedict in Caritas in matters with you.
elections you called on the president is still terminated In addition, our reflection mental plan. Veritate says, “I would like to May we always heed what God
Filipinos, “Iiwan na natin ang converting the status of some brought us to the realization that * That you UNEQUIVO- remind everyone, especially wants us to do, as we endeavor to
daang baluktot… Ang daang union members to “confidential one of the causes of the mistreat- CALLY REVOKE the UNWRIT- governments… that the primary follow the straight path of love,
matuwid ang tanging daan tungo employees” (part of manage- ment of labor is that it is treated TEN incentive for foreign and capital to be safeguarded and valued justice, and peace.
sa pagbabago.” In keeping with ment), which automatically as a commodity, a thing to be local investments to come in our is man, the human person in his or
this, we would like to present cancelled their union member- bought as cheaply as possible. country because labor unions are her integrity: ‘Man is the source, In Christ, the Good Shepherd
to you and the Department ship―actually, they remained as We would like to remind discouraged. In fact, since 1974, the focus and the aim of all eco- and in Behalf of the Participants
of Labor and Employment tellers, lines men (rank-and-file), the President and DOLE of the the Mactan Export Processing nomic and social life’.” (CV, 25) to the Second National Clergy
(DOLE) Secretary Rosalinda contracting out regular work to Church Teaching that human Zone (MEPZ) boasts of having This means that in the economic Discernment,
Baldoz, something strange that other labor contractors, inter- labor has dignity because the absolutely no existing labor realm, the life and dignity of all
is happening with the DOLE rogating and harassing union worker shares in the divine at- union. must be protected, work and
Region 7. members, pressuring them to tribute as God’s co-creator. “It * That violation of the right the rights of workers must be Bishop Gerardo A. Almi-
There is a labor-management shift loyalty from the union to the remains a major point of refer- to organize labor unions, guar- respected, and a genuine com- naza, D.D.
conflict in Cebu City between management; discouraging new ence for us all as we give thanks anteed by the U.N. Declaration mitment to the common good Auxiliary Bishop
the Visayan Electric Company regular VECO workers who are to God for the meaning with of Human Rights, the 1987 Phil- must be upheld. Archdiocese of Jaro
(VECO) and the Visayan Electric automatic union members from which God has endowed work as ippine Constitution, and the We believe that an enlightened March 15, 2011

May They Be One Dirty Bibles, Cleaner Lifestyle Members of the MTBO
Advisory Committee:

n Dumingag town, Pagadian, parishioners from one barrio would borrow a Bishop Broderick S. Pa-
Bible from the closest barrio that had a Bible. Due to the scarcity of the printed billo, DD, Ambassador
Henrietta T. de Villa,
Bible Campaign
text, some parishioners would simply copy portions of Scripture by hand.
Others would even borrow from other religious groups such as the Adventists Mr. Rod G. Cornejo, Mr.
or the Protestants. Fr. Riolito Ramos, San Jose Parish priest, said that anyone Rene E. Cristobal Sr.,
who would see their Bibles may not be able to recognize the copies because Dr. Philip C. Flores, Mr.
Help Put a Bible in Every Filipino Home the edges have become dirty and worn from use. Even plastic covers could not Dante M. Lanorio, Fr.
spare the Bibles from dirt due to frequent use, reading, handling and borrowing.
Fr. Ramos said the wear and tear attested to the people’s thirst for the Word of Oscar A. Alunday, Fr.
God. The thirstier the people were, the dirtier their Bibles became. Antonio B. Navarrete,
In 2009, three Bible distributions were held under the May They Be One Bible Fr. Art B. Orense and
campaign, bringing in 600 additional Bibles to the parish. People got their Bibles Mr. Albert S. Tanlimco.
and read straight away. Some of these Bibles were worn out quickly from read-
ing. Fr. Ramos believes it was because these Bibles were being lent to other
barangays who did not have their own copies.
Ironically, the dirty Bibles resulted in a cleaner lifestyle for many. According to Praise God that His
Fr. Ramos, reading the Bible has opened the eyes of a group of parishioners Spirit is actively at work
to the importance of maintaining ecological balance. As a result, they began in the hearts of our
lobbying against unscrupulous mining practices. Fr. Ramos further added that countrymen, causing
morally, a number of philandering husbands were transformed by the Word,
and decided to end adulterous relationships. Personally witnessing the power a great hunger for His
of the Living Word, Fr. Ramos’ expressed desire is to have more May They Be Word.
One Bibles to distribute in his cash-strapped parish.
Pray that May They Be
Statistical update One Bible campaign will
No. of Dioceses participating in the Bible Campaign – 80 out of 86 Dioceses be able to raise the P60
Bibles Distributed (Jan. 1, 2011 – Mar. 21, 2011): 45,011 cps
Bibles Distributed by Languages - Tagalog (16,481cps.), Cebuano (9,000 cps.) English Million peso goal this
(7,458 cps.), Ilocano (4,273 cps.), Hiligaynon (3,341 cps.), Bicol (1,995), Pangasinan (13
cps.), Pampango (937cps.), Samarenyo (1,513 cps.)
year to be able to dis-
Parishes/Communities served: 66 tribute 400,000 Bibles
Total Bible Distribution: (Jan 2009- March 21, 2011): 346,045 cps to poor Filipino homes
Target No. of Bibles for Distribution for 2011: 400,000 cps.
Fr. Riolito Ramos, with members of the San Jose Parish in Dumingag, Pagadian Total Funds Needed for Printing and Transport of Bibles in 2011: P60M for 2011.

Visita Iglesia: A lenten offering of the Media Office of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Launching
April 1, 2011. www.visitaiglesia.net “Discover an online experience of the Lenten season through Easter”
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Message from Pope Benedict XVI

read right after the opening prayer at the Holy Mass on March 25, 2011 at the Quirino Grandstand Interfaith Rally for Life
My dear Brother Cardinals, death, and in defense of the
Not for the first time, Filipino integrity of marriage and the
society is passing through family. In these areas you are
a difficult period in all that promoting truths about the
concerns life and its defense. human person and about society
The Church is not indifferent with arise not only from divine
in such moments, because she revelation but also from natural
believes that life is sacred, a law, an order which is accessible
gift from God who calls man to to human reason and thus
cooperate with Him, aided by a provides a basis for dialogue and
deep sense of responsibility for deeper discernment on the part
his actions. of all people of good will.
On the occasion of their recent
Ad Limina visits, the Filipino Strengthened by this clear
Bishops were unanimous in message, I again encourage
demonstrating their sensitivity you and all who value the
to the attacks being made upon human person to be firm in your
life and upon the family. His commitment to honor God and,
Holiness Pope Benedict XVI by doing so, to manifest a deep
recommended the defense of love for life and for its protection
these values which remain vital at this time.
to the whole of Filipino society. With my prayerful good
Speaking on 29 November 2010 wishes in this delicate moment,

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

to the Bishops from Manila and I remain
the north of the country, the Holy
Father said: Yours sincerely in Christ,
I commend the Church in the
Philippines for seeking to play +TARCISIO CARDINAL
its part in support of human life BERTONE
from conception until natural Secretary of State

‘Towards Justice That Moves Statement of Appeal

Beyond Punishment’ for Japan
BROTHERS and Sisters,

Declaration of the 8th General Assembly of Chaplains We express our sincerest sympathies and condolences to the
citizens of Japan who have recently been devastated following

