CESC Module 4

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Module 4


Let us find out how well you remember what you have learned
earlier and let us challenge your foresight about community engagement
through the activity below.

Activity 1. Choose Me
Direction: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. This is the idea of unity or feeling of agreement among individuals with a

common interest.
A. Citizenship B. Solidarity C. Unity D. Cooperation

2. It is the process where members of a community act as collective to solve and

address community problems and issues.
A. Community Awareness C. Community Action
B. Community Development D. Community Plan

3. This is essential in addressing problems and ensuring the safety, protection,

and well-being of community members to effect social change.
A. Community Awareness C. Community Action
B. Community Development D. Community Plan

4. Individuals and groups of people collaboratively working based on common

attributes, geographic proximity, or special interest.
A. Community Awareness C. Community Action
B. Community Development D. Community Engagement
5. The process of community development has the following characteristics
A. It involves participation from a selected segment of a community.
B. It uses systematic approach in addressing local concerns.
C. It uses processes that are fixed and may be applied exclusively in the
community itself.
D. It encourages group building, leadership development and capacity building
among community members.
6. Members are encouraged to take responsibilities and risks.
A. Contribution C. Capability
B. Continuity D. Conscience
7. Members are guided by principles and ethics in practicing community
A. Contribution C. Capability
B. Continuity D. Conscience
8. Participants are not just observers but active players as well.
A. Contribution C. Capability
B. Continuity D. Conscience
9. Members work interdependently toward their vision in an environment where
there is sharing and trust.
A. Collaboration C. Contribution
B. Commitment D. Conscience
10.Mutual benefit beyond self-interest.
A. Collaboration C. Contribution
B. Commitment D. Conscience

You did well with that exercise. As I could see, there remains
the data which was intimated to you in the previous lessons.
Let us proceed with the discussion of the topic at hand.

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” (Margaret Fuller)

Lesson Forms of community engagement that
contribute to community development through
1 solidarity


A. Community Engagement
What is community engagement? What is its relevance to the community and
to community action?
Community engagement, according to Taguibao(2016 p25), pertains to the
“process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by
geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting
the well-being of those people.” Basing from this definition, it is imperative that a
concerted endeavor could only be engaged into given the following conditions: first,
when the participants live close to each other which presupposes that distance could
hamper a coordinated activity and being near each other could make things easier
done and cooperation from the community members is readily elicited; second, special
interest or common interest, which means that when the participants think, feel and
talk on the same wavelength about an issue, or an objective or a particular activity,
then the more their enthusiasm is to be engaged in an endeavor intended to realize
their ends; and, third, when people are brought into a similar adverse situation and
that in their desire to resolve their issues or problems, they are motivated to actively
engage in relevant and necessary activities. We could say that people aim for
productivity and toil to the highest level given the three earlier mentioned scenarios.
Community engagement could be achieved with the elements of trust,
cooperation, functional networks or links and dependable partnerships. Trust above
all must be innate in the hearts and minds of the members. When there are doubts
towards other people, the rest of the elements will not obtain. The members of the
community must put a hundred percent confidence in each other in terms of the other
person’s ability, capacity, determination, will, dedication, perseverance, and the like. If
they have
it otherwise, community engagement will not proceed. Why? Doubting other people
will lead to a passive sense of cooperation.
As the line of a song goes, “No man is an island, no man stands alone…..” An
individual cannot toil productively by himself. One may work alone but, mind you, at
the end of the day, he will still be calling on another person for whatever little help he
could get to complete the task. This means that we need to establish connections,
need to be linked with other people or even groups or organizations and they shall
power up your activities. With the help of your coalitions, you shall develop more
enthusiasm to engage in a collaborative endeavor.
With regards its purpose, www.aifs.gov.au says that community engagement
is a way of ensuring that community members have access to valued social settings
and activities, feel that they are able to contribute meaningfully to those activities,
and develop functional capabilities that enable them to participate fully. True to this,
the identifying feature that community engagement transpired is when no member
was left alone and left behind in the implementation of any community-based activity.
Simply put, community engagement is aimed at mobilizing the members and enjoining
them to pool their minds, skills and actions together for the accomplishment of
community development goals.
Another thing to remember about community engagement would be its core
principles. There are several core principles of community engagement according to
www.aese.psu.edu and they are as follows:
1. Careful planning and Preparation. People should not just plunge into anything
without knowledge about the activity or without any tool to engage in it. An
endeavor should not be instinctive, otherwise, you cannot be sure of what lies
ahead. You have to lay down a plan and accompanying procedure as well for a
clear roadmap of the

