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Manuela Beltrán University


Yuri Alexandra Cuta

Jenny Alejandra López
Ángela Camila Moreno
Sofía Ospina
Ángela María Valero

Leidy Rincón

Therapeutic modalities

Bogota D.C
This current consists of a direct current whose direction is constant and its frequency is
of zero value. The vestibulospinal galvanic role response can provide useful information
about the magnitude and symmetry of the vestibulospinal projections and could guide
the rehabilitation and follow-up of subjects with vertigo. The methodology of this study
was based on galvanic vestibular stimulation of 1 mA X 2s, were positioned in the head,
neck, trunk; The stimulation handled in the research takes an anterolateral response in a
robust and symmetrical way. When there is involvement, it is associated with
galvanically balanced balancing responses of the body that confirm its vestibular origin.

Hatton, DS, Erulkar, SD, y Rosenberg, PE (1960). Algunas observaciones preliminares sobre el
efecto de la corriente galvánica en el tinnitus aurium. El laringoscopio , 70 (2), 123-130.

Tax, C. M., Bom, A. P., Taylor, R. L., Todd, N., Cho, K. K. J., Fitzpatrick, R. C., & Welgampola,
M. S. (2013). The galvanic whole-body sway response in health and disease. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 124(10), 2036-2045.

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