and Volunteers in Prison Service

an 8.9-magnitude earthquake, triggering tsunamis on Japan’s
eastern coast and sparked radiation threats due to damaged
nuclear plants, forcing thousands out of their homes.
February 3 - 6, 2011 Carmelite Missionaries Center of Spirituality, Tagaytay City The earthquake was the strongest recorded in Japan’s history
and the fifth largest quake worldwide. The phenomenon,
considered to be the worst disaster since World War II, vastly
impinged on the country’s infrastructure, private properties
THE declaration comes from 55 Arch/dioceses handicapped, the old, the sick and mentally IV. For the Different Dioceses and and industries. It has also caused thousands of families to
and 7 Non-government Organizations with challenged Archdioceses be homeless and took the lives of their loved ones. Many
167 lay Volunteers in Prison Service, 33 f) The congested, outdated and dilapidated 1. That our bishops integrate into the arch/ areas experienced blackouts as quake and tsunami damage
Jail and Prison Chaplains, 16 religious facilities for persons deprived of liberty diocese structure the prison ministry as part has forced power plants to shut down putting a strain on
women, and two bishops from the CBCP- g) The cruel, degrading treatment and of its pastoral ministry. electrical supplies
Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral the experience of torture perpetrated by the 2. That our bishops designate priests, Along with the extent of the damage to life and property
Care who met from February 3-6, 2011 at the keepers and the inmates as well. religious and lay association to engage in by the earthquake and tsunami, Japanese authorities are even
Carmelite Missionaries Center of Spirituality h) The slow disposition of cases. the restorative justice ministry and assign more concerned with a possible meltdown of three nuclear
in Tagaytay City. The theme of the assembly i) The problem of graft and corruption. person/s within the diocese to regularly reactors located at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility.
is “Towards Justice That Moves Beyond attend to the concerns and advocacies of A meltdown is said to be caused by a catastrophic failure of
Punishment”. In view of the aforementioned we call on the ministry. the reactor core, with a potential for widespread radiation
The declaration is addressed to the the following sectors to act on the following release.
stakeholders in the criminal justice recommendations: V. For Volunteers in Jails and Prison In this light, we call upon our Caritas partners and all
system. 1. That we hold regular assembly, training concerned citizens to extend prayers and support to our fellow
After sharing and learning from our I. For the Executive Department: and fellowship for pastoral and theological Japanese brothers and sisters. Our donations will buy food,
experiences, listening to experts in the various 1. That it observes and enforce its enrichment. water and shelter, and rebuild homes and schools.
fields and discipline in the area criminal commitment to international laws, 2. That we device a three year integrated Although Japan is a world power, Christian charity bids us
justice and discerning the will of the Loving agreements, and treaties to which the program for prison reform and rehabilitation to be one with those who suffer. The Philippines and other
and Merciful Father as one member of the Philippine is a signatory that promote the in consonance with the philosophy, principles nations have also received support from Japan in times of
Christian Community, interest and welfare of the stakeholders in and basic tenets of biblical justice. need.
the criminal justice system. 3. That we work for a more vigorous and Let us pray for the speedy recovery of the entire country and
We affirm 2. That it recruits qualified personnel that sustained advocacy and lobbying for the lift up to God those who lost their lives in this disaster.
* That scripture’s teaching on justice is will take care of the persons deprived of enhancement of the rights of the victims and NASSA–Caritas Filipinas welcomes donations from friends
centered on restitution and restoration, not liberty and that it disciplines the same when the persons deprived of their liberty. and partners which will be forwarded to Caritas Japan, our
vengeance and punishment. Restitution they found violating the prisoners’ rights. 4. That we come out with concrete partner.
was seen as a way of setting things right. 3. That it comes out with after-care evangelization program for the members of
That justice should be based on principles of program for the victims of crime as well as the criminal justice system specifically the PHILTRUST BANK
forgiveness and reconciliation; that retaliation to ex-offenders. members of the correctional pillar. Account Name: CBCP CARITAS FILIPINAS FOUNDATION,
plays no part. 4. That it addresses the slow disposition 5. That we establish linkages with agencies INC.
* Our faith teaches us to place distinctions of cases by appointing more qualified and and groups working in the criminal justice PESO Account No. 00320 – 013976 – 5
between wrongdoers and the virtuous, and competent members of the court i.e., judges, system especially in the field of correction. US$ Account No. 0034 – 00013827
to see ourselves as brothers and sisters with court personnel, prosecutors and public 6. That we minister to the victims and EURO Account No. 0035 – 00000031
varying strengths and weaknesses. attorneys. their families.
* That crime that is inevitable in our world 5. That it comes out with centralized 7. That we continuously raise funds Thank you very much! May God bless your compassionate
is not only the responsibility of a few evil information data based records of the persons to finance our program for the prison and generous hearts.
individuals within the society. When the law deprived of liberty. ministry.
is broken, there is corporate responsibility. 6. That it considers a community based 8. That we monitor the observance of the BRODERICK S. PABILLO, D.D
* That we need to relearn how to practice treatment of those in conflict with the law. local and international laws governing the National Director
compassion and mercy in our dealings with 7. That it revises the guidelines in the persons deprive of liberty like the acts of NASSA-Caritas Filipinas
one another; granting of executive clemency by making torture of inmates not only by prison guards
* That the current criminal justice system it more rehabilitation and treatment but among each other as well.
that is punitive is just another form of based.
violence and as such has little potential for 8. That it initiates the training and VI. For the CBCP-ECPPC Spirituality / B2
healing broken relationships and restoring education of the agencies concerned with 1. That the commission continues to lead
the sense of community among those affected persons deprived of liberty especially the law in the advocacy and lobbying in enhancing and to marvel at how such a person life. Life as a gift should continue
by crime; enforcers and the correctional employees on the dignity of the stakeholders in the criminal stepped in ridicule and adversity being a gift.
field of human rights. justice system and work for justice that will could sustain his prophetic role The moment life is taken away,
* That we need a system that gives a better be in consonance with the Gospel values and in the purity of his commitment we destroy the very nature of
deal to victims, that promotes apology, II. For the Legislative: teachings of the church. to the word of God. life as gift. And Jesus says so,
healing, understanding, accountability, 1. That it makes bills that will provide 2. That the commission continues to This is fulfilled in the prophet even His dying in the Gospel of
personal and collective responsibility, more restorative justice interventions and provide pastoral and theological updating who is much greater than John, he says, no one takes my
forgiveness and even reconciliation. alternatives to imprisonment like diversion, among its units and network members. Jeremiah, because He is the Son life away from me, I lay it down
* That we should develop a new philosophy work furlough, study furlough, treatment 3. That the commission continues to act as of God, Jesus. In the Gospel, freely. I give my life as a gift and
of justice that will move from PUNISHMENT centers and community based program. the resource center for materials on prison Jesus plainly tells His disciples no one should take it away. There
to RECONCILIATION; from VENGEANCE to 2. That it works for the immediate passage ministry and its advocacies and concerns, of His destiny. They were going is only one interpretation on the
HEALING OF VICTIMS AND OFFENDERS; of the bills on Recognizance or pre-trial specifically on Restorative Justice and to Jerusalem where we would death of Christ that matters to
from ALIENATION and HARSHNESS to release and the integration of jail and alternatives to imprisonment. be handed over to the chief us according to the Gospel. His
COMMUNITY WHOLENESS or SHALOM; prison administration under one agency or 4. That the commissions continue acting priests and the scribes who were death has been faced by Jesus as
from NEGATIVITY and DESTRUCTIVENESS government unit. as a clearing house and coordinating center condemned Him to death. the ultimate giving of Himself in
to HEALING and FORGIVENESS AND 3. That it considers revising the penal and for programs and activities among its He would be handed over to the form of service. Again, this is
MERCY. prison laws that dates back during the turn members. the Gentiles. He will be mocked, part of our spirituality. We will
* That restorative justice is the paradigm of the century and consider archaic and That the commission continue the he will be scourged, he will be be offering our lives for life; we
of justice that will provide the opportunity outdated. collaborative partnerships with other faith crucified. But on the third day, will be offering our lives for the
to enhance the dignity of the stakeholders 4. That it decriminalizes some of the offense and government agencies both locally and he will rise from the dead. But sanctity of life. But let it be fueled
of crime. that might be unacceptable behavior but not internationally. Jesus interprets the meaning of by the spirit of Christ, just like
criminal acts like prostitution, gambling, his sufferings at the end of this Jeremiah, only one motive, loving
We are deeply concerned with: vagrancy. Closing statement passage. He says the Son of Man service. That makes the fight for
a) The current justice system that is punitive We conclude the assembly with gratitude came not to be served but to serve life redemptive. Loving service, if
and retributive III. For the Judiciary: in our hearts and renewed hope for more and to give His life as a ransom I do not give my life out of service,
b) The non-observance and non- 1. That it creates a monitoring system to zealous effort in our prison ministry. Inspired for the many. then I am actually claiming the
implementation of laws both international trace the development and movement of by the insights through the sharing of our The death of Jesus was not a case lives of others, misusing the
and local that protect the dignity of the cases in courts to promote speedy trials. experiences in prison and the expert in the of other people claiming His life. lives of others. It is only in that
persons deprived of liberty 2. That it strictly implements the rules field of criminal justice system, we will carry For Jesus, His death was really an purity of intention that we find
c) The lack of holistic programs for the governing the handling of cases and impose with our hearts the value of cooperation, act of service. He will serve even in Jeremiah and in Jesus were life
victims, offenders, ex-offenders and their sanctions on judges who are very slow in the acceptance and humility as volunteers in if it means giving “My whole life. is truly served.
families. disposition of cases. prison service. My last breath will be my last act But my dear brothers and
d) The plight of children in conflict of the 3. That it immediately fills up the vacancy of service.” And so nobody takes sisters, we have to be warned
law despite the passage of the Juvenile Justice in the courts. We end with trust in God’s providence and his life away from him. I give my because in the middle of the
Welfare Act of 2006 4. That it considers revising the rules of guidance as we fulfill our mission in being a life as a ransom for the many. Gospel for today, we find the
e) The lack of facilities and program court that were patterned after the US that light to others as we work for “Justice That Life is always a gift. God gives sons of Zebedee, James and John.
for prisoners with special needs like the has a jury system. Moves Beyond Punishment” life and no one should take away Spirituality / B7
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

The Christian community as a people that walks in the light

4th Sunday of Lent – Year A (John 9:1-41) April 3, 2011
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, considered an evidence of the of the world, this implies that
SThD coming of the Kingdom of God. people who live apart from him
But far from taking it as a miracle, dwell in darkness. And in John’s
John simply calls this particular theology, darkness represents
DURING the presidency of act of power as sign, and in the the kingdom of wickedness
Arroyo, a power outage hit the entire Gospel, this is the sixth of and evil; it is the realm of sin,
entire Luzon amid loud blasts, the seven signs. As a sign, it points and one who lives in darkness
fueling rumors of coup d’etat. to a greater and deeper reality. It lives in sin and wickedness.
But National Power Corporation gives the recipient, and those who “Men love darkness rather than
(Napocor) officials were quick witness the wondrous deed an light because their deeds were
to explain that the blackout anticipation and foretaste of what wicked. Everyone who practices
was due to a short circuit that Jesus can give when his hour, evil hates the light; he does not
occurred when an overhead that is, the hour of his passion, come near it for fear his deeds
groundwire in a Tayabas death and resurrection, comes to will be exposed” (John 3:19b-20).
substation snapped. According pass. From a material sign, one Hence, if one lives outside the
to Jo Maglina, Napocor corporate is led to a spiritual reality. In last Christian environment, he is like
communication manager, when Sunday’s Gospel, for example, the the physically blind who lives
the groundwire fell, it hit the water from the well of Jacob is a in darkness; he lives a life of sin
conductors connecting the 230 sign of the supernatural water, and wickedness. Just like Manila
kilovolt Tayabas-Kalayaan God’s wisdom that Jesus, after his when it experienced the Luzon-
line with the 500-kv Tayabas- resurrection, gives to those who wide power outage, people like
Dasmariñas line, both of which believe in him. In today’s Gospel, him are blind, scared, unable to
bring power from generation the physical blindness of the man move for lack of a guiding light.
plants in southern Luzon to the is meant to teach us about our They are removed from the joys
rest of the island. The general spiritual blindness, and the sign of of living with electricity; that is
blackout not only resurrected the healing of the man born blind to say, they do not live authentic
fears for destabilization plots that is intended to lead us to spiritual life. They simply exist, but they
the military immediately sought light that shines in darkness. do not have real life.
to allay. It also put businesses In the Old Testament, the This raises the question: how
to a standstill and paralyzed light that shines on in darkness does one acquire real or authentic
the operation of many plants. is none other than the word of life? In the present narrative,
Life in Luzon almost came to a God inscribed in the Law. The the blind man was given sight

halt. At night, people lived in Law regulates a form of life that because Jesus smeared mud on
darkness, and some could only a Jew must live if he is to attain his eyes and commanded him to
move because improvised light salvation. Hence, the Psalmist wash at the pool of Siloam (John
guided them. Many might have sings: “A lamp to my feet is your 9:6-7). In John’s symbolism,
felt they were living the life of word, a light to my path” (Ps this curing of the blind man by
the blind―scared, threatened, 119:105). In the New Testament, washing and the use of spittle is
immobile or almost, and removed however, the light that shines on a symbol of baptism. In other
from the joys of normal living. in darkness is none other than the words, for John, true light, which
We recall this power outage Word made flesh. That is why, is the real or authentic life, is
because today’s Gospel is a story if John tells us about the story communicated to the believer
about a man born blind whose of the healing of the man born through Christian baptism.
physical impairment Jesus cured blind, it is his way of asserting Notice that we say “believer”—
(John 9:1-41). If this narrative that the true light is not the law for the story assumes that the

occurred in the synoptic gospels but Jesus himself. Says Jesus: blind man has an initial faith
(Matthew, Mark and Luke), this “I am the light of the world” in Jesus. Strictly speaking, John
would have been treated as a (John 9:5b); and John claims that asserts that one who lives in sin
miracle story, and the wondrous Jesus is the light that gives light wickedness receives the light of
cure by Jesus would have been (John 1:4). But if he is the light Community / B7

To be a Christian is to be a man for others Bishop Pat Alo

5th Sunday of Lent – Year A (John 11:1-45) April 10, 2011 ENCOUNTERS
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD one reads the story, he gradually notices that to have life in himself” (John 5:26). Jesus has
it leaves much to be desired. For example, it from the Father: “Just as the Father who
after Jesus raised him from the dead, did has life sent me, and I have life because of the
WHEN some major TV networks featured Lazarus live a normal life? Did he die again? Father…” (John 6:57). Life is therefore the
an Abu Sayaf footage a few years ago, there Why is it that we do not hear about him in fellowship of the Father and the Son, and this
was much outrage and furor—as well as the subsequent events in the Gospel? Truth fellowship cannot be destroyed: “Whoever