participants. Community engagement is not a spur-of-the-moment rather the

product of a careful assessment of community situations or scenarios.
2. Inclusion and demographic diversity. Regardless of the location, color, beliefs,
socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender (and any other indicator), of the
community members, their voices, sentiments, ideas and thoughts must be
considered. Community engagement is not a selective endeavor. Streamlined or
marginalized members of the community must not be left out.
3. Collaboration and shared purpose. Since community engagement involves
practically all the members of the group, then collaboration and cooperation are
preconditioned principles. Institutions- government and nongovernment, based
therein must work together with the community folks for better results.
4. Openness and learning. Allow the pooling of thoughts and sentiments to have a
better assessment of the scenarios in the community, in preparation for a
community engagement plan. The more suggestion, the more ideas to choose
5. Transparency and Trust. The plan and the process to be undergone with
must be an open book to the members of the community to avoid the stemming
of doubts. If the community engagement entails logistics, there has to be a clear
record of such. Should it involve partner agencies, their names and affiliations
must be spelled out as well. No deceptions on the whereabouts of the plan as
well as the activity.
6. Impact and Action. There has to be an assurance of a positive development as
an outcome of a concerted endeavor. The activity involved in the community
engagement should be suggestive of potential change rather than become a
liability to the community.
7. Sustained engagement and participatory culture. The planned activity must
be geared towards honing the participative nature and sense of volunteerism in
the members of the community. And, there has to be a scheme whereby ongoing
and would-be activities for community engagement is supported and sustained.
The last relevant and necessary detail which we must learn about community
engagement pertains to its pillars. Pillars here would refer to the so-called building
blocks or the indicators to support a productive and of community engagement. We
could enumerate them as:
1. Build Capacity, where the people in the community are capacitated according to
their own growth and development pace. This would result to a change-potential
2. Reduce Barriers. Because of the principles of inclusion, collaboration and
openness, whatever thin line dividing the community members is eradicated, an
indication of a productive prospective community engagement.
3. Communication. The community members learn the basics of listening and
speaking as well. People learn not only to talk immensely but to become good
listeners, too. Such skills are but necessary for better understanding amongst
the members of the community. When all the people know is talk without
listening to the others, then they will not come into terms with each other. When
a communication vacuum occurs, engagement will not be possible at all.
4. Action-oriented dialogue. The last pillar refers to the motivating indicators to
enjoin the members participate actively in community engagement. Such comes
in the form of rewards system to benefit the entirety of the community.
B. Solidarity
One of the most significant component of community engagement is solidarity.
And, what is solidarity? Taguibao (2016 p25) defined solidarity as “the idea of unity or
feeling of agreement among individuals with a common interest.” It allows us to feel
sentimentally united with the people in the community or with the people with whom
we share some commonalities with like interest, circumstance or the like. It is the
sense of togetherness among the members of a group. It could also refer to the “union
or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members
of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.” (www.dictionary.com) This definition
involves responsibility. In other words, unity does not just refer to physical
togetherness or oneness rather it presupposes the responsible disposition of the
people who endeavor in agreement with other people. Solidarity could also symbolize
unity in diversity, where the different demographic circumstances of the members of a
given community do not serve as hindrance to their sense of oneness.
Taking solidarity into the actual scenario, we could say that the overflowing
prayer brigade and sending of relief goods for the people of Cagayan and Isabela who
were badly devastated by typhoon Ulysses, are deeds in solidarity with our fellow
Filipinos. That despite the distance, we have shown that we are one with them in
feeling their awe and pain. That is solidarity.
C. Community Development
When community action is implemented and the people have expressed their
solidarity as they toiled through a community engagement, change must have
occurred therein. When change for the better has taken place- the people were
empowered, issues and problems were resolved, then, community development has
occurred. From this premise, what is community development then? Community
development is “both a process and product.” (Taguibao, 2016). As a process, Taguibao
(2016) says, “it requires an integrative approach to systematically assess the problem,
capacitate the community and solve a problem.” As a product, Maser (1997) defines
community development as the “capacity to work together to address their common
As per www.scdc.org.uk, community development is a “process where people
come together to take action on what’s important to them.” At its heart, community
development is anchored from the belief that the community members have the right
to have access to health, well-being, riches, justice and opportunity. From this
qualification of the concept community development, and that of Taguibao, we can
safely say that community development involves change which shall empower and
capacitate the people. The depth of the change is immaterial because what matters is
the difference that it shall bring to the people.
Forms of Community Engagement
Community engagement could come in different forms, in a variation of
collaborative activities and spearheaded by different focal persons. Whatever form it is,
community engagement will always be geared towards the mobilization of the people to
become productive through concerted efforts and it will eradicate the concept of
individualism and do away with self-vested interests.
The image below will provide a clear picture of the types or forms of community

