There Was Fast Bidding Between Private Collectors and Dealers. A Very Biddable Little Girl

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Bidding /ˈbɪdɪŋ/ Biddable

the act of offering prices, especially

at an auction /ˈbɪdəbl/

 There was fast bidding willing to obey and to do what

between private collectors they are told to
and dealers.
 a very biddable little girl
the act of offering to do something
or to provide something for a
particular price



a person who lends money in

exchange for articles left with
them. If the money is not paid back
by a particular time,
the pawnbroker can sell the article. 

Devour: /dɪˈvaʊə(r)/
SYNONYM gobble
- to eat all of something quickly,
especially because you are very
- to read or look at something with
great interest and enthusiasm
to destroy somebody/something
The one who devours all

pawn /pɔːn/
a chess piece of the smallest size
and least value. Each player has
eight pawns at the start of a game.
a person or group whose actions are
controlled by more powerful people
The prince became a pawn in the
game of power politics.
Bellamy thought that he is
Doflamingo’s subordinate, but
actually he is a pawn in the game
of Doflamingo

Sow /səʊ/ Sow /səʊ/

- to plant or spread seeds in or on
a female pig the ground
- sow something (in something) to
introduce or spread feelings or
ideas, especially ones that cause
to sow doubt in somebody’s mind
you reap what you sow (you have to
deal with the bad effects or results
of something that you originally
“That is why I gave out so many
name, sowed so many seeds “
dolt /dəʊlt/ Doltish/ˈdəʊltɪʃ/
SYNONYM idiotic, imbecile
a stupid person /ˈɪmbəsiːl/

SYNONYM:  idiot, imbecile very stupid

nuisance /ˈnjuːsns/
- a thing, person or situation that is
annoying or causes trouble or
- behaviour by somebody that
annoys other people and that a
court can order the person to stop
A useless fool like you will never
be more than a nuisance

Nugget /ˈnʌɡɪt/
a small piece of a valuable metal or
mineral, especially gold, that is
found in the earth
a small thing such as an idea or a
fact that people think of as valuable
Nami will be on the ninth cloud if
she realizes this nugget
Desire /dɪˈzaɪə(r)/ Desire   Desirable /dɪˈzaɪərəbl/
a strong wish to have or do /dɪˈzaɪə(r)/ that you would like to have or
something to want something; to wish for do; worth having or doing
nozomi something causing other people to feel
Both I and him desire that you will sexual desire
be the Demon load “Orc Disaster”
Interfere /ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)/
to get involved in and try to
influence a situation that should not
really involve you, in a way that
annoys other people
I wish my mother would stop
interfering and let me make my own

Flee /fliː/
to leave a person or place very
quickly, especially because you are
afraid of possible danger
Law fled that island after Crazone’s
Nourishment /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt/ nourish/ˈnʌrɪʃ/ Nourishing /ˈnʌrɪʃɪŋ/
food that is needed to stay alive, of food or drink) helping a
grow and stay healthy to keep a person, an animal or a person, an animal or a plant to
SYNONYM nutrition  plant alive and healthy with food, grow and be healthy
etc. Vegetarian food can be both
nourishing and cheap.
All the children were well nourished
and in good physical condition.

Cease /siːs/
to stop happening or existing; to
stop something from happening or
wonders will never cease
Gelmud’s life signs have ceased
Immutability immutable /ɪˈmjuːtəbl/

/ɪˌmjuːtəˈbɪləti/ that cannot be changed; that will

never change
the fact of never changing or being There is one immutable rule
changed shared among all the monsters:
“Survival of the fittest”

Tolerance/ˈtɒlərəns/ tolerate /ˈtɒləreɪt/ Tolerant /ˈtɒlərənt/

 the quality of being willing to to allow somebody to do something a ble to accept what other people
accept that you do not agree with or like say or do even if you do not
or tolerate somebody/something, agree with it
especially opinions or behaviour SYNONYM put up with
that you may not agree with, or somebody/something He has a very tolerant attitude
people who are not like you towards other religions.
She had no tolerance for jokes of to accept somebody/something that
any kind. is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without able to survive or operate in
complaining difficult conditions
Khoan dung, tha thứ

slacker /ˈslækər/ slack

a person who is lazy and avoids /slæk/

work to work less hard than you usually
do or should do
Aggression /əˈɡreʃn/ feelings of Aggressive
anger and hate that may result /əˈɡresɪv/
in threatening or violent behavior  angry, and behaving in
a violent attack or threats by one a threatening way; ready to
person against another person or by attack
one country against another country determined and acting with force
non-aggression in order to succeed
a relationship between two
countries that have agreed not to
attack each other
abolition/ˌæbəˈlɪʃn/ Abolish /əˈbɒlɪʃ/
to officially end a law, a system or
the ending of a law, a system or an an institution
the abolition of slavery

Benevolence Benevolent
/bəˈnevələns/ bəˈnevələnt/
the quality of being kind, helpful (especially of people in
and generous authority) kind, helpful and
used in the names of some
organizations that give help and
money to people in need
Perception perceive /pərˈsiːv/ Perceptive /pəˈseptɪv/
an idea, a belief or an image you  having or showing the ability to
have as a result of how you see or to understand or think of see or understand things quickly,
understand something somebody/something in a particular especially things that are not
 the way you notice things, way obvious
especially with the senses
to notice or become aware of a highly perceptive comment
Everyone's perception of reality is something
slightly different.
should we perceive him as a threat
and attempt to eliminate him

subconscious/ˌsʌbˈkɒnʃəs/ subconscious/ˌsʌbˈkɒnʃəs/
connected with feelings that
the part of your mind that contains influence your behavior even
feelings that you are not aware of though you are not aware of

Taunt /tɔːnt/ Taunt /tɔːnt/

taunt somebody to try to make
an offensive or unkind remark that somebody angry or upset by saying
is intended to make somebody unkind things about them, laughing
angry or upset at their failures, etc.
Black players often had to endure
racist taunts.

Sarcasm /ˈsɑːkæzəm/ Sarcastic /sɑːˈkæstɪk/

a way of using words that are the showing or expressing sarcasm
opposite of what you mean in order sarcastic meme
to be unpleasant to somebody or to
make fun of them
a hint/touch/trace of sarcasm in
his voice
disillusion /ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒn/ Disillusion /ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒn/
(also disillusionment)  to destroy somebody’s belief in or
disillusion (with something) the good opinion of
state of being disillusioned somebody/something

Curb your ego:  to control or limit your sense of your own value and importance
Trick up my sleeve, it is a bit cowardly ˈkaʊəd, though
a person who is not brave or who does not have the courage to do things that other people
do not think are especially difficult
There is one immutable rule shared among all the monsters: “Survival of the fittest”


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