Stand of the Church

approval. The TV footage showed machete- is, these questions are irrelevant, because the believes in me, though he should die, will
wielding Abu Sayaf rebels interrogating story is not about Lazarus, but about Jesus. come to life, and whoever is alive and believes
captured soldiers before chopping off their In the previous Sundays, we noticed that in me will never die” (John 11:26). If we may
heads in an undetermined location at the
Basilan jungles. There was much criticism
Jesus performed signs—he performed acts of
power that brings the reader who has faith to
attempt at a short description, we say that life
is the experience of God in our lives, and this (What is good for Filipinos?)
on Malacañang’s decision to release the spiritual realities. The water of Jacob’s well life is one of wholeness that is shared with
tapes to the TV networks. People were was a sign of the water of life, and the cure others. In this life there is integrity of body THE hotly contested issue of the RH Bill being discussed
terribly upset, calling Malacañang insensitive of the blind man was a sign of Jesus as giver and soul, and there is fullness of joy. In the in Congress is actually intent on seeking what really is for
and manipulative in gathering support to of light. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus once letters of Paul, this seems to be akin to the our own good. Which stand: that of the Church or of certain
the holding of the Balikatan 02-1. Others, again performs a sign—the seventh—to bring indwelling of the Spirit: “You are not in the legislators?
however, favored the airing of the footage, the mind and faith of the believer to another flesh, you are in the spirit, since the Spirit of There are many money offers from all sides that make the
saying that it embodies the truth about the spiritual reality: Jesus is the giver of life. God dwells in you” (Rom 8:9). whole point cloudy from the very start. Money, you know,
Abu Sayaf atrocities. Former President But what is life, in the first place? Does In today’s Gospel, Jesus says that anyone is corrupting. Look back into history. People sold, betrayed,
Arroyo herself, defending the decision to it simply mean a power that animates who believes in him will live (John 11:26). back downed because of disreputable money offers or its
release the gory footage, declared that the something or someone? It may be noticed This means that a person, even here on equivalent in other worldly advantages.
people have the right to know. But amid that the word “life” occurs 36 times in the earth, can already share or possess this life We are seeking the good of the Philippines with concepts
the mounting outrage as well as increasing Gospel of John, 13 in the Johannine Letters, of fellowship with God if he puts his faith in open to the transmission of life so as to have a future of society
support, a person who called himself “Jun” and 17 in Revelation. Since it is found 107 Jesus (1 John 1:3). And the seventh sign—the alive through the cooperation and contribution of the young,
claimed that the machete-wielding man times in the Johannine writings and 135 times story of Lazarus—is meant to illustrate this duly formed and educated to assume leadership roles in the
seen on TV was not an Abu, but he himself in the entire New Testament, the concept is teaching. If Lazarus is Jesus’ close friend, he midst of a vibrant society facing diverse challenges in a world
who was forced to do it, because if he did therefore relatively important. But what does represents the Christian who believes in Jesus undergoing the normal pains of growth and change. As the
not, the Abu Sayafs would have beheaded the term signify? Of course, there are various and, like Lazarus and his sisters, is loved by saints have expressed: “The glory of God is man fully alive,
him instead. He killed others so that he meanings of the word. Metaphorically him. But who does Jesus love? According but the life of man comes from God.”
might live. speaking, for example, one might say that to John, he who keeps the commandments of That depends now upon your understanding and respect
Today’s Gospel is about Jesus who is the Jennifer is his life, or money is his life, or love: “He who obeys the commandments he for life, as God truly intends. “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the
exact opposite of “Jun”—Jesus died so that teaching is his life. In the Johannine usage, has from me is the man who loves me; and earth and conquer it” (Gen. 1:28). We want a moving and
others may live. But that is going ahead of the however, life is what God himself and Jesus he who loves me will be loved by my Father. young society, truly alive and obedient to God’s designs, in a
point of the narrative. At first blush, it would possess: “Indeed, just as the Father possesses I, too, will love him and reveal himself to love that will reach the eternity of bliss in heaven, after being
seem that the story is about Lazarus. But as life in himself, so has he granted it to his Son true to God, to oneself and to one another.
Christian / B7

Fr. Francis Ongkingco


Getting ahead of technology

“MY phone is sooo cool!” Gerald “I don’t have a cell,” Alec said to have and what they have. This is we have to give the pure lesson of these additional features won’t really
flashed his cell at Benson. the surprise of his two friends. further complicated when other good example of not succumbing to be maximized nor radically change
“Oh, yeah? Mine is cooooler!” people may have similar but better the lure of ‘novel’ things or becoming the way we function. Define what you
Benson retaliated. *** or newer things. This insecurity too dependent to them to the point really need something for. Remember
“Bet it doesn’t have games like It may be not too long before can become a breeding ground for of sacrificing family life, friendship, you can’t have everything in one go.
mine has,” Gerald started clicking children lose their much-coveted vicious sentiments like envy, vanity dialogue and the gift of listening to For example, a phone is mainly for
on his gadget. innocence and simplicity because and sometimes stealing. others. making calls and sending texts. If this
“It does and I don’t even have to of the way they are being heavily Pope Benedict XVI observes a) Of Needs and Wants. This is principal need is achieved, then your
click like you. I just tap the icon,” exposed to and are becoming the advantages of technological perhaps the first thing to stress and cell is as cool as any other.
Benson began showing off his dependent upon technological progress, but he also laments its clarify. If one doesn’t know how c) Faster isn’t sometimes fast
device’s features. devices or gadgets. If this is how they negative effects. “We have seen it to distinguish his needs from his enough. Speed in gadgets is one
“But yours doesn’t have a voice already are now, imagine what they ourselves: progress has increased our wants, then it will be easy to give in crucial factor that truly defines
thingy!” challenged the other. will be—unless they are properly capabilities, but not our moral and to different forms of immoderation, advantage. Again, you will have
“What’s a voice thingy?” Benson oriented— human stature and capacity. We have greed, and envy. A need is something to determine what you need speed
asked. when they become adults? to regain an internal balance, and essential--physical, professional, for. Buying things that have faster
“I don’t have to even touch the Children’s materialistic outlook we also need spiritual growth. This moral and spiritual--to the person’s features (i.e. processor speed) means
phone. I just say, ‘daddy’, and it calls is further reinforced when they is something that the tribulations of integral perfection. A want is having to spend more but lesser
up my dad,” Gerald stuck his tongue observed how overly dependent our time are increasingly teaching us something dispensable and often battery life. When one’s main purpose
out at Benson. and indulgent their parents and to recognize.” (Benedict XVI, Light only auxiliary to man’s development. would be texting, making calls and
“Oh, that one! I have that too,” siblings are with material things. of the World: A Conversation with The problem is that we are now writing a note, speed isn’t really that
Benson retaliated. This gradually shapes their attitudes Peter Seewald) forgetting that things don’t change essential.
“What about you Alec?” Gerald both in their personal and social Here are some ideas that parents a person as much as a person can d) Bigger isn’t always more. Again,
noticed their silent but observant development. and mentors may find useful to change himself. like speed, size matters when it comes
companion. For example, insecurity may transmit to their children or mentees. b) Newer isn’t always better. If to what a gadget can hold in terms of
“Yeah, how do you call your dad to arise when they end up comparing It is not enough to simply impart better means that a gadget has more movies, songs and applications. But
pick you up?” Benson added. themselves with the things others these ideas. As parents and guides, features, then think again. Most likely Technology / B7
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011
Water mismanagement in PH endangers water supply
There’s a need to overhaul water policies, environmentalists say
By Noel Sales Barcelona companies are the ones who these illnesses and deaths from Manila Bay as one of the “water
are raking massive profits, water pollution. The urban poor pollution hotspots” in Southeast
while leaving the majority of sector bears the brunt of the Asia. While Manila Bay is
WATER is for the people, not for the people in the Philippines, negative health and economic supporting the livelihood of
profit. This was the statement waterless. Bautista refers to the impacts of the pollution since about 23 million people, it is
of the environmental advocate privatization of the Metropolitan they live in high risk areas,” under threat as pollution in the
group, Kalikasan People’s Waterworks and Sewerage Bautista furthered. waters increases each year.
Network for the Environment System (MWSS) in 1997. Laguna de Bai and Manila “The sustainability of the
(KPNE) during the global The water-as-a-right alliance, Bay: great examples of water Bay and its diverse ecosystem
celebration of World Water Day Water for the People Network- resource mismanagement is however continually
on March 22. Philippines (WPN), seems to He made the Laguna Lake threatened by a variety of land
“Despite of our vast water support KPNE’s claims. an example of how poorly and sea-based human activities,
resource potential, the In a statement, the WPN said the previous and current which contribute to the decline
Philippines is among the lowest that “The privatization of public governments have managed of its environmental quality.
in terms of water availability in water utilities has worsened the the water sources in the Overexploitation of resources,
Southeast Asia. Only one out of people’s access to water, adding country. illegal and destructive fishing,
every two Filipinos has piped that 16 out of 100 families in Laguna Lake (also known habitat destruction, pollution,
water in their house. Only a all income classes do not have as the Laguna de Bai) is the siltation and sedimentation,
third of the rivers in the country access to safe water. In Metro largest body of freshwater in the uncontrolled development and
can be used for water supply. Manila, water rates have also country, and third in Southeast the conflicting use of limited
This is because majority of our continued to increase since the Asia, covering 949 square available resources cause
rivers have varying levels of privatization of the MWSS, with kilometers (or equivalent of pressures on the bay,” the
pollution and degradation. the two private firms increasing 98,000 hectares). It is surrounded WEPA states in its website.
Pasig River, Parañaque River, their basic charges by 449% by the Rizal province on the While there are several laws
Bocaue River, and Meycauayan (Maynilad) and 845% (Manila north, Laguna province on the being implemented to protect
River are among the most Water). south, and Metropolitan Manila the Manila Bay, it seems that
polluted rivers in the country WPN also stated that less than on its western shores. these laws are insufficient.
and also in the world,” said 60% of Maynilad’s service area It is the home of 23 fresh water “However, with the
Clemente “Enteng” Bautista in the west zone has 24-hour fishes and the 10 salt water fish increasing complexity of the
Jr., national coordinator of the water service, while Manila species and the 26 types of lake- problem there is a need for
KPNE. Water claims 99% water supply water based plants that provide multi-agency and cross-sectoral
KPNE has assailed the coverage in the east zone but the 100,000 fishing families in management program,” WEPA

© Pinky Barrientos, FSP / CBCP Media

government for its alleged does not distinguish areas with Laguna Lake, their livelihood. explained.
inaction to the water problem direct household connection While it seems to be teeming On the other hand, KPNE
in the Philippines. from those serviced by private with life, the lake is slowly dying said that in order to reverse the
“The Aquino administration water suppliers. because of pollution. negative effects of the water
has neither reviewed In 1997, the Department sources’ mismanagement and
nor changed the bankrupt Philippines manages its water of Environment and Natural the extensive water pollution
economic policy and poor resources poorly—study Resources reported that 8.5 in the country, the government
water management of the In terms of water management, million people residing around should craft laws and implement
past administrations. Water Bautista said that the Philippines the lake are dumping their programs that will re-orient the
resources and facilities are still is one of the top ranking domestic and other wastes utilization and management of
being privatized. For example, countries in the world that directly to groundwater or to from domestic and industrial directly to Laguna de Bai. our water resources.
water supply and sewerage manages its water sources canals, which are connected to wastewater,” the environmental Industries and the agriculture “The water industry should
services remain a private poorly as only five per cent (5%) larger bodies of water such as advocate stated. sectors also contribute to the be working, primarily for public
venture. The government has of its 90 million population have rivers, lakes or seas. Bautista also disclosed that polluting of the lake, as they service and needs, and not for
relegated its responsibility of a sewer network connection, “In Metro Manila, only 15% 1/6 of the recorded disease cases constitute 30 and 40 per cent private profit. At the same time
providing effective and safe citing the latest World Bank (WB) of the population is connected in the country and about 6,000 of the wastes found in water, the people must struggle to
water supply and sanitation study. Citing that same study, to the sewerage system. The premature deaths are related to respectively. establish a government that will
services in Metro Manila to Bautista said that 95 per cent of study also shows that 58% of the contaminated drinking water. Meanwhile, the Water genuinely uphold their interest
private companies,” he said. the households in the country groundwater is contaminated “Around US$134 million or P6 Environment Partnership in and not of the corporate world,”
He also said that the water are dumping its wastewater because of pollution coming billion is lost yearly because of Asia (WEPA) has identified Clemente said.