As illustrated in the previous page, the types or forms of community engagement are
anchored from Education, Research, Service and of course, the Community and they
are as follows:

1. Community Building

Community Building as a form of community engagement is focused on

enjoining the people to be highly mobilized to have an active participation in
community activities. As per the core principle of inclusion and demographic diversity,
no community shall be left behind, thus, practically, everyone in the community must
be involved in this type of community engagement. Everybody must be seen say,
elsewhere in the area doing what everyone else is doing. If it is a seminar-workshop,
let all sectors be represented; if it is a leadership training program, capacitate
everyone; if it is a literacy (reading) program, let those concerned- young and old
alike- be involved. One sector would be tasked on planning and preparation,
another, to prepare for the venue and other pertinent materials or needed
equipment, still another sector to be assigned for the training proper, and so on and
so forth.

2. Community Education

This type of community engagement takes the form of instructional service to the
people. As the word suggests, community education has the purpose of informing the
community members of a little something about anything that is happening around
them. A classic example of which is the holding of health and wellness seminars,
specifically, a seminar-workshop about the aftermath of Covid19, or a continuous
information-dissemination program about the different diseases emerging from time to
Education at this context shall either be formal or informal. Formal education
would be extended through the day-care center and a community elementary or high
school. While informal education would be in through the classes conducted regarding
food preservation, tailoring and dressmaking, hair science, woodcraft, horticulture,
and the like
3. Community Organizing

Community Organizing, as a form of community engagement, involves projects

which bring the people together with the purpose of finding a solution to whatever
issues or problems are through a collective effort. An example would be the
conduct of a training-workshop on food preservation.
Such a program would solve the
unemployment issue amongst community members, and if the material to be used is
localized, then it would build local economic resilience.

4. Deliberative Dialogue

The holding of a community-wide meeting on a regular basis This activity

becomes the venue where the people could air their sentiments and where the
community focal persons could find substantial time to communicate with the
members. This is the type of community engagement where ideas a developed,
sentiments are made known and answered, and thoughts are concretized through a
collaborative effort. It is in this type of community engagement where the people who
could be experiencing adversities are made to feel that they are comforted through a
dialogue with the other members of the community.

