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CPE-1 – 1ST SEM 2020-2021



NAME: Ivan Webster J. Razo DATE: October 1, 2020 TIME: ____________

1. Algorithm to find Area and perimeter of a square

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input a as value of side

Step 3: A = a * a

Step 4: Print A as area of square

Step 5: P = 4 * a

Step 6: Print P as perimeter of square

Step 8: Stop

2. Algorithm to find Area and Perimeter of a rectangle

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input L as value of length

Step 3: Input W as value of width

Step 4: A = W * L

Step 5: Print A as area of rectangle

Step 4: P = 2 * (L + W)

Step 5: Print P as perimeter of rectangle

Step 6: Stop
3. Algorithm to find simple interest

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input P as value of Principal

Step 3: Input R as rate of interest in percent

Step 4: Input T as time period of loan

Step 5: SI = (P * R * T/ 100)

Step 6: Print SI as simple interest

Step 7: Stop

4. Algorithm to find the smallest number of two numbers

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input number1

Step 3: Input number2

Step 4: If number1 < number2

Step 5: Print number1 “is the smaller value”

Step 6: Else if number1 > number2

Step 7: Print number2 “is the smaller value”

Step 8: Stop

5. Algorithm to determine if student is qualified for scholarship. A student is qualified if the general
weighted average is greater than 90% and number of units enrolled was 30 units

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input GWA as general weighted average

Step 3: Input U as number of units enrolled

Step 4: If GWA > 90 && U >= 30

Step 5: Print “Qualified for Scholarship”

Step 6: Stop
6. Algorithm to find odd numbers from 1 to n where n is a positive integer

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Set O to 1 as odd number counter

Step 3: Input 10 as a positive integer

Step 4: While (O <= 10)

Step 5: If (O%2 != 0)

Step 6: Print O

Step 7: O++

Step 8: Else if (O%2 == 0)

Step 9: O++

Step 10: Stop

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