Spirituality / B5 Buhay / B1

Jesus has three closest friends among the they are talking about, but they miss the life is promoted. Two figures—Jeremiah, at paggalang sa hindi sariling pera. building) na nagtataglay ng sakripisyo,
twelve—Peter, James and John. And in the point. They could not understand this Jesus. Life threatened but they took the Anong klaseng panukalang batas disiplina at paggalang sa dangal ng
Gospel, we find the mother, the mother of new kingdom, this kingdom of life that threat and transformed the threat into itong RH Bill na kung maging batas asawa. Kung wala kang sakripisyo,
James and John, approaching Jesus with will come when life is given as a gift. In love, service. And life is not threatened na, at ang itinuro o ipaliwanag ng hindi ka makakabuo ng karakter.
a request, “command that these two sons their minds, life is preserved only through anymore. Life remains a gift given to Simbahan at mga naglilingkod dito Ang sinumang tao ay tagapangasiwa
of mine will seat one at your right and the prestige, power, positions, and for that life others and others live because of Jesus. ay ang katwiran na galing sa Bibliya, lamang ng kanyang katawan. Ang pa-
other at your left in your kingdom.” They they will sacrifice other lives. This is the We hope that our defense of life will go Pananampalataya at konsensiya ng nanagutan sa ating katawan ay dapat
missed the point, and this is the warning history of humanity which Christianity to that deep part of ourselves, where Kristiyano tungkol sa Buhay at Kalin- umalinsunod sa kalooban ng Diyos na
to all of us. We might miss the point. wants to counter. The end to sacrificing Jesus has the Holy Spirit transforming us isan, sa halip na ang turo ay ang RH nangungusap sa atin sa pamamagitan
Katatapos pa lang ng napaka-dramatic lives is by the spirituality of life given as into true prophet of life, patterned after law, ay maaaring papag-multahin o ng konsensiya (budhi). Kapag hindi
na pagpapaliwanag ni Jesus, wa effect. gift and service. And so Jesus, patiently Jesus Himself. ibilanggo ang mga ito? Paparusahan pinakinggan at iginalang ang tinig na
At mga kaibigan pa, mga kaibigan, the turned to them, ask them, “can you drink Let us pause and enter into our hearts and pa ang sumusunod sa konsensiya ‘yan ng Diyos (sa konsensiya), yayani-
closest, pati naman yung nanay naki- of the cup that I will drink of and can allow the face of Jesus to challenge us to ask at Pananampalataya. Hindi ito ang gin at lilindulin, hindi ang bundok at
alam pa. Yung nanay ni John and James, you be baptized in the baptism that I us deep and disturbing questions about the Pilipinas! Hindi na tayo babanggit ng dagat, kung hindi ang budhing ‘yan
expert sa lobby, mahusay maglobby. will undergo?” Meaning, are you ready spirituality of our commitment to life. anumang bansa, pero hindi ito ang ng sinumang tao.
Pero yung mga nagla-lobby na yan, to undergo my life-giving death. For it Pilipinas na minahal at pinag-alayan Aming paninindigan na sa mga
sometimes they think they know what is only in life given in service that this (This transcript is courtesy of Radyo Veritas) ng buhay ng mga bayani, sampo ng pagpili kaugnay ng RH Bill, ang budhi
tatlong Pari—Padre Mariano Gomez, (konsensiya) ay hindi lamang sapat
Padre Jose Burgos, at Padre Jacinto na kabatiran kung hindi higit sa lahat
Christian / B6 Technology / B6 Zamora. Sa El Filibusterismo, ang ay ginagabayan ng mga itinuturo ng
unang pahina ay inihandog ni Jose kanyang pananampalataya.
him” (John 14:21). John categorically believer receives life from him. But if let’s get real here! After installing Rizal sa tatlong pari na iyan. (At ang Naniniwala kami sa kalayaan sa
states that Jesus loves Lazarus (John he rejects Jesus and even hates him, one all these apps, copying giga-loads gusto pang alalahanin ng ilan ay si relihiyon at sa karapatan ng pagtutol
11:3), and therefore one can assume that dies. But if one receives life because of songs and videos, surely one can’t DAMASO na ito naman ay hindi ayon sa budhi (konsensiya) sa mga
Lazarus, while he was living, obeyed he believes and loves, he is no longer indulge in all of these together. More Pilipino!) bagay na labag sa sariling pananam-
the commandments of love. For this in the realm of death, but even here on often than not, we only access a few Ito ang paninindigan ng Simba- palataya. Ang nakapataw at parusa sa
reason, Jesus gives him life. Because earth, he receives divine life: “That we items here and there, and often just han: napapaloob sa minumungkahing RH
life has not been taken away from him, have passed from death to life we know, to ‘show off’ what these digital ‘toys’ Ang pagmamalasakit sa katatayuan Bill ay dahilan para sa aming pagtutol
though he died, Lazarus’ death is only a because we love the brothers” (1 John can now do more than what they’re ng maraming mahihirap, lalo na ang dito. (Pastoral Letter, CBCP, 30 Janu-
form of sleeping (John 11:43-44). In this 3:14b). For John, this is the only kind really useful for. mga nagdurusang kababaihan na nag- ary 2011).
narrative, therefore, the physical death of life that endures—others perish with e) Connect to people, not things. susumikap upang gumanda ang buhay May panahon pa upang maiwasan
of Lazarus is simply meant to signify a death. Life of wealth will go bankrupt, In the end, we ought to stress that we at kailangan pang mangibang bayan ang trahedya moral na idudulot ng
spiritual reality. It is a sign of who Jesus life of beauty will fade, life of popularity must be able to give more importance upang kamtin ito o kailangan pang RH Bill.
is—he is a giver of life. At the same time, and fame wanes. If there is anything that to people over things. If the things we pumasok sa isang hindi disenteng Baguhin ang mga panukalang ‘yan,
it is a sign of what he can do to those persists even after death has occurred, have only lead to isolating us from paghahanap-buhay. Nababagabag ang o ibagsak ang kayang kabuuan ng si-
who believe in him—one does not die this is our fellowship with God. And family, friends and God, then it’s high Simbahan diyan. yang pugad ng walang paggalang sa
if he possesses the life of Jesus. because this assumes that one loves his time to begin reflecting on how to get Ang Simbahang Katoliko ay para buhay, pagkawala ng responsibilidad
The story of Lazarus is narrated to brothers, one cannot follow the example ahead of technology by controlling it sa buhay at dapat ipagsanggalang at disiplina na siyang tunay na kailan-
challenge the hearer to believe in Jesus of a certain “Jun” who, if his story is true, to work in our advantage rather than ang buhay ng tao mula sa sandali na gan ngayon ng tao at bayan.
(John 11:26), and to believe in him is to blindly obeyed the Abu Sayaf to chop off making it to control us. ito ay ipaglihi o mabuo hanggang sa Kung ang mga bata ay natuturuan
love, for it is in love that faith is shown: the head of the soldiers, in order to have natural na katapusan nito. pa ng Simbahan, ang mambabatas
“His commandment is this: that we life. Such life would end soon in death. *** Naniniwala ang Simbahan sa mapa- ay amin rin pinapaalalahanan. Lahat
are to believe in the name of his Son, If Christ is able to give life because he “Then how will your dad know nagutang (responsible) pagsasaayos kayo, ngayon at bukas, ay kasama sa
Jesus Christ, and we are to love one died, so is a Christian: he must offer his when to pick you up?” Gerard ng bilang at panahon ng pagsisilang aming dalangin.
another as he commanded us” (1 John life for others so that others may live, asked. sa pamamagitan ng Natural Family Pagpalain kayong lahat at ang Bayan
3:23). By believing in him and loving and in that way, he will surely receive “Simple, he promised to pick me up Planning. Dito kailangan ang pagbuo ng Poong Maykapal! Mahal tayo ng
him in the community of believers, the a hundredfold life. here every day at 5 o’clock sharp.” ng matatag na kalooban (character Diyos at alaga ng Ina ni Hesus!

Community / B6

life through faith and baptism. believes in me from remaining in

CBCPMonitor Name ________________________________­________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
In Christian theology, one who
is baptized belongs to Christ; he
no longer lives in sin that makes
the dark” (John 12:46), or when
he declares: “He who acts in truth
comes into the light to make clear
SUBSCRIPTION RATES it impossible for him to be saved, that his deeds are done in God”
but receives the light of grace that (Jon 3:21). This teaching recurs
Mailing Address ______________________________________________ saves him. in other New Testament writings.
______________________________________________________________ The reception of true light, In a letter attributed to Paul, for
The CBCP Monitor is published however, implies a moral example, we are told: “Now
fortnightly by the CBCP Media Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: __________________ imperative—once one receives you are in the light of the Lord.
Office, with editorial and busi- Mode of Payment light, he no longer walks in Then, live as children of light.
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belief in Jesus, he stood his it differently: “Your light must
• Domestic ground. Though he experienced shine before men so that they may
1 Year Php 500.00 _______________________________ excommunication and suffered see goodness in your acts and give
2 Years Php 900.00 rejection in the hands of praise to your heavenly Father”
• Foreign: Asia authorities, he demonstrated his (Matt 5:16). This simply means
1 Year US$ 55.00 courage in defending his gradual that a Christian is to identify
• All Other US$ 80.00 understanding of Jesus—he is a himself with the blind man who,
man called Jesus, a prophet, one having been cured, gives witness
PLEASE SEND TO: from God and finally the Son to Christ against the hostility and
CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines of Man. It is in this sense that bullying of powerful authorities,
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Or e-mail this at cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.com says: “I have come to the world of one’s friends, family and the
as its light to keep anyone who society to which he belongs.
B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) her face childlike innocence. TITLE: Red Riding Hood
is in love with the brooding The trailer of Red Riding CAST: Amanda Seyfried, Gary
Moral Assessment Technical Assessment
but passionate Peter (Shiloh Hood apparently implies evil Oldman, Billy Burke,
Fernandez) but her parents lurking behind those can’t- Lukas Haas,Shiloh Fer-
 Abhorrent  Poor nandez, Michael Shanks,
want her to marry nice village do-anything-bad eyes, but the
 Disturbing  Below average
Julie Christie, Virginia
boy Henry instead to help the movie would soon belie that
 Acceptable  Average
family financially. Neither man sneaking suspicion. Obviously Madsen, Max Irons, Dar-
 Wholesome  Above average ren Shahlavi
is bad looking, and Valerie she’s not the werewolf but you DIRECTOR: Catherine Hard-

 Exemplary  E
xcellent who likes Henry but is more nonetheless hang on to find out wicke
attracted to Peter, agrees to what ultimately happens. That, GENRE: Drama
elope with Peter. But their dear viewer, shows you how a RUNNING TIME: 100 min.
situation gets more complicated bias for certain actors gets you Technical Assessment: 3
when Valerie’s sister is killed by hooked on the story despite Moral Assessment: 2.5
a werewolf that strikes every the presence of some elements CINEMA Rating: Viewers 14
full moon night. This terrifies you would otherwise consider and above
the whole village: why would ridiculous or irrelevant. Here,
the werewolf kill a human being they are the metal elephant that
despite the village’s monthly turns out to be torture chamber
animal sacrifice to keep the for suspected werewolves and human, so is the act of killing
creature satisfied? So they call witches, and the color of Valerie’s then outside the scope of
in famous werewolf hunter hood which contributes nothing human morality? Aah, that’s
Father Solomon (Gary Oldman) to the story but which makes a gray area in red riding hood
who arrives in the village with a great frame against a snow- country! How could CINEMA
a retinue of black bodyguards covered landscape. The title pass judgment on a werewolf’s
and a huge metal elephant. itself makes you wonder, why trespasses, or is it worth the
Soon, during another full moon “red riding hood” when Valerie bother at all? We cannot do
attack, Valerie discovers she has never rides; doesn’t she only that without spoilers, so you
a connection with the killer wolf walk to her grandmother’s might as well see for yourself
but she keeps the discovery a cottage and run away from why we’re giving it a 2.5 score
secret. Father Solomon tells the the wolf? Some film critics in the moral arena. This teaser
villagers the werewolf takes would rip Red Riding Hood might help you, though: Why
human form by day, thus it apart on account of its bearing did the carnivorous werewolf
could be one of them. Valerie vestiges of Twilight—this thing who used to be satisfied by the
suspects the werewolf could about werewolves, virginal villagers’ animal sacrifices kill
be someone she loves or who heroines falling for bad boys a woman but did not eat her? a)
loves her. yet spared from wolf attacks, the werewolf was scared away
Any screen character but whatever, it’s an engaging by the woman’s screaming; b)
portrayed by Seyfried seems story from beginning to end. the werewolf was allergic to the
to automatically elicit sympathy Of course, it’s a sin to kill fabric of the woman’s dress; c)
from the audience, thanks to a human being. But when a the werewolf wasn’t hungry.
her wide-eyed look that lends werewolf kills, it is not quite Enjoy the ride.

MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi

Buhay Parokya
TITLE: Limitless
CAST: Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Anna Friel, Johnny
Look for the images of the
Last Supper, cord and veil and DIRECTOR: Neil Burger
chalice. (Illustration by Bladimer SCREENPLAY: Leslie Dixon
EDITOR: Naomi Geraghty
MUSIC: Paul Leonard Morgan and Nico Muhly
PRODUCERS: Leslie Dixon, Scott Kroopf, and Ryan Ka-
PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Patrizia Von Brandenstein
GENRE: Action thriller
RUNNING TIME: 105 minutes
Technical Assessment: 4
Moral Assessment: 2
CINEMA Rating: Audience Age 18 and above

Struggling writer
Eddie Morra (Bradley
Cooper) is at a low
point of his life ---
career, relationship
and finances, when
he accidentally meets
his former brother-in-
law Vernon ((Johnny
Whitworth) while
walking in the street.
Realizing his present
state during a brief
catch up, Vernon
offers Morra a mind-
stimulating pill called
NZT that allows him
to access 100 percent
brain intelligence function and enables him to step up in his life.
Cynical at the beginning, but on discovery of immediate amazing
effect on his first try, he knows what to do next. He asks Vernon
to give him more pills. But before Morra gets his share, Vernon
is murdered. Morra manages to find a bag of pills. As expected,
he suddenly gains back the lost glory as a writer, his girlfriend,
and the liberty to enjoy the benefits of overflowing knowledge.
His services become in demand in the business community
where he had the opportunity to work with a business wallstreet
tycoon Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro).
The film “Limitless” has an interesting plot to start with.
However, as the story builds up, it somehow struggles to sustain
the interesting momentum. The scenes become predictable
and has the tendency to prolong unnecessarily. The chasing
scenes, for example, are not clearly established whether there is
paranoia, real life and death situation, or just obsessions to the
pills. For any reason, why death scenes have to be very violent.
The director may also have overestimated the use of voice over
for this film, because often the narration causes destruction. It
already has a good casting coup that fits the requirements of
the characters in the film. Acting wise, both Cooper and De
Niro did well in their respective roles. If not of the good special
effects, the film can be dragging at some points. Lighting is
good and it helps in establishing emotions as required by the
scenes. The cinematography is well complimented by special
effects. Overall, the film goes with good technical qualities.
The film shows that accessing 100 percent utilization of brain
function can bring amazing effects to the person, the economy
and society in general. The problem is, the film disregards
the natural process for it and instead promotes cheating and
so called “instant” culture. It is simply drug addiction that
is harmful to the body. The film shows how it makes people
greed for instant success, money, fame, and power. The main
technology is the human mind that people can use to bring
out their full potentials with due respects to natural process.
But the film ends with an alarming conclusion that it is okay
to continue with an experimental drug for as long as it is taken
“responsibly” with a right dosage and for a good purpose.
The film also shows that sex is an easy trade off for a service
of ‘smart’ person. The death scenes are too violent and absurd
(such as sipping human blood). The film requires a mature
audience who can understand the whole saga of this wonder
drug and the accompanying circumstances.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

The News Supplement of

Couples for Christ

God’s Army On The Cross!

By Bobbee Mella mission statement: the SOLD The morning of Saturday saw In the second talk,
Ministry is really the ministry the delegates being grouped “The Art of War,” Bob-
of men (and women) praying, into different companies and bee Mella, CFC USA
MORE than 400 true men of adoring, revering, devoting and given “mission orders’ as they National Council mem-
God committed themselves to surrendering to God. trekked up the scenic “Dambana ber and SOLD National
put on the full armor of God in As the Pilar Convention Hall ng Kagitingan” in Mt. Samat. To Coordinator, expounded
defense of His Gospel during the started to fill to capacity on the achieve the mission, they had on how to stand firm
10th SOLD Men’s International first day, Bishop Ruperto Santos of but one slogan: Let no man be and fight the enemy
Conference in Pilar, Bataan, on the Diocese of Balanga, Bataan fit- left behind. In spite of the heat by knowing one’s self
the last weekend of March11- tingly opened the conference with of the sun and the ascending and the enemy, know-
13, 2011. The commitment was the celebration of the Holy Eu- 14-flight zigzagging footpaths ing one’s strengths and
made at the foot of the Cross of charist. His homily exhorted the to the shrine, all the companies weaknesses, getting out
Valor in Mt. Samat. ministry to merge faith and action were able to achieve their mis- of the comfort zone, and
It was truly another experi- in leading the flock. Joe Tale then sion orders. forming a strategy in
ence of a lifetime for the SOLD formally opened the 10th SOLD After the afternoon praise, attacking the enemy. In
delegates who came all the way Men’s Icon. Friday evening was the first talk entitled, “The Sol- proclaiming God’s king-
from as far as Southern Mind- capped with the Cadence March dier” was delivered by Jude dom, he emphasized
anao, as well as China and the competition among the different Abenoja, Area Head of Southern that the way to success is
USA. For them, this was their provinces in attendance. Leyte. The talk dwelt on the by making it both a goal
servant of the Lord and a mission.
as a Christ-centered Tong Bonifacio of
soldier wearing the West-C Sector aptly
seven elements of the shared how he was able tion of the Holy Eucharist. The fi- was transformed into victory.
armor of God, ready to combat the comfort zones nal talk, “The Full Armor of God” After the commissioning of all
to sacrifice and give of his Christian life while Eric delivered by Joemar Salumbides, the leaders, the conference ended
his all in defense of the Oliveros of Quezon shared how SOLD International Coordinator, with a rousing praisefest led by
Gospel. Jojo Cuyugan he firmly stood ground amidst gave each and everyone marching Joemar with everyone proclaim-
of Davao shared how the attacks of the worldly life. A orders on how to keep the faith ing, continuing and claiming the
a true soldier responds Lord’s Day led by Melo Villaro- – by holding his ground, being legacy of God’s victorious battle
amidst the adversities man capped the afternoon ses- firm and unwavering in God’s against the enemy.
one encounters, shar- sions in preparation for the fel- calling and purpose, and never Indeed, all these indefatigable
ing his own story of lowship night where delegates taking off God’s armor until the true men (and women) of God
overcoming the death showed their vocal talents in a battle is finished. Mon Verdejo of have started the road trail on-
of his wife and being magic-sing competition. Albay gave a heart-rending story ward to the 11th SOLD Men’s
left with the care of Msgr. Allen Aganon started the of how his life, filled with misfor- Icon in Cebu in full armor to
four autistic children. final day with a moving celebra- tunes and family controversies, regain God’s kingdom!

Experiencing A Bountiful
Feast and Celebration Called To Nurture,
The Mindanao “CFC Armor of God”
Leaders Conference
Defend and Protect Life
By Layle Ancheta celebration. The Sinanduloy dancers are
the defending champions in the street
dancing, Sinulog-based category in the
TANGUB City is known as the Christ- Philippines for the past years.
mas Capital of Mindanao for its beau- With such a warm welcome, everyone
tiful display of Christmas lights and was truly excited as the talks and shar-
symbols. This year, it was also the ings unfolded God’s message for every-
venue for the CFC Mindanao “Armor one that weekend. Rene Breva opened
of God” Leaders Conference held last the conference with a prologue. The first
March 11, 12 and 13, 2011. session was led by Rommel Ancheta as
More than 4,500 CFC leaders from the speaker and wife Layle as sharer, while
25 provinces in Mindanao gathered in Session 2 was led by Boie Sescon, with
the Tangub City Gymnasium to expe- wife Angging as sharer. CFC Chair-
rience God’s marching orders through man Joe Tale led the third session and
our CFC theme for the year, “Put on wife Babylou took the stage to give her
the Full Armor of God” taken from testimony. This was followed by Session
Ephesians 6: 7-11. 4 with Joe Yamamoto as speaker and
The grand preparations of this event, Dodong Banaynal as sharer. The final
considered the biggest in the history of talk and praisefest was led by Michael
the city, was led by City Mayor Philip “Shok” Ariola with sharers, Ruel and
Tan and his wife, Jenny, also members Maan Aguirre.
of Couples for Christ in the province. The conference was rendered more
The Tangub City gymnasium, which Spirit-filled by worship leaders Rue-
has existed for the past 15 years, was bert Dechos, Francis Kaamino, Cesar By Tina Rodriguez defend and protect life in all forms, from One of them was Ms. Mae Bel-
renovated and fully air-conditioned Advincula, James Solano. Lending conception to natural death. gica, a woman who used to be an
just in time for the CFC weekend. The spice to the program were the Session CFC was privileged to host the live active contraceptive user, who
whole city graciously welcomed their On Friday, March 25, 2011, Couples streaming video broadcast of the Rally, bravely shared that when artificial
News Anchors: Pempe Deguilmo, Boy
guests with festivities, food fiestas and for Christ was privileged to be part and our very own CFC Church Inte- contraceptives failed her and she
Gonzales, IC member Joey Arguelles,
late night parties and band concerts in of the Filipinos Unite Under God gration Office Missionary, Sk Ortigas, got pregnant, she had an abortion,
Philip Tan and Caloy Subang.
the plaza from Friday night till Saturday For Life Rally held at the Luneta was interviewed on GMA 7’s 24 Oras not just once, but several times. By
Indeed, it was a powerful weekend
night. The highlight of the weekend’s Grandstand. Along with thousands because of it. God’s grace, she realized the error
for the CFC leaders of Mindanao. As
activities was the thanksgiving street of other Filipinos of different beliefs The program, which had Fr. Joel Jason of her ways, repented, changed, and
they all left the warm city of Tangub,
dancing of the Tangub Tribu Sinandu- and faiths, CFC came together to and Ms. Gaines Rosario as the emcees, eventually bore her first child at the
they carried with them a stronger and
loy, who danced on the streets wearing show that we stand for LIFE. Two started with the recitation of the Holy age of 42. Her sharing was a power-
bolder conviction to continue to serve in
their colorful and festive costumes with busloads of staff and fulltime work- Rosary, followed by the Stations of the ful testimony to the dangers of the
one of the most challenging and exciting
the theme of a bountiful harvest and ers from the CFC Home Office joined Cross for Life. Afterwards there was an “contraceptive mentality” and how
group of islands in the Philippines.
CFC brethren from all over Metro inter-faith prayer and Declaration of laws like the RH Bill, which do not
Manila and the nearby provinces to Opposition, including testimonies from legalize abortion but “only” contra-
declare our commitment to nurture, people from all walk of life. ception, are inherently dangerous.
Mae’s sharing was followed
by a rousing declaration of op-
position to the RH Bill by Con-
gresswoman Aliah Dimaporo of
Lanao Del Norte. Coming from a
background that included work-
ing overseas, she emphasized that
the main asset of the Philippines
was, and continues to be, the
Filipino. Our human resources are
the number one quality “export”
of the country, and many foreign
employers she had encountered
usually indicated their preference
for Filipino workers. Listening to
Called / C4
C2 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