5. Direct Service

From the words direct service alone, we can conclude that this is the form of
community engagement which will provide the needed services or products to the
people. These would come in the form of health services (consultation, distribution of
medicines or immunization), social services (like education, socialized housing,
provision of relief goods during states of emergency, job training), services for the
elderly and the handicapped
6. Economic Development

This is the type of community engagement which specifically involves the

implementation of community action programs which will benefit the entire
community and where the people themselves shall be the participants in the
community engagement. As cited earlier, programs like food preservation training-
workshop using local products and materials will capacitate a certain sector but the
economic effect would extend to the community. The implementation of cottage
industry training programs will as well bring about change in the community.

7. Engaged Research

Engaged Research is the form of community engagement where the underlying

causes of community-related issues and problems, mapping the assets of the
community- with particular reference to land forms, natural scenic spots, or sources
of raw materials, or providing solutions to the issues and problems challenging the
community are to be accomplished. This should be made possible through the
immersion in the community of partners whose expertise is research. These
researchers shall be working together with the community who shall be providing the
needed data for the completion of the research or the study. It may not literally mean
the direct participation of everyone; the involvement could be coursed through the
community focal persons.

Enrichment Activity 1. Check Me!

Directions. Put a check (√) to the activities done by people that promote solidarity.
1. Greeting folks near you and try to creatively interact with them, even if you
don’t speak the same language.

2. Offering prayer for the people who are affected by a typhoon.

3. Providing groceries, fresh produce and warm vegan meals to low-income
4. Reacting posts of your friends.
5. Donating masks and alcohol to front liners during the COVID-19 outbreak.
6. A father decides where his family with young children will go on holidays
though not all agree with the destination).
7. A municipality decides a name for a new street (even without the consensus
of some homeowners).
8. The officers of the Kapisanan ng mga Manlililok ng Munisipyo ng Kaykaywan
decided what fees every member woodcarver must pay as registration fee.
9. A country decides how much money will be spent on health care (even
some citizens think that more money should be spent on wind turbines)
10. Idolizing an actor by buying products that has his name and face in it
Enrichment Activity 2. Word Hunt!


















Enrichment Activity 3. Modified True or False.

Direction. Write T if the statement is correct and M if incorrect.

1. Community development specifically involves the implementation of

community action programs which will benefit some members of the
2. Provision of the needed services or products to the people is the main
goal of direct service as a form of community engagement.
3. Deliberative dialogue is the form of community engagement where the
community puts up an activity which becomes a venue for the people to
air their sentiments and where the community focal persons could find
substantial time to disregard the members.
4. One of the pillars of community engagement is communication and it
enables the community members to learn the basics of listening and
speaking as well.
_ 5. The principles of inclusion, collaboration and secrecy are contributory to
the reduction of barriers within the community.
6. The very purpose of community engagement is to ensure that
community members have access to valued social settings and
activities, feel that they are able to contribute meaningfully to those
activities, and stunt
functional capabilities that enable them to participate fully.

That’s it, you fared well in the enrichment activities, an indication

that you read and understood our discussion. Two more exercises
and you are done with the first lesson of this learning material. Good
“Great works re performed not by strength but by perseverance” (Samuel Johnson)

Activity 3. Action Plan.

Direction. Choose one from the eight (8) types of community engagement and prepare
an action plan on how the people in the community would be mobilized. Write it either
in a narrative form of tabular presentation. The output may be be encoded, using
Bookman Old style, font 11, with a 1” margin on all sides, or handwritten legible
enough to be read and understood.

Additional guide questions.

1. What is the name or title of the community engagement activity?
2. Who is/ are the focal person/s?
3. What are the specific activities of engagement?
4. Who are the participants to the community engagement?
5. What is the timeline for the community engagement?

Narrative template
The community action program is .
The key players in the implementation of the program are
(then discuss the assigned tasks or roles of each, and the participation of the
community folks as well)
(discuss also what you have done as the barangay captain or the barangay focal
person to make the people toil for the implementation of the program)
Tabular template
(A short narrative on what you have done to make the people toil for the
implementation of the program.)
Key Players Task/Role Expected Output

This activity shall be evaluated according to the rubric below:

Category Points assignment
Comprehensive Lacking in Not presented in
presentation presentation. logical manner.
Ideas as are logical. Insufficiency of No evidences
Unnecessary ideas related ideas and presented.
are excluded lacks evidences. Unnecessary ideas
(10-15 pts) Unnecessary ideas are excluded
are excluded (1-4pts.)
Demonstrates Insufficiency of Copy pasted
sufficient personal personal (1-3)
Originality interpretation or interpretation or
insight. insight.
(7-10pts.) (4-6 pts.)
Followed the Not all of the Not all of the
technical technical technical
requirements. requirements are requirements are
Grammatically- followed. followed.
correct sentence Minimal grammatical Grammatically-
structure and use of errors and some erroneous
appropriate language. words used are not sentence
(7-10pts.) appropriate. construction and
4-6 pts.) some words used
are not

Activity 4. Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. This is the idea of unity or feeling of agreement among individuals with a common
A. Citizenship B. Solidarity C. Unity D. Cooperation

2. It is the process where members of a community act collectively to solve and

address community problems and issues.
A. Community Awareness C. Community Action
B. Community Development D. Community Plan

3. This is essential in addressing problems and ensuring the safety. protection, and
well- being of community members for social change to take place.
A. Community Awareness C. Community Action
B. Community Development D. Community Plan

4. Individuals and groups of people collaboratively working based on common

attributes, geographic proximity, or special interest.
A. Community Awareness C. Community Action
B. Community Development D. Community Engagement

5. The process of community development has the following characteristics EXCEPT one
A. It involves participation from a selected segment of a community.
B. It uses systematic approach in addressing local concerns.
C. It uses processes that are fixed and may be applied exclusively in the community
D. It encourages group building, leadership development and capacity building
among community members.
6. The following are the elements of community engagement ECXEPT one.
A. Cooperation B. Continuity C. Partnership D. Trust
7. Members work interdependently toward their vision in an environment where there
is sharing and trust.
A. Collaboration B. Commitment C. Contribution D. Conscience

8. A well-accomplished study is required under the core principle of .

A. Collaboration B. Inclusion C. Planning D. Transparency

9. No community member should be left behind is the essence of this principle .

A. Collaboration B. Inclusion C. Planning D. Transparency

10. This core principle of community engagement is a requisite to elicit the trust of the
community members.
A. Collaboration B. Inclusion C. Planning D. Transparency


Activity 1. Acrosstick!

Direction. Define ‘solidarity’ through an acrostic in relation to your observations

about your community.
Activity 2. Picture Analysis.

Direction. Look closely at the image and whatever you think of the image, please
reduce it to a creative interpretation in the form of a poem, spoken poetry, or a brief
narrative, or you may post a one-liner advocacy about the image in your face book
account with the hashtag #CESC #Solidarity, and tag your teacher.
Note: 1. If it is a poem, write three stanzas, free verse style.
2. If through a spoken poetry, it should be recited with a running time of two
3. If done in a narrative form, it must be composed of not less than
120 words and not more than 150words.

Fig. 1

The activity (Picture Analysis shall be evaluated using the rubric below.
Poem /Spoken poetry/ essay

Content (10) Mechanics (8) Originality (6) Neatness (4)

Relevant to the Use of Proper Statements or Minimal
topic. Related or Language sentences are not erasures
connected Use of correct copy-pasted. Use of one
statements. spelling or color of ball
Grammatically vocabulary. pen ink.
correct sentences. Use of proper or
correct punctuation
Follow the
prescribed number
of words/time.

Nature of National and Global Communities

Once again, when we talk about ‘solidarity’ we are actually referring to the one
and united action as a group or as a community or even as a nation.
In this learning material, we shall be discussing the importance of
solidarity in global as well as national community development. Because we are tying
up solidarity with global and national community development, then, we start our
discussion on what global and national communities are. Let us take a look at the two
images on the next page and try pondering on them first before reading the discussion
part of the lesson. What have you noticed? Do the images look familiar to you in any

Lesson Recognize the Importance of Solidarity in

Promoting National and Global Community
2 Development

way? Do you spot any difference between the two images?