Joe Tale, CFC Chairman

Commencement Exercises
March and April are graduation the most part, a wish for a better life to change the city where he resides. “While these are real problems, “How do we respond? I propose
months. While graduation programs than they ever had. Let us honor the After another 10 years, he is now re- these are really but manifestations of the following guide:
are culminating activities not only for parents and family of our graduates. ally disappointed that he cannot even something deeper. At the root of all of 1. Know your identity -- You are
schools but more for the graduating This day belongs to them, too. change his city, and thus settles for these, is an underlying breakdown of created in the image and likeness of
students themselves, they are interest- “Today, as well, is a day for your seeking to transform his family. But, moral values.” God. You are meant for something
ingly, and aptly, called Commence- university officials and teachers, they with his children already grownups, it “Against this backdrop, some greater. Don’t let anyone tell you
ment Exercises. For indeed, while a who patiently teach and form you, has become difficult to transform even would like to transform society by otherwise.
chapter in the lives of graduates have develop your skills and potential, and his family. So, feeling frustrated, not reforming the structures. While 2. Acknowledge your weaknesses
ended, a new one has begun. Endings prepare you for the next phase of your having changed the world, not hav- this will help, it is not enough un- and repent -- Repentance, acknowl-
are really beginnings, too. Students, educational development. Educators ing changed his country, nor his city, less we go to the fundamentals. A edgement of our own sins and short-
upon their graduation, should focus do not just work for pay, although not even his own family, he focused former high government official in comings, and resolving to change
on the road ahead, to commence yet that is important, too, but more than on changing the only thing left– his the US, Charles Colson, who served is an important step. Repentance is
another phase of their life journey. that, I know that they work with their own self. as Special Counsel to President from the Greek root word “Metanoia”
I was honored to be invited by my heart, they give of themselves, with a “So what is the moral of the story? Is Richard Nixon, was imprisoned due which means a turning away from or
alma mater in Dumaguete City - Foun- vocation to make this world a better it, to forget about idealism, and just be to charges related to Watergate. In a turning away to.
dation University High School - to be place, starting with you, by making realistic. Is it to forget about dreaming prison, he encountered the Lord in 3. Walk your talk -- Integrity or con-
the Commencement Speaker during you a better person.” big, and just be pragmatic and content a special way, in a similar way that sistency of word and action is a goal
their Graduation Ceremonies last On their theme: “The Graduate: A with small things? No! Ninoy Aquino did, also in prison. we all should aspire to because this is
March 26, 2011. Partner Towards A Transformed So- “For we should not lose our ideal- In a book he wrote, “Against the the linchpin of character.
I would like to share with you the ciety” -- “As we look at our society ism. The capacity to dream is what Night,” Charles Colson writes: 4. Get involved -- Be salt of the
insights I shared with the graduating today, Philippine society specifically, keeps the youth in us, no matter “I spent the first half of my profes- earth. Immerse in the situation, there
students, their parents and teachers. we immediately understand and see our age. The author Samuel Ullman sional life in politics and public should be no fence sitters; know that
Somehow they seem as appropriate to the urgent need for transformation. writes: Nobody grows old by merely service. When I was in the White only a pinch will go a long way, you
them who are embarking on a new life Not cosmetic change, but deep trans- living a number of years; people grow House, I was a complete secularist. need not be many to make a differ-
chapter as to us as we prepare to close formation. Not tomorrow, but begin- old by deserting their ideals.” .. ence; don’t work for recognition, just
the third decade of our community life ning today. “The moral of the story is this: if I really believed that people could have the satisfaction that you have
and look forward to another. “And you have an important role you want to change the world, change be changed by government being helped.
To the audience: “To the graduates, to play in the transformation of this yourself first. In other words, the changed. 5. Persevere -- Galatians 6:9 says
this is your day, a signal achieve- nation. More and more, we have be- young graduate should have done the But when I became a Christian, I it well:
ment in your journey through life. I come a nation of young people, where last thing first, and the first thing last. gained a new perspective on the ac- a. This is not a sprint, but a marathon
am sure there are mixed emotions, of the young constitute a majority of the He should have focused on transform- tual influence political structures have
gratitude, that finally, at least for this population. Thus, we do not have ing himself first, before attempting to over the course of history. I began to Closing Thoughts
phase of your education, you are over to wait for the future for you to be a change the world. see that societies are changed only “The theme of social transforma-
the challenges of exams, recitations, force for societal change. You can be “Mahatma Gandhi puts it well: “Be when people are changed, not the tion is actually a very challenging
projects, and other requirements; but that force now. You can start making the change you want to see in the other way around. one. We can get lost in the maze or
also of sad goodbyes to classmates, a difference now. world.” get overwhelmed by the complexity
friends, teachers and staff, some of “It is instructive though, to recall “Again, be the change you want to The crisis is not political; it is moral of it all. We may not even know how
whom you might not be seeing again an anecdote: A young graduate, see in the world. Do not point at oth- and spiritual.” to begin.
for a long time. Add to these - feelings full of idealism, goes forth raring to ers. Do not blame others. Start with I suggest we start with small things.
of uncertainty, and perhaps anxiety, of change the world. After 10 years, not yourself.” “Thus if we want to transform soci- Let’s start doing good to others. Do-
what lies ahead. Where does my road succeeding in changing the world, he On the state of society that we seek ety, we need to hit the root of the prob- ing something good to others always
lead from here? downsizes his goal and now just seeks to transform: “What do we see around lem. Since the core of the problem is inspires, and in some intangible but
“It is likewise a day for your parents to change his country. After another us? Media is crowded with news on moral, then let us strike there. Other- real way, transforms both the doer
and family, they who labor and sacri- 10 years, he still is unsuccessful in crime, violence, immorality, wide- wise, we will only keep jabbing away and the recipient. Let us start with
fice to provide you with an education changing his country, so he once spread poverty, injustice, graft and at the surface manifestations without doing something good today. Not
that will help you live a better life, for again lowers his sights and just seeks corruption, illegal drugs.” landing the knockout punch. tomorrow, but today.”

Joe Yamamoto, CFC Director

Cast A Giant Shadow

Cast a Giant Shadow was the With eyes grown dim with about the call of Moses, Joshua, stem from people resisting God determination to try harder and The desperation of the Jews
title of a 1966 movie based on age, he longingly scanned the Isaiah, Exequiel, Daniel, David, rather than rejecting the leader. a complete abandonment of grew every hour as the Nazis
the experiences of a Jewish- mountains and valleys of the the Apostles, and Paul. Nothing The way to tell the difference one’s self to God’s purposes. The were rapidly advancing.
American military officer, Col. Promised Land knowing that is the same, except that all those is that God will ultimately ex- former lies on people and their Being a faithful diplomat,
David ‘Mickey’ Marcus ( played he would not be able to ever mentioned were called for a culpate those who are led by commitment; the latter relies on Sugihara wired Tokyo for per-
by actor Kirk Douglas ) who set foot on the land that was particular time, for a particular the Spirit. God and His sufficiency. The mission to issue the visas. His
commanded units of the fledg- foretold and promised to the Is- purpose. A third sign of God’s pres- biographies of history’s great- government refused to give the
ling Israeli Defense Force dur- raelites since time immemorial Once called, the leader will be ence in a leader is changed est spiritual leaders reveal spe- authorization. Chiune wired
ing the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. as proof of God’s covenant with judged or remembered accord- lives. When someone leads in cific divine encounters wherein back two more times and two
Marcus was an officer who saw His people. The role played ing to the other requirements the Spirit’s power, lives are these men and women yielded more times, he was refused per-
action in the Second World War. by Moses was unique because – Character, Competence and changed.People are moved to themselves to God at the deeper mission. He was even advised to
He was attached to a US Army he was raised specially by the Consequences (or results). For experience God in a new dimen- levels of their lives. All spiritual stop inquiring.
unit that helped organize the Lord to liberate his people from those called to spiritual leader- sion. Leaders may entertain leaders have a point in their lives The situation posed a big
relief operation for the first Nazi 400 years of slavery and bond- ship, there is the paramount people, or impress people, or when they yield to Christ as their dilemma to Sugihara; as a tra-
concentration camp liberated by age in Egypt under extremely importance of the belief that even motivate people but if Lord and Savior, but the greatest ditional Japanese, he was taught
the American troops. difficult circumstances. As the God will empower, equip and there is no spiritual advance- leaders have their subsequent obedience to authority from
His military and leadership chosen prophet, he received the provide. Since a leader will be ment in the people they lead, encounters with Christ, in which birth. If he disregarded his or-
career continued into the 1948 two tablets of the law and was appreciated or valued according their leadership originates from they fervently, unconditionally ders, he and his family would
Middle East conflict when he conferred the extraordinary to his impact or contribution to the leader’s talent, but not nec- yield every aspect of their lives be disgraced and had to suffer
was asked by the leaders of the privilege of speaking directly the organization, community, essarily from God. to Him. The more these people the severe consequences. On
Jewish Resistance, the Haganah, to God regularly during their church or movement, it is safe A fourth characteristic of come to know God, the more the other hand, he was from a
to assist in preparing Israeli desert sojourn. All throughout to state that he must learn to God-inspired leadership is that they come to recognize their Samurai clan, inculcated with
troops for the defence of the the desert wanderings, Moses cast his shadow, the larger or others recognize God is the limitations and the more they are the values of helping those in
newly declared state of Israel was the link between God and longer, the better. One impor- driving force behind the lead- compelled to yield to God.” need, especially if oppressed. In
against its hostile neighbours. the Israelites. His exploits and tant caveat for spiritual leaders er’s agenda. When God chooses The life and times of St. Paul a deeper sense, as a Christian,
In addition to training and pre- achievements, as recorded in is that their shadows must come a leader who is willing to sub- provide the classic example of he was to follow Christ and
paring the poorly equipped but the Holy Book, were phenom- under the even greater shadow mit to His will and trust Him yielding fully to Christ and sub- His cross.
highly spirited and determined enal and extraordinary among of God. They must not walk to do what He promises, God sequently, the world has come The choice was clear, because
Jewish soldiers, Marcus was men then and since. But what alone. They cannot risk being is pleased to work powerfully to experience the impact and for the next 29 days, he and his
instrumental in constructing the stands out in his story is that the isolated from the light of the through that leader. If nothing contribution of that changed wife Yukiko issued transit visas
Burma Road that brought food Lord was able to fully use him Lord and guidance of the Holy unusual or divine is happening life. From being tormentor of as quickly as they physically
and relief goods to the besieged according to His divine plan Spirit. A leader who walks with under a person’s leadership, early Christians to becoming the could. They worked nonstop,
and nearly starving populace of because Moses was a paragon and in the Lord must learn to the leader may be operating in most ardent apostle of Christ is barely having time for food or
Jerusalem. Despite the nearly of humility and obedience. walk in God’s shadow and his his own strength rather by the the salutary example of God’s sleep.
insurmountable difficulties The Jews revered and held continued journey must come power of the Holy Spirit. Lead- transforming and empower- On August 28, 1940, Sugihara
and hurdles, Marcus made a him in high regard as God’s ex- under His authentication. ers who are led by God will be ing love, and a life journey of was finally ordered to close the
lasting impact and contribution traordinary prophet. Such was To gain a better understand- willing to lead their people to a leader who continues to cast consulate and leave for Tokyo.
by virtue of his character and the pivotal role of Moses that ing of the divine authentication accept God-sized assignments. a giant shadow in the world Still, he kept writing and issuing
leadership. even today, with the daily read- or affirmation or anointing, if Leaders who walk by sight, today. visas up to the last moment. As
People who step into the ing of the Torah, Jews of all ages you will, one needs to read a however, will never see God A shadow cast need not be gi- the train pulled out of the sta-
shoes of leaders will eventually and all generations continue to long quote from the book “Spiri- perform miracles as leaders who ant but everyone who aspires to tion, he threw the visa stamp
leave a lasting impression based be reminded of his special role. tual Leadership” by Henry and walk by faith. be a spiritual leader must learn out of the window in a last at-
on the impact they have made Whenever the Ten Command- Richard Blackaby: Finally, the unmistakable to walk in the shadow of Christ tempt for refugees to pick it up
in the course of their lifetime of ments are recited, Jews and “It is imperative for spiritual mark of leaders who are au- if he expects to be used accord- and use after his departure.
contribution and influence, be Christians alike come under the leaders to evaluate their lives thenticated by God is that they ing to God’s purpose. That Sugihara’s diplomatic career
it in the spiritual or the tempo- giant shadow of Moses. to determine whether God is are like Christ. They function in purpose may be grand or even suffered, and after dismissal
ral dimensions. As the leaders Aspiring leaders must rec- confirming their leadership. a Christlike manner and those simple yet even the day to day from service, he went into ob-
grow in their own maturity and ognize the necessity of being There should be ample evi- who follow them become more experiences can amply demon- scure existence. His deeds cast
influence, the people whom led by others across the full dence of God’s affirmation. For like Christ. The success of a spir- strate the shadow of a leader’s a giant shadow in the lives of
they lead and serve eventually spectrum of their journey that one thing, God will fulfill His itual leader is not measured in life. Challenging circumstances the more than six thousand
come under their ‘shadow’ and begins with their recruitment. promises to the leader and the dollars, percentages, numbers and occasions provide even Jews saved from certain death in
recognize the contribution to In the spiritual field, that initial leader’s organization. Leaders or attendance. A person is truly better opportunities to demon- the Nazi concentration camps.
the life of the group or organi- encounter starts with the Call. who continually present new a spiritual leader when others strate a leader’s character. His heroic Christian act saved
zation. The great Patriarchs of the Bible ideas and visions for the future are moved to be like Christ. Chiune Sugihara was a 40- thousands. It was the second
Undoubtedly, one of the experienced the call of the Lord, but who never see those dreams How does one attain God’s year old Consul General serv- largest group of Jews rescued
greatest, if not the greatest, of and for each of them, the call come to fruition are clearly pre- authentication? The key lies ing in the Japanese consulate in from Nazi extermination.
the spiritual giants of the Old was unique. The circumstances senting their own visions and not in the leader, but in God. Kaunas, Lithuania. In July 1940, In 1985, Israel conferred their
Testament was Moses. After were never routinary nor cir- not God’s. There is nothing a leader can Jewish refugees trying to escape nation’s highest award to Sugi-
serving the Lord through a cumstantial but rather followed Second, when God affirms a do that will guarantee God’s af- the Nazi atrocities fled from Po- hara, “Righteous among the
long and fulfilled life, Moses a particular pathway that was leader, God will vindicate that firmation. All a leader can do is land and sought exit visas from Nations”
stood on the slopes of Mount specifically suited for each one person’s reputation over time. submit. Some spiritual leaders the consulate. Word had gotten The shadow that a spiri-
Nebo in the present day king- called. Abraham, Isaac, and Ja- All leaders suffer criticism dur- try to be more committed. What out that the only way to safety tual leader casts might not be as
dom of Jordan, beholding the cob went through the call under ing the course of their work. they need to do is to be more was to exit Lithuania to the great. However, it only becomes
beauty and promised bounty different circumstances. The Criticism is not necessarily a submitted. There is a significant Soviet Union and then through a giant shadow when it is led
of Canaan, the Promised Land. same uniqueness can be said sign of poor leadership. It may difference between a personal Japan and finally the Caribbean. under the shadow of Christ.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011
Ugnayan C3