Fig.2a and 2b

b) (https://www.shutterstock.com/search/global+communit y )

The first image above may look familiar because of its shape, and yes it does look
like the flag of the Philippines. And, because of this description, we could deduce that
it depicts a national community. By nature it has reference to the aggrupation and
connectedness of people who share the same territorial boundaries, speak the
same language, share the same psychological orientation as manifested in a cultural
orientation and talk about the same historical accounts. A national community is a
local community, which entails local scenarios and situations which become the
concern of the national or local folks, especially the officials therein. A national
community is concerned with anything which falls within the territory.
If we are to cite an example, in the macro-perspective the Filipino nation
comprises a national community. Why? It is because, we Filipinos belong to one
cultural heritage, talking about one historical memoir, going through the same heath
crisis, under the same government, experiencing similar economic history and a lot
more of those similarities. From the micro-perspective, we could cite our own
communities or barangays or municipalities as examples. This is so because come to
notice of it, the problems or issues or scenarios which need to be addressed involve
people who are physically living close to each other and bound by almost similar
characteristics and other demographic details.
The second image actually looks like shape of the world map. Logically, it then
depicts a global community. As shown in the image, a global community has reference
to the “people or nations of the world, considered as being closely connected by
modern telecommunications and as being economically, socially, and politically
interdependent” (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/global-community). Basing
from this definition, we can deduce that the situs of a global community is not just one
country or state rather it could be anywhere in the world where there are people
interacting and connected with each other through technology-powered and
technology-based communication. It is a community where people meet in the virtual
arena, where people transact through the social media platforms like the twitter,
Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, WeChat, Tumblr, QQ, QZone, Skype, Facebook and
many more. Another indicator of a global community is the interdependence of the
players, dependence is not just a two-way process, rather its becomes a multi-process
where Asians could interdepend among themselves or involve Europeans, Americans,
Africans, etcetera. Still another indicator of a global community is the reason for the
connectedness or the cause for which they come together as one body, that despite the
distance from each other, they endeavor together to help other people.
However, when we talk about global communities, the concerns and issues
dealt with by the participants are local in nature. What does this mean? This means
that the concern of the members of a global community revolves around the
developmental needs of the people in local or national communities. Their own
personal concerns are out of the question.
Development in the National and Global Communities
Generally, community development is said to have occurred when the
community folks toiled through a collective action, people have been empowered, and
a social change has taken place. It is strived for and accomplished with solidarity
amongst the people in view in the implementation of a community action.
As defined earlier in the previous lesson, community development is “both a
process and product.” (Taguibao, 2016). As a process, Taguibao (2016) says, “it
requires an integrative approach to systematically assess the problem, capacitate the
community and solve a problem.” So that community development does not just occur
in an instant, rather it follows the standard methodology where Needs Assessment
has to be conducted first and foremost followed by the preparation of an action plan,
designing of a monitoring and evaluation tools then proceeds with the implementation
of the program or developmental project. Such a standard process is undergone
through a concerted effort of the well-informed members still of the community and
not just done by one or two persons. As a process, community development has to be
characterized as one which encourages group or team-building, leadership
development of potential members of the community, and capacity-enhancement of
the community.
As a product, Maser (1997) defines community development as the “capacity to
work together to address their common interests.” This obtains when needs
assessment and the rest of procedure has been done. As a product, this would refer to
the actual community development program implementation which entails the active
and collective participation of the members of the community.
Now, let us give a qualitative description of development along the levels of
national and global communities. First, there could be development in a national
community when all the inhabitants in a given territory endeavor as one people, with
their gaze directed towards one goal and one united action. The program in sight is not
sporadic, rather, focus is on one action plan at a time. Examples of instances of
national community development are manifested in health programs like family
programs, women empowerment activities like the implementation of food
preservation seminar-workshop, cottage industry seminar-workshop for the men or
women or the out-of-school youth. Such community development is implemented and
financed by the government or in partnership with locally-based nongovernmental
organizations, charities or foundations, local corporations or funding institutions.
On the other hand, when we speak of global community development, it could
be manifested in capacity-building programs of local organizations, partner local
governments, and communities to be economically, socially and environmentally
independent or self-sustaining. Such a program is implemented and sustained by
transnational or global community councils or international charities or foundations
international corporations or internationally-based nongovernment organizations, with
the likes of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Ford
Foundation, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, the
European Union, and the IACD (International Association for Community
Development). Indicators of the Importance of Solidarity in National and Global
Community Development’
For the attainment of national and global community development, solidarity is a
necessary requisite. To this end, the following then are the indicators which
presuppose the importance of solidarity in national or global community development:
1. Solidarity is the building block of movements which embody the members’
mutual care and concern for justice. With solidarity in view, the participants or
members of the community first and foremost manifest respect and understanding of
whatever differences in terms of needs and living condition which may exist between
and amongst them. Thus, when people stand in solidarity with others, this is a clear
indication that each one is geared towards care and concern of the other’s actual life
conditions. As Aristotle once wrote “no man could exist humanly, nor simply to
survive.” And, taking a line from a song, “no man is an island, no man stands alone”,
which shows that man exists not only by himself but with the need of other people’s
care and concern as well.
2. Solidarity capacitates the community members to take on the responsibilities
and roles in the light of collective interest. For community development to occur,
is incumbent in the people to take upon themselves the duties and responsibilities not for personal
satisfaction but in the interest of the community as whole. In the performance of their roles, they
must always think of the welfare and benefit of the community in general.
3. Solidarity allows the people to overcome adversities. Solidarity is a very
important ingredient in community development because such would not be attained
when the people are not one in facing situations or problems that would probably
beleaguer the community. The people are duty-bound to support each other and not to
let each other down. It is not a matter of becoming self-oriented in terms of dealing
with difficulties, but still a matter of concerted endeavor. In the long run, adversities
are more conveniently dealt with when group effort is exerted. Eventually, when
adversities are overcome, most likely, the community is on the road towards
4. Solidarity strengthens the bond and unites the people to act in a collective
manner. When people are united for a common cause, the stronger the bonding
becomes and the more they stick it out with each other. For instance, when the
community folks clamor for a water system, particularly in the more remote areas,
strong support for each other manifests a close bonding or a close community ties.
When no dissension surfaces, this is indicative already of strong ties between and
amongst them.
5. Solidarity initiates and sustains any collective effort. A collective effort
anchors from the solidarity of the people in a community. And because of solidarity, all
concerted endeavors are continuously implemented. The moment solidarity loses its
grasp on the people, that would be the start of the decadence of collective endeavor
and the community would probably be back to individuals as members and no longer
individuals as cooperating and collaborating participants to development.

Thank you for reading comprehensively the discussion of. the

topics at hand. Now, let us find out if you nourished every word
that you have read. Brace yourselves because you are
going to perform the enrichment and assessment activities.

Enrichment Activity 1. Modified True or False.

Direction. Write T if the statement is correct and M if incorrect. For incorrect
statements, beside the letter M, write the word/s which make/s the statement wrong
and beside it, write the word/s which would make the sentence correct. Always
remember that in modified true or false, the error is found in the second premise of
the statement.
1. Solidarity strengthens the bond and unites the people to act in an individual manner.
2. By nature a national community refers to the aggrupation and connectedness of
people who share the same territorial boundaries, speak the different languages, share
the same psychological orientation as manifested in a cultural orientation and talk
about the same historical accounts.
3. A global community has reference to the “people or nations of the world, considered
as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being economically,
socially, and politically independent.
4. Community development is said to be both a process and a methodology.
5. In the implementation of global community developmental programs, local funding
institutions help in the logistics area.
6. The developmental needs of partner local governments are the targeted programs of
the global communities.
7. Community development is believed to have occurred when there is social change.
Assessment Activity 1. Essay It!
Direction. Read and understand the adages below and in five sentences for each number,
explain the adage according to your own understanding and relate it to the indicators
of the importance of solidarity to community development. Each number is assigned
16 points each.
1. “There is no stability without solidarity, and no solidarity without stability.” (Jose
Manuel Barroso)
2. “The reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken and in heaps, is,
because man is disunited with himself” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
3. “One for all and all for one.”