Living Up To CFC’s Prophetic Role

CFC Metro Manila Leaders gath- ROLE, given by Joe Tale, CFC Joe Yamamoto and Rouquel whom much is given, much is
ered at the Christ the King Parish Chairman. He opened the ses- Ponte, to the Vatican, where expected.”
Church in Greenmeadows, Que- sion by asking the assembly they met with the Pontifical
zon City last March 15, 2011 for to pause for a while and pray Councils on Family, on Laity Taking on the ARMOR OF
the monthly MCG (Mission Core for the people of Japan, who and on Migrants; the values for- GOD- The BREASTPLATE OF
Group) Teaching Night. are recovering from the recent mation of our migrant workers RIGHTEOUSNESS
The gathering started with earthquake and tsunami. He in Hongkong; the Laiko Lecture We continue to recognize
an inspiring evening worship especially lifted up our CFC series led by CFC on the Papal our shortcomings and weak-
led by Cholo Labog, the Sec- brethren who are there in Japan encyclicals starting this month; nesses believing that amidst
tor Head of CFC Metro Manila now, helping and serving in the the new partnership with the all of these, God will use and
East A. In his exhortation, he rescue operations in Sendai. Department on Education to equip us to accomplish our
reminded everyone that as we CFC is a GIFT to the WORLD. bring the program of Ancop and mission, individually and as a
face trials and tribulations in Joe Tale cited some of the high- CFC to public schools; and the community. For this reason,
this battle called life, our main lights and victories of the CFC well-attended CFC and Fam- we ought to take to heart the
focus should always be on God. community all over the world ily Ministries Conferences and armor of God especially His
He also emphasized the impor- since the beginning of this year: Echo Conferences. breastplate of righteousness. Joe
tance of being prepared for the the opening of new CLPs in “All these achievements just Tale stated that this armor is the
battle by always putting on the Virginia with 54 Caucasian par- show that CFC truly has a pro- most visible piece in the armor
full armor of God. ticipants; the opening of CLPs phetic role to play in sharing of God. He added that it is about
The topic for the evening’s in Puerto Rico and Hongkong; God’s love and goodness to the the consistency between what
assembly was entitled “LIV- the recent visit of our CFC In- rest of the world. As a commu- we say and do, for it is by our
ING UP TO CFC’S PROPHETIC ternational Council members, nity we are called to be light to actions that we draw people
the world and to to the Lord, thus fulfilling our
give hope to those prophetic roles.
who need hope,” they do, for they do not practice Joe led the assembly to reflect
Joe Tale said. WHAT WE SHOULD NOT BE: what they preach. (Matthew) on how we as CFC leaders can
Yet, Joe Tale Matthew allow the breastplate of righ-
stressed, as we rec- Joe Tale cited the whole chap- WHAT WE SHOULD BE: THE teousness to shine in our lives.
ognize this great ter of Matthew as the most fitting BEATITUDES (MATTHEW He said that this season of Lent
and vast work to passage to reflect on in taking on 5: 3-10) is truly very timely for CFC
spread the Good the breastplate of righteousness. leaders to reflect deeply on how
News through these He also cited the Seven Woes on Joe also explained that the we can live out the beatitudes as
many opportuni- the Teachers of the Law and the best way to live wearing the our way of life.
ties, we are called Pharisees (Matthew) as concrete breastplate of righteousness is The evening ended with Joe
to be responsible examples of what we should through the eight Beatitudes encouraging all CFC Leaders
and accountable in not be as leaders in CFC and as that Jesus gave in the Sermon to continue to strive to be true
our dealings. He servants of God. on the Mount. “BEATITUDE” Couples “FOR CHRIST”, not
quoted the words Then Jesus said to the crowds actually means “supreme hap- just in our words, but more
of John F. Kennedy and to his disciples: “The teach- piness.” These beatitudes are importantly in our actions. It is
(The Uncommon ers of the law and the Pharisees given to us by God so that we only through our faithfulness
Wisdom of JFK: A sit in Moses’ seat. So you must may live a righteous and up- as followers of Jesus that the
Portrait in His Own be careful to do everything they right life that will truly please prophetic role of CFC can be
Words): “To those tell you. But do not do what Jesus. realized.

Discovering The Law of SFC as Voluntourists

the Harvest
“MABALOS.” This expression of The evening was capped by a talk
gratitude means more than just on “Making Friends with the Poor.”
“Thank You” to Bicolanos because The speaker, Fr. Alarcon, said that
translated, it actually means “I will “we’ve been talking about the poor
return the favor.” but we seldom talk to them.” He also
On two occasions, over a hundred reminded everyone about the say-

Metro Manila Central C Teaching Night

Singles for Christ members were ing, “Nobody is so poor as to have
given the opportunity to say “Thank nothing to give and nobody is so rich
You” to the Lord and to share His as to have no need.” He challenged
blessings to others through the SFC all present to turn their ears, eyes,
Voluntourism program. hearts and minds to the poor.
The Voluntourism program (a play His talk was the right motivation
on the words volunteer and tourism) for all the participants to prepare
focuses on volunteer work and tour- well for their volunteer work the
ing the area of service, which in this next day.
case was Naga City.
February 17:
February 16: Bursting with hearts for service,
Participants were grouped into six everyone headed to their respective
teams symbolized by the different volunteer work areas.
components of Taking to
the armor of heart what Fr.
God. After a Alarcon had
talk on Servant said, a group
Evangelism, of SFCs talked
everyone re- and listened
ceived march- to prisoners
ing orders to of BJMP Naga
make Naga about their
City feel the ordeals. Oth-
By Layle Ancheta except through his regular Sunday Feast how to plant the blessings of love, hope love of God. ers interacted
event. Thus the Central C sector felt and joy in our family, our workplace, To make with the stu-
very blessed that he was able to grace our service and in our personal journey things more dents of Sta.
HOW can you harvest more blessings? the gathering. with the Lord. exciting, the so- Rafaela and
This was the main topic at the Central Bo’s talk stressed that Jesus should The many insightful stories Bo shared called task was incorporated into an communicated with the deaf kids
C Sector Teaching Night last March 3, always be at the center of our lives highlighted the realization that in order Amazing Tour activity which included of Gualandi through lip-reading.
2011. and the main operating system of the to have a joyful life, one must be secure a trip to the Cathedral, the Cathedral Those in Villa Marilac became doting
Over 1000 CFC and SFC members universe. He stressed how important in the love, blessings and abundance museum which housed various ar- grandchildren to the elderly for a few
of the sector filled the Lay Formation it is for every person to focus on Jesus that come only from God. This will then tifacts, a liturgical and archeological hours while Sibol volunteers became
Chapel in Guadalupe to listen to well- in order for one to fully experience the be radiated and reflected in the life we excursion. But for everyone involved, Ates and Kuyas to the kids.
known guest speaker, Bo Sanchez of the blessings and abundance of life. live and in the relationships we continue the highlight of the activity was find- The generosity and creativity of
Light of Jesus Community. Bo said that the “Law of the Harvest” to create and nourish with the people ing ways to help others and share everyone was apparent in all the
The Sector Governance Team, headed goes like this: What you plant, you har- around us, especially with our spouses Christ’s love with them. volunteer sites. Aside from the gifts
by Sector Head Bong Arjonillo and wife vest. What you don’t plant, you don’t and children. Most of the groups found them- shared, like school supplies for the
Carol, and Central C2A Chapter headed harvest. The more you plant, the more The night ended with Bo saying a selves in one of the Central Plazas. kids and toiletries for the prisoners,
by JM Yupangco, invited Bo Sanchez to you harvest. The less you plant, the less special prayer of abundance and em- Since it was mid-afternoon, many of SFCs also presented a fun program
speak to the assembly on the “Law of you harvest. powerment, and leading everyone to the SFC Voluntourists opted to help filled with games and song and dance
the Harvest.” Bo Sanchez admitted that These principles reminded everyone a commitment to always cling to God those work- numbers.
because of his numerous ministries, he that blessings from God are truly abun- and rely on His mighty power and ing within the Coming
has stopped giving speeches and talks, dant and overflowing only if we know blessings. vicinity and out of the
to reach out volunteer
to those who places,

CFC Visits Australian Bishop had made the

plaza their
each one
unique ex-

By Josie Pangilinan To a pass- perience

erby, it may to tell but
have seemed everyone
LAST March 9, 2011, CFC International Council odd that the felt truly
member and Country Coordinator for Australia men clean- blessed
Lito Tayag visited Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Julian ing the Plaza and in-
Porteous at his office in Abbotsford Rd, Homebush. ground were spired by
He was accompanied by Dandy and Susan Calvez young and their Jesus-
from CFC Manila, CFC Australia Council member well-dressed. Also unlikely was encounters through the poor.
Dom Pangilinan, and YFC Australia leaders Noel the presence of lovely ladies sell- The “tourism” aspect of the pro-
Custodio and Marissa Caspe. ing candles at the church across the gram was equally enjoyable. SFCs
The bishop expressed particular interest in the plaza. And it was definitely out of had their fill of the delicious Kinalas
YFC Oceania Conference in July which will be character to have tricycle barkers at downtown Naga after the Servant
attended by many young people from all over with melodious voices. Evangelism activity and the fellow-
the Oceania Region, even proposing that the What was most striking to see ship at the Panicuason Hot Spring
venue for the closing activity of the conference though, at least maybe to a secu- after the volunteer work. All in all,
should be more open such as Tumbalong Park at lar person, were the small groups it was a good treat for a job well
Darling Harbour. He praised CFC and YFC for formed after the whole activity. It done.
being bold in expressing their Catholic faith. was definitely heart-warming to see To those who enriched the lives of
Lito Tayag reiterated an earlier invitation to SFCs share the gift of prayer with the SFC Voluntourism participants:
the bishop to grace the 30th Anniversary of CFC people whom they had just met. “Mabalos”! Thank you very much!
which will be held in Manila in June.
C4 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 7
March 28 - April 10, 2011