This is the rubric for the assessment activity.

Content (6) Mechanics (6) Originality (2) Neatness (2)
Relevant to the topic.
Use of Proper Language Use Statements or
Related or connected of correct spelling or sentences are not erasures.
statements. vocabulary. copy-pasted. Use of one color of
Grammatically Use of proper or correct ball pen ink.
correct sentences. punctuation marks.
Follow the prescribed
number of sentences


So far, do you already understand the importance of solidarity

in national and global community development? Here then is a
more in depth activity where your newly-acquired knowledge
about power would be put into practice.
Activity 3. Action Plan.
Direction. Read carefully and understand the scenario which will serve as your guide
for the action plan that you are going to prepare. This activity is assigned 35 points.
Imagine yourself as either the Barangay Captain or the Barangay Focal Person
for the Community Action Program. (Refer to the Community Action Plan which you
have prepared as a requirement in an earlier learning material). What measures
would you take to elicit solidarity among the members of your community for a
successful implementation of your community action program? What would you do to
make the community folks participate in the implementation of the community action
Prepare an action plan regarding the above matter through a narrative or
tabular presentation. The output has to be encoded, using Bookman Old style, font
11, with a 1” margin on all sides or legibly handwritten.

Narrative template
The community action program is .
The key players in the implementation of the program are
(then discuss the assigned tasks or roles of each, and the participation of the
community folks as well)
(discuss also what you have done as the barangay captain or the barangay focal
person to make the people toil for the implementation of the program)

Tabular template
(A short narrative on what you have done to make the people toil for the
implementation of the program.)
Key Players Task/Role Expected Output
This activity shall be evaluated according to the rubric below:
Category Points assignment
Comprehensive Lacking in presentation. Not presented in
presentation Insufficiency of related logical manner.
Ideas as are logical. ideas and lacks No evidences
Content Unnecessary ideas are evidences. presented.
excluded Unnecessary ideas are Unnecessary ideas
(10-15 pts) excluded are excluded
(5-9pts.) (1-4pts.)
Demonstrates sufficient Insufficiency of personal Copy pasted
personal interpretation or interpretation or insight. (1-3)
insight. (4-6 pts.)
Followed the technical Not all of the technical Not all of the
requirements. requirements are technical
Grammatically-correct followed. requirements are
sentence structure and Minimal grammatical followed.
use of appropriate errors and some words Grammatically-
language. used are not erroneous
(7-10pts.) appropriate. sentence
4-6 pts.) construction and
some words used
are not

You are about to complete the learner material.

Congratulations! Please accomplish the last activity.

Activity 4. Reflective Essay.

Direction. On a separate sheet of paper, please write a one-paragraph reflective essay
of your most significant learning about the topic, with emphasis on your perspective
on how solidarity was applied in your respective barangays in the face of the covid19
pandemic. Write your answers on a one-half piece of paper, composed of not less than
100 words and not more than 120 words.
Rubrics for the activity:
Content (10) Mechanics (10) Originality (6) Neatness (4)
Relevant to the Use of Proper Statements or sentences Minimal
topic. Language are not copy-pasted. erasures.
Related or Use of correct Use of one color
connected spelling or of ball pen ink.
statements. vocabulary.
Grammatically Use of proper or
correct sentences. correct punctuation
Follow the
prescribed number
of words.

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