CFC Holds Breakfast Forum

to Launch Pro-Life Advocacy
By Joy Katigbak communities, and focused on Theology of the Body, a series sal questions of what it means Body is the answer to today’s “why’s” of everything we be-
the topic: “Bridging Connec- of 129 talks given by Pope John to be human and how we can questions on the real meaning lieve in with regard to the
tions and the Role of Theology Paul II during the early part of live life in a way that brings and the sacredness of life and meaning and sacredness of life
WHAT is Theology of the Body and human sexuality. It reveals
and what does it have to do the deeper meaning and the
with the pro-life advocacy? higher purpose of our pro-life
Mark Wassmer, the execu- advocacy.
tive producer of Theology of Many of the participants of
the Body events and confer- the forum were grateful for the
ences, was in Manila recently gathering that brought together
to answer these questions. groups with a common pur-
He was the main speaker at pose: to protect and defend life
a Breakfast Forum hosted by and the family in light of God’s
Couples for Christ last March 5, design and plan for human-
2011 in North Greenhills. CFC ity. Many expressed eagerness
organized the breakfast forum to listen to Christopher West
in preparation for the confer- preach more on Theology of the
ence in June entitled “Freedom Body at the “Freedom to Love
to Love,” to be conducted by Conference.” This will be held
Christopher West, one of the on June 25, 2011, Saturday, at
most sought-after speakers in the ULTRA. For ticket reserva-
the Church today on Pope John tions and inquiries about the
Paul II’s Theology of the Body Freedom to Love Conference,
(or TOB for short). of the Body in our Pro-Life Ad- his pontificate. The Theology true happiness and fulfillment. human sexuality. please contact Joy Katigbak at
The forum brought together vocacy.” Wassmer presented of the Body addresses the two Hailed as the “new sexual revo- Wassmer stressed that the 0917-8362539 or e-mail joykatig-
several pro-life groups and lay some of the key messages of most fundamental and univer- lution” the Theology of the TOB provides us with the bak@gmail.com

CFC Rizal Holds ANCOP LEAD KIDS: Molding

Songwriting Contest And
“Free To Dance” Concert Christ-like Leaders
By Raymond Rimando

ARMED with the vision-mission

of molding Christ-like leaders, 862
CFC Kids for Christ coordinators
gathered together for the 1st KFC
National Couple Coordinators
Conference (NCCC) on 11-13 February
2011 in Marikina.
“You are not only helping the kids,
but the entire CFC family. As you evan-
gelize kids, you enrich the community
and renew the society. As you renew the
society, you can change the world,” said
Joe Tale, CFC Chairman, in his exhorta-
tion to the conference participants.
The coordinators shared their own
family journeys as they struggle to
serve the Lord through the CFC Kids
for Christ.
ON the evening of March 19, 2011, CFC The “Free to Dance” portion was The Buenaagua family, based in
Rizal hosted two back-to-back events: opened by a presentation of the Kids Australia, knew it was not easy for the family as well as tour and visit relatives serving the Lord through the CFC Kids
the provincial contest for the entry to for Christ Rizal. This concert was also parents to serve the Lord because it in Malaysia. for Christ. As one family, they attend
the ANCOP Songwriting Contest and a contest for CFC Rizal’s three clusters, means sacrificing time with the children. Lala Garcia shared the blessing of out of town conferences and go beyond
the “Free to Dance” Post-Valentine’s each of them presenting in three “cat- Through the CFC Kids for Christ, how- belonging to a global CFC family, par- borders as missionaries, praying and
Concert. These were held at the Casi- egories”: CFC-HOLD dance, SFC-YFC ever, they were able to serve the Lord ticularly when her husband had a stroke serving the Lord.
miro Ynares Sr. Memorial Gymnasium dance, and duet. It was inspiring to as a family. and through prayers and donations Chin-chin Lizardo, daughter of Voltz
in Binangonan, Rizal. see the clusters cheer on their young Flor Cabaluna of Surigao del Norte, from the global CFC family, was able to Lizardo, CFC Kids for Christ Leader-
The activity kicked off with the and not-so-young dancers, and then to on the other hand, talked about the undergo a successful brain surgery. ship Enhancement and Development
celebration of the Holy Eucharist, fol- slow dance their way onto the floor as blessing of experiencing great joy in Melo Villaroman, CFC Family Min- (LEAD) Coordinator, shared her expe-
lowed by an opening prayer rendered the duet entries were performed. The serving the Lord. She sells deep fried istry Head, gave a new meaning to rience of growing up as part of the CFC
through a dance interpretation of “The contest was capped with a dance from bananas to support her family. When the word BRAVE: B-believe in faith; Kids for Christ family.
Prayer.” Dennis Arcilla, provincial AN- HOLD Rizal. she learned that the CFC Kids for Christ R-respond or recommit by giving Aside from inspiring sessions, there
COP head, gave a short description of The event ended with a praisefest led will hold its 13th International Kids Vil- 100% to the Lord; A-armor of God, to were interactive workshops on self-
ANCOP. The contest proper followed by Charlie Imbang, a SFC chapter head, lage (IKV) in Singapore, she dreamed put on every day; V-victory, to expect assessment and communication and
afterwards, wherein four entries were after which came the announcement of attending the event with her family. and claim the Lord’s victory; and E- people skills. Fr. Soc Mesiona and Fr.
performed. To close the songwriting of winners. Kevin Esguerra of the SFC Although she has no regular income, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Jimmy Padilla also reminded couple
portion, Gretchen Yaoyao of the 29 AD won the ANCOP Song-Writing Contest, she hit on a formula for success: tithes Being brave was precisely the right coordinators to trust the Lord, while
band captivated the audience with her while Cluster A (comprising the areas plus service equals abundant blessings. prescription for Art Malabanan, a Nic Escalona, Jr., CFC Kids for Christ
performance of “Angels Brought Me of Taytay and Angono) won the “Free With God’s grace and plenty of sacrifice, former police officer, as he faced the International Coordinator presented
Here.” to Dance” contest. she was able to go to Singapore with her challenge of raising 10 children while the 2011 directions.

Called / C1

the congresswoman truly made

those present feel proud to be
because it is only focused efforts
on education and training that
tion by our young brothers and
sisters from Youth for Family
disiplina sa kalsada, may disiplina
sa pitaka.”
S.E.A.L. - Strong and
Pinoy. will. Quoting from GMA News,
Rep. Golez said: “They want to
and Life.
Representatives from different
* Instead of teaching children
“games” in the form of contra-
Empowered Army for the Lord
Other powerful testimonies spend P3 billion for condoms and sectors of society tore copies of ceptives, we should teach “the SFC Strengthens and Empowers the Army of Leaders
and declarations came from: contraceptives that will prevent the the RH Bill as a sign of protest, purity of conscience, cleanliness
* Ansel Beluso, who shared birth of 200,000 babies. If you were reminiscent of the tearing of of the heart, discipline and self- LAST March 19-20, 2011, around 60 SFC Leaders from Nueva
about his former gay lifestyle to ask me, I’d use the P3 billion for cedulas by Filipino freedom restraint and respect for money Ecija, Bulacan, Aurora and Tarlac gathered in Cabanatuan,
and God’s transformation of the training of 200,000 young Fili- fighters in the 1800s led by na- that is not theirs.” Nueva Ecija for a weekend of training, strengthening and em-
his life when he joined a com- pinos so that they will excel.” tional hero Andres Bonifacio. * The RH Bill is anti-Filipino, powerment. Taking off from the recent ICON where all SFCs
munity. Ansel has been happily The Holy Mass was then and those accusing the Church of declared to STAND, SFC is now seeing to it that its leaders will
married for almost ten years to One of the most well-received celebrated, presided by His being like Father Damaso fail to not only take a stand but also inspire other people, especially
a woman he met in community testimonies was from the Peo- Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal remember that Damaso was not
their members, to take a stand. Through the S.E.A.L weekend,
with whom he has three chil- ple’s Champion himself, boxing Rosales, who was accompanied a Filipino, and all that he was ac-
SFC leaders were reminded not just of their calling but of the
dren. He exhorted everyone to legend and Sarangani province by Cardinal Ricardo Vidal and cused of doing is not part of the
continue the fight for life, and representative Manny Pacquiao, Cardinal Jose Sanchez, and other Filipino culture and lifestyle. God who called them. They also received training in their areas
fight the RH Bill, which also who sent a video-recorded mes- Bishops and priests. During the Before the final blessing, Car- of influence. The weekend ended with every leader in the previ-
indirectly encourages the homo- sage, where he said that the RH Mass, a message from the Vati- dinal Rosales led the Prayer of ously-mentioned areas ready to give all and do all for God.
sexual lifestyle. bill will prevent “blessings” from can about the Protection of Life the Consecration of the Philip-
* Celebrity mom of five and TV being born. He even said that if was read. pines to the Sacred Heart of
host Christine Jacob-Sandejas, his father and mother had used In his homily, Cardinal Rosa- Jesus and the Immaculate Heart
who deplored the RH Bill’s a condom, then there wouldn’t les stated that: of Mary. After the Mass, Mike
policy on sex education for chil- be a Manny Pacquaio. He also * The sanctity of life is God’s Velarde of the El Shaddai com-
dren from Grade 4 to fourth year slammed the RH Bill, saying that greatest gift to man. “If life is not munity shared some inspiring
high school, saying that this was it would cause the degradation given value at any stage, whether words as a segue to their com-
too long a period, and reminded of the Filipino youth’s morality, as an infant, fetus, elderly, weak munity’s prayer meeting.
those present that parents have and that the solution to poverty or strong, nobody would respect All in all, it was a fitting way to
the sole and moral responsibil- is fighting corruption, not con- life. Once life loses importance celebrate the Feast of the Annun-
ity to teach their children about trolling the population through and respect, man will be cheated, ciation and the Day for Unborn
sex. contraceptives. abused, lied to and robbed with Children, and was also an apt
* Renowned Catholic lay Sister Pilar Versoza of Pro- impunity.” venue for the Catholic Bishops
preacher Bo Sanchez, who led Life Philippines led the crowd * Instead of promoting the use Conference of the Philippines to The SFC S.E.A.L Weekend is for the formation of all leaders
everyone in a prayer for the to pray the Angelus and Prayer of contraceptives, we should thank those who promote “true and aims to help them believe in their anointing, and build them
Philippines, and exhorted all for the Unborn, which was fol- honor the role of the husband welfare” for Filipinos, including as household heads, unit heads, chapter heads, cluster heads,
present to believe that the Fili- lowed by inspirational songs and wife in the conception the unborn. sector heads and provincial couple coordinators by commission-
pino people are a blessing to the from the El Shaddai Chorale, of human life, and promote CFC, together with our fel- ing and empowering them to go “make every single man and
world, and not a problem. and creative presentations from natural family planning, which low Filipinos and brothers and woman all over the world experience Christ.” The SFC S.E.A.L
* Parañaque Representative our very own Singles for Christ, teaches discipline, self-control sisters in the Catholic Church, Weekend in Cabanatuan was the first of many weekends which
Roilo Golez who does not believe who also led the crowd in the “I and respect for the other. “Ka- are proud to be one in saying: are scheduled to take place in the different provinces of Luzon,
that the bill will stop the cycle Stand” chant. There was also a pag may disiplina sa kama, may “Obey God’s Will, NO TO RH Visayas and Mindanao between March and May of this year.
of poverty in the Philippines, Live Pure Movement presenta- disiplina sa kalsada. Kapag may BILL!”

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